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Proceedings of the 46th European Microwave Conference

Comparison of Filter Bank Multi-Carrier and

Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing RFPA
Linearisation Requirement

Kibrom N Gebremicael, Stephen Wales Michalis Kyriacou

Kevin Morris, Roke Manor Research Ltd University of York
Souheil Bensmida and Mark Beach Hampshire, UK York, UK
Communication System and Email: Email:
Network Group
University of Bristol
Bristol, UK

Abstract—Increased network capacity and transmission speed domain, instead it consists of a band of filters providing better
has driven the development of many different wireless standards. spectral containment per sub-carrier and reduces the out-of-
Radio Frequency (RF) Technology has also been improving with band emission [3],[4]. The scheme is still a multi-carrier signal
the changing wireless standards. Such developments demand and possesses a high PAPR. High PA linearity will still be a
high linearity and power added efficiency from the RF Power requirement. 5G is expected to utilise higher frequency carriers
Amplifier (RFPA). 5th Generation wireless standard (5G) is the
next generation standard for mobile telecommunications. In this
and wider bandwidth [5]. When the PA operates in a wideband
paper we consider a waveform obtained using Filter Bank Multi- application, it exhibits memory effect.
carrier (FBMC) modulation, one of possible candidates for 5G, A significant amount of research effort has been directed
and investigate its impact with respect to RFPA behavioural towards improving the power added efficiency of RF power
modelling parameters. The measurement has been carried out
using 30 MHz to 2000 MHz, 25 W GaN wideband power
amplifiers and also their linearity in meeting ever more strin-
amplifier. Measurement has also been performed in the presence gent requirements upon out of band emissions with waveforms
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) RF signals possessing a high peak to average power ratio. Digital Pre-
at the input of the power amplifier. And the result is analysed distortion (DPD) is now commonplace in wireless infrastruc-
in terms of crest factor, non-linear order, memory depth and ture transmitters to allow amplifiers to operate with reduced
Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR) improvement. back-off whilst meeting adjacent channel leakage requirements
Keywords—Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR), Crest arising from non-linear distortion in the amplifier [6][7]. DPD
Factor, Digital Pre-distortion (DPD), Filter Bank Multi-Carrier operates by characterising the distortion in the power amplifier
(FBMC), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). and applying an inverse model. Consequently it needs the out-
put of the PA acquired over the bandwidth required to estimate
the behavioural model of the amplifier. As signal bandwidths
I. I NTRODUCTION increase, this can place a high demand upon Analogue to
Digital Converters (ADC) and associated signal processing to
In response to the ever increasing higher data rate demand, perform pre-distortion. Crest Factor Reduction (CFR) increases
different wireless industry standards have been proposed in the efficiency of the amplifier through controlled peak clipping
the past. As the standards continue to evolve, the RF sig- [8] but this can also increase the complexity of the system as
nal characteristics and PA linearity requirement also keep it requires the addition of extra system for peak reduction. In
changing. The RF Power Amplifier constitutes one of the key order to preserve the lower sidelobe level of FBMC after the
enabling components in the wireless transceivers, it is also a RFPA, the performance required from the existing linearisation
main source of power consumption in these systems. Many technique is expected to be increased. This paper provides
of the existing standards, such as IEEE 802.11 and 3GPP’s experimental validation of this.
LTE and LTE-Advanced wireless standard adopt OFDM. The
scheme has provided increased throughput and network ca- II. D ISTORTION C HARACTERISATION
pacity, however, the signal is characterized by high Peak-to-
Average Power Ratio (PAPR) value. Signal of this type can In order to fully exploit the potential of DPD, it needs
potentially drive the PA into saturation resulting in strong to analytically model the behaviour of the PA. The amplifier
adjacent channel interference and poor Bit-Error Rate (BER). exhibits memory effects when operating on wideband RF
The Fifth Generation (5G) wireless standard is anticipated to signal, moreover, the concurrent multi-band operation and the
increase the data speed on the order of gigabit rates [1]. FBMC spectral gab variation between the bands impacts the model [9].
is one possible choice of modulation technique for 5G [2]. The Volterra model in equation (1) can be used to characterise
Unlike OFDM, FBMC does not use a square window in time the non-linear behaviour of the RFPA accounting for memory

978-2-87487-043-9 © 2016 EuMA 1083 4–6 Oct 2016, London, UK

effects [10],[11]. However its computational complexity means
that it is rarely applied in practice: the complexity increases
exponentially as the non-linearity degree and the memory
depth value increase.

P  K

y(n) = ... hp (i1 , ..., ip ) x(n − ij ) (1)
p=1 ii =0 ip =0 j=1

x(n) Input Fig. 1. Measurement Set-Up and RFMD’s RF3833 PA
y(n) Output
hp (i1 , ..., ip ) Discrete Time Volterra kernel
K Memory depth
P Non-linearity order of the polynomial

Several simplified versions of the Volterra model have

been applied to amplifier pre-distortion, of which the
memory polynomial model given in equation (2) is the
simplest [12],[13].

y(n) = a2p−1,k x(n − k)|x(n − k)|2(p−1) (2)
p=1 k=0

Where a2p−1,q is a Complex coefficient


To investigate the impact of the signal characteristic on
the PA’s behavioural model, a concurrent dual-band RF input
Fig. 2. PA Characteristics and Modelling
signal which constitutes two of each: 1MHz FBMC, 10 MHz
FBMC and 10 MHz LTE RF signals have been applied to
the RFPA separately. Each RF signal was generated using The absolute ACLR at the FBMC source (without ampli-
a Rohde and Schwartz SMU200A vector signal generator, fication) was -67.74 dB. When OFDM signal was used, the
and then power combined before being fed into an RFMD absolute ACLR in the previous scenario was measured to be
RF3833 25W 30 MHz to 2000 MHz GaN Wide-Band Power -65.22 dB. The spectrum in Figure 4 shows the PA’s response
Amplifier. Rohde and Schwartz’s FSQ26 vector signal analyzer to a concurrent dual band input signal. Each constitutes 10
and IQWizard have been used to capture the content of each MHz band and consists of an FBMC and LTE signals. As
band separately. The acquired baseband sequence is processed can be seen from this figure, ACLR in the FBMC signal is
using Matlab code for non-linear model extraction and DPD lower than it was in OFDM. This may well be due to the
calculation. A photograph of the measurement set-up and the better spectral containment in the FBMC. The result shown
PA module are shown in Figure 1. The behavioural modelling in Figure 5 is obtained when the memory depth and the non-
and DPD has been carried out when the carriers are placed at linearity order in equation 1 are set to one and five respectively.
850 MHz and 1 GHz. The measurement is carried out in the presence of two 10
The PA exhibits memoryless effect whenever a narrow band MHz channels, the result is summarised in Table I. The results
RF signal is fed into it. As shown in Figure 2, even if the are obtained when the the memory depth value is set at one.
individual bands constitutes narrowband RF signal, memory Channel A and B in Table I refers to each bands at 850 MHz
effects are present with the concurrent multi-band operation. and 1 GHz respectively. As can be seen from Figure 5 and
Such PA characteristics need to be compensated for along with Table I, the level of ACLR improvement obtained during DPD
the non-linear effect of the PA. The other equally important application is also different. From the results presented here
outcome is the change in the crest factor. The Complementary FBMC requires a reduced non-linearity order to achieve similar
Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) graph shown in Fig- levels of improvement in ACLR from the application of DPD
ure 3 is when a concurrent dual band signal each constituting compared to OFDM.
1MHz FBMC narrowband signal is presented to the PA. The
PAPR value of each signal prior to combining was 10.58 dB, IV. C ONCLUSION
but after combining this value has increased by almost 3 dB.
Such effect requires to consider the number of bands that The advancing wireless standards are increasingly de-
the PA can run simultaneously; because, as the PAPR value manding high linearity from the PA. Progress in wideband
increases, so does the PA linearity requirement. communications requires the PA to run in concurrent multi-

Fig. 5. PA Response to FBMC waveform With and Without DPD

signal. Memory polynomial behavioural modelling and DPD

has applied while the FBMC and OFDM signals are presented
to the PA. DPD application to the OFDM signal showed better
ACLR performance at increased polynomial complexity when
compared to DPD result in the FBMC signal.

Fig. 3. CCDF plot
This work is supported by the U.K. Engineering and Physi-
cal Sciences Research Council Centre for Doctoral Training in
Communications under Grants EP/I028153/1, EP/K035746/1
and Roke Manor Research Ltd, UK.

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