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ad 21] REcrinr, IMO 9, 1989/ma 20, 1910

No 21] DELHI, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1989/MAGNA 20, 1910
wm IV

TROT guru% &FR.}



f eft, 9 'Mat 1989
k. Delhi, the 9th February, 1989
4194T 4,r.3-2/.4. f4. 483-44,49T vrt40,44-2/ No. F.11/-2 /CST/83/1A51.11/69788-93.—In exercise of the
69788-93 fis781 fat witewww 1975 (1975 * ma powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 9 of the Delhi
9 a a11181-2) naT 118" Yiracia aa• Sales Tax. Act, 1975 (No. 43 of 1975). the Administratorof the
81* 518' k mirow Hi* rt ms-44 wizz€4. vfErf444 4;61fd Union Territory of Delhi is pleased to app' int with immediate
da aral fWiiwo8 it w-O7o' wick 3 fat fighisfsfww %TN- effect, the following officer to assist the Commissioner of Sales
wtiofffir aa Ta• Tax in execution of the function under the aforesaid act :

aar 1/1841-11 fit 811( trr SI. Name of the officer Designation
Naar No.

1. at wtora4 f4g ae 9m fat TT 011811a 1. Shri Sarawit Singh Asst. Sales Tax Officer.
'"'4 9d f<741 F sraTT4T
14441 4 9111 a 441 in,
By Order and in the name of the Administrator of Union
RIT. 4. s./.441,4r, Dirt'Drfatt Territory of Delhi.
WcrE491 M.K. BEZBORUOH. Spl. Secy. (Taxation)
393 DG/89

1 2 3 4 5
617 TT TIWW7

Ra,9 (Fret, 1989 f _ (7rt ) 168 4 16

109 I 10
( 5 )173-W71167:17103(8-3196.--77 646:1-78 ,#(1(W 77 16
kTt e(81(rw1 # r4W(7( R WT. fates, 88071": T 47 00
941.4al 71'4-.:1-,7 R#W, 1-2-69 (SO 4 1ITITT(91 I 1 I6
7 W 0114 (W) 172 4 it;
173 4 10
''Delhi, the 9th February, 1989 174(2 1 14
175 4 10
N,. F. 30 51/73-LCIEstt.Orol.-111/98 (Order).— On this
176 4 16
a pp/Batmen t, Shri R.K. Malhotra has taken over the charge
of the Office of the Chief Inspector of Boilers and Smoke Nui- 177 d 16
sate in this department w.c.f. 1-2-1989 (FPO 178 4 16
17912 1 10
DULICHAND. Under. Secy. (L a bo ur)
1791I 3 on.
wfaa waft FraLIT ISO 4 10
161 4 10
r-,t, 9 T177(., 1 ::(1 l it
fir ZIT.II( 018(3-7, 8' W. r( 1)133137.-67 17 18(67-ii Is 3 4 In

-87:18(1713 8ft 74g. Atha frfft fa; Wit6f9(47 711.

670 8e4I8( 184
f % #1-49Id;Tfq'TIFf inqqr % %mit farc< 186/1 2 OS
ctrrwi-m-Tirr 3 147, VT %;;R:LAF#a; sr ax #74.17Trtt Irr# 18612 OS
Air3 wr9i Riffrrnt. 77:8747 gr7r TT- Trialid7 fair 7791 t 137 4 10
fa SpedissiN'd W t 197 Ire o ERN, 188 4 10
Fnt 4qff1-9. t I 139 4 16
190 4 10
qZ: TIft-.179'91 5.1":1 4757 Trfilf974 1s94 A 1TIT11-4 .37741
191 4 16
nirif of di *Thy nfm7 er 3Tat I
192 4 16
17Tha fITT.1 F,TTI .-171 WI-47=1 ar m'fl I f r 1T4r t 193 4 16
wr.; (9' aims arum Rfrialfrii a1 7;it •-era rfril 194 4 16
a.144 in 910 zmi* #f•tri 11t vrpr R 51 :
ar t-<-A- a gtdor *754 195 4 16
311 ara Tnr vilf4Tu qdr 5:171:rr, Ar7 ant irir7 flit 196 4 16
fan t mfrfa n-W t 19711 0 12
19712 2 01
uTraff 'R*"'rdu t9 TT TUB TIBITITMI a1 altr-17 198 4 15
et VTF ( 1) .47 rain i t e,a 1zPi t1 reran 19911 4 16
( 4) * Vir9' Atter st Mw ,:rrTr 3-* 4-7 7,Erea 19912 01
200 4 00
fafsn fan sm 201 a 04
261 0 11
qrgr tt 4117 1
. 15 144,71 3',771 itra 2%2 10
f r 268 3 14
1 2 3 4 5
270 2 17
fArBgr 1140 03 50 4 16 271 00
4 15 272 4 16
1 16 273 4 10
155 4 16 274 4 00
160 4 Os 275 4 05
1“2 14 10 276 4 00
103 2 07 277 4 1111
10.1 4 16 279 7 00
165 I 16 280 4 16
106 1 O9 2S2 5 11
107 4 16 417 IS

1 2 3 4 $ 1 2 3 4 5
fcc co: (wris) 418 4 10 fir Ail. (TA' ) 472 4 16
419 1 16 473 4 16
420 16 474 4 16
421 3 17 475 4 16
422 2 10 470/1 1 00
423 4 16 470/2 3 16
424 4 16 477 4 16
425 4 16 476 4 16
42611 I 00 479 4 16
426[1 4 09 4S0 4 16
437 3 01 141 4 10
428 4 16 482 4 16
429 4 16 ' 463 4 16
430 4 16 464 4 16
431 5 16 .185 4 16
433 4 16 486 4 16
134 4 16 487 4 16
435 4 16 188 4 10
43511 a 18 469 16
436/2 1 14 490 4 16
437 6 14 491 4 16
438 4 11 492 4 16
439 2 07 493 4 16
440 -1 17 494 4 10
441 10 495 4 16
442 4 10 490 4 16
443 4 16 497/1 1 00
444 4 16 49712 3 16
447 4 16 498 4 16
446 4 10 499 4 16
449 4 16 500 4 16
450 4 10 501/0 3 16
451 4 16 501)2 1 00
452 4 16 503 4 16
453 4 16 503 4 16
454 4 16 505 4 16
455 4 16 506 4 16
456 4 16 507/1 1 00
457 4 16 507/2 3 16
lb 508 4 16
459/1 08 509 4 16
459/3 2 08 510 4 16.
460 4 16 511 4 16
461 4 16 512 4 16
462 4 16 513/1 2 OS
463 4 16 513/2 08
464/1 2 08 514 4 16
464/3 2 06 515 4 16
465 4 16 516 4 -16
466 4 Iti 3 00
467 4 16
51712 1 16
466 4 16
518 4 16
469 4 16
470 4 16 519 4 16

471 4 16 520 4 16

1 2 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 5
_ ._ — _
fff urr 521 4 16 5618o1( klia ) 703 4 10
(9ta )
522 4 10 709 I
523 4 16 7 10 4 le
524 4 10 711 2 07
525 S 00 712 4 10
526 2 14 713 4 I6
527 5 04 7 14 4 16
528 16 715 4 16
529 3 16 71611 2 08
530 2 II 7142 2 OS
531 4 Is 717 4 16
532 5 14 633 4 08
533 3 00 634 4 00
1 16
635/2 1
535 4 16
636 3 13
536 2 10
6 37 6 06
537 5 04
639 4 13
538 4 16
6 40 2 19
541 6 08
6 41 4 16
542 4 16
6441 2 08
544 3 17
6442 2 08
545 4 16
643 4 16
547 4 16
644 4 16
548 4 16
645 4 16
549 4 16
651 4 10
550 4 16
65211 08
551 4 16
6542 2 OS
552 4 16
65311 2 03
553 3 I1
554 5 03 6542 2 OS
556 4 16 654 4 i6
655 4 16
557 2 12
558 5 656 4 16
657 4 Hi
559 2 OS
664 4 16
560 7 14
665 4 16
573 4 14
666 4 16
659 4 16
676/1 3 10
663 4 16
668 4 16 2. 16671191 187 19 11 15 I 14
670/1 2 16 1017 1 00
670/2 2 00 17f1156 1 00
673 4 01
6741 4 00 24 I r016 2 10
6742 0 16 100:18' 1 06
675 4 16 11 PH 0 16
7041 3 16
25 3 2 10
701/2 1 00
4 4 10
702 4 16
5 3 12
703 4 10
6 4 09
704 4 16
7 4 16
705 4 16
a 3 15
706 4 16
11 2 10
707 4 16
12 5 00

1 2 4 5 purpose. namely for shining of Timber Traders from Tcliwara

under the scheme of planned Development of Delhi, it is
13 4 16 hereby notified that the land inthe locality described below is
14 4 16 likely to be acquired for the above purpuse.
15 4 09 This notification is made under the provisions of section 4
of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894, to all whom it may concern.
16 FAR' 4 04
1.7 4 16 In exercise of the powcrsconferred by the afore said section,
the Lt. Governor, Delhi is pleased to authorise the Officers for
IS 4 16
the time being engaged in the undertaking with their servants
19 4 16 and workmen to enter upon and survey any land i nthe locality
20 4 15 and do all other acts required or permitted by that section.
21 3 12 The Lt. Governor, being of the opinion that provisions of
22 4 16 sub-section (i) of section 17 of the said Act are applicable to
23 4 16 this land, is further pleased under sub-section 4 of the said
24 4 16 section to direct that the provisions of section 5-A shall not
25 3 00
29 1f00 0 10
2150 0 19 Name of village To tal Ama Rect. No. Kb. Nos. Arca
aft 03 (Big-Bis.) (Big--Bi s
3/2 1 OS 2 3 4 5
EmE97 (alt) 29 3/3 0 19
I. Siraspur 1140-03 50 4-16
4 -1 16
St 4-15
5 3 00 154 1-16
6 fiT6 2 00 155 4-16
7 4 14 160 4-08
3 1 18 162 14-10
163 2-07
9 1-0 1 00
164 4-16
13 I 16 165 4-10
14 4 16 166 4-07
isfim 0 19 167 4-16
27 2 14 168 4-10
169 3-16
30#10 2 19
171/2 3-00
31 #10 1 12 171/2 1-16
Ism o 16 172 4-16
1715 fnq 0 10 173 4-16
174/I 3-02
26 15 3 Os 1-14
16 2 07 175 4-16
17 2 19 176 4-16
26 4 12 177 4-16
4 11 170 4-16
1781 4-16
24 2 14
179/1 3-06
28 9 07 179/2 1-10
29 8 16 181 4-16
30 3 11 180 4-16
182 4-16
28 311 fli5 I 00 183 4-16
312 fiiq 3 00 184 0-16
4 fern' .2 00 186/1 2-08
28 0 04 186/2 2-08
187 4-16
ART k 188 4-16
189 4-16
'entrn Mn
190 4-16
( +1- 6 6-) 194 4-16
192 4-16
Delhi, the 9th February. 1989 194 0-16
195 4-16
.-- No. F. 11(1)186-L&B(1):-3567.—Wheras it appears to the
196 4-16
Lt. Governor, Delhi that the land is likely to be required to
197/1 0-12
be taken by Government at the public expense for a public

1 2 3 4 5 1 3 4 5

Siraspur-470ntd. 197/2 2-01 462 4-16

198 4-15 463 4-16
19911 4-14 464/1 2-08
1 99/2 2-01 464/2 2-08
200 4-00 465 4-16
201 6-04 466 4-16
261 6-11 467 4-16
262 4-14 468 4-16
268 3-14 469 446
269 5-18 470 4-16
270 2-17 471 4-46
271 4-00 474 4-]6
272 4-16 473 4-16
273 4-16 474 4-16
274 4-00 475 4-16
275 4-05 476/1 1-00
276 4-00 47612 3-16
277 4-00 477 4-16
279 478 4-16
280 4-16 y, 479 4-16
282 5-11 480 4-16
417 2-16 481 4-16
418 4-16 482 4-76
419 4-16 483 4-16
420 4-46 484 4-/6
485 4-16
421 3-17 4-16
422 2-10 487 4-46
423 4-16 488 4-16
424 4-16 489 4-16
425 4-16 490 4-16
426/1 1-00 491. 4-46
426/2 4.09 492 4-16
427 493 4-16
428 4-16 494 4-16
429 4-16 r 495 4-16
430 4-16 496 4-16
431 4-16 49711 1-00
433 4-16 497/2 3-16
434 4-16 498 4-16
435 444 499 4-16
43611 3-18 501 4-16
436/2 1-14 500/1 3-16
437 6_14 501/2 t-Ou
433 4-11 503 4-16
439 504 4-16
505 4-16
440 447 506 4-16
441 2-10 50E1 1-00
442 4-16 507/2 3-10
443 4-16 508 4--16
509 4-16
444 4-16
447 510 4-46
511 4-16
448 4-16
513/1 2-08
449 4-0
450 4-16 513/2 2-08
451 4-16 512 4-16
452 4-16 514 4-16
453 4-16 515 4-14
454 4-16 516 4-16
517/1 3-00
455 4-16
517/2 1-16
456 4-16
518 4-16
457 4-16
458 519 4-16
459/1 520 4-16
521 4-16
459/2 2-08
460 522 4-16
523 4-16
- 461 4-16
524 4-16
1 2 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 5
1. Siraspar-Contd. 525 5-00 I. Siraspur-Cont8/ 639 4-13
526 2-14
640 2-19
527 5-04
641 4 -16
.528 4-16
(1271 7-0A
529 2-19
642 p. 2 41R
530 2-11
143 4-16
531 4 -18
644 4-16
532 5-14
645 4-I6
533 3-00
651 4-16
534/1 1-00
652/1 2-08
534'2 3-13
652/2 2-08
535 4-16
653/I 2-08
536 2-10
653/2 2-08
537 5-04
654 4-16
538 4-16
655 4-16
541 6-08
656 4-16
542 4-16
657 4-16
544 3-17
664 4-16
545 4-16
665 4-16
547 4-16
666 4-16
54.4 4.16
676;1 3-16
549 4 -1 6
550 4 .1 6
551 .1-16 2. Cillaspur 1 R7-I 9 I1 15 I-14
552 4-16
16 mM. 1-00
533 3-11
17 min. 1-00
554 5-03
556 4-16
557 2-12 24 I min. 2-10
558 5-10 10 min. 1-06
559 2-08 11 min 0-16
560 7-14
573 4-44 25 3 2 10
659 4-16 4 4-10
663 4-16 5 3-12
668 4-16 4-09
670/I 2-16 6 4-16
670/2 2-00 8 3-15
673 4-01 11 2 -10
674/1 4-00 12 5-00
674/2 0-16 13 4-16
675 4-16 14 4-16
701/2 3-16 I5 4-09
701/2 1.00 1 6 min 4-04
702 4 16 17 4-16
703 4 16 18 416
7C4 4--16 19 4-16
705 4_16 20 4-16
706 4-16 21 3-12
707 4-16 22 4-16
708 4-16 23
709 4-16 24 4-16
710 4-16 25 3-00
711 2-07
712 4-16 29 1 min 0-10
713 4 -I 6 2 min 2-19
714 4-16 3/I 2-08
715 4-16 3/2 1-08
716/1 2-08 3/3 0-19
716/2 2-08 4 4-16
717 4-16 5 3-00
633 4-08 6 min. 2-00
634 4-00
635'I 1 7
635/2 .18 4-16 1.-18
9 min. 1-00
636 3-13 13
737 I -16
6-06 14 4-16

1 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

2. Libaspur-Contd 15 min 0-19 Libaspur-Contd 28 9-07

27 2-14 29 8-16
30 min 2-19 30 3-11
31 mM. 1-12 28 3/1 min
17:5 mm 0.10 3'2 3 -00
26 15 3-0s 4 min 100
16 2-07 28 0 04
17 2 -19 29 18 min 0-16
26 26 4-12
By Order,
27 4-11
94 2-14 K.K. BHASIN, Spl. Secy. (L8613)

Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Rmid, New Delhi-11006-1
and Published by the Controller of Poblkation5 Delhi-110054, 1989

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