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Leona G.

ABM 11-3

Ever since the pandemic happened, everyone’s lives changed big time. The
people that always wander the streets cannot be seen anymore because everyone was
locked inside their houses for their own safety. The things we used to do before, such
as meeting with friends, eating outside or going to the mall, were all suddenly removed
on our routines.
It feels new, refreshing and at the same time, tiring.
For the past few months, we were not allowed to go out because of the virus that
continuously spread to the people. And because of that, we were ordered to stay inside
the house. I, who considers myself as an introvert, felt a sting of happiness because
now, I wouldn’t need to go outside and that I can now finally enjoy my own company,
alone. Though because of it, it means that I will have a lesser time in engaging to active
recreational activities which I usually had before. On the first few months since the
pandemic began, I started doing an indoor workout, and guided myself by following
workouts that YouTubers uploaded online. It continued for months but then eventually, I
decided to stop. When the classes started, I had lesser to no time to do workouts for I
always aim to do the assignments immediately. But we had a lot, and I did not know
how to manage my time very well which became the reason why I stopped doing
workouts. After the school year ended, I became focused on watching series and
playing online games. I had a few long walks, with my mom, whenever we go to the
dentist (which was monthly) but I know that those walks were not, of course, enough.
To sum it all, I really had an unhealthy lifestyle ever since this pandemic
happened. Do I regret it? Yes, because I had a chance to improve myself but because
of the lack of desire and willingness, I did not do it. Nonetheless, I am using this
experience as a motivation and a lesson to do better for myself next time.

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