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Vocabulary What are they like? | can describe people's personalities. Unit map @ vocabulary Personality adjectives Compound adjectives The media Digital media Extreme adjectives Word skis Position and order of adjectives, Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous used to and would i Press intrusion SPEAKING Look at the photos (A-F).Can you identify the people and their ‘occupations? What have they done to become famous? LS \3 1 2 VOCABULARY In pairs, check the meaning ofthe adjectives below. Then decide which qualities you would need to be successful at each occupation in exercise 1 We think you would need to be creative and industrious to bea successful writer Personality adjectives bad-tempered bossy cautious considerate creative cruel eccentric gullible industrious insecure intelligent judgemental going passionate sociable selfless self-satisfied shrewd spontaneous stingy stubborn sympathetic untrustworthy vain @witing A formal letter 3. Read the Chinese horoscope on the next page. Match each of the descriptions with ‘two adjectives from exercise 2 @ culture RADA ‘Tigers: spontaneous, vain 4 Using the years they were born, match the people in exercise 1 with an animal from the Chinese horoscope. Are the personality adjectives similar to those you chose in exercise? 5 Look at the year when you were born in the Chinese horoscope. Which animal are ‘you? Do you agree with the description? 6 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Use adjectives that you already know and the adjectives from ‘exercise 2 to describe a famous person that you both know. Can you guess the person from your partner's description? @ Vocabulary Builder page 17 page 125 HED vr Fame Tigers often do things without planning them. They can sometimes be too proud oftheir appearance. Rabbits are good at using their imaginations and have a talent for ‘making things, but they can be too pleased about their own achievements Dragons are very clever, but they often disapprove of others. ‘Snakes are good at judging situations correctly. They sometimes don't care if they cause people pain. Horses are friendly and like to meet new people, but they can often get quite angry. ‘Sheep think about other people's feelings before they act, but they don't always feel very confident about themselves. 7 VOCABULARY Match the compound adjectives below with definitions 10. Compound adjectives bad-mannered easy-going hard-working light-hearted open-minded quickwitted self-confident single-minded thickskinned well-behaved 1 Having confidence in yourself and your abilities. 2 Thinking only about the thing that you want to achieve, 3 Not easly upset by negative comments. 4 Relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying. 5 Behaving ina way that is acceptable. 6 Abletto think ina fast way. 7 Cheerful and without problems. 8 Rude and not showing respect. 9 Willing to accept other ideas and ways of doing things. 10 Putting alot of effort into something. Listen to three speakers talking about different life experiences. What are the experiences? Which qualities from exercise 7 does each speaker say are important? RECYCLE! Present perfect and past simple contrast ‘We use the present perfect to talk about an experience in the past without mentioning the exact time. We use the past simple to tak about a past event that ‘took place at a specific time. 10 SPEAKING Workin p Oxen think very carefully before making decisions and can be determined to do what they want even ifothers dont agree. Rats do everything with great feeling and ‘enthusiasm, They are sometimes too trusting and believe everything people tell them. Pigs put other people’sneeds before their own, but they can sometimes bea bit mean with money, Dogs love being ‘around other people and show understanding for people with problems. Roosters work hard, but they like to tell others what to do. ‘Monkeys sometimes behave strangely. You car't always believe what they say. 9 Read the Recycle! box. Then listen again and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or present perfect, affirmative or negative. 1 Speaker! (give) comedy shows all over the country. 2 Speaker (have) a good experience in Liverpool 3 By travelling alone, Speaker 2 with a lot more people. 4 Speaker 2 5 Speaker 3s brother stop an argument at a wedding, 6 Asal, Speaker 3's brother with many similar situations (make) friends (taste) insects just to be polite. (not find) it difficult to (have) to deal Look at the personality adjectives from exercises 2 and 7 and discuss the questions below. Which qualities 11 would you like to have, but don’t have? 2. doyou look for ina friend? 3 doyouthink ae the most irtating? 4 are the most useful for succeeding at school? 5 can be both positive and negative? Vd like to be more spontaneous and less insecure. Le my friends tobe. ? unity Fame CHL Grammar Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous I can use the past perfect simple and past perfect continuous. 1 Read the text. What's a stunt double? Who ‘one and why? ithave 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous. Then match ‘each sentence with a rule in the Learn this! box. 1 after he (Finish) speaking, everyone stood up and clapped 2 They (plan) the project for months when it was suddenly cancelled. 3 We ______(not wait)long when the actors arrived 4 Many fans (queue) since midday to see the stars 5 She (know! what job she wanted to do since she wasa child 6 He (not wea) protective clothing when the When |arived on set fo interview Paul Lacovara one accident happened, so he was badly injured. tternoon, he looked exhausted. That was probably fo be THe (try) to get into acting for years before he expected, given that he'd spent the moming jumping off «got the part in the film, buildings and being beaten up. Paul s a stunt double, eee 8 She (win two Oscars by the age of thirty. His career began fen years ago Since chihood, Paul 4. USEOF ENGUISH Complete the sentences with the correct had always wanted fo be either an actor or a fighter pilot. form of the words in brackets. Use the past perfect simple is maths had never been good enough for career in ‘or past perfect continuous. Use no more than five words, fying, but he managed to get ajob as an extra inthe fn including the words provided. We Were Soldiers He tured out fo be the perect stunt double for action films ~ mainly because, in the months 1 She______fact / years) betore:shet before stating work he had been learning martial ors won an Oscar and training as a bodybuilder, He hadn't been doing the 2 Joe. (not / visited / the USA) jb for very ong when he was noticed bythe director unt he was nis thirties and his cates took of from there Within fon years, he 3 My cousin hada terrible headache because he had wen an award for his stunt work and had received (watch / television) since nominations for lwo mote. And amazingly be sill has @ midday. 100% accident-ree record! 4. The play was areal disappointment, and we (want / see) it for such a long time 2 Read the Learn this! box. Find allthe examples ofthe past > Neve they upset because they perfect simple and past perfect continuous in the text and (not /imerage /txiy] tae forte concest tat evening ‘match them with rules a~d 6He_____{not /work) many weeks before the director noticed him, 7 (you /leave / university) by LEARN THIS! Past perfect simple and continuous a We use the past perfect simple fr completed actions that happened before a specific time inthe past. 5 SPEAKING Work in pai By the age of six, she'd appeared on television twice, were: bb We use the past perfect continuous for longer actions 1 exhausted 5 shocked or situations that happened before a specific time in 2 amazed 6 upset Fe port 3 badtempered 7 worried They were tired because they'd been rehearsing hard 4 disappointed € With state verbs, we use the past perfec simple with Find out why your partner felt that way. Use appropriate {orand since to say how long an action had been in past tenses. progress He'dbeen an actor since childhood, oe the time you became an extra? Think about the last time you d With action verbs, we use the past perfect continuous ‘with for and since to say how long an action had been in progress She'd been writing for years before she became famous, Because Id been playing tennis all ‘morning, Why were you exhausted? Because I'd had a really bad night's sleep. ‘B+ GrammarBullder1.1 page 15 unity Fame roe = Press intrusion T Ican identify the attitude of a speaker. 1 SPEAKING Describe the photo. What isthe drone doing? Why is it there? Whois controling it? 2 Read the magazine article. Do you think that the paparazzi should be able to use drones? THE DRONES Drones are increasingly being used by the paparazzi to film or photograph people who are in the public eye, often without their knowledge and certainly without their permission. These small, radio-controlled flying cameras ‘can be bought relatively cheaply and can easily be used to invade someone's privacy. ‘The growing number of these aircraft is causing celebrities to run for cover inside their homes, but they are not safe ‘even there, as the cameras can film through windows. 3. VOCABULARY In pairs, check the meaning of the words and phrases below. How many can you find in the text? ns and noun ph e journalism P When you listen, pay attention to what words each speaker uses to express his/her attitude. Words with a similar meaning may have different connotations, Read the Then listen and underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Speaker I describes the film premiere as packed / bustling. 2 Speaker 2 says thatthe singer was watched / spied on, 3 Speaker 3 describes the actor as stubborn / determined 4 Speaker 4 thinks the footballers generous / extravagant. 5 Speaker 5 says that the people in the TV show often chat / gossip. In the USA, where most drones have been sold, press regulators have been rushing to redraft the country's privacy laws, In fact, paparazzi drones have already been. ‘banned in California, But the fear is that the operators of these intrusive devices will be impossible to track down. 5 Check the meaning of al the adjectives. hoose the adjective descrbing the attitude ofeach speaker (a, bord. Ten listen again and check. Use your answers to exercise 4to helpyou. 1 Speaker is a disappointed 2 Speaker 2is b bored, ¢ enthusiastic. a indifferent. __b disapproving. ¢ sarcastic. 3 Speaker 3is a optimistic ib impressed. uninterested. 4 Speaker 4is a accusing, b disbelieving. _¢ approving. 5 Speaker Sis, a critical, b interested. ¢ passionate. 6 Listen and match the speakers (I~4) with sentences ‘A-E, Write the correct number. There is one extra sentence. A The speaker’ attitude towards celebrities is unsympathetic B The speaker feels outraged about the paparazz's harassment of celebrities The speaker has a balanced view ofthe use of drones in public life D The speaker s enthusiastic about celebrity gossip. E The speaker isn't completely supportive of al journalists 7 SPEAKING Workin pairs. Discuss the questions. 11 Would you like to lve your lf in the public eye? Why? / Why not? 2 Isit justified for the paparazzi to follow celebrities? 3 Could you imagine yourself working asa paparazzi photographer? Why? / Why not? Unit Fame

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