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Biology at Ease

Scientists And Their Discoveries

Class XI
Scientist Discoveries
1. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature
2. Carolus Linnaeus Used ‘Systema Naturae’ as the title of his publication
3. Carolus Linnaeus Two kingdom classification
4. R.H Whittaker (1969) Five kingdom classification
5. George Bentham & Joseph Natural classification system
Dalton Hooker
6. Aristotle Earliest to attempt scientific basis of classification
7. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek First saw and described a live cell
8. Robert Brown Discovered Nucleus
9. Matthias Schleiden (1838) Examined plants and observed that all plants are composed of different kinds of cells
which form tissues of plant
10. Theodore Schwann (1839) • Studied animal cells and reported that cells had a thin outer layer : Today known
as ‘Plasma Membrane’.
• Stated – Presence if cell wall is unique character of the plant

Biology at Ease biology_at_ease Biology at Ease

Biology at Ease
Scientists And Their Discoveries

Scientist Discoveries
11. Schwann Proposed the hypothesis that bodies of plants and animals are composed of cells
and products of cells
12. Schleiden & Schwann Cell Theory
13. Rudolf Virchow (1855) Omnis cellulae-e cellulae (Modified Cell Theory)
14. Singer & Nicolson (1972) Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
15. Camillo Golgi (1898) Discovered Golgi apparatus
16. George Palade (1953) Observed ribosomes as dense particles under electron microscope
17. Robert Brown (1831) Describe nucleus as a cell organelle
18. Flemming Gave the name ‘Chromatin’ to the material of nucleus
19. Julius von Sachs (1860) Hydroponics
20. Joseph Priestley (1770) Revealed the essential role of air in growth of plants
21. Jen Ingenhousz (1730-1799) Showed that the sunlight is essential to plant process
22. Julius von Sachs (1853) Provided evidence for the production of glucose when plants grow
23. T.W. Engelmann (1843-1909) Described the first action spectrum of photosynthesis
24. Blackman (1905) Law of limiting factors

Biology at Ease biology_at_ease Biology at Ease

Biology at Ease
Scientists And Their Discoveries

Scientist Discoveries
25. Gustav Embden, Otto Meyerhof. Glycolysis
26. F.W. Went Isolated Auxin from tip of coleoptiles of oat seedlings
27. Gibberella Fujikuroi E. Kurosawa Discovered Gibberellic acid
28. Charles Darwin & Francis Darwin Observed that coleoptiles of Canary grass responded to unilateral illumination
by growing towards the light source.
29. F. Skoog & co-workers Observed that internodal segments of tobacco stems the callus proliferated only
if, in addition to auxins the nutrients medium was supported with one of the
following – extract of vascular tissue, yeast extract, coconut milk or DNA
30. Miller et al (1955) Identified Kinetin
31. H.H. Cousins (1910) Discovered Ethylene

Biology at Ease biology_at_ease Biology at Ease

Biology at Ease
Scientists And Their Discoveries

Class XII
Scientist Discoveries
32. Gregor Mendel (1856-1863) Laws of Inheritance
33. De Vries, Correns & Von Tschermak Rediscovered Mendel’s Results
34. Walter Sutton & Theodore Boveri Proposed Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
35. Thomas Hunt Morgan Experimental verification of Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
36. Langdon Down (1866) Described Down Syndrome
37. Friedrich Miescher (1869) Identified DNA as an acidic substance in Nucleus (named it ‘Nuclein’)
38. James Watson & Francis Crick (1953) Proposed Double helical structure of DNA
39. Erwin Chargaff Ratios b/between Adenine & Thiamine & Guanine and Cytosine are constant
and equals one
40. Frederick Griffith (1928) Transforming Principle (Streptococcus pneumoniae)
41. Oswald Avery, Colin Macleod & Biochemical characterization of transforming principle
Maclyn McCarthy (1933-44)
42. Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase Experimentally proved that the genetic material is DNA (worked with
(1952) Bacteriophages)
Biology at Ease biology_at_ease Biology at Ease
Biology at Ease
Scientists And Their Discoveries

Scientist Discoveries
43. Watson & Crick (1953) Proposed ‘Semi-Conservative nature of DNA Replication’
44 Matthew Meselson & Franklin Experimental proof for ‘Semiconservative Nature of DNA Replication’
Stahl (1958)
45. George Gamow Genetic code
46. Har Gobind Khurana Developed chemical method to synthesize RNA molecules with defined combination
of bases (homopolymers & copolymers)
47. Marshal Nirenberg Developed cell-free system for protein synthesis
48. Francois Jacob & Jacque Monod The Lac operon
49. Alec Jeffreys DNA fingerprinting
50. Early Greek Thinkers Theory of ‘Panspermia’
51. Louis Pasteur Life came from Pre-existing life
52. Oparin & Haldane Proposed ‘Chemical Evolution of Life’
53. S.L Miller Experimental proof for ‘Chemical Evolution of Life’
54. Charles Darwin Based on observations made during a sea voyage in a sail ship (H.M.S Beagle)
concludes that existing life forms share similarities not only among themselves but
also with life forms that existed millions of years ago

Biology at Ease biology_at_ease Biology at Ease

Biology at Ease
Scientists And Their Discoveries

Scientist Discoveries
55. Charles Darwin Natural selection & ‘Survival of Fittest’
56. Alfred Wallace Co-developed ‘Theory of Natural Selection’ with Darwin
57. Ernst Haeckel Embryological support for Evolution
58. Karl Ernst Von Baer Disapproved ‘Embryological support for Evolution’
59. Lamarck Proposed that ‘Evolution of Life Forms is driven by use and disuse of organs
60. Thomas Malthus His work inspired Darwin to refine Natural selection by starting a reason for
meaningful competition between members if same species
61. Hugo DeVries Worked on ‘Evening primrose’ to put forth the idea of Mutations (Mutation caused
Speciation → Saltation)
62. Hardy – Weinberg Proposed that frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene or a locus remain fixed &
same through generations
63. Kary Mullis (1980s) Developed PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
64. Stanley Cohen & Herbert Boyer Constructed the ‘First Recombinant DNA)
65. Eli Lilly (1983) Synthesized Human insulin
66 Robert Constanza Put price tags on Nature’s life support services

Biology at Ease biology_at_ease Biology at Ease

Biology at Ease
Scientists And Their Discoveries

Scientist Discoveries
67. Edward Wilson Father of Biodiversity
(Described the combined diversity at all the levels of biological organisation)
68. Ahmed Khan Developed ‘Polyblend’ a fine powder of recycled modified plastic (Polyblend + Bitumen →
Used to lay roads)
69. Ramesh Chandra Dagar Integrated organic farming (Included bee-keeping, dairy management, water harvesting,
composting& agriculture in a chain of processes)
70. Sunderlal Bahuguna (1974) Chipko movement leader
71. Alexander von Humboldt Species Area Relationships
72. Paul Ehrlich Rivet popper hypothesis

Biology at Ease biology_at_ease Biology at Ease

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