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Email #1

From: Peta
To: Carter
Subj: Rollout expansion

Hi Carter,

I’m writing as a follow-up for our prior meeting about the rollout expansion request from Omar.
I totally agree with your point of view and therefore, would like to write this email to seek your
support in presenting your opinions to Omar & Deanna moving forward.

We’ve all understood that expanding the rollout will allow us to expand our digital presence,
yield more accurate metrics and generate much larger profits if successful. However, the
benefits might not outweigh the risks that it brings, outlined herewith:

● Customer and employee satisfaction might be hard to maintain - the concern you’ve
brought up before. The fact is, we will need to consider hiring more kitchen personnel
to avoid putting our staff under an overload situation, which has caused a 50%
turnover rate and some negative customer satisfaction due to errors so far. However,
the decision of hiring will only be made by the end of June after we have a better
picture and metrics to consider

● There’re so many variables to account for, considering the fact that this is the first time
we’ve implemented the project and we’re all new in the area. We’ve worked really hard
to restore and maintain staff morale and the quality of customer service. Something
like this, even with a small issue, could be hard to recover from, where a more gradual
implementation will help us to minimize the risks happening and fix them faster.

All in all, we have come to agreement that an expanded rollout would be too risky to do at the
moment. Limiting the rollout to the bar area will make it easier to ensure high levels of
customer satisfaction, allow the kitchen to scale up gradually, help the team to observe and
assess the risks and fix them faster and eventually, will help us to scale up the project and
achieve success more sustainably.

With that said, can you also join in the next meeting with Omar, Deanna and myself to present
the opinion. I believe that your opinions will impact, given your long experience and
understanding with the company as well as your expertise in the field.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Regards,

Email #2

From: Peta
To: Seydou
Subj: Rollout expansion

Hi Seydou,

I’m writing as a follow-up for our prior meeting about the rollout expansion request from Omar.
I totally agree with your point of view and therefore, would like to write this email to seek your
support in presenting your opinions to Omar & Deanna moving forward.

We understand that expanding the rollout will allow us to expand our digital presence, yield
more accurate metrics and generate much larger profits if successful. However, the benefits
might not outweigh the risks that it brings, outlined herewith:

1. Our kitchen’s operation might not catch up with the increased demand if it happens too
fast, as you expressed. We’ve observed that diners in sections with tablets really do
tend to order more so it makes sense for us to let the kitchen scale up gradually,
starting first from the bar.

2. An expanded rollout would require pushing back the timeline, paying for more tablets
and wiring, and definitely more back of house hires from my point of view. Only with
the bar roll out, we’ve already had some details left to be decided only after having
more metrics (such as staff hiring), to expand to even more sections would be too

All in all, we have come to agreement that an expanded rollout would be too risky to do at the
moment. Limiting the rollout to the bar area will make it easier to ensure high levels of
customer satisfaction, allow the kitchen to scale up gradually, help the team to observe and
assess the risks and fix them faster and eventually, will help us to scale up the project and
achieve success more sustainably.

With that said, can you also join in the next meeting with Omar, Deanna and myself to present
the opinion. I believe that your opinions will impact, given your experience and expertise in the

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks & Regards,


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