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Louise Marie B.

LaresmaBS ENT 1-1Activity: Globalization Newspaper ReadingActivity: In this

activity look for a three newspaper opinion editorials(op-eds) discussing globalization. You may
use local or international op-eds. Write a 50- word summary for each op-ed. Identify whether they
describe to a particular definition discussed or they have a new definition. Also, identify whether
they are broad and inclusive or narrow and exclusive

.Xinhua net article titled: Post-pandemic world needs better globalization, not less,discusses how
globalization can help nations around the world to overcome and recover from the pandemic that is
happening now. The article stressed the ways that can help the government to address this global
pandemic, it suggests that every country should unite to make this situation better.

They were broad and inclusive, they believe that globalization can help every nations and it will
not be wiped out by a single pandemic, instead it can be the way to unify the countries to overcome
a global crisis

Globalization is an emerging trend in business. Here you will learn the definition of
globalization, examine its positive and negative effects, and be presented with real examples of
globalization in the twenty-first century. Updated: 06/09/2020

Definition of Globalization
This morning you woke up and put on a polo shirt that read 'made in China' on the inside tag.
You then went to your garage and got in a car that had parts that were manufactured in all parts
of the world. You drove that car to the grocery store where you bought grapes that were grown in
Chile, sugar from Jamaica, and curry from India. You did all of this because of globalization. In
this lesson, you will learn the meaning of globalization, some of its positive and negative effects,
and some real examples of globalization.
While flipping through your TV channels you may stop at the various business channels, and in
your brief stop at that channel you may view a panel discussing globalization in the marketplace.
Even in the news, there is always a story that discusses the economic ramifications of
globalization. Globalization is defined in a variety of ways depending on the circumstances. In
general it refers to the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an
interconnected and inter-dependent world with the free flow of capital, goods, and services
across national frontiers. This can be interpreted as meaning the integration of world politics,
economies and cultures from one country or countries upon another country or countries. This
integration also includes and is not limited to countries' political, cultural, educational, and
perhaps religious views. In practical terms it can also refer to the relinquishing of any trade
barriers or tariffs that results in uninhibited economic development across all countries.
Globalization in this context often refers to the idea that instead of having many different
markets, all the world is one gigantic market.


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Effects of Globalization
Globalization has both positive and negative effects. On an individual level, globalization affects
both the standard of life and the quality of life. On a business level, globalization affects an
organization's product life cycle and an organization's balance sheet. Globalization also affects
how governments throughout the world create policies affecting areas such as monetary
regulation and trade.

Individual Effects
On an individual level, globalization has affected the standard of life and quality of life of
individuals and families throughout the world. Standard of living is the level wealth, comfort,
material goods, and necessities available to a certain socioeconomic class in a certain geographic
area. Quality of life is the degree to which a person enjoys the important possibilities of his or
her life. In many instances, quality of life has improved for those who live in developing nations.
For many developing nations, globalization has led to an improvement in standard of living
through improved roads and transportation, improved health care, and improved education due to
the global expansion of corporations. However, globalization has had a negative effect on
individuals who live in developed nations. This is due to the fact that corporations now have the
option of establishing manufacturing operations in nations where manufacturing and production
costs are less expensive. As a result, many manufacturing jobs leave developed nations and move
to developing nations.

Corporate Effects
On a corporate level, globalization has had an effect on organizations' product or service life
cycle. Product life cycle is the period of time over which an item is developed, brought to
market and eventually removed from the world market. One such example of globalization
having a positive effect on a product's life cycle would be the Kinder Egg. Kinder Eggs are
egged-shaped chocolate candies with tiny toys inside and are very popular with children.
However, due to the fact that the tiny toys may be a choking hazard for children, the United
States banned the sale of these candies. However, due to globalization, the Kinder Egg is still a
popular candy sold in Canada and several countries throughout Europe.
However, globalization could have a negative effect on corporation's balance sheets. An example
of globalization having a negative effect on a corporation's balance sheet can be found in the
United States steel industry. For years, steel from Asian nations has come into the United States.
This steel from Asian nations is cheaper than the steel manufactured in the United States. As a
result, many corporations and organizations that need steel to manufacture their goods purchase
the Asian steel over the US steel in order to decrease their own production cost. This is had an
ongoing negative effect on the balance sheets of US steel companies.

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