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Welcome Guests In Accordance With Establishment’s Standards

Learning Objective/s: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST

be able to welcome guests/group of guests.

As a waiter, once the table is prepared/ set-up, operation will start and
you are now ready to welcome guests.

Have you ever experienced dining at restaurant or hotel? What have you
observed once the customer enters the restaurant? Well, if you’re still new about
this subject matter, here are the tips for your information.

• As soon as the guest enters the restaurant, acknowledge his presence by

greeting him, “Good Morning/ Good Afternoon, etc.”
• If possible, greet guests by their names using prefixes like Mr., Miss, Atty.,
etc. if you know them.
• Never use their first names.
• If the guest is a repeat guest say “I’m glad to see you again.” It is Friendly.
• Never say “I haven’t seen you for a long time.” It is nagging.

In order that you can perform it correctly, here are the steps/procedures
and rationale on how to welcome and seat the guests, after which the basic
phraseologies in welcoming and seating the guest follow.



1. Be familiar with the Find out what tables are This makes it easy to
set-up in the dining designed for 2, 3, or 4 locate appropriate
room people and which ones tables.
are reserved for those
with reservation.

2. Stay at the outlet Approach the guest, Eye contact and smile
entrance. look at each one, greet makes the guest feel
them with a smile and welcome and valued.
mention their name and
position (if known).

“Good morning Mr.

Guest. Welcome to our
Coffee Shop.
With hands
outstretched, show the
way to the table and say
“This way please” or
“May I suggest a table
for you?”
3. If there is no available Graciously look at the Do not just say “We’re
table; tactfully inform host as you say: “I’m full” as there might be
the guests and advise sorry sir/ma’am but we seats that will soon be
them to wait at the are fully booked at the vacated.
lounge moment, do you mind
waiting at the lounge Have a waiting lounge
and I’ll call you once a for waiting guests to
table would be make them comfort-able
available”. while waiting.

4. If the guest has a Tell the host: “We have Avoid asking “Do you
reservation, make sure prepared a nice table for have reservations “This
his table is prepared in your party Mr. /Ms. sounds offensive for
advance _____. This way please”. many guest.

5. Lead the guest Walk a little ahead of Waiter or captain must

towards the table. them when escorting pull the chair for the
them to their table. lady and assist her in
Endorse them to the getting seated.
captain or waiter and
assist them in getting
seated (if no waiter id



“Good morning/afternoon/evening sir/ma’am or Mr. _______ or Ms.
_______ May I suggest a table for you?”

Guests are led to their table: “This way please”

Before guests get seated: “Will this table be alright for you?

For a party with reservation:

“We have prepared a nice table for your party Mr. /Ms ___________
This way please.”

If a receptionist wants to know the expected number of guests:

“How may are we expecting in the party sir/madam?” This sounds more
gracious than: “How many are you: or Table for 3 or 4? Or “Are you alone?”

When a guest is a repeat patron, welcome him back.

“Welcome back Mr. ________. We are glad to see you again _______”

If the outlet is full and there is no available table:

“I am sorry sir/ladies but all seats are occupied at the moment. Do you
mind waiting at the lounge and I’ll call you the moment we have a table available
for you’.

If a waiter/attendant is not yet available to attend to the guest, the receptionist

shall tell the guests:
“The waiter/attendant will be with you in a short while’.

In the case of banquet where there is an overflow and all seats arte taken:

“I’m sorry sir/ma’am we have an unexpected overflow and all seats are
already occupied. However, our staff is preparing additional tables and chairs.
May we request you to wait at the lounge and I’ll call you when we are ready.”

Offering aperitif (lunch/dinner)

“May I offer you a glass of refreshing drink?”
“May I suggest a glass of aperitif before your meal? How about a dry
vermouth, etc?”
“May I get you a bottle of chilled beer/martini before we serve your dinner?
“Madam, may I get you a glass of light, refreshing cocktail?

If the guest’s favorite drink is known, mention it:

“Mr. /Ms. ______, shall I bring to you your favorite _______?

For martini, ask:

“Would you want it sweet or cocktail?
For drinks ordered straight or on the rocks, ask:
“Shall I make it double for you?”

For scotch, ask “Would you like it praffe or on the rocks?”

For scotch, as ‘Would you like your scotch to go with water, soda or ale on the

For crème de Menthe “Would you like it praffe or on the rocks?”

Offer drink of the Month or any drink specialty:

“Do you like to try our famous or fascinating drink of the month?
“It’s _____. A special concoction of our Bartender. I’m sure you’ll like it.”

If asked about a cocktail, mention the base and modifying agent for example,
peach, daiquiri is described as: “A perfect blend of light rum and California cling

Describe Irish coffee as: A fascinating blend of Irish whisky and hot coffee, topped
with whipped cram.

When the glass is almost empty, offer another drink:

“Shall I get you another round of _____? (mention the drink)

For special occasion that calls for celebration like a birthday or wedding
anniversary, offer a toast of champagne.

“It appears that the group is celebrating a special occasion tonight.

“May I suggest a toast of champagne to highlight the occasion?”

Suggesting wine:
“May I suggest a bottle of red/white wine to complement your ________
(mention the main course ordered) or “would you rather choose from wine list?”

After taking the wine order, repeat the order

“You’ll have a bottle of _______ (mention the name of wine)

Wine Service

Waiter presents the bottle and upon presentation will say:

“Sir or Mr. ____ may I present to you your order of ______, with a very good
vintage year____, a heavy/light bodied _______ wine:

Before opening the bottle ask the host: “shall I open the bottle for you”?
Present the cork and say “here’s the cork sir.”

If there’s no male host or gentleman to taste the wine, the sommelier may do it
for them but must secure permission:
“May I have the privilege of tasting the wine for you Ladies?”

After tasting, he may say:

“You are a real connoisseur. It’s a perfect choice.

Or if wine is flat or not ok, he should change the bottle

“May I change the bottle for you?”
When pouring for the host wine tasting”
“Would you like to try the wine now sir?”
Escort and Seat Guests According To Table Allocation

Learning Objective/s: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST

be able to escort and seat the guest according to table allocation.

Welcome to the next activity. After you have recognized the arrival of the guest,
of course, you have to escort them to their table. Before escorting them, the guest
and the waiter will have a short conversation regarding the service or if they have
any reservation. Usually the guest will inform the receptionist about their
reservation and then upon checking with the restaurant’s table layout, they will
be escorted to their reserved table by saying, “This way please.”

• If the guest has no reservation, the receptionist should ask how many they
are in the party. If there is still a vacant table to accommodate them, you
have to lead them to the table.
• When leading a guest to the table, walk a little ahead of them. Do not get
too far or they may sit in some empty spot you have not prepared for them.
Endorse them to the captain waiter and assist them in getting seated.
• You should be tactful and gracious at all times when escorting the guests.
Be sure guests are seated in the order of their arrival, giving references to
guests with reservations at their appointed time.

Aside from this information, here are the tips in seating the guests.

• Avoid the use of a four-seat table for one or two people unless there are no
other tables available and obviously no smaller table will be available soon.
• Loud, noisy parties may be placed in private rooms or towards the back of
the dining room so that they will not disturb other guest.
• Elderly or handicapped persons may wish to be near the entrance of the
room so they do not have to walk far.
• Young couples like quiet corners and good views.
• Well-dressed parties who are an asset to your restaurant maybe placed at
the center portion.
• On the other hand, should the guest request for specific locations, try to
accommodate him.
• In seating the guests where there are ladies in the party, seat them with
the best view.
• Help the guest by pulling back a chair when they are about to sit.
Offer Available Pre-Meal (Cocktail Service, Etc.) to the Guests

Learning Objective/s: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST

be able to offer pre-meal service to customers/guest.

Have you experienced dining in a restaurant in group? Did you observe

how the dining staff offers pre-meal services to customers/guests?

Of course, you have observed the following activities. Please bear in mind
the knowledge and information you have to consider when offering pre-meal

Within three to five (3-5) minutes after the guests are seated, be ready to
give the menu cards. Menu cards are usually extended first to the host,
otherwise, if there is no obvious host; give the opened menu card starting with
the lady guest. All seated guests must be given a menu card to examine.

Presenting the Beverage List

The Beverage list or card is often a shorter version as compared to the

Menu Card. The basic clarifications of what the bar can provide are as follows:
Cocktails/Long drinks, Sparkling Wines, White and Red Wines Hard Drinks,
Juices, Carbonated Drinks or Soft drinks and Beer. The concern of the wait staff
here is to be knowledgeable of the predominant ingredient and alcoholic base
drinks, whether be vodka, gin, rum, tequila, whisky, brandy and champagne.
Should a guest be unable to recognize the title of the drink due to the fancy name
given, the wait staff can briefly answer by giving the alcoholic base of the drink.
(e.g. Mimosa is Asti Spumante with an orange concentrate).

The wait staff should not hesitate to make suggestions as to the popular
cocktails or drinks of the establishment. Explain likewise that the restaurant has
a nice selection of wines by the glass or bottle; pinpoint in the Beverage List the
titles of these wines. If there are any drink promotions of the month, do suggest
this drink also.

When taking Beverage orders, always know who ordered which item so
you do not have to ask when serving these drinks to the guests. Simply pick a
place to stand at the table and take all the orders from the same point of
reference. Assign the number 1 to the first lady to your left and follow on with
the numbers 2, 3, 4 and so on going clockwise. Remember to write the numbers
already in the order slip (OS) and start to jot down the orders as any one guest
is ready to announce his/her drink preference.
Once the drink order-taking is completed, distribute the menu cards,
starting with the host; moving toward clockwise, extend the menu card to the
guest’s right side with your right hand. Indicate that you will be back after they
have had an opportunity to look at the menu, and that you would be happy to
answer any questions about the menu.

With the scarcity of potable drinking water, table tent reminders are at the
times placed to announce that drinking water will only be given upon request.
However, if such is not the case in your establishment, then secure the pitcher
with iced cold water from the wait staff station. Start off with the lady guests by
pouring into the water goblet positioned at the tip of the dinner knife at the
guest’s right. Do not lift the goblet, pour gently filling the glass up to three-
fourths (3/4) full. Move clockwise.

Doing the pouring of water routine give the wait staff an opportunity to
determine whether the guests are now ready to give their menu orders. If the
guest needs assistance, make recommendations. The first that should be
recommended is the Buffet, next is the Executive Lunch of the Day, and last is
the A la Carte menu. Should a guest be not interested in the Buffet take the
opportunity to make appropriate suggestion. For example, We have a good
supply of Blue Marlin Belly, and our Chef does an excellent job of grilling it.

In case the guests made a selection not of your suggestions, make the
guest feel comfortable with their selection so they will be pleasantly anticipating
their meal. For example, The Sizzling, Boneless Chicken is an excellent choice. It’s
one of our most popular items.

Serve the ladies first. Whenever possible, serve from the guest’s right. It is
correct to serve beverages with the right hand, while carrying your tray with your
left hand. Place cocktail napkins on the guest are right, and place the drink on
the napkin. Always handle glasses by the base or stem, do not touch the rim of
glasses with your hands.

Always use a tray to carry any item (straws, swizzle sticks, paper napkins)
to the table, including cocktails. Even if you are serving only one drink, it should
be carried on a bar tray.

In offering pre-meal cocktail service, to guests, here are the basic

phraseologies. Do you want to try this activity?

• May I offer you a glass of refreshing

Offering Drink drink before your meal or to start
• Offer aperitif. May I suggest a glass
of aperitif like dry martini, or sweet
vermouth to start your meal.
• May I get you a bottle of chilled beer
For lunch/dinner
or a martini perhaps before we
serve you dinner?
• Madam, May I get you a refreshing
cocktail (For bars.)
• Mr./Mrs. __________, shall I get you
your favorite ___________?

• For martini, you can ask: “Would

If you know his favorite offer it before
you want it sweet or cocktail?
he ask for it.
• For drinks ordered straight or on
the rocks, ask: “Shall I make it
Ask follow up question:
double for you sir?”
• For scotch: “Would you like your
scotch go with water, soda or ale on
the side”?
• “Do you like to try famous (or
fascinating) drink of the month, the
Offer drinks of the month or other
_______? It’s a very special
drink specialties
concoction of our Bar Manager. I’m
sure you’ll like it.
• For example, peach daiquiri. ”It’s a
perfect blend of light rum and our
If ask about a cocktail mention the local peaches.
base and modifying agent. • For Irish coffee, It’s a fascinating
blend of Irish Whisky and hot
coffee, topped with whipped cream
• Example: For the first lady, ask
“Madam, May I offer you a glass of
refreshing drink for you to start
• For the other lady; “and for you
When offering drinks to several guest madam, do you like to join her for a
on one table, use variety of glass of (mention the order of the
phraseology so as not to sound first lady) or you’ll have a cocktail
monotonous instead”?
• For the gentleman:” and our
gentleman, shall I get you a bottle of
beer r a shot of brandy”?
• And for the host: “and you sir, what
drink do you like to start with”?
When the glass is almost empty offer • Shall I get you another round of
another drink. your (mention drink)?
• I understand that you are
For special occasion that calls for celebrating a special occasion
celebration like a birthday or tonight. May I suggest a bottle of
anniversary. champagne to highlight the
• Sir may I suggest a bottle of wine to
compliment your meal, or perhaps
If a guest is ready to order wine, say: you would like to see our wine list.
• Sir if you have made your choice,
may I take your wine order?
• “Thank you very much sir, your
After taking wine order, repeat order
having a bottle of (name of wine)
Taking Food and Beverage Orders

Learning Objective/s: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST

be able to take food and beverage orders following a standard and be
able to convey those orders to the kitchen or bar properly.

Once you have presented the menu to the guest, the next step is to take
their orders either food or beverage. When taking orders you have to observe
good etiquette in such a way that you can capture the customer’s interest
because you are not only an order taker but also a salesman.

Below are the pointers to be observed when taking food orders.

• Always have a sharp pencil or ball pen and order forms (scratch
paper) ready.
• Approach the guest after you have given them the time to look at the
menu, sometimes guests signal readiness to order.
• It may not be possible to identify the host/hostess but if you can,
approach his/her first because he/she may wish to order of his
• If he/she does not begin, take the order from the female member to
his right and go clockwise. If there are children begin with them.
• if it is a group, inquire from guest if the order is to be processed n
one or several checks, it will save a lot of time and confusion later.
Say “will that be one check or more Sir/Ma’am?”
• When a man or woman is together, approach the man first if they are
ready to order.
• Stand erect to the left of the guest with the order pad supported in
the palm of your hand and ball pen ready. Never trust your memory
to accept order. Bend slightly forward in an attitude of close
• Use your suggestive selling technique throughout the order taking
process. You say, “Would you like to start with a cocktail
• Give attention to orders with special request. Be sure you understand
what each guest wants. Repeat orders as you write it down to prevent
errors and guest displeasure.
• Pay particular attention more on the preparation and variations of
accompaniments. Specific reference to “doneness” of steak, fish or
meat and condiment, sauce, dressing, etc.
• Record proper sequence of serving starting with the appetizer, soup,
salad, entrée, main course, dessert, coffee.
• Record beverage order separately.
• Ask when beverage is to be served.
• Be certain to write order in a legible manner to save difficulties for
• Number the table on the guest check to prevent confusion later.
• Do not destroy check. Have the manager void it.
• Before you place your order to the kitchen, check your station first
in case there are some customers wanting your attention.
• Use appropriate and uniform abbreviations practice in your
restaurant or as directed by house policy.

In taking food orders, it is proper that you have to follow the standard
procedures. Here are the steps on how to take food order. Read Information
Sheet below.

Once you take the order you should have with you an order slip and record
the guest’s order in proper sequence. Attached is a sample of an order slip for
your reference.


Stand erect. Look at A pleasant greeting with
each guest, smile and a warm smile gives an
greet him or her by the impression of
1. Approach the table
name and title (if graciousness and warm
and stand at the right
known). If not known, hospitality.
side of the host.
address them with sir
or ma’am.

Present it with the cover Menu should be carried

facing the customer if to the table properly as
the menu is a book type illustrated in the
2. Present the menu.
(several pages), if not, diagram next page.
present it open.

Ask customer if they are If there is an honoree,

ready to order “May I take his/her order first.
take your order now?”
Take the order
3. Take the food order
beginning with the
ladies, then the
gentlemen and lastly
the host.
Write down in an order For control purposes,
slip-in triplicate – 1 no order will be
4. Write down the copy goes to the kitchen dispatched from the
order and 1 for waiter, 1 for kitchen without an
cashier order slip.

Suggest appetizers, To increase sales,

soup and salads to waiters must always
complement the main resort to suggestive
dish; offer variety of selling when taking
items; suggest wines orders.
5. Take efforts to sell
that will best
a complete meal.
complement the meal. Make suggestions that
are suited to the age,
taste and needs of the

Tell the guest outright Never make a guest wait

when his order is not for an order that is not
available. available. This will
6. If the order is out of
irritate him.
stock, suggest
“I’m sorry sir, but we
run short of ______. But Suggest appropriate
alternatives or
you might want to try alternative for out of
_____” (mention stock items.
appropriate alternative)

Example: “How would Care must be taken in

you like the steak done- verifying orders and its
rare, medium rare or preparation. Likewise
well done?” any special instruction
7. If applicable, ask or request of the
the guest how he If an egg is ordered customer regarding his
wants his dish “How would you like the order must be properly
prepared. egg done, sir?” disseminated to the
kitchen to male sure the
customer gets what he

Use a coding method in This will help in

8. Write all orders in identifying whoever preventing the
an order slip in orders each time. Do embarrassing situation
triplicate. not forget to write the whereby a wrong order
date, table number,
dishes ordered together is served to the
with the quantity and customer.
the manner of desired
preparation. The name Use standard
of waiter/server must abbreviations that can
also be indicated. be understood by both
the waiters and the
As you repeat, mention This is important to
the items ordered, prevent
number of orders and misunderstanding.
the manner of
9. Repeat the order to “May I repeat your order
the customer sir? You’ll have 1 order
of fillet-mignon-medium Get the menu book after
rare, one portion of getting the order.
minestrone soup and
green salad. Did I get
your order right?”
Give one copy of order
slip to the food checker
10. Place the order to and another one for
the kitchen billing purposes. The
last copy is for the

Sample of an Order Slip



Table No: _________________________________

m Quanti
Item/ Preparation/Sidings
No ty

Waiter Signature Over Printed Name

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