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Submitted By,
Medha Sur
Enrolment No: 20BSP3117

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my B2B

faculty “Prof. Prakash Pandit” for his able guidance and support in
completing this marketing plan.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to our Director “Dr. Pritee

Saxena” and our Deputy Director – Academics “Prof. Hemant
Purandare” for providing us this opportunity and all the facilities that
was required to prepare this report.

It was a great experience all together with lots of learning involved

in it. This project has helped me in building my knowledge.

Date: 16.09.2021 Section – D

(Second Yr)


1. Executive Summary ……………………………… 4

2. Introduction …………………………………………. 5
3. History …………………………………………. 5
4. Situation Analysis ……………………………… 7
4.1. Market Summary ………………………... 7
4.1.1. Market Demographics ……………. 7
4.1.2. Market Growth …………………. 7
4.2. SWOT Analysis ………………………... 8
4.2.1. Strengths ………………………... 8
4.2.2. Weaknesses ………………………... 9
4.2.3. Opportunities ………………………... 9
4.2.4. Threats …….………………………... 10
4.3. Competitive Advantage …………………. 11
4.4. Keys to success ………………………… 12
4.5. Macro environment ………………………… 13
4.6. Micro environment ………………………… 14
5. Marketing Strategy ………………………………. 16
5.1. Mission ……………………………………. 16
5.2. Marketing Objectives …………………... 16
5.3. Segmentation ………………………………. 16
5.4. Targeting ………………………………. 16
5.5. Positioning ………………………………. 17
5.6. Marketing Mix ………………………………. 18
5.7. Distribution in Marketing Strategy …………….. 20
5.8. Brand Equity in Marketing Strategy……..……….21
5.9. Competitive Analysis …………………………….21
5.10. Microsoft Customer Relationship ………………..22
6. Conclusion ……………………………………………….. 24

Microsoft, the technology giant, has transformed its approach to

business-to-business marketing in reflection of the greater
complexity and need for customization in reaching its target
Customers’ professional lives in the digital ecosystem have
increasingly paralleled their personal online experiences, and that
trend has been accelerated as many people work from home during
the COVID-19 pandemic.
This means that they expect more customization, getting the right
content at the right time via the right channel, while maintaining high
levels of privacy for their personal data.
In this report, I have discussed about the objectives, strategies to help
guide Microsoft in creating a better image even after a downfall in
recent years and as we know over the last few years, we’ve seen
increased complexity in the B2B decision cycle, with larger buying
committees so in this report we would also know how Microsoft
transformed its B2B marketing focus from product to people

Microsoft is leading computer technology corporation in the world and Microsoft has
some opportunities in the market to preserve its position such as good reputation of
the brand and huge assets in terms of financial, human and technology; however, they
have many strong rivals against their units. This paper aims to identify the problems
and challenges which are faced by the Microsoft Corporation; and to describe the
most appropriate strategy which responds the indicated challenges.
Both quantitative data and qualitative data are the main sources that I am going to
utilize in order to reach to the result. The main objectives are to indicate the rivals of
Microsoft Corporation and analyze their competitive strategies, and to describe what
Microsoft can offer to their customers as the new technologies as an alternative.


Founded in 1975 by Bill gates, Microsoft, the American MNC is

the technology giant which is making the life of the people around the globe
convenient, comfortable and advanced through its various offerings in personal
computers, consumer electronics & computer software.

It manufactures, develops licenses and provides supporting services for

the products & services in its portfolio. It is world’s largest and one of the world’s
most valuable company which is listed in Forbes top 100 companies of the world

With the possible exception of the earliest pioneers of Silicon Valley, such as IBM,
Xerox, and Bell Labs, it’s hard to think of a company that has had a more profound,
lasting impact on the world of technology than Microsoft.

However, despite its role in fundamentally shaping the landscape of modern

computing, Microsoft has an undeserved reputation as a boring company that makes
boring products. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Microsoft’s
journey from a scrappy, opportunistic start-up in New Mexico to a global corporate
software giant is a fascinating story of ambition, power, and hubris.

Microsoft had leveraged an incredible business opportunity to essentially create an

entirely new category within the nascent computing industry. However, the
company’s big break wasn’t its initial agreement with MITS to develop its
interpreter for the 8800, but rather, a similar agreement with IBM in 1980—a
partnership that would propel Microsoft from a niche software development
company to a household name.

Microsoft continued to grow throughout the late 1980s. In 1989, Microsoft released
the first iteration of Office. This further cemented Microsoft’s position as the
dominant business software company in North America. However, while Office was
a crucial product release for Microsoft, the company had overlooked a critical
aspect of the home computing market it would struggle to conquer for the next
decade—the internet.

Microsoft may not have the kind of reputation that newer companies like Google
and Facebook enjoy. It does, however, occupy a truly unique place in the history of
computing technology. Without Microsoft, the world would look, feel, and work a
lot differently than it does today—and Bill Gates’ relentless drive to succeed was a
driving force behind his company’s incredible growth and longevity.

Under Satya Nadella’s watchful leadership, Microsoft emerged from one of its most
challenging periods to finally become the 21st-century technology company it has
always promised to be. The company’s future is far from guaranteed, however, and
Nadella will have to continue challenging his company to do better and be better if
his company is to succeed.

At Satya Nadella’s Microsoft, it seems that quality may finally be more important
than quantity.


Market Demographics:

The aspects of age, size, and occupational perceptively directly affect Microsoft
Company and its competitors. For instance, the primary competitors such as Google,
Oracle, and SAP IBM have products that are designed to serve the same population as
Microsoft. This means that Microsoft has to package its products in a better way to
ensure market sustainability in the midst of these competitors that sell products that
perform similar functions to the same population.

4.1.2. Market Growth:

The company uses multiple pricing strategies, especially for the software products to
ensure that customers are given a variety of products under the same roof. This is the
opposite of the good-better-best pricing adopted by IBM and Oracle. The sales and
profit objectives are to offer products that serve multiple purposes at a very friendly
price. Microsoft products are marketed across the globe due to wide market coverage.
The products feature in the online and traditional stores.

The products are promoted through online and offline advertisements, series of
discounts to loyal customers and corporate users, referrals from distributors, and
strategic customer relationship management within its 24/7 customer care center. The
online marketing is ideal in software products since many customers have an access
to it.

4.2.1. Strengths

Leading Software Company – Microsoft is the undisputed global market leader in

software technology specifically in cloud computing. It’s the world’s largest
developer of Windows OS and the leading cloud player. Its commercial cloud
eg:Azure, Office 365 commercial, dynamics 365.

World’s largest Company with dominant market share– Microsoft ranks 4th in

the world’s largest companies. It also owns the largest market share with a 3% point
gain among the five largest cloud service providers eg: Microsoft, AWS, IBM,
Oracle, Google.

Vast market reach – Microsoft operates in more than 190 countries worldwide.
After launching the promoted version of Windows 10, it has over 700 million installs

Constant growth – The latest earning results of Microsoft clearly demonstrate its
strong growth in the cloud business. According to the analysts, Microsoft will be
worth $1 trillion in the near future.

Addition of newer SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) – Microsoft has recently added
newer SKUs to its brand portfolio. This includes Microsoft 365 combining Office
365 and Windows 10. Its M365 is a multi-billion-dollar business.

Reputed Brand with superior customer loyalty – Microsoft has 1.2 billion Office
users and 60 million Office 365 commercial customers. It has undoubtedly the
greatest loyal customer base. Customers trust the brand and remain loyal to it.

Huge Market Capitalization –Microsoft is one of the biggest hi-tech company on

the planet. It has a steady presence and was also listed in the Top 10 Global

Effective Adverting platform – With its strong and effective marketing strategies,
Microsoft has influenced people all over the world. Its emotive advertisement aired in
July with the title ‘The future starts now’ touched many worldwide.

Brand reputation – Microsoft was ranked 4th by Interbrand as the world’s most
valuable brand with the highest brand strength and brand equity in the digital
Easy to use software – Microsoft is known for its hi-tech and quality products
offerings. Windows OS and Office software products are quite user-friendly with
highest quality standards.

4.2.2. Weaknesses

Weaknesses refer to the areas where the business or the brands needs
improvement. Some of the key weaknesses MICROSOFT are as

Overexposure to the PC market – PC shipments are often subjected to frequent

falls due to vendors’ rising prices and currency fluctuations. It has landed Microsoft
in a vulnerable position.

Cybercrime theft – The increasing cybercrime cases have left Microsoft in a

vulnerable state. Hackers have reportedly attacked the cybersecurity of the
Windows Operating System several times.

Lacking innovation – Microsoft has been failing to grow its hardware products
sales such as surface pro computers and phones. It has been lagging in innovation
and advanced technology, whereas, Apple, Google, and Amazon are quickly blazing

Lacking market leadership in Internet browser segment – While Google, Safari,

and Firefox have been gaining the market share in internet browser segment,
Microsoft is losing the market.

Unsuccessful acquisitions – Microsoft’s fewer acquisitions like WebTV, Link

Exchange, Massive, and Danger resulted in failures and divestitures. Such
unprofitable investments are the biggest weaknesses of Microsoft.

4.2.3. Opportunities

Opportunities means those avenues in the environment that surrounds the

business on which it can fund to increase its returns. Some of the opportunities
of MICROSOFT includes:
Cloud business growth – Its cloud-based services have gained immense growth
and success in recent years. Thus, there’s an opportunity for Microsoft to expand
its cloud business.

Innovation and Artificial Intelligence – Microsoft has a massive opportunity in

many innovative areas like AI and game technology. Investing in these areas can
give an upper hand to Microsoft.

Partnerships and Acquisitions – Microsoft can focus on entering into new

strategic alliances and partnerships. It will enable the company to gain high market
share. Acquiring major hi-tech firms will also be a profitable opportunity for

Smartphone industry – The fast-growing market of smartphones and tablets offer

an excellent opportunity for Microsoft. It can capitalize on the rising demands of
these products.

Cost leadership strategy – Microsoft can gain the opportunity of increasing its
sales and revenue by offering its products at low prices. It may also prevent the
hackers to use its software illegally.

4.2.4. Threats
Threats are those factors in the environment which can be detrimental to the
growth of the business. Some of the threats include:

Workforce’s related criticisms – Microsoft’s workforce diversity statistics

showed an imbalance in its recruited workforce. The number of women and
minorities working was quite low, fuelling severe criticism and arguments against
the company’s HR policy.

Gay reference controversy – Microsoft has faced many criticisms for its Xbox

Live game service. Reference to homosexuality and gays can’t be used in the
Gamertag and user’s profile, as the company considers this matter ‘unsuitable’
and ‘offensive’ for other users.

Aggressive competition – Microsoft is in intense competition with Google and

Apple. These companies’ established positions can be a threat to Microsoft’s
market position.
Changing preferences of consumers – People are highly attracted to the market
of smartphones, notepads, and laptops. Microsoft has modest shares in these

Open source projects – Like Linux OS and Open Source Office, many new open
source projects have successfully entered into the market offering similar services
for free. It can threaten Microsoft that offers these products at an expensive rate.

Cybercrime and piracy – Rising cybercrime thefts and software piracy issues
have dramatically affected Microsoft’s security network system.


Brand reputation: The company has a very strong brand image as one of the
leading providers of different technology-based products and software vendor
services. This means that Microsoft agents and distributors find its product as
appealing and easy to sell through self-marketing.

High level of product integration: The products of Microsoft can be easily

integrated into other products in the market. For instance, Microsoft Office can be
used by many different brands of computers and operating systems developed by
other companies. This means that the distributors and agents of the company may
find it easy to stock these products because of they can sell very fast.

Strategic research and new product development: The vendors and distributors
of Microsoft products are always advantaged when compared to their competitors
due to the ability of Microsoft to reinvent and create new products that appeal to
the market.

Low production and distribution costs: The company’s distribution network is

well developed, thus reducing the costs incurred by distributors and other agents.

Competitive pricing: Microsoft offers several discounts and after sales services to
distributors and vendors, thus, increased profits in the distribution chain.

Expansive target market: Since the products of the company are targeting the
global market, distributors and marketers find it easy to sell them because they are
easily available.

Microsoft is a household name with commonly known product lines like

Windows, Office, and Xbox.

Founded more than 30 years ago, Microsoft has expanded way beyond software
and devices into cloud computing and services.

For people of a certain persuasion, it’s fun to make fun of Microsoft. It's outdated
and occasionally bloated software. An operating system version so despised that
most users refused to upgrade from its predecessor and instead waited for its

A browser that once held 95% of world market share, no longer leads in any
country. And mobile phones that barely register in a universe dominated by
iPhone and Android.

That popular opinion derives from a false assumption: that a new product line
with frequent updates is the surest path to success in the technology sector. Not
true. Take Surface, Redmond’s answer to Apple’s iPad.

It isn’t the kind of product that makes nor breaks a company with the power and
magnitude of Microsoft. Rather, it’s a way to stay relevant in the consumer
electronics market of course, the idea is for Surface to create enough profit to
justify the expenses behind it, but a couple million satisfied Surface owners have
only a minimal effect on Microsoft’s net profit numbers. 

The same goes for the formidable Xbox, whose sexiness as a gaming console
vastly outweighs its contributions to Microsoft’s overall financial picture.

Political forces

Most of the markets where Microsoft and its major competitors operate are
relatively politically stable. This means that Microsoft has an opportunity to build
strong and sustainable distribution network with company agents across the globe.
However, the current political uncertainty in some part of Africa and the Middle
East is threatening the distribution of Microsoft products among its agents.

Ecological forces

Although most companies have been operational within sustainable environmental

practices, there have been incidences of conflict between these companies and the
conservationists. For instance, most of the mobile manufacturing companies such
as Microsoft, Apple, and Samsung have been accused of negligence, especially in
sourcing for raw materials used in manufacturing phones and e-waste disposal.
Therefore, Microsoft should package its products to include the aspect of
environment friendliness to appeal to the distributors.

Socio-cultural forces

The global business arena consists of dynamic markets that Microsoft and its
competitors carefully penetrate in order to survive the swings in the business
environment. Besides, Microsoft must define and create a unique market in terms
of product benefits to compete with other businesses such as Oracle and Google,
which are well established in this market. However, the effect of socio-cultural
forces is low since the companies within global PC industry have more or less
similar products and business approach.

Technological forces

Companies within the global PC industry such as Microsoft, Google, and Oracle
among others have invested heavily in the latest technology in order to have a
sustainable business platform, in terms of distribution, market penetration, and
ethical aspects of secure technology. Microsoft and other competitors have to
invest heavily in research and development to avoid being in a position of
operating obsolete products that have been surpassed by technological
metamorphosis. At present, Microsoft is one of the leading businesses in
technological application way above most of its competitors such as Google and
Economic forces

The stable economic environment in the US and other major markets targeted by
Microsoft and its competitors such as Oracle and Google have created ideal
climate for business expansion and profitability However, the current economic
challenges in the US and other parts of the world are threatening the profitability of
businesses with the PC and technology related industries.


Competitors: With the emergence of the Hi-tech culture and technology,
companies are creating innovative products & services tailored to the user’s
requirement. This high acceptance of technological products is making this
industry like a hot cake. IT companies around the world are fighting hard to take
the leadership position. Google is the biggest rival of Microsoft.

Market: Microsoft is growing rapidly with the growth & challenges of the
industry. Companies in this industry are outsourcing the services from the
developing nations in order to decrease their cost of operation. While client side
have bargaining power due to the presence of large no. companies in the market
with similar offerings

Customer analysis in the Marketing strategy of Microsoft- Microsoft has

products & services for every age group and different types of customer groups
whether it is individual customer or an enterprise.
Distribution: Wide spread distribution channel and using multi-channel strategy
for making its products & services available to the end customers has helped the
company in increasing its visibility & awareness. Microsoft make its products &
services available to the end customer through large network of  retail outlets, e-
commerce sites & exclusive showrooms.
One of the key factors in the distribution of Microsoft as an Operating system is
the tie up with OEM’s such as Dell, HP and others. These companies then
provide the laptops with the Windows OS system already installed.
5.1. Mission
According to Microsoft their mission is “Empower every person and every
organization on the planet to achieve more.”

5.2. Marketing Objectives

 The sales and profit objectives are to offer products that serve multiple
purposes at a very friendly price.
 Microsoft products are marketed across the globe due to wide market
 The online marketing is ideal in software products since many customers
have an access to it.
 The online marketing is ideal in software products since many customers
have an access to it.

5.3. Segmentation:

Demographic segmentation is used for products like Operating systems and

Office products which are applicable to everyone. Behavioral segmentation is
used for products like Microsoft Windows server operating system or for the
Windows mobile phones. It has presence in large number of hardware &
software businesses ranging from operating system to mobile manufacturing
& selling.

5.4. Targeting

Due to having a wide product & service portfolio Microsoft uses mix of

differentiated & undifferentiated targeting strategy. In office and Windows or
overall in operating systems, the population is homogenous and the target is the
complete world which has access to computers. However, in mobiles and
developer tools, Microsoft needs to have a differentiated target as these
products have a lot of competition and the market is divided based on the
features offered.
5.5. Positioning
From rebranding its products & services to logos; company underwent a
turnaround recently to reposition itself as a value-based company mean to

enrich the life of the individuals worldwide. If we talk about the positioning of

Microsoft, then its operating systems and several software are simply top of the
mind positioned in the market. Because of the brand value of Microsoft, any
product it launches gets a good positioning. But in some cases, it might not be the
top of the mind positioning. Example – Microsoft mobiles phones
vs Samsung or Apple in the smart phone market.
5.6. Marketing Mix
The Marketing mix is a set of four decisions which needs to be taken before
launching any new product. These variables are also called the 4 P’s of
marketing. These four variables help the firm in making strategic decisions
necessary for the graceful running of any product / organization.
Showcasing is the foundation of any industry, without promoting the
organization is in the same class as nothing. If modern times are to be taken
into consideration, Computers have been such a particular invention, which has
not just affected millions of individuals, but has gone far and became an
inseparable part of millions of lives. Among computers and its whole related
periphery, consisting of complimentary products including hardware or
software, there is one name which has been ruling the roost in a monopolistic
manner, and that is of Microsoft.
Earlier it was considered as a huge and unpredictable risk, to start a computer
based business, given that just a marginal population knew how to operate
them, but the far sightedness of Paul saw through the idea of Gates, and what
would soon become a computer market giant, was born in the form of

Product in the Marketing Mix of Microsoft

Microsoft is a brand that has extensively diversified and has not relied upon a
single category of products or services for its expansion. The key for Microsoft
has been to provide the market with a wide variety of products and services to
fulfill their respective ambitions and to overcome the hurdles or limitations of
restricted categories. This expansion has been based on an extensive research and
study of upcoming needs of its customers and identifying a need even before it
exists, which creates an unedifying loyalty and reliance among users and

The major turnover for Microsoft is not through hardware but Software. With its
unbeatable operating system – windows, Microsoft is present across the globe.
Not only the OS, but softwares like Microsoft office, Microsoft visual studio, the
Bing search engine, web developing software, office applications, business
management softwares and what not. Microsoft is present in a huge plethora of
products and it has a product for practically most applications including
design, development and management. Microsoft is so strong in this front that till
date, no one has been able to challenge the giant in terms of software expertise.
Even Apple sells its OS with support of its hardware, and not just on the basis of

The most benchmark products for which Microsoft is known across the globe are

 Microsoft Windows
 Bing
 Microsoft visual studio
 Skype
 Internet explorer
 Microsoft office
 Xbox
 Microsoft Games

Place in the Marketing Mix of Microsoft

Microsoft has various lines of distribution depending on the type of products. For

its software packages and OS, Microsoft operates through a distributor network –
with the distributor network distributing the product to all retailers. Similarly,
Microsoft also targets OEM’s like laptop and desktop manufacturers. These
OEM’s then supply laptops and desktops with inbuilt OS and software. Similarly,
for all other software’s, Microsoft has an online presence, wherein the software
can be bought and downloaded online or it can be bought in the form of CD’s and
DVD’s from e commerce stores. These E commerce stores are also a major seller
of Microsoft products because many different products can be bought online.
Microsoft also recently took over Nokia for its entry into the mobile phones
segment. And now a variety of models are being launched to gain a foothold in
the very fast-growing mobile segment.

Price in the Marketing Mix of Microsoft

Now the pricing part of Microsoft is a somewhat inconsistent due to its varied

services, competition in each of the services and their respective nature, as it has
been into almost a monopolistic market, with just a few competitors and majority
of market share still in its favor. In such a condition, like any other company or
business holding, Microsoft also has adopted an approach which is most suited,
and that is of not slashing prices to strip the brand of its value, and at the same
time, not to be overtly overpriced, so as to repel the market forces.
Where operating systems are considered, Microsoft has a premium pricing because
of its vastly popular and increasingly useful Operating system. Products like
Microsoft office too are premium priced. However, all the other products, which
have alternatives in the market, are priced competitively.

 Promotion in the Marketing Mix of Microsoft

There are certain brands and names, which are just beyond the logics and points
of promotion and are simply too popular for promotion. Still Microsoft has a
certain amount of promotion, which is mainly used for its premium products
which have a large share of the market. Or on the other hand, the promotions are
used for products which are in high competition segments like the Nokia lumia
phones which are a collaboration between Microsoft and Nokia. For other online
products, Microsoft vastly uses digital marketing and advertising. In general, the
promotions of Microsoft have always pushed for reliability and usability of the

5.7 Distribution in Marketing Strategy of Microsoft

Wide spread distribution channel and using multi-channel strategy for making

its products & services available to the end customers has helped the company
in increasing its visibility & awareness. Microsoft make its products & services
available to the end customer through large network of  retail outlets, e-
commerce sites & exclusive showrooms.
One of the key factors in the distribution of Microsoft as an Operating system is
the tie up with OEM’s such as Dell, HP and others. These companies then
provide the laptops with the Windows OS system already installed.
5.8 Brand Equity in Marketing Strategy of Microsoft
Microsoft is the 5th highest valued brand in the world in 2016!! Microsoft has
high (TOMA) top of mind awareness due to high acceptability of its operating
system “Windows” in the market. It is also one of the longest present companies
in the technology sector and has constantly changed as per the change in the
business environment.

Some of its campaign like “Get the facts”, Scroogled and many others had
helped the company in increasing the brand visibility further.

5.9 Competitive Analysis in Marketing Strategy of Microsoft

With the emergence of the Hi-tech culture and technology, companies are
creating innovative products & services tailored to the user’s requirement. This
high acceptance of technological products is making this industry like a hot
cake. IT companies around the world are fighting hard to take the leadership
position. Google is the biggest rival of Microsoft.
5.10 Microsoft Customer Relationships.

Microsoft has about 160 million customers all around the world. This number
includes individual customers, small-sized and medium-sized organizations,
enterprises, government institutions, educational institutions, Internet service
providers, application developers, etc. The Company has different operation
canters, which are located in Ireland, Singapore and some of them located in the

Feedback tools

Microsoft is a committed company with the

customer´s satisfaction, which is the reason
why they have a feedback policy. This
feedback policy is based in a strategy
named Customers and Partners Experience
(CPE), and this strategy involves many
particular issues. Some tools that Microsoft
uses to measure the customer´s satisfaction
are principally the product satisfaction
surveys, usability studies, online feedback
forms, etc., this kind of service after sales
is really important for the company,
because this is a way to show a completely
interest for the customer´s satisfaction.

In one-on-one conversations with customers and partners, Microsoft establishes

Conditions of Satisfaction, which should help to know the customer´s needs and
principally, it helps to know the way that they want to do business with
Microsoft Partner Network is another traditional program to address feedback.
The network is really helpful for the partners, customers and Microsoft itself, it
helps to forge deeper connections with some others. Partner Resource Desk a
service in the United States that consists in telephone calls or e-mail contact for
knowing the customer´s satisfaction.
Support & Help Tools

Microsoft Customer Service and Support is a phone line that operates from every
part of the world. Microsoft together with the Global Support Services website
(, are one of the largest support networks in the
industry. Microsoft Fix It Solution Centre gives access to the support experience,
self-help tips, recommendations etc. It includes the Fix It Button, which provides
one-click solutions to common customer issues.

Microsoft owns some characteristics to B-to-B Marketing, such as the close
relationship between the company and the customers (co-operation approach and
not just transactional approach), the diversified and technical products, and active

However, the contradictory with the B-to-B marketing is that there are a lot of
customers all around the world, thereby is not so common in this area (B-to-B

The unique selling proportions for Microsoft are competitive pricing, compatible
services, and high-quality products. The company targets users of computer and
mobile phones across the globe. The company uses multiple-product branding to
reach these customers. The company’s products are technology-based and created
through series of research to meet the needs of customers looking for product that can
suit their lifestyle.
Hence, these are the things which Microsoft use for a b2b marketing and hence this
report includes each and every detail.

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