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Since several environmental problems have been caused by humans’ forces, we need to act
responsibly to reduce the damage that we are doing to the Earth. This essay will explain
environmental problems and what governments and individuals can do to address these
Two of the threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Global warming, which is
well-known as a global issue because of its devastating effect on the environment, is a result
of gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles. In addition, the increase in
human population comes along with a huge quantity of waste, which contaminates the Earth
and pollutes rivers and oceans.
On one hand, governments could reduce air pollution in many ways. First, they could
introduce laws to put a limit on factories’ gas emissions or force companies to use renewable
energy in production. Second, they could also innovate the public transport system to
become more convenient and greener. By this way, governments can encourage people to
take public transport instead of driving, therefore reducing emissions.
On the other hand, individuals should also be responsible to lower down pollution level in
their surroundings. They can take buses and subways or other means of public
transportation rather than driving, which could reduce the amount of exhaust fumes from
vehicles. Also, people should purchase reusable products and recycle as much as possible to
avoid releasing too much waste. For example, Vietnamese people are recommended to use
resuable or paper bags when going shopping instead of plastic bags to cut down on plastic
bags consumption.
In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must understand the harmful
impact they have on the environment and be responsible to ease damage.
(283 words)
- environmental problems: vấn đề về môi trường
- humans’ forces: tác động của con người
- global warming: sự nóng lên toàn cầu
- devastating effect: ảnh hưởn vo cùng nghiêm trọng
- gas emission: khí thải
- exhaust fumes: khí thải từ xe cộ
- renewable energy: năng lượng tái tạo
- public transport system: hệ thống giao thông công cộng
- to ease damage: giảm thiểu thiệt hại


- Biodiversity (n) /ˌbaɪ.əʊ.daɪˈvɜː.sə.ti/
Meaning: sự đa dạng sinh học
Example: Biodiversity is of great importance in order to maintain stable ecosystems.
- Climate (n) /ˈklaɪ.mət/
Meaning: khí hậu
Example: Global warming is the main cause of global climate change.
- Conservation (n) /ˌkɒn.səˈveɪ.ʃən/
Meaning: sự bảo tồn
Example: Forest conservation is necessary for maintaining the Earth’s ecosystem.
- Contamination (n) /kənˈtæm.ɪ.neɪt/
Meaning: sự làm nhiễm độc
Example: Water contamination issue leads to different health problems in developing
- Deforestation (n) /diːˌfɒr.ɪˈsteɪ.ʃən/
Meaning: sự phá rừng
Example: Deforestation is clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in
damage to the quality of the land.
- Deplete (v) /dɪˈpliːt/
Meaning: làm cạn kiệt
Example: If we continue to deplete the earth's natural resources, we will cause serious
damage to the environment.
- Disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑː.stər/
Meaning: thảm họa
Example: Some parts of the Earth have greatly been damaged by natural disasters in the past
few years.
- Ecosystem (n) /ˈiː.kəʊˌsɪs.təm/
Meaning: hệ sinh thái
Example: Pollution can have disastrous effects on the balanced ecosystem.
- Endangered (adj) /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒəd/
Meaning: gặp nguy hiểm
Example: Endangered animals and plants need serious protection by the governments.
- Environmental (adj) /ɪnˌvaɪ.rənˈmen.təl/
Meaning: thuộc về môi trường
Example: Human activities have caused many environmental problems in recent years.
- Erosion (n) /ɪˈrəʊ.ʒən/
Meaning: sự xói mòn
Example: Soil erosion is a major global environmental problem.
- Greenhouse (n) /ˈɡriːn.haʊs/
Meaning: nhà kính
Example: Greenhouse effect would stop heat escaping from the Earth into space, which
consequently leads to global warming.
- Pollutant (n) /pəˈluː.tənt/
Meaning: chất gây ô nhiễm
Example: Sulphur dioxide is one of several pollutants released into the atmosphere from
coal-fired power stations.
- Pollution (n) /pəˈluː.ʃən/
Meaning: ô nhiễm
Example: High level of air pollution in big cities is one of the most alarming problems.
- Rainforest (n) /ˈreɪn.fɒr.ɪst/
Meaning: rừng mưa nhiệt đới
Example: The Amazon rainforest contains the largest collection of living plants and animal
species in the world."
- Environmental pollution
Meaning: sự ô nhiễm môi trường
Example: Environmental pollution is one of the greatest problems that the world is facing
- Air quality
Meaning: chất lượng không khí
Example: The air quality in Hanoi has gone down because of exhaust fumes from vehicles.
- to become extinct
Meaning: tuyệt chủng
Example: Many animal species have become extinct due to massive deforestation in the past
- climate change
Meaning: Sự thay đổi khí hậu
Example: Climate change is one result of global warming.
- Greenhouse effect
Meaning: hiệu ứng nhà kính
Example: They claim that the floods are a result of the greenhouse effect.
- Environmentally friendly
Meaning: thân thiện với môi trường
Example: Environmentally friendly paper bags are now widely used in many supermarkets.
- Fossil fuels
Meaning: nhiên liệu hóa thạch
Example: In recent times, agriculture has become a major fossil fuel energy user.
- Heavy industry
Meaning: ngành công nghiệp nặng
Example: Recent years have seen a decline in heavy industry in the US and the UK.
- The ozone layer
Meaning: tầng ô-zôn
Example: The Earth’s ozone layer helps to protect living species from excessive ultraviolet
Wildlife conservation
Meaning: sự bảo vệ thiên nhiên
Example: The zoo has programs for research, environmental education, and wildlife

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