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As I was watching the movie “The Core”, I came to realize that some scenes in
the movie have similarities with the 1998 film, “Armageddon”. The only difference is
that, in the film, “The Core” they are drilling the Earth to reach the core while in the
Armaggeddon, they were drilling the asteroid in hopes of destroying it. I research a little
about the film “The Core”, and I discovered that it has a lot of scientific inaccuracies. I
watched this film among the 5 films given to us since I already watched the movies
“2012” and “San Andreas”. I want to watch something new and the trailer in Netflix
interested me.

In the film, the most intriguing geologic fact for me was that the spinning core
creates the magnetic field. I’ve read some reviews about the film, I read that the
currents inside it influences the Earth’s magnetic field. But I still have a few questions
about this topic and what are the things that are really possible to happen. In the movie,
people with pacemaker were mentioned. What is that pacemaker? I would also like to
know more about the birds innate magnetic direction-sensing navigational instincts.
Another thing that I want to learn more about is how far do scientist’s knowledge about
the core can reach, like what is the limit of they know. Overall, after watching the movie,
I still got confused and I would want to have a deep understanding about the Earth.

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