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Republic of the Philippines


School of Graduate Studies

Module 4
Formulate Research Title

Course Code: EDU 202 Period: Sept 6-13, 2020

Course Title: Methods of Educational Research Teacher: Janet A. Relucio, Ph.D.
Term: First Semester 2020-2021


At the end of this module, the students should be able to:

• Discuss research title;
• Formulate research title; and
• Develop their own introduction.

• Research title
• Writing the introduction


a. Hairston, M., & Keene (2019). How to Write a Research Paper Title. Enago Academy.
Retrieved Date: June 8, 2020. Retrieved from:
b. Word Vice Professional Editing Services. Retrieved Date: June 8, 2020. Retrieved from:
c. The University of Southern California has a guide specific to social science research
d. The Journal of European Psychology Students has a blog article focusing on
APAcompliant research paper. Retrieved Date: June 8, 2020. Retrieved from:
e. titles:
g. This article by Kristen Hamlin contains a step-by-step approach to writing titles:


Activity 4-1. Formulate Research Title

The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A good title contains the fewest
possible words that adequately describe the contents and/or purpose of your research paper.

1. Watch the video and read the materials listed above, about research title.
2. Based on what you learned from the above video and lectures, discuss the characteristics
of a Good Research Title
3. Why do research titles matter?
4. For your output follow the format below. Then upload your output in the portal provided
with the file name Activity 4-1_YourLastName_FirstName.
Republic of the Philippines


The format for the outputs is given below. Use short size bond paper, Calibri font 12, single


Course Code & Title: EDU 202 Methods of Educational Semester: 1ST
Name of teacher: Janet A. Relucio, Ph.D. Course & Year: EDU 202- 2020-

Characteristics of a Good Research Title

The following are the characteristics of a good title:
1. Predicts the content of the Research Paper

The research paper’s title must give information to the readers about the content and
method of the study. By reading it, the title should completely describe what the study or
topic is all about. Readers should know at first glance or foresee what your research topic
is. The title of the research paper must be a short phrase that tells the audience what the
content is all about.

2. Interesting to the reader

Most of the readers will read only the title of a published paper, and very few are
interested to go on and read the full paper. The study must begin with a catchy main
research title. It has to be pretty enough to attract the right audience. The title is the first
real contact with the readers that’s why it has to be compelling enough. A research title
should be attractive, interesting and should not be misleading. Hence it needs to be
memorable, captivating and can encourage the reader to read the content not only the
title. It should have enough details to arouse the interest and curiosity of the reader so
that the reader then goes ahead with studying the full paper.

3. Should reflect the tone of the writing.

A good title should be a reflection of the objectives or what are you looking to accomplish
with your research and it sets the tone for everything that happens. It has to reflect the
content in the paper. Be cautious about the language and style of writing to avoid losing
or misleading the reader along the way. A decent title should reflect the study as
accurately as possible. Be clear about the subject of the research and its scope while
ensuring that the title reflects the study accurately. The title should define the tone of
your paper in a way that if your academic paper is serious and conventional write a formal
title not a casual or fun title with flowery language or with too many complicated words
that attempt to sound skillful. Do not use high-flown, pompous, bombastic words and
expression to catch the reader’s attention. The research title should be concise, engaging,
descriptive and explanatory without being informal.

4. Contain important keywords that will make it easier to be located during the keyword
A good research title sets the pace for the content. It can entice the audience to proceed
with the rest of the material or pass it over. The area of interest provides the broad scope
of the paper. You can use the area of interest as a guide to what the thesis title should be
about, but you also have to factor in the specifics. When the readers see the thesis title,
Republic of the Philippines


they have a clue of what the paper contains. It is very important to include the most
important words and terms or keywords in the title. Journal websites, electronic
databases and search engines use the keywords in the title to retrieve a particular paper
during a search. Such important words should be arranged in appropriate order of
importance as per context of the paper and should be placed at the beginning of the title
rather than the last part, as some search engines like google or google scholar may just
display only the first six to seven words of the title. Keywords are a tool to help indexes
and search engines find relevant papers. If database engines can find your journal
manuscripts, readers will be able to find it too. This will increase the number of people
reading your manuscript, and likely to lead to more citations.

Why do research titles matter?

Research titles matter because in a paper it is the one that is read first and the most important
part that summarizes the ideas of the study. So it is important for us to research first or read
articles before constructing our own research title so that we could come up with a well-
structured research title for our study. The readers should get a glimpse of the study from the
research title that is why you have to invest time in coming up with an excellent one. You have to
think that the title is the packaging of your own thesis. A good research title has to comply with
certain requirements. The research title is an initial impression of a research article, hence it
needs to be drafted correctly, accurately, carefully and meticulously. The title is the most
important part of the research and should be pleasant to read. Most readers read only the title
and the abstract of a research paper very few will go on to read the full paper. When a reader
browses through a journal issue either hard copy or on website the title is the face of the paper
that is read.

Rubrics for Grading:

Criteria 3 2 1
The responses are
complete and There are at least 3 There are at least
directly answer
Completeness indirectly answered three unfilled up
portion portions
part of the assessment

Plans, Techniques Some plans,

and Strategies are techniques and
based on the strategies are based
Plan, Techniques or students on the students The answers do not
Strategies understanding of the understanding of the reflect the lesson
lesson with some lesson with some
modifications or modifications or
additions additions
Republic of the Philippines


Clearly state the

justification of the There are at least 2 There are at least 3
Justification plan, technique or unclear justifications unclear justifications

Used formal
language and good
Few errors on Multiple errors in
Writing Skills grammar,
technical writing technical writing
spelling, and
Note: Additional 3 point will be given to students who replied within the 3 days after posting the
questions. Hence, students can earn a total of 15 points.

Activity 4-2. Formulate research title

The title is perhaps the single-most important element of your research paper. It is the first thing
that journal editors and reviewers see when they look at your paper and the only piece of
information that fellow researchers will see in a database or search engine query.

Therefore, you want to make sure the title captures all of the relevant aspects of your study, but
does show in a way that is accessible and captivating to readers. Follow these steps to create a
perfect title for your paper.

1. Based on what you learned from the above video and lectures, discuss the following:
a. Tips for writing an effective research paper title.
b. Things to avoid in writing a good research title.
c. How to choose effective research title.
d. For your output follow the format below. Then upload your output in the portal
provided with the file name Activity 4-2_YourLastName_FirstName.
The format for the outputs is given below. Use short size bond paper, Calibri font 12, single


Course Code & Title: Methods of Educational Research Semester: 1ST
Name of teacher: Janet A. Relucio, Ph.D. Course & Year: EDU 202- 2020-
Tips for writing an effective research paper title.

1. Make sure your research title describes (a) the topic, (b) the method, (c) the sample,
and (d) the results of your study. You can use the following formula:

The ability to develop a good research topic is an important skill. Before selecting your topic,
make sure you know what your final project is. Keep track of the words used to describe your
topic. Important words should be arranged in appropriate order of importance as per context of
the paper and should be placed at the beginning of the title rather than the last part. Ask
yourself a few questions about your research like the following:
 What does my paper seek to answer and accomplish?
 What is my paper all about?
Republic of the Philippines


 What methods/ techniques will I use to perform my study?

 What or who are the subjects of my study?
After identifying the list of keywords and phrases from these responses use a keyword to create
a long sentence and trim and polish it by removing unnecessary redundant words.
Once you’ve Answered The questions you can formulate a suitable research paper title
following this order:
[Result]: A [method] study of [topic] among [sample]
The methods used followed by the initial aim/purpose of the research conducted to the specific
sample population.

2. Avoid unnecessary words and jargons.

Jargon is unnecessarily complicated language used to impress, rather than to inform
your audience. Readers complain about jargon because writers often fail to realize that
terms they know well may be difficult or meaningless to their audience. You should
avoid expressions that are too exaggerated. You do not have to try to impress people by
using words most people have never heard of. Many published articles are like this, and
they are poor papers on account of it. Readers who are not familiar with their meaning
may simply skip your article even though it’s relevant to their search.
Acronym refers to any arrangement of letters that stand in for full words abbreviations
burden the reader with the task of deciphering the meaning of words that could simply
have been spelled out. Abbreviations can confuse and alienate unfamiliar audience,
abbreviations are unnecessary that’s why you have to replace it with meaningful words.
Spelling out the abbreviations in a title could make it lengthy. Do not use abbreviations
in the title.

3. Make sure your title is between 5 and 15 words in length.

Keep the research title simple, brief and attractive. A research title condenses the
paper’s content in a few words so keep the title brief and clear. Use active verbs instead
of complex nouns and phrases, and avoid unnecessary details. Moreover, a good title for
a research paper is typically around 5-15 words long. A lengthy title may seem
unfocused and take the reader’s attention away from important point. To shorten the
length just get the most important information by eliminating some words and phrases
that are not essential to the title to meet a suitable word count. Place the keywords at
the beginning and ending of the title. Write briefly and to the point. Say what you mean
clearly and avoid embellishment with unnecessary words or phrases. Brevity is very
important. Use of the active voice alone shortens sentence length considerably.

4. If you are writing a title for a university assignment or for a particular academic
journal, verify that your title conforms to the standards and requirements for that
If we abide strictly by our word count rule this may not be necessary or recommended.
But every journal has its own standard formatting and style guidelines for titles, so it is a
good idea to be aware of these while writing both the title and the study itself conform
to the standards of leading academic journals in your field. Follow the guidelines of the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2009). The manual
recommends simplicity and the use of concise statements when formulating your title.
Republic of the Philippines


Things to avoid in writing a good research title.

In constructing a research title avoid titles that are:
 Too long
o A long title has obvious advantage in communicating content, but if it is too long,
it may be difficult to be digested by the reader with little time and commitment to
move on to the next article in his or her search. An excessively long or complicated
title may put off the readers. A title that is too long will seem clumsy, annoy
readers and probably not meet journal requirements. A good title is short, easy to
understand, and conveys the important aspects of research. Remove unnecessary
words or language because these phrases are redundant unless they are essential
to covey the purpose of a study. Avoid titles that are too long. The recommended
length of a title is no more than 12 words (APA, 2009). Longer titles can be more
difficult to remember and, as Jamali and Nikzad (2011) found, articles with longer
titles are downloaded slightly less than those with shorter titles (at least in
biological sciences). Moreover, words that carry little or no meaning should be
avoided as they increase the overall length of the research title.

 Too short
o A short title may be easy to digest, but too short to inform, leaving the reader again
to move on. These considerations suggest there is an maximum number of words
that is enough to reflect content, yet not enough to bore. Too short titles could
neglect some of the important parts of a study.

 Too catchy phrases or non-specific language

o Research title writing is a serious and careful endeavor. Avoid world play in the
research title because readers may not understand it. Use words that create a
positive impression and stimulate reader interest. Do not use incomprehensible
words since titles that incorporate such words tend to have less impact although
it’s too catchy.

 Humorous or clever journalistic styles of phrasing

o Readers has a desire to learn and develop understanding of the research problem
and does not need clever or humorous titles to catch their attention. In addition,
a humorous title can merely detract from the seriousness and authority of your
research. Interesting research topics coupled with good or yet accurate research
titles can draw more attention. Irony, puns, and humor in the title may help you
attract more readers but they should be avoided most of the time (Hartley, 2008).
The problem with them is that they may not be understood by readers and your
article will probably appear less often in the search results if you decide to the
replace the words carrying the main meaning with a humorous phrase.

 Do not have to adhere to rigid grammatical or stylistic standards.

A good research title should adhere to grammatical standards. The following are
some grammatical standards that the researchers can use in building a research

Never include a period at the end of your title because is not a sentence.
Do not enlarge the font to make your paper appear longer.
Republic of the Philippines


Do not make the font smaller so you can fit your paper into the prescribed
number of pages.
Do not use a cursive or decorative font.
Write your title in capital and lower-case letters.
Do not underline your title or put it in quotation marks.
Use correct grammar and capitalization with all first words and last words
capitalized, including the first word of a subtitle.
All nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs that appear between the first
and the last words of the title are also capitalized
Avoid question marks but a title can be in a form of a question.
Any type of dashes to separate title element or hyphens to link word is allowed.
Chemical formulae should be noted in their generic name or common names.
The title should not include roman numerals, semi-colons, however the colon can
be used to make two-part titles.
The taxonomic hierarchy of species of plants, animals, fungi, etc. is not needed.
Abbreviations confuse readers, so they should be avoided. Initials and acronyms
should not be included as they create confusion.
It’s good to avoid query marks as they probably decrease the number of
citations, but a query mark is useful in economics and philosophy papers or when
the findings are undecided).
Avoid using numerical exponents or units.
Complex drug names should be avoided (use the generic name if allowed to).
Do not include obvious or non-specific openings with a conjunction.
Italicize only species names of studied organisms.
Avoid using shortened scientific names (write Escherichia coli and not coli).
Avoid uncommon words and vague terms
Do not use colloquial speech, slang, or "childish" words or phrases.
Do not use contractions: for example, "don't" must be "do not" and "isn't" must
be "is not" etc.
How to choose effective research title.

1. Write Your Paper

Writing a paper can be a lengthy process that may take anything from a few days to several
months. Start with a draft. Take time to write a few possible titles and to experiment using
different types or alternative formulations (Hays, 2010). In this way researchers could possibly
generate new ideas. Sometimes, just by looking at different modifications, you can come up with
a better idea that combines the best features of two or more temporary titles. Once you’re ready
with the generation of ideas, just pick the best modified title and put it in the place of the draft
title. That’s why, it’s a good idea to start with a draft title in the beginning and then focus on
writing the rest of the paper. If you come up with a good idea in the meanwhile, just write it down
and continue with your work. Free write on your topic, write without stopping, don’t worry about
editing or corrections. Write about what you know and don't know about the topic. Read over
what you have written. At this point you probably have a set of questions that you can take to
research sources and begin searching.

2. List Your Answers

Ask questions about your topic and list your answers after formulating questions.
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What is my paper about?

What do I already know about this topic?
Who was involved in it? Who/what is studied?
What techniques/ designs were used?
What were the results?
Can you tell me if the title of my research paper is good?
Brainstorm on your topic you can talk to your professor, classmates, and friends. Think about
your class discussions and reading assignments, did anything spark your curiosity? Browse the
subject guides in your subject area.
3. Create Interest
In developing a good research title, you can generate topic ideas by selecting a topic that interests
you. You are going to be working on it for a while so choose something interesting, with enough
focus to be attainable, but not so narrow that you cannot find enough information to work with.
Select an aspect of the topic that will interest you and your audience.
4. Use Your Thesis or hypothesis as the basis for your title.
A hypothesis is a statement that can be proved or disproved. A thesis statement is a short, direct
sentence that summarizes the main point or claim of research paper. The first few paragraphs of
a journal article serve to introduce the topic, to provide the author's hypothesis or thesis, and to
indicate why the research was done. A thesis or hypothesis is not always clearly labeled, you may
need to read through the introductory paragraphs to determine what the authors are proposing.
A research hypothesis is a statement of expectation or prediction that will be tested by research.
Before formulating your research hypothesis, read about the topic that interest to you. From your
reading, which may include articles or books, you should gain sufficient information about your
topic that will enable you to narrow or limit it and express it as a research question. The research
question flows from the topic that you are considering. The research question, when stated as
one sentence, is your research hypothesis. You can use this in formulating your research title.
5. Include a Quote
If the writer will be writing a literature or literary analysis paper, he/she can include a quote from
the work that supports his/her thesis. The researcher can research quotations that is related to
the topic, and formulate a title using the quotation followed by a subtitle that specifies the subject
of your paper when your paper is not a literary topic.
6. Title and Subtitle
The researcher can section the research paper title into a title and a subtitle. Titles should be
more literary or descriptive on the other hand the subtitle details the specifics of the research
paper. If you feel that a subtitle might be needed to give more immediate detail about
methodology or sample, you can do it by putting the information after a colon. You can use
subtitles in your academic paper but it should be used wisely and correctly. Subtitle is an
explanatory or alternate title.
7. Define Your Tone
The title set the tone of the research paper. In a formal and conventional paper do not use
informal or humorous title containing flowery language or wordplay. Do not use impressive,
pompous, verbose words and expression to catch the interest of the readers.
8. Keep it Concise
Always remember the correct formatting. Always format your title according to the assigned
parameters. Even a great title will lose points if it is not formatted properly. Words in a title should
not be more than 15 to 20. The title is meant to trigger attention of the readers in the paper and
give readers the meaning of the information that is included. If your title is too long or too
complex, it may turn off your readers before they even start reading the paper. Consider the
length of the title so that you can find the right amount of information for the length of your title.
Republic of the Philippines


Rubrics for Grading:

Criteria 3 2 1
The responses are
complete and There are at least 3 There are at least
directly answer
Completeness indirectly answered three unfilled up
portion portions
part of the assessment

Some plans,
Plans, Techniques and techniques and
Strategies are based strategies are based
Plan, Techniques or The answers do not
on the students on the students
Strategies reflect the lesson
understanding of the understanding of the
lesson with some lesson with some

modifications or modifications or
additions additions
Clearly state the
justification of the There are at least 2 There are at least 3
Justification plan, technique or unclear justifications unclear justifications

Used formal
language and good
Few errors on Multiple errors in
Writing Skills grammar,
technical writing technical writing
spelling, and
Note: Additional 3 point will be given to students who replied within the 3 days after posting the
questions. Hence, students can earn a total of 15 points.

Activity 4-3. Reflection/Reaction Paper on Formulating a research title.

1. Please provide 100 to 300 words.
2. The following sections must be included in the paper:
a. Summary. Provide a brief summary (100 words max) of the reading.
b. Connection and Relevance. Connect the reading to the topics discussed in class. C.
c. Discuss the relevance of the reading to you as a student of PSU Graduate Studies
and as a member of the society.
d. Reflection. You must express what you find compelling in the reading. Discuss
what new things have you learned and how has your learning affected
preconception and misconceptions you brought with you into class.
3. For your output follow the format below. Then upload your output in the portal
provided with the file name Activity 4-3_YourLastName_FirstName.

The format for the outputs is given below. Use short size bond paper, Calibri font 12, single


Course Code & Title: Methods of Educational Research Semester: 1ST
Republic of the Philippines


Course & Year: EDU 202- 2020-


In the readings I learned about the characteristics of a good research title and its importance. I
also learned about the tips for writing an effective research paper title, things to avoid in writing
a good research title and how to choose effective research title.

As a student of PSU Graduate Studies the relevance of the reading to me is that drafting a good
research paper title really needs serious thought. Writing titles requires a lot of time and effort
because it should intrigue the reader, be attention-grabbing, and reflect the main content idea
with help of keywords. To succeed in creating a really great research title, you should think of the
most important questions it should answer. An excellent research paper title is the key to success.
You may craft a great research of many words but nobody will read it if title sounds boring and
unexciting. Bear in mind that you can create multiple titles and choose the ones that best conveys
the uniqueness of your research.

My misconception of research is that I thought researchers must focus much on the research
findings but we have to focus more on the title because we tend to forget the important role
played by the title of our paper. Though writing a research title seems a simple task, in reality the
process of choosing an appropriate title demands consistent thinking and attention. Therefore,
as future researchers we must craft titles that can drive our targeted readers to our research
paper. Having a great title should interest the reader enough to make them want to download
your paper and actually read it. An interesting research topic combined with an accurate title will
definitely draw more attention to your research study. With this, readers will want to know more
about your research.


The following criteria will be used in rating your paper:

Criteria Description Points Allotted
Provided brief yet concise
Summary 1
summary of the reading
Republic of the Philippines


Precisely connected the

reading to the topic
Connection and Relevance discussed and provided 4
a specific relevance of
the reading
Expressed new learning and
Reflection compelling part(s) of the 3

Used formal language and

good grammar, spelling, 1
and punctuation.
Total 10


Perform the following:

1. Discuss research title.

2. Formulate research title.
3. Create an introduction to your research
4. For your output follow the format below. Then upload your output in the portal provided
with the file name Activity 4-4_YourLastName_FirstName.

The format for the outputs is given below. Use short size bond paper, Calibri font 12, single


Course Code & Title: Methods of Educational Research Semester: 1ST
Name of teacher: Janet A. Relucio, Ph.D. Course & Year: EDU 202- 2020-
Discuss research title.
The research title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A good title contains the
fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents or purpose of the research paper.
Writing the research title takes time so you need to put down your work on paper. Constructing
a good research title is important because it may influence the impact of your work and the
number of readers that it will attract. With the increasing digitalization of research, more and
more people are using databases to find articles relevant to their work like in google or google
scholar. That’s why, if you want your article to come up in the search results, you should make
sure that its title is a good summary of your work and that it addresses the right audience.
Furthermore, the title of your research paper is the only aspect that will be freely available to
readers through search engines. It is therefore vital that you write a clear, persuasive title that
leads readers to know more about your research. You can also go on to read the rest of the article
to deepen your understanding of which best practices to follow while writing a captivating, yet
informative title for your research paper.
Republic of the Philippines


Formulate research title.

Effectiveness of Self Learning Modules on Achievement in Biology Among Open High School

Create an introduction to your research

Due to the recent public health situation regular classes are still prohibited in all public schools
in the Philippines and to ensure that all learners have access to basic quality education DepEd
integrated the use of SLMs or the Self-Learning Modules. SLM’s or the Self learning module allows
the learner to learn at their pace, learner can acquire knowledge, skills and attitude in the absence
of a teacher (Nardo, 2017).

Open High school program is an alternative mode of formal secondary education program run by
the Department of Education to provide opportunity for elementary school graduates and high
school drop-outs to complete secondary education in a purely distance learning module. It is
intended for students who would otherwise be unable to pursue formal secondary education due
to rigid requirement of regular class schedule (DepEd, 2020). The purpose of this study is to find
out the effectiveness of self-learning modules in increasing the academic achievement of open
high school students in science at secondary level. This study aims to provide printed self-learning
modules for open high school students to use for their lessons and classroom activities and to
evaluate it in contrast with the traditional lecture or discussion.

Note: Additional 3 points will be given to students who replied within the 3 days after posting
the questions. Hence, students can earn a total of 15 points.

Rubrics for Grading:

Criteria 3 2 1
The responses are
complete and
There are at least 3 There are at least
directly answer
Completeness indirectly answered three unfilled up
part of the portion portions
Plans, Techniques Some plans,
and Strategies are techniques and
based on the strategies are based
Plan, Techniques or students on the students The answers do not
Strategies understanding of the understanding of the reflect the lesson
lesson with some lesson with some
modifications or modifications or
additions additions
Republic of the Philippines


Clearly state the

justification of the There are at least 2 There are at least 3
Justification plan, technique or unclear justifications unclear justifications

Used formal
language and good
Few errors on Multiple errors in
Writing Skills grammar,
technical writing technical writing
spelling, and
Note: Additional 3 points will be given to students who replied within the 3 days after posting
the questions. Hence, students can earn a total of 15 points.

VI. Suggested References

Hairston, M., & Keene (2019). How to Write a Research Paper Title. Enago Academy.
Retrieved Date: June 8, 2020. Retrieved from:

Word Vice Professional Editing Services. Retrieved Date: June 8, 2020. Retrieved from:

The University of Southern California has a guide specific to social science research

The Journal of European Psychology Students has a blog article focusing on

APAcompliant research paper. Retrieved Date: June 8, 2020. Retrieved from:


This article by Kristen Hamlin contains a step-by-step approach to writing titles:

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