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November 29, 2019

National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited

Exchange Plaza, Corporate Relations Department
Plot no. C/1, G Block, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street
Bandra - Kurla Complex Mumbai - 400 00 I
Bandra (E) Tel.: 2272 8013/15/58/8307
Mumbai - 400 051 BSE Scrip Code: 532648
Tel.: 2659 8235/36 8458

Dear Sirs I Madam

Sub.: Outcome of the Board Meeting held on November 29, 2019

This has reference to our letter dated November 26, 2019, wherein we had informed you that a meeting of
the Board of Directors of YES Bank Limited ('the Bank') will be held on Friday, November 29, 2019, to
inter-cdia consider raising of funds by issue of equity I equity linked securities through permissible modes,
subject to necessary shareholders/ regulatory approvals, as applicable.

I. The Board of Directors, at its meeting today, has taken note that the following investors have
individually expressed their agreement I willingness to subscribe to equity shares of the Bank for an
aggregate amount of USD 2.0 Billion which shall be undertaken on a preferential allotment basis in
terms of Chapter V of the SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018:

Name of the Investor

Institutional Investors Amount
Top Tier US Fund House
$120 Mn
(Name disclosure earzv next week)
Discovery Capital $50 Mn
Ward Ferry $30 Mn

Family Offices
Aditya Birla Family Office $25 Mn
Citax Holdings Ltd & Citax Investment Group $500 Mn
GMR Group and Associates $50 Mn
Erwin Singh Braich I SPGP Holdings
(Discussions with Investor ongoing and expected to be concluded shortzv, In $1200 Mn
the meantime the Binding Term Sheet extended till December 31, 2019)
Rekha Jhunjhunwala $25 Mn

2. In light of the above, the Board of Directors has today taken a decision to raise upto USD 2 Billion
through preferential allotment at a price in accordance with Chapter V of the SEBI (Issue of Capital
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018 [Higher of 2 weeks or 26 weeks average price].
None of the Investors will be allotted equity shares such that their holding exceeds 25% of the share
capital of the Bank.

Office: BANK Limited, YES BANK Towe;;. IFC 2, 15 "• Floo1; Senopafi Bapaf J/iorg, Elphinsfone (\V), lf.umbai 400013, Indio.
fol: +91 (22) 3366 9000 fox: +91 (22) 2,-12 l ,1soo
Website: \•1ww. 1resbun!<.in Ernoil: comrnunicotions@yesbonl<.in C/N L65190Mr12003PLC 143249
3. The Board of Directors shall reconvene on December I 0, 2019 to finalize and approve the details of
the preferential allotment and convene an extra-ordinary general meeting subsequently, to obtain the
approval of the shareholders. Such preferential allotment shall be subject to receipt of all regulatory
and statutory approvals, as may be applicable.

Further, the Trading window for dealing in Securities of the Bank shall continue to remain closed for the
Designated Persons and for the Connected Persons till December 12, 2019 and hence, they are not
permitted to trade in the securities of the Bank.

The Board of Directors meeting held today commenced at 11.00am and concluded at 10.20pm.

We request you to kindly take this on record.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For YES B]·.Ixl~ Limited

Shivanand R ~hfttigar
Group Company Secretary

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