Review: Enzyme Treatment at Different Stages of Textile Processing: A Review

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Enzyme Treatment at Different Stages of Textile Processing:

A Review

Stefane Vieira Besegatto,1 Flávia Nunes Costa,1 In the late 1970s, it was discovered that cellulose increases
Mayra Stéphanie Pascoal Damas,1 Bruna Lyra Colombi,1 detergency in fabric washing and removes fibrillation in mul-
Andressa Cristina De Rossi,1 Catia Rosana Lange de Aguiar,2 tiple washes. Cellulases are currently present in many powder
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and Ana Paula Serafini Immich2 detergents, especially those active in the alkaline range. There
are other applications for cellulases, including enzymatic re-
1 moval of fibrils and hairiness from fabrics or cotton garments, a
Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Engineering,
process known as biopolishing. Other applications were iden-
Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil tified for these enzymes in the finishing process, including
Department of Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, giving a vintage look to denim articles and other clothes.3
Blumenau, Brazil The global market for industrial enzymes is extremely com-
petitive, with Novozymes, DSM, and Dupont being the largest
producers. North America and Europe are considered to the
largest consumers of industrial enzymes, although Asia-Pacific
Abstract (namely China, Japan, and India) are consuming increasing
Increased environmental awareness and regulations are mak-
amounts as their economies grow.4 According to Dewan, the
ing enzymes a good alternative to replace conventional che- market for enzymes for industrial application in 2014 reached
mical processes, especially those using large amounts of toxic
approximately US$4.6 billion and by 2015 had grown to US$
chemicals and energy. The advantages of enzymatic processes
4.9 billion.5 It is estimated that by 2021 market value will reach
include proven efficiency—even for soft processing conditions,
about US$6.3 billion.5 This can be attributed to a better under-
which reduces energy consumption—and products that are
standing of biochemical production, fermentation processes,
biodegradable. Enzymes, as biocatalysts, have been widely
and recovery methods, which has made it possible to increase
accepted in several industries due to substrate specificity and
the number of accessible enzymes and their applications into
an increased emphasis on green chemistry. The use of enzymes
products and industrial processes. The number of commercial
is especially recognized in textile processing for its ability to
enzymes has risen due to the number of transformations they can
replace harsh conventional chemicals, reduce water and en-
catalyze and the fact that they can be adapted to different process
ergy consumption, and improve aesthetic quality. This work conditions, promoting their industrial use.6,7 Currently, enzymes
presents a brief review of enzymatic applications in different
are being applied in different markets, including textiles, paper
stages of textile processing, desizing, biopreparation, and
and cellulose, leather, detergents, pharmaceuticals, chemicals,
biofinishing, as well as its use in wastewater treatments as a
food and beverages, biofuels, animal feed, and personal care,
green alternative to conventional treatments.
among others.
Around four thousand enzymes are known, and two hundred
Keywords: Enzymes, desizing, biopreparation, biofinishing,
are used by industry.8 Enzymes, as biocatalysts, were accepted by
effluent treatment
many sectors due to substrate specificity and a push for green
chemistry. The use of enzymes, especially for textile processing,
Introduction is considered an effective way to replace conventional, harsh

he use of enzymes by humans emerged naturally chemical products, conserve water and energy, and notably re-
among primitive groups, mainly for food and beverage duce environmental impact and damage to fibers.9 Growing
production, but also for tanning hides for clothing.1 In concern for the environment has led to many studies that focus on
the textile industry, the first biotechnological applica- applying enzymes to different steps of textile finishing.
tion was related to flax retting. Over 2,000 years ago, microor- Enzymatic processes are applied in almost all textile-
ganisms were used to separate fibers from stems. In 1919, production stages. Enzymes contribute to process-time effi-
amylases were introduced that were able to transform starch into ciencies, desizing, biopreparation, and biofinishing. They
water-soluble components.2 Amylases are still applied for re- enable the textile industry to reduce harsh conditions from
moving the starch solution from fabrics after weaving.3 In the processes, reduce costs, and increase the quality of textiles.
1960’s, biological detergents emerged, and proteases became part Enzymes are also non-toxic, which is favorable to the environ-
of the chemical composition, specifically to extract organic stains ment and energy conservation, as well as in line with environ-
caused by proteins (e.g., eggs, blood) from clothes. mental regulations.2,10

298 INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ª M A R Y A N N L I E B E R T , I N C .  V O L . 1 4 N O . 6  D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 8 DOI: 10.1089/ind.2018.0018


The objective of this paper is to explain the most important heated in a bath containing enzymes with controlled temperature
textile processes that use enzymes as a substitute for traditional and pH. The digestion period is influenced by the amount of
chemical processes, including their effluent treatments. This starch present as well as by the amount of amylase used. One
paper analyzes each step of the process, looking at the involved way to increase the efficiency of hydrolysis is with the associ-
mechanisms and advantages of enzymes in the textile industry. ation of proteases and lipases. After hydrolysis, the tissue is
washed with hot water, with or without cleaning agents (mixture
Desizing composed by anionic and non-ionic surfactants), to remove
In weaving, yarns are subjected to significant stresses, in- excess enzyme excess and alkaline pH-regulating products.11
cluding tension, bending, and friction with parts of the power However, some natural fibers present their own TSC and do
loom. This tends to lift fibers from the surface of the spun yarns not need any additional synthetic process, including silk and
until they rupture, causing a degradation of fabric quality and a ramie, although, for an effective spinning process, their re-
reduction in mechanical properties. To protect the yarns and moval is also necessary. Silk is a natural fiber made from the
prevent breakage during weaving, yarns go through a process excretion of silkworms. It consists of fibroin (70–75%), the
called sizing, where yarns are covered with textile-sizing che- structural center of silk, and a group of proteins composed
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micals (TSC) to bind fibers or filaments and prevent damage mainly by sericin (25–35%). The TSC covers the fibroin,
from contact between yarns and power loom parts. At the end of binding them to each other and contributing to the cocoon’s
the weaving process, TSC needs to be removed to reobtain the structure. The process of making silk can be divided into six
initial physical characteristics of the yarn and not interfere with steps: baking, unwinding, desizing, dyeing, weaving, and fin-
the next process, dyeing. ishing. Of these steps, desizing is for the fabric’s finishing.
The TSC removal process is known as desizing. Desizing can Desizing focuses on the complete removal of sericin, giving
be done chemically, physically, or with a combination of both fabrics a smooth and glossy appearance and increasing dye
techniques. Conventional processes use many chemicals, spe- uptake.13
cific to each TSC used, and require enormous energy and time. Conventional sericin removal processes consist of alkaline
Desizing has been performed by organic decomposition, alka- baths containing surfactants, and parameters such as pH, tem-
line dissolution, acid hydrolysis, and oxidizing agents. To re- perature, alkalinity, and time should be precisely controlled for a
duce environmental damage enzymatic desizing has been complete removal. As the process requires the use of aggressive
investigated.11 chemicals, fiber degradation in form of mass loss occurs,
Cotton is among the fibers that most use the sizing process to compromising the fabric’s final appearance, including superfi-
strengthen its fibers and allow them to remain intact until the end cial fibrillation, weak handling, decreased traction, and irregular
of the weaving process. In general, starch and its derivatives are absorption of dyes.14
the most-used gelling agents, corresponding to about 75% of The use of enzymes for silk desizing is an environmentally
gelling agents use, due to their low cost and high availability. friendly alternative that may reduce defects that conventional
Starch has to be removed from the cotton fibers to be digested.12 processes may cause in the final garment. Protease is the most
The traditional method, called kier, consists of boiling the common class of enzymes used due to its specificity for proteins.
washing liquor containing sodium hydroxide (2% concentra- Although better results were obtained using alkaline proteases,
tion) and detergent. The process is performed in a kier boiler and these can be acidic or neutral. Protease combined with lipase
aims to remove natural impurities such as waxes, wood chips, was investigated, and it leads to an increase in fabric wettability.
and oil stains. After the process, the fiber requires a hot water Silk fabrics treated by enzymatic processes featured higher
rinse to remove all residues for the liquor. This traditional pro- whiteness, greater shear, and flexural stiffness, but also lower
cess, however, is expensive and generates many toxic effluents. fullness and softness.14
For that reason, enzymatic processes have been implemented. Vaithanomsat and Kitpreechavanich15 treated sericin recov-
Enzymes require mild temperature and pressure conditions, do ered from traditional processing by membrane ultrafiltration
not require the use of toxic chemicals, and can be adapted to any associated with enzymatic hydrolysis. They demonstrated the
type of equipment already present in the industry.11 recovery of a large percentage of the proteins and also facilitated
Enzyme methods have been gaining ground since 1919, when the treatment of wastewater. Later, Suwannaphan et. al.13 used
an enzyme called Rapidase, which is able to liquefy the starch in extracellular serine protease of Bacillus sp. (C4 SS-2013),
dextrin, was introduced to the market. Today, enzymes are di- which, due to its high affinity to sericin and other glue proteins
vided into two classes, alpha and beta. a-Amylase hydrolyzes and low affinity to fibrous proteins, showed good performance
starch at random by decomposing it into soluble sugars. b- in the desizing of the silk and aided in the fiber’s bleaching.
Amylase hydrolyzes starch into maltose so that its carbon chain The association of ultrasound and enzymes is extensively
is gradually reduced. The rate of desizing can be altered by the studied in all stages of textile processing. Ultrasonic cavitation
presence of a mixture of alpha and beta amylases. In the pres- changes the conformation of the protein, which will alter en-
ence of a-amylase, the viscosity of the solution drops rapidly, zymatic activity. The degrees of tolerance and ultrasonic sen-
and the opposite is observed for the presence of b-amylase. sitivity of different enzymes are conditioned to the intensity of
Thus, the chosen ratio between beta and alpha amylase defines the treatment used. Low intensity and short duration is the best
the tissue desizing time. Amylases do not cause a structural option to increase enzymatic activity and prevent the progres-
modification in the carbohydrate chains of cotton, and the en- sive loss of stability and enzyme activity. The same result can
zymatic process is simple and easy to perform. The tissue is also be observed for immobilized enzymes. Ultrasound can also



cleaned and converted into hydro-

philic cotton to achieve excellent
absorbency and color uniformity.
The classical industrial process of
preparation comprises an alkaline
scouring with sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) at high temperatures, ac-
companied by voluminous wash-
ing and bleaching with chemical
The alkaline scouring allows the
removal of fats, waxes, pectins, and
proteins from the cotton fabric, in-
creasing their degree of white, ab-
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sorbent capacity and wettability.21

Bleaching, on the other hand,
eliminates the natural pigments
(flavonoids) that remain in the cel-
lulosic fiber, through oxidizing
agents (hydrogen peroxide, sodium
peroxide, peracetic acid, sodium
hypochlorite, and sodium chlorite)
or reducing agents (sulfur dioxide,
sodium hydrosulfite and sodium
bisulfite).21,22 Undeniably, the use
of various chemicals and high
Fig. 1. Different ways of using ultrasonic treatment in enzymatic reactions. Color images available temperatures has many downsides,
online at including the formation of toxic
gases, corrosive actions, large en-
be used in pretreatment of substrates as a way of destroying its ergy consumption, cellulose depolymerization, reduction of fab-
molecular aggregation and acts to remove the indigestible cu- ric tensile strength, and ecosystem pollution.22
ticle, making the substrate more vulnerable to enzymatic at- By introducing enzymatic treatments called bioscouring and
tack.16 Figure 1 shows how ultrasound can influence the activity biobleaching, a more sustainable textile processing can be provided,
of the enzyme in immobilized enzymes and in the substrate. with clean technology and environmental gains. In bioscouring,
Enzymes such as alcalases and savinase, which are of the pectinases can be employed for removal of pectin, proteases for
protease class, and their association have been tested in con- proteins, lipases for oils and fats, xylanases for hemicellulose, etc, in
junction with ultrasound in the modification of an environ- a pure or associated way.23 Catalase, glucose oxidase, and laccase
mentally friendly silk structure. At desizing, the reaction rate are examples of promising enzymes for biobleaching.21 The se-
between starch and amylase enzyme was significantly acceler- lection of enzymatic lines is based on the pH, temperature, required
ated by ultrasound. However, ultrasound could have negative time, and end-product quality required.24
effects on enzymatic reactivity due to inadequate control of Usluoglu and Arabaci25 combined the purging and bleaching
parameters. The technique proved to be effective for heteroge- bioprocesses of cotton/polyamide (CO/PA) fabrics in a single bath
neous mixtures, facilitating the mixing of the pectin, cellulose, with enzymes (lipase, protease, cellulase, or pectinase) and per-
and starch by pectinase, cellulase and amylase, respectively.18 acetic acid. They discovered that treatment at 60C for 45 min at
Even with the reduction of energy expenditure and the use of pH 7.5 provided the fabric with high-quality humidification,
chemical products, which would reduce environmental pollu- outstanding whiteness, and higher tensile strength in a shorter
tion, the low efficiency of enzymatic desizing—such as long period, lower temperature (from 98 to 60C), and smaller alkali
process periods and high costs of commercial enzymes—still consumption than the usual. The reaction was adjusted to 20 g/L of
make the overall process on an industrial-scale unfeasible. tetra acetyl ethylene diamine (TAED), 12 g/L of sodium perborate,
This is a study field that stills gathers great interest for further 2 g/L of enzymes, and 1 g/L of nonionic wetting auxiliary.25
research. Pušić, Tarbuk, and Dekanić26 stated that acid pectinases (pH
5) and neutral (pH 7) can also be used in the cotton bioscouring.
Biopreparation From an ecological point of view, the action of the neutral en-
Chemically, the cotton fiber contains cellulose and between 4 zyme is more beneficial because there is no need for neutrali-
and 12% of natural impurities (Fig. 2), which provide both zation of its wastewater. According to Niaz et al.,20 pectinases
hydrophobic protection and a lubricated surface for proces- decrease the percentage of non-cellulosic constituents, and give
sing.19,20 Thus, before the wet dyeing process, the natural non- higher tenacity, better hydrophilicity, and acceptable whiteness
cellulosic materials must be removed. Raw cotton must be for cotton yarns.



articulation of these three enzymes

provided excellent results in terms
of white degree (25 – 0.7 Berger),
pectin removal (87 – 9%) and hy-
drophilicity (14 – 2 s). The meth-
odology proposed by Silva et al.32
achieved equivalent and at times
improved quality, as well as less
water, time (40 min), and energy
(55C) at neutral pH (6.5) and with
less environmental impact.
Immobilization of a recombinant
pectate lyase on magnetic nano-
particles for bioscouring of cotton
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fabric was studied by Chakraborty,

Rao, and Goyal.32 The immobilized
enzyme showed enhanced thermo-
stability and activity compared with
free enzyme, and it could also be
easily recovered from the mixture
with the help of a magnet and re-
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the cotton structure, showing the distribution of cellulose and used for five cycles. Therefore, the
other non-cellulosic materials in the various fiber layers.21 immobilization of alkaline pecti-
nase can provide an economical and
Easson et al.27 studied bioscouring Greek cotton with pectinase environmentally friendly alternative to chemical scouring.32
along with ultrasonic radiation to increase stability and enzymatic Synthetic fibers also form an important part of the textile
activity. The optimized route employed 100% ultrasound power at industry but have the disadvantage of low hydrophilicity.
220 kHz frequency for 60 min and with 31 mg/mL of pectinase. Polyester fibers are particularly hydrophobic. Improved hydro-
Pectin decomposition was higher than 98% compared to the philicity can be achieved by modifying the substrate surface
common NaOH technique, and the performance was greater than with enzymes. A relevant example of an applicable enzyme is
37% when compared to the enzyme method without ultrasound.27 cutinase, which displays significant hydrolytic activity and in-
According to Karaboğa et al.,28 the introduction of ultrasonic en- creases the hydrophilicity of polyesters by hydrolysis of the ester
ergy during the enzymatic processing of cotton significantly im- bonds.33
proves the enzymes’ efficiency, mass transfer, and yield without In summary, bioscouring and biobleaching processes mini-
affecting the strength of the fabric. mize fiber damage under mild pressure, pH, and temperature
In 2015, Nerurkar, Joshi, and Adivarekar highlighted the conditions and are ecologically favorable by reducing the
effectiveness of cotton bioscouring (60C, pH 9, and 120 min) amount of chemicals, energy, and byproducts.19,34 Bioprocesses
with lipase (8%) extracted from marine bacterial species provide support and innovation to the textile industry, improv-
Bacillus sonorensis. This lipase was able to remove a sub- ing the quality of its products, the safety of working conditions,
stantial portion of waxy impurities and hydrolyze it into fatty and compliance with environmental regulations.2 Although they
acids, ensuring adequate absorption and minimal damage to offer many advantages, there are some shortcomings, such as the
the fabric. Infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron mi- high cost and slower reaction rates.23,29
croscopy experiments revealed that, unlike bioscouring, the
alkaline scouring caused roughness on the surface of the Biofinishing
cellulosic fiber as a result of the damage caused by chemical The use of enzymes in the textile industry has been an envi-
compounds.29 ronmentally sustainable approach, leading to high-quality prod-
For biobleaching of raw cotton, Spina et al.30 applied laccases ucts and cost savings. In addition, enzymes provide permanent
(1 U/mL) produced by the fungus Trametes pubescens, in sy- effects to textiles.35 The best-known applications in the biofin-
nergy with the conventional hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) meth- ishing of textile products are the aging, cleaning, and renovation
od. The experiment was conducted at 50C for 60 min, followed of fabric surfaces.36 In this context, cellulases are the main en-
by an additional bath in H2O2 (4 mL/L) and NaOH (1,33 mL/L) zymes used as natural catalysts for the modification of cellulosic
at 98C for another 30 min. The coupling of those two treat- materials.37
ments not only reduced the actual consumption of water and The use of enzymes in textile finishing began in 1980 with the
chemicals but also increased the whiteness yield by up to 4.34 processes of biostoning of jeans.38 In this technique, the cellu-
times.30 lases confer the aged or faded look to cotton fabrics under wet
Silva et al.31 evaluated the effect of a commercial enzymatic conditions, controlled temperature, and pH.39 Basically, cellu-
association (3.580 U/g of cellulase, 0.236 U/g of lipase, and lases weaken the surface fibers and, in conjunction with the
0.868 U/g of pectinase) on 100% cotton fabric bioscouring. The mechanical actions applied during the treatment, remove the



However, one of the problems during

enzymatic treatment is dye redeposition or
designated backstaining. This unwanted
property promotes a partial abrasion effect
and can cause blue spots on white parts,
such as pockets and lining.39,53 The use of
acid cellulases, such as cellulases produced
by Trichoderma, in biostoning is limited by
the backstaining and weakening of the tis-
sues, and anti-redeposition chemicals or
bleaching agents are used to prevent this
during washing steps.45 However, neutral
cellulases have shown a less aggressive ef-
fect.40 The ability to smear dye denim fab-
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rics to lighter shades without causing

significant changes in tissue weight and
strength has also been reported with the use
of fungal laccase.54,55 The use of im-
mobilized enzymes has been explored to
reduce the effect of backstaining and in-
creased abrasive activity.56,57
Biopolishing is another very widespread
application of the use of enzymes in the
finishing of textile products (cotton and
other cellulose-based fibers).58 This process
consists of the elimination of microfibers
from the tissue surfaces through the action
of the enzyme cellulase. It improves ap-
Fig. 3. Cellulases’ action mechanism on denim fabric. Color images available online at pearance, color brightness, feel to touch, and the water-absorbing property of fibers,
while strongly reducing the tendency for the
weakened fibers containing the indigo dye. Since the indigo dye formation of pills and providing a cleaner surface structure.11,40
is on the surface of the fabric, removal of the surface fibers by Different effects can be obtained with different enzymatic
cellulases reveals the white string.40 The possible mechanism of compositions. In general, endoglucanase or endoglucanase-rich
biofinishing on denim garment is shown in Fig. 3. preparations are better for fiber surface aging and defibrillation,
The weakening of the fibers occurs through enzymatic hy-
drolysis, in which the cellulases catalyze the breakdown of
cellulose to smaller oligosaccharides and, finally, to glucose.41 Table 1. Cellulases Used in Textile Finishing
Cellulase activity refers to a multicomponent enzyme system
consisting of three types of cellulases: (i) endoglucanases (EG); SOURCE CELLULASE PH REFERENCE
(ii) cellobiohydrolases (CBH), also called exoglucanases; and Acremonium sp. EG 7 Schülein et al.
(iii) b-glucosidases (GC).42,43 (1996)47
Cellulases are produced through the metabolism of different
Humicola Insolens EGI, V, EGI + V 6-7 Schülein et al.
microorganisms, as can be seen in Table 1.40,44,47–52 Most of the (1998)48
related studies are of bacterial origin, although fungal and ac-
tinomycetes have also been reported.44 Trichoderma reesei and Chrysosporium Whole celulase, EG 5 Sinitsyn et al.
Humicola insolens are widely used in the textile industry to treat Lucknowense (2001)49
materials containing cotton denim. One reason for the wide- Melanocarpus EG, EG: CBH 5-7 Miettinen-Oinonen
spread use of T. reesei cellulases is its low cost. The cellulases Albomyces et al. (2004)40
are traditionally classified by the optimum pH of the enzyme:
Trichoderma Reesei EGIII+ EG e CBH 4,5-5,5 Fowler et al. (2001)50
neutral cellulases operate in the range of pH 6–8 and acidic
cellulases in the range of pH 4.5–6. EGII purified Heikinheimo and
Tissue stoning via biological treatment, when compared to the Buchert (2001)51
stone abrasion method, has several advantages. The application
1-4-GC Ibrahim et al.
of enzymes minimizes the amount of water, material (stones), (2011)52
and labor and allows the garment load to be increased, since it is
not necessary to add stones to the washing machine. The lack of Adapted from Miettinen-Oinonen (2007).44
stones also prevents damage to the machinery and clothing.41



while complete cellulase systems are better for cleaning and friendly, reducing energy demand and water consumption, as
purification purposes.38 well as adding attractive characteristics to textile products.
Biopolishing can be performed before or after bleaching,
dyeing, or stamping steps. The treatment can also be performed Textile Effluent Treatments
in conjunction with dyeing, in which case the pH values for both Industrialization is fundamental in every country’s develop-
processes must be compatible. However, whether the dye in- ment, but wastewater and the management of solid waste and
hibits enzyme activity should be checked.39 Studies have shown natural resources are major impediments to growth.61
that treatment with cellulase before dyeing facilitates the sub- In Brazil, the textile industry is an essential sector with great
sequent dyeing process.52,59 economic importance. However, the activity poses a serious
The enzymes may also be employed in the finishing of syn- threat to the country’s ecosystem, as it generates a large volume
thetic fibers, such as polyester, polyamide, blends, etc. Ibrahim of highly variable effluent generally containing a significant
et al.52 developed a new approach for the biofinishing of amount of unfixed dye (8–20%), dyeing auxiliaries, inorganic
cellulose-containing fabrics (bleached cotton, mercerized cot- salts, and other chemicals that improve fiber adhesion.62
ton, and cotton/polyester blend fabric (50/50)) through the use of These highly colored effluents, when discharged into the
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acid cellulases (Cellusoft L), followed by a washing cycle with environment without treatment, lead to contamination of water
a high level of mechanical agitation to terminate the enzyme and due to the presence of coadjuvants and many synthetic dyes,
remove weakened fibers. Experimental results revealed that in- which are lost in part during dyeing and finishing. Untreated
creasing the enzyme dosage (20 g/L) resulted in an increase in effluents affect not only aquatic life but also human health,
weight loss and a decrease in tissue rigidity coupled to an im- either by causing less light penetration or toxicity.61,63
provement in elasticity, regardless of the substrate used. The Due to their complex aromatic chemical structure, most of
lowest weight loss was obtained in the cotton/polyester blend, these dyes are extremely stable and resistant to primary treat-
followed by the bleached and mercerized cotton. Greater weight ment methods, as well as physicochemical procedures, that
loss is associated with greater accessibility of the enzyme to the generally involve high operating costs and only transfer the
substrate, which is associated with the larger fibers’ surface area. pollutants from one phase to another, causing secondary pollu-
In terms of the increase of the capacity of enzyme-substrate at- tion problems.62,63 Thus, treatment of effluents is an important
tack, the best-presented conditions were processing time 18 h, step for the conservation of aquatic resources and the use of
temperature 50C, and mechanical agitation of 28 rpm. enzymes as an alternative and more ecological method for the
Noreen et al.38 studied the optimization of biopolishing with treatment of such recalcitrant pollutants.64
cellulase produced by Aspergillus niger in blends of polyester Enzymatic treatment has proved its potential compared to
and cotton fibers (52/48). Increasing cell concentration (0–5 mg/L) conventional methods, due to its highly selective nature, sim-
resulted in an increased weight loss due to higher rates of plicity, and high process efficiency, catalyzing reactions at rel-
hydrolysis. A similar effect is obtained with the resistance to atively low temperatures and in short time. Enzymes are also
pilling, while the tensile strength of the fabric decreased. All biodegradable.65–67 Nevertheless, the treatment efficiency de-
fabrics are made of staple fibers prone to pilling. Thus, an op- pends on the influence of several parameters such as defined
timum concentration of enzyme, in addition to pH and tem- temperature and pH ranges (optimal temperature and pH) and
perature of the medium, should be selected to obtain the desired enzyme and substrate concentration—factors that can directly
degree of biopolymerization of the tissue with low weight loss. affect the reaction rate.65
As the purpose of the biopolishing is not to cause excess fiber Several studies have sought to develop enzymatic processes
loss and resistance, it is recommended that the enzymes termi- using ligninolytic enzymes (such as manganese peroxidase
nate or immobilized enzymes be used. (MnP), lignin peroxidase (LiP) and laccase) for the treatment of
To achieve the latest trends in fashion and improvements in textile wastewater.65 White-rot fungi (WRF), including the ge-
production efficiency, recent research has focused on preparing nus Phanerochaete, Pleurotus, Trametes and Coriolus, have the
a new generation of cellulosic enzymes that have been modified capacity to produce single extracellular enzymes or a lig-
through genetic engineering and biotechnology to offer greater ninolytic complex.61,68,69
contrast of abrasion, better waxing, reduction of coloration, and Laccase (EC, an enzyme produced by many plants
improved operating conditions (pH and temperature). Samanta and fungi, is an oxidoreductase that catalyzes the oxidation of
et al.60 reported that loss of strength and weight is mainly caused phenolic compounds and aromatic amines, increasing the
by endoglucanase and exoglucanases, whereas enhancement of number of substrates with the use of mediators with a con-
biostoning and biopolishing can be achieved using endo- comitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water.70–72 These
glucanase II. To produce recombinant EG II without the pres- characteristics caused laccase to gain prominence in the degra-
ence of other enzymatic components, it was possible to obtain dation of recalcitrant aromatic compounds.68
the heterologous expression of the T. reesei gene in P. pastoris The ability of laccase to act on chromophore compounds,
with characteristics close to the EG II enzymes found com- such as azo, anthraquinone, triarylmethane, and indigoid dyes,
mercially—including increased thermal stability, a very im- indicates the possibility of their application in processes that
portant feature sought by the textile industry. discolor of textile waste water.65,73
Biotechnology is the key to sustainable textile industry de- Khlifi et al.74 investigated the discoloration and detoxification
velopment. The use of enzymes in the finishing stage proved to of textile effluent by crude laccase from Trametes trogii in the
be a useful tool for making textile processing environmentally presence and absence of different mediators and observed that



the enzyme alone was not able to discolor the effluent. There- Ulson de Souza84 evaluated the use of commercial HRP
fore, most of the mediators improved the discoloration of the (Horseradish Peroxidase) for dye removal from textile effluent.
effluent, with 1-hydroxybenzotriazol (HBT) being the most They achieved a discoloration of 59% and 94% for the tested
effective. Thus, the optimal conditions of discoloration (with dyes remazol turquoise blue G 133% and lanaset blue 2R, re-
65% removal) of the defined laccase-HBT system were: 20% spectively. For the textile effluent, the discoloration was 52%.
effluent, pH 5.0, 50C temperature, and enzyme concentration As reactions were performed at pH 4.0, 29.85 U/mL enzyme,
of 5 U/mL in the presence of 1 mM of HBT. However, the 2x10-3 mmol/L H2O2, at 25C and stirring at 100 rpm. Toxicity
authors concluded that only the discoloration of textile efflu- tests were performed after the treatment, and they concluded
ents does not necessarily result in their detoxification since the that the effluent can be detoxified by the degradation of the HRP
byproducts of using the synthetic mediator HBT are still toxic. enzyme.
The use of a natural mediator is a possible solution to such a According to Karim et al.,67 the use of peroxidases in the
problem. detoxification and biotransformation of several aromatic
The use of mediators has overcome the laccase limitation of not pollutants in wastewater has been reported. HRP is one of the
directly oxidizing non-phenolic substrates with high redox potential most studied enzymes for historical reasons; its relatively
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(above 1.3 V), due to the relatively low redox potential (0.5–0.8 V), easy availability, extraction, and purification; and the in-
acting as electron carriers between the enzyme and other sub- creasing number of applications.85 As in laccase studies, the
strates.75–77 Some synthetic mediators, such as 2,2¢-azino-bis researchers focused on the immobilization of peroxidase as a
(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS), violuric acid, strategy to obtain process improvements and reuse, which is
1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT), N-hydroxyphthalimide (HPI), and the main objective of most current researches.
N-hydroxyacetanilide (NHA), have been used.77 However, many Sun et al.86 used a novel macroporous nano protein support
researchers have been searching for alternative mediators of natural composed of ZnO/SiO2 to immobilize HRP so that the catalyst
origin. Which should be environmentally friendly and available showed high discoloration activity for the dyes blue acid 113
economically.77,78 (95.4%) and black acid 10 BX (90.3%) with a concentration of
Khouni et al.71 studied the optimization of commercial lac- 50 mg/L and a reaction time of 35 minutes. The immobilized
case treatment (DeniLite IIS) in the discoloration of two re- HRP showed even higher resistance to temperature and pH
active textile dyes (black novacron R and blue bezaktiv S-GLD changes than to free form. Stability to storage and reuse were
150) in reconstituted effluent (textile dye and auxiliary com- also improved through immobilization. With discoloration of
ponents) with a concentration of 40 mg/L and obtained maxi- the dye Blue Acid 113, it was found that 80.4% of the initial
mum removal of approximately 99% for both, with optimal efficiency was maintained after incubation at 4C for 60 days,
values of 43C and 41.44C, pH 6.0 and 6.29, and enzyme and that 79.4% of the decolorization efficiency was retained
concentration of 222 and 226.43 U/L, respectively, after 24-h after 12 cycles, reused.
processing period. It is important to note that the enzymatic Bilal et al.87 studied the immobilization of crude HRP by the
concentration depends on the type of dye and the composition of CLEAs technique and tested their efficacy on a range of reactive
the effluent. dyes using a packed bed reactor, where a maximum degradation
Recently, several studies have focused on the immobilization of 94.26% was achieved for methyl orange dye followed by
of this enzyme to obtain better performance. Bilal et al.68 dis- basic red 9 with 91.73%, indigo with 84.35%, rhodamin B with
cussed immobilization as a possibility of obtaining biocatalysts. 81.47% and rhodamin 6G with 73.6%, under the same condi-
Immobilization also offers greater stability in the presence of tions, and maintaining 60% of its initial activity after seven
salts, solvents, heavy metals, and other denaturants and enables consecutive cycles of degradation of methyl orange dye. The
biocatalyst recovery and reuse, which is of paramount impor- method of treatment significantly reduced the toxicity of the
tance for its commercial viability. dyes in the tested samples.
Zheng et al.79 immobilized purified laccase from Trametes Based on the above, it is possible to observe that there
pubescens on glutaraldehyde crosslinked chitosan beads and are several advantages associated with the use of peroxi-
obtained considerable improvements, compared to free, in dases and laccases, which demonstrate their potential in the
temperature resistance, pH changes, storage time, and also treatment of textile wastewater by reducing or eliminating
recovery. After six continuous cycles, the immobilized en- their toxicity and sludge formation. A trend has been noted in
zyme maintained 60% of its relative activity. When tested current studies that the development and use of immobilized
for discoloration, it achieved better results with dye acid enzymes would allow their reuse and could thus reduce their
black 172 (68.84% removal), 1.22 times better than with free cost.
laccase. Increases in thermal, storage, and operation stabili-
ties of the immobilized laccase were also reported by other
authors.80,81 Conclusion
The peroxidases (EC, also of the oxidoreductase Enzymes have been used by man for millennia and have in-
class, are a group of enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of a creasingly become an integral and active part of industrial
variety of organic and inorganic substrates in the presence of production of various goods and services. In the textile industry,
hydrogen peroxide (or other organic peroxides as electron ac- history and scientific efforts confirm that enzymes have become
ceptors), being extensively distributed in plants, animal tissues a promising option for economic and technological develop-
and microorganisms.82,83 ment and environmental gains.



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