General Bible Knowledge

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Baptist Graduate School of Theology & Mission

FNBA Complex, CRDS Campus, Darogapathar

Dimapur, Nagaland

General Bible Knowledge

Credit hours: 3

This course is designed to provide thorough knowledge of the Scriptures and some selected passages and
topics which are deemed to misinterpretation, misrepresentation and dealt with significant issues related to
the whole testaments studies.
There are three main objectives that students will learn:
1. The whole testaments as the inerrant and infallible words of God.
2. Several topics/events in the Testaments which are misrepresented by the worldly people.
3. To able to know the Scriptures wholistically and minister the words of God to their audience accurately,
effectively, and efficiently.
At the end of the course students will able to:
1. Have a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.
2. Familiar with events, verses and books of the whole bible.
3. Teach and preach efficiently and effectively with much confident and accuracy.
Late assignments will result in a lower grade.
Absences more than 3 classes will not be permitted barring extraordinary circumstances.
1. Tests and Exam :30%
2. Assignments :20%
3. Reading :50%
1. Read the Bible once in this semester.
2. Writing:
a. Draw a dispensational chart that covers the brief history of our universe and God dealing with
mankind in the past history, present and future.
b. Write 10-15 pages note on Bible Study. (This is your concise Bible study Method).


1. Write the purposes of Dispensationalism.

 To correct the misconceptions about Dispensationalism.
 To give a positive presentation of Dispensationalism as it is being taught today.
2. Two helps given by Dispensationalism
 It answers the need of biblical distinction.
 It provides consistent hermeneutics.
3. Define dispensation according to C.I. Scofield.
A dispensation is a period of time during which man is tested in respect of obedience to some specific
revelation of the will of God.
4. What is etymology of the word Dispensation?
It is derived from the Latin word “dispensation” meaning “to weigh out or dispense”
5. Write the three principal ideas connected with the meaning of dispensation.
 The action of dealing out or distributing
 The action of administering, ordering or managing: the system by which things are administered
 The action of dispensing with some requirement
6. According to Oxford dictionary: A dispensation is a stage in a progressive revelation, expressly adapted
to the needs of a particular nation or period of time... also the age or period during which a system has
7. What are the two basic parties in a dispensational arrangement?
First, the one whose authority it is to delegate duties. Second, the one whose responsibility it is to carry
out these charges.
8. When can a steward be called to give account?
A steward can be called to account for the discharge of his stewardship at any time, for it is the owner’s
or master’s prerogative to expect faithful to the duties entrusted to him.
9. Give the concise definition of dispensation
A concise definition of dispensation is this: A dispensation is a distinguishable economy in the
outworking of god’s purpose.
10. What does the phrase “the outworking of God’s purpose” remind us?
It reminds us that the viewpoint in distinguishing the dispensations is God’s not man’s.
11. Who institutes and brings the dispensations to purposeful conclusion?
The dispensations are economies instituted and brought to their purposeful conclusion by God.
12. What is Progressive Revelation?
Progressive revelation is the recognition that God’s message to man was not given in one single act but
was unfolded in a series of successful acts and through the minds and hands of manu men or varying
13. What marks off the various economies in the outworking of god’s purpose?
 The different governing relationship with the world into which God enters in each economy.
 The resulting responsibility on mankind in each of these different relationships.

14. Name the Seven dispensations.
i) Dispensation of Innocency
ii) Dispensation of Conscience
iii) Dispensation of Civil Government
iv) Dispensation of Promise or Patriarchal rule
v) Dispensation of Law
vi) Dispensation of Grace or Church Age
vii) Dispensation of Millennium
15. What is Hermeneutics?
Hermeneutics is the science that furnishes the principles of interpretation.
16. What is the result of literal interpretation?
Literal interpretation results in accepting the text of Scriptures at face-value.
17. Are unity and distinction contradictory concept?
No, unity and distinction are not necessarily contradictory concept.
18. Give some of the grace of God displayed under the Law.
 Grace was displayed by God’s electing of Israel
 The giving of the New covenant which was announced during the Law period
 Grace was displayed in God’s frequent restoration of His sinning people.
 God displayed his grace under the law by the enablement He gave
 The great covenant with David was made during the Mosaic Law
19. How does dispensationalist teach about salvation?
The basis of salvation in every age is the death of Christ; the requirement for salvation in every age is
faith; the object of faith in every age is Go; the content of faith changes in the various dispensations.
20. Give the two distinct purposes God is pursuing throughout the ages.
 First, one related to the earth with earthly people and earthly objectives involved which is Juidaism
 Second, one related to heaven with heavenly people and heavenly objectives involved, which is
1. The Greek word (noun) Hermeneuo means “explanation or to explain.”
2. The Greek word (verb) hermeneia means “translation or to translate.”
3. Define Hermeneutics.
It is the science and art by which the meaning of the biblical text is determined.
4. Define Exegesis.
Exegesis may be defined as the determination of the meaning of the biblical text in its historical and
literary contexts.
5. Define Exposition.
The communication of the meaning of the text along with its relevance to present day hearers.
6. Define Homiletics.
The science and art by which the meaning and relevance of the biblical text are communicated in a
preaching situation.
7. What is Pedagogy?
The science and art by which the meaning and relevance of the biblical text are communicated in a
teaching situation.
8. What does Hermeneutics do as a science?
As a science, it enunciates principles and investigates the laws of thought and language and classifies its
facts and results.
9. What does Hermeneutics do as an art?
As an art, it teaches what applications these principles should have and establishes their soundness by
showing their practical value in the elucidation of the more difficult Scriptures.
10. What is the task of interpreter of the Bible?
The task of interpreter of the Bible is to find out the meaning of a statement for the author and for the
first hearers or readers, and thereupon to transmit that meaning to modern readers.
11. Exegesis is basically “hermeneutics” in action. It is the application of the laws of interpretation.
12. What are the basic rules of hermeneutics?
i) Read the bible literally
ii) Understand the context
iii) Observed the grammar and syntax
iv) Compare with the Scripture
13. Three step to “pulling out” a principle of doctrine from the Scripture:
i. Proper Hermeneutics
ii. Unbiased exegesis
iii. Formulation of principle or doctrine
14. How will proper exegesis benefit my preaching or teaching of God’s Word?
i) Exegesis will safeguard you against making statement that are not true (i.e. that are not what God
intended in a passage of Scripture).
ii) Exegesis (if carried out faithfully) will enable you to know exactly what the writer said and what the
writer meant. You then will be able to draw out conclusions that apply to the people today (it will aid
in answering the question: How does the principle apply today?)
15. Exegesis will provide
i) A method for preaching or teaching through a Biblical book.
ii) A help for resolving difficulties in problem passages
iii) A discernment to test the interpretation of other commentaries or Bible teachers.
iv) A competency to prove every statement you make about what the Bible says
v) An understanding of how to uses the various language tools available to research words and
16. When a Bible teacher studies a passage of Scripture, his goal is two-fold
i) To understand the author’s intended meaning of a text
ii) To discover principle (timeless truth) that apply to people today
17. In order to understand what an author meant by a passage of Scripture and how it would apply to us
today, the Bible student must follow these steps:
Basic overview of the exegetical process

Step #1. Survey the general context of the book (ask the question: who, what, when, where, and

Steps #2. Confirm the limits of the passage. (Where does the paragraph [unit of thought] begin
and end?

Steps #3. Understand the immediate context of the passage. (Study the context before your
passage and after it).

Steps # 4. Translate and diagram the passage

Steps # 5. Analyze the syntactical relationship, grammar and significant words.

Steps #6. Determined the principle (timeless truth) that can be proven form the passage

18. When surveying the general context of the book, you are seeking to answer the question, Who, What?
When? Where? Why? & How?
WHO?- Who wrote it? (Remember, God is the author of all the Scripture, but he [via the Holy Spirit]
employed the unique backgrounds, education’ and personalities of various men to pen His word).
Who are the recipients? (Are they Jews or Gentiles? Or a combination? What is their relationship
to the author?)
WHAT? – What are their present circumstances? (Problem and needs, etc.)
WHEN? – When was it written?
WHERE? – Where do they live? What is their society and culture like?
WHY? – Why was the book written? (i.e. What is its purpose or aim?) Look for a theme or main point
being stressed in the book.
HOW? – How does the writer state his point? Are they any special emphases? Are any words or ideas
frequently repeated? Can you discern the author’s flow of thought or outline?
19. The goals of the context study are:
 Discern the background that has a bearing on the verse you are exegeting
 Discern the thought development
 Discern the main emphasis (Key thought, main or major thrust).
 Limit or narrow down the possibilities as to what the passage says, means and how it applies.
20. Why translate?
 To help you become familiar with the content of your paragraph
 To help you grammatically identify every word in your passage.
 To help you recognize the words that may need special study.
 To provide a very literal translation so that you can discern the proper inter-pretation.
21. Why Diagram?
 To help you recognize the syntax of each sentence (in other words, to aid you in seeing how each
sentence ties together grammatically).
 To help you visualize the basic structure of the passage (in other words, you can see grammatical
patterns that will aid you in discerning the author’s flow of thought.
 To help you see the main points of emphasis.
22. What is a Scriptural principle?
A Scriptural principle is a precept or fundamental law given from
God and designed to either teach or exhort (instruct or command).
23. How do I determine what God’s main point is?
 Look for repeated words
 Look for a repeated idea (concept)
 Look for a key phrase or sentence which the writer expands on or explains.

Approximate Dates of major events & Person

1. Creation :4004 BC
2. Flood :2500 BC
3. Abraham :2000 BC
4. Jacob’s Family migrated to Egypt :1876
5. Moses :1526 – 1406 BC
6. Date of Exodus :1446 BC
7. Egyptian Captivity :430 Yrs
8. Wilderness journey :40 Yrs
9. Joshua &Israelites’ entered into promised land:1406 BC
10. Judges Period :350 Yrs
11. United Kingdom :120 Yrs
12. Saul’s Reign :1050 – 1010 BC
13. David’s Reign :1010 – 931 BC
14. Solomon’s reign :970 – 931 BC
15. Division of the Kingdom :931 BC
16. Northern kingdom goes to Assyrian Captivity :722 BC
17. Origin of Samaritans :700 BC
18. Southern kingdom goes to Babylonian captivity :605,597,586, BC
19. Fall of Babylon :539 BC
20. Decree of Cyrus the Persian to release the Jews :538 BC
21. First group of Jews return under Zerubbabel : 536 BC
22. Completion of Zerubbabel’s Temple :516 BC
23. Period of Esther :480 – 470 BC
24. Second Return under Ezra :458 BC
25. Third Return under Nehemiah :445 BC
26. Intertestamental period :400 Yrs
27. Time of Malachi :430 – 420 BC
28. Babylonian Kingdom :612 BC – 539 BC
29. Medo-Persian :539 – 331 BC
30. Grecian Kingdom :331 – 63 BC
31. Roman Kingdom :63 BC – 400 AD
32. Death of Alexander the great :323 BC
33. Translation of OT into Greek (Septuagint or LXX) :285 -150 BC
34. Antiochus IV sacked Jerusalem and profound the temple :167 BC
35. Mattathias and his five sons dedicated the temple after cleansing it :164 BC
36. Feast of Hannukka : 164 BC
37. Roman General Pompey brought Palestine under Roman control :63 BC
38. J Source : 850 BC
39. E Source :750 BC
40. D Source :621 BC
41. P Source :600 BC – 450 BC
42. Gezer calendar : 925 BC
43. Ugaritic or Ras Sharma Tablets :1400 BC
44. Nuzi Tablets :15TH Century
45. Hittite Law code/the code of Hammurabi : 18th Century
46. Tell-el-Amarna Tablets : 1400 BC
47. OT was approximately written over 1000yrs (between Moses 1400 BC- Malachi 420 BC)

48. Genesis Chapter 1-11 : Covers 2000 yrs of Human history.

49. Inter-testaments periods : 404-4 BC.
50. Masada : 70-73 AD
51. Destruction of Jerusalem : 70 AD
52. Return of Jerusalem : 1948
53. 6 days war : 1967
54. War on Yomkipor : 1973

1. First occurrence of coming Redeemer – Gen.3:15

2. Where the instruction for the kings are given in Pentateuch – Deut.17
3. Example of Levirite Marriage – Gen.38
4. Kinsman-Redeemer – Ruth 4
5. Balaam’s Oracles – Num 22-24
6. Fall of Satan – Isa. 14; Ezek.28
7. 70th week of Daniel – Dan.9
8. Melchizedek – Gen.14; Ps.110
9. Noahnic Covenant – Gen 8,9
10. Abrahamic Covenant – Gen 12, 15,17
11. Mosaic Covenant – Exo. 20-40
12. Palestine Covenant – Deut. 28-30
13. Davidic covenant – II Sam.7; I Chro. 17
14. New Covenant – Jer.31; Ezek 37
15. Feast of Israel – Lev.23
16. Five Offering – Lev. 1-7
17. Messianic – Psalms 2,22,23,24,110 etc.
18. Alphabetic Psalms- 119,25 etc
19. Jeconiah/coniah curse – Jer.22;36
20. Sons of God and Daughters of men – Gen. 6
21. Omni attributes of God – Ps.139
22. Just shall live by Faith – Habakkuk 2
23. Prediction of Babylonian captivity as 70 years – Jer. 25; II Chro.36
24. Tower of Babel – Gen 11
25. Ten Plague – Ex.7-12
26. Temptation & Fall of man – Gen 3
27. The Great Flood/Universal Flood – Gen 7& 8
28. Call of Abraham – Gen 12
29. Abraham justified by faith – Gen15:6
30. Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah – Gen 19
31. The Sacrifice of Isaac – Gen.22
32. Death of Abraham – Gen 25
33. Jacob’s dream at Bethel – Gen 28
34. Jacob’s wrestle with God – Gen 32
35. Judah and Tamar – Gen 38
36. Jacob’s Prophetical blessings – Gen 49
37. Joseph’s Death – Gen 50
38. Call of Mosel – Ex.3
39. First Passover – Ex.12
40. The Red Sea Crossing – Ex. 14
41. The song of Moses and Mariam – Ex.15
42. Water from the Rock – Ex.17
43. The Ten commandments – Ex.20; Deut.5
44. The Gold Calf – Ex.32
45. The Profane fire of Nadab and Abihu – Lev.10
46. Day of Atonement – Lev.16
47. First census of Israel – Num.1
48. Laws of Nazarite – num 6
49. Unbelief at Kadeshbarnea – Num 14
50. Korah’s Rebellion against Moses and Aaron – Num.16
51. The Budding of Aaron’s Rod – Num 17
52. Moses’ sin at Kadesh and death of Aaron –Num.20
53. Israel’s sin with Baal – Peor and 24000 died – Num.25
54. Cities of Refuge – Num.35 & Josh.20
55. Shema Passage – Deut 6:4
56. Prophecy of the Great Prophet – deut.18
57. The song of Moses – Deut.32
58. The death of Moses – Deut 34
59. God’s commission to Joshua – Josh 1
60. Israel crosses Jordon river – Josh.3
61. The destruction of Jericho – Josh.6
62. The sun stand still – Josh.10
63. Caleb inherits Hebron – Josh.14
64. Death of Joshua – Josh.24
65. The song of Deborah – Jud 5
66. Call of Gideon – Jud.6
67. Jepthah’s Vow and Victory – Jud.11
68. Samson’s Death – Jude 16
69. Boaz Redeems Ruth – Ruth 4
70. Hannah’s Prayer – I Sam 2
71. Call of Samuel – I Sam.3
72. Saul became the first King of Israel – I Sam 9 & 10

73. Saul’s first great failure – I Sam 13
74. Obedience is better than sacrifice – I Sam 15
75. David and Goliath – I Sam 17
76. David spares Saul’s Life – I Sam 24
77. Saul’s Death – I Sam 31; I Chro 10
78. The Ark brought to Zion – II Sam 6; I Chro. 15
79. David’s great sin – II Sam 11
80. David’s confession – II Sam 12; Ps51
81. Absolon’s Death – II Sam 18
82. David’s failure in the census – II Sam 24; I Chro.21
83. David’s death – I Kings 2
84. Solomon’s prayer for wisdom – I Kings 3
85. Elijah on Mt. Carmel – I King 18
86. The translation of Elijah – II kings 2
87. Elisha and Naaman – II Kings 5
88. Fall of Northern Kingdom – II kings 17
89. Fall of Southern Kingdom – II kings 25; II Chro.36; Jer.39
90. The returning exiles under Zerubbabel – Ezra 2
91. Second return under Ezra – Ezra 7
92. Call of Nehemiah – Nehe.1 & 2
93. Esther made Queen – Esther 2
94. Public reading of the Law – Neh 8
95. Origin of the feast of Purim – Esther 9
96. Satan attacks Job’s Heath – Job 2
97. Angels sang when God laid the foundation of Earth – Job 38
98. Job’s repentance and restoration – Job 42
99. The Godly vs. the Ungodly – Psa.1
100. Prophecy of Christ resurrection – Ps 16
101. General and Special revelation – Ps 19
102. Prophecy of Christ’s sufferings and death – psa22
103. Christ the great Shepherd – Ps 23
104. Christ the chief Shepherd – 24
105. David after his confession being justified – Psa 32
106. Psalm of great deliverance from trouble – Psa 46 & 91
107. David’s great deliverance from Abimelech – Psa 34
108. Psalm of Moses – Ps.90
109. David’s thirst for God – Ps.63
110. Bless the Lord O my soul – Psl.103
111. Christ as King priest – Psa.110
112. The Great alphabetic Psalm – 119
113. The great wisdom Psalm – Psalm 1
114. Imprecatory Psalm – Ps.7,35,58
115. Penitential Psalm – Ps.51
116. Messianic Pastoral – Ps.23
117. Messianic Passion –Ps.22

118. Messianic Royal – Ps.24,110
119. Halleluyah Psalm – Ps.113-118; 145-150
120. Songs of ascents – Ps.120-134
121. Purpose of Proverb – Prov.1
122. Contrast between wisdom and folly – Prov.9
123. Words of Agur – Prov.30
124. The virtues of an ideal wife – Prov.31
125. Everything has its time – Ecc.3
126. Death comes to allo – Ecc.8
127. Seek God in early life – Eccl. 12
128. Isaiah’s call and commission – Issa.6
129. The great Messianic sign concerning Immanuel – Isa.7
130. Prophecy of Immanuel as Great Lord – Isa 9
131. Immanuel King and His kingdom – Is.11
132. The day of the Lord and millennial blessing- Isa 24-26
133. Hezekiah’s sickness and sin – Isa. 38-39
134. Prophecy of the forerunner – Isa40
135. Cyrus a type of Messiah – Isa 45
136. Prophecy of the Messiah as sin bearer – Isa.53
137. Messiah’s ministry for Israel and the World – Is 61.
138. Call of Jeremiah – Jer. 1
139. The potter and the clay – Jer.18
140. Time of Jacob’s trouble – Jer 30
141. Ezekiel as a watchman – Ezek 3 & 33
142. Ichabod the department of God’s glory – Exe.11
143. Death of Ezekiel’s wife – Eze.24
144. Vision of the dry bone’s Ezek37
145. Description of millennial temple – Ezek.40-43
146. The fiery furnace – Dan 3
147. Belshazzar’s feast and end of Babylon – Dan. 5
148. Daniel in Lion’s Den – Dan 6
149. Israel’s resurrection or O.T. saints resurrection – Dan 12; Hosea 13
150. The day of the Lord – Jeol 1-2
151. Prophecy of Edom’s destruction – Obadiah 1
152. Jonah’s call and disobedience – Jonah 1
153. Repentance of Nenevites – Jonah 3
154. Birth place of Messiah – Micah5
155. Prophecy of Nineveh’s destruction – Nahum 2
156. Call to rebuild the Temple – Haggai 2
157. Prophecy of the Millennial Temple – Haggai – 2
158. Personal advent of Messiah on the mount of Olives – Zech 14
159. Mourning for the Piercedone (They will look on whom they pierced ) Zech 12
160. People’s sin of robbing God/ Not giving tithe – Malachi 3

1. Sitz-im-Leben : Life Situation
2. Elohim : Powerful Almighty God, Creator
3. Jehovah : Covenat Keeping God in relation to people of Israel
4. El-shadai : God Almighty
5. Gilgamesh Epic : Babylonian Flood account
6. Gezer Calendar : Earliest Hebrew document ( a schoolboy’s exercise book)
7. Nuzi tablets : Patriarchal customs
8. Hittite law code/ code of Hammurabi : The Ancient Babylonian law codes
9. Tell-el-Amarna Tablets :Letter from Canaanite princes to Pharaoh for sending his army to defeat
Hebrew people
10. Proto-Evangel : First Gospel (Gen 3:15)
11. Pentateuch : Five books
12. Eve : Living
13. Adam : Ground/man
14. Methuselah : When he is gone (dies) it (flood) shall be sent
15. Covenant : Testament, agreement, promise etc
16. Abram :Father of many
17. Abraham :father of a multitude
18. Sarah :Princes
19. Isaac : Laughter
20. Esau : Hairy Red
21. Jacob : Sup planter or deceiver
22. Bethel : House of God
23. Israel : Prince of god or he who strives with God or God Rules
24. Penial : Face of God
25. Joseph :My god adds
26. Judah :Praise
27. Melchizedek :King of righteousness
28. Moses :Drawn out
29. Marah :Bitterness
30. Manna : What it is?
31. Ephriam : Faithful
32. David : Beloved
33. Saul : Asked of God
34. Daniel : God is my Judge
35. Bethlehem : House of Bread
36. Elijah : Yahweh is God/the Lord is god
37. Elisha, Joshua, Isaiah, Hosea, Jesus : God is salvation
38. Jonah : Dove
39. Micah : Who is like Jehovah
40. Malachi : My Messenger
41. Deborah : Honey Bee
42. Jerusalem : City of peace
43. Genesis : Beginning or origin
44. Exodus : Way out

45. Deuteronomy : Second Law


1. Jean Astruc (AD 1753) introduced Documentary Hypothesis.

2. Wellhausen (1876) argued for the JEDP sequence upon an evolutionary basis.
3. Write the evolutionary hypothesis in relation to religion.
 Animism >Poldemonism> Polytheism > Henotheism > Monotheism.
4. Hebrew division of the OT
a. Torah (Law)
b. Nabim (Prophet)
c. Kethubiim (Writings)
5. The English division of the OT
a. Law (Gen- Deut)
b. History (Joshua – Esther)
c. Poetry (Job- Songs of Solomon)
d. Major Prophets (Isaiah – Daniel)
e. Minor Prophets (Hosea – Malachi)
6. Which is the longest and shortest chapter in the Bible?
 Longest Psalm 119; Shortest Psalm 117
7. Longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8:9 and shortest verse is John 11:35
8. Which is the longest and the shortest books in the Bible?
 Psalm: II John
9. Who coined (introduced) the word “Pentateuch”? Turtullian
10. Write the order of creation.
 Light
 Firmament
 Plants
 Sun, Moon and Stars
 Fishes and Fowls
 Animals
 Man
11. Who built the first City?
 Cain (Genesis 4:17)
12. The Ark of Noah rested upon the Mount Ararath.
13. Who was Terah and how many sons he had?
 Terah was the father of Abraham. He had three sons – Abraham, Nihor& Haran
14. How many sons did Abraham have?
 8 Sons – Sarah – Isaac
 Haggar – Ishmael
 Keturah – 6 sons

15. How many years Jacob worked for his wives?
 14 Years (Total 20 yrs he worked with Laban)
16. How many children Jacob had?
 13 (12 sons and 1 daughter)
17. When and where Sarah died?
 Sarah died at the age of 127 at Hebron
18. Abraham died at the age of 175.
19. Both Abraham and Sarah were buried at the cave of Machpelah.
20. Who was Joseph’s wife?
 Asenath, daughter of Potipherah
21. Write the names of Joseph’s sons?
 Manasseh & Ephraim
22. Where did Jacob wrestle with Angel of Jehovah?
 On the bank of Jabbok River
23. Moses mother’s name was Hatshepsut.
24. Write the name of Moses parents?
 Moses’ Father is Amran and his mother is Jochebad
25. Moses wife’s name was Zipporah. He had 2 sons – Gershom and Eliezer
26. The Pharoah of Exodus was Amenhatep II
27. Name the sons of Aaron.
 Nadab, Abihu, Ithamar&Eleazer
28. Jethro was the father-in- law of Moses
29. Where did Moses saw the burning bush? Mt Horeb or Mt Sinai
30. How many spies were sent from Kadesh to the Promised Land? 12
31. What was the sin of Israel at KadeshBarnea? Unbelief
32. How many days’ spies spied the land? 40 days
33. Aaron Died on the Mount Hor
34. Moses died on the mount Nebo at the age of 120.
35. Only Joshua and Caleb entered into the Promised Land who came out from Egypt, all others died
in the wilderness.
36. The Old name of Palestine is Canaan.
37. Jericho is called the city of Palm trees.
38. Israelites encircled the wall of Jericho for 13 times.
39. Who was the only woman Judge of Israel? Deborah
40. Who was the friend and helper of Deborah? Barak
41. Name the names of 3 kings of United Kingdom of Israel. Saul, David, Solomon
42. Give the tribes of the following men:
 Moses – Levi
 Joshua – Ephraim
 Samuel – Levi
 Saul – Benjamin
 David – Judah
 Jesus – Judah
 Paul – Benjamin
 Othniel – Judah

 Deborah – Ephraim
 Gideon – Manasseh
 Jephtha – Manasseh
 Samson – Dan
 Isaiah – Judah
 Jeremiah – Levi
 Ezekiel – Levi
 Daniel – Judah
43. Who was the Israel’s greatest King? > King David
44. Who were the first and the last kings of Southern Kingdom? Rehoboam (First) and Zedekiah
45. First King of Northern Kingdom was Jeroboam
46. Last king of Northern Kingdom was Hoshea
47. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Solomon’s temple ( 586 BC)
48. Titus destroyed Zerubabel’s temple (AD 70)
49. Babylonian captivity was for 70 Yrs and 21 days.
50. The book of Isaiah is known as the book of gospel in the O.T, the eagle among the prophets,
largest prophetic book and is also known as the mini-Bible.
51. Prophet Isaiah is known as an evangelist of Old Covenant
52. Who was the good king at the time of Jeremiah? Joshiah
53. Prophet Jeremiah was commanded not to marry because when Nebuzarathan comes all the
people will be killed so God forbid him from marrying.....the land of Jerusalem will be turn into
bypass..everyone who comes across will say this is become a forest because they disobeyed
God...and dint want his sons to be married to the pagans
54. Jeremiah is the author of lamentation and also he is known as the weeping prophet of the OT.
55. Book of Daniel is known as the book of prophets.
56. Write the names of the friends of Daniel. > Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
57. Which are the kingdoms Daniel prophesied?
 Babylon – Gold ( 606- 539 B.C)
 Medo – Persia _ Silver (539-331 BC)
 Greece – Brass (331-63 BC)
 Romans – Iron and Clay (63 BC- 1517 AD)
 Christ – Stone Millennium
58. What is the theme of the book of Joel? > The Day of the Lord
59. Which was the largest tribe of Israel? Ephraim
60. Who were the constructors of Tabernacle?
 Bazelel – Tribe of Judah
 Aholiab – Tribe of Dan
61. Syria’s Captital was Damascus
62. Who were the main oral prophets?
 Elijah, Elisha, Nathan etc.
63. Names of Isaiah’s sons. >
 Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz, Shear-jashub
64. Names of Hosea’s children with meaning:
 Jezreel- God will scatter

 Lo-Ruhamah – Not Pitied
 Lo- Ammi – Not my people
65. Who were the exile prophets? Ezekiel and Daniel
66. Who were the post exilic prophets?
 Haggai, Zachariah and Malachi
67. Which prophet prophesied about the destruction of Nineveh?
 Nahum
68. The theme of the book of Job is the Sovereignty of god and the mystery of suffering of God.
69. Which are the wisdom literatures of the OT? Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
70. Write the five divisions of Psalms:
 Psalms 1 – 41
 Psalms 42 – 72
 Psalms 73 – 89
 Psalms 90 – 106
 Psalms 107 – 150
71. Write some of the messianic Psalms?
 Ps 8,16,22,23,24,110, etc
72. Which are the Hallelujah Psalms?
 Ps 113 -118, Ps 145 – 150.
73. In which book of the Bible the name of God is not mentioned? Book of Esther
74. Which prophetical book is known as the mini Bible? Book of Isaiah (39+27 Chapters)
75. How did God stop the Babel towers? By confusing the languages.
76. Hezekiah’s life god extended for 15 more yrs.
77. Which are the tribes of Israel settled in the center? Ephraim and Manasseh.
78. What are the four institutions God established on Earth?
 Family
 Human government
 Master – Servant relationship
 Church
79. Write the capitals of Israel and Judah.
 Israel – Samaria
 Judah – Jerusalem
80. Who was the missionary to heathen? Jonah
81. Who is known as the doubting Thomas of the OT? Habakkuk
82. Where did Jacob dream? Bethel (Luz)
83. How much Joseph’sbrother received by selling him? 20 shekels of silver
84. Which are the main feasts of Israel?
 Passover
 Pentecost
 Tabernacle
85. Who was the first judge of Israel? Othniel.
86. Write the names of the sons of Eli? Hophni and Phinehas
87. Who was the friend of David? Jonathan, son of Saul
88. Write the name of Samson’s wife. Delilah
89. Which is the main verse or passage to prove solar day (24 hrs) creation? Ex. 20:8 – 11

90. How many people were in the Ark of Noah? 8 souls
91. What was the sign of Noahic covenant? Rainbow
92. In Noahic covenant permission to eat meath and human government were granted.
93. What are the three aspects emphasized in Abrahamic Covenant? Land, Seed and Blessing
94. The sign of Abrahamic covenant is circumscision.
95. Who were the sons of Lot through his daughter? Moab and Ammon
96. Bible formula is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the god of Jacob.
97. Rachel died at Bethlehem
98. Edomites are the descendants of Esau
99. Who prophesied against Edom? Obadiah
100. Who were the two criminals who stayed with Joseph in the jail. Baker and Butler.
101. What are the main views of “Sons of God” and “Daughters of man”?
 Royalty/Nobility & commoners
 Sethites&Cainites
 Demons cohabitating with women
102. How many Bethlehem in Israel? Two (i) Bethlelhem of Judah (ii) Bethlehem of Zubulun
103. Write the main four events and main four persons of Book of Genesis.
 Creation, Fall, Flood & Dispersion
 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Joseph
104. What are the main three subjects discussed in the book of Exodus?
 The Exodus
 The Law
 The Tabernacle
105. How many years Moses had training in Egypt? 40 Years
106. Moses received another 40 years training in Midian as Shepherd.
107. Moses’ wife name was Zipporah
108. Where did Moses smite the rock for water? Horeb
109. What is the sign of Mosaic covenant? Sabbath
110. Which is the largest piece of furniture in the Tabernacle? Brazen Alter.
111. What are the three things kept in the Ark of the Covenant?
 Table of law
 Aaron’s rod
 Golden pot of Manna
112. The Shekinah glory means visible representation of God’s presence.
113. List the animals acceptable for sacrifice in the Book of Levitical: Bullock or Ox, Goat, Sheep
or Lamb.
114. In which feast high priest enters into the Holy of holies and spinkle the blood on the mercy
 On the day of Atonement
115. Write the other name of feast of Pentecost. > Feast of weeks
116. List the names of three feasts in which law required all adult males to be in the
Sanctuary/central alter.
 Passover
 Pentecost

 Tabernacle
117. What is the theme of the book of Numbers?
 The book of the consequence of unbelief and disobedience to God.
118. What was the sin at Kadesh – Barnea? Unbelief
119. Who was the Hoigh Priest after the death of Aaron? >Eleazer
120. Who prophesied about the appearance of a star in the heavens when Messiah comes? Balaam
121. What was the main purpose of cities of refuge? > For protection of those who committed
122. Another name of Mt Sinai is Horeb.
123. Another name of Mt Nebo is Pisgah.
124. Why Deuteronomy/ why 2nd law/ why the law was repeated?
 Because for the new generation of Israel.
125. Where do we find the creedal statement of Israel? Deut 6:4 – 5. (Shema passage)
126. Which book Jesus used to protect from satanic temptation? Book of Deuteronomy
127. Which are the trans-Jordanian tribes? Reuben, Gad, ½ tribe of Manasseh.
128. Book of Deuteronomy was written in which format of treaty? Suzerain – Vassal covenant
129. Who lived on the Earth more than anyone else and how many years he lived? Methuselah. 969
130. How many years Adam lived? 930
131. Write the names of Noah’s sons? Sham, Ham, Japheth.
132. Who was the servant of Abraham who sought a bride for Isaac? Eliezer
133. Names the adopted sons of Jacob. Ephraim and Manasseh
134. Who is the Bible’s most complete type of Christ? Joseph
135. First four commandments are men’s duties to God; Rest men’s duties to men.
136. What was the reason for god to punish Nadab and Abihu (Sons of Aaron)/
 Using strange fire to kindle the Altar of incense.
137. What was the sin of Miriam against Moses and what was God’;s Punishment? Jealousy,
138. Name the king who hired prophet Balaam. Balak, King of Moab
139. How many people died as a result of Balaam’s evil counsel? 24000(Twenty four thousand).
140. Name the first city which Joshua and the Israelites conquered. > Jericho.
141. How many cities were allotted for Levites? 48 Cities

142. In whose time the longest day is recorded? Joshua’s time (Josh.10)
143. What is the key verse or phrase of the book Judges? “… but every man did that which was
right in his own eyes”
144. Write the name of the Judge who sacrifieced his daughter. Jephthah
145. Who was the first judge of Usrael? Othniel
146. Where did Ruth come from? Moab
147. Ruth means friendship
148. Name the person who redeemed Ruth? Boaz
149. Write the offices of Samuel. >Prophet, Judge and Priest.
150. Name the dauther of Saul who became the wife of David. > Michal
151. Jonathan means “the Lord has given.”

152. Define Gap Theory.
 An indeterminable amount of time between Gen1:1 and Gen 2.
153. Define Day Age Theory.
 The days of genesis 1 – 2 are to be understood as symbolic terms for long ages.
154. Write the reasons for the universal flood.
 Intermarriage of the sons of God with daughters of men
 The wickedness of men
155. What was the sin of the tower of bable?
 Remained together rather than scattering
 One world religion and government
156. Babylonian flood account is known as Gilgamesh epic.
157. How many flood stories are around the world? 270 (may be referring to Noahic flood).
158. How many times David spares Saul’s life? Two times
159. Who was the commander of Saul? Abner
160. What was the sin of Uzzah? Uzzah’s sin was touching the Ark of the Covenant when it was
bringing from Philistine.
161. Name the army commander of David. Joab
162. Name the eldest son of David who was murdered by Absolom. Ammon for raping his half
sister/ Absolom’s sister.
163. Write the names of the first and the last kings of Israel and Judah. Israel – First King,
Jeroboam – Last king – Hoshea> Judah – First king, Rehoboam – Last king – Zedekiah.
164. Elijah was doing ministry during the tinme of Ahab and Jezebel.
165. On which mountain Elijah challenged 450 Baal prophets? Mount carmel
166. Under whose ministry Naaman was healed? Elisha’s ministry.
167. Write the name of Elisha’s servant. Gehazi
168. Name the Assyrian King who captured Israel (N Kingdom). Sargon II (722 BC).
169. Which Assyrian King invaded Judah during Hezediah’s time? Sennacherib
170. Whose life is extended for 15 more years? Hezekiah, the King of Judah.
171. When was the revival under Josiah took place? 621 BC.
172. Who was the main prophet who prophesied during Josiah’s reign? Jeremiah
173. Name the governor of Judah appointed by Nebuchadnezzar. Gedaliah
174. When was the destruction of Neneveh and who destroyed it? 612 BC, Nabopolassar, father of
175. Name the two persons who did not die not die in the OT. Enoch and Elijah
176. What is the distinction between book of Kings and Chronicles? Kings traces the history from
the prophetic view point, Chronicles from the priestly approach, emphasizing the temple ritual.
177. Write the purpose of Zurubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah’s returns to Jerusalem.
 Zerubbabel – Rebuit the temple
 Ezra – Religious revival
 Nehemiah – Rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem
178. Exilic prophets – Daniel and Ezekiel
179. Post – Exilic prophets – Haggai, Zachariah and Malachi.
180. Immanuel means God is with you.
181. Two ways, 70 years captivity can be explained (i) 606 BC, first deportation to first return (70
yrs) – 536 BC, (ii) Destruction of temple 586 BC to construction of temple 516 BC (70 Yrs).

182. Jeremiah predicted 70 Years of Babylonian captivity (Chapter 25)
183. Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet of the OT.
184. Name the two Samaritan men who opposed the work of Nehemiah. Sanballat and Tobiah
185. How many days Nehemiah took to complete the work of the wall? 52 days (Neh.6:15)
186. What was the other name of Ahasuerus, who was the husband of Esther? Xerxes
187. Who plot to exterminate the Jews during Esther’s period? Haman
188. The feast of Purim started from the book of Esther (Chapter 9)
189. What is Deutero-Isaiah and give chapter divisions.
 The book of Isaiah is written by two person-
 (i) Chaps 1 – 39 Isaiah Himself
 (ii) Chaps 40 – 66 Unknown person
190. What is Trito – Isaiah and give chapters divisions: The Book Isaiah is written by three authors.
 Chapters 1 – 39 Isaiah
 Chapters 40 – 55 Unknown author
 Chapters 55 – 66 3rd person after 450 BC
191. Whom did Hezekiah show his treasures? Merodach – baladan, the king of Babylon.
192. Write the divisions of 70 weeks of Daniel?
 7 Weeks - 49 Years
 62 Weeks – 434 Years
 1 Weeks - 7 Years
193. What is Fertile Crescent? A territory reaching north – West from the Persian gulf through
Mesopotamia, then West to North Syria, the South West through Syria and Palestine.
194. What is a type?
 It is a divinely purposed illustration of some truth. It can be an OT person, thing, event, or
ceremony that prophetically pictures a N.T.truth.
195. Antitype is a NT fulfillment of the type.
196. The book of Daniel was in which group of the Hebrew divisions of the Bible? Writings.
197. Which book of the Bible states that Enoch was a prophet? Epistle of Jude.
198. Name the first prophetess of the Bible. Miriam, the sister of Moses
199. Prophet means spokesman or speaker
200. Seer means to see
201. Who were the Maccabeans? Maccabeans were the sons of Maltatians , who was the Jewish
religious leader who established Hasmonion dynasty in the intertestamental period.
202. What is the intertestamental period?
 It starts from Malachi or Nehemiah to john the Baptist or Jesus Christ.
203. Pseudopigrapha means Fals writing – writing in the name of famous persons.
204. Apocrypha means hidden things (books). These are non-canonical books. Jerome is the person
who gave this name.
205. Write the name of the prophet who had to walk naked? Isaiah
206. What is prophetic perfect? When the speaker or writer (prophets) wished to express confidence
in the certainty of an event which was yet to take place is known as prophetic perfect.
207. Who predicted the doom or destruction of Edom? Obadiah
208. Immanuel means God is with us.
209. Nahum predicted the destruction of Nineveh.
210. Who was the secretary of Jeremiah? Baruch

211. Who murdered Gedaliah, the governor of Judah appointed by Nebuchadnezzar? Ishmael
212. What is the date of the book of Daniel according to liberal Scholars? 167 BC.
213. The book of Daniel is written in two languages, Hebrew (chaps 1:1-2:4 & 8:1 – 12:13) and
Aramaic (Chaps 2:4 -7:28).
214. Daniel means God is my judge.
215. Who is the little horn in Chapter 7 of Daniel? Antichrist.
216. The little horn of Chapter 9 is Antiochus Epiphanes.
217. Name the four Generals of Alexader the great.
 Cassander
 Lysimachus
 Seleucus
 Ptolemy
218. Malachi means my angel or messenger.
219. Which book of the Old Testament teaches “the just shall live by faith”? Habakkuk
220. Who killed Josiah in the battle of Megiddo? Pharaoh – Necho (608 BC)
221. Write the names of the friends of Job?
 Eliphaz
 Bildad
 Zophar
 Elihu
222. What type of poem is book of Job? Dramatic poem
223. Who is the main writer of Psalms? David (about 73 of them)
224. Which is the oldest Psalm and who wrote it? Ps 90 written by Moses.
225. Selah means pause and consider
226. Amen means verily, truly, so be it etc.
227. What is imprecatory Psalms?
 A cursing Psalm: a prayer to bring down the judgment of God upon God’s enemies.
228. Which is the perfect alphabetic Psalm? Ps.119
229. Hallelujah means “Praise the Lord..”
230. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
231. Who is the main writer of Proverbs? Solomon
232. What is the theme of Ecclesiastes? Life without god is vanity.
233. What is Coniah curse? Where do we find it?
 Because Jehoiakim burned the scroll of Jeremiah God vowed to judge him and his
descendants that no one would sit on the throne of David permanently. This curse came upon his
son Jeconiah who ruled only three months. So the ruling line of David through Solomon cut here.
Jesus came through Mary who was a descendant of David through Nathan not through Solomon;
therefore this curse did not come upon Jesus (Jer 23 and 36).
234. Write the main kings of Babylon, Medo-persia, Greecian and Roman.
 Babylonians: a). Nabopolassar, the father of Nebuchadnezzar II b). Nebuchadnezzar – II c).
Evil- Merodach d). Neriglissar e).Nabonidus f). Belshazzar
 Medo – Persian:- a)Cyrus b)Cambyses c)Darius I d)Xerxes – I e)Artaxerxes – I Longemanus
 Grecian:- a). Philip the Macedon b). Alexander the Great c)Ptolemy I d) Seleucus e)
Cassander f) Lysimachus g)Ptolemy II Philadelphus h) Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
 Romans:- a) Pompey b). Julius Caesar c) Mark Anthony d) Octavian (Augustus Caesar e)

 F). Claudius g) Nero h). Vespasian i). Domitian j). Trajan
235. Write the names of the kings of Hasmonean Dynasty.
 1). Judas 2). Jonathan 3). Simon 4).John Hyrcanus 5).Aristobulus I 6). Alexander Jannaeus
7). Alexander 8) Aristobulus II.
236. Give the names of Idumaean rulers of Palestine.
 1). Antipater 2). Herod the Great 3). Archelaus 4). Herod Antipas 5). Herod Philip 6). Herod
Agrippa –I 7). Herod Agrippa – II .
237. Alexander the Great Died in Babylon in 323 B.C.
238. List the Apocryphal Books.
1. I Esdras
2. II Esdras
3. Tobit
4. Judith
5. The remainder of Esther
6. The Wisdom of Solomon
7. Ecclesiasticus
8. I Maccabess
9. II Maccabess
10. Baruch
11. The song of the Three children
12. Story of Susanna
13. Bel and the Dragon
14. The Prayer of Manasses
239. List the names of Pseudepigraphal books.
1. Assumption of Moses
2. Ascension of Isaiah
3. Book of Enoch
4. Book of Jubilees
5. Sibylline Oracles
6. Psalms of Solomon
7. Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
240. What is the targums?
 Targums were translations of the Hebrew OT books into Aramaic, oral translations,
paraphrases, and interpretations reduced to writings.
241. After the Exile to Babylon, Aramaic became the common language of Palestine. It was the
ancient language of Syria.
242. What is Talmud? And what are the two divisions of it?
 Talmud is a collection of various Jewish traditions and oral explanations of the OT which
were written down in 2nd century AD. 1. Mishnah and 2. Gemara
243. The earliest synagogue sermons in Hebrew and Aramaic were known as Midrash.
244. Synagogue means a gathering or assembly.
245. Septuagint is a Latin word for 70. It is also known as LXX. It is the Greek translation of
Hebrew Bible.
246. Sanhedrin means a sitting together or assembly. It consists of 70 members.

247. Pharisees means holy ones or separated ones. They were the successors to the Hasidim (the
pious), who stood true to the Law during the attack of Antiochus Epiphanes in 168 – 167 B.C.
248. Sadducees claimed they were in the line of Zadok who the high priest during Solomon’s
reign. They believed only Pentateuch and rejected other books of OT, resurrection and existence
of angels.
249. The Essences were monastic sect who lived in the intertestamental period.
250. Who were the Jewish historians, who lived in the intertestamental period?
 1. Philo 2. Josephus 3.Pliny
251. Scribes were copyists of the Scripture. They were also know as lawyers.
252. Prophet Habakkuk has been called the doubting Thomas of the O.T.


1. What is Southern Galatians Theory?

 A Theory that says that the book of Galatians was written to the Southern Galatians.
2. Give the Literary divisions of NT?
 The Literary division of NT are :(1) Gospel (Synoptic Gospel and Gospel of John), (ii)
Historical, (iii) Epistles and (iv) Apocalypse
3. What is a Tetrarch?
 A Tetrarch is a Roman Ruler of ¼ of the Roman Province.
4. What do you mean by the term Sunoptikos?
 The term “Sunoptikos” (Greek) simply means “seeing together.”
5. Why was Jesus tempted?
 Jesus was tempted to prove His Humanity and sinlessness.
6. Pharisee means: “Separated one.”
7. How did the four gospels picture Christ?
 Matthew picture Christ as “King,” Mark as “Servant,” Luke as “Son of Man,” and John as
“Son of God.”
8. Which is the Historical book of the NT?
 Acts of Apostles /Acts
9. List three problems of Corinthians church.
 Immorality
 Division
 The misused of the Spiritual gifts
10. Onesimus means: “Useful one” or “Profitable one”
11. To whom did Luke address the gospel and book of Acts?
 To the “Theophilus.
12. What is “Q” source of the synoptic gospel?
 The ‘Q’ source of the Synoptic gospel is the “Qulee” source which is an unknown source of
writing gospel.
13. What are prison epistles?
 Prison Epistles are Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.
14. Why was Titus left in the Island of Crete?
 Titus was left in the Island of Crete to take care of the church of God.
15. Barnabas means: “Comforted one/Son of Comforter.”
16. Which chapter is called as the resurrection chapter of the NT? > I Cor.15.
17. What do you mean by ‘church in the wilderness” in Acts 7:38.
 “Church in the wilderness” in Acts 7:38 simply means called out congregation or assembly in
the wilderness which is referring directly to the Israelites.
18. Why gospel of John is not included in the synoptic Gospels?
 The writing contents of the gospel of John are entirely different from the synoptic gospels and
thus it is not included with the first three gospels.
19. Name at least three accounts of John’s gospel which are not in the synoptic gospels.
 Rising of Lazarus,
 Water changing into wine,
 Samaritan woman Narration
20. Name two incidents where Christ wept.
 Over Jerusalem
 On the death of Lazarus
21. How many nations were present on the day of Pentecost?
 17 nations were present on the day of Pentecost.
22. Paul usage of the term “carnal” means “Flesh.”
23. Why Neuter pronoun is used for the Holy spirit in Roman 8:26(KJV)?
 In Greek the word Spirit is a neuter noun and thus the Holy Spirit is translated with a neuter
pronoun (KJV) in Romans 8:26.
24. Who wrote the book of Romans as a stenographer under Paul’s dictatorship?
 Tertius (Rom.16:22)
25. Anathema Maranatha means: “Cursed be the man who doesn’t love the Lord’s appearing or second
coming” or “accursed; our Lord cometh.”1 Corinth 16:22
26. What is the theme of II Corinthians?
 The defense of Paul’s apostolicity
27. Paul usage of the term “my son” means Spiritual son.”
28. In which book of the NT Paul taught the principle of giving? Give ref. >II Corinthians 9.
29. What is Paul’s thorn in the flesh (II Cor.12:9)?
 Physical inabilities or His wife or His sight or Physical suffering.
30. List the fruit of the spirit:
 The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy Peace, Long suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith,
Meekness and Temperance (Gal.5:22, 23).
31. What is the theme of Galatians?
 “Liberty in Christ.”
32. In which passage of the NT do we find the list of the armor of god? > Ephesians 6.
33. Why pastoral epistles are called so?
 Pastoral epistles are called so because these books contain exhortation, encouragement and
teachings for Pastor.
34. Who is the bearer of Philippians epistles? Epaphroditus (Phiol2:25).
35. Where the disciples were first called as Christians? In Antioch.
36. Who accompanied Paul in the 2nd missionary journey? Silas timothy
37. The “Perfect in I Corinthians is referring to the Second coming of Christ or The Scripture.
38. Who is the grandmother of Timothy? Lois.
39. In which two chapters of the NT do we find qualification of a Pastor? I Tim3 and Titus 1.

40. Why woman are called as weaker vessels in I Peter 3:7?
 Because of the creation account Peter called woman as weaker vessel in I Peter 3:7.
41. “Man of sin” in II Thessalonians 2:3 is antichrist.
42. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” means “Show forth your work in proved of your
43. Name one NT writer who quoted Psuedopigrapha: Jude
44. What are the various ways of interpreting the book or Revelation?
 Preterist view...tribulation is right of of revelation fulfilled
 The Historicist view....covenant theologians...
 The futurist view...we are in this group...evangelical ..rapture is in future
 The idealist of revelation just a book n will not be fulfilled literally...
45. What is the significance of number seven in the book of Revelation?
 The numeral number seven signifies “Perfection” in the book of Revelation.
46. What is the purpose of the book of Hebrews?
 To encourage and exhort the backsliding Jewish believers (Christians).
47. List personals letters to Paul.
 Philemon, Titus & Timothy
48. Paul means “small, little.”
49. “Leaving the principles of the Doctrine of Christ,” means “forgetting the basic doctrine of Christ and
moving on to maturity.”
50. How do the Preterist interpret the book of Revelation?
 The Preterist interpret the book of Revelation as arising out of the situation of the first
Christians. It has nothing to do with the future events.
 They interpret that the book of Revelation has already been practically fulfilled.
51. List the methods of interpretation of the book of Revelation.
 The Spiritualizing .method
 The Preterits method
 The Continuous- Historical method
 The Futurist method
52. Which is the key verse to outline the book of revelation?
 Revelation Chapter 1:1a
53. Matthew chapter 13 is known as Kingdom parables.
54. What is Southern Galatians Theory?
 This theory says that Apostle Paul visited and established Galatians churches on his first
missionary journey.
55. Who all constituted the Sanhedrin?
 The Sanhedrin was composed of the high priest (president), chief Priest, Elders (family
heads) and scribes for a total of 71 people.
56. Why there are four gospels?
 The four gospels form a complete testimony about Jesus Christ. Each gospel writer wrote
from a unique perspective, for a different audience. Mathew wrote primarily to a Jewish
audience, presenting Jesus of Nazareth as their Messaih. Mark targeted a Gentile audience
(Romans) and presenting Jesus as the Servant. Luke addressed a broader Gentile audience
(Greeks and other) and portrays Jesus as the Son of Man. John wrote to all believers and stated
Jesus as the Son of god.

57. Name the four generals of Alexander the Great.
 Ptolemy
 Seleucus
 Cassander
 Lysimachus
58. Which is the key verse to outline of the book of Acts? (Acts 1:8).
59. Epistle of Galatians is known as the Magna Carta of Christian Liberty.
60. What are the transitions in the book of Acts?
 Law land Grace
 Synagogue/Temple to Church
 Gospel to Epistles
 Jews and Gentiles are separate groups to Jews and Gentiles are the same in the Church.
61. What is the mystery according to Eph.3?
 Both Jews and Gentiles are made into one body that is the Church.
62. Write the references for Christ’s view of Scripture.
a. Matt.5:17,18 b. John 10:35
63. What are the two discourses which we see in the Gospels and where do we find them?
a). Olivet Discourse Matt 24 &25 b). Upper Room discourse John 13 through 16.
64. What is the relationship between the Day of Pentecost and the giving of the Law?
 By giving of the Law a nation was formed and by giving of the Holy Spirit on the day of
Pentecost, the church is formed.
 When the Law was given 3000 people died but when the Holy Spirit was given 3000 people
were saved on the day of Pentecost.
65. What is the theme of Epistle of Romans?
 The Righteousness of God to men.
66. What is the meaning of Gospel? In what sense this term is used?
 It means good news. It is used in the sense of good news of Salvation provided by the death,
buried and resurrection of Christ (I cor.15:1-3)
67. What is the subject of Olivet Discourse?
 It means seeing whole together at a glance.
68. Eastern church celebrates Christmas in January 6th , but western Church celebrates on December 25th.
69. Name the Caesar of Rome when Jesus was born: Augustine Caesar.
70. Capernaum was the headquarter of Jesus Christ’s ministry.
71. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 AD.
72. How many miracles of Christ is recorded in the Gospel of John?
 8 of them
73. Where do we find the purposed John’s Gospel?
 John chapters 20:30, 31.
74. How many of the dead ones were raised by Lord Jesus Christ? Who are they?
 Three of them, Jairus’ Daughter (Mk.5, Lk.8)
 Widow’s son (Lk7)
 Lazarus (John 11)
75. Calvary is the Latin word for Skull.
76. Golgotha is a Hebrew word for Skull.
77. Which is the only one of Jesus’ miracle told ion all four Gospels?

 The feeding of the five thousand.
78. How many nations were present on the day of Pentecost in Acts?
 17 of them
79. Who was the first Gentile Christian?
 Cornelius
80. Who were the companions of Paul in his First missionary journey?
 Barnabas and John Mark
81. Write the name of Paul’s friends who went with him in his 2nd missionary journey?
 Silas, Timothy and Luke.
82. In which missionary journey Paul founded Galatians Churches?
 In his first missionary journey.
83. What is the name of the first European convert?
 Lydia
84. How many years Paul stayed at Ephesus?
 3 Years
85. What is the name of the first European church which was started by Paul?
 Philippians
86. How many years Paul stayed at Corinth?
 1 ½ years
87. With whom Paul stayed at Corinth?
 With Aquila and Priscilla
88. Who was the rist martyr for Christ?
 Stephen
89. Believers of Christ were called Christians first in Antioch by unbelievers.
90. Who killed James the son of Zebedee?
 Herod Agrippa I
91. Where was the first church council taken place?
 Jerusalem Acts 15.
92. Where was the first church council taken place?
 Jerusalem Acts 15.
93. Timothy means God-honorrer
94. Paul preached the gospel of Christ to King Agrippa II.
95. How many years Paul spent in Arabia for the preparation lo ministry?> 3 Years
96. The epistle of Romans is the first great work of Christian theology..becos paul had not been to
he have to make known the gospel.
97. Kirinthazomai means to practice fornication.
98. Name the person who was sent by Paul to Philippians church.
 Epaphroditus
99. What was the name of Paul’s teacher who taught him the OT?
 Gamaliel
100. Who founded Colossian church?
 Epaphras and Philemon
101. What is the earlist epistle of Paul? I Thessalonians
102. What are the commands in relation to holy spirit?
 Befilled with the Holy spirit (Eph 5:18)

 Grieve not the spirit (Eph 4:30)
 Quench not the Spirit (I Thess. 5:19)
103. Write the names of two women who were fighting each other in Philippians church?
 Euodia and Syntyche (Phel.4:2).
104. Identify the restrainer of II Thessalonians Chapter 2?
 Holy Spirit
105. Identify the man of sin from II Thessalonians 2.
 Anti- Christ
106. Learn the qualification of a pastor from I Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
107. Write the names of two false teachers who were headed over to Satan by Paul in 1 Timothy.
 Hymenaeus and Alexander
108. What are the crowns God promised to give to his children?
 The crown of righteousness (II Tim 4:8)
 The crown of life (James 1:12)
 The crown of Rejoicing (I Thess.2:19)
 The imperishable crown (I Cor.9:25)
 The crown of Glory (I Peter 5:4).
109. List the personal Epistles of Paul.
 I Timothy
 II Timothy
 Titus
 Philemon

110. What are the Jewish – Christian Epistles?

 Hebrews
 James
 I Peter
 II Peter
 Jude
111. Write the theme of the Epistle of Hebrews?
 The superiority of Christ and Christianity over Judaism
112. Who were the two men who had a good report of Apostle John in II John?
 Gaius and Demetrius
113. Write the name of the person who was a bad example for others in II John?
 Diotrephes
114. Which Epistle do we find the quotation from pseudepigraphal books?
 The epistle of Jude (vv 9, 14)
115. List the names of all seven Churches of Revelation 2 & 8.
 The Church in Ephesus 50-100 AD
 The Church in Smyrna 100-300
 The Church in Pergamos 350-500
 The Church in Thyatira 500-800
 The Church in Sardis 810-1000
 The Church in Philadelphia 1517-1900
 The Church in Laodicea 950-2nd coming
116. Identify the woman and male child from Revelation 12.
 Israel and Christ
117. Who is the beast out of the sea in revelation 13? Antichrist.
118. Satanic Trinity consists of the Dragon (Satan), the beast (Anti-Christ) and the False Prophet Rev 13
119. Who all included in the first resurrection?
 OT Saints, the church believers and Tribulation believers.
120. The second resurrection is for the unsaved people. Rev 20
121. Which is the first written book of the New Testament?
 The Epistle of James (AD 45).


1. Christian Giving – II Corinthians 8,9.

2. Suffering of Paul – II Cor. 11
3. Thorn in the flesh – II Cor.12
4. Key verse for outlining the book of Revelation – Rev.1:19 outline of the book of revelation
5. Two witnesses – Rev.11
6. Freedom from the commandments – Gal.3
7. The references to prove the Historicity of Adam – Rom.5:12.
8. Rapture –I Thess. 4; I Cor.15.
9. Spiritual Gifts – I Cor.12; Rom 12; Eph.4; I Pet.4.
10. Mystery of the church – Eph.3.
11. Man of Sin – II Thess. 2.
12. Sermon on the Mount – Mt.5-7.
13. Christ’s view of Scripture – Mt 5:17,18; John 10:35
14. Olivet Discourse – Mt.24 &25. Becos he was telling the story on the Olive Mt and will come back on
the very Mt.. Zech 14:3-4
15. Upper Room discourse – John 14-16
16. New Heaven and New Earth – Rev.21
17. Resurrection Chapter of the New Testament – I Cor.15
18. Dispensation – Eph.1&3
19. Melchezedek – Hebrew 7
20. Immersion Baptism – Matt.3; Acts 8
21. Baptism for the Dead – I Cor.15:29
22. 12 Tribes of Israel – Rev.7
23. Prayer for the Sick – James 5
24. Heroes of Faith – Hebrews 11
25. Need of Controlling Human tongue – James 3
26. Day of the Lord – I Thess. 5,8 II Pet.3
27. Christ is the Head of the Church – Col 1:18
28. Christ promise of building His Church – Matt 16:18
29. Church was established on the day of Pentecost – Acts 2
30. First Church Council – Acts 15
31. Priesthood of Christ – Hebrew 7 & 8
32. Priesthood of Believers – I Peter 2:9; Rev.1:6
33. 1000 years reign of Christ – Rev.20
34. Qualification of a pastor – I Timothy 3; Titus 1
35. Archangel – Jude 1:9
36. Adam was a historical person – Rom 5; I Tim.2
37. New Jerusalem – Rev.21
38. Christ wept(weeping of Christ) – John 11
39. Fruit of the Holy Spirit – Gal 5
40. The Armor of God – Eph.6
41. The Disciples first called as Christians – Acts 11
42. The greatest Gift of Love/Love chapter of the Bible – I Cor.13
43. Just shall live by Faith – Rom.1; Gal.3; Heb.10
44. Paul’s Writings called Scripture – II Peter 3
45. The Temptation of Christ – Matt.4; Mark 1; Lk.4
46. Principles of Church discipline – Matt.18 & 19
47. Jesus washed the feet of His Disciples – John 13
48. Kingdom parables – Matt 13
49. Genealogy of Christ – Matt 1, Luke 3
50. Baptism of Jesus- Matt.3; Mrk.1; Luke 3
51. The Beatitudes – Matt. 5
52. The visit of the Magi/ Wiseman from East – Mt 2
53. The names of 12 Disciples – Matt.10; Mark 3; Luke 6; Acts 1
54. The Transfiguration of Christ – Matt.17; Mark 9; Luke 9
55. The Crucifixion of Christ – Matt.27; Mark 15’ Luke 23; John 19
56. Resurrection of Christ – Matt 28; Mark 26; Luke 24; John 20; I Cor.15
57. The great commission – Matt.28; Luke 24; Acts 1
58. Christ Visit to Jerusalem at Twelve years old – Luke 2
59. The Good Samaritan – Luke 14
60. The cost of discipleship – Luke 16
61. The Prodigal son – Luke 15
62. The Richman and Lazarus – Luke 16
63. The ascension of Jesus Christ – Mk 16; Luke 24; Acts 1
64. Water turned to Wine – John 2
65. Nicodemus and Jesus Christ – John 3
66. The Samaritan woman and Jesus Christ – John 4
67. Before Abraham was, I am – John 8
68. I am the good Shepherd – John 10
69. The raising of Lazarus – John 11
70. High Priestly Prayer of Christ – John 17
71. The first Deacons – Acts 6
72. Stephen’s Martyrdom – Acts 7
73. Philip and Ethiopian – Acts 8
74. Conversion of Paul – Acts 9
75. Cornelius and Peter – Acts 10
76. Arrest of Peter and James Martyrdom – Acts 12

77. The call of Europe and first Church in Europe – Acts 16
78. Farewell to Ephesians Elders – Acts 20
79. General Revelation – Rom.1
80. Explanation of Justification – Rom.3
81. The Result of Justification – Rom 8
82. Holy Spirit and Believers or true sanctification – Rom.8
83. The Christian and the state – Rom. 13; I Pet.2
84. The judgment of the believer’s works – I Cor. 3
85. The Lord’s Supper – I cor.10 & 11
86. Unequally yoke with unbelievers – II Cor.6
87. The Benediction in the name of Triune God – II Cor.13
88. The New Covenant (Sarah) vs The Old (Hagar) – Gal.4
89. Triune works in our salvation – Eph 1.
90. Saved by Christ through faith – Eph. 2.
91. Humility, the example of Christ – Phil.2
92. Paul’s Testimony of God’s Peace – Phil 4
93. Christ’s deity and creatorship – Col.1
94. Putting on the new man – Col.3; Eph.4
95. A model Church – I Thess. 1
96. One Mediator between God and men – I Tim. 6
97. Warning directed to the man of God – I Tim.6
98. Be strong in the grace of God – II Tim.2
99. Inspiration of the Old Testament and New Testament – II Tim.3.
100. Preach the word in Season and out of season – II Tim.3
101. Superiority of Christ over the Angels – Heb. 1 & 2
102. New Covenant – Heb. 8 & 9
103. The race and goal of Faith (looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith) – Heb.12
104. Marriage is honorable in all – Heb.13
105. Wisdom from Trials – James 1
106. Death Faith vs the Living faith – James 2
107. Submit to God & Resist the Devil – I Pet.5
108. The Advocacy of Christ – I John 2
109. Walked in truth and love – II John 1
110. Help and Hospitality toward ministers – II John 1
111. Contending for the Faith – Jude 2
112. Apostle John’s vision in Patmos – Rev.1
113. Messages to seven Churches – Rev.2 & 3
114. The twenty four elders – Rev.4
115. Satanic Trinity – Rev.13 & 14
116. The Lamb and 1,44000 – Rev.14
117. Ecclesiastical Babylon – Rev. 17
118. Political Babylon or commercial Babylon – Rev 18
119. The Marriage of the Lamb/2nd coming of Christ on the earth – Rev.19

120. The Millennium and final Judgment – Rev.20.


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