Chapter # 3 (ENZYMES) : Test: Biology

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Chapter # 3 (ENZYMES)
1:Enzyme was discovered by :
A) Freidrich Wilhelm kuhne
B) Thomas Cech & Sydney Altman
C) Euler
D) Fischer
E) N.O.T
2:Enzymes are :
1) Biocatalysts
2) Proteins
3) Produce in Protoplasm
4) catalytic molecules
A) 1 & 2
B) 1 , 2 & 3
C) 1 , 2 & 4
D) 1 & 3
E) A.O.T
3: Substrate and enzyme concentration are ................ in every condition :
A) Directly proportional
B) Inversely proportional
C) Both a & b
D) N.O.T
4: The optimum temperature of enzymes present in thermophillic bacteria is 77 °C and
that in human is 37 °C and the temperature at which enzymes of humans are completely
destroyed is 100 °C. then at which temperature does the enzymes of thermophilic
bacteria are destroyed :
A) 130°C
B) 100°C
C) 200°C
D) N.O.T
E) unpredictable
5:Enzymes are rapidly inactivated by :
A) Ph
B) temperature
C) radiation
D) both b & c
E) A.O.T
6:The word 'zyme' means :
A) Protein
B) catalyzing agent
C) specific in nature
D) A.O.T
E) N.O.T
7:Enzymes are :
1) peculiar in nature
2) little bit greater than in size than substate
3) produce in protoplasm
4) required in large amount

A) 1,2 & 3
B) 1,2 & 4
C) 1 & 3
D) 1 & 2
E) A.O.T
8:The important role played by enzyme during reactions is
A) They lower the energy of activation.
B) The convert substrate into product.
C) They speed up rate of reaction
D) Both a & c
E) A.O.T
9: When enzymes react with energy rich molecules they form intermediate complex , If
enzyme react with energy poor molecules they form :
A) Primary complex
B) Secondary complex
C) Intermediate complex
D) Both a & b
E) N.O.T
10: An allosteric site of an enzyme is :
A) same as active site
B) involved in feedback inhibitation
C) where ATP attaches and gives up energy
D) Both b &c
E) A.O.T
11:Enzymes are macromolecules of :
A) amino acids
B) globular protein
C) collagen protein
D) tubulin protein
E) A.O.T
12:Which of the following is/are example of endoenzyme :
A) Amylase
B) Pepsin
C) Trypsin
D) DNA polymerase
E) N.O.T
13:Which of the following can act as inhibitors :
A) substrate concentration
B)enzyme concentration
C) Ph
D) A.O.T
E) N.O.T
14:Coenzyme constitutes about ...... portion of entire enzyme molecule :
A) 1%
B) 2%
C) 10%
D) 20%
E) N.O.T
15: The non protein part of enzyme is called :
A) Prosthetic group
B) Coenzyme

C) Co factor
D) Both b & c
E) A.O.T
16:Proteozyme is :
1) enzyme entirely consist of protein
2) Simple enzyme
3) protein part of enzyme
4) Conjugated enzyme
5) enzyme consist of both protein and non protein part (less in amount)
A) 1,2,3 & 5
B) 1,4 & 5
C) 1 & 2
D) 1 & 3
E) A.O.T
17:The non protein part of enzyme is
A) more separable
B) less separable
C) not separable
D) both a &b
E) N.O.T
18:Which of the following binds to non reactive site of enzyme :
A) non competitive inhibitor
B) Allosteric inhibitor
D) both a,b
E) A.O.T
19:Non competitive inhibitor :
1) change shape of enzyme
2) make enzyme less reactive
3) change active site from receptive to unreceptive for substrate
4) destroy the enzyme
A) 1,2& 3
B) 1,2 & 4
C) 1 & 2
D) 2 & 4
E) A.O.T
20: Enzyme activity required :
A) gaseous medium
B) aqueous medium
C) semi fluid medium
D) Both b,c
E) A.O.T


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