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LUANGCHUM, The 20th February, 2021

This is to notify that Miss. Thanpuangliu Kamsuan D/o Lungmaijing Kamsuan, a

member of the Town Baptist Church, Awangkhul, Noney District, is recommendad to tie
the knot of Holy Marriage with Mr. Jangailiu Ruangmei, S/o Mr. Ruangmeilan
Ruangmei and Mrs. Gaiguangchungliu of Rangkhung-1 Baptist Church, as th couple was
betrothed with the two families’ approval to be solemnized on 20 th February, 2021.

A formal church notice was served on 7 th February, 2021 to 19th February, 2021, and that
no complaint/ objection has been received during the noticed period.

Hence, I on behalf of the Luangchum Baptist Church, hereby, recommended her to tie
the knot of Holy Marriage with Mr. Jangailung Ruangmei for God’s will and glory.

Copy to:

1. Minister concerned
2. Office file



Luangchum Baptist Church

Awangkhul, Noney District


LUANGCHUM, The 20th February, 2021

This is to notify to all the members of Luangchum Baptist Church, Awangkhul, Noney
District, Mnipur, that Miss Rahab Kamei D/o Mr. Jaojianlung and Mrs. Kmei, a
member of Luangchum Baptist Church, have been engaged for Holy Marriage with
Mr……….. S/o Mr…and Mrs…… of ….. as the couple was betrothed with the two family’s
approval to be solemnized on 1st December 2021.

That, if any curch members, who happens to see or witness the two (2) betrothed youth
which is morally not suitable for Holy Marriage, amy lodge a complaint or objection by
giving enough reasons or evidences during the period from 1-19 November, 2021.
Church recommendation shall be issued if no such objection is lodge during the
aforesaid period.

No complaint or objection whatsoever will be entertained after the due date.

1. Name of the complainant: …………………….

2. Signature of the complainant: ………………
3. Full address of the complainant: …………….
4. Reasons for complaint/objection: …………………….

Copy to:

1. Church notice board

2. Office file



Luangchum Baptist Church

Awangkhul, Noney District

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