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Eloisa’s Quaranthings:

Journal during Pandemic

No one saw this pandemic happening, not everyone has thought that we
will be stuck like this for almost two years now. With this sudden change
in our daily lives, plenty of things have happened, too. Some people
would rather see the situation as an opportunity to make something better,
while others don't. I'm both of them, honestly; my life has been a
rollercoaster ride during this surge of COVID-19.

Even before the lockdown, I'm not the type of person who's into
yoga, exercise, Zumba, and other sports kinds of stuff. However, I can say
that I was more physically active before since I used to walk my way home
after school with my friends. Aside from that, I was obligated to attend
practices for performances like street dance, speech choir, and such,
which is something I cannot do this year.

On the first few weeks of class suspension, I was happy that I won't
be stressed about school tasks anymore. I would just spend my time
scrolling through social media, reading Wattpad, and listening to music,
which wouldn't require me to use much of my energy. The things that are
requiring me to be active physically are the household chores and other
errands; I'd wash the dishes, and clean our house by clearing the specks of
dust off our shelves and cabinets, sweeping the floor, and mopping it.
Then every afternoon, I would be in charge of our mini-store. Also, I would
do calligraphy every time I get inspired or motivated. Apart from those, I
would also play my ukulele, try new stuff, and reconnect with my old
hobby (crocheting). In short, I became productive. But, things started to
fall off when I started seeing huge number of cases on television. My
motivation turned into anxiety, so I disconnected from the internet and
spent most of my time doing things offline Iike reading and watching films
every night. I was still doing the chores, of course, but after doing it, I'd
often lock myself inside my room and sleep for hours. I became too lazy
and easily exhausted to try my hobbies again like making art. Perhaps, it
was one of the results of not being in touch of the outide world that
caused me to feel mixed emotions of joy and melancholy. I missed my
friends, but I was scared of the internet, thinking I would only see nothing,
but profile pictures with candles and dark backgrounds caused by the fatal
problem we’re currently facing.

Eloisa Rose D. Aberin

ABM 11-3

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