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Total Population: ~328.

Vaccinated: ~167M
Unvaccinated: ~161.2M

Here’s a breakdown of how much each drug company got:

Pfizer: $6 billion (29.4%)
Moderna: $5.3 billion (26.1%)
Sanofi: $2.2 billion (10.6%).
Janssen: $2.1 billion (10.5%)
AstraZeneca: $1.6 billion (7.9%)
Novavax: $1.6 billion (8.0%)
An additional $1.5 billion (7.5%) went for vaccine related expenses.

"Republican State Representative and his wife got COVID-19. She died last week.
This week, he went maskless to anti-vaxx rally"

> Because the majority of PS4 saves use Little Endian, Save Wizard will
automatically swap the values for those specific games. Therefore, writing
"000039FE" in a code will post as "FE390000". This is true for all codes except for
the Search Value in the Pointer Codes (Code Types 8/B/C) and the Bytes Written in
the Mass Write Code (Code Type A). These values will be pasted exactly how they're
written in the code.

> When a Pointer is set using Codes 8, 9, B, or C, the following write codes with
the Pointer Offset Type will have the Address in the code offset forwards from the
Pointer Address.

> I prefer to use Bytes instead of Bits but for a quick translation:
8-bits = 1 Byte, 16-bits = 2 Bytes, 32-bits = 4 Bytes.
I also know some veterans like to use bitwise operators when writing codes but I'm
not here to confuse anyone so I'm not going to do that :P

> These are not all of the codes nor are they complete translations for each code.
Save Wizard / Game Genie has never really publicly posted anything about the code
formats so the majority have been discovered over the course of the past decade.
Shout out to every single code hunter and community! (There are way too many to
name and if I start I know I'll forget some)

TYPE 0 Codes:

B = Offset Type
0 = Default
8 = Offset from Pointer
Y = Address
X = Bytes to Write


00000456 00000063

00000456 00000063 - Normal Offset

00000456 00000063 - Writes to this Address
00000456 00000063 - Writes these Bytes

TYPE 1 Codes:

B = Offset Type
0 = Default
8 = Offset from Pointer
Y = Address
X = Bytes to Write


10001E24 000003E7

10001E24 000003E7 - Normal Offset

10001E24 000003E7 - Writes to this Address
10001E24 000003E7- Writes these Bytes

TYPE 2 Codes:

B = Offset Type
0 = Default
8 = Offset from Pointer
Y = Address
X = Bytes to Write


20000250 3B9AC9FF

20000250 3B9AC9FF - Normal Offset

20000250 3B9AC9FF - Writes to this Address
20000250 3B9AC9FF - Writes these Bytes

TYPE 3 Codes:

B = Byte Value & Offset Type

0 = Add 1 Byte (000000XX)
1 = Add 2 Bytes (0000XXXX)
2 = Add 4 Bytes
3 = Add 8 Bytes
4 = Sub 1 Byte (000000XX)
5 = Sub 2 Bytes (0000XXXX)
6 = Sub 4 Bytes
7 = Sub 8 Bytes
8 = Offset from Pointer; Add 1 Byte (000000XX)
9 = Offset from Pointer; Add 2 Bytes (0000XXXX)
A = Offset from Pointer; Add 4 Bytes
B = Offset from Pointer; Add 8 Bytes
C = Offset from Pointer; Sub 1 Byte (000000XX)
D = Offset from Pointer; Sub 2 Bytes (0000XXXX)
E = Offset from Pointer; Sub 4 Bytes
F = Offset from Pointer; Sub 8 Bytes
Y = Address
X = Bytes to Add/Sub


31003E3D 0000112A

31003E3D 0000112A - Add 2 Bytes Worth

31003E3D 0000112A - Add to this Address
31003E3D 0000112A - Add These Bytes

TYPE 4 Codes:

B = Byte Value & Offset Type

0 = 1 Byte (Only Writes 000000XX)
1 = 2 Bytes (Only Writes 0000XXXX)
2 = 4 Bytes
8 = Offset from Pointer; 1 Byte (Only Writes 000000XX)
9 = Offset from Pointer; 2 Bytes (Only Writes 0000XXXX)
A = Offset from Pointer; 4 Bytes
Y = Address
X = Bytes to Write
C = Amount of times to repeat Write
D = Increases Address by per Write
Z = Increases Value by per Write


41004500 00000100
4004000C 00000002

41004500 00000100 - Writes 2 Bytes Worth

4004000C 00000002 - Writes Four Times

41004500 00000100 - Writes to this Address

4004000C 00000002 - Distance Between Writes

41004500 00000100 - Writes these Bytes

4004000C 00000002 - Increases By 2 Per Write

TYPE 5 Codes:
5BZZZZZZ 00000000

B = Offset Type
0 = Default
8 = Offset from Pointer
Y = Address to Copy Bytes
X = Amount of Bytes to Copy
1 = 1 Bytes
2 = 2 Bytes
So on...
Z = Address to Paste Bytes


500000A2 00000004
500000B4 00000000

500000A2 00000004 - Normal Offset

500000B4 00000000 - Normal Offset

500000A2 00000004 - Copies the Bytes from this Address

500000B4 00000000 - Pastes Bytes to this Address

500000A2 00000004 - Copies Four Bytes Worth

500000B4 00000000

TYPE 8 Codes:
*Other Code Here, Use Specific Offset Type*

B = Offset Type
0 = Default
8 = Offset from Pointer
C = Amount of Times to Find until Pointer Set
Y = Amount of Bytes to Search
1 = 1 Byte
2 = 2 Bytes
and so on...
X = Bytes to Search, use Multiple Lines if Needed


80010004 01B00117 - Searches for four bytes of "01B00117" Once using Default Offset
28000010 7FFFFFFF - Standard Write code using the "8" Offset Type (Refer to Code
Type 2) and offsets by 0x10

TYPE 9 Codes:

Y = Operator
0 = Set Pointer to Big Endian value at XXXXXXXX
1 = Set Pointer to Little Endian value at XXXXXXXX
2 = Add X to Pointer
3 = Sub X to Pointer
4 = Set Pointer to the end of file and subtract X
5 = Set Pointer to X
X = Value to set / change

TYPE A Codes:

B = Offset Type
0 = Normal
8 = Offset from Pointer
Y = Writes to this Address
X = Amount of Bytes to Write
Z = Bytes to Write, use Multiple Lines if Needed


A0004510 00000010
11223344 55667788

A0004510 0000000F - Writes to this Address

11223344 55667788

A0004510 0000000F - Writes this many Bytes

11223344 55667788 - Bytes to Write (1)
99AABBCC DDEEFF00 - Bytes to Write (2)


[Key Items]
00000C78 00000001
20003D50 FFFFFF03
100044D0 0000FBFF
000044D3 0000000F

■ Item (ALL99)
41003F0C 00000020
40700002 00000100
4000410C 00000063
40700001 00000000

▼ Final Fantasy X HD Remaster (CODES) [ HIDE ]

■ Money (Gil) 999999999
20003D88 FFC99A3B
■ 7 Main characters: AP MAX
42005624 FFFFFF00
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: HP MAX
42005610 9F860100
40070094 00000000
42005628 9F860100
40070094 00000000
42005630 9F860100
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: MP MAX
42005614 0F270000
40070094 00000000
4200562C 0F270000
40070094 00000000
42005634 0F270000
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: Strength MAX
40005618 000000FF
40070094 00000000
4000563B 000000FF
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: Defense MAX
40005619 000000FF
40070094 00000000
4000563C 000000FF
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: Magic MAX
4000561A 000000FF
40070094 00000000
4000563D 000000FF
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: Magic Defense MAX
4000561B 000000FF
40070094 00000000
4000563E 000000FF
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: Agility MAX
4000561C 000000FF
40070094 00000000
4000563F 000000FF
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: Luck MAX
4000561D 000000FF
40070094 00000000
40005640 000000FF
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: Evasion MAX
4000561E 000000FF
40070094 00000000
40005641 000000FF
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: Accuracy MAX
4000561F 000000FF
40070094 00000000
40005642 000000FF
40070094 00000000
■ 7 Main characters: All Ability
40070094 00000000
40070094 00000000
42005652 FFFF0FFF
40070094 00000000
■ Item (Address)
 ID:3F0C~ (2bytes each) (FF00:none)
 Num:410C~ (1byte each)
■ Item (ALL99)
41003F0C 00000020
40700002 00000100
4000410C 00000063
40700001 00000000
■ Tidus Lv.99
000015FA 00000063
■ Tidus EXP MAX
10001794 0000270F
■ Tidus Unlock All Ability

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