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SAQ 3 - 1

Go back to the scores obtained by Bertha Pila on her statistics exam.

1. What is the mean of the score?
X̅ = 390/9 = 43.33
2. The mean passing mark is 40. Did Bertha pass statistics? How far is her average
from the mean passing mark?
- Yes. The passing mean is 40 and she got 43.33. Which means that she is 3.33 points
above the passing mean.

SAQ 3 - 2

Consider the daily earnings of the employees of a buy and sell firm:
210, 210, 850, 360, 310, 210, 210, 960, 210
1. Construct an ungrouped frequency distribution table which at least includes
information on X and f.

Salary (X) Frequency (f) fx

960 1 960

850 1 850

360 1 360

310 1 310

210 5 1050

∑f = N = 9 ∑fX = 3530
2. Find the mean daily earnings of the employees of the buy and sell firm.
- The average daily earnings of the employee of a buy and sell firm is P392.00

X̅ = P3530/9
X̅ = P392.22 or P392.00

SAQ 3 - 3

Last summer, six salesmen in a heating and air-conditioning firm sold the following number of
air-conditioning units: 16, 9, 11, 6, 10, and 8. Find the average number of units sold and show
your solution.

n = 6`
∑X = 60
X̅ = 60/6
X̅ = 10units

SAQ 3-4
Mr. Allan Gali, a fabric store manager eager to see if the latest patterns for size 12 dresses
show a longer hemline than last years. if this is so, he can then expect to sell more fabric since
each pattern will call for more material. He took a random sample of ten dress patterns and
measured in inches the length of each pattern from the neckline to the hemline. The ten dress
patterns have the following lengths:

41.5 42 39 44 43.5 45 43 45 42 46
1. Compute for n, ∑X
n = 10
∑X = 431
X̅ = 43.1
2. Last year, the mean length of size 12 dresses was 36 inches. Can Mr, Gali to sell
more material per dress this year.
- The average length of the dresses last year was 36 inches, but this year it is 43.1 inches,
an increase of 7.1 inches. Mr. Gali is certain to sell more fabric this year as a result.
The mean has one major disadvantage; its value can be strongly influenced by extreme scores.
Specifically, the mean is pulled toward the outliers in an exaggerated fashion. When there are
extreme scores in a distribution, it is best to use other measures of central tendency, such as
the median.

SAQ 3 - 5

Consider the following sample of measurements:

5 7 4 5 20 6 2

1. Calculate the median (Md) of this sample.

Md = 5.25
2. Eliminate the last measurement (the 2) and calculate the median of the remaining
Md = 5.5
3. Is the median affected by the measurement 20? Why?
- No, because the median just consider the middle value therefore, it is not affected by extreme
SAQ 3 - 6
The College of Nursing, UP Manila makes a report to the Finance and Scholarship Committee
about the average credit hour load a full-time student takes. A 12-credit hour load is the
minimum requirement for full-time status. For the same tuition, students may take up to 21
credit hours. A random sample of 40 students yielded the following information in credit
17 12 14 17 13 16 18 20 13 12
12 17 16 15 14 12 12 13 17 14
15 12 15 16 12 18 20 19 12 15
18 14 16 17 15 19 12 13 12 15
1. Create an ungrouped frequency distribution table.
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15
15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17
17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20
2. What is the mode of this distribution? Is it different from the mean and the median?
Mean = 14.975
Median = 15
Mode = 12

3. If the Finance and Scholarship Committee is going to fund from the College according
to the average student credit hour load, which of the three measures of central
tendency do you think the Committee should use and why?
- In this case, the mode is 12. It's not the same as the median, for instance. Since the
median is greater, the College is more likely to use it and mention that the average
being used is the median instead of the average. As a result of the median being a more
steady average than the mode, For example, if a student has a larger credit hour load,
they can benefit from a higher average, which is also known as the median.

SAQ 3-7

The faculty of the College of Medicine had registered the following weights in kilograms in
March 1999.
74 82 78 72 78 73 78 73 78 72 78 81
Find the mean, median and mode.
x f fx

82 1 82

81 1 81

78 5 390

74 1 74

73 2 146

72 2 144

∑f = N = 12 ∑fX = 917

Mean = 76.42
Md = 77.7 or 78

Mo = 78

SAQ 3 – 8

A random sample of 12 people gave their opinions about making age 50 a compulsory
retirement age for government employees. Opinions were given on a scale of 1-10 where 1 =
strongly disagree and 10 strongly agree. Here is the result of the survey.
1. What is the mean?
- Mean= 37/12 = 3.083
2. What is the median?
- Median= 3+3/2 = 6/2 = 3
3. What is the mode?
- Mode= 3 with 5 frequencies
4. What is the interpretation?
- The 12 persons had a variety of replies based on the mean, median, and mode analyses, but
the overall pattern is that they are not excited about the too early retirement age. People, in
my opinion, are playing it safe by being cautious. Their responses were all neutral (mean = 3).
Only three are found in the median analysis accepting the age of early retirement. The mode
just displays the number five, these are the people who aren't convinced that early retirement
is a good idea.

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