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Gynae Guide FCPS 1

For Gynae Obs 3 months prep without job and 4 Months

with job are more than enough. Most important thing is
that you need to be consistent and avoid all distractions.
Here is a brief outline for Guidance and for Detailed step
by step continuous Guidance by MediCall Mentors you
may join our Facebook Group / Whatsapp Specialty
Groups (Links on Last Page ).


1. Physiology

2. General pathology

3. Special pathology

4. Anatomy

5. Microbiology

6. Biochemistry
7. Pharmacology

8. Biostatistics

9. Neuroanatomy

10. Histology

11. Embryology

12. Gynecology

I’ll mention important topics regarding Gynae and Obs under every
subject. Do focus on them but this doesn’t mean you may ignore
other topics.

● Physiology :

Book: BRS physiology or kaplan

Start from physiology.

3 days per chapter

Day 1. Watch vedio from kaplan and read your chapter

Day 2. Memorise your chapter

Day 3. Do MCQs of same Chapter from MediCall Book /



MediCall Application

NOTE : If you have good concepts you can skip Kaplan

Video lectures.

Give physiology Around 20 days.

Study at least 8 hours a day Without skipping any Day

Important Physiology TOPICS for Gynae:

 pituitary hormones
 Thyroid metabolic hormones
 parathyroid hormones
 Regulation of calcium and phosphate
 Role of vitamin D for bone
 function of gonadotropic hormones
 mechanism and action of hormones
 Sex monthly ovarian cycle
 regulation by ovarian and hypothalamic
 Pituitary hormones
 function of ovarian hormones
 Puberty and menarche
 precocious and delayed puberty
 Female fertility
 Menopause
 male hormones and reproduction
 pregnancy and lactation
 Hormonal factors in pregnancy
 Maternal adaptation to pregnancy
 Mechanics of parturition
 Onset of labour
 lactation
 Function of prolactin
 placenta

● General pathology
Book: BRS pathology + FIRST AID

You need to do only first 8 chapters from it. Give it

maximum 12 days. Last 2 chapters are very easy and
can be covered within a day. As one chapter along with
mcqs can easily be done in one day.

▶ Read chapter

▶ Do MCQs of same Chapter from MediCall Book /


You will do immunology chapter, general pathology and

in biochemistry chapter genetics portion.

Remaining 8 days are for gerneral pathology from First


● Special pathology

It's a general practice to do all chapter of FIRST AID in

one go.
If you are doing so then one system will take 2-3 days
depending upon your speed

Give it maximum 25 days.

Day 1. Read chapter

Day 2. Do MCQs of same Chapter from MediCall Book /

Note. focus on musculoskeletal chapter for surgery and allied

Important Pathology topics for Gynae

 Pathogenesis of septic shock

 Adult respiratory distress syndrome
 Amniotic fluid embolism
 Hypersensitivity reactions
 Common immunodeficiency diseases and autoimmune disorders
 Carcinogenic agents and risk factors for cancer of female genital
 Grading and Staging of cancer
 Reflex mechanisms for maintaining normal arterial pressure
 Control of cardiac output

Respiratory system

 pulmonary ventilation
 food and diffusion of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide
 regulation of respiration
 respiratory insufficiency
 Hypoxia

Nervous system

 Cortical and brainstem control of motor function

 somatic sensations
 Pain
 Headache and thermal sensation
 micturationn reflex

● Anatomy

Short Snell and Big Snell / KLM and Atlas of HA

Anatomy is most important .
Abdomen pelvis should be done from Big Snell or KLM
depending your choice. Anatomy MCQs mostly comes
from these chapters

If you are weak in anatomy than first do acland vedios

than chapter and then MediCall MCQs.

start with vedio from Acland. than read your chapter then
mcqs from Medicall. one chapter should hardly take 2

Give anatomy around 12-15 days

Day 1: Acland vedio and chapter

Day 2: Do MCQs of same Chapter from MediCall Book /


Important Anatomy topics for Gynae

 Female genital organs

 Bony pelvis and its various types
 Petvic diameter and Its significance
 pelvic walls Muscles, joints and ligaments
 pelvic floor Muscles actions and innovation
 Pelvic fascia and nerve supply
 Pelvic organs vessels and nerves
 Recto uterine and recto vaginal pouches
 Blood vessels and lymphatic drainage of pelvic organs
 Urinary bladder Nerve supply and function
 pelvic nerves
 sacrallymphatic trunk
 inferior hypogastric plexus
 peritoneal reflection in pelvis
 female perineum
 Cutaneous nerves
 anal Canal and sphincter
 breast
 Arrangement of muscles of abdominal wall
 Blood vessels and nerve supply
 Peritoneum
 Inguinal region

● Microbiology
Do it only from FIRST AID and yes u have to do all of it.
Tables at the end are most important

Day1,2,3: Read chapter and memorize

Day 4 n 5: Do MCQs from MediCall Book / Application

● Pharmacology

FIRST AID is enough for it

Day1.2: read it from first aid

Day 3: Do MCQs of same Chapter from MediCall Book /


Important TOPICS in Pharma

 Analgesic drugs
 Local and general anesthesia techniques
 Epidural analgesia
 drugs used during pregnancy and their effect on breastfeeding
 Oxytocin
 Prostaglandins
 Calcium antagonist
 Beta 2 receptor agonist
 Antihypertensive drugs
 Hormones
 Oral hypoglycemic
 Chemotherapeutic agents

● Neuroanatomy

Book: Snell Neuroanatomy

It is very important.

Give it 5 days

Day 1,2,3: Read book

Day 4,5: Do MCQs of from MediCall Book / Application

If you are weak in concepts, you can watch Kaplan


● Biochemistry

Do it from FIRST AID

Day 1: Read book

Day 2: Do MCQs of same Chapter from MediCall Book /


Important topics

 Energy metabolism
 Glycolysis and citric acid cycle
 Regulation of metabolic Pathways
 Enzyme kinetics role of enzyme in role of insulin and glucagon
 genetic diseases
 Mutation and transmission pattern
 Role of amniocentesis
 Common congenital anomalies
 Disorders of hematopoietic and lymphoid system
 Anemias deficiency of Folic acid and Vitamin B12 white cell
disorders during perinatal period and its effect

● Histology :

High yield contains portion of histology and it's more

than enough.

Read book and Do MCQs from MediCall Book / Application

Important Histology Areas for Gynae

 Ovary
 Uterus & Cervix
 fallopian tube
 Vagina
 Urinary bladder
 Ureter .
 Kidney
 Breast
● Embryology

Do it from High yield. First aid also covers embryology.

Revise that too when you do embryology

Read book and Do MCQs from MediCall Book / Application

Important Embryo TOPICS

 Development of Female genilal organ
 ovaries
 Uterus & Cervix
 Fallopian tubes
 Vagina
 Urinary tract
 Rectum
 Developmental defects
 Endocrines
 Pituitary
 Adrenal
● Biostatistics

Make your concepts from any book regarding it (ie

naveed Alam) and Do Mcqs from Medicall

● Gynae

Books: Ten teachers

Topics you need to Focus more from ten teachers:

 genital infections.
 All cancers breast endometrial.cervical ovarian.
 For contraception.
 Pelvis types
 Pelvic diameters
 Preeclampsia Eclampsia.
 Fibroids
 Endometrial CA Cervical CA
 Abortions
 Placental abnormalities
 Maternal mortality rate
 peupural sepsis
 bishop score
 apgar score
 staging of cancer
 menstrual cycle abnormalities
 Ectopic pregnancy

( Important topics mentioned means you will give more importance to

these. But don't ignore others. Give all chapters your best as in part 1
there is no strict division of MCQs )

Take a Break!
if you have just completed your house job then its time for a
little break (A week atleast ) and a Restart !!
Don’t get Panic please ! you will get ample time to cover
everything if you are mentally relax and fresh .

Be Natural:
Guide papers and guidance from seniors may help you making
your schedules and a basic sketch of whole prep in mind but
please remember you have to stay Natural and follow the Study
style u have been following since childhood because you can
perform better that way.
if you are a group study guy, search for a partner who should
ideally be a better student than you .if you study alone then
just do it !!

Milestones :
sit and fix some milestones for you and divide the course
mentioned below in the available time .
Remember ! STUDY MORE , STUDY SMART ! so everyone study
MORE but this SMART study would be your Key to success !

If your job in basic health units is necessary for marks in central
induction then avail the chance but if you are not getting it then
AVOID WORK PRIVATELY for hospitals Till you are done with
you prep and stay focused.

You have to give your best to the books by a full fledge 3

months study plan.
Daily Targets :
set smaller targets too and try to achieve them because this will
boost your morale and would be very helpful in longer run.

Chapter wise Study :

start chapter wise study and fix your targets on daily basis
.finish your chapter and then solve MCQs of that Chapter from
MediCall Book or Application.After first read you won’t be able
to answer most of the questions correctly but its very
important to know how MCQs are made and hot topics for

Favorite Subject First :

Try to start with the subject you like more because initially its
hard to get your study tempo back after a whole year of house
job. Favorite subjects like physiology make it easier to sit more
and set tempo.
Watch Videos :

Try to watch Review Videos from Kaplan series along with your
daily chapters because this will magically improve your
understanding about that topic and chapter and after clear
concepts its easier to solve MCQs. So your sequence should be


MediCall MCQs


Whastapp # 0310-880-8880

Save as ‘MediCall Official’ and send a Whatsapp

message with your name and specialty to get added in
relevant group

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