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Name: Roco, Xyriene Von Briel M.
Program: BSA 3A

1. If you are worried about global warming and you measure the temperature in
June each year, the data you measure is _____.
A. Quantitative
B. Qualitative
C. Discreet
D. Categorical

2. Which of the following is an example of ratio data?

A. If John decided that he didn't like the state of American politics in 1940 -
B. If John understands that 10% of his money is spent on food, which is less
than the 25% he spends on rent and 20% on gas.
C. If John calculated that the amount of money he spent on food and on
rent can be displayed as 1.35:2.
D. If John decides what his favorite university is and tries his best to enroll there

3. Which of the following is NOT an example of descriptive data?

A. Averages
B. Using samples to predict how the entire population will respond
C. Means and medians
D. A graphical representation of data, such as various bar graphs and pie graphs

4. Which of the following is FALSE regarding convenience sampling?

A. Its disadvantage is that it can suffer from inaccurate parameters.
B. It can be subject to data bias
C. It takes quite a long time to carry it out in comparison to other methods .
D. One of its benefits is that it is very cheap to carry it out.

5. You are pulling cards from a standard 52-card deck. For which of the following is
the probability 12/2652?
A. Drawing an ace, a king and then another king
B. Drawing two consecutive kings
C. Drawing a king and a queen
D. Drawing a jack

6. You are playing Monopoly with two dice and need to avoid getting nine so as to
not get into jail. If the first dice rolled a 5, what is the probability of you going to
A. 1/6
B. ¼
C. 1/36
D. 1/5

7. Two regular dice are rolled. For which of the following is the probability 1:12?
A. That the two dice will have a sum equal to 4
B. That the two dice will have a sum equal to 6
C. That if the first dice is a 6, the second will be a 4
D. That if the first dice is a 6, the second will also be 6

8. Three coins are tossed. What is the possibility of two of them being heads?
A. ½
B. 5/8
C. ¼
D. 3/8

9. Dr. Matthews wants to know how many veterinary students decide to pursue a
career as small animal practitioners. There are 27 veterinary schools in the USA,
so he decides to randomly select 10% of the students from each school and asks
them where they intend to practice once they finish veterinary school. Is this an
example of a simple random sample?
A. No, because it is impossible to select random samples when working with
B. Yes, because each student was randomly sampled.
C. Yes, because each student of the 27 colleges had an equal chance of
being sampled.
D. No, because every possible student sample did not have an equal chance of
being chosen.
10. Find the mean of the following data set.117, 114, 115, 117, 114, 116, 118, 114,
A. 115.5
B. 112.2
C. 114.2
D. 118.5

11. It has been reported that the mean score for a student who takes the certain test
is 80 with a standard deviation of 9. For a random sample of 100 students, what
is the standard error?
A. 0.8
B. 0.6
C. 0.5
D. 0.9

12. Which of the following is a way of increasing the power of a hypothesis test?
A. Using a stratified sampling technique.
B. Choosing always the 10% of the population.
C. Increasing the sample size.
D. Decreasing the sample size.

13. 96% of a university, which has 30,000 students and staff members, have said
that they think the management of the university is adequate. This became
widely advertised on the university's website. A random sampling of 200 people
from the economic department showed only 79% of people believed the
management is adequate. Which type of test would properly test the relevance of
the university's claim?
A. A one-tailed student's t-test
B. A regression analysis
C. A pairwise Granger causality test
D. A z-test

14. Which of the following is NOT a condition necessary for hypothesis testing for a
A. The population size must be at least 20 times as big as the
sample size.
B. The sample includes at least 10 successes and 10 failures.
C. The outcomes have to be mutually exclusive, rather than having
two potentially inclusive outcomes.
D. The sampling method has to be affected by research bias, rather
than random sampling.

15. Johnson International focuses on computer production and is

collecting data on how many products they sell each month. They are
conducting an experiment to determine if the mean of products sold
differs between younger and older people. What would be the null
hypothesis of this experiment?
A. The mean number of products sold to older people is equal
to the mean number of products sold to younger people.
B. The mean number of products sold to younger people is larger
than the mean number of products sold to older people.
C. The mean number of products sold to older people is larger than
the mean number of products sold to younger people.
D. The mean number of products sold is not consistent.

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