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LESSON 2: Exploring Your Wit

A. Engage
Important consideration in making a lesson plan:
1. Students – It is important to know who your students are. Know the ability
levels and their special needs. Design instructions that will meet the needs of
the students.
2. Content – Know your content. Research and study the subject matter that you
will be teaching.
3. Objective – It is important to set clear goals and objectives in your lesson plan
to ensure that you will stay on your topic and cover the relevant information.
4. Materials/ Resources – Know the available materials that will help you teach
5. Potential Challenges – In making a lesson plan, you should anticipate
potential challenges that you may encounter while delivering the lesson and
brainstorm ways on how to avoid it.
6. Introduction – Create a learning context that will set rapport, motivate, and
connect to the students. Design specific activities that will be used to get
students understand and apply what they have learned.
7. Strategies – Think of strategies that will fit to your lesson and get students’
attention and be easy for them to understand the topic/lesson.
8. Learning Activities – Estimate how much time you will spent on each activity
that you planned. Prepare differentiated activities that will meet the needs of
the students and identify strategies that will check students’ understanding.
9. Lesson Assessment – There must be a clear relationship between the
assessment and the lesson objective. This is to test if the students meet the
lesson objectives.
10. Closure – Think of ways on how you can wrap up your lesson. This can
include telling your students the most important concepts that were covered
in the lesson.
C. Activate

Lesson Plan using the ASSURE Model

I. Analyze the learners

Demographic Profile
This lesson is prepared for Grade 7 students. This class has a population of 56 students. There
are 26 male and 30 female in the class. 98% of the students in the class are from average
family background. Learning styles in this class vary from auditory to visual and kinesthetic.
Students have difficulty maintaining focus during class and to overcome this issue lessons must
be tailored to accommodate the students’ attention span.

Entry Competencies
Students should be able to use of search engine to conduct a guided search.

Learning Style
Students learning style vary from auditory to visual and kinesthetic learners. To ensure that the
students learn, each style must be considered.

II. State the Objectives

Students should be able to:
• Define the meaning of a search engine.
• Use a search engine to conduct a guided search.
• Value the importance of search engine in searching for information.

III. Select Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials

The teachers use the deductive to inductive method of teaching. Wherein the teacher starts the
lesson by presenting a video about the lesson.

Technology, Media, and Materials

The teacher uses the following:
• Computer: A computer will be used to run slides.
• Projector/ Television: Projector/ will be used to allow students view the video about the
lesson and the slides about the lesson.
• Speakers: With the aid of speakers the students will be able to hear the clip clearly. The
speakers will enhance their learning experience.
• Cellphones/Laptop: The students will use this in searching information using the
different examples of search engines.
• Internet Connection: This is used in searching information.

IV. Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials

The teacher previews the textbook and reference books for the activity to ensure that the
worksheets are effective for the lesson. The teacher will listen to the clip ensuring that the
video is working, and the audio is clear.

Prepare Materials
The teacher prepares all the necessary things needed for the lesson. Equipment needed should
be turned on and tested. The teacher will test the projector and computer ensures their

Prepare the Environment

The seating will be arranged so that all students will have a clear view of the projection. The
speakers will be place in an area where all the students will be able to hear the audio clearly.

Provide Learning Experience

The teacher will ask the students ahead of time bring gadgets like cellphone and laptop to be
used during the activity. During the activity, the teacher will let the students type some words
on the different examples of search engines with the proper guidance on how to properly do it.

V. Require Learner Participation

Active Mental Engagement
Students will do the activities provided to fully understand the lesson and value the importance
of the use of search engine in searching information.

Engage Learners in Practice

Students will do the activity to practice and use the gadget in searching information with the
use of the different examples of search engine discussed.
Provide Performance Feedback
The teacher will check if the students properly did the task by asking the results found upon
typing the words given.

VI. Evaluate and Revise

The teacher will give a task to the students by searching on stories that has the same story with
them and how they overcome the challenges the experienced and to write a reflection paper of
what they have searched.

This lesson was very interactive, the students were excited on what are they going to do with
the gadgets they brought. They then realize the importance of using the different examples of
search engine in searching information that are new to them and that information that they
want to know and learn.

The teacher goes back to the objective and check whether the objectives were meet and the
students really understand the lesson discussed. This is the time that the teacher can say that
the lesson prepared was successful or it has some points to be improved.

Traditional Classroom Flipped Classroom

- face to face lecture - Pre-recorded lectures,

- question and answer watching video
- Homework Both lectures independently
- Teacher-centered - Peer-to-peer
- Teacher lecturing discussion and
-teacher is collaboration
- Teacher is standing at
facilitator - Classroom activities
the board
- Students passively such as group
- educate
watched a discussion
demonstration - Student-centered
- Teacher is the only - improve - Allows more time for
one does the talking students’ students’ questions
knowledg - Teacher spends more
e time with the students
- Students actively
involved in the

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