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- The deliberative body are expected to make a decisions for any matter brings to
them. Voting are necessary hence it is the only way how they will move on to
one motion jumping to another one.

MAJORITY OF VOTES Those votes that is greater than 50%+1 of the total valid votes.
the partial number of members Ex. The total member of the
who vote either yes or no house of representatives is 300.
without any exception. The majority of votes will be
 MAJORITY OF LEGAL Majority votes which excludes 50%+1 minus the illegal votes
VOTES any blanks, null and unsteady Ex. The total cast votes was 200.
votes. The number of illegal votes was
20. Therefore, the majority of
legal votes is 81.
 MAJORITY OF TOTAL Majority votes comprise the 50%+1 of total cast votes.
VOTES absolute suffrage including Ex. The computed total votes is
those invalid and irregular. 150 therefore the majority of
total votes is 76
 MAJORITY OF MEMBER Majority of votes was computed 50%+1 minus the votes of those
PRESENT in accordance of those only absent members
present in the deliberation. Ex. The total number of cast
votes is 100. 10 of the votes was
came from those absent
members. Therefore, the
Majority of present votes is 46.
 MAJORITY VOTE OF ALL Majority of votes was based in 50%+1 of votes came from all
MEMBERS accordance of those both members
present and absent in the Ex. The total number of votes is
meeting. 350. Therefore, the majority
vote of all members is 176.

PERCENTAGE VOTE The quantity of all legal votes of Two thirds or either three
attending members. It was fourths of the present votes.
determined by the association Ex. The total present votes
in regard of any specific counts is 250. Therefore, the
business. The common percent percentage votes is 167 (at two
of votes was two thirds thirds) or 188 (at three fourths)
PLURALITY VOTE Plurality vote is seen into the Ex. The following candidate was
victory group or candidate who voted for the vacant seat as the
posses the larger vote but Senate President;
unable to surpass the majority Richard Gordon with 6 votes
votes. Migz Zubiri. with 7 votes
Riza Honteveros with 11 votes
Therefore, Riza Honteveros own
the plurality vote and will take
the position as Senate
President. However, She did not
acquire the majority votes since
the Senate was compose of 24
senators and the majority of it is
TIE VOTE Votes that is proportional or Ex. Alan Cayetano and Lord
equally receives by the Allan Velasco both have 150
contenders. Proposal will be votes in accordance who will
gone if tie vote occurred. become the House Speaker.
UNANIMOUS VOTES Total votes that agreed by all Ex. When the majority of votes
even excluding the null and is 120 minus the 20 illegal votes.
vacant ballot. The 100 votes was called the
unanimous vote.


- VOID VOTE is done when a certain member are not qualified to vote but he/she
persist to do so therefore his/her vote is not counted. On the other hand, BLANK
BALLOTS are papers without any votes written on it or either it was crease by
another vote hence it is also not counted. PUTTING THE QUESTION In addition,
are those votes that is not clearly manifest its meaning. It was rise by the
Presiding Officer after counting all the votes.


 BY VOICE- The most common process of voting used in a larger meeting. Members
are stated their votes, “Aye” if they are voted yes and “no” if they voted no.
 SHOW OF HANDS- The process of voting done by lifting the right hand weather the
members are agree or disagree in a certain motion.
 RISING- To know the exact counts of votes, the Presiding Officer often used the
Rising methods. The members will stand if they either voted yes or no Inna question.
 ROLL CALL- A procedure of voting involve calling the names of the members one at a
time to cast their votes. It their name was mention, they say their votes ‘aye’ for yes
and “no” for no.
 GENERAL CONSENT- An activity of voting in which the Presiding Officer was made a
decision in regards of all member to maximize the time in dealing with motion. It is
only done if the chair thinks that all members are agreed upon.
 BY BALLOT- A written form of voting wherein members identity was unknown.
Committee of tellers will be in-charge to distribute, collect and count the votes.

 ABSENTEE VOTING- it is the process where the absent members are permitted to
vote in behalf of a proxy or authorized personnel he/she choice to represent.
 CUMULATIVE VOTING- Methods of voting allowing the minority to make a multiple
votes depends on the candidate presented in the group.
 FILLING THE BLANKS- Methods of voting applicable only if there is more than 2
motion or nominees are chosen.


A. ANNOUCING THE VOTES- The result of all suffrage done is hereby declare by the
President Officer or the Chair. He/She has the obligation to validate all the votes to
make a correct declaration of winners.
B. DIVISION OF THE ASSEMBLY- Calling for the division of the assemble is done when
the member are not satisfied or there is a malicious acts in announcing the votes
C. REOPENING THE POLLS- The act of opening again the registration of votes for those
members come behind the time.
D. CHANGE OF VOTE- Any members are permitted to change his/her vote during the
voting period. However, when the result of the voting it formally announced, there
is will be no change of votes done.
E. ABSTENTIONS- The right of the members to not vote neither yes or no to a question

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