Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

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To Tom, Jacqueline and John, to whom writing a book should mean weaving a tale of high adventure rather than
constructing a catalogue of boring nostrums. Paternal apologies for the disappointment, but perhaps next time . . .
Director of Intensive Care, The Royal Melbourne Hospital
& Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne


© 2002

Greenwich Medical Media Limited

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ISBN 184 1100919

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A Amanita 16
Abciximab 1 Amenorrhoea 16
Abortion 1 Aminoaciduria 16
Acanthosis nigricans 1 Aminocaproic acid 16
Acetazolamide 1 Ammonia 16
Acetylsalicylic acid 1 Amnesia 16
Achlorhydria 1 Amniotic fluid embolism 17
Acidosis, renal tubular 2 Amoebiasis 17
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 2 Amphetamines 18
Acromegaly 3 Amyloid 20
ACTH 4 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 20
Actinomycosis 4 Anaemia 20
Acute brain syndrome 4 Anaphylaxis 24
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy 4 ANCA 24
Acute lung irritation 5 Aneurysms, mycotic 24
Acute pulmonary oedema 5 Angiodysplasia 24
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 7 Angioedema 24
Acyclovir 7 Angiotensin 24
Addison’s disease 8 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 25
Adenosine 8 Animal bites 25
Adrenal insufficiency 9 Ankylosing spondylitis 25
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 10 Anorectal infections 27
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 11 Anorectic agents 27
Agammaglobulinaemia 11 Anorexia nervosa 27
Agranulocytosis 11 Anthrax 27
AIDS 11 Antibiotic-associated colitis 28
Air embolism 11 Anticardiolipin antibody 28
Alcohol, methyl 11 Anticholinergic (cholinolytic) agents 28
Aldosterone 11 Anticholinesterases 29
Alkaloids 12 Antidiuretic hormone 30
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 12 Antinuclear antibodies 30
Allergic granulomatosis and angiitis 12 Antiphospholipid syndrome 30
Alopecia 12 Antiprotease 32
Alpha-fetoprotein 13 Antithrombin III 32
Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency 13 Aortic coarctation 33
Altitude 14 Aortic dissection 33
Aluminium 14 Aplastic anaemia 34
Alveolar hypoventilation 16 ARDS 34
Alzheimer’s disease 16 Arnold-Chiari malformation 34
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Arsenic 35 Bronchocentric granulomatosis 58

Arteriovenous malformations 36 Brucellosis 58
Arteritis 37 Budd-Chiari syndrome 59
Arthritis 38 Bullae 59
Arthropathies 39 Burns, respiratory complications 59
Arthus reaction 39 Byssinosis 61
Asbestos 39
Aspergillosis 40 C
Aspiration 41 Cadmium 62
Aspirin 41 Calcitonin 62
Asthma 42 Calcium 63
Asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia 44 Calcium disodium edetate 63
Atrial natriuretic factor 44 Cancer 63
Autacoids 44 Cancer complications 64
Auto-erythrocyte purpura 44 Carbon monoxide 65
Autoimmune disorders 44 Carbon tetrachloride 66
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 67
B Carboxyhaemoglobin 67
Bacillary angiomatosis 46 Carcinoembryonic antigen 68
Bacillary peliosis hepatis 46 Carcinoid syndrome 68
Bacitracin 46 Cardiac tumours 69
BAL 46 Cardiomyopathies 70
Barotrauma 46 Cardiovascular diseases 73
Basophilia 46 Cat bites 74
Bat bites 47 Cat-scratch disease 74
Bathing 47 Cavitation 76
Bed rest 47 Cellulitis 77
Bee stings 47 Central pontine myelinolysis 77
Behçet’s syndrome 47 Cerebellar degeneration 78
Bell’s palsy 48 Cerebral arterial gas embolism 78
Bence Jones protein 49 Cerebral arteritis 78
Benign intracranial hypertension 49 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 78
Beriberi 49 Chelating agents 78
Beryllium 50 Chemical poisoning 81
Beta2-microglobulin 50 Chest wall disorders 82
Biliary cirrhosis 50 Chinese restaurant syndrome 82
Bioterrorism 51 Chlorine 82
Bird fancier’s lung 51 Cholangitis 83
Bismuth 51 Cholera 83
Bites and stings 51 Cholestasis 84
Bleomycin 56 Cholinergic agonists 84
Blisters 56 Cholinergic crisis 85
Boerhaave’s syndrome 56 Christmas disease 85
Botulism 56 Chromium 85
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 57 Chronic fatigue syndrome 85
Bromocriptine 57 Churg–Strauss syndrome 85
Bronchiectasis 57 Chylothorax 86
Bronchiolitis obliterans 58 Ciguatera 86

Clostridial infections 87 Dog bites 115

Clostridium difficile 88 Drowning 115
Coagulation disorders 88 Drug allergy 117
Cocaine 89 Drug fever 118
Cold 90 Drug-drug interactions 118
Cold agglutinin disease 90 Drugs 119
Colitis 90 Drugs and the kidney 121
Complement deficiency 91 Drugs and the lung 122
Conjunctivitis 92 Dysentery 124
Conn’s syndrome 93 Dysphagia 124
Copper 94 Dysproteinaemias 124
Costochondritis 94
CREST syndrome 95 E
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 95 Eaton Lambert syndrome 125
Cricoarytenoid arthritis 96 Ebola haemorrhagic fever 125
Critical illness myopathy 96 Echinacea 125
Critical illness polyneuropathy 96 Echinococcosis 125
Crohn’s disease 96 Ecstasy 126
Cryoglobulinaemia 97 Ecthyma 126
Cryptococcosis 97 Ectopic hormone production 126
Cushing’s syndrome 97 EDTA 126
Cyanide 99 Eisenmenger syndrome 126
Cystic fibrosis 100 Embolism, air 127
Cytomegalovirus 101 Emphysema 127
Empyema 127
D Encephalitis 127
Dantrolene 103 Encephalopathy 127
Decompression sickness 103 Endarteritis 128
Delirium 103 Endocarditis 128
Dementia 103 Endocrinology 131
Demyelinating diseases 104 Enterocolitis 133
Dengue 105 Enteropathogenic E. coli 133
Dermatitis 105 Envenomation 133
Dermatology 106 Environment 133
Dermatomyositis 107 Eosinopenia 133
Desferrioxamine 107 Eosinophilia 134
Desmopressin 107 Eosinophilia and lung infiltration 134
Diaphragm 108 Eosinophilic granuloma 136
Diarrhoea 108 Eosinophilic pneumonia 136
Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis 110 Epidermolysis bullosa 136
Digoxin-specific antibody 112 Epididymitis 136
Dimercaprol 113 Epidural abscess 136
Dioxins 113 Epstein–Barr virus 137
Diphtheria 113 Ergot 138
Dissecting aneurysm 114 Erysipelas 138
Disseminated intravascular Erythema marginatum 138
coagulation 114 Erythema migrans 139
Diving 114 Erythema multiforme 139
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Erythema nodosum 139 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

Erythrocytosis 139 deficiency 155
Erythromelalgia 139 Glycogen storage diseases 156
Ethylene glycol 140 Goodpasture’s syndrome 156
Euthryoid sick syndrome 141 Gout 157
Exfoliative dermatitis 142 Graves’ disease 158
Exophthalmos 143 Growth hormone 158
Exotic pneumonia 143 Guillain–Barré syndrome 158
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis 143
F Haemangioma 159
Factitious disorders 144 Haematology 159
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia 144 Haematuria 161
Fanconi’s syndrome 144 Haemochromatosis 161
Farmer’s lung 144 Haemodilution 163
Fasciitis 144 Heamoglobin disorders 163
Felty’s syndrome 144 Haemoglobinopathy 165
Fetal haemoglobin 145 Haemogloninuria 165
Fever 145 Haemolysis 165
Fever of unknown origin 145 Haemolytic–uraemic syndromes 165
Fibrinolysis 145 Haemophilia 167
Fish envenomation 146 Haemoptysis 167
Flushing 146 Haemostasis 168
Folic acid deficiency 147 Hamman–Rich syndrome 168
Folliculitis 147 Hand–Schüller–Christian disease 168
Food poisoning 147 Hantavirus 168
Formaldehyde 148 Heat 168
Fournier’s gangrene 148 Heat cramps 169
Friedreich’s ataxia 148 Heat exhaustion 169
Frostbite 148 Heat rash 169
Furunculosis 149 Heat shock proteins 169
Heat stroke 170
G Heavy chains 171
Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid 150 Heavy metal poisoning 171
Ganciclovir 150 HELLP syndrome 171
Gangrene 150 Hemianopia 172
Gas gangrene 151 Henoch–Schonlein purpura 172
Gas in soft tissues 152 Heparin 172
Gastric emptying 152 Hepatic diseases 173
Gastrinoma 152 Hepatic necrosis 174
Gastroenteritis 152 Hepatic vein thrombosis 174
Gastroenterology 152 Hepatitis 174
Germ warfare 153 Hepatocellular carcinoma 177
Giant cell arteritis 153 Hepatoma 177
Gingivitis 153 Hepatopulmonary syndrome 178
Glomerular disease 153 Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia 179
Glossitis 154 Herpesviruses 179
Glucagonoma 154 High altitude 179

Hirsutism 181 Irritable bowel syndrome 207

Histiocytosis X 181 Islet cell tumour 207
Histocompitability complex 182
Histoplasmosis 183 J
Horner’s syndrome 183 Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction 209
Hot tubs 184 Jellyfish envenomation 209
Human bites 184
Hydatid disease 184 K
Hydrocephalus 184 Kaposi’s sarcoma 210
Hydrogen sulfide 184 Kartagener’s syndrome 210
Hyperbaric oxygen 184 Korsakoff syndrome 210
Hypercalcaemia 184 Kyphoscoliosis 210
Hyperparathyroidism 186
Hyperphosphataemia 188 L
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 188 Lactase Deficiency 211
Hypersplenism 189 Lactic acidosis 211
Hyperthermia 189 Lassa fever 212
Hyperthyroidism 189 Lateral medullary syndrome 213
Hypertrichosis 191 Lead 213
Hyperuricaemia 191 Leptospirosis 214
Hyperviscosity 191 Leukocytoclastic vasculitis 214
Hypocalcaemia 191 Leukoencephalopathy 214
Hypoglycaemia 192 Lewisite 214
Hypokalaemia 192 Lice 215
Hyponatraemia 192 Light chains 215
Hypoparathyroidism 192 Lightning 215
Hypophosphataemia 193 Liquorice 215
Hypothermia 194 Listeriosis 216
Hypothyroidism 195 Lithium 216
Livedo reticularis 218
I Liver abscess 218
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 197 Loeffler’s syndrome 219
Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis 197 Lung tumours 219
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic Lupus anticoagulant 220
purpura 197 Lyme disease 220
Immotile cilia syndrome 197 Lymphadenopathy 221
Immune complex disease 197 Lymphocytosis 221
Immunodeficiency 199 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis 222
Immunology 200 Lymphopenia 222
Infections 201 Lyssavirus 222
Inflammatory bowel disease 203
Inhalation injury 205 M
Insect bites and stings 205 Magnesium 223
Interstitial lung disease 205 Malabsorption 224
Interstitial nephritis 206 Malaria 225
Interstitial pneumonitis 206 Malignant hyperthermia 226
Iron 206 Mallory–Weiss syndrome 227
Iron overload disease 207 Manganese 227
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Marfan’s syndrome 228 Myoglobinuria 248

Marine vertebrate and invertebrate Myopathy 248
stings 228 Myositis 249
Mast cells 228 Myotonia 250
Mastocytosis 228 Myxoedema 250
Mediastinal diseases 228 Myxoma 250
Mediastinitis 230
Mediterranean fever 230 N
Medullary sponge kidney 230 Nails 251
Medullary thyroid cancer 230 Necrolytic migratory erythema 251
Megaloblastic anaemia 230 Necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis 251
Melatonin 231 Necrotizing pneumonia 251
Meleney’s progressive synergistic Nephrolithiasis 251
gangrene 231 Nephrology 252
Melioidosis 231 Nephrotic syndrome 254
Mendelson’s syndrome 232 Neural tube defects 254
Meningococcaemia 232 Neurofibromatosis 254
Meningoencephalitis 232 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 254
Mercury 232 Neurology 255
Mesothelioma 233 Neuropathy 257
Metabolic acidosis 233 Neutropenia 261
Metabolism and nutrition 233 Neutrophilia 262
Methaemoglobinaemia 234 Non-respiratory thoracic disorders 263
Methanol 235 Norwalk virus 263
Methylene blue 236 Nutrition 263
Microangiopathic haemolysis 237
Miller Fisher syndrome 237 O
Mites 237 Obstetrics and gynaecology 264
Mixed connective tissue disease 237 Occupational lung diseases 265
Monkey bites 238 Octreotide 267
Monosodium glutamate 238 Oncofetal antigen 267
Motor neurone disease 238 Ophthalmoplegia 267
Mouth diseases 238 Optic neuritis 267
Multifocal motor neuropathy 240 Orchitis 267
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 240 Organophosphates 267
Multiple myeloma 241 Osler–Weber–Rendu disease 267
Multiple sclerosis 243 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 267
Muscular dystrophies 244 Oxytocin 268
Mushroom poisoning 245
Mustards 246 P
Myasthenia gravis 246 Paget’s disease 269
Mycetism 248 Palmar erythema 270
Mycetoma 248 Pancreatitis 270
Mycoplasma hominis 248 Pancytopenia 270
Mycoplasma pneumoniae 248 Papilloedema 271
Mycotic aneurysms 248 Paragonimiasis 271
Myelitis 248 Paraneoplastic syndromes 271
Myelopathy 248 Paraquat 273

Parotitis 274 Procalcitonin 297

Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria 274 Proctitis 297
Pediculosis 274 Progressive multifocal leukoen-
Pelvic inflammatory disease 274 cephalopathy 298
Pemphigus 274 Protein C 298
Penicillamine 275 Protein S 299
Periodic breathing 275 Proteinuria 299
Periodic paralysis 275 Prussian blue 300
Pernicious anaemia 275 Pseudogout 300
Peroneal muscular atrophy 275 Pseudohyperkalaemia 300
Petechiae 275 Pseudohyponatraemia 300
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome 276 Pseudohypoparathryoidism 301
Phaeochromocytoma 276 Pseudomembranous colitis 301
Phosgene 277 Pseudo-obstruction of the colon 301
Phrenic nerve 277 Pseudo primary aldosteronism 301
Phthiriasis 277 Psoriasis 301
Physical exposure 277 Ptosis 302
Pigmentation disorders 277 Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 302
Pituitary 278 Pulmonary hypertension 303
Pituitary apoplexy 279 Pulmonary infiltrates 305
Placental abruption 279 Pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia 306
Plasmacytoma 279 Pulmonary nodules 306
Plasminogen 279 Pulmonary oedema 307
Platelet function defects 279 Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease 307
Pleural cavity 280 Purpura 307
Plumbism 284 Pyoderma gangrenosum 308
Plummer–Vinson syndrome 284 Pyrexia 308
Pneumatosis coli 284 Pyroglutamic acid 313
Pneunoconiosis 284
Pneumomediastinum 284 Q
Pneumonia, exotic 284 Q Fever 313
Pneumonia in pregnancy 284
Pneumothorax 285 R
Poisoning 285 Rabies 314
Poliomyelitis 286 Radiation injury 314
Polyarteritis nodosa 286 Rat bites 315
Polycystic kidney disease 286 Raynaud’s phenomenon/disease 315
Polycystic ovary syndrome 287 Reactive arthritis 316
Polycythaemia 287 Reiter’s syndrome 316
Polymyalgia rheumatica 288 Relapsing fever 317
Polymyositis/dermatomyositis 288 Renal artery occlusion 317
Polyneuritis 289 Renal calculous disease 318
Polyneuropathy 289 Renal cortical necrosis 318
Porphyria 289 Renal cystic disease 319
Post-transfusion purpura 292 Renal tubular acidosis 320
Pre-eclampsia 292 Renal vein thrombosis 321
Pregnancy 294 Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone 321
Priapism 297 Respiratory burns 322
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Respiratory diseases 322 Stomatitis 342

Restless legs 324 Storage disorders 343
Reticulocytes 324 Stridor 343
Retinal haemorrhage 325 Strychnine 343
Retrobulbar neuritis 325 Sturge–Weber syndrome 343
Reye’s syndrome 325 Sucralfate 344
Rhabdomyolysis 326 Sweating 344
Rheumatology 327 Sweet’s syndrome 345
Rickettsial diseases 328 Swimming 345
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
S hormone 345
Salicylism 330 Syphilis 346
Salpingitis 330 Syringomyelia 347
Sarcoidosis 330 Systemic diseases and the lung 347
Scalded skin syndrome 333 Systemic lupus erythematosus 348
Scarlet fever 333
Schistosomiasis 333 T
Schonlein–Henoch purpura 334 Takayasu’s disease 351
Scleroderma 334 Tardive dyskinesia 351
Scombroid 335 Temporal arteritis 351
Scorpion stings 336 Tetanus 351
Scurvy 336 Tetrahydroaminoacridine (THA) 352
Selenium 336 Tetralogy of Fallot 352
Serotonin syndrome 337 Tetrodotoxin 352
Serpins 337 Thalassaemia 352
Serum sickness 337 Thallium 353
Sheehan’s syndrome 337 Thermoregulation 353
Short bowel syndrome 337 Thiamine deficiency 353
Shy–Drager disease 337 Thrombasthenia 353
Sickle cell anaemia 337 Thrombocythaemia 353
Sideroblastic anaemia 337 Thrombocytopenia 353
Situs inversus 337 Thrombocytosis/thrombocythaemia 357
Sjögren’s syndrome 338 Thromboembolism 358
Skin necrosis 339 Thrombophilia 358
Skin signs of internal malignant disease 339 Thrombopoietin 359
Sleep disorders of breathing 339 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 359
Smoke inhalation 341 Thyroid function 359
Snake bites 341 Thyroid storm 359
Sodium nitroprusside 341 Ticks 359
Somatomedin C 341 Tinnitus 359
Somatostatin 341 Tongue 359
Spider bites 341 Torulosis 359
Splenomegaly 341 Toxic epidermal necrolysis 359
Spondyloarthritis 342 Toxic erythemas 359
Spotted fevers 342 Toxic gases and fumes 359
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 342 Toxic-shock syndrome 359
Stevens–Johnson syndrome 342 Toxoplasmosis 361
Stings 342 Trace elements 361

Transverse myelitis 362 Vitamin K deficiency 374

Trauma 362 Vitiligo 374
Trauma in pregnancy 363 Von Recklinghausen’s disease 374
Trench fever 364 Von Willebrand’s disease 374
Trichlorethylene 364
Tropical eosinophilia 364 W
Tuberculosis 364 Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia 376
Tuberous sclerosis 365 Warfare agents 376
Tubulointerstitial diseases 365 Wasp stings 377
Tumour lysis syndrome 367 Water-related accidents 377
Typhoid fever 367 Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome 377
Typhus 367 WDHA syndrome 377
Weil’s disease 377
U Wegener’s granulomatosis 377
Ulcerative colitis 368 Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome 379
Ulcers 368 Whipple’s disease 379
Urticaria 368 Wilson’s disease 379
Woolsorter’s disease 379
Varicella 370 Y
Vasculitis 370 Yellow fever 380
Vasopressin 372
Vertigo 372 Z
Vesiculobullous diseases 372 Zinc 381
VIPoma 373 Zollinger–Ellison syndrome 381
Viral haemorrhagic fever 373 Zoonoses 381
Vitamin deficiency 373 Zoster 381
Vitamin B12 deficiency 373
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This book is intended to be different, though Intensive Care management is unlikely to be

whether it is in fact so and more importantly made apparent.
how usefully so is a matter for the reader to
A solution for most clinicians and departments
judge. For though there are many Intensive
has generally been to collect or perhaps to have
Care books, their general theme regardless of
on-line, a bank of suitable references from the
their size is always one of coverage of the major
literature, but this can be a tedious task, may
topics, or groups of specialized topics,
not be comprehensive and is often inefficient in
encountered most commonly in the field.
data retrieval.
Usually, and appropriately, emergency
management is emphasized, sometimes even in This book offers another approach. Uncommon
the form of a didactic recipe. problems relevant to Intensive Care have been
gathered into a single volume, in which they
Yet topics related to the care of the seriously
have been described in sufficient detail to
ill, probably like those in most other areas, fall
obviate much of the need to refer to specialized
into three categories – the common, the
texts. Moreover, their implications for Intensive
uncommon and the incidental. Common
Care management have been highlighted.
problems should not need to be looked up in a
Although many of these problems can be
textbook by those in the field, except perhaps
reviewed in a more leisurely way than the more
by the most junior. Rather, the most useful
common and pressing disorders in Intensive
references are journals and monographs
Care, it could be convenient to have them
reporting new information. Incidental
collated in a single volume. The individual
problems are those not relevant to the current
topics have been arranged alphabetically, as in
Intensive Care diagnosis and management of a
an encyclopaedia and with ample cross-
particular patient. For the curious, suitable
referencing, so that no index is required. The
information can readily be sought as a rule in
book is thus intended to provide an easy and
appropriate general or specialist texts.
practical reference for the clinician at any level
Uncommon problems are another matter.
faced with an uncommon clinical problem at
Even experienced clinicians cannot retain in
the bedside.
their memory all the relevant details of so
many varied topics, yet these problems may There are many things this book is not intended
have a direct impact on acute patient care. to do. It does not replace major specialized
Some, of course, do not carry any major or Intensive Care texts, for it is not designed to
immediate therapeutic implication, though cover the front-line disorders and emergencies
knowledge is always desirable, especially if which are the ‘bread-and-butter’ of the care of
readily obtainable. Some can be buried or the seriously ill. Nor does it replace in-depth
overlooked in even a major Intensive Care specialist reviews and more importantly
textbook. Most can be found sooner or later in consultant opinion of specialist colleagues –
a major current textbook or journal for the rather it is hoped to be a partner with these in
relevant specialty, but then the impact on the large and important boundary between
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Intensive Care and many other medical and gynaecology, nephrology), Dr Tom Kay
surgical specialties. Some may say that such a (immunology), Dr Peter Morley (drugs,
volume would need to be enormous to be truly environment, trauma), Prof. Rob Moulds
useful and that a more modest-sized text may (drugs, poisoning), Dr Jeff Presneill (respiratory
do justice to nothing. A few may believe that diseases, miscellaneous diseases), Prof. Michael
Intensive Care is primarily about managing the Quinn (obstetrics & gynaecology), Prof. James
general principles of disordered physiology and St John (gastroenterology, hepatic diseases) and
that diagnosis except for the most obvious can Dr George Varigos (dermatology). Their
be made by others if necessary. A greater assistance is gratefully acknowledged, though
difficulty lies in where to draw the line in the entire content including any errors remains
breadth and in depth of coverage. In this, the responsibility of the author.
comments and suggestions would of course be
The author was fortunate to be able to persuade
Mr Ron Tandberg, Australia’s leading political
The following colleagues from the Royal cartoonist, to illustrate the book. His incisive
Melbourne Hospital and the University of wit is expected to enliven and illuminate an
Melbourne have kindly made expert comments otherwise perhaps tedious text, but it is hoped
on the topics in their own areas of specialist that his contribution does not become the
knowledge – Dr David Baraclough book’s main attraction!
(rheumatology), Prof. Graham Brown
Finally, the author thanks the editorial staff at
xvi (infectious diseases), Dr Peter Colman
Greenwich Medical for their encouragement,
(metabolism & nutrition, endocrinology), Prof.
patience and expertise.
Stephen Davis (neurology), Dr David Hunt
(cardiovascular diseases), Dr Benno Ihle J.F.C.
(metabolism & nutrition, obstetrics & Melbourne, 2001
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Abciximab Sane DC, Damaraju LV, Topol EJ et al 2000
Occurrence and clinical significance of

Abciximab (c7E3 Fab, ReoPro – Eli Lilly) is a pseudothrombocytopenia during abciximab
novel antiplatelet agent. It is a chimeric therapy. J Am Coll Cardiol 36: 75.
monoclonal humanized murine IgG antibody to Topol EJ 1995 Novel antithrombotic approaches to
the platelet receptor, glycoprotein (GP) coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 75: 27.
IIb/IIIc. GP IIb/IIIc is the receptor which, The EPIC investigation 1994 Use of a monoclonal
following platelet activation, binds fibrinogen antibody directed against the platelet glycoprotein
IIb/IIIa receptor in high-risk coronary angioplasty.
and other adhesive molecules, so that platelet
N Engl J Med 330: 956.
aggregation can proceed. Abciximab thus blocks
this receptor and causes a temporary
thrombasthenia-type platelet function defect.
Abciximab has a short half-life, with an initial Abortion (see Pregnancy)
phase of 10 min and a subsequent phase of 30
min. However, being platelet-bound it stays in
the circulation for several days, though
clinically adequate platelet function returns Acanthosis nigricans (see
within 48 h. Pigmentation disorders)

It is used primarily in percutaneous transluminal

coronary angioplasty (PTCA) as an adjunct to 1
heparin and aspirin, where it has been shown to Acetazolamide (see Carbonic anhydrase
enhance significantly coronary patency rates. It inhibitors)
has also been studied in a variety of other acute
thrombotic situations where antiplatelet therapy
could be of value.
It is given in a standard dose of 0.25 mg/kg by
Acetylsalicylic acid (see Aspirin)
iv bolus followed by 0.125 µg/kg/h by
continuous IV infusion for 12 h. It is very
expensive. Its chief adverse effects are bleeding Achlorhydria
and sometimes thrombocytopenia.
Achlorhydria refers to the lack of secretion of
gastric acid. The diagnosis of achlorhydria may
be less than rigorous if it is based on the pH of
Bibliography spot samples of gastric contents rather than on
Adgey AA 1998 An overview of the results of clinical formal testing of basal or stimulated gastric
trials with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors. Am secretion.
Heart J 135: S43.
The absence of gastric acid even after
Coller BS, Anderson KM, Weisman HE 1996 The
anti-GPIIb/IIIa agents: fundamental and clinical stimulation (i.e. absolute achlorhydria) has a
aspects. Haemostasis 26: 285. number of associations, including
Hayes R, Chesebro JH, Fuster V et al 2000
• gastric carcinoma;
Antithrombotic effects of abciximab. Am J Cardiol
• gastric polyps;
85: 1167.
Kereiakes DJ, Berkowitz SD, Lincoff AM et al 2000 • pernicious anaemia;
Clinical correlates and course of thrombocytopenia • iron deficiency;
during percutaneous coronary intervention in the • hypogammaglobulinaemia;
era of abciximab platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa • increased susceptibility to gastrointestinal
blockade. Am Heart J 140: 74. infection.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Achlorhydria is, of course, also seen after: is dependent on the patient’s immune status,

most simply assessed by the CD4 count.

• extensive gastric surgery or irradiation
(permanently); • If the CD4 count is normal or nearly so, the
• potent ATPase inhibitors (temporarily). infection is most likely to be bacterial or
perhaps tuberculosis.
Gastric acid is a prerequisite for peptic
• If the CD4 count is < 200/µL, the infection
ulceration, and the demonstration of increased
is most likely to be caused by, in order,
acid secretion may sometimes be helpful in the
assessment of refractory or recurrent peptic – P. carinii;
ulceration (see Zollinger–Ellison syndrome). – bacteria (especially pneumococci, but also
legionella, listeria, nocardia, salmonella);
Bibliography – mycobacteria (either TB or MAC);
Wolfe MM, Jensen RT 1987 Zollinger–Ellison – fungi (candida, aspergillus);
syndrome: current concepts in diagnosis and – protozoa (toxoplasma);
management. N Engl J Med 317: 1200. – viruses (CMV, HSV, VZV, E–B).
Bacillary angiomatosis and bacillary peliosis
Acidosis, renal tubular (see Renal hepatis are serious infective complications of
cat-scratch disease (q.v.), seen in
tubular acidosis)
immunocompromised patients such as those
2 with AIDS.
Acquired immunodeficiency The second most common group of presenting
syndrome features comprises neoplastic conditions,
especially Kaposi’s sarcoma, but also non-
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) Hodgkin’s lymphoma and primary cerebral
has become a well recognized entity throughout lymphoma.
all of clinical medicine and beyond.
Less common presenting features may be seen as
In Intensive Care, as in many other specialties, the direct effects of HIV infection. A very
the most common presenting features of AIDS broad collection of such features may be seen,
are opportunistic infections. Patients including
presenting with these, even if their HIV status is
• an acute infectious mononucleosis-like illness
unknown and provided they have no other which commonly persists for several months;
known immunodeficiency, are generally not
• thrombocytopenia;
difficult to recognize as likely to have AIDS.
• wasting;
These infections are often unusually chronic, • neurological disease:
recurrent or invasive. In many such patients – subacute encephalitis;
presenting with fever and a presumptive – encephalopathy;
diagnosis of infection, a specific microbiological – myelopathy;
cause is never identified. Although the patient – peripheral neuropathy;
may be a risk to others, particularly if – aseptic meningitis;
tuberculosis is not promptly recognized, the
patient is clearly also at risk of acquiring other, • abnormalities of:
nosocomial infections while in hospital and – myocardium;
especially while in Intensive Care. – kidneys;
Respiratory infections are the most common – gut;
infections suffered by AIDS patients admitted – thyroid;
for Intensive Care, but the clinical presentation – joints.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography hormone (GHRH) which is stimulatory and

Brookmeyer R 1991 Reconstruction and future somatostatin which is inhibitory. Acromegaly
trends of the AIDS epidemic in the United States. may thus also occur from excessive pituitary
Science 253: 37. stimulation by GHRH either from the
Levine SJ, White DA 1988 Pneumocystis carinii. Clin hypothalamus or ectopically from tumours,
Chest Med 9: 395.
particularly benign foregut tumours such as
Mann JM 1992 AIDS – the second decade: a global
perspective. J Infect Dis 165: 245.
bronchial carcinoid or pancreatic adenoma.
Miller R 1996 HIV-associated respiratory diseases.
Lancet 348: 307. The clinical features of acromegaly include
1996 Update: provisional public health service both local (mechanical or parasellar) and
recommendations for chemoprophylaxis after distal (hormonal) changes, as for all pituitary
occupational exposure to HIV. MMWR 45: 468.
• Local (mechanical or parasellar) features
Acromegaly (see also Pituitary) include headache and visual impairment
(both of fields and of acuity).
Acromegaly is a rare condition, produced in
• Distal (hormonal) features include acral
adults by excessive growth hormone which is
and soft tissue overgrowth (affecting
usually derived from a pituitary adenoma. Its
especially the face, hands and feet),
incidence is about 4 cases per million per year
increased bodily hair, sweating and odour,
and its prevalence is about 50 cases per million 3
sleep apnoea, husky voice, diabetes and
of the population.
skin tags (fibroma molluscum).
The pituitary adenoma usually arises from
Most patients have sleep apnoea (q.v.), and
somatic mutation of the gene coding for part of
both the obstructive and central forms of this
a regulatory G protein, thus causing the
condition may occur. Since the hormonal
production of growth hormone to become
changes of acromegaly which lead to clinical
continuous instead of varying greatly during the
recognition tend to develop slowly, the
day as it normally does in response to many
adenoma is generally a macro-adenoma (i.e.
stimuli, including exercise, stress, hypoglycaemia
>10 mm) and parasellar features are usual
and adrenergic influences. Excessive growth
when the diagnosis is made.
hormone in children may produce gigantism as
an occasional phenomenon.
Investigations show an elevated plasma growth
Growth hormone (GH) is a 191 amino acid
hormone level which is not suppressed after a
peptide, which is secreted by the anterior
glucose load (i.e. > 3 µg/L, despite glucose 75 g
pituitary and which acts by stimulating the
1–2 h previously in a standard oral glucose
hepatic production of somatomedin C (or
tolerance test). The plasma somatomedin C
insulin-like growth factor 1, IGF-1), one of the
level which reflects average growth hormone
body’s many growth factors which circulate and
activity is increased. The sella itself is best
bind to target cell receptors. IGF, which as an
imaged by CT or perhaps MRI. If pituitary
ultimate anabolic agent has been called the
hyperplasia rather than a discrete adenoma is
‘wonder drug of the late 20th century’, is now
present, the source of GHRH should be sought
described as a system and is the subject of an
either in the hypothalamus or an ectopic site.
extensive literature.
Treatment of a pituitary adenoma is usually by trans-
The pituitary secretion of growth hormone is
sphenoidal resection.
regulated by two neuropeptides secreted by the
hypothalamus into the pituitary portal • Postoperative radiotherapy is required if the GH
circulation, namely growth hormone releasing and IGF-1 remain elevated, as is often the case.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• If GH levels still remain elevated, symptoms may Infection arises when there is injury to the

be improved by medical treatment, using agents mucosal barrier, especially in association with
such as bromocriptine (a dopamine agonist, given necrotic tissue or a foreign body. Most
in a dose of 2.5–10 mg orally twice daily) or infections are facio-cervical, but occasionally the
octreotide (a synthetic analogue of somatostatin, infection may involve the lungs or become
given in a dose of 250 µg sc twice or thrice daily). disseminated. It is also an uncommon cause of
Bromocriptine is particularly useful in patients pelvic inflammatory disease in women.
with prolactin-secreting tumours.
It is a chronic deep granulomatous infection
with sinus formation. Inspection of exuded
Pituitary apoplexy is an emergency material may show the characteristic ‘sulfur
complication which can complicate any granules’, tiny pale particles which on
pituitary tumour. It presents with headache, microscopy are masses of filaments.
coma and abnormal eye signs.
Laboratory identification can sometimes be
It requires urgent treatment with corticosteroids difficult, as the organisms on smear may
and surgery. fragment to give coccobacilli appearing like
diphtheroids and on culture are slow growing
under anaerobic conditions.
Bach LA 1999 The insulin-like growth factor Treatment is with penicillin 7.2–14.4 g (12–24
4 system: basic and clinical aspects. Aust NZ J Med million U) iv daily in divided doses for 2–4 weeks,
29: 355. then orally in reduced dose for 3–6 months. In
Bills DC, Meyer FB, Laws ER et al 1993 A penicillin-sensitive patients, tetracycline may be used.
retrospective analysis of pituitary apoplexy.
Neurosurgery 33: 602. • Surgical clearance may be required, and hyperbaric
Cardoso ER, Peterson EW 1984 Pituitary apoplexy: oxygen should be considered in severe infections.
a review. Neurosurgery 14: 363. The prognosis is generally good.
Cheung NW, Taylor L, Boyages SC 1997 An audit
of long-term octreotide therapy for acromegaly.
Aust NZ J Med 27: 12.
Weese WC 1975 Smith IM. A study of 57 cases of
Lamberts S, van der Lely AJ, de Herder WW et al
actinomycosis over a 36-year period. Arch Intern
1996 Octreotide. N Engl J Med 334: 246.
Med 135: 1562.
Melmed S. Acromegaly 1990 N Engl J Med 322:
Randeva H, Schoebel J Byrne J et al 1999 Classical
pituitary apoplexy: clinical features, management
Acute brain syndrome (see Delirium)
and outcome. Clin Endo 51: 181.
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
ACTH (see Adrenocorticotropic hormone) Acute fatty liver of pregnancy is a rare and
potentially fatal condition of the third trimester.
It presents with nausea, vomiting, abdominal
pain and jaundice.
Liver function tests are abnormal, and there is
Actinomycosis is due to infection with a Gram-
usually a coagulopathy. Hypoglycaemia can be
positive bacterium, Actinomyces israelii,
severe and sustained. The liver biopsy shows
previously thought to be a fungus because of its
diffuse panlobular fatty change (i.e. steatosis).
filamentous hyphae-like appearance. It is an
obligate anaerobe, related to nocardia and often Treatment is with emergency delivery and Intensive
part of the normal oral flora. Care support.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Acute lung irritation • polymer fumes (Teflon degradation

Acute pulmonary oedema

Acute lung irritation can be produced by a large
number of chemical pollutants in the form of
noxious gases and fumes (see Occupational lung Systemic abnormalities are also produced
diseases). Irritation generally occurs in the upper following the inhalation of:
respiratory tract (and often elsewhere), as well as
• carbon monoxide (q.v.);
in the lung.
• cyanide (q.v.).
Asphyxia may be caused by excess:
Clinical features of acute lung irritation thus
include; • carbon dioxide;
• nitrogen;
• sneezing, rhinorrhoea, lacrimation;
• methane.
• stridor;
• cough;
• wheeze; Bibliography
Schwartz DA 1987 Acute inhalational injury. Occup
• dyspnoea.
Med 2: 297.
Systemic effects may also be seen on
occasion, including
• fever; Acute pulmonary oedema 5
• chills; Pulmonary oedema is defined as an increased
• leukocytosis. amount of extravascular fluid (water and solute)
in the lung, where it may be interstitial or
Bronchiolitis, pulmonary oedema and alveolar or both.
subsequent bronchopneumonia are possible
Pulmonary oedema is one of the commonest
consequences of acute lung irritation.
respiratory disorders and may follow a wide
variety of local and systemic insults. Although
Toxic gases and fumes include: pulmonary oedema due to left heart failure is
the classical clinical picture, pulmonary oedema
• ammonia;
also occurs in a number of other common
• chlorine;
settings. In these, the left atrial pressure may be
• sulfur dioxide;
normal or even low.
• oxides of nitrogen;
• ozone; These non-cardiac settings include:
• isocyanates, which may also cause
• serious medical or surgical illness in the form
occupational asthma (q.v.);
of the acute (adult) respiratory distress
• osmium tetroxide,
syndrome (ARDS);
• metal fumes
• an important component in:
– especially oxides of copper, magnesium
– viral pneumonia;
and zinc;
– aspiration pneumonitis;
– also oxides of antimony, beryllium,
– respiratory burns;
cadmium, cobalt, iron, manganese,
– uraemia;
nickel, selenium, tin, tungsten and
– endotoxaemia (systemic inflammatory
response syndrome);
• mercury; – drowning;
• platinum salts; – head injury;
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

– severe upper airway obstruction;

In practice
Acute pulmonary oedema

– altitude-related illness.
Pulmonary oedema may therefore present in • the first two groups of causes are by far
diverse settings with different pathogenetic the most commonly encountered;
mechanisms and thus with different therapeutic • the third group is probably not a cause in
implications. its own right, but lowers the threshold for
pulmonary oedema from other causes;
The causes of pulmonary oedema are: • groups four, five and six are less common.
1. Increased capillary hydrostatic pressure
• cardiogenic (left heart failure); Bibliography
• blood volume overload; Albertson TE, Walby WF, Derlet RW 1995
• pulmonary veno-occlusive disease. Stimulant-induced pulmonary toxicity. Chest 108:
2. Increased capillary permeability Colice GL 1985 Neurogenic pulmonary edema. Clin
Chest Med 6: 473.
• acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome Harms BA, Kramer GC, Bodai BI et al 1981 Effect
(ARDS); of hypoproteinemia on pulmonary and soft tissue
• viral and other pneumonia; edema formation. Crit Care Med 9: 503.
• inhaled toxic substances (including Hasegawa N, Husari AW, Hart WT et al 1994
6 oxygen); Role of coagulation system in ARDS. Chest 105:
• circulating toxic agents (including sepsis); 268.
• disseminated intravascular coagulation; Kollef MH, Pluss J 1991 Noncardiogenic pulmonary
edema following upper airway obstruction.
• uraemia, radiation, burns, near-downing.
Medicine 70: 91.
3. Decreased plasma oncotic pressure McConkey PP 2000 Postobstructive pulmonary
oedema. Anaes Intens Care 28: 72.
• hypoalbuminaemia. McHugh LG, Milberg JA, Whitcomb ME et al 1994
Recovery of function in survivors of the acute
4. Decreased tissue hydrostatic pressure respiratory distress syndrome. Am J Respir Crit
• rapid lung re-expansion, after Care Med 150: 90.
Milberg JA, Davis DR, Steinberg KP et al 1995
– drainage of a pneumothorax or large Improved survival of patients with acute
pleural effusion; respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): 1983–1993.
– pneumonectomy; JAMA 273: 306.
Richalet JP 1995 High altitude pulmonary oedema:
• laryngospasm (and other causes of acute still a place for controversy? Thorax 50: 923.
upper airway obstruction, when associated Rossaint R, Falke KJ, Lopez F et al 1993 Inhaled
with strong inspiratory effort). nitric oxide for the adult respiratory distress
syndrome. N Engl J Med 328: 399.
5. Decreased lymphatic drainage Scherrer U, Vollenweider L, Delabays A et al 1996
Inhaled nitric oxide for high-altitude pulmonary
• lymphangitis carcinomatosa;
edema. N Engl J Med 334: 624.
• lymphangiomyomatosis;
Schoene RB 1985 Pulmonary edema at high altitude:
• lung transplantation. review, pathophysiology, and update. Clin Chest
6. Uncertain mechanisms Med 6: 491.
Sibbald WJ, Cunningham DR, Chin DN 1983 Non-
• high altitude; cardiac or cardiac pulmonary edema? Chest 84:
• neurogenic (raised intracranial pressure); 452.
• drug overdose (especially IV heroin); Simon RP 1993 Neurogenic pulmonary edema.
• pulmonary embolism. Neurol Clin 11: 309.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Taylor JR, Ryu J, Colby TV et al 1990 • herpes zoster encephalitis;
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis. N Engl J Med 323: • varicella pneumonia;

1254. • immunocompromised patients (in whom
Timby J, Reed C, Zeilender S et al 1990 Mechanical interferon alpha and/or VZV immune
causes of pulmonary edema. Chest 98: 973.
globulin are also useful).
Acute respiratory distress
• is not indicated in infectious
syndrome (see Acute pulmonary oedema) mononucleosis, except perhaps in severe
• is not indicated in cytomegalovirus
Acyclovir infections, except for prophylaxis after bone
Acyclovir is the most important of the available marrow transplantation in seropositive
antiviral drugs. It has replaced vidarabine (ara- patients, in whom it is effective when given
A), the first available antiviral agent for systemic in high-dose, i.e. 500 mg/m2 tds iv for the
use in serious infections. It is a synthetic purine 1st month),
nucleoside analogue, structurally related to • is not effective in the chronic fatigue
guanosine. Its unique mechanism of action syndrome.
inhibits DNA synthesis and thus viral
Acyclovir is not protein-bound but is distributed
replication. It therefore does not affect the 7
evenly throughout the total body water, except
latent virus. There is a low incidence of
in the CSF in which the level is 25–50% of that
development of resistance, but unwarranted use
in plasma. The urinary concentration is about 10
is unwise.
times the plasma concentration. It has a half-life
The antiviral effects of acyclovir are particularly of about 3 h, which rises six-fold in severe renal
relevant for herpesviruses, as follows. It is failure, since it is primarily excreted in the urine.
It is 60% removed by dialysis. It is probably not
• especially effective against herpes simplex mutagenic nor carcinogenic. Although fetal risk
virus (HSV) types 1 and 2;
has not been shown, it crosses the placenta and
• less effective but still very useful for should be used in pregnancy only if there is a
varicella-zoster virus (VZV);
strong maternal indication. It is excreted into
• of intermediate efficacy against breast milk.
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV);
• ineffective against cytomegalovirus (CMV) It is available as a powder for iv administration,
(the related agent, ganciclovir, is however as capsules for oral use and as an ointment for
effective against CMV–q.v.). mucocutaneous lesions or keratitis.
Intravenously, it is given as 5–10 mg/kg 8
hourly for 5–10 days. Typically, 500 mg are
The greatest value of acyclovir is in HSV
reconstituted in 20 mL, diluted to 100 mL and
encephalitis, in which trial results have
administered over 1 h, giving a mean steady-
shown a survival rate of about 80% and
state peak plasma concentration of 20 ␮g/mL.
complete neurological recovery in about
50%. It is also of value in oral-labial, genital, Although the solution is widely compatible, it
rectal and neonatal HSV infections. undergoes irreversible crystallization if
refrigerated. Intravenous acyclovir is normally
well tolerated, but it is potentially phlebitic
In VZV infections, it is helpful in:
because of its alkaline nature unless given
• the elderly, especially those with widespread diluted and slowly, and it can sometimes give
lesions or trigeminal involvement; rise to nausea or a rash. Rarely, reversible
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

encephalopathy or renal dysfunction may occur (A1 or A2) on most cell membranes. It is

from very high concentrations. released when ATP is used and may thus help
maintain the balance between oxygen
Ganciclovir is structurally similar to acyclovir
availability and utilization. It is involved in
and is given in the same dosage. Its chief
many local regulatory processes and in particular
difference is that it is active against
is a vasodilator and an inhibitor of neuronal
cytomegalovirus (q.v.). It is therefore used,
often with immune globulin, in CMV retinitis
or pneumonia, for example after bone marrow Its cardiac effects were first recognized in 1929
transplantation. Unlike acyclovir, it can produce and are extensive. They especially involve
bone marrow depression. It is teratogenic and decreased conduction and ventricular
mutagenic in animals. The usual dose is automaticity, coronary vasodilatation and the
5 mg/kg iv 12 hourly. blunting of the effects of catecholamines. On
balance, it is thus ‘cardioprotective’. Both A1
Bibliography and A2 receptors are present in the heart, A1 in
Ernest ME, Franey RJ 1998 Acyclovir and the cardiomyocytes and A2 in the endothelial
ganciclovir-induced neurotoxicity. Ann cells and vascular smooth muscle cells.
Pharmacother 32: 111.
Jackson JL, Gibbons R, Meyer G et al 1997 The
effect of treating herpes zoster with oral acyclovir Clinically, its particular use is in the diagnosis
8 in preventing postherpetic neuralgia: a meta- and treatment of tachyarrhythmias.
analysis. Arch Intern Med 157: 909.
Laskin OL 1984 Acyclovir: pharmacology and
clinical experience. Arch Intern Med 144: 1241. • It is of most value in the treatment of
Prentice HG, Gluckman E, Powles RL et al 1994 supraventricular tachycardia, especially that
Impact of long-term acyclovir on cytomegalovirus associated with the WPW syndrome, with an
infection and survival after allogenic bone marrow average time to termination of arrhythmia of
transplantation: European Acyclovir for CMV
30 s.
Prophylaxis Study Group. Lancet 343: 749.
• It has no effect in atrial fibrillation or atrial
• It is not of value in ventricular tachycardia
Addison’s disease (see Adrenal unless catecholamine-induced.
Its effects are antagonized by theophylline and
potentiated by dipyridamole, but it may be
administered without altered efficacy in the
Adenosine presence of other cardiac drugs or in liver or
Adenosine is an autacoid, one of a broad range renal disease. It is of potential clinical use in
of substances normally present in the body and electrophysiological studies, in cardiac stress
functioning in humoral regulation at a local testing and in the assessment of coronary blood
level (and thus separate from hormones, flow reserve. It has no useful effect on coronary
neurotransmitters and cytokines). Autacoids ischaemia. Since its half-life is only 10 s, it is
have short half-lives, since they act near to their given as a rapid iv bolus of 3–6 mg. A further
site of synthesis and are not blood-borne. In bolus of 12 mg may be given 1–3 min later if
addition to adenosine, other examples of necessary.
autacoids include bradykinin, eicosanoids,
It can produce unpleasant and marked though
histamine, PAF and serotonin.
transient side-effects, including flushing,
Adenosine is an endogenous purine nucleoside sweating, tingling, headache, light-headedness,
of molecular weight 267 d, and it has receptors nausea and apprehension. Bronchospasm may
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
be precipitated in asthmatics. It can also
Clinical features comprise:

Adrenal insufficiency
produce cardiac pain, which is angina-like but
not in fact ischaemic. • weakness;
• weight loss;
• pigmentation especially in body creases;
Adrenal insufficiency • hypotension;
• hypovolaemia (except that blood volume
Acute adrenal insufficiency is an uncommon remains normal in pituitary deficiency,
condition and is usually due to haemorrhage since aldosterone secretion is primarily
(especially from heparin), hypotension or shock controlled by the renin–angiotensin
(as in the Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome, system).

Investigations show mild hyperkalaemia and

It thus occurs mostly in seriously ill patients, proneness to hyponatraemia from water
in whom it should remembered as an overload. In patients who are sufficiently
uncommon cause of hyperdynamic shock. hypovolaemic to have pre-renal renal failure,
there is more marked hyperkalaemia with
The clinical features include nausea, weakness hypoglycaemia, raised plasma urea and raised
and abdominal pain, as well as circulatory haematocrit. Specific testing shows a low
plasma cortisol, which fails to rise after 9
failure. Typically, there is hyponatraemia with
hyperkalaemia, and the plasma urea may be synthetic ACTH 250 ␮g iv (normal ⬎150
elevated. nmol/L and a rise at 30 min by at least 300
nmol/L to a peak of ⬎550 nmol/L). This short
Relevant investigations include failure of the synthetic ACTH stimulation test is simple and
plasma cortisol level to increase after the safe.
injection of synthetic ACTH (see below) and
direct imaging with CT. If adrenal insufficiency is clinically overt and
corticosteroids have been commenced,
Treatment is with physiological doses of confirmatory testing is very difficult, unless
hydrocortisone iv. dexamethasone can be temporarily substituted
Chronic adrenal insufficiency (Addison’s and then ceased pending a long (i.e. 3 day)
disease) is due to: synthetic ACTH stimulation test.
The plasma ACTH level is ⬎20 pmol/L in
• autoimmune disease (sometimes
polyglandular); primary adrenal failure, but in hypopituitarism it
is low (as are the other pituitary hormones –
• a space-occupying lesion, typically a
metastasis or granuloma (e.g. TB); q.v.). A rise in plasma cortisol still occurs in
hypopituitarism following ACTH, though this
• pituitary deficiency, due either to
may be subnormal due to chronic ACTH
– global hypopituitarism (when deficiency.
hypothyroidism is also typically present),
Treatment of adrenal insufficiency is urgent if there is
circulatory failure (i.e. adrenal crisis), with
– previous administration of corticosteroids
hydrocortisone 100 mg iv then 10–15 mg/h,
in pharmacological doses (when diabetes is
together with fluids, electrolytes and glucose. Chronic
commonly associated);
treatment requires maintenance therapy with cortisone
• HIV infection, with associated CMV adrenal (approximately 35 mg daily given about 2/3 in the
infection, morning and 1/3 in the evening), together with
• drugs, such as ketoconazole, rifampicin. fludrocortisone 100 ␮g daily.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

reassessment 42 years after emergence of a

Patients with adrenal insufficiency exposed
Adrenal insufficiency

problem. Ann Surg 219: 416.

to stress require increased doses of Szalados JE, Vukmir RB 1994 Acute adrenal
corticosteroids. Typically, double the usual insufficiency resulting from adrenal hemorrhage as
dose is used for minor stress and indicated by post-operative hypotension. Intens
hydrocortisone 100 mg/8 h iv for severe Care Med 20: 216.
stress, though recently it has become Vance ML 1994 Hypopituitarism. N Engl J Med
330: 1651.
recognized that these doses are excessive. In
Vita JA, Silverberg SJ, Goland RS et al 1985 Clinical
fact, doses of 25–150mg of hydrocortisone
clues to the cause of Addison’s disease. Am J Med
per day for a maximum of 3 days are 78: 461.

Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal function is Adrenocorticotropic hormone (see

suppressed by previously administered also Adrenal insufficiency, Cushing’s syndrome
corticosteroids in pharmacological doses. and Ectopic hormone production)
• This may not recover for a year or more Adrenocorticotropic hormone (corticotropin,
after such steroids are ceased. ACTH) is the main controlling factor for the
• There is no simple and accurate prediction of adrenal production of cortisol and androgens. It
hormonal reserve function, based on the is produced in the anterior pituitary by cleavage
10 previous dose or duration of steroid of a large and complex polypeptide (241 amino
treatment. acids), called propiomelanocortin (POMC),
• Prophylactic hydrocortisone (as above) is also which also includes melanocyte-stimulating
routinely recommended in such patients hormone (MSH), beta-endorphin, met-
exposed to stress. This cover is continued for enkephalin, beta-lipotropin, and a number of
two days, and then if the clinical situation is other peptides of presently unknown function.
satisfactory it is tapered over the next few
days. The secretion of ACTH is controlled primarily
by the hypothalamus-derived corticotropin
If time permits, the cortisol response to ACTH releasing hormone (CRH) and secondarily by
may be assessed prior to anticipated stress, such catecholamines and vasopressin. ACTH release
as elective major surgery, but a normal value is also stimulated by stress and by
after ACTH does not necessarily imply a hypoglycaemia. CRH production and ACTH
normal response to other stress. A more relevant release is inhibited by both natural and synthetic
adrenal assessment may be provided by the corticosteroids, which suppress mRNA for
cortisol response to insulin-induced POMC synthesis. ACTH is released in pulses,
hypoglycaemia, but this test is probably unsafe. especially in the mornings, thus explaining the
diurnal rhythm of cortisol secretion. The
normal level of ACTH is 1.3–16.7 pmol/L.
Claussen MS, Landercasper J, Cogbill TH 1992
Acute adrenal insufficiency presenting as shock
after trauma and surgery: three cases and review of Bibliography
the literature. J Trauma 32: 94. Editorial 1980 Corticosteroids and
Editorial 1980 Corticosteroids and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical function.
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical function. Br Med J 280: 813.
Br Med J 280: 813. Imura H 1987 Control of biosynthesis and secretion
Loriaux DL 1985 The polyendocrine deficiency of ACTH: a review. Horm Metab Res 16 (suppl):
syndromes. N Engl J Med 312: 1568. 1.
Salem M, Tainsh RE, Bromberg J et al 1994 Orth DN 1992 Corticotropin-releasing hormone in
Perioperative glucocorticoid coverage: a humans. Endocr Rev 13:164.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Adult respiratory distress Bibliography

Buckley RH, Schiff RI 1991 The use of intravenous
syndrome (see Acute pulmonary oedema) immune globulin in immunodeficiency diseases. N
Engl J Med 325: 110.
Van de Meer JWM 1994 Defects in host–defense
Agammaglobulinaemia mechanisms. In: Rubin RH, Young LS (eds)
Agammaglobulinaemia was the first described Clinical Approach to Infections in the Compromised
Host. 3rd edition. New York: Plenum. p 33.
immunodeficiency disorder. It is a congenital
X-linked condition, caused by mutations in a
gene on the long arm of the X-chromosome Agranulocytosis
which encodes for a tyrosine kinase expressed in
pre-B cells. Agranulocytosis for practical purposes is
synonymous with neutropenia (q.v.).
Theoretically, the term also includes deficiency
• There is a life-long susceptibility to of the other granulocytes, namely eosinophils
infection: and basophils.

– particularly with encapsulated pyogenic Bibliography

micro-organisms; Vincent PC 1986 Drug-induced aplastic anemia and
– less so to viruses, fungi and even most agranulocytosis. Drugs 31: 52.
Gram-negative bacteria (except for H. 11
AIDS (see Acquired immunodeficiency
• Infections, particularly of the respiratory syndrome)
tract, show an:
– increased frequency; Air embolism (see Diving)
– increased severity;
– increased recurrence rate;
– decreased responsiveness to treatment. Alcohol, methyl (see Methanol)

Aldosterone (see also Renin–

Chronic meningoencephalitis, due to an
angiotensin–aldosterone and Conn’s syndrome)
echovirus, can be a particularly troublesome
complication. Aldosterone is produced in the zona
glomerulosa of the adrenal gland from
In about 30% of patients, agammaglobulinaemia
cholesterol and acetate precursors. It is the chief
is associated with a rheumatoid arthritis-like
mineralocorticoid and promotes the renal
disease and sometimes with dermatomyositis,
tubular reabsorption of sodium and water.
probably due to an enterovirus. On
investigation, all the immunoglobulins are • It is stimulated chiefly by angiotensin but
decreased (with IgA, IgM and IgD often also by ACTH, hyperkalaemia,
undetectable and IgG⬍1 g/L) and there are no hyponatraemia and hypovolaemia.
B cells. There is no antibody response (e.g. to • It is inhibited by dopamine in low doses
diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus immunization), but which thus causes a natriuresis, an important
there is normal cell-mediated immunity. phenomenon in Intensive Care patients, in
whom secondary aldosteronism is common.
Treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (30
mg/kg/month iv) significantly improves the Aldosterone circulates in the free form and is
prognosis. Screening of at-risk family members is metabolized in the liver, so that its level is
recommended. increased in many liver disorders. Aldosterone
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

causes an increased blood volume and cardiac Allergic granulomatosis and


output via sodium and water retention, and there angiitis (see Churg–Strauss syndrome)
may be associated increased blood pressure from
the vasoconstrictor effects of angiotensin II.
These volume and blood pressure signals cause
the juxtaglomerular apparatus in the kidney to
reduce renin release, a negative feedback effect. Alopecia, which refers to loss of bodily hair, can
have many causes and may vary in extent from
Bibliography the loss of an area of hair on the scalp to the loss
Melby JC 1991 Diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism. of all bodily hair, even including eyebrows and
Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 20: 247. eyelashes.
Quinn SJ, Williams GH 1988 Regulation of
aldosterone secretion. Ann Rev Physiol 50: 409. 1. Alopecia areata is a localized condition of
White PC 1994 Disorders of aldosterone biosynthesis unknown cause, occurring in young people and
and action. N Engl J Med 331: 250. with one or more areas of complete hair loss,
usually on the scalp. There is minimal
inflammation clinically (although histological
Alkaloids examination shows lymphoid cells around the
Alkaloids are a class of organic compounds hair bulbs), and the process is usually reversible
containing carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen and within three years.
12 often possessing powerful physiological effects.
They are usually derived from flowering plants As it is (like vitiligo) associated with several
and are complex structures generally containing autoimmune diseases, especially Addison’s
some type of ring. They are chemically basic disease, thyroiditis and pernicious anaemia,
(i.e. alkaline), hence their name. Their role in it is probably an autoimmune phenomenon
nature is unknown. itself.

Alkaloids include substances such as: It is treated with local steroids. Local irritants assist
and phototherapy and/or minoxidil may help in some
• ephedrine; patients.
• morphine;
• nicotine; 2. Androgenetic alopecia or male baldness
• quinine; has well known features, though an underlying
• strychnine. endocrine disorder should be sought if it occurs
Some plant alkaloids are common cancer in young women.
chemotherapy agents (e.g. vincristine, If the result is cosmetically unacceptable, it may be
vinblastine). They bind to structural proteins in treated with oestrogens and antiandrogens if indicated
the cytoplasm and thus prevent the formation of for other reasons (e.g. hirsutism) or with minoxidil
microtubules and the spindle apparatus in mitosis. topically (1 mL of 2% in alcohol bd).
Alkaloids of the pyrrolizidine class are found in
many plants and are sometimes ingested in 3. Stress alopecia (telogen effluvium) is a
herbal or bush teas, following which they may diffuse thinning of the hair following a severe
produce hepatic veno-occlusive disease (q.v.). physiological insult which has altered the
growth cycle of hairs so as to convert the
majority in the active phase to the resting
Allergic bronchopulmonary phase.
aspergillosis (see Aspergillosis and • It is well known to follow severe clinical
Eosinophilia and lung infiltration) disease, such as fever, haemorrhage,
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
surgery, trauma, starvation, childbirth or
Increased levels of alpha-fetoprotein are

Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency
psychiatric illness.
• It may also accompany specific diseases, such found in:
as iron deficiency, thyroid disease and • hepatoma;
secondary syphilis. • liver metastases from gastrointestinal
• It may follow the use of a number of drugs, cancer;
most notably cytotoxic agents (which • acute and chronic hepatitis;
interfere with mitosis in the hair follicles, • non-seminoma testicular cancer;
rather than converting them to the resting • extragonadal germ cell tumour (e.g. in the
phase) but also allopurinol, heparin, anterior mediastinum);
indomethacin, lithium, nitrofurantoin and • fetal neural tube defects, when it may be
propranolol. Oral contraceptives on the demonstrated in both the maternal blood
other hand can give an androgenetic and in the embryonic fluid.

4. Cicatricial alopecia is permanent loss of

hair due to destruction of the hair follicles from
McIntire KR, Waldmann TA, Moertel CG et al
severe viral, bacterial or fungal infection. It is
1975 Serum alpha-fetoprotein in patients with
associated with trauma, neoplasia, scleroderma, neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Cancer Res
discoid lupus, atrophic lichen planus or 35: 991.
occasionally severe acne. 13

5. Traction alopecia refers to local hair loss Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

from mechanical trauma, sometimes from
fingers (trichotillomania). Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency was first described
as a serum electrophoretic abnormality by
Laurell and Eriksson in Scandinavia in 1963 and
Bibliography was soon recognized to be associated with
Munro DD, Darley CR 1979 Hair. In: Fitzpatrick TB,
chronic airway obstruction.
Eisen AZ, Wolff K et al (eds) Dermatology in
General Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill. p 395. Alpha1-antitrypsin (␣1 AT) is one of the major
Shapiro J, Price VH 1998 Hair regrowth: therapeutic plasma antiproteases. It is thus a member of the
options. Dermatol Clin 16: 341. serpin superfamily, inhibitors controlling
Tosti A, Piraccini BM 1999 Androgenetic alopecia. coagulation, fibrinolysis and complement
Int J Dermatol 38 (suppl 1): 1.
activation. It is also an acute phase reactact. It
has 392 amino acid sequence, and its molecular
weight is 52 kd. It is synthesized mainly in the
Alpha-fetoprotein liver and has a plasma concentration of about
1–2 g/L. In the alveolar wall, it is presumed to
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP, tumour-associated
function to inactivate proteases, especially
antigen) is an oncofetal antigen, present in
neutrophil elastase, and thus to prevent
fetal tissue but not in the corresponding
interstitial injury from the recurrent release of
normal adult tissue. It is, however, elaborated
this enzyme from phagocytes.
in a number of adult malignant cells, because
most of the antigen is carbohydrate- Alpha1-antitrypsin has a complex inheritance
determined and post-translational modification with over 30 autosomal codominant alleles at a
is readily achieved by differential glycosylation single locus called Pi (‘protease inhibitor’) on
(which becomes similar to that in fetal tissue). chromosome 14 producing gene products
The normal level is ⬍7.75 ␮g/L. Its half-life is which are separately identifiable by their
6 days. different electrophoretic mobility, though most
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

are associated with a normal concentration of Bibliography

Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency

the protein in plasma. The most frequent Alkins SA, O’Malley P 2000 Should health-care
protein is PiM, i.e. of medium mobility, and is systems pay for replacement therapy in patients
found in 90% or more of the population. with ␣1-antitrypsin deficiency? Chest 117: 875.
However, homozygous PiZZ occurs in 1:1000 Burdon JGW, Knight KR, Brenton S et al 1996
Antiproteinase deficiency, emphysema and
or less of the population and is associated with
replacement therapy. Aust NZ J Med 26: 769.
only 10–15% of the normal plasma Carrell RW, Whisstock J, Lomas DA 1994
concentration. The Z variant has only a single Conformational changes in serpins and the
amino acid difference from the normal M mechanism of alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency. Am J
protein, but this difference impairs hepatic Resp Crit Care Med 150: S171.
excretion of the molecule, so that there are Eden E, Mitchell D, Mehlman B et al 1997 Atopy,
granular cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the asthma, and emphysema in patients with severe ␣-
liver associated with the plasma deficiency in 1-antitrypsin deficiency. Am J Repir Crit Care
affected subjects. Med 156: 68.
Gadek JE (ed) 1997 Alpha1-antitrypsin: A world
view. Chest 110 (suppl).
The clinical importance of alpha1-antitrypsin Hutchison DCS, Hughes MD 1997 Alpha-1-
deficiency (␣1-ATD) is its association with antitrypsin replacement therapy: will its efficacy
emphysema in most patients (80%). The ever be proved? Eur Respir J 10: 2191.
incidence is 100% in those who also smoke. Larsson C 1978 Natural history and life expectancy in
14 The emphysema occurs early, i.e. by severe ␣1-antitrypsin PiZ. Acta Med Scand 204:
35–40 y in smokers and by 45–55 y in non- 345.
Laurell C-B, Erikson S 1963 The electrophoretic ␣1-
smokers. It is usually panacinar and especially
globin pattern of serum in ␣1-antitrypsin
affects the lower lobes. It is responsible for deficiency. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 15: 132.
about 2% of cases of emphysema. Stoller JK 1997 Clinical features and natural history
Hepatic cirrhosis also occurs in 10–20% of of severe ␣1-antitrypsin deficiency. Chest 111:
patients, mainly in those over 50 y. 123S.

In severe ␣1-ATD, there may be an

increased incidence of asthma.
Altitude (see High altitude)
The heterozygotes PiMZ have about 50% of the
normal plasma concentration, which is now
considered not to be associated with clinical
disease, the threshold for which is probably Aluminium (A1, atomic number 13, atomic
about 40% of normal. weight 27, first called aluminum) is a light
metal of the boron group, first isolated in 1825.
Treatment consists of replacement therapy, either 60
Although it is the most abundant metal in the
mg/kg weekly or 250 mg/kg monthly, though trial
earth’s outer crust, comprising 8% by weight
evidence of its value is incomplete. However, even in
(and exceeded in abundance only by the
the absence of randomized, placebo-controlled trials of
elements oxygen and silicon), it is never found
mortality reduction, replacement therapy although
pure in nature because of its great reactivity,
expensive (about US$50 000 per year) has been
and it is usually obtained as hydrated oxides
calculated to be probably cost-effective.
(bauxite). Following modern production in
• Clearly smoking should be avoided. 1886, it progressively became the most used
• Successful lung transplantation has been reported. non-ferrous metal, and since 1960 it was
exceeded only by iron in world metal
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
does not correlate with identifiable biochemical
Aluminium is important in clinical medicine

changes but is probably related to rapid dialysis-
because of: induced biochemical dysequilibrium, when the
• its use in gastric medications, and serum osmolality becomes less than the cerebral
• its toxicity. osmolality with resultant cerebral oedema causing
stupor, fits and raised intracranial pressure.
The osteomalacia is vitamin D-resistant,
Aluminium-containing antacids are
typically with a slightly increased plasma calcium
commonly prescribed but should be used with
level, a low PTH level, weakness and proximal
care, particularly in renal failure, because they
myopathy, and severe bone pain with
are very constipating and because of the
pathological fractures. This arises because
possibility of aluminium absorption.
aluminium blocks the mineralization of osteoid.
Aluminium is also contained within multiple Since the process is vitamin D-resistant, the
negatively charged sulfated groups in sucralfate, administration of vitamin D may result in marked
which is a basic aluminium salt of sulfated hypercalcaemia. Osteomalacia of a similar nature
sucrose. Although aluminium can be released has been reported with long-term total parenteral
from sucralfate with the production of nutrition, also from aluminium deposition.
detectable levels in serum, clinical harm from
The anaemia is usually normochromic and
this phenomenon is unlikely, except perhaps in
normocytic and occurs because aluminium
patients with renal failure in whom toxic levels 15
inhibits iron utilization and thus the erythroid
(i.e. ⬎3.7 ␮mol/L) have been reported.
precursors. The irons stores and serum ferritin
Aluminium toxicity is seen primarily in levels are normal.
patients with renal failure, since it is normally The diagnosis of aluminium toxicity is made by
excreted via the kidney. It occurs either because desferrioxamine (DFO) challenge and confirmed
of intake from aluminium-contaminated dialysis by bone biopsy. The DFO challenge consists of
solution or from oral aluminium-containing the administration of 40 mg/kg iv over 30 min
phosphate binders. The normal serum and the demonstration of an increase in serum
aluminium is usually ⬍10 ␮g/L and toxicity is aluminium level of ⬎200 ␮g/L at 48 h. Bone
seen at levels ⬎100 ␮g/L. However, serum biopsy shows the typical changes of aluminium-
levels are an indirect indication of body load induced osteomalacia, with decreased bone
and can be normal even if tissues such as bone formation and aluminium deposits on the
and brain are loaded. calcifying front on trabecular surfaces.
Toxicity is manifest by: The treatment of aluminium toxicity is also with
desferrioxamine (DFO), in a dose 2 g iv over 30 min
• encephalopathy;
after dialysis. The DFO–aluminium complex is
• osteomalacia;
removed by the next dialysis, though aluminium itself is
• anaemia.
not normally removed by dialysis because it is protein-
The encephalopathy has been termed dialysis bound. Improvement can take six months or more, and
dementia and may be a progressive and in the meantime DFO treatment can cause hypotension,
eventually fatal process. Increased neurological retinal and auditory toxicity, proneness to opportunistic
difficulty occurs with confusion, aphasia, infections (especially with Yersinia) and increased
myoclonus and focal signs, which typically are dialysis encephalopathy (see Chelating agents).
worse after each dialysis. However, it should be
remembered that an encephalopathy of non- Bibliography
specific nature is also seen in uraemia and Alfrey AC 1984 Aluminum intoxication. N Engl J
following dialysis. This latter encephalopathy Med 310: 1113.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Ciba Foundation 1992 Aluminium in Biology and syndrome or with systemic problems, such as

Medicine. London. autoimmune disease or cytotoxic therapy).

Cooke K, Gould MH 1991 The health effects of
aluminium – a review. J R Soc Health 111: 163.
Kaiser L, Schwartz KA 1985 Aluminum-induced
Nattiv A, Agostini R, Drinkwater B et al 1994 The
anemia. Am J Kidney Dis 6: 348.
female athlete triad: the inter-relatedness of
McCarthy DM 1991 Drug therapy (sucralfate) N
disordered eating, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis.
Engl J Med 325: 1017.
Clin sports Med 13: 405.
Mulla H, Peek G, Upton D et al 2001 Plasma
Tan SL, Jacobs HS 1985 Recent advances in the
aluminum levels during sucralfate prophylaxis for
management of patients with amenorrhoea. Clin
stress ulceration in critically ill patients on
Obstet Gynaecol 12: 725.
continuous venovenous hemofiltration: a
randomized controlled trial. Crit Care Med 29: 267.
Wills MR, Savory J 1983 Aluminium poisoning:
dialysis encephalopathy, osteomalacia, and Aminoaciduria
anaemia. Lancet 2: 29.
Aminoaciduria occurs in many forms of renal
disease. These include some types of:
Alveolar hypoventilation (see Sleep • glomerulonephritis (e.g. focal GN);
disorders of breathing) • tubulointerstitial disease (e.g. Fanconi
It is often associated with normoglycaemic
Alzheimer’s disease (see Dementia) glycosuria.

Amanita (see Mushroom poisoning) Aminocaproic acid (see Angioedema,

Fibrinolysis and Von Willebrand’s disease)

Primary amenorrhoea (i.e. failure of periods Ammonia (see Acute lung irritation and
to commence) is relatively rare. Burns, respiratory complications)
Secondary amenorrhoea (i.e. the cessation of
periods) is of much greater clinical importance.
The commonest causes are pregnancy or the
menopause, but otherwise the condition is Amnesia (memory impairment) may be due to a
probably due to anovulation. variety of disorders, which may grouped as
Failure of ovulation can be due to a variety of
disorders and can occur at several levels, • drugs
– such as, classically, alcohol or sedatives
• hypothalamus (this probably includes (particularly benzodiazepines);
athlete’s amenorrhoea, which appears to be a – but also unexpectedly sometimes with
reversible neuro-endocrine disturbance, and ranitidine, simvastatin, selective serotonin
amenorrhoea due to significant weight loss), reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),
• pituitary (especially due to a microadenoma,
• metabolic disorders
which is associated with
hyperprolactinaemia), – such as hypoglycaemia or multi-organ
• ovary (associated with the polycystic ovary failure;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• structural problems The differential diagnosis includes:

– such as cerebrovascular disease, head • placental abruption;
injury, organic psychosis; • septic shock;
• pulmonary embolism;
• transient global amnesia
• tension pneumothorax;
– a brief and benign state with a good • myocardial ischaemia.
Treatment is prompt resuscitation, and
• miscellaneous conditions cardiorespiratory and haematological support, since the
condition is self-limited.
– such as narcolepsy, though this does not
usually cause amnesia. The mortality in severe cases used to be about
80%, with up to half dying in the first hour. It is
doubtful if the prognosis is currently as poor as
Amniotic fluid embolism this, but the condition is still the cause of about
10% of all maternal deaths.
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is an
uncommon but serious complication of labour, Bibliography
delivery or the early postpartum state. Although Choi DMA, Duffy BL 1995 Amniotic fluid
it may accompany any obstetric procedure, it is embolism. Anaes Intens Care 23: 741.
most frequently seen following Caesarean McDougall RJ, Duke GJ 1995 Amniotic fluid 17
section. It may also occur in prolonged labour, embolism syndrome: case report and review. Anaes
following fetal death in utero or with elective Intens Care 23: 735.
evacuation of a missed second trimester Morgan M 1979 Amniotic fluid embolism.
abortion. Its overall prevalence is 1 in Anaesthesia 34: 20.
8000–80000 live births. It presents acutely, and Oi H, Kobayashi H, Hirashima Y et al 1998
Serological and immunohistochemical diagnosis of
its severity may range from subclinical to
amniotic fluid embolism. Semin Thromb Hemost
fulminating. 24: 479.

Typically, the clinical features are of the

sudden onset of: Amoebiasis
• respiratory failure, with an ARDS-like Amoebiasis is due to infection with Entamoeba
picture; histolytica, the main human pathogen in this
• disseminated intravascular coagulation. class. Infection occurs following the ingestion of
cysts from infected human faeces and is thus via
There may be shock, coma or fits. water-borne or food-borne routes. There is a
worldwide prevalence of up to 10%.
Haemodynamic findings include pulmonary Clinical infection usually involves either the
hypertension, elevated pulmonary artery wedge colon or the liver.
pressure and impaired left ventricular function
(e.g. decreased LVSWI). • Although most cases of colitis are
asymptomatic, abdominal discomfort and
Diagnosis is clinical, as laboratory evidence of diarrhoea, even to the extent of dysentery,
circulating fetal material in the mother is non- may be seen. In these cases, there is extensive
specific. Recently, the serological identification colonic invasion with necrosis and
in maternal serum of sialyl TN (STN) antigen, ulceration. Occasionally, an abdominal mass
derived from fetal mucin, has been reported to (amoeboma) may be felt.
be a highly sensitive diagnostic test for AFE. • The liver is involved via haematogenous
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

spread. The right lobe is particularly involved, (e.g. narcolepsy, childhood hyperactivity). Its

and there is often a solitary abscess which may main use is non-medical, as a CNS-stimulant. It
be up to 20 cm in diameter. In most such is thus popular with long-distance truck drivers
cases, the colitis has been asymptomatic and and students prior to examinations.
instead there is abdominal pain, hepatomegaly
The amphetamines are racemic ␤-
and marked systemic symptoms if the abscess
phenolisopropylamine, although the d-isomer
ruptures into the chest.
(dexamphetamine) is the main therapeutic
Investigations typically show anaemia, agent. A related drug is 3.4-
leukocytosis and raised alkaline phosphatase. methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA or
The faeces are positive for occult blood and Ectasy), a derivative synthesized in 1914 as an
may show Charcot–Leyden crystals. Imaging appetite suppressant but never marketed.
confirms a liver mass. However, definitive
CNS stimulation gives psychic effects of
diagnosis requires microscopic examination of
alertness, euphoria, increased concentration,
faeces or biopsy material for cysts or
increased mental performance (but only for
trophozoites. Serology is sensitive and specific
simple tasks), increased physical performance
for invasive disease, though not for colitis alone.
(but not aerobic power), but also anorexia,
headache and confusion. MDMA (Ecstasy)
The differential diagnosis of amoebic colitis prompts abnormal behaviour, such as marathon
includes: dancing, especially when taken by a group
(aggregation toxicology) as at ‘rave’ parties.
• diverticulitis;
• ulcerative colitis;
• Crohn’s disease;
• infection with campylobacter, salmonella The toxic effects of amphetamine are
or shigella; numerous and can be life-threatening. They
include the following.
• irritable bowel syndrome.
The differential diagnosis of an amoebic liver • Central effects
mass includes: – Those described above are accompanied
by an acute psychosis.
• pyogenic or hydatid abscess.
– This consists of aggression,
hallucinations, paranoia and enhanced
Treatment is with metronidazole 750 mg orally tds libido, followed later by depression and
for 5–10 days. This is so effective even for liver fatigue.
abscess that drainage is not usually necessary. – Fatal coma, seizures or cerebral
However, metronidazole may be associated with haemorrhage may occur.
unpleasant side-effects, including nausea, headache, – Hyponatraemia may result from
dizziness, a metallic taste, dark urine and a vasopressin stimulation.
disulfiram-like effect following ingestion of alcohol.
• Cardiovascular features
Bibliography – These are usually prominent due to the
Adams EB, Macleod IN 1977 Invasive amebiasis. drug’s sympathomimetic effects.
Medicine 56: 315, 325.
– Hypertension, arrhythmias, angina and
vasculitis are seen.
Amphetamines • Hyperthermia and rhabdomyolysis
Amphetamine (alpha-methylphenethylamine) – These are followed by coagulopathy
has few medical indications approved nowadays and acute renal failure.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
– These features are seen especially with syndrome or ergot derivatives. Neither its

MDMA and resemble the ‘serotonin progression nor its reversibility is presently
syndrome’ (see below). known.
• Dry mouth, metallic taste and
abdominal pain The ‘serotonin syndrome’ comprises:
• Acute liver failure, with damage
• altered mental state (agitation,
resembling hepatitis
• autonomic dysfunction (sweating,
The toxic effects of amphetamine are not shivering, fever, diarrhoea);
simply related to excess dosage, as they can be • increased neuromuscular activity
either (hyperreflexia, tremor, myoclonus).
It is due to a drug reaction involving one or
• severe following a dose as low as 30 mg
(which is only a maximum daily therapeutic more serotonergic agents, including:
dose), or • amphetamine and related compounds;
• not fatal at doses as high as 300 mg. • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
(SSRIs, e.g. fluoxetine, paroxetine,
Acute treatment consists of urinary acidification
(e.g. with ammonium chloride, which increases
excretion), sedation and blood pressure control (e.g. • tricyclic antidepressants; 19
with sodium nitroprusside). Dantrolene and serotonin • monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
antagonists may be useful in the management of • pethidine;
MDMA-induced hyperthermia. • pseudoephedrine.
It usually responds to drug cessation and
Chronic use can result in considerable
supportive care. Occasionally, it may be
tolerance. Thus, despite increasingly high doses,
fulminating and require serotonin antagonist
euphoria disappears and fatigue, depression,
therapy, such as with cyproheptadine,
irritability and even paranoia appear. Headache,
methysergide, chlorpromazine or
nausea, tremor, dilated pupils and hypertension
are common.
Abrupt withdrawal leads to profound
psychological though not physical Bibliography
consequences, in particular with depression Chan BSH, Graudins A, Whyte IM et al 1998
which may be severe and prolonged. Serotonin syndrome resulting from drug
interactions. Med J Aust 169: 523.
The related anorectic drugs, fenfluramine, Connolly HM, Crary JL, McGoon MD et al 1997
dexfenfluramine and phentermine, were Valvular heart disease associated with
recently withdrawn from the market fenfluramine-phentermine. N Engl J Med 337:
worldwide, because of the discovery of an 581.
increased incidence of pulmonary hypertension Fishman AP 1999 Aminorex to fen/phen: an
(20-fold risk above baseline) and a potentially epidemic foretold. Circulation 99: 156.
Henry JA, Jeffreys KJ, Dawling S 1992 Toxicity and
important association with acquired heart valve
deaths from 3.4-methylenedioxy-
abnormalities. The valvulopathy typically causes methamphetamine (‘ecstasy’). Lancet 340: 384.
mitral and/or aortic regurgitation and Milroy CM 1999 Ten years of ‘ecstasy’. J R Soc Med
sometimes requires valve replacement. The 92: 68.
pathogenesis of this latter unexpected effect is Parrott AC (ed) 2000 MDMA (Methylenedioxy-
unknown, but it has been postulated to be methamphetamine). Basel: Karger.
similar to the cardiac impact of the carcinoid Screaton GR, Cairns HS, Sarner M et al 1992
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Hyperpyrexia and rhabdomyolysis after MDMA Anaemia


(‘ecstasy’) abuse. Lancet 339: 677.

Sternbach H 1991 The serotonin syndrome. Am J Anaemia refers to decreased circulating
Psych 148:705. haemoglobin, but as for many biological
parameters any definition based on a single
number is of limited value. Thus, acute blood
Amyloid (see Multiple myeloma) loss is not initially associated with a decreased
haemoglobin concentration, while haemodilution
(e.g. in pregnancy) can cause a decreased
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis haemoglobin concentration while being
associated with an increased red blood cell mass.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (motor neurone
disease) is a condition of degeneration of the Nevertheless, anaemia is defined as a
pyramidal motor neurones from the cortex as haemoglobin level below the lower limit of
far as the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord. normal for the sex and age of the patient, which
It is an uncommon condition of unknown in turn depends on the range determined in a
aetiology, most commonly affecting middle- specific clinical laboratory (the typical normal
aged men. range being 130–170 g/L for men and
115–150 g/L for women). For practical purposes,
anaemia may be considered present if the Hb is
Clinical features comprise a slowly
⬍100 g/L in men and ⬍90 g/L in women.
progressive weakness and wasting, associated
with fasciculation, hyper-reflexia and muscle
cramps. The process can be distal or Anaemia is traditionally classified on the basis
proximal early, but progressive proximal of red blood cell kinetics and morphology
involvement then occurs. into three main aetiological groups, namely
those due to:
There are no sensory or autonomic features
and no eye involvement, but there may be • blood loss;
bulbar or pseudobulbar palsy. • haemolysis;
• impaired production.
The EMG shows denervation. The differential
1. Anaemia due to blood loss
diagnosis includes:
• cervical cord compression; Although blood loss is usually readily apparent,
• polymyositis; sometimes it may be occult, especially from the
• multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). gastrointestinal tract. Blood loss whether overt
This recently described condition is similar or occult is most commonly from the
to motor neurone disease, but it is due to a gastrointestinal tract or in women from obstetric
slowly progressive nerve conduction defect or gynaecological causes. In Intensive Care
of asymmetric distribution, particularly patients, it may be iatrogenic.
involving the upper limbs. It responds to Rarer causes of a similar anaemia include:
immune globulin.
• long-distance athletic performance;
There is no treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. • paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria.
Survival is about 3 y from diagnosis.

Bibliography In acute blood loss, the haemoglobin

Pestronk A 1991 Motor neuropathies, motor neuron concentration may take up to three days to
disorders, and antiglycolipid antibodies. Muscle reach its new (lower) plateau.
Nerve 14: 927.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
After acute blood loss, the bone marrow reserve • low serum ferritin (which reflects iron stores)

is less than 2-fold (unlike in haemolysis when it – also a more important finding.
is up to 8-fold), because iron is mobilized less
However, the serum iron, transferrin and iron
easily from the tissues than from the destroyed
binding saturation are also low in anaemia of
red blood cells. Moreover, the maximum
chronic disease, and the serum ferritin may be
amount of iron that can be mobilized from
elevated by concomitant disease, such as
stores is insufficient to replace even normally
infection or malignancy.
senescent red blood cells.
Treatment with iron supplementation is
The clinical features of blood loss or iron
straightforward, but failure of response suggests:
deficiency anaemia are those of any form of
hypoxia. In addition, there is: • persistent bleeding;
• concurrent inflammation;
• increased susceptibility to infections in • associated folic acid deficiency;
general • failure of iron absorption (malabsorption or iron-
binding foods);
– but paradoxically a possibly increased
resistance to E. coli and malaria, • an alternative diagnosis.
2. Anaemia due to haemolysis
• cold intolerance;
• gastro-oesophageal mucosal atrophy Haemolytic anaemia occurs when the rate of red
blood cell destruction exceeds the bone
– with dysphagia (Plummer–Vinson 21
marrow’s productive capacity. Thus, although
syndrome) and achlorhydria;
the normal life-span of red blood cells in the
• koilonychia; circulation is about 115 days (with thus about
• blue sclerae; 1% or the equivalent of 50 mL of blood being
• abnormal fetal and childhood development; destroyed and replaced daily), the marrow
• sometimes pica reserve is such that it can compensate for a red
blood cell life-span of 30 days or less. The
– especially compulsive eating of abnormal
marrow reserve is thus considerable, being
material, such as ice.
normally about 5-fold and rising to perhaps 8-
fold with severe and prolonged stimulation,
The differential diagnosis of anaemia due to provided there is an adequate haematinic supply.
blood loss includes:
• the anaemia of chronic disease; The hallmarks of haemolysis are:
• haemoglobinopathy (especially
thalassaemia); • anaemia;
• jaundice;
• sideroblastic anaemia.
• a marked reticulocytosis on peripheral
blood film;
Unless the condition is mild, when diagnosis • pigment gallstones in longstanding cases.
may be difficult, there is:
• hypochromia and microcytosis on the Haemolysis is due to either intracorpuscular
peripheral blood film; or extracorpuscular defects. The sites of
• low serum iron; destruction are usually extravascular (i.e. the
• low iron-binding saturation (ratio of serum reticuloendothelial system), except in severe
iron to serum transferrin or iron-binding cases when it can be intravascular (with
capacity is ⬍20%) – a more important resultant haemoglobinaemia, haemoglobinuria
finding; and disseminated intravascular coagulation).
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Intracorpuscular defects indicate an Aspirin, beta-lactam antibiotics, isoniazid,


abnormal red blood cell. All such conditions are quinidine, rifampicin and sulfonamides can
hereditary, except for paroxysmal nocturnal contribute to immune haemolysis.
haemoglobinuria. Intracorpuscular defects may
Nitroglycerin, ‘recreational’ nitrites and dapsone
be of haemoglobin, cell membrane or cell
can occupy the oxygen-binding cleft of
haemoglobin and generate free radicals with the
• Haemoglobin defects are numerous (see consequent production of methaemoglobin
Haemoglobin disorders) and particularly (q.v.) and possibly haemolysis due to membrane
include sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia. damage. A similar picture has been reported
• Red blood cell membrane defects include: after paraquat ingestion.
– hereditary spherocytosis, Haemolysis similar to that induced by drugs
– paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria may also be found with:
(PNH), which in addition to anaemia is
also associated with neutropenia, – exposure to toxins (e.g. snake venom);
thrombocytopenia, thromboembolism, and – physical agents (e.g. cardiopulmonary
occasionally aplastic anaemia or even bypass, fresh-water drowning, burns,
leukaemia. intravenous water);
• Red blood cell metabolic defects – liver disease;
particularly include glucose 6-phosphate – renal disease;
dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency (q.v.). – lead poisoning (q.v.);
– infections (clostridial, infectious
Extracorpuscular defects include the mononucleosis, H. influenzae type b,
following. malaria);
• Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia – hypophosphataemia (⬍0.3 mmol/L).
(AHA). This may be either idiopathic or A similar picture has also been reported
secondary to conditions such as lymphoma, following Intralipid overdose.
multiple myeloma, SLE, ulcerative colitis.
The direct Coombs test is positive, and there • Incompatible blood transfusion
may be jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly and • March haemoglobinuria. This is similar to
lymphadenopathy in severe cases. In addition microangiopathic haemolysis (q.v.), except
to spherocytosis, there is macrocytosis and that it occurs after prolonged running,
sometimes leukopenia or thrombocytopenia. especially on a hard surface. It is presumed to
be due to destruction of red blood cells in
The condition usually responds to corticosteroids,
the vessels in the soles of the feet. There is
but sometimes splenectomy or immunosuppressive
haemoglobinaemia and haemoglobinuria,
therapy may be needed.
which may be clinically apparent for up to
Blood cross-matching is difficult. 24 h.
• Microangiopathic haemolysis • Hypersplenism
q.v. q.v.
• Cold agglutinin disease
3. Anaemia due to impaired production
Anaemia due to impaired production may be
• Drug-induced haemolysis associated with a bone marrow which is:
Methyldopa in particular, but also laevodopa • hypoplastic;
and procainamide, can cause an acquired • normal;
haemolytic anaemia. • hyperplastic.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Marrow hypoplasia usually results in multifactorial, with IL-1 causing the trapping in

concomitant neutropenia and/or macrophages of the iron from senescent red
thrombocytopenia (and thus infection and/or blood cells.
haemorrhage) as well as anaemia. Compensatory
In chronic renal disease, especially during
extramedullary haemopoiesis is evident from the
haemodialysis programmes, the anaemia is
leukoerythroblastic peripheral blood film. There
generally moderate (5–8 g/L) and is
may be immunological damage to pluripotential
haematopoietic stem cells in the marrow,
regardless of the causative trigger. The Marrow hyperplasia may paradoxically be
condition is referred to as aplastic anaemia. It associated with anaemia if there is ineffective
is caused by: erythropoiesis. An erythroid defect causes
premature cell death in the bone marrow and
• drugs thus some of the features of haemolysis. This
– cytotoxics, sometimes chloramphenicol, condition is seen in some cases of:
gold and previously phenylbutazone;
• megaloblastic anaemia (q.v.),
• toxic inhalants • sideroblastic anaemia (q.v.),
• thalassaemia (q.v.),
– e.g. organic solvents, such as benzene; • myelofibrosis (agnogenic myeloid metaplasia).
• irradiation;
Bibliography 23
• infections
Anderson KC, Weinstein HJ 1990 Transfusion-
– especially hepatitis C; associated graft-versus-host disease. N Engl J Med
323: 315.
• immune diseases Barrett-Connor E 1972 Anemia and infection. Am J
Med 52: 242.
– SLE, graft-versus-host disease;
Editorial 1992 Paroxysmal nocturnal
• pre-leukaemia or paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria. Lancet 339: 395.
haemoglobinuria; Engelfriet CP, Overbeeke MAM, von dem Borne
• thymoma AEGK 1992 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
Semin Hematol 29: 3.
– which is typically associated with a pure Finch CA 1982 Erythropoiesis, erythropoietin, and
red cell aplasia. iron. Blood 60: 1241.
Henry DH, Spivak JL 1995 Clinical use of
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) is a separate erythropoietin. Curr Opin Hematol 2: 118.
condition on cytogenetic testing and appears to Krantz SB 1991 Erythropoietin. Blood 77: 419.
be a prodrome to acute myeloid leukaemia or a Marmont AM 1991 Therapy of pure red cell aplasia.
myelodysplastic disorder. Semin Hematol 28: 285.
Marsh JCW, Socie G, Schrezenmeier H et al 1994
Normal-appearing bone marrow may be Haemopoietic growth factors in aplastic anaemia: a
associated with defective red cell production cautionary note. Lancet 344: 172.
and thus anaemia in systemic disease and in Means RT 1999 Advances in the anemia of chronic
renal disease. disease. Int J Hematol 70: 7.
Means RT, Krantz SB 1992 Progress in
Systemic diseases, such as inflammation,
understanding the pathogenesis of the anemia of
neoplasia and trauma, cause anaemia of chronic disease. Blood 80: 1639.
chronic disease. This is normochromic and Vincent PC 1986 Drug-induced aplastic anemia and
normocytic, with both the serum iron and iron agranulocytosis. Drugs 31: 52.
binding capacity low and ferritin normal. The Young NS 1992 The problem of clonality in aplastic
serum erythropoietin level is often low. The anaemia: Dr. Damashek’s riddle, restated. Blood
anaemia is generally mild and may be 79: 1385.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Anaphylaxis (see Drug allergy) • Recently, cases have been reported to


have been caused by ACE inhibitors and

occasionally by the complementary
ANCA (see Wegener’s granulomatosis) medicine, echinacea. Drug-induced
angioedema is of course well known as
one of the major features of anaphylaxis,
Aneurysms, mycotic (see Mycotic the most dramatic manifestation of drug
aneurysms) allergy (q.v.).
Investigations show elevated C1 and decreased C4
and C2 during the attack. Since C1 INH also
Angiodysplasia inhibits factor XIIa and kallikrein, the coagulation,
Angiodysplasia comprises multiple degenerative fibrinolytic and kinin systems are also activated.
vascular lesions. They can occur anywhere in The formation of the peptide, bradykinin, may be
the bowel, though they are most frequently the main pathogenetic mechanism for the
found in the caecum and ascending colon. They increased vascular permeability.
are an uncommon but important cause of acute Prophylactic treatment is not generally used, but
or chronic gastrointestinal blood loss. epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA) may be
Diagnosis is by colonoscopy, angiography or helpful. Its mechanism of action in this setting is
nuclear scan. unknown, though it is a well-recognized inhibitor of
fibrinolysis. Anabolic steroids (e.g. danazol) may also
Although acute bleeding generally stops be used for prophylaxis.
spontaneously, surgical resection or colonoscopic
There is no specific treatment for acute episodes, but
electrocoagulation is required for continued
fresh frozen plasma has been reported to be helpful.
Purified C1 inhibitor is available, but it is extremely
expensive. There are case reports of this inhibitor also
helping ameliorate graft failure after lung
transplantation and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.
Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is due to a
deficiency of C1 inhibitor (C1 INH), a serine Bibliography
protease like many activated coagulation factors. Agah R, Bandi V, Guntupalli KK 1997 Angioedema:
HAE is an autosomal dominant condition, with the role of ACE inhibitors and factors associated with
poor clinical outcome. Intens Care Med 23: 793.
affected heterozygotes having 5–30% of the
Colten HR 1987 Hereditary angioneurotic edema,
normal concentration of C1 INH.
1887 to 1987. N Engl J Med 317: 43.
• Clinically, there are recurrent attacks of Fronhoffs S, Luyken J, Steuer K et al 2000 The effect
non-pitting oedema, lasting 48–72 h and of C1-esterase inhibitor in definite and suspected
affecting skin, respiratory tract and gut. streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. Intens Care
Med 26: 1566.
• The most dramatic feature is laryngeal
Gabb GM, Ryan P, Wing LMH et al 1996
oedema, causing potentially fatal upper
Epidemiological study of angioedema and ACE
airway obstruction. inhibitors. Aust NZ J Med 26: 777.
• The oedema is not associated with Waytes AT, Rosen FS, Frank MM 1996 Treatment
erythema, pruritus or local discomfort of hereditary angioedema with a vapor-heated C1
(except sometimes for intestinal colic, due inhibitor concentrate. N Engl J Med 334: 1630.
to associated visceral angioedema).
• The attacks are classically initiated by
trauma, though more commonly no Angiotensin (see
obvious precipitant is identified. Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Angiotensin-converting enzyme systematic overview of individual data from
100,000 patients in randomized trials. Circulation

Ankylosing spondylitis
(see also angiotensin II receptor antagonists in
97: 2202.
Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone) ISIS-4 (Fourth International Study of Infarct
Survival) Collaborative Group 1995 ISIS-4: A
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is a
randomised factorial trial assessing early oral
membrane-bound enzyme in the pulmonary
captopril, oral mononitrate, and intravenous
vessels which converts angiotensin I to magnesium sulphate in 58050 patients with
angiotensin II in a single passage through the suspected acute myocardial infarction. Lancet 345:
lungs (see Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone). 669.
Interestingly, an identical enzyme degrades Lewis EJ, Hunsicker LG, Bain RP et al 1993; The
bradykinin, the vasodilator peptide of the effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibition
kallikrein-kinin system. on diabetic nephropathy. N Engl J Med 329:
The plasma ACE level is characteristically Luiz W, Wiemer G, Gohlke P et al 1995
increased in active sarcoidosis, and also Contributions of kinins to the cardiovascular
sometimes in biliary cirrhosis, leprosy, actions of angiotensin-converting enzyme
pneumoconiosis and tuberculosis. inhibitors. Pharmacol Rev 47: 25.
Pfeffer MA, Lamas GA, Vaughan DE et al 1988
The ACE inhibitors (captopril, enalapril and Effect of captopril on progressive ventricular
the several more recent agents) have become dilatation after anterior myocardial infarction. N
major therapeutic agents in cardiovascular Engl J Med 319: 80. 25
disease, especially hypertension and cardiac Pitt B, Segal R, Martinez FA et al 1997 Randomised
failure. In hypertension, they have become the trial of losartan versus captopril in patients over 65
most commonly prescribed drugs. In cardiac with heart failure (Evaluation of Losartan in the
failure, deterioration and mortality are reduced Elderly Study, ELITE). Lancet 349: 747.
by ACE inhibitors, not just because of Quinn SJ, Williams GH 1988 Regulation of
vasodilatation but perhaps also because of aldosterone secretion. Ann Rev Physiol 50: 409.
Sharpe N, Smith H, Murphy J et al 1991 Early
remodelling and normalized cell growth. This
prevention of left ventricular dysfunction after
could occur because angiotensin II is a growth
myocardial infarction with angiotensin-converting-
factor, contributing to the maladaptation and enzyme inhibition. Lancet 337: 872.
thus changed molecular composition rather than Vaughn DE, Pfeffer MA 1994 Angiotensin
just hypertrophy seen in cardiomyopathic converting enzyme inhibitors and cardiovascular
processes (see Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone). remodelling. Cardiovasc Res 28: 159.
Cough and angioedema are two interesting
side-effects of ACE inhibition, perhaps caused
by decreased kinin catabolism. Animal bites (see Bites and stings)
In addition, there is recent evidence that ACE
inhibitors reduce proteinuria in diabetic
patients, independent of their effect of blood Ankylosing spondylitis
pressure, and slow the progression of renal Ankylosing spondylitis is a subgroup of the
failure in nondiabetics. spondyloarthropathies (q.v.), conditions
characterized by the combination of sacroiliitis
Bibliography and seronegative peripheral arthropathy.
Curry SC, Arnold-Capell P 1991 Nitroprusside,
nitroglycerin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme Although the aetiology is unknown, it may
inhibitors. Crit Care Clin 7: 555. possibly be precipitated by a number of bacterial
Franzosi MG, Santoro E, Zuanetti G et al 1998 antigens. There is also a presumed
Indications for ACE inhibitors in the early immunogenetic susceptibility, as evidenced by
treatment of acute myocardial infarction: clustering in families and some ethnic groups.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

There is a strong correlation with the HLA results may be normal, though usually there is a
Ankylosing spondylitis

antigen B27. Thus, 95% of patients with raised ESR or increased IgA. Synovial biopsy
ankylosing spondylitis are B27-positive and shows non-specific changes similar to those of
ankylosing spondylitis occurs in 10–20% of rheumatoid arthritis, with inflammatory cell
B27-positive individuals. B27-positive adults infiltrate, lymphoid follicles and intimal cell
comprise about 10% of Caucasian populations hyperplasia.
and from ⬍1% to about 50% of different ethnic
The diagnosis can sometimes be difficult.
groups around the world.
Radiological evidence of sacroiliitis remains the
There is a predominance in men (70%), strongest evidence, when combined with the
especially younger men. The clinical clinical features of back pain and stiffness,
presentation usually is of chronic back decreased spinal flexion and decreased chest
discomfort. Typically, there is night pain, expansion. HLA-B27 gene testing is not
morning stiffness and improvement after diagnostically helpful.
exercise. Early in its course, the condition is
Treatment is primarily with physical measures and
often misdiagnosed as mechanical back disease.
If it progresses, there is obvious limitation of
lumbar spinal mobility and chest expansion. • Sometimes, sulfasalazine, methotrexate and/or
Peripheral arthropathy occurs in 20–30% of corticosteroids are indicated.
cases, usually in large, lower limb joints. • Radiotherapy was used successfully in the past,
26 Amyloidosis or IgA nephropathy may occur late but this led to an increased incidence of leukaemia.
in the disease.
The prognosis is generally favourable, as the
course of the disease is usually very long and
More severe disease may be associated with: mild involvement of the sacroiliac joints only is
seen for periods of up to 30 y. However, the
• systemic symptoms;
natural history is variable, and in some patients
• multi-organ changes.
the condition progresses to involve the entire
spine and there are extra-articular
Systemic symptoms include: manifestations. If permanent spinal stiffness
• mild fever; occurs, the spine is more ‘brittle’ and fractures
• fatigue; can occur with relatively minor trauma.
• weight loss.
Multi-organ changes, especially involve the:
Callin A, Ellswood J, Riggs S et al 1988 Ankylosing
• eye spondylitis – an analytical review of 1500 patients:
the changing pattern of disease. J Rheumatol 15:
– uveitis; 1234.
• cardiovascular system Davies D 1972 Ankylosing spondylitis and lung
fibrosis. Q J Med 41: 395.
– aortic valve incompetence; Kahn MA (ed) 1994 Spondyloarthropathies. Curr
– conduction defects; Opin Rheumatol 6: 351.
Kapasi K, Chui B, Inman RD 1992 HLA-
• lung B27/microbial mimicry: an in vivo analysis.
– cystic changes, sometimes with aspergillus Immunology 77: 456.
superinfection; McEwen C, DiTata D, Lingg C et al 1971
– pulmonary fibrosis. Ankylosing spondylitis and spondylitis
accompanying ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis,
The X-ray shows sacroiliitis and sometimes psoriasis and Reiter’s disease. Arthritis Rheum 14:
involvement higher in the spine. Laboratory 291.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Anorectal infections coldness, bradycardia, hypotension and

cognitive impairment.
Anorectal infections are most commonly seen in
homosexual men. Such infections are, therefore, Investigations typically show anaemia,
often sexually transmitted diseases. They leukopenia, hypokalaemia, possibly
include: cardiomyopathy with failure and/or
arrhythmias, and occasionally fatty liver,
• chancroid; pancreatitis, seizures and parotitis.
• chlamydial infection;
• condylomata accuminata; Treatment derived from clinical trials is not available,
• gonorrhoea; but the usual therapeutic principles include
• granuloma inguinale; motivation, decreased physical activity and restoration
• herpes (HSV); of nutrition. If the process is severe, the daily intake
• syphilis; may need to be high (e.g. over 3000 kcal or 12 500
• HIV infection. kJ) to ensure progress. Nasogastric tube feeding is
rarely required, but drugs such as cyproheptadine or
Rectal inflammation, proctitis, may be currently fluoxetine may assist.
associated with:
• the anorectal infections described above; The prognosis is often disappointing, with
• campylobacter-like organisms; only about half the patients being normal
• meningococci; after 5 y and about 25% having a continuing 27
• more proximal inflammatory bowel disease; poor outlook. The mortality is up to 10%,
• radiation. with half the deaths from suicide.
Interestingly, in about 5% of the patients, the
outcome is obesity.
Anorectic agents (see Amphetamines
and Pulmonary hypertension)
Gilchrist PN, Ben-Tovim DI, Hay PJ et al 1998
Anorexia nervosa Eating disorders revisited. 1: anorexia nervosa.
Med J Aust 169: 438.
Anorexia nervosa is an uncommon but
potentially severe eating disorder, associated
with a major decrease in food intake and with Anthrax
resultant weight loss, perhaps up to 30% or
Anthrax is chiefly a disease of animals which is
more of the ideal body weight.
sometimes transmitted to humans from contact
Its aetiology is unknown, but it is thought that with animal products, particularly hides and
it could be related to a distortion of the modern wool. It is caused by the large, aerobic and
perception of an ideal body image. This view highly pathogenic Gram-positive rod, Bacillus
would be consistent with its increased incidence anthracis, first identified by Koch in 1877. The
in recent decades, especially in the more organism also produces long-lived and resistant
affluent. Its greatest incidence is in adolescent spores in the external environment though not
women. in its host. Anthrax is a disease of documented
antiquity and may have been the cause of the
The clinical features are those of starvation,
plagues of Egypt recorded in the Bible 3500
with associated secondary changes, such as
years ago.
endocrine disturbances (including hypothalamic
dysfunction and amenorrhoea), lanugo and The particular current interest in anthrax relates
depression. Clinical features also include to its potential role in germ warfare and
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

especially in bioterrorist attack. For example, Shafazand S, Doyle R, Ruoss S et al 1999


about 100000 people could be killed by a single Inhalational anthrax: epidemiology, diagnosis, and
strategically dispersed bomb containing only 50 management. Chest 116: 1369.
kg of spores.
The clinical manifestations can be several.
Antibiotic-associated colitis (see
1. Cutaneous Colitis)
The classical presentation is with a necrotic and
oedematous but painless ulcer at the site of an
infected abrasion. Anticardiolipin antibody (see
2. Pulmonary Antiphospholipid syndrome)

More rarely, inhalational anthrax causes a serious

flu-like pulmonary infection, but with Anticholinergic (cholinolytic)
characteristic haemorrhagic mediastinitis,
respiratory distress, pleural effusions, meningitis
and shock. This form of anthrax was previously Anticholinergic effects are produced by the
called ‘woolsorter’s disease’ and is the form following agents:
which would be seen in modern germ warfare.
28 It can be produced by the inhalation of as few as • atropine and related compounds, including
10000 spores and results in intense bacteraemia. – the belladonna alkaloids, such as
3. Intestinal
– the synthetic quaternary ammonium
Occasionally, intestinal anthrax may occur due compounds with anti-muscarinic action,
to the ingestion of infected meat. The diagnosis such as homatropine, ipratropium and
may be late because its clinical features are propantheline;
initially non-specific and it may be unsuspected.
The organism is readily identified from blood • antidepressants (tricyclics);
cultures and serology is positive. • antipsychotics (phenothiazines);
• antiparkinsonian drugs (especially
Treatment is with antibiotics (high-dose penicillin) benztropine);
and intensive care with isolation. The organism is also • disopyramide;
sensitive to tetracycline, amoxycillin, erythromycin • mushroom poisons (q.v.);
and ciprofloxacin but not third-generation • nerve agent antidotes.
Anticholinergic effects comprise three actions,
Vaccination is available for people at risk. namely:
Animal vaccination was introduced by Pasteur
in 1881. Without prompt antibiotic therapy, • anti-muscarinic;
inhalational anthrax is generally fatal and • ganglion-blocking;
cutaneous anthrax has a mortality of 20%. • neuromuscular blocking.

Bibliography Clinically, anticholinergic effects are manifest

LaForce FM 1994 Anthrax. Clin Infect Dis 19: 1009. as:
Penn CC, Klotz SA 1997 Anthrax pneumonia.
Semin Respir Infect 12: 28. • dry mouth;
Pile JC, Malone JD, Eitzen EM et al 1998 Anthrax as • tachycardia;
a potential biological warfare agent. Arch Intern • constipation;
Med 158: 429. • urinary retention;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• delirium, particularly in the elderly; • neostigmine and pyridostigmine;
• predisposition to heat stroke. •

• tetrahydroaminoacridine (THA, tacrine);
They are picturesquely described by the
• nerve agents (e.g. insecticides, chemical
warfare agents).
‘blind as a bat, dry as a bone, hot as a hare,
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) terminates the
mad as a hatter and red as a beet’.
action of acetylcholine at cholinergic nerve
These effects are particularly likely to occur endings. Therefore, anticholinesterases allow
in the presence of polypharmacy, including acetylcholine to accumulate at its extensive
antispasmodics, antidiarrhoeals, central and peripheral sites.
antihistamines and some sedatives.
Neostigmine and pyridostigmine are the
main therapeutic anticholinesterases. They
Overdoses of anticholinergic drugs are treated permit the accumulation of acetylcholine at
with the anticholinesterases, physostigmine (a neuromuscular junctions and autonomic
tertiary amine which penetrates the blood–brain synapses. They also give rise to muscarinic
barrier) and pyridostigmine (a quaternary effects of salivation, sweating, abdominal
amine which has poor cerebral penetration). cramps, diarrhoea, bradycardia and even
Both reversibly inhibit acetylcholinesterase and asystole. Their use and that of edrophonium is
thus protect it. Physostigmine reverses the CNS discussed in the section on myasthenia gravis
effects of anticholinergic drugs, though other (q.v.).
effects of such poisoning (e.g. cardiac) are not
THA acts at the neuromuscular junction
reversed. It is given in a dose of 1–2 mg iv over
without a muscarinic effect. THA is also a mild
5 min and repeated if necessary each 20 min.
analeptic, prolongs the paralysis induced by
Since pyridostigmine does not penetrate the
suxamethonium and can be used with
blood–brain barrier, it does not impair CNS
neostigmine to reverse curarization.
performance like physostigmine and is therefore
useful as prophylaxis. Because of its central actions, it was considered
to provide modest therapeutic benefit in
Since the entire cholinergic spectrum is
Alzheimer’s disease, but this benefit has not
particularly seen with nerve agents (q.v.), they
been confirmed in subsequent studies. A
are antagonized by atropine (in doses up to 6
newer anticholinesterase, donepezil, has
mg), though newer antagonists with greater
however been confirmed in large studies to
CNS effects have been developed. These
provide symptomatic benefit, though there has
antagonists particularly include the oximes, e.g.
been no evidence of decreased disease
pralidoxime, organic compounds which
complex with anticholinesterase agents and thus
free the enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, so that
cholinergic function is restored. Bibliography
Cladwell JE 1995 Reversal of residual neuromuscular
Bibliography block with neostigmine at one to four hours after a
Goldfrank L, Flomenbaum N Levin N et al 1982 single intubating dose of vecuronium. Anesth
Anticholinergic poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol Analg 80: 1168.
19: 17. Davis KL, Powchik P 1995 Tacrine. Lancet 345:
Mayeux R, Sano M 1999 Drug therapy: treatment of
Anticholinesterases Alzheimer’s disease. N Engl J Med 341: 1670.
Peter JV, Cherian AM 2000 Organic insecticides.
Anticholinesterases comprise: Anaes Intens Care 28: 11.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Antidiuretic hormone (see referred to as the anticardiolipin syndrome. In

Antidiuretic hormone

Desmopressin) 1983, the broader name antiphospholipid

syndrome was given to describe the clinical
propensity to arterial and venous thrombosis in
Antinuclear antibodies association with such antibodies. More recently,
the name ‘Hughes’ syndrome’ has been
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) are most proposed.
characteristically associated with SLE, but in fact
they are also diagnostically useful in other Although the anticardiolipin antibody (which is
autoimmune diseases, including Sjögren’s responsible for a false positive syphilis test) and
syndrome, scleroderma and mixed connective the lupus anticoagulant are both
tissue disease. antiphospholipids, the immune response appears
to be directed to modified proteins rather than
Several nuclear antigens are recognized by to lipids, since a cofactor (most commonly,
autoantibodies in SLE, with the resultant beta-2 glycoprotein I (␤2-GPI), an activator of
circulating immune complexes able to injure a lipoprotein lipase) is required for anionic
number of organs and structures, especially renal phospholipid binding prior to antibody
glomeruli. Antibodies to native double-strand formation. The lipid-binding peptide of
DNA and soluble (extractable) nuclear antigen ␤2-GPI is similar to those found in some
called Sm are specific for SLE. Other antibodies bacteria and viruses, implying the potential for
30 include those to denatured single-strand DNA, an infection to stimulate anticardiolipin
RNA, nucleoprotein, histones and nucleoli. antibody formation. The antibodies themselves
While the presence of antinuclear antibodies is are heterogenerous and usually polyclonal IgG
diagnostically useful, their pathogenetic role is or IgM. Although many different mechanisms
doubtful, except in congenital heart block have been postulated to explain their in vitro
which is strongly associated with placental anticoagulant but in vivo thrombotic effects, it
passage of maternal autoantibodies to Ro(SS-A) is likely that the antibodies themselves are
and La(SS-B). directly responsible for the clinical effects and
that the clotting test results are artifacts of non-
flowing blood.
Antiphospholipid syndrome
The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a Clinical features of APS comprise:
hypercoagulable state associated with the • thromboses
presence of anticardiolipin antibody, lupus
anticoagulant and possibly other antibodies. – including recurrent DVT and other
forms of venous thrombosis;
In the 1950s, some patients with SLE were
observed to have a long clotting time but a • pulmonary hypertension;
paradoxical thrombotic tendency. In the 1970s, • cerebral artery occlusion
the responsible substance became referred to as – with TIA, stroke, ischaemic dementia,
the lupus anticoagulant (LA). Subsequently, LA ocular ischaemia;
was observed in other (especially autoimmune)
diseases and even in some healthy people, so • livedo reticularis
that it was then referred to as the ‘lupus-like – i.e. necrotizing purpura;
anticoagulant’ (LLA). This ‘anticoagulant’ was
later found to be closely related to antibodies to • heart valve disease
negatively charged phospholipids such as – including valvular degeneration and
cardiolipin, so that the syndrome was then verrucous endocarditis;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
– resembling culture-negative bacterial The optimal dose of warfarin appears to be high,

Antiphospholipid syndrome
endocarditis; with a required INR of at least 3.
• Low-dose aspirin may be ineffective, and
• spontaneous abortion and fetal death; corticosteroids are contraindicated in some
• miscellaneous problems settings (e.g. in pregnancy they are associated
– such as labile hypertension, epilepsy, with an increased incidence of pre-
migraine, transverse myelopathy, eclampsia).
thrombocytopenia and depression. • Gamma globulin iv has been reported to be
The condition may also be:
• drug-related, especially to chlorpromazine or Bick RL (ed) 1994 Antiphospholipid syndromes.
hydralazine; Semin Thromb Hemost 20: 1.
• associated with opportunistic infections, as in Bick RL 1997 The antiphospholipid thrombosis
AIDS. syndromes: a common multidisciplinary
medical problem. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 3:
There is an increased incidence of 270.
anticardiolipin antibodies in Behçet’s disease. Brighton TA, Chesterman CN 2000 The clinical
significance of antiphospholipid antibodies in
patients without autoimmune disease. Aust NZ J
In Intensive Care patients, ‘catastrophic Med 30: 693. 31
APS’ may be associated with: Briley DP, Coull BM, Goodnight SH 1989
Neurological disease associated with
antiphospholipid antibodies. Ann Neurol 25:
• multi-organ failure;
• thrombocytopenia;
Copeman PW 1975 Livedo reticularis: signs in the
• Budd–Chiari syndrome. skin of disturbance of blood viscosity and blood
These are all probably related to a flow. Br J Dermatol 93: 519.
widespread thrombotic tendency. Cowchock FS, Reece EA, Balaban D et al 1992
Repeated fetal losses associated with
antiphospholipid antibodies: a collaborative
Investigations typically show a prolonged APTT, randomised trial comparing prednisolone with low
dose heparin treatment. Am J Obstet Gynecol 166:
although this is an in vitro phenomenon only
and due to the antibody effect on cephalin which de Groot PG, Derksen RHWM 1995 Specificity and
is the phospholipid source in the APTT test. clinical relevance of lupus anticoagulant. Vessels 1:
Although not associated with a bleeding 22.
tendency, the prolonged APTT is of clinical Galve E, Ordi J, Barquinero J et al 1992
significance in patients requiring heparin therapy, Valvular heart disease in the primary
since it makes control difficult. The presence of a antiphospholipid syndrome. Ann Intern Med 116:
lupus anticoagulant is confirmed by mixing 293.
studies, because the APTT becomes normal in Ginsberg JS, Brill-Edwards P, Johnston M et al 1992
this way if its prolongation is due to a circulating Relationship of antiphospholipid antibodies to
inhibitor. The anticardiolipin antibody (aCL) pregnancy loss in patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus. Blood 80: 975.
may be directly assayed, usually by ELISA.
Hughes GR 1993 The antiphospholipid syndrome:
Treatment issues have as much uncertainty as do ten years on. Lancet 342: 341.
those related to pathogenesis and investigation. Khamashta MA, Cuadrado MJ, Mujic F et al 1995
The management of thrombosis in the
• Anticoagulation with even full doses of heparin antiphospholipid-antibody syndrome. N Engl J
is often insufficient and warfarin is probably best. Med 332: 993.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Laskin CA, Bombardier C, Hannah ME 1997 as surgery or pregnancy. Although

Antiphospholipid syndrome

Prednisolone and aspirin in women with heterozygotes are generally asymptomatic

autoantibodies and unexplained recurrent fetal loss. carriers, the disease is manifest even at levels of
N Engl J Med 337: 148. circulating AT-III up to 60% of normal. By
Lockshin MD 1992 Antiphospholipid antibody
middle age, there is a 90% incidence of
syndrome. JAMA 268: 1451.
Morgan M, Downs K, Chesterman CN, Biggs JC
1993 Clinical analysis of 125 patients with the Acquired AT III deficiency occurs:
lupus anticoagulant. Aust NZ J Med 23: 151.
Roubey RAS 1994 Autoantibodies to phospholipid- • in disseminated intravascular coagulation (or
binding plasma proteins: a new view of lupus other major consumptive disorders, such as
anticoagulants and other “antiphospholipid” extensive thromboembolism or trauma);
autoantibodies. Blood 84: 2864. • in the postoperative state;
Ryan P, Street A 1993 Thrombosis and • in liver disease;
antiphospholipid antibodies – an evolving story. • in the nephrotic syndrome;
Aust NZ J Med 23: 148.
• in vasculitis;
• after asparaginase (which is better known for
causing hypofibrinogenaemia).
Antiprotease (see Alpha1-antitrypsin
deficiency and Antithrombin III) Treatment of an acute thrombosis in AT-III
deficiency requires heparin, plus AT-III
32 replacement if there is heparin resistance (i.e. the
APTT does not increase as expected with the usual
Antithrombin III doses of heparin). AT-III may be given as specific
Antithrombin III (AT-III) is a circulating concentrate (20–50 U/kg is required to raise the level
plasma protein of molecular weight 58 kd. It is to 100%) or fresh frozen plasma.
the most important natural inhibitor of the
For prevention of thrombosis, life-long
serine proteases (activated coagulation factors II,
warfarin is required. Since warfarin is
X, IX, XI and XII). This antiprotease activity is
contraindicated in pregnancy, heparin and AT-
slow, except in the presence of heparin, which
III concentrate are given at labour.
binds to a lys residue and produces an allosteric
Asymptomatic patients are usually not given
effect, which in turn results in greater
prophylaxis, though oral anabolic steroids may
accessibility of the active site for stoichiometric
be helpful in some.
protease binding. Antiprotease activity is
thereby enhanced 1000-fold. Antithrombin III concentrates have been
studied in the treatment of sepsis, since plasma
Antithrombin III is normally present in a plasma
AT-III levels have been found to be low in that
concentration of about 300 mg/L (5 ␮M),
condition and to correlate with outcome.
corresponding to 100% activity, and is sufficient
Variable results have been reported to date, and
to neutralize all the thrombin that can be
the initial results of current larger studies appear
generated from the same volume of blood. Its
disappointing. Antithrombin III concentrates
half-life is about 48 h.
have perhaps more usefully been used in the
Antithrombin III deficiency may be hereditary treatment of disseminated intravascular
or acquired. coagulation.
Hereditary AT III deficiency is an autosomal Bibliography
dominant condition with several different Levi M, ten Cate H 1999 Disseminated intravascular
genotypes. There is a positive family history coagulation. N Engl J Med 341:586.
and the onset of a thrombotic tendency from Wheeler AP, Bernard GR 1999 Treating patients
early adult life, especially following stimuli such with severe sepsis. N Engl J Med 340: 207.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Aortic coarctation • an abnormal silhouette of the aortic knob

Aortic dissection
(the so-called figure-of-three).
Aortic coarctation refers to narrowing of the
aorta, usually distal to the origin of the left Diagnosis is confirmed by angiography and/or
subclavian artery. It is usually congenital, but CT scanning.
rarely it can follow aortitis or blunt trauma. The obstruction is usually moderate, though it
• Congenital aortic coarctation may be can occasionally be complete. Sometimes it is
associated with a bicuspid aortic valve, mild, as in pseudocoarctation.
ventricular septal defect or Turner’s Significant obstruction has traditionally been treated
syndrome. by surgical resection, which is usually very
• Coarctation due to aortitis occurs most successful, though aneurysm formation, recurrent
commonly in young women with idiopathic coarctation and persistent hypertension may occur
Takayasu’s disease, though occasionally it postoperatively. Angioplasty with or without
may be associated with a collagen-vascular stenting is currently the preferred treatment. It is
disease and involve the abdominal and lower especially appropriate for narrowing after aortitis or
thoracic aorta. for recurrence after surgery.
• Coarctation following trauma is usually mild
and is referred to pseudocoarctation.
Clinical features comprise hypertension, Arend WP, Michel BA, Bloch DA et al 1990 The
sometimes associated with headache, and American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria 33
coldness and fatigue of the lower extremities. for the classification of Takayasu arteritis. Arthritis
The femoral pulses are reduced and delayed Rheum 33: 1129.
compared with the radial pulses. A bruit may be Calhoun DA, Oparil S 1990 Treatment of
heard over the back. hypertensive crisis. N Engl J Med 323: 1177.
Hijazi ZM, Geggel R 1995 Balloon angioplasty for
The hypertension is detectable only in the arms, postoperative recurrent coarctation of the aorta. J
in which the systolic pressure is at least 20 Interv Cardiol 8: 509.
mmHg higher than in the legs. The blood Kerr GS, Hallahan CW, Giordano J et al 1994
pressure rises markedly on exertion, much more Takayasu arteritis. Ann Intern Med 120: 919.
so than for essential hypertension of similar Rothman A 1998 Coarctation of the aorta: an
update. Curr Probl Pediatr 28: 33.
degree. The hypertension may be irreversible, if
surgical correction is late or if there is residual
or recurrent coarctation. Clearly, examination
for aortic coarctation should be included in the Aortic dissection
assessment of patients with hypertension. Aortic dissection, sometimes erroneously
referred to as a dissecting aneurysm, is a
The complications of coarctation include: spontaneous tear in the aortic intima, giving rise
to a false channel within the aortic wall. The
• cardiac failure; blood in this channel dissects along the aorta,
• intracranial haemorrhage; including its branches, and eventually ruptures
• aortic dissection; either back into the lumen or out through the
• bacterial endocarditis. adventitia.
The most common sites of the initial tear are in
Chest X-ray shows: the ascending aorta (type A dissection) and in
• cardiomegaly; the descending aorta immediately distal to the
• rib notching from dilated collateral origin of the left subclavian artery (type B
intercostal vessels; dissection).
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

In patients who survive, the incidence of

Type A dissection
Aortic dissection

recurrence of dissection is considerable, ranging

• is caused by medial degeneration, or from 15–40%. Aneurysmal dilatation may
cystic medionecrosis, of the aortic wall; become a late problem.
• usually occurs in middle age;
• is not associated with hypertension;
Calhoun DA, Oparil S 1990 Treatment of
• may be associated with Marfan’s hypertensive crisis. N Engl J Med 323: 1177.
syndrome; Crawford ES 1990 The diagnosis and management of
• may dissect retrograde to the sinuses of aortic dissection. JAMA 264: 2537.
Valsalva, then possibly either causing DeSanctis RW, Doroghazi RM, Austen WG et al
aortic regurgitation or rupturing into the 1987 Aortic dissection. N Engl J Med 317: 1060.
pericardium causing tamponade; Treasure T, Raphael MJ 1991 Investigation of
• may dissect antegrade to any of the major suspected dissection of the thoracic aorta. Lancet
aortic branches. 338: 490.

Type B dissection
• occurs primarily in elderly hypertensive
Aplastic anaemia (see Anaemia)
and/or atherosclerotic patients;
• typically presents with chest pain radiating ARDS (see Acute pulmonary oedema)
34 to the back;
• usually dissects antegrade and extends as
far as the abdomen. Arnold–Chiari malformation
The Arnold–Chiari malformation is one of the
The clinical features of aortic dissection include: congenital neural tube defects. These also
include meningomyelocele, syringomyelia, and
• sudden chest pain mimicking acute
myocardial infarction but without ECG stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius. The most
changes; severe form is of course anencephaly.
• unequal pulses; There is an increased incidence of neural tube
• aortic regurgitation; defects in babies of mothers who are folic acid
• neurological signs; deficient or who fail to take folic acid
• a widened mediastinum on chest X-ray. supplementation during pregnancy.
The diagnosis is confirmed by transoesophageal The Arnold–Chiari malformation comprises
echocardiography, CT scanning and/or downward displacement of the lower medulla
angiography, or possibly MRI. and cerebellar tonsils through the foramen
magnum. Half of the cases are associated with
Treatment is either medical or surgical.
syringomyelia (q.v.).
• Medical treatment may be in preparation for
surgery or may be the primary therapy especially
Although developmental, it commonly
for type B dissection. Treatment emphasis is to
presents initially in adults, with pain in the
decrease the physical stress on the aortic wall by
back of the head, extending down over the
potent antihypertensive agents, usually sodium
shoulders and arms and exacerbated by
nitroprusside and beta-blockers.
coughing. Sometimes, there may be
• Surgery is indicated for type A dissection as an
emergency and for chronic dissection electively.
Surgery for type B dissection generally carries a • bulbar symptoms;
higher mortality than nonoperative treatment. • blurred vision;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• nystagmus; • Arsenic may also be contained in tobacco,

vertigo; from which it is oxidized like other heavy
• ataxia; metals as the tobacco is burned.
• respiratory failure (occasionally);
Arsenate is isostructural with orthophosphate and
• sleep apnoea (occasionally).
thus can become misincorporated into DNA.
Various international standards recommend the
Treatment is with surgical decompression. limitation of exposure to inorganic arsenic to not
⬎10 ␮g/m3/8 h or 2 ␮g/m3/15 min, beyond
Bibliography which dermatitis and cancer of the lung and of
Lemire RJ 1988 Neural tube defects. JAMA 259: the lymphoid tissues may occur.
Paul KS, Lye RH, Strang FA et al 1983
Arnold–Chiari malformation. J Neurosurg 58: 183.
Arsenic poisoning may be either acute or

Arsenic Acute poisoning is manifest by:

Arsenic (As, atomic number 33, atomic weight • nausea;
75) is a non-metallic element in the nitrogen • burning of the mouth;
family. Although arsenic-containing compounds • abdominal pain; 35
have been known since antiquity and arsenic is • acute haemolytic anaemia;
widely distributed in nature in various forms, • shock and death within an hour.
the element was not identified until 1649.
Arsenicals are used in herbicides, pesticides and Chronic poisoning is manifest by:
various manufacturing processes. • weakness;
• paralysis;
Arsenic poisoning may be occupational, • confusion;
accidental or deliberate (either as a classical • toxic neuropathy;
criminal agent or as a military poison). • skin pigmentation, keratoses and cancer;
• streaking of the nails;
• anaemia;
Toxicity from arsenic arises from inactivation of • hepatic cirrhosis;
cellular enzymes, though there is great • renal failure.
individual variation in susceptibility and many
The neuropathy is similar to that produced by
famous cases of tolerance. Most such
many toxic agents and indeed drugs.
preparations are arsenates.
The skin pigmentation is bronze in colour and
• Arsenious oxide (As4O6) is a colourless, is the characteristic skin lesion, with ‘rain drop’
odourless and tasteless compound, much
areas of hypopigmentation due to
beloved in detective fiction and presumably
hypomelanotic macules.
as commonly in reality.
• Arsine (arsenic hydride, AsH3) is a colourless In addition to keratoses, there may be skin
gas, used as a doping agent for semi- cancer, either basal cell carcinoma or squamous
conductors and also as a military poison. cell carcinoma. Although Bowen’s disease,
• Potassium arsenate was known which resembles superficial basal cell carcinoma,
pharmaceutically as Fowler’s solution, usually arises from solar exposure, when it
though arsenicals are no longer used follows arsenic ingestion it can occur in covered
clinically. areas of the skin.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

The anaemia of chronic poisoning is due to Patients commonly present with bleeding,

decreased red blood cell production. either acute and local or chronic with
The hepatic cirrhosis is similar to that produced
by excess vitamin A and methotrexate. Cerebral AVMs are congenital but usually do
not present until early adult life (average age 35
The renal failure is due initially to tubular
damage and later to residual tubulointerstitial
scarring giving rise to a chronic nephropathy, Most become manifest as intracerebral and/or
similar to that produced by mercury. intraventricular or subarachnoid haemorrhage.
The treatment of arsenic poisoning is with gastric The annual rate of recurrent bleeding from such
lavage if recently ingested. Both acute and chronic lesions is about 4%.
poisoning are treated with dimercaprol (BAL)(q.v.). The AVM should be obliterated by surgery or
embolization or if these are not successful or feasible
Bibliography by stereotactic irradiation.
Kyle RA, Pease GL 1965 Hematologic aspects of
arsenic intoxication. N Engl J Med 273: 18. Pulmonary AVMs or arteriovenous fistulae
are one of the causes of single lung nodules
either small or large. However, in about one
Arteriovenous malformations third of the cases, the lesions are multiple and
36 Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) may often bilateral. As with cerebral AVMs, the
occur either as a widespread phenomenon (the condition is congenital but becomes apparent
Osler–Weber–Rendu disease) or as isolated only in adult life. About half the cases with
lesions (usually affecting either the cerebral or multiple lesions in fact have
pulmonary circulation). Osler–Weber–Rendu disease (see above) with
multiple AVMs elsewhere throughout the
Osler–Weber–Rendu disease (hereditary body.
haemorrhagic telangiectasia, HHT) is an
autosomal dominant condition causing ectasia of Clinical features include hypoxaemia (from
small blood vessels. There is multisystem right-to-left shunt), haemoptysis, paradoxical
vascular dysplasia and haemorrhage. systemic embolization, and exertional
dyspnoea if the condition is severe and
Genetically, the condition is heterogeneous especially if there is associated anaemia.
with a variety of responsible mutations reported. Cyanosis and clubbing may be seen and also
The end-result appears to be impairment of the polycythaemia if there is no systemic bleeding.
function of endoglin, a membrane glycoprotein Pulmonary hypertension, cardiac failure and
which assists the binding to various cells, AVM rupture with haemoptysis or
particularly endothelial cells, of transforming haemothorax are uncommon.
growth factor ␤ (TGF-␤).
The condition should be suspected if the lesion
The condition becomes manifest after puberty,
on chest X-ray is seen to have a leash
with a penetrance of almost 100% by the age of
(containing the feeding artery and draining
40 y. It presents particularly as spider naevi on
vein). Pulmonary angiography is required for
the skin of the face and fingers and on the
definitive diagnosis.
mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.
Ectatic vessels may also develop in the gut, Surgical resection may be considered if the lesion is
urinary tract, liver and brain. The lung is single and large, but resection is usually unsatisfactory
involved in about 20% of cases (see below). because other small lesions may subsequently enlarge.
There may be associated platelet dysfunction, Radiological embolization provides a more
but coagulation is normal. satisfactory solution.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography It usually presents in patients older than 50 years

Gossage JR, Kanj G 1998 Pulmonary arteriovenous and is associated with both
malformations. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 158: 643.
Guttmacher AE, Marchuk DA, White RI 1995 • systemic features of fever, anorexia and
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. New Engl J weight loss;
Med 333: 918. • local features of headache and scalp
Ondra SL, Troupp H, George ED et al 1990 The tenderness with palpable nodules.
natural history of symptomatic arteriovenous
malformations of the brain. J Neurosurg 73: 387. There may be associated polymyalgia
Terry PB, Barth KH, Kaufman SL et al 1980 Balloon rheumatica (q.v.).
embolization for the treatment of pulmonary Clinical features may be present for many
arteriovenous fistulas. N Engl J Med 302: 1189.
weeks, and blindness, neuropathy, cerebral
White RJ, Lynch-Nyhan A, Terry P et al 1988
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation:
ischaemia, vertigo or depression may occur
techniques and long-term outcome of before the diagnosis is made. In particular, the
embolotherapy. Radiology 169: 663. blindness which is due to ischaemic neuritis is
sudden and irreversible and may sometimes be
Arteritis Diagnosis is assisted by the finding of mild
anaemia and raised ESR and is confirmed by
Most type of arteritis are more appropriately
temporal artery biopsy.
discussed in the more general section on 37
vasculitis (q.v.). Treatment with corticosteroids provides a rapid
However, three conditions may be Endarteritis is an infective lesion of the
considered as specifically arteritic, namely: endothelium analogous with endocarditis (q.v.).
It usually affects the abdominal aorta or
• cerebral arteritis; iliofemoral arteries and may involve
• giant cell arteritis; atherosclerotic plaques and aneurysms, as well as
• endarteritis. the normal vessel wall.
• Endarteritis is usually bacterial (especially
Cerebral arteritis is a diffuse inflammation of
from salmonella), but it can be due to fungi,
the intracranial arteries which may be either
rickettsiae or chlamydiae.
primary or secondary.
• Endarteritis may also be produced by
• Primary arteritis is an isolated condition irradiation, which causes inflammation and
causing a fluctuating encephalopathy over eventually fibrosis of the vaso vasorum,
weeks or months, with headache, confusion though initially the condition may be
and focal neurological signs. The diagnosis is steroid-responsive.
made angiographically and treatment is with
corticosteroids and immunosuppression. Bibliography
• Secondary arteritis occurs in giant cell Bahlas S, Ramos-Remus C, Davis P 1998 Clinical
arteritis, AIDS, HZV infection, TB, outcome of 149 patients with polymyalgia
sarcoidosis, collagen-vascular diseases and rheumatica and giant cell arteritis. J Rheumatol 25:
Hodgkin’s disease. 99.
Calabrese L, Dune G, Lie J 1997 Vasculitis in the
Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis) is the central nervous system. Arthritis Rheum 40: 1189.
most common and important form of arteritis, Hamilton CR, Shelley WM, Tumulty PA 1971
because it may have serious complications if Giant cell arteritis: including temporal arteritis and
untreated. polymyalgia rheumatica. Medicine 50: 1.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Hunder GG, Bloch DA, Michel BA et al 1990 The – polymicrobial in about 10% of cases;

American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria – sometimes indirect (i.e. ‘reactive’

for the classification of giant cell arteritis. Arthritis arthritis), with an infection at some other
Rheum 33: 1122. site precipitating with arthritis by a
Moore PM 1989 Diagnosis and management of
presumed immunological mechanism (see
isolated angiitis of the central nervous system.
Reiter’s syndrome).
Neurology 39: 167.
Oz MC, Brener BJ, Buda JA et al 1989 A ten-year • metabolic disorders
experience with bacterial aortitis. J Vasc Surg 10:
439. – including crystal-induced arthritis (e.g.
Zilko PJ 1996 Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell gout and pseudogout);
arteritis. Med J Aust 165: 438.
• connective tissue diseases
– including rheumatoid arthritis, SLE,
Arthritis scleroderma, polyarteritis nodosa, Sjögren’s
syndrome, Behçet’s syndrome, overlap
Arthritis (and arthropathies) describe conditions
affecting joints. They are traditionally classified
as: • neuropathic;
• degenerative • spondyloarthritis
38 – primary or secondary; – q.v.;

• infective (or septic) • miscellaneous conditions

– usually direct viral, bacterial, fungal or – such as drug-induced joint manifestations
parasitic infection in joints; (e.g. in SLE, serum sickness).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
DNA. Safe exposure limits of ⬍100–200000
Acute monoarthritis is typically infective,

fibres of ⬎5 ␮m/m3/8 h have been set.
though it may often be associated with
systemic disease, especially if there are other Calculations of the worldwide health burden
concomitant clinical features. Thus, the from occupational and environmental exposure
additional presence of: to asbestos suggest a projected 5–10 million
cancers, with 30000 in Australia alone (two
• erythema nodosum suggests inflammatory thirds lung cancer, one third mesothelioma).
bowel disease, sarcoidosis, SLE;
Because of this and because there are now safe
• mouth ulcers suggest Behçet’s syndrome, and economic alternatives, an international ban
Reiter’s syndrome, SLE;
on all mining and use of asbestos has been
• splinter haemorrhages suggest bacterial recommended.

The risks from asbestos exposure include:

Editorial 1980 Reactive arthritis. Br Med J 281: 311. • lung cancer;
Gibofsky A, Zabriskie JB 1995 Rheumatic fever and • mesothelioma;
poststreptococcal reactive arthritis. Curr Opin • pneumoconiosis (asbestosis);
Rheumatol 7: 299. • pleural plaques.
Hamerman D 1989 The biology of osteoarthritis. N
Engl J Med 320: 1322.
Smith JW 1990 Infectious arthritis. Infect Dis Clin Lung cancer follows heavy exposure and the
North Am 4: 523. risk is enhanced 8-fold by concomitant cigarette
Weston VC, Jones AC, Bradbury N et al 1999 smoking.
Clinical features and outcome of septic arthritis in
a single UK health district 1982–1991. Ann Mesothelioma (usually pleural but sometimes
Rheum Dis 58: 214. peritoneal) on the other hand can occur even
Winblad S 1975 Arthritis associated with Yersinia after a single exposure and may have a latent
enterocolitica infections. Scand J Infect Dis 7: 191. period of up to 30 or more years.
Pneumoconiosis (asbestosis) consists of a
diffuse pulmonary infiltrate. The risk is dose-
Arthropathies (see Arthritis) related, with a long latent period of 20 years or
more, followed by a slowly progressive fibrosis,
with cough and dyspnoea. The characteristic
Arthus reaction (see Immune complex findings include particularly decreased gas
disease) transfer, also decreased lung volumes and
impaired gas exchange, but normal lung
mechanics. The lung function abnormalities
Asbestos (see also Occupational lung diseases) precede both symptoms and radiographic
Asbestos is a natural mineral fibre freed from changes. Asbestos bodies can be recovered in
crushed rock, usually chrysotile, and composed bronchoalveolar lavage fluid.
of magnesium silicate. It is resistant to fire, acid Pleural plaques are discrete connective tissue
and alkali. Because it is virtually indestructible, collections on the parietal pleura and follow
its smooth brittle fibres have been widely used heavy exposure to asbestos or sometimes other
commercially since the 19th century both for inorganic fibres. They are usually seen on the
building and for thermal insulation. In the lateral posterior or basal pleural surfaces and not
body, the silicate groups gradually dissociate and in the costophrenic angle nor in the upper third
then substitute for phosphates, thus deranging of the thorax. They vary greatly in diameter and
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

have an average thickness of 5 mm. If not Mycetoma is a fungus ball which occupies an

calcified, they may be seen only in tangential existing cavity. Aspergillus is the most common
views. They develop slowly with a latent period cause of a fungus ball (then often called an
of 20 years or more. They are a marker only of aspergilloma), though sometimes other fungi
asbestos exposure and do not predispose to may produce a similar condition. Haemorrhage
symptoms, functional changes or malignancy. If occurs in more than half the patients and can be
non-calcified, they should be distinguished from fatal. There is an overall mortality of 5–10%.
other causes of local pleural thickening, such as The sputum is usually negative for the
inflammation, trauma or malignancy. organism.
Sometimes there may be more diffuse pleural
Treatment is with surgery.
fibrosis rather than discrete collections.
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is
Bibliography associated with wheeze, eosinophilia and brown
Berry G 1995 Environmental mesothelioma plugs of sputum. The sputum is usually positive
incidence, time since exposure to asbestos and for the organism, and skin tests and serum
level of exposure. Environmetrics 6: 221.
precipitins are also usually positive.
Mossman BT, Bignon J, Corn M et al 1990 Asbestos:
scientific developments and implications for public Treatment is with corticosteroids.
policy. Science 247: 294.
Peto J, Decarli A, La Vecchia C et al 1999 The The oral antifungal agent, itraconazole (200 mg
European mesothelioma epidemic. Br J Cancer 79: twice daily), has recently been shown to add further
566. improvement without toxicity in patients with this
Sterman DH, Kaiser LR, Albelda SM 1999 Advances condition who were steroid-dependent.
in the treatment of malignant pleural
mesothelioma. Chest 116: 504. Invasive disease usually occurs only in
Teirstein AS 1998 Diagnosing malignant pleural immunocompromised hosts. There is a
mesothelioma. Chest 114: 666. necrotizing pneumonia with haemorrhagic
infarction and cavitation, and sometimes
systemic metastases. Sputum cultures are only
Aspergillosis (see Eosinophilia and lung sometimes positive for the organism (about
infiltration (asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia)) 30%), blood cultures are always negative and
serology is unhelpful.
Aspergillosis is caused by the fungus aspergillus,
most commonly A. fumigatus but occasionally Treatment is with amphotericin in high doses,
others, e.g. A. flavus. Aspergillus is a ubiquitous though the response may be poor.
saprophyte in nature, and infection arises only
when it is aerosolized into a normally sterile site Bibliography
(thus, it is usually a pulmonary infection). Chatzimichalis A, Massard G, Kessler R et al 1998
Moreover, its isolation from normal subjects Bronchopulmonary aspergilloma: a reappraisal.
may not be significant, whereas its presence in Ann Thorac Surg 65: 927.
an immunocompromised patient should be Janssen JJWM, Strack van Schijndel RJM, van der
taken very seriously. Poest Clement EH et al 1996 Outcome of ICU
treatment in invasive aspergillosis. Intens Care
Med 22: 1315.
It may produce one of three pulmonary Levitz SM 1989 Aspergillosis. Infect Dis Clin North
conditions, namely: Am 3: 1.
Oakley EJ, Petrou M, Goldstraw P 1997 Indications
• mycetoma; and outcome of surgery for pulmonary
• allergic disease; aspergilloma. Thorax 52: 813.
• invasive disease. Stevens DA, Schwartz HJ, Lee JY et al 2000 A
randomized trial of itraconazole in allergic
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. N Engl J Med pneumonia can be produced by repeated
342: 756.


Diagnosis of aspiration is often

Aspiration straightforward. However, it may be difficult
Aspiration pneumonitis (chemical pneumonia, if:
Mendelson’s syndrome) refers to the inhalation • the aspiration has not been witnessed,
of gastric contents. The original description of • if the patient is already ill for other
this condition was in obstetric patients in whom reasons,
it is still a significant problem. • no food particles or patchy inflammation
Aspiration of gastric contents is a serious are found in the tracheobronchial tree at
complication in the patient whose airway is fibreoptic bronchoscopy.
unprotected because of impaired consciousness Conversely, if food particles are found in the
and/or disturbance of gastro-oesophageal oropharynx, a mistaken diagnosis of
function. Many of the procedures in caring for aspiration may be made.
the unconscious patient, particularly in
Anaesthesia and in Intensive Care, relate to
airway protection and thus prevention of The treatment of aspiration is supportive.
aspiration. • Since the chemical reaction is immediate, measures 41

The pathogenesis of aspiration is related to the such as instillation of bicarbonate or saline lavage
acidity of the gastric contents and is especially are not helpful.
significant when the pH is less than 2.5. Acid • Corticosteroids have been shown to be ineffective,
inhalation causes immediate chemical damage to and prophylactic antibiotics are not generally
the bronchial mucosal cells or alveolar epithelial indicated.
cells, with resulting inflammatory exudate and • Treatment thus consists of oxygenation,
cellular infiltrate. cardiovascular resuscitation if necessary, intubation
and mechanical ventilation in seriously affected
The clinical features start with the aspiration patients, and bronchodilators when bronchospasm
event itself, which may be witnessed. is prominent.
• Immediate asphyxia may occasionally result,
especially if the aspiration is large and
Wright BA, Jeffrey PH 1990 Lipoid pneumonia.
Semin Respir Infect 5: 314.
• More typically, cough, frothy sputum,
dyspnoea and wheeze occur, usually within
an hour or so.
• Hypoxaemia occurs and is sometimes severe.
• There may be circulatory failure due to Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was first prepared
hypovolaemia or reflex responses. by Hoffman at Bayer and introduced into
• The features of bronchopneumonia become clinical medicine in 1899 as an anti-
apparent within 24 to 48 h. Secondary inflammatory agent. It had been preceded by
aerobic or anaerobic infection may occur in sodium salicylate, which had been used since
the next few days. 1875 for its antipyretic and uricosuric as well as
• Specific problems occur if the aspiration is anti-inflammatory properties. This in turn had
infected or if large food particles are retained. been preceded in previous centuries by the use
• If the aspirate includes mineral oil, formerly a of willowbark (salicylate-containing) as an
popular night-time laxative, chronic lipoid antipyretic for ague. Aspirin consists of benzoic
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

acid with an acetyl group at the ortho position, • gastric irritability;

• salicylism (nausea and tinnitus);

i.e. it is the salicylate ester of acetic acid.

Its use as an analgesic (for integumental but not • exacerbation of asthma (and also of rhinitis
and the rare systemic mastocytosis);
visceral pain), anti-inflammatory drug,
antipyretic and antiplatelet agent are well known. • an enhanced bleeding tendency;
• more rarely, hepatotoxicity, with a reversible
and asymptomatic ‘transaminitis’, especially
In the Intensive Care Unit, common but in the presence of collagen-vascular diseases,
important issues include: though it has also occasionally been
implicated in chronic drug-induced hepatitis;
• drug interactions;
• toxic effects; • contribution to analgesic nephropathy
(chronic interstitial nephritis);
• side-effects;
• Reye’s syndrome (q.v.). • decreased mucociliary clearance, though the
clinical significance of this phenomenon is
Drug interactions (q.v.) are common, because
the acetyl group of aspirin acetylates proteins Bibliography
and thus displaces protein-bound drugs. Gabow P, Anderson RJ, Potts DE et al 1978 Acid-
Toxic effects of aspirin in high doses are base disturbances in the salicylate-intoxicated adult.
Arch Intern Med 138: 1481.
42 widespread, since the drug is distributed in most
Leatherman JW, Schmitz PG 1991 Fever,
tissues and fluids. These effects may include:
hyperdynamic shock, and multiple-system organ
• circulatory depression and peripheral failure: a pseudo-sepsis syndrome associated with
vasodilatation; chronic salicylate intoxication. Chest 100: 1391.
• respiratory stimulation initially but
depression with very high doses, the initial
hyperventilation comprising some increase in Asthma (see also Occupational lung diseases)
tidal volume but a much greater increase in
respiratory rate; Asthma-like symptoms can develop in any
subject given a severe enough stimulus, such as
• tinnitus and confusion, with coma after very
high dose; a toxic gas. The presence of a viral infection
heightens the susceptibility of normal subjects as
• impaired haemostasis;
well as of asthmatics to such stimuli.
• increased renal loss of sodium, potassium and
water; Since anyone can develop asthma-like
• increased metabolic rate and metabolic symptoms given a sufficient stimulus, it is clearly
acidosis, due to uncoupling of important that the definition of clinical asthma
phosphorylation and the accumulation of includes the concept of abnormally increased
metabolic products. bronchial reactivity.
Treatment of salicylate toxicity includes:
• gastric lavage; The differential diagnosis of asthma includes
• correction of fluid, electrolyte, acid–base, conditions producing dyspnoea with wheeze,
haemostasis and temperature disturbances; i.e. airways obstruction, namely:
• forced alkaline diuresis;
• chronic bronchitis and emphysema;
• dialysis or charcoal haemoperfusion in severe cases.
• acute pulmonary oedema
Side-effects of aspirin are associated with
– ‘cardiac asthma’;
therapeutic rather than excessive doses and
include: • pulmonary embolism;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• aspiration; • laryngeal oedema
• drugs (see Drugs and the lung)

– e.g. anaphylaxis;
– hypersensitivity;
• laryngospasm;
– irritation;
• neoplasia;
– smooth muscle cell contraction;
• neurological disease
– prostaglandin inhibition;
– laryngospasm, vocal cord paralysis;
• acute lung irritation;
• cystic fibrosis; • vocal cord dysfunction.
• pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia
– specifically, allergic bronchopulmonary The clinical features of upper airway
aspergillosis; obstruction include a history of local disease and
findings of hoarse voice and abnormal cough as
• some restrictive lung diseases well as stridor. Gas exchange is normal, but
– with bronchial involvement, e.g. there is an abnormal flow–volume loop.
sarcoidosis, rheumatoid lung, Specific investigations include inspection by
bronchoscopy and CT imaging. Of course, in
• polyarteritis nodosa patients with symptoms severe enough to
– including Churg–Strauss syndrome; warrant endotracheal intubation, there is
immediate relief of the features of airway 43
• carcinoid tumour obstruction following this procedure.
– especially with liver metastases; Moreover, the patient is able to be ventilated at
normal pressures and flows and with normal gas
• local obstruction exchange.
– giving local wheeze.
Barrett GE, Koopman CF, Coulthard SW 1984
Stridor (i.e. upper airway obstruction) needs to
Retropharyngeal abscess. Laryngoscope 94: 455.
be excluded. Upper airway obstruction can Editorial 1990 Cardiac asthma. Lancet 335: 693.
sometimes be variable and may even be Kryger M, Bode F, Antic R et al 1976 Diagnosis of
exacerbated by exercise and improved with obstruction of the upper and central airways. Am J
corticosteroids, thus mimicking asthma. Med 61: 85.
Mayo-Smith M, Hirsch PJ, Wodzinski SF et al 1986
Acute epiglottitis in adults. N Engl J Med 314:
The most common causes of stridor are: 1133.
McCaughan BC, Martini N, Bains MS 1985
• extrinsic compression Bronchial carcinoids. J Thorac Cardiovsc Surg 89:
– e.g. goitre; 8.
Murray DM, Lawler PG 1998 All that wheezes is not
• foreign body; asthma: paradoxical vocal cord movement
• infection presenting as severe acute asthma requiring
ventilatory support. Anaesthesia 53: 1006.
– croup, epiglottitis, diphtheria;
Ricketti AJ, Greenberger PA, Mintzer RA et al 1983
• inflammation Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Arch
Intern Med 143: 1553.
– tonsils, granulations, cricoarytenoid Schuyler MR 1983 Allergic bronchopulmonary
arthritis, tracheomalacia, stenosis, aspergillosis. Clin Chest Med 4: 15.
relapsing polychondritis, sarcoidosis, Shapiro J, Eavey RD, Baker AS 1988 Adult
amyloid; supraglottitis: a prospective analysis. JAMA 259: 563.
A Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Asthmatic pulmonary Autacoids (see Adenosine)

Asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia

eosinophilia (see Eosinophilia and lung

Auto-erythrocyte purpura (see
Atrial natriuretic factor
Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) is a peptide which Autoimmune disorders
is stored in the atrial myocardial cells and released
during atrial dilatation. It is one of a family of five Autoimmune disorders comprise a large group
structurally related natriuretic peptides of 22–53 of diseases caused by an immune reaction to a
amino acids, each peptide being secreted by self (or auto) antigen. Self-reactive lymphocytes,
different tissues. ANP is a natural antagonist to both T cells and B cells, are largely eliminated
the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system and during development, but some appear to persist
promotes renal excretion of sodium and water. It in a mature state in peripheral lymphoid tissue,
is also a potent vasodilator and may thus play a where they can be activated to cause
homeostatic role in vascular control. autoimmunity.
Excess release of ANF may contribute to Mechanisms of activation of autoimmunity
hypotension in right ventricular infarction and include:
44 like inappropriate ADH contribute to
• exposure of a normally sequestered self-
hyponatraemia. Experimentally, ANP helps to antigen;
prevent and may even reverse postischaemic
• structural alteration of a self-antigen (e.g. by
acute tubular necrosis, though this benefit has drugs or viruses);
not been confirmed in humans. Theoretically,
• molecular mimicry in which an appropriate
circulating natriuretic peptides and their immune response occurs to bacterial or viral
degradation products may be useful biological proteins which are closely related to host
markers of tissue injury, though such a role has antigens.
yet to be confirmed by major clinical trial.
Genetic predisposition to autoimmunity is also
Bibliography important, and the MHC (HLA) locus is the
Davidson NC, Naas AA, Hanson JK et al 1996 best defined risk factor for most such diseases.
Comparison of atrial natriuretic peptide, B-type
natriuretic peptide, and N-terminal proatrial
In general, the mechanism of antibody
natriuretic peptide as indicators of left ventricular production requires both a genetic
dysfunction. Am J Cardiol 77: 828. predisposition and then a trigger, presumably of
Diringer M, Ladenson PW, Stern BJ et al 1988 environmental origin, since concordance for
Plasma atrial natriuretic factor and subarachnoid autoimmune disease is only about 30–50% in
hemorrhage. Stroke 19: 1119. identical twins.
Needleman P, Greenwald JE 1986 Atriopeptin: a
cardiac hormone intimately involved in fluid, Pathology may be caused by:
electrolyte, and blood-pressure homeostasis. N • cell damage from the binding of antibodies
Engl J Med 314: 828. to cell surface antigens;
Stein BC, Levin RI 1998 Natriuretic peptides:
physiology, therapeutic potential, and risk
• agonist or antagonist actions of
stratification in ischemic heart disease. Am Heart J
autoantibodies binding to cell surface
135: 914. receptors;
Wei C-M, Heublein DM, Perrella MA et al 1993 • immune complex disease (especially with
Natriuretic peptide system in human heart failure. nuclear antigens);
Circulation 88: 1004. • cell-mediated immunity.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
(anti-TPO, formerly called microsomal
Autoimmune disorders may be either:

Autoimmune disorders
• organ-specific, or Non-organ-specific disorders, i.e. multi-
• systemic. system or systemic disorders, include:
The antigens recognized are usually • systemic lupus erythematosus;
correspondingly organ-specific or • Sjögren’s disease;
widespread. • scleroderma;
• rheumatoid arthritis;
• rheumatic fever;
Organ-specific disorders include most
• polymyositis;
• Goodpasture’s syndrome.
• insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM);
Therapeutic opportunities for immunomodulation
• Graves’ disease;
• Hashimoto’s thyroiditis;
• pernicious anaemia; • non-specific immune suppression (e.g.
• vitiligo. corticosteroids, cyclosporin, intravenous
gammaglobulin, plasmapheresis, thalidomide);
Other organ-specific conditions include:
• semispecific therapy (e.g. anti-TNF antibodies);
• Addison’s disease; • specific manipulation (e.g. antigen-based therapies, 45
• autoimmune haemolytic anaemia; some of which are now in clinical trials).
• chronic active hepatitis;
• hypoparathyroidism; Bibliography
• idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; Austen KF, Burakoff SJ, Rosen FS et al (eds) 1996
Therapeutic Immunology. Cambridge: Blackwell.
• lymphocytic hypophysitis;
Dwyer JM 1992 Manipulating the immune system
• multiple sclerosis;
with immune globulin. N Engl J Med 326:107.
• myasthenia gravis; Loriaux DL 1985 The polyendocrine deficiency
• pemphigus; syndromes. N Engl J Med 312: 1568.
• primary biliary cirrhosis. Naparstek Y, Plotz PH 1993 The role of
Many organ-specific disorders are thus autoantibodies in autoimmune disease. Annu Rev
Immunol 11: 79.
endocrine, with auto-antigens often being
Nossal GJV 1989 Immunologic tolerance:
enzymes or receptors. Polyglandular syndromes collaboration between antigen and lymphokines.
may occur in some families. Science 245: 147.
• In IDDM, antibodies recognize islet cells Peter JB, Shoenfeld Y 1996 Autoantibodies.
(ICA), and the specific proteins recognized Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Reimann PM, Mason PD 1990 Plasmapheresis:
include insulin (IAA), glutamic acid
technique and complications. Intens Care Med 16:
decarboxylase (anti-GAD) or the recently 3.
described tyrosine phosphatase, IA-2. Tan EM 1991 Autoantibodies in pathology and cell
• In Graves’ disease, the antibody is to TSH biology. Cell 67: 841.
receptors (TRAb). Yu Z, Lennon VA 1999 Mechanism of intravenous
• In Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the main immune globulin therapy in antibody-mediated
antibody specificity is to thyroid peroxidase autoimmune diseases. N Engl J Med 340: 227.
B Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bacillary angiomatosis (see Cat- Barotrauma is a potential complication of

Bacillary angiomatosis

scratch disease) mechanical ventilation, especially if inspired

pressures or volumes are high or excessive
PEEP is used. An alveolar distending pressure of
Bacillary peliosis hepatis (see Cat- 30–35 mmHg is the injury threshold in most
animal studies, so that the end-inspiratory
scratch disease)
plateau pressure in ventilated patients should be
kept below this level if possible. However, there
is no direct correlation of clinical injury with
the level of pressure used, and indeed it has
Bacitracin is a polypeptide antibiotic produced recently become popular to use the term
from the micro-organism, B. subtilis, and is volutrauma rather than barotrauma when
active against Gram-positive bacteria. It is discussing pneumothorax etc. in ventilated
however nephrotoxic, so that it is no longer patients to indicate that the problem is
used parenterally. considered to be an overdistended volume
rather than an overdistending pressure.
Its local administration remains useful, either
• orally for Clostridium difficile diarrhoea, or Bibliography
• as an ointment for a variety of infected Abolnik I, Lossos IS, Breuer R 1991 Spontaneous
dermatological conditions, when it is usually pneumomediastinum. Chest 100: 93.
combined with other antibacterial agents, Maunder RJ, Pierson DJ, Hudson LD 1984
such as neomycin and/or polymyxin and Subcutaneous and mediastinal emphysema:
often also with corticosteroids. pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management.
Arch Intern Med 144: 1447.

BAL (see Chelating agents and Warfare

agents) Basophilia
Basophilia refers to an increased number of
circulating basophils (⬎0.1⫻109/L). These cells
Barotrauma (see also Diving) originate from the pluripotent stem cell via the
myeloblast. They have prominent granules
Barotrauma refers to air forced outside the containing heparin, histamine and leukotrienes.
normal air spaces. It thus comprises: Like the closely related tissue mast cells, they
mediate hypersensitivity reactions.
• pneumothorax;
• interstitial emphysema; Basophilia is seen in:
• pneumomediastinum; • myeloproliferative disorders (most
• pneumopericardium; commonly);
• pneumoperitoneum; • iron deficiency;
• subcutaneous emphysema; • lung cancer;
• gas embolism (via pulmonary veins). • varicella infection.
More subtle abnormalities may be seen
histologically or on CT scan and include: Bibliography
Denburg JA 1992 Basophil and mast cell lineage in
• alveolar rupture; vitro and in vivo. Blood 79: 846.
• emphysema; Echtenacher B, Mannel DN, Hultner L 1996 Critical
• pseudocysts (pneumatoceles). protective role of mast cells in a model of acute
septic peritonitis. Nature 381: 75.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bat bites (see Bites and stings)
The adverse changes of bed rest include the

Behçet’s syndrome
Bathing • Circulatory, with
Bathing or swimming may be associated with – decreased cardiac output,
folliculitis from contaminated water or with – decreased blood volume (by an average
swimmer’s ear. of 750 mL),
– orthostatic hypotension,
Exposure to hot tubs or saunas may cause – decreased red blood cell mass,
hyperthermia (q.v.). This is particularly – increased blood viscosity,
important in patients with cardiac disease, who – increased venous stasis with
may suffer failure or arrhythmias, and in thromboembolism.
pregnancy, when a raised core temperature
during the first trimester may give rise to neural • Respiratory, with
tube defect in the fetus. – decreased lung volumes, especially vital
capacity and functional residual
Bibliography capacity,
Allison TG, Miller TD, Squires RW et al 1993 – decreased arterial saturation.
Cardiovascular responses to immersion in a hot
tub in comparison with exercise in male subjects • Muscular, with
with coronary artery disease. Mayo Clin Proc 68: – decrease in muscle mass and
19. contractility.
Castle SP 1985 Public health implications regarding
the epidemiology and microbiology of public • Metabolic, with
whirlpools. Infect Control 6: 418. – loss of bone mineralization,
Kosatsky T, Kleeman J 1985 Superficial and – impaired glucose tolerance,
systemic illness related to a hot tub. Am J Med
– increased blood cholesterol.
79: 10.
Lemire RJ 1988 Neural tube defects. JAMA 259: • Neurological, with
– blunted sensation and motor activity,
Milunsky A, Ulcickas M, Rothman K et al 1992
Maternal heat exposure and neural tube defects. due to sensory deprivation and
JAMA 268: 882. especially in Intensive Care,
Ridge BR, Budd GM 1990 How long is too long in – emotional lability.
a spa pool. N Engl J Med 323: 835.
Clearly, these changes are undesirable but
equally clearly they are inevitable, particularly in
Bed rest Intensive Care patients, when the changes are
Bed rest is an important therapeutic measure for often compounded by a septic or catabolic state.
a number of disorders (particularly cardiac
failure and pre-eclampsia), but it is more often
Bee stings (see Bites and stings)
nowadays a consequence of illness rather than a
prescribed therapy.
Behçet’s syndrome
Bed rest may be regarded as the opposite of
exercise training and may thus result in a Behçet’s syndrome (Behçet’s disease) is a
number of physiological derangements. These multisystem disease of unknown cause, affecting
may be seen in the elderly within 48 h and in primarily young adults of Eastern Mediterranean
other patients by 1–3 weeks. or Japanese origin.
B Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Clinical features comprise most commonly: facial canal within the temporal bone, but the
Behçet’s syndrome

cause of this process is uncertain. Recently,

• painful mouth ulcers (similar to aphthous herpes simplex virus type 1 has been
stomatitis) and genital ulcers;
• eye signs (iritis, episcleritis, retinal vasculitis,
optic neuritis). There is the rapid onset of paralysis, which is
sometimes complete. There is no sensory
Less commonly, there may be:
change, though there may be impaired
• seronegative, non-destructive arthritis; lacrimation, salivation and taste.
• colitis;
• vasculitis and/or thrombophlebitis,
The differential diagnosis includes:
sometimes associated with anticardiolipin
antibodies and arterial or venous thrombosis • 7th nerve herpes zoster (Ramsay Hunt
(and possibly infarction); syndrome);
• neurological involvement, with cranial nerve • diabetic 7th nerve palsy;
palsy, brainstem dysfunction or • neoplastic or vascular lesions of the pons
meningoencephalitis. or cerebellopontine angle;
• Guillain–Barré syndrome;
The diagnosis is based on the clinical features.
• Lyme disease;
• sarcoidosis;
48 In Intensive Care practice, it should be • carcinomatous meningitis.
considered in the differential diagnosis of
multisystem dysfunction, if the cause is not
Treatment with corticosteroids is commonly given,
otherwise apparent and the clinical setting is
but significant benefit has been difficult to confirm in
controlled trials.

Treatment consists of corticosteroids, with added • Recently, acyclovir has been shown to be
cytotoxic therapy in cases of recurrence or relapse.
• The eye should be covered if the cornea is
Colchicine, thalidomide and more recently exposed.
cyclosporin have been reported to be of benefit in some
Most cases recover, at least sufficiently to give a
good cosmetic result, though 5–10% have some
The prognosis is mostly favourable over several permanent weakness.
Bibliography Adour KK 1982 Diagnosis and management of facial
James DG 1979 Behçet’s syndrome. N Engl J Med paralysis. N Engl J Med 307: 348.
301: 431. Devriese PP, Schumacher T, Scheide A et al 1990
Lee S, Bang D, Lee E et al 2000 Behçet’s Disease. Incidence, prognosis and recovery of Bell’s palsy.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Clin Otolaryngol 15: 15.
Shimizu T, Ehrlich GE, Inaba G et al 1979 Behçet’s Halperin J, Luft BJ, Volkman DJ et al 1990 Lyme
disease (Behçet’s syndrome). Semin Arthritis neuroborreliosis: peripheral nervous system
Rheum 8: 223. manifestations. Brain 113: 1207.
Murakami S, Mizobuchi M, Nakashiro Y et al 1996
Bell palsy and herpes simplex virus identification of
Bell’s palsy viral DNA in endoneurial fluid and muscle. Ann
Intern Med 124: 27.
Bell’s palsy refers to paralysis of the facial (VII)
nerve. It is produced by inflammation in the
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bence Jones protein (see also Multiple Clinical features include:

• headache;
Bence Jones protein is a low molecular weight • visual impairment, with
protein originally described in the urine of
patients with multiple myeloma. It was noted to – visual loss (sometimes permanent);
coagulate on gentle heating of the urine but to – peripheral field defects;
redissolve on boiling, only to precipitate again – diplopia;
on cooling below 60°C. – papilloedema.

Its presence is virtually pathognomonic of Treatment is with CSF drainage, diuretics or, if
multiple myeloma, though it is present in only refractory, corticosteroids (in moderate doses for
50% of such cases. The urine shows a positive about 3 months).
dipstick test for protein, and there is a single
• CSF drainage may be by repeated lumbar
band on urine electrophoresis. The protein is
puncture (e.g. 20–40 mL taken several times
also present in serum but in low concentration.
weekly) or a shunt (e.g. lumboperitoneal).
The protein is the kappa or lambda light chain • Suitable diuretics include frusemide or
of IgG. Its presence is regarded as mild if the acetazolamide. Glycerol orally can be effective.
daily urinary excretion is ⬍4 g and severe if it is • Weight reduction is recommended.
⬎12 g. • Surgical decompression is sometimes required, e.g.
optic nerve sheath decompression if vision is 49
Bence Jones protein can cause renal tubular
damage either directly or associated with cast
production. Casts occur from the aggregation of
the Bence Jones protein with the locally produced Bibliography
14 kd glycoprotein, nephrocalcin. Distal tubular Giuseffi V, Wall M, Siegel PZ et al 1991 Symptoms
obstruction and inflammation may result. and disease associations in idiopathic intracranial
hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri). Neurology
41: 239.
Lyons MK, Meyer FB 1990 Cerebrospinal fluid
Benign intracranial hypertension physiology and the management of increased
Benign intracranial hypertension (idiopathic intracranial pressure. Mayo Clin Proc 65: 684.
intracranial hypertension, pseudotumour Wall M, George D 1991 Idiopathic intracranial
hypertension. Brain 114: 155.
cerebri) refers to chronically increased
intracranial pressure without hydrocephalus.

It usually occurs in obese young women and Beriberi

without known cause. It can also be related Beriberi is vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency,
to: and the name is derived from the Sinhalese
• some drugs; meaning extreme weakness. In developed
countries, it is sometimes seen as part of the
– including indomethacin, isotretinoin,
nutritional deficiency associated with
nitrofurantoin, oral contraceptives,
alcoholism. It is thus usually accompanied by
tetracycline (especially minocycline, the
other stigmata of alcoholism, especially
most lipid-soluble member of the
Wernicke’s encephalopathy (q.v.).
• cerebral venous thrombosis; So-called ‘wet’ beriberi is manifested by a
• endocrine disorders (sometimes). dilated cardiomyopathy with hyperdynamic
circulatory failure.
B Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

In Intensive Care, beriberi should thus be

remembered as one of the uncommon Beta2-microglobulin is the beta or light-chain of

causes of the hyperdynamic state. Its the HLA-Class I molecule required for cell-cell
importance lies in its rapid response to recognition. It is a small protein of 11.5 kd and
thiamine (100 mg iv). is present on most cell membranes though not
on mature red blood cells. There is considerable
amino acid sequence homology between beta2-
microglobulin, the heavy chain of the MHC
Beryllium Class I antigen and the constant region of the
heavy chain of IgG.
Beryllium (Be, atomic number 4, atomic
weight 9) is a brittle, alkaline-earth metal and Beta2-microglobulin is released during cell
was discovered in 1798. It is not free in nature breakdown and is then metabolized and cleared
and there are no large deposits, beryllium by the kidney. Its plasma level is thus increased
most frequently appearing as beryllium with renal impairment. It is also increased
aluminium silicate in gem stones (including following complement activation and IL-1
emeralds). It has a very high melting point generation, due to increased synthesis.
(1278°C) and is a good conductor of both
heat and electricity. Its particular use has been The proteinuria in tubulointerstitial disease is
50 as a hardening agent in metallurgy. Exposure predominantly low molecular weight
levels of not ⬎0.5–3 ␮g/m3/8 h are material, such as beta2-microglobulin, rather
recommended. than albumin as in glomerular diseases.
Soluble beryllium compounds are toxic
• Acute toxicity occurs in mining or Beta2-microglobulin provides the protein
metallurgy and consists of a burning rash, subunit for dialysis-related amyloid.
nose and eye irritation, cough and chest
tightness. Fatal respiratory failure within 72 h
may occasionally occur, but more commonly Biliary cirrhosis (see also Cholangitis and
there is recovery over a few months. Cholestasis)
• Chronic toxicity is seen in scientific or
Biliary cirrhosis may be either primary or
industrial workers and follows a latent
period of up to 15 years. Permanent,
though often mild, respiratory disability Primary biliary cirrhosis is an autoimmune
occurs with cough and dyspnoea. The disease. It is thus also associated with other
diffuse pulmonary changes are referred to autoimmune diseases, particularly scleroderma,
as berylliosis, in which granulomas CREST syndrome, Sjögren’s syndrome and
histologically identical to sarcoidosis are renal tubular acidosis. There is a genetic
seen and even bilateral hilar predisposition because of the association with
lymphadenopathy. Chronic beryllium the HLA-DR8 haplotype.
exposure can also predispose to lung
Clinical features of primary biliary cirrhosis
Bibliography typically are manifest in women aged 30–50 y.
Rossman MD, Kern JA, Elias JA et al 1988 There is the gradual onset of pruritus, fatigue
Proliferative responses of bronchoalveolar and increased skin pigmentation. Late features
lymphocytes to beryllium: a test for chronic include jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly,
beryllium disease. Ann Intern Med 108: 687. multiple xanthomas, osteoporosis (with bone
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
pain and pathological fractures). Eventually, Bird fancier’s lung (see Hypersensitivity

Bites and stings

ascites and oedema occur. pneumonitis)

Investigations show liver function disturbance

with chiefly an increased alkaline phosphatase. Bismuth
Anti-mitochondrial antibody is typically
Bismuth (Bi, atomic number 83, atomic weight
present, and the serum cholesterol is raised.
209, melting point 271°C) is the most metallic
Liver biopsy shows a specific histological picture
of the elements in the nitrogen family. It was
in only a few patients, as in most the findings
first described in 1450 and is a hard, brittle,
are similar to those seen in chronic active
greyish substance, which does not tarnish in air
and which is difficult to magnetize. In addition
The differential diagnosis includes: to its widespread use in manufacturing, its salts
in a variety of colloidal forms have long been in
• secondary biliary cirrhosis;
common use in medicine as a gastrointestinal
• cholangitis;
soothing agent, in ointments, and as a radio-
• chronic biliary obstruction.
opaque medium. It is also commonly used as an
Treatment modalities including corticosteroids, antibacterial in the prevention or treatment of
cytotoxic agents, colchicine, penicillamine and diarrhoea, e.g. in travellers.
cyclosporin are all at best poorly effective and are
More recently, it has been used for peptic 51
associated with significant side-effects.
ulceration, despite its lack of antacid effect. In
• Cholestyramine may alleviate pruritus, for which this setting, it inhibits pepsin, increases mucus
antihistamines are usually ineffective. and most importantly detaches Helicobacter pylori
• The bile acid ursodiol (ursodeoxycholic acid, from the gastric epithelium thus permitting its
12–15 mg/kg per day orally) diminishes the lysis.
potentially toxic endogenous bile acid pool and is Non-absorbable preparations are used, because
moderately effective as well as safe, though it is systemic levels can cause encephalopathy and
expensive. osteodystrophy. It should not be used in renal
• Vitamin supplementation is required. failure, as any small amounts that may be
The course of the disease is slow, with a median absorbed are normally excreted in the urine.
survival of 10 years. The oral administration of bismuth compounds
can produce a dark mouth, a phenomenon
Secondary biliary cirrhosis arises from which is reversible.
chronic biliary tract disease due to obstruction
The most common compound is bismuth
or prolonged inflammation. This leads to the
subcitrate (tripotassium dicitratobismuthate), but
irreversible histological changes of cirrhosis.
subnitrate, subgallate and subsalicylate
compounds are also prepared.
James SP, Hoofnagle JH, Strober W et al 1983
Primary biliary cirrhosis: a model autoimmune
disease. Ann Intern Med 99: 500. Bites and stings
Poupon RE, Poupon R, Balkau B 1994 Ursodiol for Bites and stings may be inflicted by many
the long-term treatment of primary biliary
creatures. Their clinical effects depend on:
cirrhosis. N Engl J Med 330: 1342.
• the site and severity of the bite or sting itself;
• the injection of potentially pathogenic
Bioterrorism (see Anthrax) organisms. Infecting organisms may come
B Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

from the biting mouth or stinging part of the though these may safely be omitted if the bite is
Bites and stings

attacking creature or from the recipient’s skin; minor. If infection actually occurs or if the patient
• the injection of toxin (venom). presents late, intravenous antibiotics are preferable.
Since the Gram-stain from the wound usually
Venom refers to a poisonous secretion from
provides inadequate information, microbiological
specialized glands, often associated with the
culture is important. Appropriate tetanus
teeth, spines, stings or other piercing parts of
prophylaxis is required, as is basic wound care.
the attacking creature. Venoms are a mixture of
• Potentially venomous bites should be treated
toxic enzymes and other proteins. In nature,
with bodily rest and immobilization of the affected
venoms are used for attacking prey or for
part by the bandage and splint technique (except
defence. When injected into man, they produce
after fish, red-back spider or Crotalid envenomation
the syndrome of envenomation.
because local pressure increases pain and possibly
Venomous creatures may be found worldwide local tissue damage). Transport should be arranged
and are represented in most major animal phyla, to a hospital, and unless the injury is minor, the
although they are especially found in the rural patient should be admitted to Intensive Care for
tropics. The best known such creatures are circulatory, respiratory, renal and coagulation
snakes, spiders, scorpions, insects and marine support. Treatment of circulatory failure (due
vertebrates and invertebrates. The most especially to hypovolaemia), respiratory failure (due
venomous creatures reside in Australia, which primarily to paralysis), coagulopathy, haemolysis
has some 2000 such species. and rhabdomyolysis are the chief priorities.
Nevertheless, death from envenomation is rare
in a developed country (e.g. about two deaths If there are clinical or investigational features
per year in Australia, all without appropriate of systemic envenomation, specific
first-aid), though it has been estimated that over antivenom (antivenene) should be urgently
100000 people die each year from given, following species identification (if
envenomation worldwide. In developed necessary using a venom detection kit. If the
countries, anaphylaxis from bee or wasp venom responsible species cannot be identified with
is a more common cause of death. In Australia, confidence, polyvalent antivenom should be
there are about 10 hospital admissions per day given. The antivenom is given diluted and iv
from bites and stings, with 38% from spiders, and the dose is based on the amount of
28% from bees and wasps, and 16% from snakes. venom injected and not on the patient’s
body size. The dose in one container is
The clinical features of envenomation may designed to neutralize the amount of venom
be: in a standard or milked bite; this dose needs
• neurotoxic; to be increased or repeated if there have
• haemotoxic; been multiple bites, delay in treatment or
• allergic. relapse.
These features may vary greatly in severity Adrenaline is required either for
from asymptomatic to serious or even fatal. anaphylaxis or prior to antivenom in patients
with a previous reaction.
The general principles of treatment of bites and stings Corticosteroids and antihistamine should
relate to local trauma (if any) and to the risks of be given iv if the patient is hypersensitive to
infection or of envenomation. horse serum or has had a previous exposure.
• Potentially infected bites, especially on the Tetanus prophylaxis is required, but
hand, should be treated with prophylactic oral antibiotics are not indicated.
antibiotics (e.g. amoxycillin/clavulanic acid),
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The bites and/or stings from a number of and is especially prone to cause septicaemia in

Bites and stings

creatures may present specific problems. alcoholics or in patients with significant
underlying disease. The septicaemia is
Bats from all continents except Australia have indistinguishable clinically from other forms of
been recorded to harbour rabies. In Australia, severe sepsis, except for the presence of a
some fruit bats have been found to carry a wound usually with painful cellulitis. Systemic
related organism, lyssavirus. This can cause symptoms occur 1–8 days after the bite, and the
encephalitis in humans, which should be treated as reported mortality is about 30%. Despite this
for rabies. potential, most dogs’ bites are in fact not
Bees and wasps may give acute allergic infectious and prophylaxis is often unnecessary.
reactions and even anaphylaxis in some patients. Wild animal bites should be considered a risk
This is because hymenopteran venom contains for rabies, unless in a rabies-free country (see
enzymes (proteins), as well as vasoactive amines Rabies).
and small peptides. Even a large local reaction is
generally allergic, as infectious cellulitis is rare Human bites may occur anywhere on the body
after insect stings. If very numerous, such stings but most commonly on the fingers. Similar
may produce severe systemic toxicity with lesions may also occur on the knuckles of a
hypotension. clenched fist or may be self-inflicted on the
hands or lips. The organism most commonly
Acute treatment of a clinically significant reaction is involved is S. viridans. Other organisms are also
with an anti-H1 antihistamine and if severe with commonly involved, including S. aureus, H.
corticosteroids, as well as symptomatic measures such influenzae, E. corrodens, and a variety of
as ice and analgesia. Either desensitization or self- anaerobes, including bacteroides, fusobacteria
administered adrenaline should be offered to those who and peptostreptococci.
have had a previous severe reaction.
Prophylaxis with penicillin (or flucloxacillin or
Cats can give an infective bite, the risk being amoxycillin/clavulanic acid) is usually required.
higher than for a dog bite because of the cat’s
Insects, including mosquitoes, ticks, lice and
sharper teeth (and thus the bite and anaerobic
mites, are the vectors for the transmission to
inoculum is generally deeper). The usual
humans of a wide variety of infectious diseases
pathogen in domestic cats is P. multocida,
(q.v.). In particular, ticks may inject a
though organisms similar to those in the human
neurotoxin, which can produce diplopia,
mouth (see below) may also be present, as may
weakness and ataxia, sometimes with associated
be C. canimorsus found in dogs (see below).
rhabdomyolysis, myocarditis or
Similar flora (‘fang flora’) exist in the mouths of
lymphadenopathy (see also Lyme disease).
large cats, though clearly the bites from these
animals are also associated with much more Antitoxin treatment is available.
severe injuries, including particularly spinal
Marine invertebrates which can cause
damage from a crushing bite to the neck. A cat
envenomation in man particularly include
bite can also lead to cat-scratch disease (q.v.).
members of the Coelenterata phylum, such as
Dog bites are usually from a known animal and jellyfish (the best known being the Portuguese
are on an extremity, except in children when Man of War and the most toxic being the Box
the face is commonly bitten. Although the dog Jellyfish). Their sting can cause local pain
mouth contains many aerobic and anaerobic (which may be extreme) and cutaneous
bacteria, the main pathogens are P. multocida eruption (which may be followed by skin
and Capnocytophaga canimorsus (formerly called necrosis), and systemic features of vomiting,
DF-2), a slowly-growing Gram-negative rod. sweating, dyspnoea, hypotension and even
The latter can cause death even in normal hosts anaphylaxis. Following contact with Box
B Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Jellyfish tentacles, hypotension, paralysis and up to 10% of deaths occur within 3 h, though
Bites and stings

cardiorespiratory failure may develop within over 80% occur after 7 h (and thus usually well
minutes. after medical assistance can be obtained) and
nearly half occur after 24 h. The fang marks
Emergency treatment of jellyfish stings is with local
themselves may be difficult to identify, but
vinegar and immobilization. Analgesia, volume
there is usually local pain and inflammation.
expanders, inotopes and ventilatory support may be
Local tissue damage is most evident following
required until antivenom becomes available.
cobra or rattlesnake bites. Following a suspected
The blue-ringed octopus may inject snake bite, the patient should be observed for at
tetrodotoxin (a neuromuscular blocking least 12 h for signs of envenomation. Snake
neurotoxin). The bite itself may be painless, but venoms are complex products, generally with
paralysis may result. neurotoxins, but also commonly with
haemotoxins, myotoxins, nephrotoxins,
Treatment of an octopus bite is supportive, as no
cardiotoxins and proteolytic enzymes which
antivenom is currently available, though
cause local tissue damage.
anticholinesterase therapy (q.v.) has been reported to
be possibly helpful.
Systemic symptoms generally appear within
Marine vertebrates can also produce venom,
4 h and sometimes much earlier. They
particularly in fish spines. The puffer fish
contains tetrodotoxin (see blue-ringed octopus
above). Stone fish spines are typically a risk to • neurological features
humans from being trodden on. There is severe
– paraesthesiae, weakness, strange taste,
local pain (and possibly skin necrosis
drowsiness, bulbar signs, fits;
subsequently) and sometimes major systemic
symptoms, such as paralysis and circulatory • nausea;
collapse. • bleeding;
Antivenom should be given, except in mild cases, • dyspnoea;
and local anaesthesia is symptomatically effective. • shock.
Anaphylaxis may occur in patients who have
Monkey bites can potentially cause infection
been similarly envenomated previously (e.g.
with herpesvirus simiae (monkey B virus),
snake handlers).
which is a fatal neurotropic viral infection.
Rat saliva may contain the organisms, Spirillum
Investigations include full blood examination
minus or Streptobacillus moniliformis.
(especially for haematocrit and platelet count),
Scorpion stings are common in tropical and coagulation screen, electrolytes, renal function,
subtropical countries. The sting causes and urinalysis. These should be carried out
considerable local pain and often general initially and then 8 hourly until any major acute
intoxication, but the mortality is generally less changes have resolved.
than 1%. The general intoxication comprises
Treatment principles are outlined above.
neurological, respiratory and especially
cardiovascular responses. The latter is due to Spider bites mostly are harmless, though there
intense adrenergic stimulation, which causes are some major exceptions. The Sydney
arrhythmias, cardiac failure and even shock. funnel-web spider is the world’s most deadly
spider and may cause potentially lethal
Antivenom treatment is available.
envenomation, with a dramatic clinical picture
Snake bite is a potential emergency, although of tachycardia, hypertension, salivation, muscle
the mortality is in fact low. In untreated cases, spasm, pulmonary oedema, raised intracranial
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
pressure and acidosis. This is sometimes referred Treatment of toad venom poisoning with digoxin-

Bites and stings

to as an autonomic storm. specific Fab fragments. Chest 110: 1282.
Burnett JW, Calton GJ 1987 Jellyfish envenomation
Treatment of a funnel-web spider bite consists of syndromes updated. Ann Emerg Med 16: 1000.
immobilization, support of respiratory and circulatory Callahan M 1980 Dog bite wounds. JAMA 244: 2327.
failure, and the administration of antivenom, the CSL Ltd 1992 Treatment of Snake Bite in Australia
beneficial effects of which are rapid. and Papua New Guinea using Antivenom.
Melbourne: Commonwealth Serum Laboratories.
Red-back spider bites cause severe and Cummings P 1994 Antibiotics to prevent infection in
prompt local pain, followed by sweating, patients with dog bite wounds: a meta-analysis of
nausea, vomiting, headache, and sometimes randomized trials. Ann Emerg Med 23: 535.
tachycardia, hypertension and paralysis. This Cuthbertson BH, Fisher M 1998 Envenomation. Int
spider is a member of the Lactodectus genus, J Intens Care 5: 64.
which includes the American black widow Dire DJ 1991 Cat bite wounds: risk factors for
spider. infection. Ann Emerg Med 20: 973.
Fenner PJ, Williamson JA 1996 Worldwide deaths
Treatment of a red-back spider bite is with local ice and severe envenomation from jellyfish stings.
packs, diazepam and specific antivenom. Med J Aust 165: 658.
Fisher MM, Carr GA, McGuinness R, Warden JC
Extensive local tissue damage (necrotic
1980 Atrax robustus envenomation. Anaesth
arachnidism) may sometimes be produced by Intens Care 8: 410.
the bites of some spiders (e.g. recluse, white- Goldstein EJC 1992 Bite wounds and infection. Clin 55
tailed, wolf). Infect Dis 14: 633.
Treatment of this injury is primarily on its local Griego RD, Rosen T, Orengo IF et al 1995 Dog,
cat, and human bites. J Am Acad Dermatol 33:
merits, but associated vasculitis may be helped with
heparin and/or corticosteroids. Useful measures for
Hovenga S, Tulleken JE, Moller LVM et al 1997
necrosis probably include hyperbaric oxygen but not Dog-bite induced sepsis: a report of four cases.
debridement, grafting or antibiotics. Intens Care Med 23: 1179.
Brown recluse and black widow spiders are Hunt GR 1981 Bites and stings of uncommon
arthropods. Postgrad Med 70: 91, 107.
important causes of envenomation in the USA.
Janda DH, Ringler DH, Hilliard JK et al 1990
Tarantulas have become common household
Nonhuman primate bites. J Orthop Res 8: 146.
‘pets’, and the bites of these large hairy creatures Javaid M, Feldberg L, Gipson M 1998 Primary repair
are correspondingly frequent. Local pain, of dog bites to the face. J R Soc Med 91: 414.
erythema and swelling are accompanied by Klein M 1985 Nondomestic mammalian bites. Am
systemic features of anaphylaxis in those allergic Fam Physician 32: 137.
to the venom. Eye injuries from released barbs McHugh TP, Bartlett RL, Raymond JI 1985 Rat
can occur. bite fever. Ann Emerg Med 14: 1116.
O’Hehir RE, Douglass JA 1999 Stinging insect
Toad bites may occasionally cause allergy. Med J Aust 171: 649.
envenomation. Pennell TC, Babu S-S, Meredith JW 1987 The
There has been a recent report of its successful management of snake and spider bites in the
southeastern United States. Ann Surg 53: 198.
treatment with digoxin-specific antibody (q.v.).
Pers C, Gahrm-Hansen B, Frederiksen W. 1996
Capnocytophaga canimorsus septicaemia in Denmark,
Bibliography 1982–1995: review of 39 cases. Clin Infect Dis 23:
Aghababian RV, Conte JE 1980 Mammalian bite 71.
wounds. Ann Emerg Med 9: 79. Reisman RE 1994 Insect stings. N Engl J Med 331:
Auerbach PS 1991 Marine envenomation. N Engl J 523.
Med 325: 486. Sofer S 1995 Scorpion envenomation. Intens Care
Brubacher JR, Ravikumar PR, Bania T et al 1996 Med 21: 626.
B Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Sutherland SK 1983 Australian Animal Toxins. to be anaphylactic and may be related to the
Bites and stings

Melbourne: Oxford University Press. release of endogenous pyrogens.

Sutherland SK, Leonard RL 1995 Snakebite deaths in
Australia 1992–1994 and a management update. Pulmonary toxicity which can be severe
Med J Aust 163: 616. and even fatal may be a late complication. It
Sutherland S, Nolch G 2000 Dangerous Australian occurs 4–10 weeks after the start of
Animals. Sydney: Hyland House. treatment in 5–10% of patients. The risk is
Sutherland SK, Coulter AR, Harris RD 1979 increased with higher doses, in the elderly,
Rationalisation of first-aid measures for elapid with oxygen and with irradiation. It is
snakebite. Lancet 1: 183. characterized by cough, crackles on
Tibballs J 1992 Diagnosis and treatment of confirmed
auscultation, and a diffuse basal infiltrate on
and suspected snake bite. Med J Aust 156: 270.
chest X-ray. The value of corticosteroids is
Underhill D 1990 Australia’s Dangerous Creatures.
Sydney: Reader’s Digest. unknown, but they are probably helpful. If
Warrell DA, Fenner PJ 1993 Venomous bites and recovery occurs, pulmonary function returns
stings. Br Med Bull 49: 423. to normal. Nevertheless, the risk of post-
Weiner S. 1961 Redback spider bites in Australia. anaesthetic ARDS persists for 6–12 months
Med J Aust 2: 44. after treatment, and it is important in such
White J 1995 CSL Antivenom Handbook. patients to avoid excessive fluid
Melbourne: CSL. administration and to keep the inspired
White J 1999 Necrotising arachnidism. Med J Aust oxygen concentration below 30% (though
56 171: 98. the added pulmonary risk from ‘hyperoxia’ is
Williamson JA, Le Ray LE, Wohlfahrt M et al 1984
Acute management of serious envenomation by
box-jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri). Med J Aust 141:
Mathes DD 1995 Bleomycin and hyperoxia exposure
in the operating room. Anesth Analg 81: 624.
Bleomycin is a mixture of related glycopeptides Blisters (see Vesiculobullous diseases)
used in cancer chemotherapy, especially for
squamous cell carcinomas, as well as for
lymphoma and testicular cancer. It produces Boerhaave’s syndrome (see
little bone marrow or immune suppression. Its
Mallory–Weiss syndrome)
unique action is to fragment DNA, and it is
commonly used in multidrug combinations.
Its side-effects include fever, stomatitis, alopecia, Botulism (see also Food poisoning)
and rash with pruritus and vesiculation.
Botulism is produced by the neurotoxin from
the anaerobic Gram-positive bacillus, Clostridium
botulinum, which blocks acetylcholine release at
In the Intensive Care Unit, two uncommon
peripheral nerve endings.
but important side-effects may be relevant.
The use of botulinum toxin in hemifacial
A fulminant reaction may be seen in about
spasm and related disorders is an interesting and
1% of patients overall and in 5% of patients
valuable clinical application of this otherwise
with lymphomas. This reaction occurs
undesirable toxin.
within a few hours of the first or second dose
and is characterized by confusion, fever, Although the toxin is labile, the spores are heat-
wheeze and hypotension. It does not appear stable and may thus produce new toxin if
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
cooked food is left at room temperature for damage following chronic inflammation,

more than 16 h. Most commonly, botulism because the pooling of bronchial secretions rich
arises from the ingestion of poorly processed in inflammatory products and in released
home foods, though it occasionally occurs as a intracellular proteases weakens the bronchial
wound infection. Recently, cases have been wall. In addition to severe, necrotizing lung
reported following the ingestion of fish gut. infections, the aetiology probably also includes
The incubation period ranges from 6 h to 8 congenital factors.
days, though it usually 18–36 h.
The association of bronchiectasis with
The patient experiences diplopia, ptosis, congenital dextrocardia and sinusitis is referred
dysphagia, dysarthria and descending paralysis. to as Kartagener’s syndrome (see Situs
The mouth is dry and there are usually inversus). Bronchiectasis may also complicate:
gastrointestinal symptoms. There is no fever.
• cystic fibrosis;
The differential diagnosis includes: • hypogammaglobulinaemia;
• rheumatoid lung;
• Guillain–Barré syndrome;
• asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia.
• brainstem stroke;
• poisoning; The clinical features are cough, purulent
• diphtheria. sputum and proneness to recurrent or persistent
lower respiratory tract infection. The sputum
Treatment is with antitoxin, administered as soon as
can be copious and particularly offensive. 57
the diagnosis is established, and with mechanical
Haemoptysis, dyspnoea and wheeze may occur,
and there are crackles on auscultation and
The mortality is still about 20%. clubbing of the fingers.

Bibliography The diagnosis was made formerly by

Jankovic J, Brin MF 1991 Therapeutic uses of bronchography (or autopsy) but is made
botulinum toxin. N Engl J Med 324: 1186. nowadays by CT scanning. The bronchographic
Lecour H, Ramos H, Almeida B et al 1988 Food- distinction of cylindrical, varicose (fusiform) and
borne botulism: a review of 13 outbreaks. Arch cystic (saccular) changes probably has little
Intern Med 148: 578. clinical significance.
Merson MH, Dowell VR 1973 Epidemiologic,
clinical and laboratory aspects of wound botulism. Treatment is primarily with physiotherapy and
N Engl J Med 289: 1005. antibiotics, the latter in most patients preferably only
for exacerbations. Surgical resection is only
occasionally indicated nowadays.
Bovine spongiform
Prevention is of major importance and includes
encephalopathy (see Creutzfeldt–Jakob particularly the prompt and effective treatment
disease) of respiratory infections and of airway
obstruction by foreign bodies.
Bromocriptine (see Acromegaly and Bibliography
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome) Afzelius BA 1976 A human syndrome caused by
immotile cilia. Science 193: 317.
Agasthian T, Deschamps C, Trastek VF et al 1996
Bronchiectasis Surgical management of bronchiectasis. Ann
Thorac Surg 62: 976.
Bronchiectasis is defined on anatomical grounds Mygind N, Nielsen MH, Pedersen M 1983
as chronic abnormal dilatation of larger bronchi. Kartagener’s syndrome and abnormal cilia. Eur J
This process comprises airway obstruction and Respir Dis 64 (suppl 127): 1.
B Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bronchiolitis obliterans Theodore J, Starnes VA, Lewiston NJ 1990

Bronchiolitis obliterans

Obliterative bronchiolitis. Clin Chest Med 11:

Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) (obliterative 309.
bronchiolitis, bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans) is Wohl MEB, Chernick V 1978 Bronchiolitis. Am
a rare condition and probably a very severe Rev Respir Dis 118: 759.
form of chronic obstructive bronchitis with
pathological changes implied by its name,
namely chronic organizing inflammation of
Bronchocentric granulomatosis
small airways. Its pathogenesis is presumably (see Wegener’s granulomatosis)
bronchiolar epithelial injury followed by an
excessively proliferative repair process. Brucellosis
It is most usually due to the inhalation a few Brucellosis is due to infection with a small
weeks previously of a toxic gas, for example an slowly growing Gram-negative aerobic bacillus,
industrial chemical (such as nitrogen dioxide, as discovered by Bruce in 1887, which is normally
in silo-filler’s disease) or a military poison. seen in animals – B. abortus in cattle, B. suis in
It has occasionally followed severe infections, pigs, B. melitensis in goats and B. canis in dogs, as
usually viral pneumonia, when it may well as other more recently identified strains in
sometimes take the form of bronchiolitis other animals, including marine mammals.
obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP). Infection thus usually arises following exposure
58 In this situation, there are prominent nodules of to animals and so particularly affects meat
granulation tissue within the small airways. The workers. Dairy products are not nowadays a
relationship between BO and BOOP is not source of infection in most countries.
always clear. Following a variable incubation period of days
It has more recently been appreciated that a to months, there is an insidious onset of fever
similar end-result can also follow collagen- and variable local findings, e.g. endocarditis,
vascular disease, graft-versus-host disease and meningitis, osteomyelitis.
lung transplantation in which it is a common Investigations may show a normal white cell
form of chronic rejection. count and ESR. The microbiological diagnosis
The chest X-ray typically shows diffuse fine is made from blood cultures or from an
nodules with subsequent hyperinflation. increased titre of serum agglutinins. Specimens
must be handled with special care in the
Treatment is generally ineffective. laboratory, so as to avoid accidental infection of
The prognosis is often poor. the staff.
Treatment is with tetracycline (e.g. doxycycline 100
Bibliography mg twice daily) and/or rifampicin (600–900 mg
Boehler A, Kesten S, Weder W et al 1998 daily) for 3–6 weeks. If there is severe local disease,
Bronchiolitis obliterans after lung transplantation: a such as endocarditis or meningitis, combination
review. Chest 114: 1411. therapy of tetracycline with added cotrimoxazole
Epler GR, Colby TV, McLoud TC et al 1985 and/or rifampicin and/or an aminoglycoside is used
Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia. N
for several months.
Engl J Med 312: 152.
Ramirez J, Dowell AR 1971 Silo-filler’s disease: The prognosis is now good, with a mortality of
nitrogen dioxide-induced lung injury: long-term ⬍1%. There is no presently available vaccine.
follow-up and review of the literature. Ann Intern
Med 74: 569. Bibliography
Schwartz DA 1987 Acute inhalational injury. Occup Corbell MJ 1997 Brucellosis: an overview. Emerg
Med 2: 297. Infect Dis 3: 2.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Radolf J 1994 Brucellosis: don’t let it get your goat! Budd–Chiari syndrome: etiology, diagnosis and
Am J Med Sci 307: 64. management. Medicine 61: 199.

Burns, respiratory complications

Shulman HM, Hinterberger W 1992 Hepatic veno-
occlusive disease – liver toxicity syndrome after
Budd–Chiari syndrome bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow
Transpl 10: 197.
The Budd–Chiari syndrome arises from hepatic Valla D, Casadevall N, Lacombe C et al 1985
vein thrombosis. Primary myeloproliferative disorder and hepatic
vein thrombosis. Ann Intern Med 103: 329.
It is seen Vassal G, Hartmann O, Benhamou E 1990 Busulfan
and veno-occlusive disease of the liver. Ann Intern
• in thrombophilias Med 112: 881.
– such as antithrombin III deficiency,
• in myelodysplastic disorders Bullae (see Vesiculobullous diseases)
– such as polycythaemia vera,
• in veno-occlusive disease Burns, respiratory complications
– such as in poisoning from plant The respiratory complications of burns (inhalation
alkaloids, as are found in herbal or bush injury) can result in significant morbidity and
teas, mortality in those initially surviving a fire.
Respiratory tract injury results from the inhalation
• following high-dose chemotherapy of products of combustion, which may be
– in association with bone marrow numerous, and has an even greater impact on
transplantation. mortality than the two important factors in burn
injury of patient age and surface area involved.

The clinical features comprise acute tender Smoke, the most obvious such product, is a
hepatomegaly, with jaundice, ascites and suspension of carbon particles in air and other
peripheral oedema. gases. The particles are often coated with
chemicals, such as organic acids and aldehydes.
Treatment is traditionally with anticoagulation The other gases may include carbon monoxide
(heparin followed by warfarin), but there have been and toxic fumes, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
case reports of successful thrombolytic therapy given oxides, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide and
either locally or systemically. hydrochloric acid, these being vaporized
Even if acute recovery occurs, cardiac cirrhosis chemicals often released from the burning of
may result and may then become a longer-term modern synthetic materials, such as PVC.
problem. Smoke may be hot, but usually it has only a low
thermal capacity, so that any burns involve only
Bibliography the upper respiratory tract, in contrast to steam
Bach N, Thung SN, Schaffner F 1989 Comfrey herb which has a high thermal capacity (4000 times
tea-induced hepatic veno-occlusive disease. Am J that of dry air) and can burn as far as the
Med 87: 97.
bronchioles. Fortunately, burns due to steam are
Broughton BJ 1991 Hepatic and portal vein
thrombosis closely associated with
myeloproliferative disorders. Br Med J 302: 192.
Klein AS, Sitzmann JV, Coleman J et al 1990 Respiratory burns may comprise:
Current management of the Budd–Chiari
syndrome. Ann Surg 212: 144. • direct thermal injury;
Mitchell MC, Boitnott JK, Kaufman S et al 1982 • smoke inhalation;
B Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• inhalation of toxic products of risk factor for this complication. In contrast to

Burns, respiratory complications

combustion; other critical care settings, ARDS occurs much

• later respiratory complications. later after burns (average time to onset of about
7 days) and confers little added mortality
(perhaps since the average underlying mortality
Direct thermal injury, particularly of the
is about 40%).
upper respiratory tract, is common and is
usually associated with facial burns. Severe acute
upper airways obstruction may result. Hospitalization is required for any person
As indicated above, thermal injury of the lower exposed to smoke or fumes or with a singed
respiratory tract and lung parenchyma is difficult face, with careful observation for at least the
to produce except by superheated steam. first two days. Early fibreoptic bronchoscopy
provides the best way to assess the extent and
Smoke inhalation is also a common thermal severity of respiratory tract injury.
injury. It gives rise to irritation, sometimes
severe, of the tracheobronchial tree and usually Treatment of respiratory burns is with respiratory
causes immediate respiratory distress, though support and with management of any
this may be delayed for up to 48 h. There is a complications on their individual merits.
chemical bronchitis, with mucosal injury, cilial • Early endotracheal intubation is wise, because
dysfunction, mucous plugging, atelectasis and of its great technical difficulty if delayed.
60 bronchorrhoea. There may also be mucosal • Bronchodilators are helpful if there is wheeze.
oedema and increased vascular permeability. • Recently, inhaled heparin with acetylcysteine
The upper respiratory tract injury may appear has been reported to reduce cast formation,
minor at first, but its progress over the next atelectasis, reintubation and mortality compared
48 h needs to be carefully monitored. The with historical controls.
patient may develop clinical features of stridor,
cough, charcoal-containing sputum, dyspnoea,
Long-term lung function abnormalities and
wheeze, hypoxia and respiratory distress.
sometimes significant respiratory complications,
Bronchial casts may subsequently be coughed.
such as tracheal or bronchial stenosis and
Inhalation of toxic products of obliterative bronchiolitis, have been reported in
combustion results from fires in confined survivors of respiratory burns.
spaces, e.g. buildings or aircraft. These products
give rise to a severe form of acute lung irritation
(q.v.) and are a major cause of fatality. Bibliography
Baud FJ, Barriot P, Toffis V et al 1991 Elevated
If the serum lactate level is markedly elevated blood cyanide concentrations in victims of smoke
(e.g. 10 mmol/L or more), carbon monoxide inhalation. N Engl J Med 325: 1761.
(q.v.) or cyanide (q.v.) toxicity should be Crapo RO 1981 Smoke-inhalation injuries. JAMA
considered. Death can occur from tissue 246: 1694.
hypoxia produced by either of these two gases. Dancey DR, Hayes J, Gomez M et al 1999 ARDS in
patients with thermal injury. Intens Care Med 25:
Later respiratory complications are 1231.
common, such as pulmonary oedema (especially Dietch E 1990 The management of burns. N Engl J
volume overload), acute (adult) respiratory Med 323: 1249.
distress syndrome (ARDS) and secondary Dyer RF, Esch VH 1976 Polyvinyl chloride toxicity
bacterial infection. Of burns patients requiring in fires: hydrogen chloride toxicity in firefighters.
intubation, about 50% develop ARDS, but JAMA 235: 393.
Fogarty PW, George PJM, Solomon M et al 1991
inhalation injury does not appear to be a major
Long term effects of smoke inhalation in survivors
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
of the King’s Cross underground station fire. short-term effects of smoke exposure on the
Thorax 46: 914. pulmonary function of firefighters. Chest 97: 806.

Gueugniaud P-Y, Carsin H, Bertin-Maghit M et al Schulz JT, Ryan CM 2000 The frustrating problem
2000 Current advances in the initial management of smoke inhalation injury. Crit Care Med 28:
of major thermal burns. Intens Care Med 26: 1677.
Haponik E, Munster A (eds) 1990 Respiratory
Injury: Smoke Inhalation and Burns. New York:
Byssinosis (see Occupational lung
Large AA, Owens GR, Hoffman LA 1990 The diseases)

C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Cadmium However, neither abnormally increased plasma


levels of calcitonin (e.g. with tumours) or

Cadmium (Cd, atomic number 48, atomic abnormally decreased levels (e.g. following
weight 112) is a soft, highly polishable metal of thyroidectomy) result in detectable changes in
the zinc group with a low melting point serum calcium level nor in any apparent clinical
(321°C). It was discovered in 1817 and is effect, so that the physiological role of
associated in nature with zinc. It is widely used calcitonin and of its controls remain unknown.
in metallurgy, the most common compounds In fact, its synthesis is closely related to that of
being cadmium oxide and cadmium sulfide several other peptides with probable
(artist’s yellow). Its vapour and dust are toxic neurotransmitter rather than hormonal roles,
with recommended levels not ⬎0/1mg/m3/8 h including calcitonin gene-related peptide, the
for fumes and 0.2 mg/m3/8 h for dust. most potent natural vasodilator.
The clinical features of toxicity depend upon
the route and duration of exposure. Nevertheless, the clinical significance of
• Acute toxicity from ingestion produces calcitonin is two-fold.
prompt but transient nausea, diarrhoea and • Its level is increased in medullary
prostration (onset within 15 min and offset thyroid carcinoma, for which it is a
by 24 h). marker. It is also produced ectopically
• Acute toxicity from inhalation can produce from a number of other tumours,
a potentially fatal pneumonitis. particularly phaeochromocytoma and thus
• Chronic inhalation at a lower level gives especially in patients with MEN type II
rise to anosmia, cough, dyspnoea, weight (q.v.).
loss, renal damage (tubulointerstitial damage • It has considerable pharmacological value
like that from other heavy metals, especially in Paget’s disease (q.v.), in which it
lead), liver damage and increased risk of produces an immediate response of falling
cancer of the lung, kidney and prostate. serum and urine hydroxyproline levels.
Treatment of cadmium toxicity is with calcium Side-effects include local discomfort, as well
edetate (q.v.). as flushing, nausea and abnormal taste. The
synthetic salmon polypeptide preparation,
Bibliography unlike the synthetic human form, may
Ellis KJ, Yuen N, Yasumura S et al 1984 induce antibodies.
Dose–response analysis of cadmium in man: body-
burden vs. kidney dysfunction. Environ Res 33:
216. Procalcitonin (PCT), the precursor of
calcitonin, has recently been found to be a new
and unexpected marker of severe infection.
Procalcitonin is a 116 amino acid glycoprotein
with a molecular weight of 13 kd, derived from
Calcitonin is a polypeptide hormone secreted the larger preprocalcitonin (141 AA). Cleavage
by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland by a specific protease produces calcitonin (32
and is one of the three regulators of calcium AA from the mid region) and other fragments
balance, together with parathyroid hormone of unknown function. The half-life of
and vitamin D. Calcitonin blocks the release of procalcitonin is 25–30 h (compared with 10
calcium and phosphorus from bone by min for calcitonin), but plasma levels are
inhibiting osteoclastic bone reabsorption, so that undetectable in normal subjects (i.e. ⬍0.1
it opposes the effects of parathyroid hormone ng/mL). However, PCT may rise to 100
and vitamin D. ng/mL or more in severe sepsis and septic
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
shock, in which its rise is similar to that of the Cancer

cytokines, except for a slower onset and greater
duration. In these circumstances, it is probably Patients with the common cancers are
produced by extra-thyroid cells, perhaps frequently seen in Intensive Care, either
leukocytes or neuroendocrine cells of the lung because of concomitant disease or because of
or intestine, and is not degraded to calcitonin. specific cancer complications, procedures or
treatments. Less common tumours or
Bibliography complications are considered in this book,
Assicot M, Gendrel D, Carsin H et al 1993 High including:
serum procalcitonin concentrations in patients
with sepsis and infection. Lancet 341: 515. • amyloid;
de Werra I, Jaccard C, Corradin SB et al 1997 • Bence Jones protein;
Cytokines, nitrite/nitrate, soluble tumor necrosis • cancer complications;
factor receptors, and procalcitonin concentrations: • carcinoid syndrome;
comparison in patients with septic shock, • glucagonoma;
cardiogenic shock, and bacterial pneumonia. Crit • haemangioma;
Care Med 25: 607. • islet cell tumour;
McDermott MT 1992 Calcitonin and its clinical • multiple myeloma;
applications. Endocrinologist 2: 366.
• paraneoplastic syndromes;
Stevenson JC, Hillyard CJ, MacIntyre I et al 1979 A
• phaeochromocytoma;
physiological role for calcitonin: protection of the
maternal skeleton. Lancet 2: 769. • skin signs of internal malignant disease; 63
• Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia.

Calcium (see Hypercalcaemia and Bibliography

Hypocalcaemia) Aaronson SA 1991 Growth factors and cancer.
Science 254: 1146.
Angell M 1982 The quality of mercy. N Engl J Med
Calcium disodium edetate (see 306: 98.
Chelating agents) Holzman D 1995 New cancer genes crowd the
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

horizon, create possibilities. J Natl Cancer Inst 87: • general


Kerr JFR, Winterford CM, Harmon BV 1994 – fever, metastases, weight loss;
Apoptosis: its significance to cancer and cancer
• haematological
therapy. Cancer 73: 2013.
Krontiris TG 1995 Oncogenes. N Engl J Med 333: – anaemia, disseminated intravascular
303. coagulation, neutropenia,
Lowe S, Bodis S, McClatchey A et al 1994 Status and thrombocytopenia, thromboembolism;
efficacy of cancer therapy in vivo. Science 266:
807. • neurological
Pardoll DM 1994 Tumour antigens: a new look for – myopathy, neuropathy;
the 1990s. Nature 1369: 357.
Rosenberg SA 1992 The immunotherapy and gene • renal
therapy of cancer. J Clin Oncol 10: 180. – tumour-lysis syndrome.
Seleznick MJ 1992 Tumor markers. Prim Care 19:
Solomon E, Borrow J, Goddard AD 1991 The tumour-lysis syndrome results from
Chromosome aberrations and cancer. Science 254: the massive release of cellular components,
1153. especially purines (but also potassium and
Weinberg RA 1991 Tumor suppressor genes. phosphate), following extensive acute lysis of
Science 254: 1138. tumour cells. The syndrome is particularly
64 zur Hausen H 1991 Viruses in human cancers. seen following induction chemotherapy in
Science 254: 1167. haematological malignancies.
Purine metabolism gives rise to uric acid and
phosphate release.
Cancer complications
• The former may give rise to oliguric renal
By far the majority of patients with cancer seen failure due to acute uric acid
in an Intensive Care Unit present with nephropathy.
concomitant or incidental problems. The most • The latter leads to hypocalcaemia and
frequently encountered concomitant problems thus cardiac arrhythmias and fits.
are opportunistic infections and postoperative
complications. Prevention is with:

Uncommonly, more specific problems of • fluid loading, e.g. saline to give a urine
Intensive Care relevance are encountered. output of at least 100 mL/h;
These may be classified as follows. • bicarbonate (to give a urinary pH of at
least 6.5, since uric acid is then converted
• cardiac to the more soluble urate);
– non-bacterial endocarditis, pericardial • allopurinol.
tamponade; Treatment is with:
• cutaneous • fluid administration (titrated against cardiac
filling pressures);
– various dermatoses (see Paraneoplastic
• loop diuretics;
• dialysis if necessary.
• endocrine/metabolic
– adrenal insufficiency, diabetes insipidus, Bibliography
ectopic hormone production, Adelstein DJ, Hines SG, Carter SF et al 1988
hypercalcaemia, hyperuricaemia; Thromboembolic events in patients with
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
malignant superior vena cava syndrome and the containing fuels and is thus a common product
role of anticoagulation. Cancer 62: 2258.

Carbon monoxide
in motor vehicle exhausts, faulty domestic
Arrambide K, Toto RD 1993 Tumor lysis syndrome. heating and cooking devices, and in industry. In
Semin Nephrol 13: 273. most countries, its predominant source is motor
Barton JC 1989 Tumor lysis syndrome in
vehicle exhaust fumes, from which death can
nonhematopoietic neoplasms. Cancer 64: 738.
occur within 15 min if inside a confined space.
Bell DR, Woods, RL, Levi JA 1986 Superior vena
cava obstruction. Med J Aust 145: 566.
Bick RL 1992 Coagulation abnormalities in Carbon monoxide is the most common
malignancy: a review. Semin Thromb Hemost 18: lethal poison in all societies.
Cascino TL 1993 Neurologic complications of • It has an estimated incidence of about one
systemic cancer. Med Clin North Am 77: 265. in 25000 of the population per year.
Chan A, Woodruff RK 1992 Complications and • Nearly one third of cases are fatal.
failure of anticoagulation therapy in the treatment • Most cases nowadays are suicidal, though
of venous thromboembolism in patients with some can be accidental.
disseminated malignancy. Aust NZ J Med 22: 119.
Colman RW, Rubin RN 1990 Disseminated
intravascular coagulation due to malignancy. Although carbon monoxide poisoning carries
Semin Oncol 17: 172. significant mortality and substantial late
Langstein HN, Norton JA 1991 Mechanisms of morbidity and has been known since last
cancer cachexia. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am century, understanding of its pathogenetic 65
5: 103.
consequence of tissue hypoxia remains
Lazarus HM, Creger RJ, Gerson SL 1989 Infectious
surprisingly incomplete. Thus, although carbon
emergencies in oncology patients. Semin Oncol
16: 543. monoxide displaces oxygen from haemoglobin,
Pizzo PA 1993 Management of fever in patients with having a 200-fold greater affinity than oxygen
cancer and treatment-induced neutropenia. N for haemoglobin, anaemic hypoxia does not
Engl J Med 328: 1323. explain carbon monoxide’s toxicity, because
Rosen PJ 1992 Bleeding problems in the cancer oxygen transport and even oxygen consumption
patient. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 6: 1315. are increased due to a compensatory rise in
Silverman P, Distelhorst CW 1989 Metabolic cardiac output. Direct tissue toxicity is also an
emergencies in clinical oncology. Semin Oncol 16: unsatisfactory explanation, and it is more likely
504. that carbon monoxide alters a number of
Silverstein RL, Nachman RL 1992 Cancer and
intracellular enzymes.
clotting – Trousseau’s warning. N Engl J Med
327: 1163. Nevertheless, the level of carboxyhaemoglobin
Weiss HW, Walker MD, Wiernik PH 1974 is a guide to severity, in that levels up to 20%
Neurotoxicity of commonly used antineoplastic represent mild poisoning and 30–50% severe
agents. N Engl J Med 291: 75, 127. poisoning, with ⬎50% often associated with
Zacharski LR, Wojtukiewicz MZ, Costantini V et al
fatality, especially in the presence of metabolic
1992 Pathways of coagulation/fibrinolysis
acidosis. These levels should be seen in the
activation in malignancy. Semin Thromb Hemost
18: 104. context of 5–10% in heavy smokers and up to
6% in some industries and in some cities. Levels
below 5% are considered safe. However, a low
level does not exclude the possibility of a
Carbon monoxide previously high level, so that (as for any drug)
Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, the time from the initial exposure should be
non-irritant and flammable gas with physical taken into account when interpreting a blood
properties similar to nitrogen. It is produced level (T1⁄2 of COHb is ≈ 2 h). Moreover, even
from the incomplete combustion of carbon- levels of 3–6% may impair exercise tolerance
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

and increase arrhythmias in cardiac patients, and increases the elimination of carbon monoxide 5-
Carbon monoxide

levels of 5–8% reduce vigilance in healthy fold compared with room air.
subjects. • Hyperbaric oxygen, though not formally
confirmed as effective in controlled studies, is
Several clinical patterns of poisoning may be
commonly recommended in severe cases; one or two
treatments are given within the first 12 h; this
• If the onset of poisoning is gradual, the form of treatment may be useful up to 16 h after
patient may present with a flu-like illness, the initial event, but beyond 24 h it does not
comprising headache, dizziness, weakness, appear to influence outcome.
nausea and finally coma. If a number of • Other measures, such as exchange transfusion,
people are so affected, a mistaken diagnosis hypothermia and barbiturate or other sedation have
of food poisoning may be made. been found to be ineffective.
• If the onset is sudden, rapid coma occurs
with fitting and then death. Bibliography
• The classical cherry-red appearance of the Caravanti EM, Adams CJ, Joyce SM et al 1988 Fetal
skin is in fact uncommon, though the toxicity associated with maternal carbon monoxide
presence of retinal haemorrhages is a useful poisoning. Ann Emerg Med 17: 714.
diagnostic clue. Choi IS 1983 Delayed neurologic sequelae in carbon
monoxide intoxication. Arch Neurol 40: 433.
• Cardiac arrhythmias are common, especially Cobb N, Etzel RA 1991 Unintentional carbon
in patients with associated heart disease. monoxide-related deaths in the United States,
• Exposure during pregnancy may cause fetal 1979 through 1988. JAMA 266: 659.
damage. Hardy KR, Thom DR 1994 Pathophysiology and
treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning. Clin
The clinical course is variable and Toxicol 32: 613.
unpredictable. Runciman WW, Gorman DF 1993 Carbon
monoxide poisoning: from old dogma to new
A biphasic response is common, with up to uncertainties. Med J Aust 158: 439.
20% of severely affected patients having a Scheinkestel CD, Bailey M, Myles PS et al 1999
late recovery on the one hand and on the Hyperbaric or normobaric oxygen for acute
other hand about 10% of patients suffering a carbon monoxide poisoning: a randomised
late deterioration which may be severe. This controlled clinical trial. Med J Aust 170: 203.
delayed relapse may occur up to one month Smith SJ, Brandon S 1973 Morbidity from acute
after hospital discharge and after seemingly carbon monoxide poisoning at three-year follow-
up. Br Med J 1:318.
full recovery. It is primarily neurological
Walden SM, Gottlieb SO 1990 Urban angina, urban
with a fluctuating mental state and tremor, arrhythmias: carbon monoxide and the heart. Ann
dysphasia, ataxia and incontinence, though Intern Med 113: 337.
most of these features disappear again within Winter PM, Miller JN 1976 Carbon monoxide
the next year. poisoning. JAMA 236: 1502.
Ziser A, Shupak A, Halpern P et al 1984 Delayed
In patients who survive, permanent
hyperbaric oxygen treatment for acute carbon
neurological damage may result, especially monoxide poisoning. Br Med J 289: 960
disorders of personality and cognition.
Infarction of skin, heart, peripheral nerve and
bowel may be seen. Carbon tetrachloride
Carbon tetrachloride (tetrachormethane) is a
Treatment modalities are as follows.
heavy, colourless, volatile (boiling point 77°C),
• 100% oxygen should be administered and non-flammable, water-insoluble, toxic liquid
possibly mechanical ventilation. 100% oxygen with a characteristic odour. It is an organic
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
halogen compound (a chlorinated with a molecular weight of 222 d. It is a potent

hydrocarbon), first prepared in 1839 from reversible inhibitor of the enzyme, carbonic
combining chloroform with chlorine. It has anhydrase. Its potential therapeutic uses are:
been used as a refrigerant, a solvent, a dry
• as a diuretic, though not nowadays since its
cleaning agent until replaced by
diuretic effect is mild and comparable only
tetrachloroethylene (a more stable and less
with that of thiazides;
toxic agent), and even as an anaesthetic
• to alkalinize the urine in glaucoma;
(although the industrial solvent,
• in acute mountain sickness;
trichloroethylene, became much more
• in some convulsive disorders;
commonly used than carbon tetrachloride for
• in periodic paralysis (even in the presence of
this latter purpose, until recognized to be a
potential carcinogen).
Carbon tetrachloride is well absorbed from the
In Intensive Care, acetazolamide is
lungs and the gut. Poisoning may thus result
sometimes used in the management of severe
metabolic alkalosis, since it enhances the
• inhalation as a result of either industrial urinary excretion of bicarbonate 5-fold and
exposure or sniffing (solvent abuse), thus produces metabolic acidosis. However,
• accidental or deliberate ingestion. if carbon dioxide excretion is limited, as in
some patients with chronic lung disease,
Clinical features include local irritation, 67
increased hypercapnia may result.
gastrointestinal symptoms which may be severe,
neurological features of headache, convulsions
and coma, cardiovascular findings of It is given in a dose of 500 mg 8 hourly, but
hypotension and arrhythmias, and most only short-term use is recommended as
importantly hepatorenal damage which is often tolerance rapidly develops. Among many
delayed for at least two days after exposure. In occasional adverse reactions, hypokalaemia can
particular, hepatic necrosis with later fatty be important. Toxic effects include:
infiltration may be produced. Other organ
• drowsiness;
damage may involve the lungs, adrenal,
• paraesthesiae;
pancreas, bone marrow, cerebellum and optic
• rare hypersensitivity, including erythema
nerve. multiforme;
Treatment is with removal from further exposure, • teratogenicity.
gastric lavage if there has been recent ingestion, and It is contraindicated in:
symptomatic support. Subsequent exposure must be
avoided, as even low concentrations may then produce • hyponatraemia;
fever, fatigue and depression. • hypokalaemia;
• hyperchloraemia;
Bibliography • metabolic acidosis;
Wartenberg D, Reyner D, Scott CS 2000 • severe liver or renal disease;
Trichlorethylene and cancer: epidemiological • hypersensitivity to sulfonamides.
evidence. Environ Health Perspect 108: 161.
Preisig PA, Toto RD, Alpern RJ 1987 Carbonic
anhydrase inhibitors. Renal Physiol 10: 136.
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
The prototype carbonic anhydrase inhibitor is Carboxyhaemoglobin (see Carbon
acetazolamide, a non-bacteriostatic sulfonamide monoxide)
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Carcinoembryonic antigen clinical features referred to as the carcinoid

Carcinoembryonic antigen

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), like alpha-
fetoprotein, is a glycoprotein which behaves an The tumours may arise anywhere in the gut and
oncofetal antigen. The normal level is ⬍3 ␮g/L occasionally in the bronchial tree. The appendix
and its half-life is about 2 weeks. is the commonest site (40%), followed by the
small intestine (24%, half in the ileum), rectum
(14%) and lung (10%). Gut tumours metastasize
It is a useful maker in a number of to the liver, but lung tumours tend to
conditions, namely: metastasize to bone. Carcinoid tumours can be
• gastrointestinal cancers; associated with the multiple endocrine neoplasia
• some non-gastrointestinal cancers; (type I) condition (q.v.).
• some non-malignant gastrointestinal Most silent carcinoid tumours occur in the
diseases. appendix and most secretory tumours occur in
the ileum. To provide enough tumour mass to
In gastrointestinal cancers (originally produce symptoms, most clinically apparent
colorectal cancer), CEA is increased only when tumours are associated with hepatic metastases.
the bowel wall has become penetrated, so that it The tumours contain argentaffin cells, which
is not a useful screening test. Although not secrete a number of biologically active
quantitatively related to tumour bulk, it substances, characteristically serotonin but also
becomes particularly increased with liver histamine, bradykinin, catecholamines,
metastases, even if they are small. On the other prostaglandins, growth hormone releasing
hand, it can be normal if the cancer is poorly factor, adrenocorticotrophic hormone and
differentiated. It may provide some preoperative pancreatic polypeptide.
guide to operability and more usefully a
postoperative indication of the completeness of Symptoms are mostly, though not solely,
resection, the presence of recurrence or the attributable to serotonin. The typical clinical
response of metastatic disease to treatment. feature is of paroxysmal vasomotor disturbance,
seen in 90% of patients as red-purple cyanotic
Non-gastrointestinal cancers include flushing of the face and neck, which is triggered
particularly lung cancer. This is especially so if by alcohol, food, emotion or exertion. The
there has been extrathoracic spread and more episode lasts for a few minutes and is associated
particularly if there are liver metastases from with tachycardia and hypotension. Eventually,
squamous cell carcinoma. many patients (40%) develop large purple
Non-malignant gastrointestinal diseases telangiectases.
comprise conditions such as inflammatory Since bronchial carcinoids secrete directly into
bowel disease. the systemic circulation, they can produce
much more severe and prolonged flushing
episodes (up to two weeks), which spread to the
Fletcher RH 1986 Carcinoembryonic antigen. Ann
Intern Med 104: 66.
trunk and are associated with lacrimation,
rhinorrhoea, salivation and even facial oedema.

Carcinoid syndrome
Sometimes, a full carcinoid storm may
Carcinoid tumours are the most common
occur with:
endocrine-secreting tumours of the gut, though
most such tumours do not secrete sufficient • tachycardia;
quantities of mediators to produce the overt • hypotension;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• oliguria; walnuts and from guaiacolate in cough

Cardiac tumours
tremor; medicines. False-negative may occur from
• coma; phenothiazines.
• even death.
Treatment is surgical if possible. Resection is
performed if the tumour can be identified and there are
Many other clinical features may also be seen in no metastases. Otherwise, surgical debulking is
the carcinoid syndrome, namely performed if feasible, and liver transplantation has
even been reported.
• cardiac
• Diarrhoea is improved with cyproheptadine or
– endocardial fibrosis may occur with a
with an H1–H2 combination, e.g.
resultant murmur;
diphenhydramine and ranitidine, if histamine is a
– oedema is frequent;
major contributor.
– tricuspid valve regurgitation may be seen.
• Somatostatin (and especially the synthetic
• cutaneous analogue, octreotide, 50–100 ␮g sc bd) blocks
the release of mediators, although refractoriness
– the rash of pellagra is seen in 10% of
commonly eventuates.
patients, being caused by the diversion of
• Interferon is probably helpful in some patients.
tryptophan to 5-hydroxytryptamine
– hyperpigmentation may also occur. In carcinoid storm, fluids and inotropes are 69
required, though adrenaline should be used with
• endocrine care as it may aggravate hypotension.
– occasionally Zollinger–Ellison, Cushing’s
or MEN syndromes may be seen.
The prognosis is good in the short term, since
• gastrointestinal the tumours are very slowly growing. The
average 5-year survival is 50%, though it is
– diarrhoea from increased peristalsis occurs
greater for tumours in the appendix, rectum and
in most patients (90%);
– abdominal cramps are frequent (40%);
– there is an increased incidence of peptic
ulceration (14%); Coupe M, Levi S, Ellis M et al 1989 Therapy for
– hepatomegaly, ascites and an abdominal symptoms in the carcinoid syndrome. Q J Med 73:
mass are common. 1021.
Godwin JD 1975 Carcinoid tumors: an analysis of
• general
2837 cases. Cancer 36: 560.
– fever, night sweats, mental changes and McCaughan BC, Martini N, Bains MS 1985 Bronchial
bone pain are sometimes seen. carcinoids. J Thorac Cardiovsc Surg 89: 8.

• respiratory
Cardiac tumours
– dyspnoea due to bronchoconstriction
occurs in up to 50% of patients. Cardiac tumours are relatively common, though
most are asymptomatic and the diagnosis is
The diagnosis is made from the measurement of
often difficult. Cardiac tumours may be primary
increased 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA)
or secondary.
in urine to ⬎125 ␮mol/day and usually to
⬎250–500 ␮mol/day. False-positive results may • Primary tumours are generally
occur from many foods, including avocados, histologically benign and are myxomas (see
bananas, mushrooms, pineapples, plums and below), but occasionally a fibroma, lipoma
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

or hamartoma (as in tuberous sclerosis) may which are prone to recurrence and which are
Cardiac tumours

occur. Rarely, primary tumours may be associated with skin pigmentation, endocrine
malignant, in which case they are usually hypersecretion (especially Cushing’s syndrome),
sarcomas. and testicular tumour in men or breast
• Secondary tumours comprise at least 95% fibroadenoma in women.
of cardiac neoplasms at autopsy and are
Laboratory investigations typically show
found in about 10% of patients with terminal
anaemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, raised
malignant disease. They usually arise from
ESR, increased IgG and often increased IL-6.
haematogenous spread and derive primarily
from cancers of the lung or breast, from The chief differential diagnosis is mitral valve
melanoma and from lymphoma. disease and bacterial endocarditis.
Treatment is with surgical removal, but recurrence is
Cardiac tumour should be suspected if there sometimes seen.
is otherwise unexplained:
• arrhythmia; Goodwin JF 1963 Diagnosis of left atrial myxoma.
• failure; Lancet 1: 464.
• murmur; Klatt EL, Heitz DR 1990 Cardiac metastases. Cancer
• syncope; 65: 1456.
• systemic embolization; Hancock EW 1990 Malignant pericardial disease.
• pericardial effusion; Cardiol Clin 8: 673.
• abnormal cardiac silhouette. McGregor GA, Cullen RA 1959 The syndrome of
fever, anaemia and high sedimentation rate with an
atrial myxoma. Br Med J 2: 991.
Diagnosis is confirmed by non-invasive imaging Reynan K 1995; Cardiac myxomas. N Engl J Med
with echocardiography, CT scanning or, 333: 1610.
perhaps, preferably MRI. Salcedo EE, Cohen GI, White RD et al 1992
Cardiac tumors: diagnosis and management. Curr
Cardiac myxoma arises from the endothelium, Probl Cardiol 17: 73.
usually in the left atrium on the fossa ovalis. Tazelaar HD, Locke TJ, McGregor CGA 1992
Clinical features are due to local obstruction, Pathology of surgically excised primary cardiac
systemic symptoms or systemic embolization. tumors. Mayo Clin Proc 67: 957.

• Local obstruction of the mitral valve or

pulmonary veins may give rise to dyspnoea, Cardiomyopathies
cardiac failure and fatigue. Syncope may
occur and is typically positional. There may Cardiomyopathies are a heterogeneous group of
be a varying murmur. myocardial diseases, specifically separate from
• Systemic symptoms are due to the release hypertensive, valvular or ischaemic cardiac
of ‘toxic’ products and include fever, weight disease.
loss, malaise and even myalgia and
Raynaud’s phenomenon. Cardiomyopathies are traditionally classified
• Systemic embolization occurs in one into four (or three) types, namely:
third of cases and although the tumours are
histologically benign, they can occasionally • dilated;
continue to grow in sites of distal • hypertrophic;
implantation. • restrictive;
• obliterative (this being regarded by some
A ‘myxoma complex’ may sometimes be as a variant of restrictive).
seen, in which there are multicentric tumours,
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Dilated cardiomyopathy is nowadays usually
The differential diagnosis of dilated

idiopathic. Many of these cases are familial and
are associated with a variety of recently cardiomyopathy is:
described mutations, involving actin, dystrophin • myocarditis, or
or nuclear envelope proteins. Asymptomatic • advanced hypertensive, valvular or
relatives commonly have echocardiographic ischaemic disease.
abnormalities. Dilated cardiomyopathy may also
be seen:
Treatment is of the underlying disorder if identified.
• in alcoholism;
• in malnutrition (beriberi, selenium • Cardiac therapy includes digitalis, diuretics,
deficiency); vasodilators, salt restriction and rest. Digoxin has
• post-partum; now been confirmed to be both symptomatically
• in post-infective states (viral, diphtheritic, and functionally helpful, even in patients in sinus
parasitic, systemic septic); rhythm.
• with toxic agents (cocaine, anti-cancer • Hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia should be
drugs of the anthracycline group, and avoided.
zidovudine), • Warfarin is indicated for systemic or pulmonary
• in a variety of diseases (collagen-vascular embolism.
diseases, sarcoidosis, thyrotoxicosis, • Sometimes, parenteral inotropes (dobutamine or
myxoedema, phaeochromocytoma, milrinone) may be used for a few days to stabilize 71
acromegaly and muscular dystrophy). a difficult situation.
The most common virus involved is probably • Cardiac transplantation may be indicated in
advanced cases.
coxsachie B, and the main parasitic form is
Chagas’ disease seen in South America. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is mostly
There is dilatation of both the left and right (60%) hereditary, being inherited as an
ventricles with cardiac failure, arrhythmias, autosomal dominant. It has recently been
dyspnoea, fatigue and embolization. Acute considered a genetic disease of the cardiac
pulmonary oedema may be much less than muscle sarcomere. About one third of such
otherwise expected because of concomitant cases have an abnormality on chromosome 14
right ventricular failure. The failure is of the of the gene which codes for the beta heavy
hyperdynamic type in beriberi and chain of cardiac myosin, transcripts of which
thyrotoxicosis. Clinical examination shows may be detectable in peripheral blood
heart failure, gallop rhythm and mitral lymphocytes, thus providing a convenient
regurgitation. screening test. Other cases have a variety of
mutations (over 100 having now been
The chest X-ray shows marked cardiomegaly described), involving chromosomes 1, 2, 11, 15,
and pulmonary congestion. The ECG shows a 16 or 18, giving single amino acid substitutions.
variety of changes, including LVH, often The same defect occurs in all affected members
LBBB, abnormal P waves, first degree heart of the same family.
block, a variety of arrhythmias, and ST-T
abnormalities which may mimic acute There are variable patterns of ventricular
myocardial infarction. Cardiac catheterization is hypertrophy, mostly involving the septum,
not commonly performed nowadays but shows which may be massive and cause a pressure
a decreased cardiac output with reduced gradient from the apex of left ventricle to the
ejection fraction and increased LVEDP. The aorta, with frank obstruction in about 25% of
diagnosis is confirmed by echocardiography cases. Histologically, the individual myofibrils
and/or radionuclide studies. are hypertrophied and disordered.
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is commonly Treatment is medical with beta blockers (and


associated with obstruction and is then referred sometimes calcium-channel blockers) in moderate to
to as hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy high doses.
(HOCM) or its variants, asymmetrical septal
hypertrophy (ASM) or systolic anterior • Digitalis, nitrates and diuretics are contraindicated.
movement of the mitral valve (SAM). It used to • Arrhythmias can be difficult to treat.
be referred to as idiopathic hypertrophic • Strenuous sport should be avoided.
subaortic stenosis (IHSS). • Atrioventricular pacing with a dual chamber
sequential device may favourably alter the pattern
Clinical features include angina, syncope, of ventricular depolarization and decrease
arrhythmias, left heart failure and systemic obstruction.
embolization. On examination, there is an • Surgery is indicated in about 10% of cases in due
abnormal carotid pulse in obstructed cases, course, with myotomy or myectomy usually
raised jugular venous pressure, gallop rhythm, achieving a satisfactory symptomatic result, though
and systolic murmur either from left ventricular the incidence of sudden death is not changed.
outflow obstruction or mitral regurgitation. • More recently, successful chemical septal ablation
has been described.
The abnormal clinical findings are The prognosis is very variable, with a mortality
exacerbated by agents which cause of 2–3% per year due to sudden death, though
the condition often becomes more stable in
72 • tachycardia or increased myocardial
contractility, e.g. beta agonists, digitalis; older patients. It is the commonest cause of
sudden cardiac death in patients under 35 years
• decreased preload or afterload, e.g.
vasodilators, hypovolaemia, tachycardia, of age, including athletes, in whom the
standing, Valsalva manoeuvre. condition may have previously been entirely
silent. Some of the variability in prognosis
relates to the different mutations that may give
The chest X-ray is non-specific. The ECG rise to the condition. Family screening is
shows LVH, sometimes with extensive Q waves recommended.
due to the massive septal hypertrophy (and thus
resembling AMI). Restrictive cardiomyopathy

Definitive diagnosis is made by • may occasionally be familial,

echocardiography and occasionally by cardiac • may sometimes be idiopathic,
catheterization, which typically shows normal • is usually due to myocardial infiltration in
systolic performance, with normal cardiac malignancy, amyloidosis, haemochromatosis
output and LVEDP, increased contractility with or glycogen storage diseases.
increased ejection fraction, but markedly The clinical features include cardiac failure,
decreased left ventricular compliance. The especially right heart failure, gallop rhythm and
haemodynamic problem is thus obstruction Kussmaul’s sign (i.e. paradoxical increase in JVP
and/or abnormal diastolic performance, so that on inspiration).
the failure occurs even when the ejection
fraction is as high as 80%. The chest X-ray only sometimes shows
cardiomegaly. The ECG typically shows low
voltages. Echocardiography (or cardiac
The differential diagnosis of hypertrophic catheterization) shows the findings of a rigid
cardiomyopathy is: and incompliant ventricle, with impaired
• aortic stenosis, or diastolic filling and a picture somewhat
• subvalvular membranous stenosis. resembling constrictive pericarditis. The
LVEDP is increased, and the cardiac output and
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
ejection fraction may be deceased. However, Kelly DP, Strauss AW 1994 Inherited
cardiomyopathies. N Engl J Med 330: 913.

Cardiovascular diseases
unlike constrictive pericarditis in which the
pressures tend to be equalized from the LVEDP Maron BJ, Bonow RO, Cannon RO 1987
to the right atrium, the LVEDP is much higher Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. N Engl J Med 316:
780, 844.
than the RVEDP and there is often pulmonary
Maron BJ, Shirani J, Poliac LC et al 1996 Sudden
death in young competitive athletes – clinical,
There is no satisfactory treatment, except sometimes demographic and pathological profiles. JAMA 276:
that of the primary disease. 199.
Nishimura R, Trusty JM, Hayes DL et al 1997 Dual-
Obliterative cardiomyopathy is sometimes chamber pacing for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
regarded as a variant of restrictive A randomized double-blind crossover trial. J Am
cardiomyopathy. It is due to massive Coll Cardiol 29: 435.
endocardial fibrosis, and it is usually seen only Seggewiss H, Geichmann U, Faber L et al 1998;
in Third World countries, especially in Africa Percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial
where it is common. It is probably ablation in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Am
Coll Cardiol 1: 252.
hypereosinophilic in origin. There is associated
Spirito P, Seidman CE, McKenna WJ et al 1997 The
intracardiac thrombosis, as well as endocardial
management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. N
hypertrophy. Engl J Med 336: 775.
Clinical features include cardiac failure, Sugrue DD, Rodeheffer RJ, Codd MB et al 1992
arrhythmias and embolization. Mitral and The clinical course of idiopathic dilated 73
cardiomyopathy. Ann Intern Med 117: 117.
tricuspid regurgitation are usual.
Treatment is not effective, except for surgery in some
Cardiovascular diseases
The mortality is 25% within a year and two
Many cardiovascular disorders are encountered
thirds within five years.
so commonly in Intensive Care that they are
regarded as ‘core’ to the specialty. These
Bibliography conditions include myocardial ischaemia and
Cannon RO, Tripodi D, Dilsizian V et al 1994 infarction, heart failure, arrhythmias, shock and
Results of permanent dual-chamber pacing in
symptomatic nonobstructive hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy. Am J Cardiol 73: 571. However, numerous other cardiovascular
Cherian KM, John TA, Abraham KA 1983 disorders are sometimes seen, and it is these
Endomyocardial fibrosis. Am Heart J 105: 706. which are considered in this book. They
Fatkin D, MacRae C, Sasaki T et al 1999 Missense include:
mutations in the rod domain of the lamin A/C
gene as causes of dilated cardiomyopathy and • aortic coarctation;
conduction-system disease. N Engl J Med 341: • aortic dissection;
1715. • arteriovenous malformations;
Gheorghiade M, Zarowitz BJ 1992 Review of • arteritis;
randomized trials of digoxin therapy in patients
• atrial natriuretic factor;
with chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol 69: 48G.
Gupta PN, Valiathan MS, Balakrishnan KG et al
• cardiac tumours;
1989 Clinical course of endomyocardial fibrosis. • cardiomyopathies;
Br Heart J 62: 450. • Eisenmenger syndrome;
Katritsis D, Wilmshurst PT, Wendon JA et al 1991 • endocarditis;
Primary restrictive cardiomyopathy: clinical and • Marfan’s syndrome;
pathologic characteristics. J Am Coll Cardiol 18: • mycotic aneurysms;
1230. • tetralogy of Fallot;
Cardiovascular diseases Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care


• toxic-shock syndrome; Loscalzo J, Creager MA, Dzau VJ (eds) 1992 Vascular

• vasculitis. Medicine. A Textbook of Vascular Biology and
Diseases. Boston: Little, Brown.
Bibliography Marik P, Varon J 1998 The obese patient in the
Braunwald E 1992 Heart Disease. A Textbook of ICU. Chest 113: 492.
Cardiovascular Medicine. Philadelphia: WB Muller DWM 1994 Gene therapy for cardiovascular
Saunders. disease. Br Heart J 72: 309.
Calhoun DA, Oparil S 1990 Treatment of Nora JJ 1993 Causes of congenital heart disease: old
hypertensive crisis. N Engl J Med 323: 1177. and new modes, mechanisms, and models. Am
Gheorghiade M, Zarowitz BJ 1992 Review of Heart J 125: 1409.
randomized trials of digoxin therapy in patients Stein PD, Alpert JS, Copeland J et al 1992
with chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol 69: 48G. Antithrombotic therapy in patients with
Guyton AC 1991 Blood pressure control: special role mechanical and biological prosthetic heart valves.
of the kidney and body fluids. Science 252: 1813. Chest 102: S445.
Heusch G, Schulz R 1997 Characterization of Wilson NJ, Neutze JM 1993 Adult congenital heart
hibernating and stunned myocardium. Eur Heart J disease: principles and management guidelines.
18 (Suppl. D): 102. Aust NZ J Med 23: 498, 697.
ISIS-4 (Fourth International Study of Infarct Survival)
Collaborative Group 1995 ISIS-4: A randomised
factorial trial assessing early oral captopril, oral Cat bites (see Bites and stings)
mononitrate, and intravenous magnesium sulphate
in 58050 patients with suspected acute myocardial
infarction. Lancet 345: 669. Cat-scratch disease
Levin HJ, Paulker SG, Salzman EW et al 1992
Antithrombotic therapy in valvular heart disease. Cat-scratch disease (CSD) is still a disease of
Chest 102: S434. incompletely defined cause.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The first organism to be clearly associated with particularly in immunocompromised patients,

Cat-scratch disease
this disease was a small pleomorphic Gram- such as those with AIDS. In the skin, small
negative bacillus initially identified in 1988 and angiomatous nodules are seen. The viscera
designated Afipia felis in 1992. Subsequently, the affected include the liver, spleen, lymph nodes,
novel ␣-proteobacterium, Rochalimaea henselae, bone marrow, lungs and brain.
was identified by PCR in bacillary
Laboratory tests are generally unhelpful, and the
angiomatosis, particularly in
diagnosis is traditionally made clinically and by
immunocompromised patients, and it is now
exclusion. A positive skin test has been reported
thought to be the actual causative agent of cat-
but is non-specific. Serology has a low
scratch disease. This organism is related to
sensitivity and moreover does not distinguish
rickettsiae and to bartonella and brucella.
between past exposure and current disease.
Indeed, the genus designation bartonella has
Culture of the organism is difficult because
replaced the former name rochalimaea, so that
bacteraemia is infrequent and the organism is
the aetiological agent of CSD is now referred to
fastidious and slowly growing. Recently, PCR
as B. henselae.
testing of biopsy tissue has been reported to
The apparent reservoir for these organisms is have a sensitivity of up to 100%, though the test
the domestic cat, in which they reside so far has limited availability. BA is diagnosed
asymptomatically, but they can cause a variety histologically.
of lesions in humans (and in armadillos!). The The differential diagnosis includes:
cat flea is the likely vector for transmission of 75

the organism between animals. • other infections

– infectious mononucleosis;
Usually the scratch from an infected cat gives
– pyogenic bacteria;
rise to a self-limited local lymphadenitis, which
– brucellosis;
in up to 10% may suppurate. At the site of the
– toxoplasmosis;
scratch, an inflammatory lesion appears within
– fungal disease;
3–14 days and is followed in 1–3 weeks by the
– tuberculosis;
lymphadenopathy, which can last a very
– lymphogranuloma venereum;
variable time from 2 weeks to 8 months. Mild
systemic symptoms are common. The illness • sarcoidosis;
lasts 6–12 weeks. • Hodgkin’s disease.
In immunocompromised patients, disseminated Treatment is symptomatic only, as antibiotics are not
disease may sometimes occur. This may helpful, though gentamicin or ciprofloxacin often with
comprise pneumonitis with hilar corticosteroids may be helpful in immunocompromised
lymphadenopathy, encephalitis, retinitis, patients. BA is treated with erythromycin or
hepatitis, splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia or doxycycline for four weeks.
metastatic abscess. The course is benign and self-limited, though it
may run for several months. Disseminated BA
Bacillary angiomatosis (BA) is an
may be fatal. A single episode of cat-scratch
angioproliferative response, in which atypical
disease gives rise to immunity.
endothelial cells form numerous poorly
structured capillary channels. BA and the related
bacillary peliosis hepatis arise in the skin and Anderson B, Sims K, Regnery R et al 1994
viscera in response to the presence of B. henselae Detection of Rochalimaea henselae DNA in cat
(and probably other similar organisms, such as scratch disease patients by PCR. J Clin Microbiol
B. quintana in louse-infested or homeless 32: 942.
environments). These complications occur Bergmans AM, Peeters MF, Schellkens JF et al 1997
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Pitfalls and fallacies of cat scratch disease serology. J Necrotizing pneumonia, lung abscess and
Cat-scratch disease

Clin Microbiol 35: 1931. empyema represent the extreme of pyogenic

Karim AA, Cockerell CJ, Petri WA 1994 Cat scratch infections in the lung. Empyema is one of the
disease, bacillary angiomatosis, and other causes of failure of resolution of chest infection.
infections due to Rochalimaea. N Engl J Med
330: 1509. The responsible organisms are usually klebsiella,
Regnery R, Tappero J 1995 Unraveling mysteries staphylococci, pseudomonas or mixed anaerobic
associated with cat-scratch disease, bacillary organisms, and they may follow aspiration.
angiomatosis, and related syndromes. Emerg Infect
Dis 1: 1. The clinical features of empyema are those of:
Regnery RL, Martin M, Olson J 1992 Naturally
• persistent infection (fever, cough, dyspnoea,
occurring “Rochalimaea henselae” infection in
chest pain);
domestic cat. Lancet 340: 557.
Relman DA, Falkow S, LeBoit PE et al 1991 The • signs of pleural effusion (either a single
organism causing bacillary angiomatosis, peliosis loculus or multiloculated);
hepatis, and fever and bacteremia in • finger clubbing (if the diagnosis is delayed).
immunocompromised patients. N Engl J Med 324:
Rupture through the skin (empyema
necessitans) or into the bronchial tree
Slater LN, Welch DF, Hensel D et al 1990 A newly
recognized fastidious gram-negative pathogen as a (bronchopleural fistula) may occur.
cause of fever and bacteremia. N Engl J Med 323: Diagnosis is established by chest X-ray and
76 1587. aspiration of pleural fluid.
Zangwill KM, Hamilton DH, Perkins BA et al 1993
Cat scratch disease in Connecticut – epidemiology, Treatment of necrotizing pneumonia, lung abscess
risk factors, and evaluation of a new diagnostic test. and/or empyema consists of prolonged antibiotic
N Engl J Med 329: 8. therapy. An empyema should be drained, either by
traditional chest tube or by image-guided catheter.
Cavitation Intrapleural fibrinolytic therapy (e.g. streptokinase
250 000 U in 20 mL of saline) may be of value if
the empyema is loculated. If loculation still causes
The chief causes of one or more lung difficulty in drainage, video-assisted thoracoscopic
cavities are: surgery (VATS) is indicated for this task. Surgical
• necrotizing pneumonia resection, including decortication of organized,
thickened pleura, is rarely required nowadays.
– often leading to lung abscess and/or
empyema; The prognosis nowadays is generally good, since
the responsible infection is likely to respond
• cancer well to antibiotics.
– bronchogenic carcinoma, metastases;
• tuberculosis Bibliography
Angelillo Mackinlay TA, Lyons GA, Chimondeguy
– or fungal or parasitic infection; DJ et al 1996 VATS debridement versus
thoracotomy in the treatment of loculated
• septic infarct; postpneumonia empyema. Ann Thorac Surg 61:
• infected cysts or bullae; 1626.
• vasculitis Bryant RE, Salmon CJ 1996 Pleural empyema. Clin
Infect Dis 22: 747.
– rheumatoid, Wegener’s;
Davies RJO, Traill ZC, Gleeson FV 1997
• lymphomatoid granulomatosis; Randomised controlled trial of intrapleural
• angiocentric lymphoma. streptokinase in community acquired pleural
infection. Thorax 52: 416.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Jerjes-Sanchez C, Ramirez-Rivera A, Elizalde JJ et al The process may be irreversible and may
1996 Intrapleural fibrinolysis with streptokinase as

Central pontine myelinolysis

sometimes be fatal.
an adjunctive treatment in hemothorax and
empyema: a multicenter trial. Chest 109: 1514.
Landreneau RJ, Keenan RJ, Hazelrigg SR et al 1995 Treatment is preventative.
Thoracoscopy for empyema and hemothorax.
Chest 109: 18. Repair of hyponatraemia should be not ⬎0.5
Leatherman JW, Mcdonald FM, Niewohner DE mmol/L per h, unless the hyponatraemia is
1985 Fluid-containing bullae in the lung. South associated with encephalopathy, in which case the
Med J 78: 708. sodium should be corrected by up to 2 mmol/L
Muers MF 1997 Streptokinase for empyema. Lancet per h.
349: 1491.
Sahn SA 1993 Management of complicated In general, a plasma concentration of about 120
parapneumonic effusions. Am Rev Respir Dis mmol/L is a symptomatically safe goal. Above
148: 813. this, further normalization can be leisurely.
Silverman SC, Mueller PR, Saini S et al 1988
Thoracic empyema: management with image- Thus, if for example the plasma sodium
guided catheter drainage. Radiology 169: 5. concentration is 105 mmol/L, the amount of
Temes RT, Follis F, Kessler et al 1996 Intrapleural sodium required for acute repair in a 70 kg person
fibrinolysis in management of empyema thoracis. is (120 ⫺ 105) ⫻ 60% ⫻ 70 kg ⫽ 630 mmol,
Chest 110: 102. which should be given as 4 L of N saline (or
Walt MA, Sharma S, Hohn J et al 1997 A randomized
preferably 1.2 L of 3% saline) over 8–30 h. 77
trial of empyema therapy. Chest 111: 1548.
Weissberg D, Refaelyb Y 1996 Pleural empyema: However, if the originating process has been acute,
24-year experience. Ann Thorac Surg 62: 1026. symptoms of hyponatraemia may seen at higher
levels, sometimes up to 130 mmol/L. In this case,
Cellulitis (see Gangrene) the treatment goals need to be shifted up

Central pontine myelinolysis

Central pontine myelinolysis refers to Bibliography
demyelination primarily in the pons, though Arieff AI, Guisado R 1976 Effects on the central
this process is also apparent in the basal ganglia nervous system of hypernatremic and
and cerebellum on sensitive MRI examination. hyponatremic states. Kidney Int 10: 104.
Ayus JC, Krothapalli RK, Arieff AI 1987 Treatment
of symptomatic hyponatremia and its relation to
Central pontine myelinolysis was originally brain damage: a prospective study. N Engl J Med
described in alcoholism and malnutrition. 317: 1190.
Nowadays it is most commonly seen in Berl T 1990 Treating hyponatremia: damned if we
patients who have been hyponatraemic, in do and damned if we don’t. Kidney Int 37: 1006.
whom it is thought to have been produced Brunner JE, Redmond JM, Haggar AM et al 1990
by osmotic injury from over-zealous Central pontine myelinolysis and pontine lesions
correction of the hyponatraemia (especially after rapid correction of hyponatremia: a
prospective magnetic resonance imaging study.
correction which is too rapid).
Ann Neurol 27: 61.
Laureno R, Karp BI 1988 Pontine and extrapontine
Clinical features include: myelinolysis following rapid correction of
hyponatraemia. Lancet 1: 1439.
• quadriparesis or paraparesis; Soupart A, Decaux G 1996 Therapeutic
• dysarthria and dysphagia; recommendations for management of severe
• mutism and possibly the locked-in state. hyponatremia: Current concepts on pathogenesis
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

and prevention of neurologic complications. Clin arises from fat malabsorption (q.v.), has also
Central pontine myelinolysis

Nephrol 46: 149. been reported as a rare cause.

Sterns RH, Riggs JE, Schochet SS 1986 Osmotic
demyelination syndrome following correction of
hyponatremia. N Engl J Med 314: 1535.
Campuzano V, Montermini L, Molto MD et al 1996
Sterns RH, Cappuccio JD, Silver SM et al 1994
Friedreich’s ataxia: autosomal recessive disease
Neurologic sequelae after treatment of severe
caused by intronic GAA triplet repeat expansion.
hyponatremia: a multicenter perspective. J Am Soc
Science 271: 1423.
Nephrol 4: 1522.
Durr A, Cossee M, Agid Y et al 1996 Clinical and
Strange K 1992 Regulation of solute and water
genetic abnormalities in patients with Friedreich’s
balance and cell volume in the central nervous
ataxia. N Engl J Med 335: 1169.
system. J Am Soc Nephrol 3: 12.
Gotoda T, Arita M, Arai H et al 1995 Adult-onset
Tien R, Arieff AI, Kucharczyk W et al 1992
spinocerebellar dysfunction caused by a mutation
Hyponatremic encephalopathy: is central pontine
in the gene for the ␣-tocopherol-transfer protein.
myelinolysis a component? Am J Med 92: 513.
N Engl J Med 333: 1313.

Cerebellar degeneration Cerebral arterial gas embolism

(see Diving)
Cerebellar degeneration occurs in a number of
1. Hereditary, spinocerebellar degenerative Cerebral arteritis (see Arteritis)
These are unrelated conditions, except for the
marked clinical feature of ataxia. A number of Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease (see
different mutational mechanisms and also Neuropathy)
inheritance patterns have recently been Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease (CMT, peroneal
identified. muscular atrophy) is the most common
The best known of these conditions is Fried- hereditary polyneuropathy. It is usually an
reich’s ataxia, which is manifest by areflexia and autosomal dominant condition, though several
loss of proprioception as well as ataxia. There is separate gene loci have been identified.
associated cardiomyopathy and skeletal There is segmental demyelination (with local
abnormality, particularly of the chest wall. nerve hypertrophy) and consequent distal
2. Subacute cerebellar degeneration weakness and atrophy of the legs, often with pes
cavus. Sensory as well as motor impairment
This is a paraneoplastic condition (q.v.), occurs, and the hands may eventually be involved.
especially in carcinoma of the lung or ovary. In
addition to ataxia, there may be sensory It is a benign condition with no major
symptoms and mental changes. morbidity and no mortality.

Plasmapheresis is ineffective, even though circulating

antibodies to cerebellar Purkinje cells have been found.
Chelating agents
3. Cerebellar degeneration due to
A chelate is a complex compound with a central
alcoholism or nutritional deficiency
metal atom attached to a larger molecule (a
Cerebellar degeneration is most commonly ligand) in a ring structure. A chelating agent
caused by alcohol. Myxoedema may sometimes refers to the ligand which can attach to the metal
be implicated. Deficiency of vitamin E, which ion at two or more points, thus forming a ring.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Chelates are more stable than non-chelated Calcium disodium edetate (sodium

Chelating agents
compounds of comparable composition. calciumedetate, ethylene-diaminetetra-
Haemoglobin and chlorophyll are examples of acetate, EDTA) is chiefly used in lead
chelate compounds in nature. Chelates are widely poisoning, though it is also of value in
used in industrial and laboratory processes. enhancing the clearance of cadmium (and also
chromium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, nickel,
In clinical medicine, chelating agents are used in
selenium, uranium, vanadium, zinc) and (in
the treatment of metal poisoning, because they
double dosage) of the radioactive products
bind the metal more strongly than do the
from nuclear accidents (e.g. plutonium). The
vulnerable components of the living organism.
toxic metal displaces calcium from the
Although man has always had environmental chelator. It has also been used in atherosclerosis
exposure to heavy metals in food, water and but without evidence to support this
cooking utensils, this exposure increased indication.
markedly after industrialization. These metals
Since it is poorly absorbed from the gut,
cannot be metabolized but persist in the body,
it is given intravenously; 2 g (two 5 mL
where they produce prolonged toxic effects by
ampoules of 200 mg/mL each) are diluted to
combining with a reactive group (a ligand)
500–1000 mL in isotonic dextrose or saline
thereby affecting chemical function.
and are administered daily for 5 days in two
Chelating agents are heavy metal antagonists, divided doses each over 1 h. If combined
since they compete with these reactive groups with BAL for lead poisoning, there should 79
in the body for the metal and therefore they can be a four h delay between the
prevent or treat toxic effects by permitting administration of the two agents, with
excretion. Clearly, a selective chelator is BAL given first.
required so as not to bind the body’s own
EDTA has a half-life of about 40 min,
essential metals, though it must distribute in the
distributes in the extracellular fluid and is
same body spaces. It must also have a greater
excreted in the urine (50% in the first hour), so
affinity than the body’s own ligands, it must
that it is contraindicated in anuria.
produce non-toxic complexes pending
excretion and it must be able to mobilize the
metal after binding so as to permit excretion. The side-effects of EDTA include:
The heavy metals of most relevance in this • fever;
setting are: • thirst;
• nausea;
• arsenic (q.v.);
• myalgia;
• cadmium (q.v.);
• hypotension;
• iron (q.v.);
• reversible renal tubular damage;
• lead (q.v.);
• T-wave inversion on ECG;
• mercury (q.v.).
• increased intracranial pressure;
• increased prothrombin time;
• dermatitis;
There are four important chelating agents for
• phlebitis.
clinical use, namely:
• calcium disodium edetate;
• dimercaprol; Dimercaprol (2,3-dimercaptopropanol, British
• penicillamine; anti-Lewisite, BAL) was designed to combat
• desferrioxamine. arsenic-containing military gas in the Second
World War. Later, its use was extended to other
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

heavy metal poisoning, particularly from lead cadmium, cobalt, nickel), but it is a second
Chelating agents

and mercury. It is an oily pungent liquid, which choice after BAL. It is also commonly used in
is given intramuscularly and metabolized and Wilson’s disease (q.v.), cystinuria and
excreted within 4–6 h. rheumatoid arthritis. It may possibly be of value
in scleroderma (q.v.) and in primary biliary
The individual doses are 3–5 mg/kg (3 mg/kg
cirrhosis (q.v.).
for arsenic, 4 mg/kg for lead and 5 mg/kg for
mercury). The urine should be alkalinized It is well absorbed from the gut and is given
concomitantly to decrease the breakdown of orally in a dose of 0.5–2 g/day in four divided
chelate complex. doses. The usual course of therapy for heavy
metal poisoning is five days.
• In arsenic poisoning, it is given 4 hourly
until abdominal symptoms subside. Although there is a theoretical risk of penicillin
• In lead poisoning, it is given 4 hourly for anaphylaxis, there are no traces of penicillin in
48 h, 6 hourly for 48 h and then 12 hourly the preparations nowadays available, but care
for 5–7 days, usually in combination with should be taken in patients who are allergic to
EDTA. penicillin. Elective surgery is contraindicated for
• It may also be of use in gold, bismuth, six weeks after administration because of poor
antimony and thallium poisoning. collagen cross-linking.
• It is not of use in cadmium poisoning.
The side-effects of penicillamine are
The side-effects of BAL can be dramatic, common.
though they are reversible and not usually
serious. They reach their peak within 20 min • About 30% of patients get fever and itch,
of injection and disappear by 2 h. They perhaps because of cross-reactivity with
include: penicillin.
• Skin lesions are common during long-
• tachycardia; term administration and consist of
• hypertension;
• nausea; – friability;
• sweating; – maculopapular rash;
• lacrimation; – pemphigoid;
• anxiety; – even SLE.
• generalized burning and tingling, • Anorexia, nausea, abdominal discomfort
particularly of the mouth and penis; and diarrhoea are also common.
• chest and abdominal pain. • Rarer reactions include:
They are probably reduced by the – marrow aplasia, which can occasionally
administration of ephedrine, 30–60 mg be fatal;
orally, 30 min beforehand. – haemolytic anaemia;
– nephrotic syndrome;
– bronchoalveolitis;
Pencillamine, a characteristic product of
– myasthenia gravis.
penicillins, was first found in 1953 in the urine
of patients with liver disease given penicillin. It
is the D-isomer of ␤, ␤-dimethylcysteine (D-3
Desferrioxamine (deferoxamine, DFO) is
isolated initially as an iron chelate from Streptomyces
It is used in poisoning from antimony, copper, pilosus from which the iron is then removed
gold, lead, mercury and zinc (and also arsenic, chemically to produce a ligand with a high affinity
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
for ferric iron. DFO is able to remove iron from Chemical poisoning

Chemical poisoning
haemosiderin and ferritin and to a lesser extent
from transferrin, but not from haemoglobin, Chemical poisoning due to drug overdosage is a
myoglobin, cytochromes and other iron-containing very commonly encountered problem in
enzymes. The chelate complex produced is Intensive Care and its management principles
excreted in the urine and is also dialysable. are well known. However, many other
chemical agents, generally of a non-therapeutic
DFO is used: nature, may cause uncommon forms of
poisoning following ingestion or other
• in the treatment of acute iron poisoning;
exposure. In particular, chemical exposure is a
• in transfusion haemosiderosis, e.g. in the
chronic treatment of thalassaemia; common environmental hazard in many parts of
the world and in many industrial or accidental
• in the diagnosis and treatment of iron storage
disease; situations.
• sometimes in the treatment of aluminium Important poisonings or exposures described in
toxicity in dialysis patients; this book are those involving:
• not in haemochromatosis.
• aluminium;
Since iron overload conditions probably • arsenic;
predispose to infection, sometimes with exotic • asbestos;
micro-organisms (e.g. Yersinia), careful • beryllium;
microbiological surveillance is recommended. • cadmium; 81

It is given parenterally, preferably intravenously • carbon monoxide;

if the patient has circulatory impairment, in • carbon tetrachloride;
which case a dose of up to 1 g/h or 4 g over • chlorine;
12 h and up to 16 g/day may be given. In acute • cocaine;
iron poisoning, the need for further doses • cyanide;
depends on the serum iron level. During iron • dioxins;
elimination in this way, the urine becomes • ergot;
orange-red in colour. • ethylene glycol;
• formaldehyde;
• gamma-hydroxybutyric acid;
Bibliography • hydrogen sulfide;
Burns CB, Currie B 1995 The efficacy of chelation • lead;
therapy and factors influencing mortality in
• mercury;
intoxicated petrol sniffers. Aust NZ J Med 25: 197.
• methanol;
Jackson TW, Ling LJ, Washington V 1995 The effect
of oral deferoxamine in iron absorption in humans. • paraquat;
J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 33: 325. • strychnine;
Mathieu D, Mathieu-Nolf M, Germain-Alonso M et • thallium;
al 1992 Massive arsenic poisoning: effect of • warfare agents.
haemodialysis and dimercaprol on arsenic kinetics.
Some uncommon drug poisonings (e.g.
Intens Care Med 18: 47.
amphetamines) are also considered under the
Mills KC, Curry SC 1994 Acute iron poisoning.
Emerg Clin North Am 12: 397. headings of the individual drugs themselves (see
Proper R, Shurn S, Nathan D 1976 Reassessment of Drugs).
the use of deferoxamine B in iron overload. N
Engl J Med 294: 1421. Bibliography
Proudfoot AT, Simpson D, Dyson EH 1986 American College of Physicians 1990 Occupational
Management of acute iron poisoning. Med and environmental medicine: the internist’s role.
Toxicol 1: 83. Ann Intern Med 113: 974.
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bascom R, Bromberg PA, Costa DL et al 1996; Davies D 1972 Ankylosing spondylitis and lung
Chemical poisoning

Health effects of outdoor pollution. Am J Resp fibrosis. Q J Med 41: 395.

Crit Care Med 153: 3, 477. Libby DM, Briscoe WA, Boyce B et al 1982 Acute
Cugell DW 1992 The hard metal diseases. Clin respiratory failure in scoliosis or kyphosis:
Chest Med 13: 269. prolonged survival and treatment. Am J Med 73:
Haddad LM, Shannon MW, Winchester JF (eds) 532.
1997 Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Ray CS, Sue DY, Bray G et al 1983 Effects of
Overdose. 3rd edition. Philadelphia: WB obesity on respiratory function. Am Rev Respir
Saunders. Dis 128: 501.
Nriagu JO, Pacyna JM 1988 Quantitative assessment
of worldwide contamination of air, water and soils
by trace metals. Nature 333: 134. Chinese-restaurant syndrome (see
Olson KR (ed) 1998 Poisoning and Drug Overdose.
3rd edition. Norwalk: Appleton & Lange
also Food poisoning)
Redlich CA, Sparer JS, Cullen MR 1997 Sick The Chinese-restaurant syndrome is probably
building syndrome. Lancet 349: 1013. due to the ingestion of monosodium glutamate
Rosenstock L, Cullen M (eds) 1994 Textbook of (MSG). Symptoms appear within 20 min and
Clinical Occupational and Environmental
last up to 2 h. These comprise a generalized
Medicine. Philadelphia: Saunders.
Roxe DM, Krumlovsky FA 1988 Toxic interstitial
burning feeling, with pressure sensations,
nephropathy from metals, metabolites, and sweating and occasionally headache,
radiation. Semin Nephrol 8: 72. palpitations and even syncope. The syndrome is
Trujillo MH, Guerrero J, Fragachan C et al 1998 self-limited and harmless, though it can
Pharmacologic antidotes in critical care medicine: produce consternation, particularly in cardiac
a practical guide for drug administration. Crit Care patients.
Med 26: 377.
Schaumburg HH, Byck R, Gerstl R et al 1969
Chest wall disorders Monosodium L-glutamate: its pharmacology and
role in the Chinese restaurant syndrome. Science
Chest wall disorders include: 163: 826.
• congenital conditions
– pectus carinatum or excavatum;
Chlorine (see also Acute lung irritation)
• kyphoscoliosis (q.v.);
• ankylosing spondylitis (q.v.); Chlorine (Cl, atomic number 17, atomic
• old thoracoplasty; weight 35) is the second lightest halogen after
• obesity; fluorine. It is a corrosive, pungent, greenish-
• neuromuscular disorders; yellowish gas, 21⁄2 times heavier than air and
• inflammation with a boiling point of –34°C. It was first
isolated in 1774 and is the main anion in salt
– costochondritis (Tietze’s syndrome); water. The chlorine molecule, which consists
• trauma; of two atoms of chlorine (i.e. Cl2), is a very
• tumour reactive substance, readily giving rise to
chlorides and various oxidative species,
– primary (usually benign); including ions and oxides.
– secondary (more common).
Chlorine is widely used as an industrial bleach,
Bibliography and because of its toxicity it has been used as a
Bergofsky EH 1979 Respiratory failure in disorders military poison. The maximum recommended
of the thoracic cage. Am Rev Respir Dis 119: 643. exposure levels are not ⬎3 mg/m3 (1 ppm).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Levels above this cause eye and respiratory duct obstruction, but the causes include stricture

irritation (see Acute lung irritation), with higher or carcinoma as well as stones. Recurrent
levels causing suffocation and pulmonary pyogenic cholangitis may also occur. This is
oedema. Levels 1000-fold higher cause death occasionally secondary to intestinal parasites.
within minutes. Sclerosing cholangitis may sometimes be seen,
involving both intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile
Treatment of chlorine poisoning is symptomatic and
ducts. This is a condition of unknown aetiology,
but it is mostly associated with ulcerative colitis. It
Bibliography carries a 30% mortality over 5 years.
Centres for Disease Control 1991 Chlorine gas The clinical features of chronic cholangitis
toxicity from mixture of bleach with other include jaundice, fever, anorexia, weight loss
cleaning products. JAMA 256: 2529.
and fatigue.
Schonhofer B, Voshaar T, Kohler D 1996 Long-term
lung sequelae following accidental chlorine gas Liver function tests, particularly the alkaline
exposure. Respiration 63: 155. phosphatase and gamma GT, are abnormal. The
causative lesion is best defined by ERCP.
Cholangitis The obstruction should be dealt with on its surgical
merits, because without mechanical relief chronic
Acute cholangitis is usually associated with
cholangitis may lead to biliary cirrhosis. Endoscopic
biliary obstruction, and this in turn is usually due
stricture dilatation may be helpful in selected patients. 83
to choledocholithiasis. Acute cholecystitis is
Ursodiol (see Biliary cirrhosis) provides symptomatic
due to cystic duct obstruction, and this in turn is
and biochemical benefit but no survival advantage.
virtually always due to cholelithiasis. However,
most gallstones remain silent.
The clinical features are dominated by biliary Angulo P, Lindor KD 1999 Primary sclerosing
colic, i.e. severe pain in the right upper cholangitis. Hepatology 30: 325.
quadrant, rapid in onset, constant in nature (and Berger MY, van der Velden JJ, Lijmer JG et al 2000
thus not true colic), lasting up to one hour and Abdominal symptoms: do they predict gallstones?
A systematic review. Scand J Gastroenterol 35: 70.
associated with nausea, vomiting and often a
Johnston DE, Kaplan MM 1993 Pathogenesis and
high fever. treatment of gallstones. N Engl J Med 328: 412.
LaRusso NF, Wiesner RH, Ludwig J et al 1984
The differential diagnosis includes: Primary sclerosing cholangitis. N Engl J Med 310:
• pancreatitis; Vennes JA, Bond JH 1983 Approach to the
• ureteric colic; jaundiced patient. Gastroenterology 84: 1615.
• acute myocardial infarction;
• hepatitis;
• other causes of biliary obstruction at the Cholera
porta hepatis;
Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease caused by
• acute intermittent porphyria. the Gram-negative bacillus, Vibrio cholerae. The
The diagnosis is made most conveniently on usual pathogen was the 01 strain, mostly
ultrasonography. confined until 1961 to Asia. Subsequently, the
7th world pandemic was caused by the El Tor
biotype. More recently, the 8th world
Treatment is with antibiotics and endoscopic or
pandemic which started in Southern and
surgical removal of the obstructing stone.
Eastern India in 1992 was caused by a new
Chronic cholangitis is also usually due to biliary serogroup, 0139-Bengal.
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

As humans are the only natural host, infection • benign postoperative intrahepatic

arises from faecal contamination of water or cholestasis;

food. The organisms multiply in the proximal • pregnancy;
small bowel, where they secrete enterotoxin but • drugs.
do not invade the bowel wall. The molecular
mechanisms of the pathogenesis of cholera have
1. Biliary tract obstruction (see Cholangitis)
been particularly well studied.
Clinically, there is painless, acute, severe, watery 2. Benign postoperative intrahepatic
diarrhoea after an incubation period of a few cholestasis
days. Up to a litre per hour of isotonic fluid is This is usually seen after major surgery, in
lost in this way, with resultant hypovolaemia. which there have been operative difficulties
The illness lasts from 1–7 days. entailing undue prolongation, hypotension or
The diagnosis is made clinically and from massive transfusion.
microscopic examination of the stool, in which The liver function tests are normal, apart from
the organism is readily seen and from which it increased conjugated bilirubin.
can be readily grown.
The process appears within 1–2 days of surgery
Treatment is with fluid resuscitation, including rapid
and lasts 2–4 weeks.
restoration of the circulation and continuing
maintenance. The latter may require up to 10 L in the 3. Pregnancy
first 24 h, preferably of half-normal saline, with 50
Cholestasis is sometimes seen in late pregnancy,
mmol/L of NaHCO3 and 12.5 mmol/L of KCl.
but it disappears after delivery, though it may
Tetracycline, 2 g/day for two days, eradicates the recur with oral contraceptives.
organism and reduces the severity and duration of illness.
4. Drugs
The mortality is 50%, if hypovolaemia is severe
and simple resuscitative measures are not These include particularly phenothiazines,
available. Natural infection gives long-lasting erythromycin estolate, oral contraceptives,
immunity, but available vaccines are only of and the anti-staphyococcal antibiotics,
limited and temporary efficacy. flucloxacillin and dicloxacillin (especially the
former drug).
Other tetracycline-sensitive vibrio species can
also give clinical disease, including:
• diarrhoea; Johnston DE, Kaplan MM 1993 Pathogenesis and
• cellulitis; treatment of gallstones. N Engl J Med 328: 412.
• septicaemia. LaMont JT, Isselbacher KJ 1973 Postoperative
jaundice. N Engl J Med 288: 305.
Vennes JA, Bond JH 1983 Approach to the
jaundiced patient. Gastroenterology 84: 1615.
Popovic T, Fields PL, Olsvik O et al 1995 Molecular
subtyping of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O139 causing
epidemic cholera in India and Bangladesh,
1992–1993. J Infect Dis 171: 122. Cholinergic agonists
Cholinergic agonists include:

Cholestasis occurs in a number of settings. • acetylcholine;

These include: • methacholine;
• bethanechol, carbachol;
• biliary tract obstruction; • choline esters;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• cholinomimetic alkaloids (pilocarpine, Christmas disease (see Haemophilia)

Churg–Strauss syndrome
• mushroom poisons (mycetism) (q.v.).
The traditional pharmacology of cholinergic Chromium (Cr, atomic number 24, atomic
agonists is well known, comprising both weight 52) is a hard grey metal, discovered in
muscarinic and nicotinic effects. The 1797 and so named because of its multi-
muscarinic effects occur in autonomic coloured compounds (e.g. in gem stones),
ganglia, CNS, heart, secretory glands and because while abundant in nature it is always
smooth muscle (and are antagonized by present as a compound. Its main industrial use is
atropine). The nicotinic effects are exerted at to increase the strength and corrosion resistance
the neuromuscular junction (and antagonized of alloys. Chromium is present in meat, eggs
by curare) and in the autonomic ganglia, adrenal and dairy foods and is an essential trace element.
gland and CNS (all antagonized by
Its clinical deficiency is uncommon. It is seen in
trimethaphan). However, cholinergic
the presence of prolonged poor oral intake and
pharmacology has become complex over the
especially in prolonged total parenteral nutrition
last decade, because of new data derived from
administration, unless replacement is given.
the molecular cloning of receptors and from the
pharmacology of pirenzepine. The clinical manifestations of chromium
deficiency have been reported to include 85
glucose intolerance (with a syndrome
Cholinergic crisis indistinguishable from non-insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus) and neuropathy.
A cholinergic crisis may occur:
The average daily requirement is 10–50 ␮g
• during the treatment of myasthenia gravis orally and the recommended iv dose is 0.2–0.4
• from exposure to nerve agents in chemical
warfare (q.v.).
In myasthenia gravis, it arises from the excess Chronic fatigue syndrome (see
dosage of anticholinesterase drugs which Acyclovir and Ciguatera)
increase weakness because of depolarization of
muscle. Although the differentiation of
overtreatment from undertreatment with such Churg–Strauss syndrome
drugs can be difficult, cholinergic excess
Churg–Strauss syndrome comprises:
typically occurs at the time of the peak effect of
the drug, and is associated with muscarinic side- • asthma;
effects of salivation, sweating, gastrointestinal • eosinophilia;
distress, bradycardia and constricted pupils. • systemic vasculitis.
If necessary, the diagnosis can be confirmed by It may be a subtype of polyarteritis nodosa
giving edrophonium 1–2 mg/iv, though in this (q.v.), with extravascular granulomas and
case muscle weakness will be temporarily eosinophilic vasculitis affecting both small
worsened and brief respiratory support may be arteries and venules. It may be related to
required. Wegener’s granulomatosis (q.v.), i.e. it is one of
the ANCA-associated systemic vasculitides.
Atropine should thus not be given routinely to
such patients, as it could mask these important Recently, several cases have been reported
(muscarinic) markers of cholinergic overdose. following the use of the new leukotriene
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

antagonists, zafirlukast and later montelukast, in Allergic granulomatosis and angiitis (Churg–Strauss
Churg–Strauss syndrome

patients with asthma. The probable mechanism syndrome). Mayo Clin Proc 52: 477.
is the unmasking of an underlying but hitherto Churg J, Strauss L 1951 Allergic granulomatosis,
unrecognized vasculitis. allergic angiitis, and periarteritis nodosa. Am J
Pathol 27: 277.
Guillevin L, Cohen P, Gayraud M et al 1999
Clinical features include fever, anorexia, Churg–Strauss syndrome: clinical study and
weight loss, arthralgia, polyneuropathy, and long-term follow-up of 96 patients. Medicine
lung and renal involvement. 78: 26.
Lanham JG, Elkon KB, Pusey CD et al 1984
Systemic vasculitis with asthma and eosinophilia: a
Investigations often show an increased anti- clinical approach to the Churg–Strauss syndrome.
neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA), an Medicine 63: 65.
autoantibody found especially in Wegener’s Salama AD 1999 Pathogenesis and treatment of
granulomatosis but also in polyarteritis nodosa ANCA-associated systemic vasculitis. J R Soc Med
and in idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis. 92: 456.
Wechsler ME, Finn D, Gunawardena D et al 2000
The class of ANCA found is usually p-ANCA,
Churg–Strauss syndrome in patients receiving
unlike the c-ANCA typically found in
montelukast as treatment for asthma. Chest 117:
Wegener’s granulomatosis. 708.
Diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy. Wechsler ME, Garpestad E, Kocher O et al 1998
86 Pulmonary infiltrates, eosinophilia, and
Treatment is with corticosteroids and possibly with cardiomyopathy following corticosteroid
cyclophosphamide. withdrawal in patients with asthma receiving
zafirlukast. JAMA 279: 455.
The outlook is limited.
A variant is allergic granulomatosis and
angiitis, which is seen in patients with prior
Chylothorax (see Pleural cavity)
asthma and allergy for many years.

Clinical features include fever, dyspnoea, Ciguatera (see also Food poisoning)
purpura, skin nodules, polyneuropathy and
Ciguatera arises from a toxin produced by algae,
sometimes acute myocardial infarction.
which are ingested by small fish, which in turn
Pulmonary involvement occurs in 25% of
are consumed by larger bottom-dwelling fish
cases and includes peripheral infiltrate, non-
which concentrate the toxin. Such fish are most
cavitating nodules and pleural effusion. It
common around coral reefs. The toxin is lipid-
may sometimes be fulminating.
soluble and heat-stable, but there is no practical
laboratory test for it in human samples. Its half-
There is anaemia and leukocytosis with marked life is unknown.
eosinophilia. The diagnosis is made clinically
The onset of symptoms is usually within a few
and histologically.
hours and consists of gastrointestinal symptoms,
Treatment is with corticosteroids and added sweating, itching and abnormal sensory
cyclophosphamide if refractory. perception. There is occasional circulatory
failure. It generally lasts for only a few days and
Bibliography is rarely fatal.
Choi YH, Im J-G, Han, BK et al 2000 Thoracic
manifestations of Churg–Strauss syndrome. Chest Uncommonly, there is prolonged
117: 117. convalescence, referred to as chronic ciguatera
Chumbley LC, Harrison EG, DeRemee RA 1977 poisoning. This condition is one of the
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
differential diagnoses of chronic fatigue • systemic features

Clostridial infections
syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis).
– fever, hypotension, oliguria, haemolysis,
Treatment is with emesis and resuscitation if myonecrosis.
necessary. Atropine may improve some symptoms,
Uterine infection is usually post-abortal.
and mannitol 25–50 g iv has been reported to be
Sometimes, a benign and localized gas abscess,
very helpful.
i.e. a Welch abscess, only is formed.
Gillespie NC, Lewis RJ, Pearn JH et al 1986 The differential diagnosis of a gas-forming or
Ciguatera in Australia: occurrence, clinical crepitant cellulitis includes:
features, pathophysiology and management. Med J
Aust 145: 584. • Gram-negative infection
Lehane L 2000 Ciguatera update. Med J Aust 172: 176.
– especially in diabetics;
Morris JG 1980 Ciguatera fish poisoning. JAMA 244:
273. • mixed anaerobic infection
Pearn JH 1997 Chronic fatigue syndrome: chronic
ciguatera poisoning as a differential diagnosis. Med – e.g. perineal phlegmon from a peri-
J Aust 166: 309. rectal abscess;
• trapped air
Clostridial infections – see Gas in soft tissues. 87

These are caused by anaerobic spore-forming

Gram-positive bacilli which secrete potent Treatment is with:
exotoxins. There are three major disease groups,
namely: • resuscitation;
• extensive surgical clearance;
• histotoxic (chiefly C. perfringens); • penicillin (7.2–14.4 g or 12–24 million U iv
• enterotoxigenic (C. perfringens and C. daily for two weeks);
difficile); • antitoxin (though this has never been proven to be
• neurotoxic (C. tetani and C. botulinum). useful);
1. Histotoxic • hyperbaric oxygenation as an adjunct.
The average mortality is 15–30% and up to 50%
C. perfringens is found in the lower gut and in
if the abdominal wall or uterine cavity is
the soil, and it enters a new site such as a
severely infected.
wound, uterus or burn following appropriate
trauma. The disease so produced is gas 2. Enterotoxigenic
gangrene, an uncommon condition which
Food poisoning caused by C. perfringens is
requires in addition to the presence of the
second only to staphylococcal in incidence.
organism, associated necrosis, avascularity
The organisms are usually ingested from
and/or a foreign body. The alpha toxin
rewarmed meat and multiply in the small
produced gives rise to haemolysis, necrosis and
intestine, where they produce enterotoxin and
myocardial depression.
thus diarrhoea.
There is an incubation period of 8–72 h,
There is an incubation period of about 12 h.
followed by:
There are no systemic symptoms, and the
• local symptoms condition subsides within 24 h.
– pain, swelling, skin discolouration, crepitus, Pig-bel (necrotic jejunitis) seen in New Guinea
and foul-smelling, brown discharge; is probably caused by the same organism.
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Colitis is produced by C. difficile, which is • platelet function disorders,

• abnormally enhanced fibrinolysis,
Clostridial infections

found in soil and in normal faecal flora and

which may overgrow when the normal flora are • vascular fragility
altered by antibiotic therapy (see Colitis).
comprise the broader group of disorders of
3. Neurotoxic haemostasis.
The neurotoxic organisms gives rise to the
specific diseases of: Coagulation disorders may be hereditary or
• tetanus (q.v.);
• botulism (q.v.). Hereditary coagulation disorders can
comprise a deficiency of any of the individual
Bibliography coagulation factors. Each deficiency (except for
Loewenstein MS 1972 Epidemiology of Clostridium factor XII deficiency which is asymptomatic)
perfringens food poisoning. N Engl J Med 286: 1026. gives rise to a specific coagulopathy. The better
Murrell TGC, Roth L, Egerton J et al 1966 Pig-bel: known and most common hereditary
enteritis necroticans, a study in diagnosis and coagulation disorders are:
management. Lancet 1: 217.
Unsworth IP, Sharp PA 1984 Gas gangrene: an 11- • von Willebrand’s disease (q.v.),
year review of 73 cases managed with hyperbaric • haemophilia (q.v.).
oxygen. Med J Aust 140: 256.
88 Weinstein L, Barza MA 1973 Gas gangrene. N Engl J Acquired coagulation disorders on the
Med 289: 1129. other hand usually demonstrate deficiency of
multiple coagulation factors. These disorders
Clostridium difficile (see Colitis)
• disseminated intravascular coagulation (q.v.);
• liver disease;
Coagulation disorders • vitamin K deficiency (q.v.).
Occasional cases are iatrogenic.
Coagulation disorders comprise a group of
Coagulation factors are of course plasma
conditions, which together with
proteins, and the characteristics of the individual
• thrombocytopenia, coagulation factors are shown in the table below.

Coagulation factors
Plasma concentration Plasma
Coagulation factor Molecular weight (␮cg/mL) concentration (␮M)
Fibrinogen (I) 330000 3000 9.1
Prothrombin (II) 72000 100 1.39
Factor V 330000 10 0.03
Factor VII 50000 0.5 0.01
Factor VIII 330000 0.1 0.0003
Factor IX 56000 5 0.089
Factor X 58 800 8 0.136
Factor XI 160000 5 0.031
Factor XII 80000 30 0.375
Factor XIII 320000 10 0.031
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography concomitant cardiac disease. These effects are

Flier JS, Underhill LH 1992 Molecular and cellular due to excess noradrenaline action. Long-
biology of blood coagulation. N Engl J Med 326: term use may produce premature
800. atherosclerosis.
Greenberg CS, Sane DC 1990 Coagulation problems
• Respiratory effects include upper
in critical care medicine. In: Lumb PD,
respiratory tract damage, pulmonary oedema
Shoemaker WC (eds). Critical Care: State of the
Art, Chapter 9. Fullerton: Society of Critical Care
and spontaneous barotrauma. When inhaled
Medicine. p 187. with smoke, it may cause permanent lung
Levi M, ten Cate H 1999 Disseminated intravascular damage.
coagulation. N Engl J Med 341:586. • Systemic effects such as hyperthermia,
Peyvandi F, Mannucci PM 1999 Rare coagulation rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, liver failure,
disorders. Thromb Haemost 82: 1207. disseminated intravascular coagulation and
Rapaport SI 1983 Preoperative hemostatic bowel ischaemia may be seen.
evaluation: which tests, if any? Blood 61: 229. • Fetal damage can occur.

Acute treatment is with benzodiazepines and if

Cocaine necessary a calcium antagonist and/or antiarrhythmic
agent. Vigabatrin (␥-vinyl-GABA, GVG) has
Cocaine is a white, crystalline alkaloid derived shown promise in early studies in treating cocaine
from the leaves of the South American coca addiction. However, medical care attends clearly to
plant. It has the composition of C17H21NO4. only a small part of a much wider societal problem. 89
The usual form is cocaine hydrochloride, a
powder which may be inhaled or sniffed but is
poorly absorbed and cannot be smoked. It is Bibliography
irritant and gives chronic rhinitis or even nasal Benowitz NL 1993 Clinical Pharmacology and
toxicology of cocaine. Pharmacol Toxicol 72:3.
ulceration. It is a mucous membrane
Cregler LL, Mark H 1986 Medical complications of
anaesthetic, hence its application in clinical
cocaine abuse. N Engl J Med 315: 1495.
medicine. It produces rapid euphoria and Dellinger RP, Zimmerman JL 1990 Management of
alertness, which last for up to 90 min, and is the critically ill cocaine abuser. In: Lumb PD,
addictive. Shoemaker WC (eds). Critical Care: State of the
Art, Chapter 6. Fullerton: Society of Critical Care
The freebase form (crack) which appeared in
Medicine. p 115.
the 1980s is well absorbed and may be smoked
Dewey SL, Morgan AE, Ashby CR et al 1998 A
or injected. It produces even more intense novel strategy for the treatment of cocaine
euphoria, but its action is brief and it is more addiction. Synapse 30: 119.
addictive. Forrester JM, Steele AW, Waldron JA et al 1990
Crack lung: an acute pulmonary syndrome with a
Clinical features of toxicity are numerous.
spectrum of clinical and histopathologic findings.
• Acute toxicity is manifest neurologically by Am Rev Respir Dis 142: 462.
headache, dizziness, dysphoria, formication, Gawin FH 1991 Cocaine addiction: psychology and
focal signs, fits and coma. Prolonged use may neurophysiology. Science 251: 1580.
give rise to depression, irritability, disordered Hollander JE 1995 The management of cocaine-
associated myocardial ischaemia. N Engl J Med
sleep, confusion, paranoia and fits. These
333: 1267.
neurological effects are due to excess
Karch SB 1999 Cocaine: history, use, abuse. J R Soc
dopaminergic neurotransmission. Med 92: 393.
• Cardiovascular effects of arrhythmias Levine SR, Brust JCM, Futrell N et al 1990
(including cardiac arrest), myocardial Cerebrovascular complications of the use of the
infarction, hypertension or stroke may be “crack” form of alkaloidal cocaine. N Engl J Med
seen, even in the absence of high doses or 323: 699.
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Cold test, overt haemolysis is much less common.


Clinical haemolysis typically occurs in the

Cold is one of the important Physical exposures second and third week of illness and is
(q.v.) and is represented by: associated with jaundice and even
• frostbite (q.v.); haemoglobinuria. Its extent is related to the
• hypothermia (q.v.). height of titre. If clinical haemolysis occurs,
the environmental temperature should be
Other cold-induced injuries occur following kept above the thermal amplitude of the
prolonged exposure to temperatures which are antibody.
low but greater than freezing. These injuries
• chilblains; Bibliography
• trench foot; Dowd PM 1987 Cold-related disorders. Prog
Dermatol 21: 1.
• immersion injury;
Frank M, Atkinson JP, Gadek J 1977 Cold
• cold urticaria (see Urticaria).
agglutinins and cold agglutinin disease. Annu Rev
Cold intolerance is seen in iron deficiency and Med 28: 291.
in hypothyroidism.

90 Cold agglutinin disease Colitis

Colitis or enterocolitis occurs in a number of
Cold agglutinin disease is produced by a
temperature-sensitive complement-fixing
antibody which occurs in a number of 1. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease
infections. The highest titres occur during (granulomatous colitis) (see Inflammatory bowel
Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections, in which disease.
an IgM antibody is produced to the red blood
2. Ischaemic colitis
cell membrane protein, IAg. Presumably the
antigen is altered by the micro-organism so as to This most commonly affects the distal colon in
become immunogenic. The cold agglutinin titre elderly patients, in whom it presents as blood-
for type O red blood cells shows either a 4-fold stained diarrhoea without mucus. The process
rise or a titre ⬎1:128. The thermal amplitude of may resolve within 48 h (though subsequent
the antibody is usually 30–34°C. stricture may occur), or it may progress very
rapidly to a fatal outcome, often despite surgery.
The antibody production is related to the
severity of illness and is seen in about 60% of
patients with pneumonia due to M. pneumoniae. 3. Antibiotic-associated colitis
Although antibiotics decrease the duration and (pseudomembranous colitis)
severity of infection, they do not clear the
This was originally described after the use of
micro-organism which usually persists for 3–8
clindamycin, though it is now recognized to
weeks. Though the production of antibody is a
follow the use of many different antibiotics.
self-limited process, it usually last therefore for a
It is due to the overgrowth of the toxin-
few weeks.
producing C. difficile following the
suppression by antibiotics of the normal
The clinical consequence of cold agglutinin bowel flora. At least two toxins, A
production is haemolysis. Although there is (enterotoxic) and B (cytotoxic) are
a very high incidence (80%) of produced. The ‘incubation period’ is usually
reticulocytosis and a positive direct Coombs 4–9 days after the commencement of the
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
culprit antibiotic regimen, but it can be as Field M, Rao MC, Chang EB 1989 Intestinal
electrolyte transport and diarrheal disease. N Engl J

Complement deficiency
short as 2 days or as long as 6 weeks.
Med 321: 800, 879.
The condition is most frequent in seriously Johnson S, Clabots CR, Linn FV et al 1990
ill patients and is commonly nosocomial Nosocomial Clostridium difficile colonization and
(when it is not necessarily antibiotic-related). disease. Lancet 336: 97.
Because of this, enteric precautions are Kelly CP, Pothoulakis C, La Mont JT 1994
required in affected hospital patients. Clostridium difficile colitis. N Engl J Med 330:
About 50% of cases have the characteristic Lyerly DM, Krivan HC, Wilkins TD 1988
pseudomembranous changes evident on Clostridium difficile: its disease and toxins. Clin
endoscopy, though only 20% get diarrhoea Microbiol Rev 1: 1.
(often of a variable nature) and only 10% Schlager TA, Guerrant RL 1988 Seven possible
have severe symptoms of blood-stained mechanisms for Escherichia coli diarrhea. Infect Dis
diarrhoea with abdominal pain, fever and Clin North Am 2: 607.
leukocytosis. Young GP, Bayley N, Ward P et al 1986
Antibiotic-associated colitis caused by Clostridium
Toxic megacolon is a rare complication. difficile: relapse and risk factors. Med J Aust 144:
Diagnosis requires the demonstration of
toxin by assay in the faeces, since culture
though sensitive is non-specific, as up to 25% Complement deficiency 91
of hospital patients have been reported to
have positive cultures anyway. The complement system is one of the four
Treatment consists of removing the potentially plasma enzyme cascades and together with
offending antibiotics and giving oral the coagulation, fibrinolysis and kinin
metronidazole, vancomycin or bacitracin for 7–10 systems, it is involved in the bodily responses
days. to injury. In particular, the complement
system provides the major link between the
Relapse is common and is not prevented by process of inflammation and the immune
more prolonged therapy. A fatal outcome is system. It is thus involved not only in host
sometimes seen. resistance to infection, both immunological
and nonspecific, but also in the mechanisms
of tissue injury.
4. Infective enterocolitis (see also Diarrhoea)
This may be due to: The 18 plasma proteins of the complement
• campylobacter; system produce components which kill viruses
• staphylococci; and bacteria and which regulate white cell
• E. coli (0157:H7 strain which can cause chemotaxis and phagocytosis, mediator release,
haemorrhagic diarrhoea). solubilization of immune complexes, smooth
muscle contraction and cell lysis. There is a
5. Irritable bowel syndrome complex nomenclature.
This has sometimes been referred to as mucous
colitis or spastic colitis. Activation occurs via either the classical or
the alternative pathway, each resulting in the
Bibliography cleavage of C3 and the initiation of a common
Blaser MJ, Smith PD, Ravdin JL et al (eds) 1995 terminal sequence which results in the lytic
Infections of the gastrointestinal tract. New York: complex (C5b67 with C8 and C9, i.e.
Raven Press. C5b–9).
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

hypocomplementaemia is associated with, and

• The classical pathway is activated by
Complement deficiency

perhaps related to, some cases of:

immune complexes (containing IgG or
IgM antibody). Deficiencies of this • adult respiratory distress syndrome;
pathway thus predispose to immune • septic shock;
complex disease. • cellular damage from extracorporeal circuits;
• The alternative pathway (or properdin) • haemolysis;
is activated directly by bacteria or other • vasculitis.
cells. Deficiencies of this pathway thus
predispose to bacterial infection.
Colten HR, Rosen FS 1992 Complement
deficiencies. Annu Rev Immunol 10: 809.
As with coagulation, the components of the two Schifferli JA, Ng YC, Peters DK 1986 The role of
pathways undergo a controlled but amplified complement and its receptors in the elimination of
immune complexes. N Engl J Med 315: 488.
cascade of limited proteolysis leading to the
Tomlinson S 1993 Complement defense
production of active fragments, many of which
mechanisms. Curr Opinion Immunol 5: 83.
have biological activity in their own right, most Van de Meer JWM 1994 Defects in host-defense
notably C5a. C5a produces neutrophil mechanisms. In: Rubin RH, Young LS (eds).
chemotaxis, activation and aggregation, a process Clinical Approach to Infections in the
which can occur to excess in some conditions Compromised Host. 3rd edition. New York:
92 and give rise to cell damage, e.g. pulmonary Plenum, p 33.
endothelial cell damage and ARDS.

Like other immune processes both humoral
and cellular and indeed other biological
responses to injury, complement is a classical Conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis may
double-edged sword which, while geared to be:
provide defence against infection, can cause • allergic;
host damage under certain circumstances of • infective;
excessive local or systemic activation. • associated with specific diseases.

Complement deficiency may be inherited or Allergic conjunctivitis is a common condition

acquired. and is the eye equivalent of allergic rhinitis. It is
thus a seasonal, IgE-mediated condition, with
Inherited deficiencies in general predispose to
bilateral redness, swelling and itch.
either immune complex disease (the classical
pathway) or bacterial infection (the alternative The differential diagnosis from herpetic
pathway) There are 15 described abnormalities conjunctivitis is important, because corticosteroids
of complement, 14 associated with disease. are contraindicated in the latter condition. The
other differential diagnoses include infective or
• C1 INH with HAE, i.e. hereditary angioedema,
contact-induced inflammation.
• C1, C4, C2 with autoimmune disease,
especially SLE, Infective conjunctivitis may be caused by
• C3, factor D, control proteins I and H with viruses, bacteria or Chlamydia trachomatis.
bacterial infections,
• The common viruses are adenovirus or
• properdin, C5–9 with neisseria infections.
herpes simplex virus; enterovirus 70, the
Acquired complement deficiency is Newcastle disease virus of poultry, can give a
secondary to overt activation. This form of haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in humans.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• The common bacteria are gonococci, setting is unknown. Nevertheless, Conn’s

Conn’s syndrome
haemophilus, meningococci and syndrome is usually discovered from screening
staphylococci. hypertensive patients who have a borderline or
• Infective conjunctivitis may also occur in low serum potassium level.
systemic infectious diseases, such as measles
The hypokalaemia may be asymptomatic,
and typhus.
though it may be associated with cardiac
Specific diseases associated with conjunctivitis arrhythmias, muscle weakness, insulin-resistant
include several systemic disorders, including: glucose intolerance and polyuria due to a renal
tubular defect. There is also an excessive
• Behçet’s syndrome;
proneness to hypokalaemia following diuretic
• exophthalmos;
• Reiter’s syndrome;
• Stevens–Johnson syndrome; Investigations should be performed with the
• toxic-shock syndrome. patient off any medication containing diuretics,
beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and
In addition, keratoconjunctivitis is a major local
ACE inhibitors.
feature of the sicca syndrome (Sjögren’s
syndrome, q.v.). • There is a high 24-h urinary potassium
excretion (at least 30 mmol despite
Conn’s syndrome • Provided the patient is not hypokalaemic at 93
the time of testing (since hypokalaemia can
Conn’s syndrome comprises hypertension and
suppress aldosterone biosynthesis), there is a
hypokalaemia due to excess adrenal production
high plasma aldosterone level (⬎450
of aldosterone. It is caused by:
pmol/L) and a suppressed plasma renin
• benign unilateral adrenal adenoma (most activity (⬍1 ␮g/L). Autonomous
commonly); aldosterone secretion is demonstrated by
• bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, which is failure of it suppression by sodium loading (2
probably pituitary in origin (less commonly); L os isotonic saline over 4 h),
• adrenal carcinoma (rarely); fludrrocortisone (0.4 mg daily for 3 days) or
• genetic variant (rarely). This is inherited as captopril (25 mg).
an autosomal dominant, in which an • The specific lesion should be localized with
abnormal gene product presumably has CT scanning, adrenal vein sampling if
combined synthetic enzyme activities, so that necessary and occasionally adrenal
excess aldosterone is dependent on ACTH scintigraphy.
and not on angiotensin. This variant
Treatment is with adrenalectomy. Spironolactone
responds paradoxically to corticosteroids;
should be used preoperatively and also for continuing
• liquorice ingestion in excess (⬎0.5 kg per medical treatment of bilateral hyperplasia.
week), since glycyrrhizic acid inhibits the
renal inactivation of aldosterone and is thus Bibliography
salt-retaining (see Liquorice). This condition Blumenfeld JD, Sealey JE, Schlussel Y et al 1994
is sometimes called (pseudo primary Diagnosis and treatment of primary
aldosteronism). hyperaldosteronism. Ann Intern Med 121: 877.
Editorial 1980 Corticosteroids and hypothalamic-
Conn’s syndrome is thus an uncommon cause pituitary-adrenocortical function. Br Med J 280:
of secondary hypertension, but while 813.
aldosterone causes salt and water retention and Gittler RD, Fajans SS 1995 Primary aldosteronism
thus acute hypervolaemic hypertension, the (Conn’s syndrome). J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80:
mechanism for sustained hypertension in this 3438.
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Melby JC 1991 Diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism. the bile. Copper thus accumulates in the tissues,
Conn’s syndrome

Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 20: 247. especially in the liver and brain, giving rise to
Quinn SJ, Williams GH 1988 Regulation of ‘hepatolenticular degeneration’.
aldosterone secretion. Ann Rev Physiol 50: 409.
Clinical manifestations are usually apparent by
early adulthood with:
Copper • hepatosplenomegaly;
• abnormal liver function tests;
Copper (Cu, atomic number 29, atomic weight
• haemolysis;
64) is a red ductile metal. Since it is found free
• neurological deterioration (clumsiness,
in nature, it was used as the first metal substitute
tremor, rigidity, dysarthria and personality
for stone implements from about 8000 BC and
was subsequently combined with tin to form
• pathognomonic Kayser–Fleischer corneal
bronze. It may also be combined with zinc to
rings, which are thin, brown and peripheral.
form brass and with zinc and nickel to form
nickel silver. Since it is a very good conductor Investigations show a low or absent serum
of heat and electricity, its greatest use is in the caeruloplasmin, increased urinary copper and
electrical industry and in alloys. increased hepatic copper.
Copper is chiefly ingested from shellfish or Treatment is with penicillamine (see Chelating
animal organs. Most of the body’s copper agents). This binds copper and enhances its urinary
(100–150 mg) is found in the liver, where it is excretion up to 3-fold. The usual dose is 1 g daily.
attached to copper-binding proteins or present
• Concomitant pyridoxine 50 mg/week is required.
in metalloenzymes. These play a key role in
• If penicillamine is not tolerated, oral zinc or
mitochondrial function, collagen and elastin
tetrathiomolybdate may be used.
cross-linking, and melatonin production. It is
thus an essential trace element.
In plasma, copper is mostly bound to Chelly J, Monaco AP 1993. Cloning the Wilson
caeruloplasmin, and the normal serum copper is disease gene. Nature Genetics 5: 317.
11–24 ␮mol/L. The normal daily requirements Ferenci P. Wilson’s disease. Clin Liver Dis 1998; 2:
are 300–1000 ␮g/day orally and the 31.
Scheinberg IH, Sternlieb I 1965 Wilson’s disease.
recommended iv dose is 5–20 ␮mol/day. These
Annu Rev Med 16: 119.
doses should be increased if there are excessive Schilsky ML 1996 Wilson disease: genetic basis of
gastrointestinal losses and decreased if there is copper toxicity and natural history. Semin Liver
hepatobiliary disease. Dis 16: 83.
The serum copper level is increased by Sternlieb I 1990 Perspectives on Wilson’s disease.
Hepatology 12: 1234.
oestrogens, since they increase caeruloplasmin.
Strickland GT, Leu M 1975 Wilson’s disease –
Increased serum copper is also seen in clinical and laboratory manifestations in 40
lymphoma and Wilson’s disease (see below). patients. Medicine 54: 113.
Copper deficiency is uncommon. It occurs Wilson SAK 1912 Progressive lenticular
primarily with prolonged gastrointestinal losses, degeneration. A familial nervous disease associated
with cirrhosis of the liver. Brain 34: 295.
since it is normally excreted via the bile.
Yarze JC, Martin P, Munoz SJ et al 1992 Wilson’s
Copper deficiency gives rise to anaemia and disease: current status. Am J Med 92: 643.
Wilson’s disease is a rare autosomal recessive
disorder due to a defect on chromosome 13, Costochondritis (see Chest wall
resulting in impaired excretion of copper into disorders)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
CREST syndrome (see Scleroderma) The incubation period has been reported to be

Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
1–3 years in patients with a single definable
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease culprit event, but it is perhaps much longer in
some patients. The patient is infectious during
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJ disease, CJD) is
this time.
an encephalopathy due to infection with a small
transmissible proteinaceous particle called a Clinical features comprise dementia, together
prion. It is the human form of transmissible with myoclonus and pyramidal, extrapyramidal
dementia, generally transmitted in nature by and cerebellar signs. Cerebellar signs are
ingestion of infected animal tissues. It is related dominant in the familial variant referred to as
to the human disease, kuru, and to the animal Gerstmann–Straussler syndrome.
diseases, scrapie and bovine spongiform
The CSF is normal and the CT scan shows
encephalopathy (BSE, ‘mad cow disease’).
cerebral atrophy. The diagnosis can only be
It is still a mystery how a variant of a normal cell made histologically, with the demonstration of
membrane protein without RNA or DNA can spongiform changes (neuronal vacuolation),
be an infectious agent. Moreover, there is no astrocyte proliferation, neuronal loss and
detectable serological response. At all events, amyloid plaques, but no inflammatory response.
insoluble aggregates of prion protein (PrP) Genetic screening for PrP gene variants (and
appear responsible for the plaques and fibrils seen thus susceptibility to exogenous prion infection)
in the brains of infected subjects. Presumably, is now possible.
there has been a mutation in the PrP gene on
There is no effective treatment.
chromosome 20 in non-iatrogenic cases.
The outcome is always fatal, after a clinical
A few cases are familial (about 10%) but most
illness of about 6 months.
are sporadic. Some are iatrogenic (perhaps 200
cases worldwide) and have occurred particularly
in middle-aged patients who have had surgery
The following points are of importance in
(especially neurosurgery) or trauma. It has also
Intensive Care practice.
been reported in patients formerly given the
human pituitary-derived hormones, growth • Special care needs to be taken in handling
hormone for short stature or gonadotrophin for potentially infectious material.
infertility, between 1960 and 1985. It may
– The infectious agent may be present
possibly occur after ingestion of animal brains
widely throughout the body.
(and perhaps other tissues of infected animals),
– Importantly, it is not inactivated by
since ritualistic cannibalism of human brains was
routine techniques used to destroy
the practice which used to lead to kuru.
nucleic acids, viz. boiling, irradiation,
A variant form (nvCJD) was recently reported ethylene oxide, glutaraldehyde,
in a cluster of cases among young patients in the formalin, alcohol or iodine.
UK. It followed the epidemic of BSE which – It is however inactivated by prolonged
commenced in 1986 in that country and has autoclaving or by sodium hydroxide or
been shown to be caused by the same strain of hypochlorite.
transmissible agent as BSE. There is new
• Due to difficulties in diagnosis, the
concern about its potential transmission from
human prion diseases may be more
apparently healthy persons incubating the
common than previously thought.
disease to others via blood, blood products,
organ donation or instrumentation, though – Moreover, most body tissues and fluids
there is no epidemiological evidence that this may be infectious for prolonged
has so far occurred. periods.
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

– This has adverse implications for blood, Will RG, Ironside JW, Zeidler M et al 1996 A new
variant of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in the UK.
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease

tissue and organ donation and

transplantation. Lancet 347: 921.
Wilson K, Code C, Ricketts MN 2000 Risk of
acquiring Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease from blood
Bibliography transfusions. Br Med J 321: 17.
Andrews NJ, Farrington CP, Cousens SN et al 2000
Incidence of variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in
the UK. Lancet 356: 481. Cricoarytenoid arthritis
Brown P, Cervenakova L, Goldfarb LG et al 1994
Iatrogenic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease: an example The cricoarytenoid joints may be affected in
of the interplay between ancient genes and rheumatoid arthritis, as may the
modern medicine. Neurology 44: 291. temporomandibular joints. The condition is
Brown P, Will RG, Bradley R et al 2001 Bovine often mild and asymptomatic.
spongiform encephalopathy and variant
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease: background, evolution
and current concerns. Emerg Infect Dis 7: 1. Cricoarytenoid arthritis, if severe, is one of
Bruce ME, Will RG, Ironside JW et al 1997 the causes of upper airway obstruction and
Transmissions of mice indicate that ‘new variant’ can thus be especially relevant in Intensive
CJD is caused by the BSE agent. Nature 389: Care.
96 Collins S, Masters CL 1996 Iatrogenic and zoonotic • Acutely,
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Med J Aust 164: 598. – there is stridor, hoarseness and
DeArmond SJ 1993 Overview of the transmissible dysphagia,
spongiform encephalopathies: prion protein
– sometimes, there is pain radiating to the
disorders. Br Med Bull 49: 725.
Edney ATB 1996 Spongiform encephalopathies: still
many unanswered questions. J Roy Soc Med 89: – the larynx is tender, and the arytenoids
423. are red and swollen at laryngoscopy.
Holman RC, Khan AS, Belay ED et al 1996
• Chronically,
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in the United States,
1979–1994: using national mortality data to assess – there may also be stridor or hoarseness
the possible occurrence of variant cases. Emerg due to ankylosis of these joints.
Infect Dis 2: 4.
Masters CL 2001 The emerging European epidemic
of variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and bovine Bibliography
spongiform encephalopathy. Med J Aust 174: 160. Montgomery WW 1963 Cricoarytenoid arthritis.
Mitchell AR 1996 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Lancet Laryngoscope 73: 801.
347: 1704.
Parchi P, Castellani R, Capellari S et al 1996
Molecular basis of phenotypic variability in
sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Ann Neurol Critical illness myopathy (see
39: 767. Myopathy)
Pattison J 1998 The emergence of bovine spongiform
encephalopathy and related diseases. Emerg Infect
Dis 4: 3. Critical illness polyneuropathy
Prusiner SB 1991 Molecular biology of prion disease.
(see Neuropathy)
Science 252: 1515.
Prusiner SB, Hsiao KK 1994 Human prion diseases.
Ann Neurol 35: 385.
Will RG 1994 Gene influence on Creutzfeldt–Jakob Crohn’s disease (see Inflammatory
disease. Lancet 344: 1310. bowel disease)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Cryoglobulinaemia (see Multiple only if the involvement is extensive or the patient is

Cushing’s syndrome
myeloma) immunocompromised.
• Treatment is with amphotericin B to a total of
2–3 g over 6 weeks. If renal function and bone
Cryptococcosis marrow function are normal, the addition of
Cryptococcosis (torulosis) is a systemic disease flucytosine 10 g daily in divided doses permits a
caused by the yeast-like organism, C. lower dose of amphotericin and results in fewer
neoformans. The organism is found worldwide, failures.
usually in avian excreta, especially from pigeons. • If pulmonary resection is to be performed,
Exposure to inhaled particles, and thus fluconazole should be used to prevent associated
asymptomatic infection, is probably very meningitis, for which there is a 5% risk.
common, with clinical infection occurring
The mortality of cryptococcal meningitis is
mostly from either massive exposure or in
always 100% without treatment, but it is
compromised hosts, especially those with
reduced to about 40% with treatment.
impaired cell-mediated immunity. The
pathogenesis is probably similar to that of
tuberculosis or other mycoses, and the Cushing’s syndrome
pulmonary effects are chiefly due to a mass
Cushing’s syndrome refers to adrenal cortical
rather than to the virulence of the micro-
organism. 97

Perhaps up to a third of documented cases and

Cushing’s syndrome is caused by:
presumably a higher proportion of total cases
are asymptomatic, despite even extensive X-ray • excess adrenal stimulation;
changes. In the others, there are chest symptoms • intrinsic adrenal overactivity;
which are chronic and rarely progressive. • iatrogenic administration of
Occasionally, there may be dissemination to the corticosteroids in pharmacological doses.
meninges in compromised hosts. Chronic
meningitis or the symptoms of a space-
1. Excess adrenal stimulation arises from
occupying lesion then become apparent.
excess ACTH, which may be secreted either by
Dissemination elsewhere in the body may also
the pituitary (Cushing’s disease) or ectopically.
occur, particularly to the skin where ulcerated
papules may occur. • Excess pituitary secretion of ACTH causes
bilateral adrenal hyperplasia and is responsible
The diagnosis is made by demonstrating the
for two thirds of the cases of Cushing’s
presence of the organism or its antigen in blood
syndrome. The original pituitary cause is
or CSF. The demonstration of the organism in
often unclear because, although there is
sputum is non-specific. The CSF in cases of
sometimes an adenoma, some cases are
meningitis additionally shows a positive India
postulated to be due to excess hypothalamic
ink stain in 50% of cases and increased pressure,
secretion of CRH, causing in turn a
lymphocytes and protein, and decreased
hyperplastic response in the pituitary.
glucose. Biopsy of appropriate material is also
diagnostic. Chest X-ray typically shows a mass • Ectopic production of ACTH is either from
with or without cavitation, sometimes multiple a carcinoma (lung, pancreas, kidney, thymus)
and occasionally diffuse. Hilar lymphadenopathy or a carcinoid tumour (which can also
is sometimes seen, as is pleural effusion. secrete CRH).
Treatment is required for extrapulmonary disease in 2. Intrinsic adrenal overactivity may be due
all cases. For pulmonary disease, treatment is required to neoplasia or hyperplasia.
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• Adrenal adenomas usually secrete cortisol The most usual screening test is the
Cushing’s syndrome

only, whereas the uncommon carcinomas if dexamethasone suppression test, in which

secretory usually release androgens as well. following dexamethasone 1 mg orally at
• Bilateral non-ACTH-dependent hyperplasia midnight, the serum cortisol level at 9 am is
is an unusual entity with several forms, ⬎140 nmol/L. Apart from Cushing’s syndrome,
namely macronodular (probably originally the level may also be increased (i.e. fail to be
pituitary in origin but with nodular suppressed to the normal level by
autonomy later developing), micronodular dexamethasone 1 mg) in association with stress,
(occasionally familial, thought by some to be alcohol, oestrogens, depression or Intensive
due to autoantibodies to ACTH receptors) Care. A 24 h basal urinary free cortisol should
and a food-dependent form (in which also be measured (normal ⬍200 nmol). If both
adrenal cells inappropriately express gastric tests are normal, no further testing is required.
inhibitory peptide, GIP, which stimulates
Abnormal screening tests have traditionally been
cortisol release).
confirmed with a two-day low-dose
3. The iatrogenic causes of Cushing’s dexamethasone suppression test, which if
syndrome are well recognized, but these overt normal excludes Cushing’s syndrome but if still
changes are much less common than the abnormal should be followed by a two-day
subclinical effects of the invariable high-dose dexamethasone suppression test.
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal suppression More recently, abnormal screening tests have
98 which is seen in all patients receiving such doses been followed by a high-dose dexamethasone (8
of corticosteroids. This is clearly an important mg) suppression test, with the ACTH level
phenomenon in the seriously ill (see Adrenal measured before and after.
insufficiency). • If the ACTH level is low (⬍2 pmol/L), the
The clinical features of Cushing’s syndrome Cushing’s syndrome is of adrenal origin.
include facial plethora, skin fragility with easy • If the ACTH level is normal or more usually
bruising and poor wound healing, and high–normal (10–20 pmol/L) and
susceptibility to infections. Diabetes, suppressed, the Cushing’s syndrome is of
hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis, depression, pituitary origin.
amenorrhoea, hirsutism, cataracts, glaucoma, • If the ACTH level is high (⬎20 pmol/L)
pancreatitis, oedema, renal calculi, benign and not suppressed, the Cushing’s syndrome
intracranial hypertension and hypokalaemia may is of ectopic origin. However, the plasma
also occur. Proximal myopathy is also seen and ACTH level may be normal even if there is
together with osteoporosis and skin fragility ACTH dependence, since ACTH precursor
represent catabolic changes. or fragments may be responsible, especially
in ectopic production.
As is well known, many of the clinical features
Following biochemical confirmation of
of Cushing’s syndrome, such as diabetes,
Cushing’s syndrome, the primary site should be
hypertension, obesity and hirsutism, are
localized by CT scanning or MRI.
common in a variety of other settings (e.g.
alcoholism). Treatment is primarily surgical.

• Pituitary tumours are removed by trans-sphenoidal

An explosive onset of hypokalaemic alkalosis, adenomectomy, which for small tumours has a
pigmentation and severe weakness may result 90% cure rate, though there is a small risk of
from ectopic ACTH produced by a small postoperative diabetes insipidus or meningitis.
cell lung carcinoma. • Primary adrenal disorders require unilateral or
bilateral adrenalectomy, depending on the nature
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
of the pathology. In the presence of excess pituitary Concentrations as low as 200 parts per million

ACTH, bilateral adrenalectomy carries a for 30 min or ingestion of 300 mg of salt or 100
10–40% postoperative risk of Nelson’s syndrome mg of HCN are usually fatal.
(markedly increased skin pigmentation and
The onset of poisoning is very rapid and
pituitary chromophobe tumour with visual defects),
requires prompt treatment. In non-fatal cases,
though this complication can be prevented by
complete recovery is the rule even without
postoperative pituitary irradiation.
treatment, because of natural detoxification by
• After even limited pituitary or adrenal surgery, hepatic rhodanase with the production of non-
endocrine function may take up to two years to
toxic sulfocyanides.
recover, during which time replacement therapy is
required. Since the circumstances of potential exposure
are usually apparent, acute poisoning can
Bibliography generally be clinically suspected well before its
Aron DC, Findling JW, Tyrrell JB 1987 Cushing’s biochemical confirmation. Clinical features
disease. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 16: include neurological dysfunction with impaired
consciousness, headache, dizziness, agitation,
Bertagna X 1992 New causes of Cushing’s syndrome.
N Engl J Med 327: 1024.
confusion and fits, and systemic signs with
Editorial 1980 Corticosteroids and tachycardia and tachypnoea.
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical function. Treatment is with 100% oxygen, mechanical
Br Med J 280: 813. ventilation and an appropriate antidote. 99
Jeffcoate WJ 1988 Treating Cushing’s disease. Br
Med J 296: 227. • Antidotes include nitrites (amyl nitrite by
Kaye TB, Crapo L 1990 The Cushing syndrome: an inhalation, sodium nitrite by iv injection of 5
update on diagnostic tests. Ann Intern Med 112: mg/kg over 3 min), sodium thiosulfate (50 mL of
434. 25% solution iv) or a cobalt-containing
Odell WD 1991 Ectopic ACTH secretion: a compound, such as cobalt edetate (Kelocyanor) or
misnomer. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 20:
hydroxycobalamin. These latter agents are the
antidotes of choice and are given in a dose of 10.5
mg/kg and 70 mg/kg, respectively. The usual
Cyanide pharmaceutical preparation, cobalt edetate, can
cause vomiting and hypotension.
A cyanide is a compound containing the
monovalent group, CN. Inorganic salts derived
from hydrocyanic acid (such as sodium cyanide) In Intensive Care practice, the potential
are very toxic. Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) itself cyanide toxicity of sodium nitroprusside
is a very volatile liquid. Organic cyanides are (SNP) is not widely appreciated. This
called nitriles and include acrylonitrile, which is toxicity occurs because SNP contains 44%
used in the manufacture of plastics. In nature, cyanide which is degraded to thiocyanate in
cyanide is found in the pit of the wild cherry. the liver, from where it is excreted in the
urine. Toxicity is related to both the total
dose and the rate of administration.
Cyanide poisoning occurs traditionally from Neurological damage, including neuropathy,
suicidal, accidental or homicidal ingestion, or encephalopathy, coma and focal signs may
from occupational exposure, though it may occur and can be irreversible. Unexplained
also occur from smoke inhalation (see Burns, cardiac arrest or death may occur.
respiratory complications) and more recently
it has been observed after prolonged use of The greatest incidence is after open-heart
sodium nitroprusside. surgery, where it has been estimated that
perhaps 1000 deaths per year may occur
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

from SNP in the USA, though this number mucus plugging and secondary infection,

should be put in context of the large total especially due to S. aureus and P. aeruginosa.
usage of SNP of about 500000 patient-days Although bronchiectasis, atelectasis and fibrosis
per year in that country. are produced, the lesions rarely cavitate.
This is a difficult subject to clarify, as most
cases are probably unrecognized because of Clinical features of cystic fibrosis are usually
difficulties in measurement. Thus, increased present from childhood, though some
levels of thiocyanate and even cyanide variants first appear in adult life.
usually occur as late phenomena, as does
metabolic (lactic) acidosis. • There is progressive, chronic airways
– with cough, sputum, dyspnoea and
Bibliography wheeze.
Curry SC, Arnold-Capell P 1991 Nitroprusside,
nitroglycerin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme • Physical examination shows cyanosis,
inhibitors. Crit Care Clin 7: 555. clubbing and hyperinflation.
Freeman AG 1988 Optic neuropathy and chronic • Haemoptysis and pneumothorax are
cyanide intoxication: a review. J R Soc Med 81: common early complications.
103. • Cor pulmonale frequently occurs
Kulig K 1991 Cyanide antidotes and fire toxicology. subsequently.
N Engl J Med 325: 1801.
Robin ED, McCauley R 1992 Nitroprusside-related
• Extrapulmonary manifestations include:
cyanide poisoning. Chest 102: 1842. – pancreatic insufficiency;
Vick JA, Froehlich H 1991 Treatment of cyanide – recurrent bowel obstruction;
poisoning. Milit Med 156: 330. – hepatic cirrhosis;
Zerbe NF, Wagner BK 1993 Use of vitamin B12 in – aspermia.
the treatment and prevention of nitroprusside-
induced cyanide toxicity. Crit Care Med 21: 465.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of increased
sodium and chloride levels in sweat, as follows:
Cystic fibrosis
• chloride ⬎60 mmol/L is found in all patients
Cystic fibrosis is a common genetic disorder
and is diagnostic if the patient is ⬍20 y,
transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. The
abnormal gene is on the long arm of • chloride ⬎80 mmol/L is not seen in any
other condition and is diagnostic if the
chromosome 7, a region which codes for a
patient is ⬎20 y.
1480 amino acid protein (‘CF transmembrane
regulator’, CFTR). Over 700 CFTR mutations Treatment is with physiotherapy (postural drainage
have now been described. In about 70% of and breathing exercises), nebulized mist therapy,
patients with cystic fibrosis, amino acid no. 508 bronchodilators and intensive antibiotic therapy.
on this protein is missing. The resultant protein
is abnormal in that it cannot glycosylated, so • Pancreatic enzyme replacement is required, as is
adequate salt and water balance and protection
that it is retained in the Golgi apparatus rather
from proneness to heat exhaustion.
than being transferred to the cell membrane.
• Inhaled amiloride has been reported to be helpful,
The cell membrane then has an increased sodium as it blocks membrane sodium channels.
absorption and decreased chloride transfer, with • DNase (dornase alpha) has recently been found to
the result that exocrine gland secretions are reduce the incidence of chest infections in cystic
abnormally viscid. Consequently, there is fibrosis but at great cost and thus uncertain cost-
impaired clearance of respiratory secretions, with effectiveness.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• Lung transplantation has been available in some Wallis G 1997 Diagnosing cystic fibrosis: blood,
sweat, and tears. Arch Dis Child 76: 85.

centres since the 1980s for advanced cases.
• Future prospects clearly include gene therapy. Welsh MJ, Smith AE 1995 Cystic fibrosis. Sci Amer
273: 36.
With recent improvements in treatment, Yankaskas JR, Mallory GB 1998 Lung
patients with cystic fibrosis generally now transplantation in cystic fibrosis: consensus
survive into adulthood, the median life conference statement. Chest 113: 217.
expectancy at birth now being about 40 y.

Brock DJH 1996 Prenatal screening for cystic
fibrosis. Lancet 347: 148. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous DNA
Davidson DJ, Porteous DJ 1998 The genetics of virus and one of the 7 human herpesviruses. It
cystic fibrosis lung disease. Thorax 53: 389. is present in many bodily fluids and is
Elborn JS, Shale DJ, Britton JR 1991 Cystic fibrosis: transmitted from person to person across the
current survival and population estimates to the
placenta, in breast milk, in child care centres,
year 2000. Thorax 46: 881.
Frizzell RA 1995 Functions of the cystic fibrosis
from communal living, from close personal
transmembrane conductance regulator protein. Am contact, in blood transfusion and in
J Respir Crit Care Med 151: S54. transplanted organs.
Fuchs HJ, Borowitz DS, Christiansen DH et al 1994 Following initial infection, the virus is carried
Effect of recombinant human DNase on 101
for life in many different cells in many different
exacerbations of respiratory symptoms and on
pulmonary function in patients with cystic fibrosis.
organs. It remains dormant until reactivation
N Engl J Med 331: 637. and replication during periods of
Hilman BC 1997 Genetic and immunologic aspects immunocompromise, especially during T cell
of cystic fibrosis. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol dysfunction.
79: 379.
CMV causes the following disease states.
Knowles MR, Church NL, Waltner WE et al 1990
A pilot study of aerosolized amiloride for the • Mononucleosis may be produced at any age
treatment of lung disease in cystic fibrosis. N Engl but especially in young adults. It is similar to
J Med 322: 1189. that produced by EBV infection, except that
Orenstein DM 1985 Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. there is no heterophile antibody.
Semin Respir Med 6: 252.
Robinson M, Regnis JA, Bailey DL et al 1996 Effect
• It is the most common viral pathogen in
of hypertonic saline, amiloride, and cough on
patients after organ transplantation, especially
mucociliary clearance in patients with cystic bone marrow transplantation. After 1–4
fibrosis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 153: 1503. months, there is fever, neutropenia,
Rosenstein BJ, Zeitlin PL 1998 Cystic fibrosis. pneumonitis and occasionally disseminated
Lancet 351: 277. disease.
Rubin BK 1999 Emerging therapies for cystic fibrosis • It is the most frequent and important
lung disease. Chest 115: 1120. pathogen in patients with AIDS. CMV and
Sawyer SM, Robertson CF, Bowes G 1997 Cystic HIV potentiate each other’s replication.
fibrosis: a changing clinical perspective. Aust NZ J Disseminated disease may include
Med 27: 6. pneumonitis, gastrointestinal ulceration,
The Cystic Fibrosis Genotype-Phenotype
encephalitis, polyradiculopathy and retinitis.
Consortium 1993 Correlation between genotype
and phenotype in patients with cystic fibrosis. N Diagnosis requires viral identification by
Engl J Med 329: 1308. isolation or PCR.
Tsui L-C 1995 The cystic fibrosis transmembrane
conductance regulator gene. Am J Respir Crit Treatment is with ganciclovir iv (q.v.) or more
Care Med 151: S47. recently with foscarnet. Oral ganciclovir may be used
C Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

for prophylaxis or suppression in seropositive Jacobson MA, Mills J 1988 Serious cytomegalovirus

transplant recipients. disease in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

(AIDS): clinical findings, diagnosis, and treatment.
The mortality is up to 90% in CMV Ann Intern Med 108: 585.
pneumonitis. Merigan TC, Renlund DG, Keay S et al 1992 A
controlled trial of ganciclovir to prevent
Bibliography cytomegalovirus disease after heart transplantation.
Goodgame, RW 1993 Gastrointestinal N Engl J Med 326: 1182.
cytomegalovirus disease. Ann Intern Med 119:

Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Dantrolene (see Amphetamines, Heat – especially those associated with sleep

stroke, Malignant hyperthermia, Neuroleptic deprivation, and conflicting, overloaded
or deprived sensory input.
malignant syndrome and Rhabdomyolysis)

Decompression sickness (see

Dementia describes chronic cerebral
dysfunction and is manifest by disturbed
• orientation,
Delirium describes acute cerebral dysfunction • expression,
(‘acute brain syndrome’) and is manifest by • memory.
There is usually no disturbance of
• consciousness, consciousness, perception, attention span or
• orientation, motor activity, and no associated organic illness.
• expression, Dementia may of course occur in association
• perception, with delirium or with psychiatric illness.
• attention span,
• memory,
Most such patients have either Alzheimer’s
• motor activity.
disease or multi-infarct dementia.
It has a rapid onset. It usually lasts only hours to Many other conditions (some treatable) may
days, during which time it may fluctuate in also cause dementia, including:
severity, being typically worse at night and
improving even as far as lucidity during the day. • myxoedema;
• thiamine deficiency;
• syphilis;
Delirium is due to a specific organic • aluminium toxicity;
problem. Most typically, this is a systemic • quinidine;
infection. • Whipple’s disease;
• occult hydrocephalus;
The cause can also be:
• cerebral tumour.
• cardiac failure;
• liver disease; Ten per cent of the population over the age of
• metabolic disorders; 65 y and 20% over 80 y develop some degree of
• renal disease; dementia. Genetic testing for Alzheimer’s
• CNS disease disease, especially for the apolipoprotein E gene
– cerebrovascular, infection, trauma; (APOE) as a risk factor, is clinically and
ethically controversial.
• the postoperative state.
The centrally acting anticholinesterase, THA, was
It is also commonly seen
thought to provide therapeutic benefit in Alzheimer’s
• after drug withdrawal disease, but this benefit was not confirmed in
subsequent studies. However, more recently another
– especially alcohol but also other
cholinesterase inhibitor, donezepil, has been licensed
for the symptomatic relief of Alzheimer’s dementia on
• in adverse environmental conditions the basis of more convincing trial evidence.
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bibliography identified patient, though originally it was


Arie T 1983 Pseudodementia. Br Med J 286: 1301. thought to be due to the monkey virus SV40.
Bryson HM, Benfield P 1997 Donepezil. Drugs &
Aging 10: 234.
Guttman R, Seleski M (eds) 1999 Diagnosis, It is usually associated with systemic
Management and Treatment of Dementia. immunological disorders, such as:
Chicago: American Medical Association.
Katzman R 1986 Alzheimer’s disease. N Engl J Med • AIDS;
314: 964. • chronic granulomatous disease;
Mayeux, Saunders AM, Shea S et al 1998 Utility of • lymphoma;
the apolipoprotein E genotype in the diagnosis of • myeloproliferative disorders.
Alzheimer’s disease. N Engl J Med 338: 506.
Morantz RA, Walsh JW (eds) 1994 Brain Tumors.
New York: Marcel Dekker.
Clinical features include mental, visual and
Panegyres PK, Goldblatt J, Walpole I et al 2000 motor dysfunction.
Genetic testing for Alzheimer’s disease. Med J Aust The virus may be detected in peripheral blood
172: 339. lymphocytes, though its identification in brain
Saunders AM, Hulette C, Welsh-Bohmer KA et al
biopsy is diagnostic. Viral identification in CSF
1996 Specificity, sensitivity, and predictive value
of apolipoprotein-E genotyping for sporadic
by PCR may obviate the need for biopsy. The
Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet 348: 90. most useful imaging is with MRI.
104 Shah A, Royston MC 1997 Donezepil for dementia. There is no effective therapy.
J R Soc Med 90: 531.
Smith JS, Kiloh LG 1981 The investigation of The mortality is 80% within 1 y, with an average
dementia. Lancet 1: 824. survival of only 4 months in patients with AIDS.
Wells CE (ed) 1977 Dementia. Philadelphia: Davis.
4. Transverse myelitis
This refers to the acute onset of motor and
Demyelinating diseases sensory impairment of the legs with
hyporeflexia. There is associated bladder
Demyelinating diseases are seen in several dysfunction, and the process may extend up to
forms. the chest or even neck.
1. Multiple sclerosis (q.v.) The aetiology is unknown, though some cases
2. Post-infectious disseminated are post-viral. If associated with bilateral optic
encephalomyelitis neuritis, the condition is called Devic’s disease.
Usually, the condition is an initial manifestation
This is a serious though fortunately rare of multiple sclerosis, but occasionally it occurs
complication of acute exanthematous viral in patients with already known multiple
infection (especially measles) or vaccination. It is sclerosis. It is sometimes associated with SLE.
associated with:

• stupor; The differential diagnosis includes:

• fits;
• Guillain–Barré syndrome;
• focal neurological signs.
• spinal cord infarction or compression.
3. Progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy (PML)
The CSF typically contains lymphocytes. MRI
This is an uncommon opportunistic infection of of the brain and spinal cord is useful in
oligodendroglia due to a polyoma virus of the diagnosis. The outlook is usually one of
papovavirus family, called JC virus after the first permanent neurological damage.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography • various other infections, such as

Brooks BR, Walker DL 1984 Progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy. Neurol Clin 2: 299. – viral haemorrhagic fever;
Tippett DS, Fishman PS, Panitch HS 1991 Relapsing – severe malaria;
transverse myelitis. Neurology 41: 703. – yellow fever;
– rickettsial disease;
– toxic shock syndrome;
• non-infectious conditions, such as
Dengue is produced by a group B arborvirus,
– drug-induced Stevens–Johnson syndrome.
indistinguishable in appearance from the Yellow
Fever virus. It is caused by one of four related Treatment is symptomatic with analgesics, fluids
but antigenically distinct serotypes within the and electrolytes. Clearly, avoidance of mosquito
genus flavovirus. It is transmitted by Aedes exposure is an important prophylactic measure. There
aegypti mosquitoes and is endemic in many is as yet no publically available vaccine.
tropical regions of Asia, the Pacific, Central
America and West Africa, with epidemics after
severe rainy seasons. The first epidemics were
Gubler DJ, Clark GG 1995 Dengue/dengue
reported in 1779, and a global pandemic began hemorrhagic fever: the emergence of a global
after World War II, particularly in South East health problem. Emerg Infect Dis 1: 2.
Asia. In temperate countries, it is seen only in
travellers. Nowadays, it is primarily an urban
disease of the tropics, with humans as the
primary reservoir. It is the second most Dermatitis
important tropical infection after malaria. Two Dermatitis is a very general term encompassing
forms of illness are seen. a number of more specific entities.
• Dengue fever (DF) is a mild to moderate 1. Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema) is well
non-fatal illness which follows an incubation known.
period of 5–7 days. There is fever, severe
headache, myalgia, backache, bone pain, facial It may have a complication called Kaposi’s
flush and profound weakness. A morbilliform varicelliform eruption due to dissemination of
rash involves the trunk and extremities and HSV or VZV infection.
may desquamate. Neutropenia is typical. The Treatment of severe refractory disease includes several
illness subsides in 5–7 days, but it may be options. Both immunosuppression with a variety of
followed by prolonged asthenia. agents and traditional Chinese medicinal herbs have
• Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a been reported to be helpful.
much more serious condition, usually
confined to South East Asia and only 2. Contact dermatitis may be due to allergy,
1/200th as common as DF. It is additionally irritation or photosensitization.
associated with thrombocytopenia,
The allergic form may be striking and is referred
petechiae, multiple haemorrhages and shock.
to as acute, allergic, eczematous, contact
The platelet count is ⬍100⫻109/L and there
dermatitis (AECD). It encompasses the entity,
is haemoconcentration. It is possible that this
dermatitis medicamentosa, which is
form of illness may arise from a more
produced by a variety of drugs, including
virulent strain of organism.
transdermal patches, as well as preservatives and
The diagnosis is made from serology or viral cosmetics. Photosensitization is also often drug-
isolation. The differential diagnosis, particularly induced, especially with tetracyclines and
in the returned traveller with shock, includes: thiazides.
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

3. Exfoliative dermatitis (q.v.). admission to an Intensive Care Unit. However,


their frequency in the population means that

4. Dermatitis herpetiformis.
many seriously ill patients have a concomitant
5. Seborrhoeic dermatitis. skin disorder. Moreover, the skin is an
important target organ for a variety of
6. Stasis dermatitis, associated with
complications of serious illnesses, especially drug
pigmentation and due to venous hypertension
reactions. Yet dermatological problems retain
and varicose veins.
perhaps a greater air of mystery for the non-
specialist than almost any other organ–system
disorder. In Intensive Care, the most important
Fisher AA 1986 Contact dermatitis. 3rd edition.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. differential diagnoses are probably exfoliative
Hanifin JM 1991 Atopic dermatitis: new therapeutic dermatitis, skin necrosis and urticaria. Many
considerations. J Am Acad Dermatol 24: 1097. other less common dermatological conditions
Katz SI, Hall RP, Lawley TJ et al 1980 Dermatitis may sometimes be encountered and those
herpetiformis: the skin and the gut. Ann Intern considered in this book include:
Med 93: 857.
LeBrec H, Bachot N, Gaspard I et al 1999 • alopecia;
Mechanisms of drug-induced allergic contact • blisters;
dermatitis. Cell Biol Toxicol 15: 57. • cellulitis;
Nicolis GD, Helwig EB 1973 Exfoliative dermatitis: • conjunctivitis;
106 a clinicopathologic study of 135 cases. Arch • dermatitis;
Dermatol 108: 788. • ecthyma;
• epidermolysis bullosa;
• erysipelas;
• erythema marginatum;
The care of skin disorders is mostly undertaken • erythema multiforme;
in the ambulatory setting, and it is rare for a • erythema nodosum;
dermatological condition to be the cause of an • flushing;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• folliculitis; Desmopressin

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is important in
• leukocytoclastic vasculitis;
controlling water conservation in terrestrial
• livedo reticularis;
species. However, it also acts at sites other than
• nail abnormalities;
the kidney, and it is thus additionally a
• palmar erythema;
vasopressor (hence the name, vasopressin), a
• pemphigus;
neurotransmitter and an oxytocic, and it can
• pigmentation disorders;
release clotting factors from endothelial cells.
• psoriasis;
Natural vasopressin is a nonapeptide, 8-arginine
• pyoderma gangrenosum;
vasopressin in humans. Vasopressin is also
• Raynaud’s phenomenon/disease;
referred to as oxytocin.
• scalded skin syndrome;
• skin signs of internal malignant disease; Desmopressin (1-desamino-8-D-arginine
• toxic erythemas; vasopressin, DDAVP) is a synthetic analogue of
• vesiculobullous diseases. vasopressin. It has an antidiuretic to pressor ratio
of about 3000:1, compared with the usual 1:1
Bibliography ratio for vasopressin. It has only minor oxytocic
Badia M, Trujillano J, Gasco E et al 1999 Skin lesions effects.
in the ICU. Intens Care Med 25: 1271.
Champion RH 1984 Generalised pruritus. Br Med J Desmopressin is the agent of choice for 107
289: 751.
therapeutic use in this group. It has three
Denman ST 1986 A review of pruritus. J Am Acad
main uses.
Dermatol 14: 375.
Dowd PM 1987 Cold-related disorders. Prog • Antidiuretic agent
Dermatol 21: 1.
Fitzpatrick TB, Eisen AZ, Wolff K et al (eds) 1979 This effect is exerted in the kidney by
Dermatology in General Medicine. New York: decreasing water reabsorption in the
McGraw-Hill. collecting tubule. The chief such use is in
Fitzpatrick TB, Johnson RA, Wolff K et al 1997 diabetes insipidus. This antidiuretic effect is
Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology. inhibited by glibenclamide.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Fox BJ, Odom RB 1985 Papulosquamous diseases: a • Haemostatic agent
review. J Am Acad Dermatol 12: 597.
In bleeding disorders associated with a
Kvedar JC, Gibson M, Krusinski PA 1985 Hirsutism:
platelet function defect (including von
evaluation and treatment. J Am Acad Dermatol 12:
215. Willebrand’s disease, haemophilia, renal
Peter RU 1998 Cutaneous manifestations in disease, aspirin use), desmopressin increases
intensive care patients. Intens Care Med 24: 997. factor VIII levels and decreases bleeding
Roujeau JC, Stern RS 1994 Severe adverse time. It has been shown to decrease blood
cutaneous reactions to drugs. N Engl J Med 10: loss after cardiac surgery.
Sehgal VN, Gangwani OP 1987 Fixed drug • Splanchnic vasoconstrictor
eruption: current concepts. Int J Dermatol 26: 67. In portal hypertension with bleeding varices,
it decreases portal blood pressure and so
assists in controlling haemorrhage.
Dermatomyositis (see Polymyositis)
Desmopressin has a half-life of 8–80 min. It is
given either intravenously or intranasally. As an
Desferrioxamine (see Chelating agents) antidiuretic in diabetes insipidus, it is given in a
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

dose of 1–4 ␮g iv. In bleeding, it is given in a • postoperative


dose of 20 ␮g (i.e. 0.3 ␮g/kg) diluted in 50 mL – irritation;

and given over 30 min. This dose may be
repeated in 6–12 h if necessary. If used • spasmodic disorders
prophylactically for anticipated bleeding, it – hiccup, tonic spasm, flutter;
should be given 30 min before the planned
procedure. • trauma;
• tumour.
Overhydration, with water intoxication and
hyponatraemia, may occur with excess use. Bibliography
Markand ON, Moorthy SS, Mahomed Y et al 1985
Bibliography Postoperative phrenic nerve palsy in patients with
Cattaneo M, Harris AS, Stromberg U, Mannucci PM open-heart surgery. Ann Thorac Surg 39: 68.
1995 The effect of desmopressin on reducing Riley EA 1962 Idiopathic diaphragmatic paralysis.
blood loss in cardiac surgery – a meta-analysis of Am J Med 32: 404.
double-blind placebo-controlled trials. Thromb
Haemost 74: 1064.
Fogel MR, Knauer CM, Andres LL et al 1982 Diarrhoea
Continuous intravenous vasopressin in active
upper gastrointestinal bleeding: a placebo- Diarrhoea is a common condition, but it is worth
108 controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 96: 565. having a classification, as it includes some
Mannucci PM 1988 Desmopressin: a uncommon causes. It should be remembered,
nontransfusional form of treatment for congenital however, that in about 50% of cases of chronic
and acquired bleeding disorders. Blood 72: 1449. diarrhoea, no diagnosis is made. Acute diarrhoeal
Richardson DW, Robinson AG 1985 Desmopressin. illnesses are even more elusive, as they are usually
Ann Intern Med 103: 228. brief (up to 1–2 days), self-limited, caused by
agents not detected by routine laboratory tests and
not amenable in any event to specific therapy.
Diaphragm The presence of diarrhoea may be diagnosed on
several different criteria related to the frequency,
Diaphragmatic disorders include:
volume or fluidity of stools, but is commonly
• congenital conditions quantified as a stool output ⬎200 g per day.
– hernia, eventration (commonly congenital A practical subdivision of diarrhoea is into:
and usually left-sided);
• large stools, which are usually of small bowel
• inflammation origin;
– subdiaphragmatic abscess, trichiniasis; • small stools, which are usually of large bowel
origin and associated with inflammation (and
• paralysis; thus blood, mucus and tenesmus).
• neuromuscular disorders
– bilateral phrenic nerve injury (neuropathy, Diarrhoea is commonly classified on an
surgery, trauma); aetiological basis into 5 groups, namely:
– unilateral paralysis (commonly • osmotic;
asymptomatic, due to damage to a phrenic • secretory;
nerve from aneurysm, cardioplegia, • exudative;
lymphadenopathy, malignancy, • due to rapid transit time;
neuropathy, surgery or trauma, or to direct • due to drugs.
damage to a hemidiaphragm);
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
1. Osmotic diarrhoea • irritative fatty acids

This is caused by: – e.g. non-absorbable fatty acid laxatives
such as castor oil or in malabsorption or
• magnesium-, phosphate- or sulfate- bacterial overgrowth;
containing medications
• bile acids
– i.e. antacids or laxatives;
– following ileal resection;
• carbohydrate malabsorption
• hormone-producing tumours
– e.g. lactose and sucrose in disaccharidase or
– These include carcinoid, gastrinoma, and
lactase deficiency (q.v.);
vasoactive intestinal peptide tumour
• mannitol or sorbitol (VIPoma) of pancreas. VIPoma may give
‘pancreatic cholera’, i.e. watery diarrhoea,
– i.e. sugar alcohols; hypokalaemia and alkalosis (the WDHA or
• lactulose Verner–Morrison syndrome).
– Hormonally produced secretory diarrhoea
– an indigestible disaccharide; may respond to octreotide.
• excess legumes 3. Exudative diarrhoea
– these contain raffinose or stachyose. This is usually seen following 109

2. Secretory diarrhoea • invasive bacterial infection with direct

damage to the bowel wall.
This occurs with:
In specific infections, the bacteria involved are
• some bacterial infections typically campylobacter, salmonella, shigella and
– A number of bacteria, such as yersinia.
enteropathogenic E. coli (see below), V. A variety of non-bacterial organisms are also
cholerae, C. botulinum, S. aureus, may commonly seen, including
produce an enterotoxin which stimulates
excess intestinal excretion. Toxigenic – viruses (Norwalk virus, rotavirus,
gastroenteritis thus results. enterovirus, adenovirus);
– Enteropathogenic (enterotoxigenic, – protozoa (giardia, entamoeba);
enterohaemorrhagic) E. coli, especially – parasites (helminths);
serotype O157:H7, was recognized as a – fungi (candida).
human pathogen only 15 years ago. It is These conditions thus give rise to a form of
the commonest cause of traveller’s gastroenteritis, manifest particularly by bacterial
diarrhoea and is spread from either dysentery.
contaminated food (especially from
undercooked beef) or via the oral–faecal • A similar condition is seen in
route. The infection is usually mild, – inflammatory bowel disease (q.v.);
though it can occasionally be severe and
haemorrhagic and even cause – antibiotic-associated (pseudomembranous)
haemolytic–uraemic syndrome (usually in colitis (see Colitis).
children) (q.v.). A recent outbreak in
4. Rapid transit time
South Australia is estimated to have cost
about A$20 million and has prompted A rapid transit time in the bowel may cause
reassessment of surveillance programmes. diarrhoea. This is seen following bowel
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

resection and with entero-enteral fistulae. It may cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, Hamman–Rich

also be the basis of the irritable bowel syndrome. syndrome) is a form of progressive diffuse
inflammation distal to the terminal bronchiole.
5. Drugs
These are common causes of diarrhoea. Although its aetiology is uncertain and no single
pathogenetic mechanism has yet been defined,
• Some may cause osmotic diarrhoea (see above). there are common histological, radiological and
• Some may cause pseudomembranous colitis clinical features exhibited by most patients with
(see Colitis). this condition, justifying its consideration as a
• Many, such as colchicine, cytotoxics and separate entity. However, it may well represent
ethanol, may have more direct effects. a group of disorders, and in any event it is not
Bibliography easy to distinguish from similar processes
Beers M, Cameron S 1995 Hemolytic uremic associated with systemic disease (especially
syndrome. Emerg Infect Dis 1: 4. collagen-vascular diseases) or certain drugs (see
Blaser MJ, Smith PD, Ravdin JL et al (eds) 1995 Drugs and the lung).
Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract. New
York: Raven Press. Aetiological factors are probably
Fairchild PG, Blacklow NR 1988 Viral diarrhea. immunological, because although no specific
Infect Dis Clin North Am 2: 677. antigen has been identifiable, both cell-
Field M, Rao MC, Chang EB 1989 Intestinal mediated and humoral changes can be shown
electrolyte transport and diarrheal disease. N Engl J and circulating immune complexes
Med 321: 800, 879. demonstrated in the cellular, pre-fibrotic stage
Hellard ME, Fairley CK 1997 Gastroenteritis in of disease. An association with other
Australia: who, what, where, and how much? Aust autoimmune diseases has sometimes been
NZ J Med 27: 147.
found, and there appears to be some genetic
Kelly CP, Pothoulakis C, La Mont JT 1994
Clostridium difficile colitis. N Engl J Med 330: 257.
predisposition. No infective agent has been
Krejs GJ 1987 VIPoma syndrome. Am J Med 82: 37. identified, but some association with prior
Lyerly DM, Krivan HC, Wilkins TD 1988 occupational exposure to wood and metal dusts
Clostridium difficile: its disease and toxins. Clin has recently been reported.
Microbiol Rev 1: 1.
Phillips SF 1972 Diarrhea: a current view of the
The pathological changes consist of either
pathophysiology. Gastroenterology 63: 495. • thickening of alveolar walls due to a round
Schlager TA, Guerrant RL 1988 Seven possible cell infiltrate, leading to fibrosis, or
mechanisms for Escherichia coli diarrhea. Infect Dis
Clin North Am 2: 607.
• no fibrosis and normal alveolar septa but
Slutsker L, Ries AA, Greene KD et al 1997
alveolar filling with large mononuclear cells,
Escherichia coli 0157:H7 diarrhea in the United mainly desquamated type II pneumocytes
States: clinical and epidemiologic features. Ann but also macrophages.
Intern Med 126: 505.
The former process, the more common, has a
Wanke CA, Guerrant RL 1987 Viral hepatitis and
gastroenteritis transmitted by shellfish and water.
patchy distribution and is referred to as ‘usual
Infect Dis Clin North Am 1: 649. interstitial pneumonitis’ (UIP).
Young GP, Bayley N, Ward P et al 1986 Antibiotic- The latter process is more evenly distributed
associated colitis caused by Clostridium difficile:
and is referred to as ‘desquamative interstitial
relapse and risk factors. Med J Aust 144: 303.
pneumonitis’ (DIP). Recently, this has been
considered possibly a separate and more benign
Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis disease.
Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis (idiopathic The two processes may or may not represent
pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial pneumonitis, the same disease, with a better corticosteroid
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
response likely to occur when the latter • diffuse bronchiolitis obliterans (organizing

Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis

(presumably earlier) changes are more pneumonia);
prominent. Eventually, cellularity decreases and • lymphangitis carcinomatosa;
fibrosis increases, so that there is diffuse though • lymphangiomyomatosis;
not uniform disorganization of the alveolar • histiocytosis X.
architecture, with fibrosis and with the
Biopsy is required to distinguish these diseases.
appearance of cystic spaces (honeycombing).
These processes are in fact common for many Treatment comprises chiefly corticosteroids. In a few
lung responses to injury. patients, there may be a dramatic response, but in
most there is continued progression despite a modest
symptomatic steroid response. Treatment is long-term
The clinical features of diffuse fibrosing
and dosage should be titrated not only against
alveolitis are usually dominated by
symptoms but also appropriate lung function tests,
progressive dyspnoea. The first presentation
particularly those of gas exchange, if these respond.
is sometimes as an apparent acute respiratory
There may be an adverse steroid response in those
infection. A dry cough is common, as is
cases with patchy fibrosis and honeycombing.
fever and weight loss.
On physical examination, there is frequently • The place of immunosuppressive and anti-
inflammatory therapy is unresolved, though
cyanosis, clubbing and tachypnoea. Diffuse
cytotoxic therapy (cyclophosphamide) is indicated if
crackles are heard, particularly at the lung
corticosteroids are not effective. Colchicine and 111
bases. A late finding is cor pulmonale.
penicillamine have been shown to be ineffective.
Extrapulmonary manifestations suggest a
systemic disorder. • Long-term oxygen therapy may be
symptomatically helpful.
• Successful lung transplantation has been reported.
The chest X-ray may initially be normal, even
The course of the disease is very variable. The
in the presence of dyspnoea. The radiological
mean time from onset of symptoms to death is
abnormalities predominantly affect the lower
about four years, though reported survival has
zones and tend to be diffuse, homogeneous or
ranged from one month to over 20 years. The
nodular opacities at first, reticulonodular later
duration of survival appears to correlate with
and eventually reticular, often with
the severity of disease at the time of diagnosis,
honeycombing. There is no hilar
and the prognosis is better in patients with the
lymphadenopathy and no pleural effusion.
acute desquamative form of the disease.
High-resolution CT scanning (HRCT) is the
Occasionally, spontaneous or corticosteroid-
imaging modality of current choice. Lung
induced remissions occur.
function tests show changes similar to those
described for sarcoidosis (q.v.).
Although a presumptive diagnosis may be made Agusti C, Xaubet A, Roca J et al 1992 Interstitial
on the basis of the clinical and radiological pulmonary fibrosis with and without associated
features together with the absence of systemic collagen vascular disease. Thorax 47: 1035.
disease, or culprit exposures or drugs, lung Carrington CB, Gaensler EA, Coutu RE et al 1978
Natural history and treated course of usual and
biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.
desquamative interstitial pneumonia. N Engl J
However, a clinical diagnosis may sometimes be
Med 298: 801.
acceptable if the patient is particularly unwell Cherniack RM, Colby TV, Flint A et al 1995
and/or the features are unequivocal. Correlation of structure and function in idiopathic
The chief differential diagnosis includes: pulmonary fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
151: 1180.
• late sarcoidosis; Crystal RG, Bitterman PB, Rennard SI et al 1984
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Interstitial lung diseases of unknown cause. N Engl The dose is calculated as follows.
Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis

J Med 310: 154, 235.

Homma Y, Ohtsuka Y, Tanimura K et al 1995 Can • Firstly, the body’s digoxin load (in mg) is
interstitial pneumonia as the sole presentation of calculated as plasma level (ng/mL),
collagen vascular disease be differentiated from multiplied by volume of distribution (5.6
idiopathic interstitial pneumonia. Respiration 62: L/kg), multiplied by body weight (kg),
248. divided by 1000. Alternatively, the body
Hubbard R, Lewis S, Richards K et al 1996 load may be estimated based on the numbers
Occupational exposure to metal or wood dust and of tablets taken, if known, as mg ingested
aetiology of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis. Lancet divided by 0.8.
347: 284.
• Secondly, the number of vials required
International Consensus Statement 2000 Idiopathic
equals load (in mg) divided by 0.6 (the no. of
pulmonary fibrosis: diagnosis and treatment. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med 161:646. mg of digoxin able to be bound per vial).
Johnston IDA, Prescott RJ, Chalmers JC et al 1997 An average dose is 10 vials, though 20 vials
British Thoracic Society study of cryptogenic should be given if the clinical situation is life-
fibrosing alveolitis: current presentation and initial
threatening and no levels or dosage are known.
management. Thorax 52: 38.
A vial containing 40 mg of powder is
Marinelli WA 1995 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis:
progress and challenge. Chest 108: 297. reconstituted to 4 mL and binds 0.6 mg of
Michaelson JE, Aguayo SM, Roman J 2000 digoxin (or digitoxin). The drug is administered
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Chest 118: 788. iv over 30 min using a 0.22 ␮m millipore filter.
Turner-Warwick M, Burrows B, Johnson A 1980
Clinical improvement should be seen within 30
Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis. Thorax 35: 171.
min. The plasma level of digoxin will increase
markedly after administration of the antibody
but almost all is bound. A new steady state
Digoxin-specific antibody plasma level is not achieved for 5–6 h.

Digoxin-specific immune antigen-binding The antibody may be used in renal failure,

Fab fragment (digoxin FAB antibodies, although excretion is delayed in that setting.
Digibind) is derived from antibodies made in Since digoxin overdose can cause
sheep to digoxin conjugated with human hyperkalaemia, the serum potassium level must
albumin. It has a molecular weight of 50 kd. It be monitored. Anaphylaxis associated with the
binds to and thus decreases the concentration of antibody’s use has not so far been reported,
free digoxin (and digitoxin) in plasma, and the perhaps partly because no cases of re-challenge
complex thus formed is excreted in the urine. have yet been described. Re-emergence of
Since digoxin has greater affinity for the digoxin toxicity has not been reported. As
exogenous antibody than for tissue receptors, might be expected, any redigitalization needs to
not only is less free drug available to interact be deferred for several days.
with cardiac and other cell membranes but the Recently, the successful use of digoxin-specific
drug is progressively removed from tissue immune antigen-binding Fab fragment has been
receptors. reported in toad venom poisoning, since this
venom may contain a digitalis-like substance
(see Bites and stings).
Its chief indication is life-threatening digoxin
overdosage, usually associated with Bibliography
ventricular arrhythmias. Typically, more than Antman EM, Wenger TL, Butler VP et al 1990
10 mg has been taken orally and plasma Treatment of 150 cases of life-threatening digitalis
levels are greater than 10 ng/mL. intoxication with digoxin-specific Fab antibody
fragments. Circulation 81: 1744.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Brubacher JR, Ravikumar PR, Bania T et al 1996 Related compounds include the PCBs
Treatment of toad venom poisoning with digoxin-

(polychlorinated biphenols) and PCDFs
specific Fab fragments. Chest 110: 1282. (polychlorinated dibenzofurans).
Kelly RA, Smith TW 1992 Recognition and
management of digitalis toxicity. Am J Cardiol 69: • PCBs in particular are produced by electrical
1186. fires, which can cause widespread
Taboulet P, Baud FJ, Bismuth C 1993 Clinical contamination of buildings. These substances
features and management of digitalis poisoning – give skin, liver and reproductive effects and
rationale for immunotherapy. J Toxicol Clin are potential carcinogens.
Toxicol 31: 247.
• PCDFs have caused outbreaks of disease
following contamination of cooking oil. The
Dimercaprol (see Chelating agents) reproductive consequences of a generalized
ectodermal disorder in offspring have been
well documented.
A dioxin is a chemical compound consisting of
two benzene rings connected by a pair of Diphtheria
oxygen atoms. Since each ring contains 8 Diphtheria is caused by the dumbell-shaped
carbon atoms which can each bind to a Gram-positive bacillus, Corynebacterium
hydrogen or other atom (the most concerning diphtheriae, which produces a potent exotoxin. 113
to health being chlorine), up to 75 isomers are It is spread by droplets and thus primarily affects
possible. Dioxins are usually formed as a by- the pharynx, though sometimes primary sites
product of the manufacture of herbicides based elsewhere are seen. Bacterial multiplication
on 2,4,5-trichlorophenol and are the most toxic occurs locally, and the exotoxin but not the
of artificial substances. bacteria become disseminated.
The term dioxin particularly refers to one A characteristic grey, leathery and adherent
specific dioxin (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p- local membrane is also produced by the toxin.
dioxin, TCDD), a very stable substance which The size of the membrane correlates with the
is insoluble in water but soluble in oils, so that it extent of toxin produced.
is not diluted environmentally but accumulates
in animal tissues. It is not a useful substance but The illness follows an incubation period of 2–4
a by-product in the manufacture both of 2,4,5- days. Although the pharyngitis is generally mild,
trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T), a major cervical lymphadenopathy can be marked, and
ingredient in the defoliant, Agent Orange, and there may be purpura and shock.
of the antiseptic, hexachlorophene. Cutaneous diphtheria is seen:
There is no safe level of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, which • in the tropics (jungle sore);
is lethal for some animal species at five parts per • after trauma (wound diphtheria);
billion, i.e. as little as 60 ␮g can kill a mouse. It • in association with poor hygiene (e.g. in
is a potential carcinogen. Agent Orange itself poor alcoholics).
may increase the incidence of non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma and soft tissue sarcoma. Other toxic
effects include chloracne, neurological disorders, There are three important complications of
muscle dysfunction, impotence, birth defects diphtheria.
and mutations. Industrial accidents since the
1. Upper airway obstruction
1970s have been associated with extensive loss
of nearby animal life and the forced evacuation Obstruction from the pharyngeal membrane
sometimes permanently of whole communities. may give rise to a medical emergency.
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

2. Myocarditis community immunity. Immunization does not


prevent the carrier state. The Schick test is

This occurs in 10–25% and is the usual cause
used for assessment of immunity and not for
of death. Cardiac involvement becomes
apparent in the second week of illness, with
ST abnormalities and then arrhythmias,
complete heart block, bundle branch block, Boyer NH, Weinstein L 1948 Diphtheritic
cardiac failure and shock. An AV conduction myocarditis. N Engl J Med 239: 913.
defect may persist after recovery. Dobie RA, Tobey DN 1979 Clinical features of
diphtheria in the respiratory tract. JAMA 242:
3. Peripheral neuritis
This occurs in 10% of patients 2–6 weeks Farizo KM, Strebel PM, Chen RT et al 1993 Fatal
after the initial illness. It particularly involves respiratory disease due to Corynebacterium
the cranial nerves (III, VI, VII, IX and X) diphtheriae: case report and review of guidelines
and peripheral motor nerves, including the for management, investigation, and control. Clin
Infect Dis 16: 59.
phrenic nerve.
Galazka AM, Robertson SE, Oblapenko GP 1995
Sometimes, a Guillain–Barré syndrome-like Resurgence of diphtheria. Eur J Epidemiol 11:
condition may be seen. 95.
Harmisch JP, Tronca E, Nolan CM et al 1989
Diphtheria among alcoholic urban adults. Ann
114 The diagnosis is made clinically and confirmed Intern Med 111: 71.
by culture or fluorescent antibody detection of Mofred A, Guerin JM, Falfoul-Borsali N et al
swab material. 1994 Cutaneous diphtheria. Rev Med Interne
15: 515.
A ‘diphtheria-membrane’ may also be seen in
pharyngitis due to:

• Group A streptococci; Dissecting aneurysm (see Aortic

• infectious mononucleosis; dissection)
• viruses;
• candida.
Disseminated intravascular
However, generally the membrane in these coagulation (see Amniotic fluid embolism,
conditions is less adherent. Anaemia (intravascular haemolysis),
Treatment is with horse antiserum, if diagnosed Antithrombin III deficiency, Cancer
within 48 h, in a dose of 20 000–100 000 U (50% complications, Coagulation disorders, Diving
im and 50% iv 1 h later). (decompression sickness), Fibrinolysis,
• Antibiotics are not helpful in the acute illness, Haemangioma, Heat stroke, Microangiopathic
though erythromycin, penicillin or clindamycin haemolysis and Protein C)
may help eradicate a carrier state.
• Rest, isolation and treatment of complications are
required. Diving
Prevention is with immunization, and the Diving accidents have become common
disease occurs only in the unimmunized. A because of the proliferation of diving activities,
75% herd immunity is required to prevent both professional and recreational, worldwide.
community outbreaks, which are now seen Because of the availability of modern transport,
in adults as well as in children in diving sequelae may be seen well away from the
circumstances where there has been waning original geographical site.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• In type 1 (25% of diving accidents), the skin
The most important diving accidents are gas

and joints are affected, and the condition is
embolism and decompression sickness. thus called the ‘bends’.
• The most common, however, are ear or • In type 2 (more than half of all major diving
sinus damage due to barotrauma. accidents), there are neurological changes,
• Diving-induced damage may also relate to including focal and spinal cord signs and
pre-existing diseases, some of which are respiratory distress (the ‘chokes’).
contraindications to diving, such as many Bone necrosis may occur if the process is
respiratory, cardiovascular and repeated. There is commonly headache,
neurological disorders. lethargy and altered sensation.
• Diving may also be a cause of drowning
(q.v.). Treatment priorities are positioning on the left side,
oxygen (especially for CAGE), and recompression
in a hyperbaric facility. This may usefully be
Diving accidents are usually associated with undertaken even up to several hours later.
well-defined risk factors, such as multiple dives,
exceeding ‘tables’, rapid ascent, alcohol or Bibliography
subsequent air travel. A patent foramen ovale is Charles MJ, Wirjosemito SA 1989 Flying and diving:
an important risk factor in some patients. still a real hazard. J Hyperbaric Med 4: 23.
Clearly, other factors such as accidents, Elliot DH, Hallenbeck LM, Bove AA 1974 Acute
environmental problems, equipment failure, decompression sickness. Lancet 2: 1193. 115

carelessness and inexperience may also be Lundgren CEG, Miller JN (eds) 1999 The Lung at
involved. Depth. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Melamed Y, Shupak A, Bitterman H 1992 Medical
Cerebral arterial gas embolism (CAGE) is problems associated with underwater diving. N
responsible for about 15% of major problems. It Engl J Med 326: 30.
occurs because of rapid ascent with the head up Moon RE, Camporesi EM, Kisslo JA 1989 Patent
and is due to alveolar overdistension and foramen ovale and decompression sickness in
rupture giving rise to pulmonary barotrauma divers. Lancet 1: 513.
Tetzlaff K, Reuter M, Leplow B et al 1997 Risk
with embolization to the systemic circulation, if
factors for pulmonary barotrauma in divers. Chest
there is a direct communication with the 112: 654.
pulmonary vasculature. Neurological changes Weathersby PK, Survanshi SS, Homer LD et al 1992
occur rapidly and may be either dramatic Predicting the time of occurrence of
(coma) or subtle (paraesthesiae or mood decompression sickness. J Appl Physiol 72: 1541.
changes). Weinmann M, Tuxen D, Scheinkestel C et al 1991
Decompression illnesses. SPUMS Journal 21: 135.
Decompression sickness is due to formation
of nitrogen bubbles from too rapid an ascent.
The nitrogen was dissolved in tissues especially
Dog bites (see Bites and stings)
lipids at depth and appropriate staged
decompression is therefore essential to prevent
its unduly rapid release during ascent. Using
sensitive Doppler tests, some bubbles in fact
may be detected in virtually all divers, regardless Drowning and near-drowning are common
of the care taken with the dive. Intravascular accidents due to a wide variety of activities at all
changes of disseminated intravascular ages in most societies. Drowning is a major
coagulation and complement activation may be cause of accidental death with an average
produced. Symptoms can appear as soon as 1 h incidence of 1 per 30000 of population per
or as late as 36 h after the ascent. year.
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

In general, the lungs become flooded, though in acidosis, cerebral oedema, gastric distension,

10% of patients the lungs are dry and have been coagulopathy, hypothermia and infections.
protected by intense laryngospasm. The changes • Corticosteroids are of unproven value.
in blood volume and composition depend on • Prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated.
the amount and tonicity of fluid aspirated.
Usually the volume of water aspirated is not
large, and serum electrolyte changes are Hypothermia is usual, because the
minimal. Fresh water gives hypervolaemia and temperature of even tropical waters is less
salt water (5% saline) gives hypovolaemia, but than that of the body and only a few minutes
the pathological changes after drowning and the is required for temperature equilibration (see
clinical and investigational findings after near- also Hypothermia).
drowning are similar for both fresh and sea If the body temperature is ⬍30°C, there is
water. severe depression of the circulation and the
patient may appear lifeless; if the temperature
After near-drowning, patients are comatose is ⬍28°C, ventricular fibrillation occurs.
and apnoeic. Even after resuscitation, central Ventricular fibrillation may also be
nervous system derangement with confusion, precipitated by the necessary procedure of
restlessness, delirium and convulsions may intubation, and defibrillation is usually
persist for some time, due to hypoxic unsuccessful if the temperature is ⬍30°C. At
116 damage with cerebral oedema and even this temperature also, the activity and
infarction. clearance of drugs is impaired.
Passive or even active external warming is often
Investigations show arterial hypoxaemia, inadequate, and core rewarming may then be
metabolic acidosis, variable serum electrolyte required.
levels, and albuminuria, haematuria and
sometimes haemoglobinuria. The chest X-ray The outlook is excellent for victims of near-
generally shows perihilar densities initially, drowning who have not suffered a cardiac
though more florid pulmonary oedema arrest. The survival rate is still 90% if the period
commonly becomes apparent some hours later. of arrest is ⬍5 min, but it is 0% if the period of
Treatment of near-drowning comprises the following. arrest is ⬎25 min. On average, there is a two-
thirds mortality if cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• Aspiration of the upper airway for fluid and is required. Children have a better outcome
foreign bodies should be promptly made, but not than adults. The prognosis is also more
aspiration of the tracheobronchial tree as this is favourable if there has been hypothermia (core
ineffective. temperature ⬍35°C), but this prognostic
• The stomach should be aspirated, as the stomach is criterion is inexact, perhaps since cardiac arrest
full and vomiting is common because of the large may have happened during normothermia with
amount of water that has often been swallowed. cooling occurring only subsequently.
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is usually required.
Even if the resuscitative needs on site are minimal,
the patient should be transferred to hospital,
Edwards ND, Timmins AC, Randalls B et al 1990
because respiratory failure may occur up to 4 h Survival in adults after cardiac arrest due to
later, with tachypnoea, cough, frothy blood-stained drowning. Intens Care Med 16: 336.
sputum, chest pain and wheeze. Modell JH 1985 Serum electrolyte changes in near-
• Intensive Care treatment is required for respiratory drowning victims. JAMA 253: 557.
failure (due to acute pulmonary oedema early or Modell JH 1993 Drowning. N Engl J Med 328:
ARDS later), cardiac arrhythmias, metabolic 253.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Orlowski JP 1988 Drowning, near-drowning, and • fever,
ice-water drowning. JAMA 260: 390. •

Drug allergy
Szpilman D 1997 Near-drowning and drowning • arthralgia,
classification. Chest 112: 660.
• lymphadenopathy.
The typical onset occurs after 6–12 days and
disappears several days after drug cessation.
Drug allergy
Anaphylaxis is the potentially fatal
Drug allergy is uncommon and comprises only
manifestation of drug allergy with an onset
6% of all adverse drug reactions, which overall
within minutes. It usually follows parenteral
are, of course, common.
drug administration but can follow oral dosage.
Importantly, drug allergy can occur with only Its clinical features include:
small doses of drug. However, most drug
• pruritus;
reactions of a seemingly allergic nature are not
• flushing;
in fact immune-mediated (i.e. true allergy) but
• angioedema of any region but especially the
due to other effects often of a chemical nature,
face and larynx;
e.g. mast cell release.
• hypovolaemia with hypotension and shock.
Drug allergy is separate from
Drug allergy may be diagnosed when:
• drug intolerance (an adverse
• the clinical manifestations are not those of 117
pharmacological effect of a drug even at low
any known pharmacological effect of the
• drug idiosyncrasy (a non-pharmacological
• the drug doses are very small;
effect due to biochemical alteration in drug
• there are allergic symptoms;
metabolism at any dose).
• the same reaction occurs with rechallenge;
The most common drug allergy is to • it occurs with related drugs.
penicillin. This occurs in 1–5% of recipients
Skin tests are of most diagnostic value,
and is responsible for 90% of all cases of drug
though less so for penicillin. Until recently
allergy and for 90% of cases of fatal anaphylaxis.
there had been no reliable in vitro test, but
now serum tryptase (reflecting release of mast
Other important drug allergies are seen cell contents) may be shown to be elevated
following: in blood taken shortly after a major allergic
event. Sometimes, IgE antibodies to a
• anaesthetic agents; specific drug may be detected, but tests
• aspirin; involving other immunoglobulins or cell-
• diagnostic contrast agents (especially those mediated immunity do not correlate with
containing iodine);
• antibiotics (especially beta-lactams);
• hormones; Treatment includes:
• dextran;
• cessation of the drug;
• opiates;
• specific measures for anaphylaxis (particularly
• echinacea, a popular complementary adrenaline);
medicine for cold and flu symptoms.
• corticosteroids for an Arthus-type reaction (i.e.
serum sickness) or other delayed hypersensitivity
Most allergic drug reactions take the form of a reaction (e.g. symptomatic rash);
mild systemic illness, similar to serum sickness • desensitization which should be considered if the
(q.v.), with drug is needed to be given again.
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bibliography Drug–drug interactions

Drug allergy

Gorevic P 1985 Drug allergy. In: Kaplan AP (ed)

Allergy. New York: Churchill Livingstone. A drug–drug interaction refers to a clinically
p. 473. significant effect which is different from the
Weiss ME 1992 Drug allergy. Med Clin North Am effects seen when the same drugs are given
76: 857. individually. Such interactions may be clinically
adverse, favourable or neutral.
In hospital practice, 10–20% of all drug
Drug fever reactions are due to drug–drug interactions. In
Drug fever usually occurs without the addition, adverse reactions are more frequent if
diagnostic assistance of other typical signs of multiple drugs are administered, even when
hypersensitivity, such as rash or eosinophilia. such an incidence is discounted for the actual
number of drugs. Since the number of drugs
that may be properly prescribed concomitantly,
Drug fever is especially seen with the use of: especially in an Intensive Care Unit, is
enormous and since it is impossible to
• antimicrobials (particularly beta-lactams);
remember them all, most drug–drug
• antihypertensives (methyldopa,
hydralazine); interactions are probably undetected.
Comprehensive compendia are now available
• anticonvulsants (phenytoin);
covering the interactions of specific drugs.
118 • allopurinol;
However, it is best to use an automated
• isoniazid.
monitoring system, but even then the clinical
significance of a potential interaction is not
In some cases, the onset of fever may be delayed necessarily clear.
for weeks or even months after the drug is first
administered, e.g. methyldopa, phenytoin,
The number of drug combinations in a
particular patient can be calculated as:
no.⫽n!⫼2 (n⫺2)!,
In the Intensive Care setting, other drugs
which may also produce drug fever include: where n is the number of drugs and n! is
fractional n (see figure below).
• amphotericin;
• diuretics; Drug interactions
• procainamide;
45 ●
• propranolol; 40
• quinidine. 35 ●
No. interaction


20 ●
Mackowiak PA, LeMaistre CF 1987 Drug fever. Ann 15 ●
Intern Med 106: 728. 10 ●
5 ●
Olson KR, Benowitz NL 1984 Environmental and ●
0 ●
drug-induced hyperthermia: pathophysiology,
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
recognition and management. Emerg Med Clin No. drugs
North Am 2: 459.
Rosenberg J, Pentel P, Pond S et al 1986
Hyperthermia associated with drug intoxication. Thus, if 7 drugs are concomitantly
Crit Care Med 14: 964. prescribed, there are 21 drug combinations,
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
each with their own potential to display an Hansten PB, Horn JR 1989 Drug Interactions. 6th
edition. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.

Leape LL, Brennan TA, Laird N et al 1991 The
The incidence of drug–drug interactions has nature of adverse events in hospitalized patients:
been reported to be 20% if 10 or more drugs results from the Harvard Medical Practice Study II.
are concomitantly prescribed. N Engl J Med 324: 377.
Peck CC, Temple R, Collins JM 1993
Understanding consequences of concurrent
The types of drug–drug interaction include: therapies. JAMA 269: 1550.
Zarowitz BJ 1995 Drug–drug interactions in ICU.
• pharmacological antagonism or synergy;
In: Parker MM, Shapiro MJ, Porembka DT (eds)
• pharmacokinetic changes (e.g. absorption,
1995 Critical Care: State of the Art, Chapter 4.
binding, metabolism, excretion);
Anaheim: Society of Critical Care Medicine. p
• pharmacodynamic changes (e.g. interference 91.
at receptor sites).

Clearly multiple drug prescription is Drugs

inevitable in Intensive Care practice, but
The use of drugs as therapeutic agents is one of
combinations should be routinely checked.
the cornerstones of the treatment of the
A drug–drug interaction is not necessarily a seriously ill, as it is in most medical specialties.
cause for cessation of the drugs involved, as The non-therapeutic use of drugs is separately 119
appropriate dosage adjustment may be considered as poisoning (q.v.).
The drugs considered in this book are selected
Drugs should always be remembered as a from those which have uncommon but
potential cause of unusual events. Even new important uses or those whose use may present
events may occur. Some events may be uncommon problems. These discussions involve
predicted from in vitro or experimental
1. general issues related to drug usage,
evidence, and some information is available
from case reports.
The most important drug–drug interactions • alkaloids;
are those which diminish drug efficacy or • autacoids;
increase drug toxicity, especially in the • cholinergic crisis;
seriously ill. • drug allergy;
• drug–drug interactions;
• drug fever;
Some drugs have a particular propensity to • neuroleptic malignant syndrome;
interact with many other drugs. An interesting
2. uncommon problems with common
recent example has been mibefradil, the first of
drugs, including:
a new class of calcium antagonists, approved for
use in hypertension and angina but now • acyclovir;
withdrawn worldwide because of the number • adenosine;
and diversity of other drugs with which it • aspirin;
interacted. • bismuth;
• bleomycin;
Bibliography • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors;
Chrispin PS, Park GR 1997 Unexpected drug • desmopressin;
reactions and interactions in the critical care unit. • heparin;
Curr Opinion Crit Care 3: 262. • lithium;
DDrugs Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care


3. uncommon but important drugs, Crowe AV, Griffiths RD 1997 Nutritional failure
including: and drugs. Curr Opinion Crit Care 3: 268.
Gora-Harper ML, in conjunction with the Society of
• amphetamines; Critical Care Medicine 1998 The Injectable Drug
• anticholinergic agents; Reference. Princeton: Bioscientific Resources.
• anticholinesterases; Haddad LM, Shannon MW, Winchester JF (eds)
• bacitracin; 1997 Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug
• chelating agents; Overdose. 3rd edition. Philadelphia: WB
• cagonists; Saunders.
Hardman JG, Limbird LE (eds.-in-chief) 1996
• desferrioxamine;
Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis
• digoxin-specific antibody;
of Therapeutics. 9th edition. New York:
• liquorice;
• methylene blue; Karch FE, Lasagna L 1975 Adverse drug reactions: a
4. specific organ-related drug issues, including: critical review. JAMA 234: 1236.
Koch-Weser J 1968 Definition and classification of
• drugs and the kidney; adverse drug reactions. Drug Information Bulletin
• drugs and the lung. July/September: 72.
Koch-Weser J 1974 Bioavailability of drugs. N Engl J
Bibliography Med 291: 233 & 503.
Adedoyin A, Branch RA 1997 The effect of liver Marik P, Varon J 1998 The obese patient in the
disease on drugs. Curr Opinion Crit Care 3: 255. ICU. Chest 113: 492.
Chernow B (ed) 1994 The Pharmacological Melmon KL, Morrelli HF, Hoffman BB et al (eds)
Approach to the Critically Ill Patient. 3rd edition. 1992 Melmon and Morrelli’s Clinical
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. Pharmacology: Basic Principles in Therapeutics.
Chrispin PS, Park GR 1997 Unexpected drug 3rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
reactions and interactions in the critical care unit. Misan G (ed.-in-chief ) 1998 Australian Medicines
Curr Opinion Crit Care 3: 262. Handbook. Adelaide: AMH.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Naranjo CA, Shear NH, Lanctot KL 1992 Advances is effected by efferent arteriole constriction,
in the diagnosis of adverse drug reactions. J Clin

Drugs and the kidney

is produced by angiotensin II (q.v.) and is
Pharmacol 32: 897. required to preserve GFR. Clearly ACE
Paw H 2000 Handbook of Drugs in Intensive Care. inhibitors interfere with this mechanism,
London: Greenwich Medical.
which is active in patients with
Shann F 1996 Drug Doses. 9th edition. Melbourne:
hypovolaemia or with renal artery stenosis
Royal Children’s Hospital.
Susla GM, Masur H, Cunnion RE et al 1997 The (if bilateral or if unilateral with a poorly
Handbook of Critical Care Drug Delivery. 2nd functioning contralateral kidney). Renal
edition. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. failure in this setting is not structural (i.e. it
Thompson DF, Pierce DR 1999 Drug-induced is not associated with proteinuria, an
nightmares. Ann Pharmacother 33: 93. abnormal urinary sediment or histological
Trujillo MH, Guerrero J, Fragachan C et al 1998 changes), but there can be striking
Pharmacologic antidotes in critical care medicine: hyperkalaemia. Rapid reversal occurs with
a practical guide for drug administration. Crit Care cessation of the ACE inhibitor and with
Med 26: 377. rehydration.
• Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents
(NSAIDs) can also cause acute renal
Drugs and the kidney dysfunction, especially in patients with some
degree of underlying renal insufficiency. This
In intensive care units, drug-induced acute
occurs because NSAIDs inhibit the synthesis
renal damage has been calculated to occur in 121
of prostaglandins and because prostaglandins
about 15% of patients. Drugs should thus be
in turn are required to maintain afferent
remembered as potentially contributing to any
arteriole dilatation and thus GFR in the face
case of renal failure in the seriously ill,
of impaired renal blood flow. The adverse
particularly if the cause is not otherwise readily
effect of NSAIDs in this situation is
apparent. There are several mechanisms and
compounded by any concomitant
manifestations of drug-induced
administration of methotrexate or
1. Acute pre-renal renal failure • Cyclosporin causes afferent arteriole
constriction and thus the potential for acute
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is vulnerable
renal dysfunction. This effect is increased
to local as well as systemic circulatory changes.
when NSAIDs or ACE inhibitors are also
Such local changes may be produced by several
groups of drugs.
2. Acute tubular necrosis
• Noradrenaline is a renal vasoconstrictor and
can thus reduce GFR, although its effect in Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) is the commonest
this regard can be difficult to distinguish type of drug-induced renal damage in seriously
from the effect of the underlying ill patients as well as the commonest type of
hypotension for which it is being given in renal impairment due to circulatory failure.
the first place. Low-dose dopamine is Several drugs are particularly implicated.
commonly given in this setting in an attempt
to offset the potentially adverse direct effects • Aminoglycosides, especially gentamicin,
on the kidney of potent vasoconstictors like are the cause of most cases of drug-induced
noradrenaline. ATN. Although the pathogenetic
• Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) mechanism is unclear, the risk is increased by
inhibitors cause reversible renal hypovolaemia, hypokalaemia,
impairment in patients in whom renal hypomagnesaemia, hyperbilirubinaemia and
autoregulation is active. This autoregulation other nephrotoxic drugs, as well as by the
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

duration and total dose of aminoglycoside Drugs and the lung

Drugs and the kidney

Many different pulmonary reactions involving
• Amphotericin B causes renal impairment
in most patients given large doses, either a large variety of drugs and poisons may occur.
daily or cumulative. The risk is increased
with diuretics and decreased with added Although pulmonary reactions are less
sodium (e.g. 300 mmol per day). The common than drug-induced reactions
liposomal preparation of amphotericin is involving other organs and systems, they are
much less nephrotoxic though it is very important because;
• Cyclosporin can cause ATN as well as • they can be severe and life-threatening;
reduced GFR. Nephrotoxicity is one of its • they are often reversible if the responsible
main side-effects and is generally manifest as drug is ceased;
slowly progressive but reversible acute renal • they can mimic other more common
failure with hyperkalaemia. As the risk is respiratory diseases.
dose-related, it is increased by drugs which
increase blood cyclosporin levels, such as The mechanisms of drug-induced reactions are
calcium channel blockers (especially probably many and among others include
diltiazem), ketoconazole, erythromycin. immunological (allergic) and pharmacological
• Radiocontrast agents, either ionic or non- (idiosyncratic, facultative, toxic) processes.
ionic, may cause ATN in patients who are
The diagnosis of a drug-induced pulmonary
old or dehydrated and especially in patients
reaction is usually presumptive.
with diabetes and existing renal impairment.
The damage is usually mild, except in Clinical suspicion is complemented by a careful
patients with severe existing renal history rather than laboratory tests. Even in
impairment. Some protection is afforded by allergic reactions, serum antibody levels and skin
calcium channel blockers and by tests are not usually helpful. Rechallenge with
prostaglandin E1. the responsible drug would be diagnostically
confirmatory but is usually unsafe.
3. Acute interstitial nephritis (see
Tubulointerstitial diseases)
The suspected offending drug should be stopped
4. Chronic interstitial nephritis (see and most reactions then subside, though some
Tubulointerstitial diseases) pulmonary infiltrates may take weeks to resolve.
Corticosteroid therapy may hasten the resolution of
5. Glomerular injury
infiltrative reactions, but other reactions should be
Drug-induced glomerular injury is an important treated on their symptomatic merits.
cause of the nephrotic syndrome (see
Glomerular Diseases). Many reactions are such that the patient should
be warned about possible future exposure to the
Bibliography drug.
Bennett WM, Aronoff GR, Golper TA et al 1994 The types of pulmonary reactions to drugs are
Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure: Dosing as follows.
Guidelines for Adults. Philadelphia: American
College of Physicians. 1. Bronchospasm
Hoitsma AJ, Wetzels JFM, Koene RAP 1991 Drug-
• Type 1 hypersensitivity
induced nephrotoxicity: aetiology, clinical features
and management. Drug Safety 6: 131. – antibiotics (especially penicillin);
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
– antisera; – oral contraceptives;

Drugs and the lung

– iodides (especially contrast media); – penicillin;
– iron-dextran; – phenytoin;
– procainamide;
• Irritant reflexes – reserpine;
– acetylcysteine; – sulfonamides;
– aerosols (especially cromoglycate); – tetracyclines;
– beta-adrenergic blockers; – thiazides.
• Smooth muscle contraction 3. Pulmonary oedema
– histamine; • Increased hydrostatic pressure
– methacholine;
– PGF2␣; – adrenaline;
– iv fluids;
• Prostaglandin inhibition – propranolol;
– aspirin;
– other NSAIDs • Increased capillary permeability

2. Interstitial infiltration – blood transfusion;

– dextropropoxyphene;
• Acute (usually with eosinophilia) – heroin; 123
– azathioprine; – salicylates;
– gold; – thiazides.
– isoniazid; 4. Pulmonary vascular changes
– nitrofurantoin;
– para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS); • Pulmonary hypertension
– penicillin;
– sulfonamides; – aminorex;
– tricyclic antidepressants; – talc;

• Chronic • Vasculitis

– bleomycin; – hydralazine;
– busulfan; – penicillin;
– cyclophosph amide; – phenytoin;
– gold; – promazine;
– hexamethonium; – quinidine;
– melphalan; – sulfonamides.
– methysergide; 5. Respiratory failure
– nitrofurantoin;
– oxygen; • CNS depression
– alcohol;
• SLE-like
– anaesthetics;
– digitalis; – opiates;
– gold; – sedatives;
– griseofulvin;
• Neuromuscular blockade
– hydralazine;
– isoniazid; – aminoglycosides;
– methyldopa; – muscle relaxants.
D Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

6. Pulmonary haemorrhage • oesophagitis, which may be caused by:

Drugs and the lung

– anticoagulants; – drugs (especially an NSAID tablet lodged

– antiplatelet agents; in the oesophagus for ⬎5 min);
– thrombolytic agents. – infections (especially due to candida but
also CMV or HSV);
7. Hilar lymphadenopathy
– caustic chemical ingestion.
– phenytoin.
• local mechanical obstruction;
In addition, a few drugs are occasionally • bulbar disease;
associated with various pleural disorders, • Plummer-Vinson (or Paterson–Kelly)
particularly eosinophilic effusions. syndrome.

Bibliography This is associated with mucosal atrophy and iron

Albertson TE, Walby WF, Derlet RW 1995 Stimulant- deficiency.
induced pulmonary toxicity. Chest 108: 1140. Chronic dysphagia may be due to:
Cooper JA, White DA, Matthay RA 1986 Drug-
induced pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Dis 133: • peptic oesophagitis
321 & 488.
Foucher P, Biour M, Blayac JP et al 1997 Drugs that – usually associated with stricture;
may injure the respiratory system. Eur Respir J 10: • carcinoma;
124 • diffuse oesophageal spasm;
Heffner JE, Harley RA, Schabel SI 1990 Pulmonary
reactions from illicit substance abuse. Clin Chest
• achalasia;
Med 11: 151. • oesophageal ring or diverticulum;
Morelock SY, Sahn SA 1999 Drugs and the pleura. • collagen-vascular disease
Chest 116: 212. – typically scleroderma.
Parsons PE 1994 Respiratory failure as a result of drugs,
overdoses, and poisonings. Clin Chest Med 15: 93.

Dysentery (see Diarrhoea) Dysproteinaemias comprise multiple myeloma
and its variants, namely benign monoclonal
gammopathy, cryoglobulinaemia, heavy chain
Dysphagia disease and Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia
Acute dysphagia may be due to: (see Multiple myeloma).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Eaton Lambert syndrome (see Suresh V 1997 The enigmatic haemorrhagic fevers. J
R Soc Med 90: 622.

Myasthenia gravis)

Ebola haemorrhagic fever Echinacea (see Angioedema)

Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a severe acute viral
illness of tropical Africa. It can also occur in
travellers who have visited this region. The Echinococcosis
reservoir is unknown, and it is transmitted from Echinococcosis (hydatid disease) refers to
person to person, including air-borne human infection with the cysts of the dog
nosocomial hospital spread. tapeworm, Echinococcus granulosus. Other forms
Of historical interest, it (as well as other of echinococcus are found in other animals, e.g.
conditions) has been postulated as the cause of foxes, in some parts of the world.
the plague of Athens in 430 BC. The adult cestode lives in the dog’s intestine,
Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a viral and eggs passed in the faeces are ingested by
haemorrhagic fever (VHF) and is thus related intermediate hosts, usually sheep but
to a number of other types of similar infections, occasionally incidentally humans. The cycle is
due to Lassa (q.v.), Marburg and normally completed when dogs eat an infected
Crimean–Congo viruses. Extensive endothelial carcass or offal of one of the intermediate hosts. 125

cell damage is the common pathogenetic Hydatid disease is thus most commonly found
mechanism of all the viral haemorrhagic fevers. in sheep-raising countries.

Following an incubation period of 6–9 days,

there is an acute onset of fever, headache, • Following ingestion by humans, the
myalgia, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, rash, parasites circulate to any part of the body
bleeding and shock. Diagnosis is made by culture. but especially the liver and the lungs.
• The cysts then gradually enlarge and can
There is no specific therapy. be many centimetres in diameter before
The mortality has been reported to have ranged giving symptoms of a space-occupying
between 53–88%. nature.
• Cyst rupture can give rise to allergic
symptoms, including urticaria,
Special precautionary guidelines have been bronchospasm or even anaphylaxis.
published, including specific infection • Since the cysts are infective, the rupture
control measures. can also give rise to disseminated infection
and thus new cysts from the contained
Bennet D, Brown D 1995 Ebola virus. Br Med J
310: 1344. The diagnosis is suggested by X-ray, since the
Bouree P, Bergman J-F 1983 Ebola virus infection in cysts are often calcified. A fluid level may be
man. Am J Trop Med Hyg 32: 1465. seen and daughter cysts either free or attached
Howard CR 1984 Viral hemorrhagic fevers: may be identified within the main cyst. Positive
properties and prospects for treatment and serology is sensitive for liver though not lung
prevention. Antiviral Res 4: 169. involvement but is not specific.
Sanchez A, Ksiazek TG, Rollin PE et al 1995
Reemergence of Ebola virus in Africa. Emerg Treatment is generally with surgery and/or the
Infect Dis 1: 3. antihelminthic agents, mebendazole or albendazole.
E Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Recently, a successful alternative to surgery has been variety of malignancies but most commonly in

reported, namely percutaneous ultrasound-guided lung cancer, especially small cell carcinoma.
needle aspiration and instillation of a scolicidal Renal, pancreatic, thymic and carcinoid
solution, such as alcohol or hypertonic saline. tumours also commonly produce ectopic
Kammerer WS, Schantz PM 1993 Echinococcal
Such hormones are polypeptides and may
disease. Infect Dis Clin North Am 7: 605. include:
• calcitonin;
Ecstasy (see Amphetamines) • glucagon;
• HCG;
• LH;
Ecthyma • PTH;
Ecthyma is a skin infection due to group A • somatostatin;
streptococci and resembling impetigo, except • vasopressin.
that it is deeper and ulcerated.
Mallette LE 1991 The parathyroid polyhormones:
Ecthyma gangrenosum (see Gangrene) is new concepts in the spectrum of peptide hormone
126 action. Endocr Rev 12: 110.
a severe local pseudomonal infection. It is
seen in critically ill patients who are
immunocompromised, usually with
haematological malignancy, neutropenia or EDTA (see Chelating agents)
While typically caused by pseudomonas, it
may sometimes be caused by other Gram- Eisenmenger syndrome
negative bacilli or even fungi. The organisms
Eisenmenger syndrome arises from congenital
are present in the adventitia of local vessels.
cardiac defects in which progressive pulmonary
It presents as a small, round, red, painless vascular obstruction has caused a predominant
macule on the arms, buttocks or groin. This right-to-left shunt. These cyanotic congenital
macule then vesiculates and finally sloughs to heart defects are not treatable surgically, except
give a black gangrenous ulcer, with a red by transplantation, once pulmonary vascular
halo up to 5 cm in diameter. disease has become irreversible and the
Eisenmenger syndrome is produced.
If extensive, the condition carries a high
mortality despite antibiotic therapy. Eisenmenger syndrome typically develops when
left-to-right shunts (ASD, VSD, PDA) reverse.
This most commonly occurs in ASDs in older
Bibliography patients and is associated with an irreversible
Greene SL, Su WP, Muller SA 1984 Ecthyma plexiform pulmonary arteriopathy, similar to
gangrenosum. J Am Acad Dermatol 11: 781. that seen in primary pulmonary hypertension

Ectopic hormone production (see Bibliography

also Paraneoplastic syndromes) Borow KM, Karp R 1990 Atrial septal defect: lessons
from the past, directions for the future. N Engl J
Ectopic hormone production may arise in a Med 323: 1698.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Nora JJ 1993 Causes of congenital heart disease: old one third of cases. It is however important,
and new modes, mechanisms, and models. Am

since some viral infections, most notably due to
Heart J 125: 1409. HSV, are treatable. Even a delayed diagnosis
Wilson NJ, Neutze JM 1993 Adult congenital heart can be epidemiologically useful.
disease: principles and management guidelines.
Aust NZ J Med 23: 498 & 697. Examination of the CSF shows lymphocytes, a
moderately increased protein and normal
Embolism, air (see Diving) The viruses most frequently involved are the
herpes group (HSV, EBV, CMV, VZV), HIV,
arborvirus, enterovirus, picornavirus, measles
Emphysema and mumps. The most common virus is HSV
For interstitial emphysema and subcutaneous type 1, and it generally responds well to
emphysema, see Barotrauma. treatment with acyclovir (q.v.). ‘Australian
encephalitis’ is usually caused by the flavivirus
(an arborvirus), Murray Valley encephalitis virus
Empyema (see Cavitation and Pleural (MVE), which despite its name most commonly
occurs in Northern Australia. It causes death in
about 20% of victims and residual neurological
sequelae in another 40%.
Encephalitis Bibliography
Encephalitis refers to acute viral infection of the Burrow JNC, Whelan PI, Kilburn CJ et al 1998
brain. There is commonly associated Australian encephalitis in the Northern Territory:
meningoencephalitis. There is viral replication clinical and epidemiological features, 1987–1996.
and consequent inflammation in the brain Aust NZ J Med 28: 590.
Whitley RJ 1990 Viral encephalitis. N Engl J Med
parenchyma and sometimes in adjacent
323: 242.

Clinical features include: Encephalopathy

• delirium; Encephalopathy refers to acute diffuse cerebral
• fits; dysfunction due to toxic or metabolic causes.
• coma.
If there is associated meningitis, there is It is manifest by impaired consciousness,
also: often with fitting or myoclonus. The fitting
may be generalized or focal and may be
• headache; continual, as in epilepsia partialis continua.
• neck stiffness;
• fever. Focal neurological signs can also of course be
associated with an intracranial mass lesion,
Temporal lobe involvement suggests that the
which should be excluded if such signs are
virus is HSV.
found. Associated signs of meningeal
irritation suggest meningitis or subarachnoid
The differential diagnosis includes bacterial, haemorrhage.
fungal or protozoal infections. The specific
There is typically:
diagnosis may be made by viral isolation or
serology, though this is successful in only about • metabolic flap;
E Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• coarse tremor; • Non-infective endocarditis may also be seen

• involuntary movements and mouthings;

in non-bacterial, thrombotic, verrucous or

• abnormal tone. Loeffler’s endocarditis.

Fitting or myoclonic jerks are usefully controlled in Acute endocarditis of duration up to six
most cases with a benzodiazepine (e.g. clonazepam weeks is usually caused by an aggressive
iv). Any reversible cause should clearly be treated if pathogen, which has infected normal
possible (e.g. uraemia or sepsis). endocardium following a pyogenic infection
with subsequent metastatic suppuration.
The prognosis is determined partly by the
reversibility of the underlying cause and partly by The organisms involved are usually S. aureus
the extent of neurological damage. For example, (especially in hospital patients) but also S.
the encephalopathy of uraemia is usually totally pneumoniae and Gram-negative bacilli
reversible after effective dialysis, whereas the (especially in drug addicts).
encephalopathy which follows a major hypoxic
event such as cardiac arrest may not recover at all.
Acute endocarditis presents as the sudden onset
Loss of the pupillary response to light for more
than 24 hours is an ominous prognostic sign.
• fever;
Bibliography • petechiae (including Janeway lesions and
Bolton CF, Young GB, Zochodne DW 1993 The Olser’s nodes, which are either autoimmune
neurological complications of sepsis. Ann Neurol or embolic and from which organisms may
33: 94. sometimes be cultured);
Brooks BR, Walker DL 1984 Progressive multifocal
• a new or changing cardiac murmur;
leukoencephalopathy. Neurol Clin 2: 299.
Celesia GG, Grigg MM, Ross E 1988 Generalized
• disseminated intravascular coagulation;
status myoclonicus in acute anoxic and toxic- • systemic emboli, especially to the brain and
metabolic encephalopathies. Arch Neurol 45: 781. kidney;
Edgren E, Hedstrand U, Kelsey S et al 1994 • meningismus.
Assessment of neurological prognosis in comatose In drug addicts, the tricuspid valve is commonly
survivors of cardiac arrest. Lancet 343: 1055.
involved and the course of the illness is very
Fraser CL, Arieff AI 1988 Nervous system
complications in uremia. Ann Intern Med 109:
Subacute endocarditis is caused by
relatively avirulent organisms, which are
Endarteritis (see Arteritis) often endogenous and are disturbed by
instrumentation so as to infect an
endocardium previously rendered abnormal
Endocarditis by congenital or rheumatic lesions.
Endocarditis refers to infective lesions on the The organisms usually involved are S.
heart valves or endocardium. viridans, enterococci, and other streptococcal
species, which reside in the mouth,
• As the organisms involved are usually urogenital system or gut.
bacteria, the term bacterial endocarditis is
commonly used, though the organisms can
sometimes be fungal, rickettsial or In subacute endocarditis, the features are more
chlamydial. The term infective endocarditis insidious and non-specific than in acute
(IE) is thus often used. endocarditis.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• There has been a previous ‘culprit’
The differential diagnosis of endocarditis may

procedure in two thirds of cases and a
prior cardiac lesion with a murmur in over sometimes be difficult and includes:
90%. • non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis;
• Systemic features include fever, anorexia and • rheumatic fever;
malaise. • atrial myxoma;
• Systemic emboli are common and • post-bypass syndromes;
particularly involve the brain, gut, retina, • malignancy (especially carcinoma of the
kidney and periphery. Systemic emboli kidney);
which are large suggest either paradoxical • collagen-vascular diseases.
embolization or cardiac emboli from
thrombi, tumour or fungal material.
Peripheral emboli are manifest as Complications include:
petechiae, lineal subungual splinter • valvular damage;
haemorrhages, Janeway lesions on the • abscess-induced myocardial dysfunction;
palms, and Olser’s nodes on the pulp of the • septal invasion with conduction abnormalities;
fingers. • cardiac failure;
• There is anaemia, focal or diffuse • pericarditis;
glomerulonephritis may occur, and • systemic embolization.
sometimes the emboli may cause a mycotic
Treatment is with high-dose parenteral antibiotics for 129
4–6 weeks in native valve endocarditis or 6–8 weeks
in prosthetic valve endocarditis.
Prosthetic valve endocarditis occurs on
• The most commonly used antibiotic is penicillin
both mechanical valves and bioprostheses
in a dose of 7–10 g (12–18 million U) per day
with an incidence of 3% in the first year and
for sensitive organisms and in twice that dose for
1% per year thereafter.
less sensitive organisms.
• Early endocarditis is usually associated • Gentamicin should be added for synergistic
with other perioperative complications. treatment of enterococci (in which case, ampicillin
• Late endocarditis is usually procedurally may also be substituted for penicillin).
related. • Vancomycin 2 g/day should be used if the patient
is sensitive to penicillin or if the responsible organism
is methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA).
Valvular dysfunction, particularly regurgitation,
• For sensitive S. aureus, flucloxacillin or
commonly results.
dicloxacillin 12 g/day or cephalothin in the same
Investigations for endocarditis show anaemia, dose should be used.
leukocytosis (in the acute phase), raised ESR, • For Gram-negative organisms, a third-
increased IgG, decreased complement, generation cephalosporin, sometimes with
circulating immune complexes, and gentamicin, should be given.
commonly positive rheumatoid factor and • Amphotericin 1 mg/kg daily, preferably with
renal abnormalities. Blood cultures are flucytosine 10 g daily, is given for fungal
important and should include methods to endocarditis, but there is still an 80% mortality,
detect more fastidious micro-organisms. so that early surgery is indicated, especially if the
Cultures taken from arterial blood may lesions are bulky.
sometimes reveal micro-organisms not • For culture-negative endocarditis, gentamicin plus
identified in blood taken by more routine flucloxacillin or ampicillin (depending on the likely
venepuncture. Even so, about 10% of patients organism) is given, except in prosthetic valve
remain culture-negative. endocarditis when vancomycin should also be added.
E Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

An antibiotic response should be seen within endocarditis, prophylaxis is not required for

two days and always within one week. Cultures low-risk procedures, such as:
should become negative, but even if therapy is
• dental work without gingival bleeding;
effective, embolization can still occur for some
• endotracheal intubation;
• fibreoptic bronchoscopy;
Antithrombotic therapy is sometimes • GI endoscopy without biopsy;
considered in bacterial endocarditis. However, • barium enema;
it does not prevent embolization of vegetations • liver biopsy;
and increases the risk of cerebral haemorrhage. • urinary catheterization;
It should therefore be used only if such • gynaecological examination;
therapy would have been indicated in its • uncomplicated vaginal or Caesarean delivery,
own right in the absence of the current or uterine curettage.
For procedures ‘above the diaphragm’,
Surgical repair or replacement of the
damaged valve is indicated if there is • the recommended antibiotic prophylaxis is
significant circulatory compromise or if the amoxycillin 2–3 g orally 1 h before the
endocarditis is bulky, invasive, staphylococcal, procedure (and 1.5 g 6 h after the procedure
pseudomonal or fungal. There is nowadays a if the procedure lasts more than 3 h).
low risk of infection of a new prosthesis.
• If the patient is sensitive to penicillin or is
Prophylactic antibiotics should always be already on low-dose penicillin prophylaxis
given if a patient with structural heart disease for rheumatic fever, erythromycin 1 g or
is subjected to a risk procedure. clindamycin 600 mg should be used instead
of amoxycillin 2–3 g.
• If oral intake is not possible, iv ampicillin
Structural heart disease includes for this (2 g) or clindamycin (600 mg) should be
purpose: used 30 min before the procedure.
• all congenital and valvular heart disease; • In very high-risk patients, ampicillin 2 g iv
and gentamicin 120 mg iv or vancomycin
• mitral valve prolapse;
1 g IV should be used.
• prosthetic valves;
• hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
• prior endocarditis (regardless of whether an For procedures ‘below the diaphragm’,
overt lesion was demonstrated or not);
• but not generally ASD (whether corrected or • oral or iv amoxycillin (as above) may be
not) and corrected PDA. used alone if the procedure is low risk and
with iv gentamicin if it is high risk.
Risk procedures include:
• major dental work; • Vancomycin should be substituted for
amoxycillin in patients sensitive to penicillin.
• surgery or invasive investigation of the
respiratory, gastrointestinal or urogenital Since many cases of endocarditis are not in fact
tracts; related to a defined precipitating event and are
• surgery of infected lesions; probably related to normal activities, such as
• obstetric procedures in the presence of chewing, it is important that careful dental
infection. health be maintained in patients at risk.
Unless the patient risk is particularly high, as The prognosis from endocarditis is still
with prosthetic valves or with previous unsatisfactory. There is a 25% overall mortality,
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
rising to 30% if a prosthetic valve is involved understood there, such as diabetic

and to 50% if the responsible organism is ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar non-ketosis,
S. aureus. The chief causes of death are cardiac hypoglycaemia and diabetes insipidus. Many
failure, embolization and mycotic aneurysms. conditions and issues are less commonly
encountered, and are therefore considered in
Bibliography this book, including:
Alpert JS, Krous HF, Dalen JE et al 1976
• acromegaly;
Pathogenesis of Osler’s nodes. Ann Intern Med 85:
• adrenal insufficiency;
Bayer AS, Bolger AF, Taubert KA et al 1998 • adrenocorticotropic hormone;
Diagnosis and management of infective • aldosterone;
endocarditis and its complications. Circulation 98: • angiotensin-converting enzyme;
2936. • calcitonin;
Calderwood SB, Swinski LA, Karchmer AW et al • Conn’s syndrome;
1986 Prosthetic valve endocarditis. J Thorac • Cushing’s syndrome;
Cardiovasc Surg 92: 776. • ectopic hormone production;
Dajani AS, Taubert KA, Wilson W et al 1997 • euthyroid sick syndrome;
Prevention of bacterial endocarditis: • hirsutism/hypertrichosis;
recommendations by the American Heart
• hypercalcaemia;
Association. JAMA 277: 1794.
DiNubile MJ 1982 Surgery in active endocarditis.
• hyperparathyroidism;
Ann Intern Med 96: 650. • hyperphosphataemia; 131

Kaye D 1985 Changing pattern of infective • hyperthyroidism;

endocarditis. Am J Med 79 (suppl 6B): 157. • hypocalcaemia;
Lerner PI, Weinstein L 1966 Infective endocarditis in • hypoparathyroidism;
the antibiotic era. N Engl J Med 274: 199, 259, • hypophosphataemia;
323, 388. • hypothyroidism;
Levin HJ, Paulker SG, Salzman EW et al 1992 • multiple endocrine neoplasia;
Antithrombotic therapy in valvular heart disease. • myxoedema;
Chest 102: S434. • pituitary;
Mansur AJ, Grinberg M, Lemos da Luz P et al 1992
• renin–angiotensin–aldosterone;
The complications of infective endocarditis. Arch
Intern Med 152: 2428.
• somatomedin C;
Stein PD, Alpert JS, Copeland J et al 1992 • somatostatin;
Antithrombotic therapy in patients with • syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
mechanical and biological prosthetic heart valves. hormone;
Chest 102: S445. • vasopressin;
Tornos P, Almirante B, Olona M et al 1997 Clinical • Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome;
outcome and long-term prognosis of late • Zollinger–Ellison syndrome.
prosthetic valve endocarditis: a 20-year experience.
Clin Infect Dis 24: 381.
Tunkel AR, Kaye D 1992 Endocarditis with negative
Axelrod L 1976 Glucocorticoid therapy. Medicine
blood cultures. N Engl J Med 326: 1215.
55: 39.
Weinstein L, Rubin RH 1973 Infective endocarditis.
Berl T 1990 Treating hyponatremia: damned if we
Progr Cardiovasc Dis 16: 239.
do and damned if we don’t. Kidney Int 37: 1006.
Chernow B (ed) 1994 The Pharmacological
Approach to the Critically Ill Patient. 3rd edition.
Endocrinology Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
Chrousos GP 1995 The hypothalamic–pituitary–
Some endocrine disorders are frequently adrenal axis and immune-mediated inflammation.
managed in Intensive Care and are well N Engl J Med 332: 1351.
EEndocrinology Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care


Cook DM, Loriaux DL 1996 The incidental adrenal Oster JR, Singer I, Fishman LM 1995 Heparin-
mass. Endocrinologist 6: 4. induced aldosterone suppression and hyperkalemia.
Curry SC, Arnold-Capell P 1991 Nitroprusside, Am J Med 98: 575.
nitroglycerin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme Reichlin S 1993 Neuroendocrine-immune
inhibitors. Crit Care Clin 7: 555. interactions. N Engl J Med 329: 1246.
Editorial 1980 Corticosteroids and hypothalamic– Rose BD 1986 New approach to disturbances in the
pituitary–adrenocortical function. Br Med J 280: plasma sodium concentration. Am J Med 81: 1033.
813. Salem M, Tainsh RE, Bromberg J et al 1994
Editorial 1985 The function of adrenaline. Lancet 1: Perioperative glucocorticoid coverage: a
561. reassessment 42 years after emergence of a
Ekins R 1992 The free hormone hypothesis and problem. Ann Surg 219: 416.
measurement of free hormones. Clin Chem 38: Tonner DR, Schlechte JA 1993 Neurologic
1289. complications of thyroid and parathyroid disease.
Grinspoon SK, Bilezikian JP 1992 HIV disease and Med Clin North Am 77: 251.
the endocrine system. N Engl J Med 327: 1360. Wilson JD, Foster DW (eds) 1992 Williams
Loriaux DL 1985 The polyendocrine deficiency Textbook of Endocrinology. 8th edition.
syndromes. N Engl J Med 312: 1568. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Enterocolitis (see Colitis) Bibliography

American College of Physicians 1990 Occupational
and environmental medicine: the internist’s role.
Ann Intern Med 113: 974.
Enteropathogenic E. coli (see Bascom R, Bromberg PA, Costa DL et al 1996
Diarrhoea) Health effects of outdoor pollution. Am J Resp
Crit Care Med 153: 3, 477.
Cugell DW 1992 The hard metal diseases. Clin
Envenomation (see Bites and stings) Chest Med 13: 269.
Nriagu JO, Pacyna JM 1988 Quantitative assessment
of worldwide contamination of air, water and soils
Environment by trace metals. Nature 333: 134.
Redlich CA, Sparer JS, Cullen MR 1997 Sick
Although environmental contact is an inevitable building syndrome. Lancet 349: 1013.
part of human existence, most such contact is not Rosenstock L, Cullen M (eds) 1994 Textbook of
hazardous to health or survival. However, in a Clinical Occupational and Environmental
variety of uncommon settings, the environment Medicine. Philadelphia: Saunders.
can present particular dangers and some of these Roxe DM, Krumlovsky FA 1988 Toxic interstitial
will come to the attention of Intensive Care nephropathy from metals, metabolites, and
radiation. Semin Nephrol 8: 72.
clinicians. In particular, serious illness may be
caused by some chemical exposures (see
Chemical poisoning) and some physical
exposures (see Cold, Heat, High altitude). Eosinopenia (see Eosinophilia)
E Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Eosinophilia • pulmonary infiltrates


Eosinophils arise from the granulocyte- – q.v.;

macrophage-eosinophil progenitor, which is
• systemic disorders
stimulated by eosinophilopoietin to differentiate
into eosinophilic myelocytes, metamyelocytes – including connective tissue diseases and
and finally mature eosinophils. granulomatoses;
Most eosinophils (99%) reside in the tissues, • hypereosinophilic syndrome
especially in the gut mucosa. Eosinophils have – an uncommon condition of no known
prominent granules which contain peroxidase aetiology but with an eosinophil count
and other proteins such as neurotoxin. They ⬎1.5⫻109/L. It is a chronic multi-organ
have also a unique membrane enzyme disorder, with cardiomyopathy, recurrent
(lysophospholipase), which forms thromboembolism, and central nervous
Charcot–Leyden crystals when eosinophils system and sometimes lung and skin
coalesce and fragment. involvement.
Eosinophils are attracted by substances (e.g. It responds to corticosteroids, but sometimes
ECF-A) released from mast cells. They are cytotoxics or leukapheresis may be indicated.
stimulated by T cells and activated by
monocytes, their presumed role being to kill Bibliography
134 multicellular parasites, an action which is in Fauci A, Harley J, Roberts W et al 1982 The
enhanced by IL-3. idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome. Ann
Intern Med 97: 278.
Despite this role, eosinopenia (which occurs in
Gleich GJ, Loegering DA 1984 Immunobiology of
some infections and following corticosteroids) is
eosinophils. Annu Rev Immunol 2: 429.
not associated with any specific clinical Kita H 1996 The eosinophil: a cytokine-producing
consequence. cell? J Allergy Clin Immunol 97: 889.
Eosinophilia on the other hand (absolute
eosinophil count ⬎0.44⫻109/L) is associated
with a large variety of clinical disorders. These Eosinophilia and lung infiltration
include: Pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia
(PIE) includes:
• allergic disorders
– especially those involving the lungs or the • Loeffler’s syndrome;
skin; • asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia;
• tropical eosinophilia;
• drug reactions • eosinophilic pneumonia.
– especially to chlorpromazine, iodides, Specific conditions which may also give rise to
sulfonamides; pulmonary infiltration in association with blood
eosinophilia include:
• infections
• eosinophilic leukaemia;
– especially parasitic but occasionally fungal; • Hodgkin’s disease;
• hydatid disease;
• malignancy
• polyarteritis nodosa;
– especially myeloproliferative disorders • Churg–Strauss syndrome.
(including eosinophilic leukaemia);
Loeffler’s syndrome (simple pulmonary
– but also other leukaemias and lymphoma; eosinophilia) consists of transient and variable
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
pulmonary infiltrates, associated with a high refractory asthma. Untreated, alternating

Eosinophilia and lung infiltration

white cell count (up to 20⫻109/L) and recurrences and remissions may persist for
eosinophil count (up to 20% or more). It is years and eventually lead to pulmonary
probably an allergic reaction to a variety of fibrosis.
possible allergens, particularly helminths.
Treatment is with diethylcarbamazine (DEC), 6
It generally lasts less than a month, but it may mg/kg daily for 3 weeks.
occasionally last up to six months or more.
Most cases are clinically silent, but cough and Eosinophilic pneumonia is a syndrome of
systemic symptoms sometimes occur. Recovery very marked eosinophilia with fever, night
is invariable. sweats, malaise, weight loss, dyspnoea and
wheeze. Sometimes, however, it may be
Treatment is not indicated. asymptomatic. The aetiology is unknown. It
mostly affects middle-aged women, many of
Asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia is whom have a past history of atopy.
characterized by asthma with recurrent, variable
and changing shadows on chest X-ray and Chest X-ray characteristically shows bilateral,
variable eosinophilia. Most cases are associated symmetrical, peripheral pulmonary infiltrates
with Aspergillus fumigatus colonization, and the with perihilar sparing (the ‘photonegative’
fungus acts as an antigen. The condition is thus picture of acute pulmonary oedema), though
also called allergic bronchopulmonary commonly there are less characteristic findings,
aspergillosis. such as patchy interstitial infiltration, lobar
consolidation or cavitation.
Typically, the patient is febrile during acute
exacerbations and coughs up brown plugs or Diagnosis is made by transbronchial lung
bronchial casts containing eosinophils and biopsy.
fungal mycelia. Mucoid impaction may occur
The condition responds dramatically to
with bronchial obstruction due to inspissated
corticosteroids, though relapse after steroid
mucus. Bronchiectasis and lobar shrinkage may
withdrawal may occur.
be found.
Precipitins for Aspergillus fumigatus are usually
present in serum. The course is generally Allen JN, Davis WB 1994 Eosinophilic lung diseases.
chronic. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 150: 1423.
Jederlinic PJ, Sicilian L, Gaensler EA 1988 Chronic
Treatment is as for asthma, with corticosteroids
eosinophilic pneumonia: a report of 19 cases and a
usually required. Specific antifungal therapy has been review of the literature. Medicine 67: 154.
generally unhelpful, except for itraconazole in Naughton M, Fahy J, FitzGerald MX 1993 Chronic
steroid-dependent cases of aspergollosis (q.v.). eosinophilic pneumonia. Chest 103: 162.
Ong RKC, Doyle RL 1998 Tropical pulmonary
Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE) is
eosinophilia. Chest 113: 1673.
an allergic reaction to mosquito-borne filaria, Ottesen EA, Nutman TB 1992 Tropical pulmonary
particularly Wuchereria bancrofti but also Brugia eosinophilia. Annu Rev Med 43: 417.
malayi. Given the frequency of lymphatic Ricketti AJ, Greenberger PA, Mintzer RA et al 1983
filariasis in tropical countries, this allergic Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Arch
response is uncommon, occurring in ⬍1% of Intern Med 143: 1553.
infected patients. Schatz M, Wasserman S, Patterson R 1981
Eosinophils and immunologic lung disease. Med
The patient presents with episodic fever, Clin North Am 65: 1055.
cough, wheeze and often systemic symptoms. Schuyler MR 1983 Allergic bronchopulmonary
Particularly in travellers, it may masquerade as aspergillosis. Clin Chest Med 4: 15.
E Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Eosinophilic granuloma (see • In homosexual men:

Eosinophilic granuloma

Histiocytosis X) – it is often associated with urethritis;

– it is usually due to coliforms or
Eosinophilic pneumonia (see
Eosinophilia and lung infiltration)
The differential diagnosis is:
• testicular infection;
Epidermolysis bullosa i.e. orchitis (q.v.);
Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of over 20 rare
• testicular torsion;
genetic and acquired disorders of adhesion
• testicular tumour.
molecules of the epidermis and
epidermal–dermal junction. They typically
appear as blistering after minor trauma. Some
Epidural abscess
conditions are autoimmune and also affect
mucosal as well as skin integrity. An epidural abscess may arise anywhere
throughout the length of the epidural space,
Treatment with fluid and electrolyte resuscitation
though it is most usefully classified as cranial or
may be required, since blistering can be extensive and
136 cause dehydration and subsequent infection.
Cranial epidural abscess arises from direct
Bibliography spread of infection due to:
Fine J-D 1986 Epidermolysis bullosa: clinical aspects,
pathology, and recent advances in research. Int J • cranial injury;
Dermatol 25: 143. • wound infection;
• adjacent sinus or mastoid infection.
Since the dura adheres closely to the skull, the
Epididymitis size of such an abscess is limited. The most
commonly involved organisms are S. aureus,
Epididymitis can be due to a variety of micro-
enteric Gram-negative bacilli or anaerobes (the
organisms. These particularly include:
latter particularly if the abscess follows sinus or
• chlamydia; mastoid infection).
• gonococci;
The clinical features are those of the
• meningococci;
underlying condition, together with neck
• haemophilus;
stiffness. Because of its small size, focal
• salmonella;
neurological signs are uncommon. The
• cryptococcus;
exception is V and VI nerve involvement
• mycobacteria;
from petrous extension from mastoid disease,
• filaria;
with paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle and
• mumps virus.
facial pain (Gradenigo’s syndrome).
Examination of the CSF shows lymphocytes
but no organisms.
• In young heterosexual men:
Treatment is with antibiotics and surgical
– it is usually associated with urethritis
and conjunctivitis;
– it is chiefly due to N. gonorrhoeae or C. Spinal epidural abscess is uncommon and is
trachomatis. mostly due to bacteraemia (when it is often
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
associated with vertebral osteomyelitis). Epstein–Barr virus

Epstein–Barr virus
Sometimes, it may be due to adjacent infection,
as of a wound. The thoracic region is more Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection is limited to
often involved than the cervical or lumbar. The nasopharyngeal epithelial cells, B cells and
abscess is usually posterior involving an average cervical cells in humans. It is well known as the
of 4–5 spaces. cause of infectious mononucleosis, and it may
also be involved in a variety of other conditions,
The organisms most commonly involved are including nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Asians,
S. aureus, followed by Gram-negative bacilli. Burkitt’s lymphoma in Africans and several B
Clinical manifestations are described as typically cell lymphoproliferative disorders.
occurring in four phases, namely
The virus first infects the cells of the
• in the first 1–2 days nasopharynx, where it replicates and
subsequently infects B cells, within which it is
– there is back pain and meningismus; disseminated to other parts of the body.
• in the next 4–5 days Although B cells carry the viral genome, the
virus is not replicated but remains latent for
– there is nerve root pain and fever; long periods. These B cells can produce a
• over the next day variety of antibodies, including the heterophile
antibody, a diagnostic marker of EBV infection,
– there is weakness, numbness and though not in fact an antibody directed to viral 137
incontinence; antigen but coincidentally to red blood cell
• subsequently antigens of several animals.

– irreversible paralysis occurs. About half the population seroconvert by 5

years of age due to asymptomatic infection.
When primary infection occurs between 10–20
The differential diagnosis of a spinal epidural years, the condition of infectious mononucleosis
abscess is: results. About 15% of seropositive adults shed
the virus from the oropharynx, and it is
• spinal cord compression, due to tumour transmitted to others by close contact.
or vertebral body disease;
• spinal cord ischaemia;
• transverse myelitis.
Clinically, infectious mononucleosis is
manifest as fever, pharyngitis and
The diagnosis is confirmed and its extent
lymphadenopathy, often with associated rash
delineated by spinal MRI or CT-myelography.
(especially if given ampicillin),
Lumbar puncture should not be performed if
hepatosplenomegaly and jaundice.
there is lumbar involvement because of the risk
of producing meningitis. Although the acute illness typically lasts 1–3
weeks, fatigue may last for months.
Treatment is with spinal cord decompression and
antibiotics for 3–4 weeks. Haemolytic anaemia, meningoencephalitis
and Guillain–Barré syndrome occasionally
Bibliography occur. Chronic EBV infection may occur in
Baker AS, Ojemann RG, Swartz MN et al 1975 some patients. Occasionally, overwhelming
Spinal epidural abscess. N Engl J Med 293: 463. infection gives rise to a lymphoproliferative
Jefferson AA, Keogh AJ 1977 Intracranial abscesses. syndrome in immunocompromised hosts.
Q J Med 46: 389.
E Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

The diagnosis is confirmed by the typical full Erysipelas

Epstein–Barr virus

blood examination and the presence of serum

heterophile antibody which may last for several Erysipelas is a superficial cellulitis caused usually
months. There is an increased number of by group A ␤-haemolytic streptococci. There is
lymphocytes with ⬎10% being atypical, and a characteristic red and oedematous appearance,
often neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. Liver especially of the face, that is demarcated, spreads
function tests are commonly abnormal. peripherally and may vesiculate. It is associated
with fever and local discomfort.
Treatment is supportive. Acyclovir provides only
minimal clinical benefit, but corticosteroids are It has sometime been reported after coronary
occasionally useful for complications. artery bypass graft surgery as affecting the leg
from which the saphenous vein has been
Bibliography removed. In chronic oedematous states,
Tynell E, Aurelius E, Brandell A et al 1996 Acyclovir erysipelas may be recurrent.
and prednisolone treatment of acute infectious The diagnosis is made clinically and is supported
mononucleosis: a multicenter, double-blind,
if possible by culture of fluid from the lesion.
placebo-controlled study. J Infect Dis 174: 324.
Treatment is with penicillin, which results in
improvement within two days, though complete
Ergot resolution requires several days.
138 Ergot is derived from the fungus, Claviceps
purpurea, a fungus affecting grasses, especially The main differential diagnosis is two-fold:
rye. Infected grain appears large and hard and
• Erysipeloid.
has brown-black discolouration. Poisoning
occurs from the ingestion of affected flour and This is a non-febrile condition with painful,
is referred to as ergotism (St Anthony’s fire). purple lesions on the hand a few days after
handling animal or fish products infected with
The chief features of this condition are peripheral Erysipelothrix insidiosa (or rhusiopathia), a Gram-
gangrene due to vascular smooth muscle positive bacillus resembling listeria. It may
constriction and fits, possibly leading to death. occasionally be complicated by septicaemia.
Treatment is symptomatic. It is treated with penicillin.
Ergotism has been reported following normal • Acute allergic contact dermatitis
doses of ergotamine for migraine when (AECD, see Dermatitis)
combined with erythromycin.
• This may affect the face or limbs, in which
The ergot alkaloid, methysergide, has been case it has often been induced by plants.
reported to cause cardiac valvulopathy, as well as
the better known side-effect of retroperitoneal
fibrosis. These effects appear to be similar to Bibliography
those which occur in the carcinoid syndrome. Grieco MH, Sheldon C 1970 Erysipelothrix
rhusiopathiae. Ann NY Acad Sci 174: 523.
It is of interest that ergot is the source of the Eriksson B, Jorup-Ronstrom C, Karkkoonen K et al
synthetic hallucinogen, lysergic acid 1996 Erysipelas: clinical and bacteriologic spectrum
diethylamide (LSD). and serological aspects. Clin Infect Dis 23: 1091.

Bibliography Erythema marginatum

Redfield MM, Nicholson WJ, Edwards WD et al
1992 Valve disease associated with ergot alkaloid Erythema marginatum is the characteristic rash
use. Ann Intern Med 117: 50. of rheumatic fever, though it occurs in only 5%
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
of cases and even then, being transient, it is Bibliography

often missed. It is an evanescent and Tonnesen MG, Soter NA 1979 Erythema
asymptomatic rash affecting the limbs and trunk, multiforme. J Am Acad Dermatol 1: 357.
and though it lasts only a few hours it may
Erythema nodosum
Erythema nodosum is possibly a delayed
Erythema migrans (see Lyme disease) hypersensitivity reaction to inflammatory or
pharmacological stimuli.

Erythema multiforme
• Inflammatory triggers include
Erythema multiforme is one of the toxic streptococcal infection, especially of the
erythemas. upper respiratory tract, TB, sarcoidosis
and inflammatory bowel disease.
It is an acute hypersensitivity reaction of skin • Pharmacological triggers include
and mucous membranes, following particularly sulfonamides and oral
infections, drugs and some other stimuli. contraceptives.

• Infections may be bacterial (streptococcal, 139

TB), viral (HSV, influenza, mumps), The condition usually occurs in young women.
fungal or due to mycoplasma. It appears as red, tender nodules, especially on
• Drugs most commonly include the legs. It is associated with systemic symptoms
barbiturates, penicillin, sulfonamides, of fever, malaise and arthralgia and usually lasts
phenytoin. for 3–6 weeks.
• Other stimuli include collagen-vascular
diseases, malignancy, graft-versus-host The clinical diagnosis is clear-cut, but it should
reaction. prompt a search for an underlying disease.

Treatment is symptomatic, and should especially

There is a characteristic inner lesion of a red include rest. Corticosteroids and potassium iodide are
macule that may vesiculate, ulcerate and in helpful in chronic cases.
some cases become infected. Surrounding this
inner lesion but separated from it by an area of
normal skin is an erythematous halo. The Erythrocytosis (see Polycythaemia)
entire complex looks like a target.
Involvement of the outer lip mucosa is Erythrocytosis refers to an increased red blood
characteristic. cell (erythrocyte) count, i.e. ⬎5.80⫻1012/L.
More valid indices of increased total red cell
In its severe, disseminated and multisystem mass (i.e. polycythaemia) are:
form, it is called the Stevens–Johnson
syndrome. • increased haemoglobin (⬎180 g/L);
• increased haematocrit (⬎0.52) – a better
Treatment should include that of any triggers (e.g. index;
• direct isotopic measurement of red cell mass
• The use of corticosteroids is debatable, though used (⬎36 mL/kg) – probably the best index.
early they may be helpful.
• Severe cases need supportive care, including fluid
resuscitation. Erythromelalgia (see Thrombocytosis)
E Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Ethylene glycol • Late (1–3 days)

Ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol {1,2-ethanediol, C2H4(OH)2 or There is renal impairment

HOCH2.CH2OH} is a colourless, odourless, – with kidney pain and acute tubular
but sweet-tasting and oily liquid. It is the necrosis.
simplest of the glycols, which are organic
compounds of the alcohol family but with Death occurs at this time from multiorgan
(OH)2 attached to a carbon structure. It has failure in severely poisoned patients if untreated.
been widely used since the 1920s as an
antifreeze, a brake fluid and in synthetic fibre The diagnosis should be suspected in a
manufacture. patient who is inebriated or comatose with a
It may be ingested accidentally or suicidally, but metabolic acidosis and increased anion gap.
it is most commonly taken deliberately as a There may be an associated neutrophilia,
cheap substitute for alcohol. Although not toxic hyperkalaemia and hypocalcaemia.
itself, its metabolism via alcohol dehydrogenase Urinalysis may show oxalate crystals, as well
gives several toxic products, including as haematuria and proteinuria. The presence
aldehydes, glycolate, oxalate and lactic acid. Its of calcium oxalate crystals in the urine is
half-life is about 3 h. Poisoning from ethylene characteristic and is more the renal reflection
glycol has many similarities with that from of massive oxalate crystal deposition in tissues
140 methanol. throughout the body rather than a
manifestation solely of renal clearance of
The minimum lethal dose is about 100 mL in toxic metabolites.
an adult, though recovery has been reported
following the ingestion of up to 1 L. A
significantly toxic plasma level is ⬎200 mg/L or Treatment comprises:
3.2 mmol/L.
• gastric lavage;
The clinical features of ethylene glycol • cardiorespiratory support;
poisoning are seen in three stages. • correction of metabolic acidosis (often requiring up
to 1000 mmol or more of bicarbonate);
• Early (4–12 h) • correction of hypocalcaemia;
• administration of ethyl alcohol to compete for
There are gastrointestinal disturbances: alcohol dehydrogenase (as for methanol poisoning,
– with nausea and vomiting; • administration of fomepizole (4-methylpyrazole,
4–MP, Antizol), an expensive new agent recently
neurological (meningoencephalitic)
shown to inhibit alcohol dehydrogenase and thus
prevent the production of toxic metabolites, its
– with intoxication (without the smell of dosage being 15 mg/kg iv initially followed by 10
alcohol), nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, mg/kg each 12 h for 48 h followed by 15 mg/kg
myoclonus, decreased reflexes, convulsions each 12 h until the plasma ethylene glycol level is
and coma. ⬍200 mg/L or 3.2 mmol/L;
• dialysis or haemofiltration (if the plasma ethylene
• Intermediate (12–24 h) glycol concentration is ⬎500 mg/L or ⬎8
There is cardiorespiratory failure:
Early diagnosis and treatment is important,
– with tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnoea because the mortality is high without treatment
and pulmonary oedema. but virtually nil with treatment.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography • several commonly used drugs

Euthryroid sick syndrome

Brent J, McMartin K, Phillips S et al 1999
Fomepizole for the treatment of ethylene glycol – notably dopamine, which decreases all
poisoning. N Engl J Med 340: 832. thyroid function indices;
DaRoza R, Henning RI, Sunshine I et al 1984 – also corticosteroids, amiodarone and
Acute ethylene glycol poisoning. Crit Care Med radiographic contrast media, which
12: 103. decrease total T3;
Hantson Ph, Hassoun A, Mahieu P 1998 Ethylene
glycol poisoning treated by intravenous 4- • selenium deficiency
methylpyrazole. Intens Care Med 24: 736. – related to the impaired peripheral
Jacobsen D, McMartin KE 1997 Antidotes for
deiodination of T4 to form T3.
methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning. J Toxicol
Clin Toxicol 35: 127.
Jacobsen D, McMartin KE 1986 Methanol and
In the euthyroid sick syndrome,
ethylene glycol poisoning: mechanism of toxicity,
abnormalities of most thyroid function tests
clinical course, diagnosis and treatment. Med
Toxicol 1: 309. are found.
Karlson-Stiber C, Persson H 1992 Ethylene glycol • Total T4:
poisoning: experience from an epidemic in
Sweden. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 30: 565. – is typically low, because of low TBG or
Kulig K, Duffy JP, Lenden CH et al 1984 Toxic impaired protein binding;
effects of methanol, ethylene glycol and isopropyl – occasionally, it may even be increased, 141
alcohol. Topics in Emerg Med 6: 14. because of increased TBG.
Parry MF, Wallach R 1974 Ethylene glycol
poisoning. Am J Med 57: 143. • Free T4:
Shannon M 1998 Toxicology reviews: fomepizole –
– is normal if directly measured;
a new antidote. Pediatr Emerg Care 14: 170.
– though if calculated it can be
misleadingly low.

Euthyroid sick syndrome • Total T3 and free T3:

The assessment of thyroid function is difficult in – are typically also low, because of
the seriously ill patient. This is because a variety decreased peripheral conversion of T4
of abnormalities of thyroid function tests may to T3.
be found which seemingly reflect • TSH:
hypothyroidism, even in the absence of intrinsic
thyroid disease. This state has thus been referred – is normal or low, even in the presence
to as the euthyroid sick syndrome, and it may of a low T4 and T3.
reflect the neuroendocrine effects of cytokines. – This may be due to euthyroidism, to
It can occur very early in the course of serious hypothalamic or pituitary depression, or
illness, especially sepsis. to dopamine, which impairs the TSH
response to TRH.
Many aspects of serious illness affect thyroid – The TSH is of course low if there is
function tests, including: secondary hypothyroidism.
– It is also decreased by starvation and
• systemic illness corticosteroids, as well as by dopamine.
– perhaps mediated by TNF␣; – The TSH may be abnormally increased
for several weeks before returning to
• some specific conditions normal following recovery from serious
– especially starvation and diabetes mellitus;
E Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

The clinical significance of these abnormalities Ramsay I 1985 Drug and non-thyroid induced
Euthryroid sick syndrome

of thyroid function tests is uncertain. While the changes in thyroid function tests. Postgrad Med J
low T3 may be homeostatic and thus possibly 61: 375.
beneficial, a low T4 is associated with an Surks MI, Chopra IJ, Mariash CN et al 1990
American Thyroid Association guidelines for use
increased mortality, though it is presumably
of laboratory tests in thyroid disorders. JAMA 263:
only a marker as replacement therapy does not
improve survival. Wartofsky L, Burman KD 1982 Alterations in
In general, the normal ranges for thyroid thyroid function in patients with systemic
function tests which have been established in illness:”The euthyroid sick syndrome”. Endocrinol
Rev 3: 164.
well subjects are inappropriate for the
assessment of seriously ill patients.
Nevertheless, the diagnosis of genuine Exfoliative dermatitis
hypothyroidism is important because it is
Exfoliative dermatitis (erythroderma) can
curable, though the erroneous treatment of a
complicate a number of dermatological and
euthyroid patient is potentially dangerous.
systemic problems, including psoriasis (especially
following steroid withdrawal), atopic dermatitis,
The most practical approach is to rely on the contact dermatitis, ichthyosis, drug eruptions
TSH level, which if elevated generally and lymphoma. Its most generalized form is
142 indicates hypothyroidism and if low called the Stevens–Johnson syndrome (see
generally indicates euthyroidism. Erythema multiforme).

While hypothyroidism will not be

overdiagnosed in this way, it may be The staphylococcal scalded skin
underdiagnosed if one of the other causes of syndrome (SSSS) is a form of exfoliative
a low TSH is present, as described above. dermatitis, which is produced by the
Laboratory tests thus need to be exfoliative toxin of S. aureus. It is sometimes
complemented by clinical features, including called toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) type
past history, goitre, hypothermia or I. The toxin produces an intraepidermal
associated autoimmune disorders. cleavage plane.

If there is clinical hypothyroidism, especially There is a diffuse tender scarlatiniform rash

if the TSH is high, thyroxine should be with bullae and an associated fever.
given. Treatment of SSSS is with flucloxacillin or
dicloxacillin (or vancomycin if the organism is
methicillin-resistant) and resuscitation, and
Bibliography corticosteroids are possibly helpful in some cases.
Berger MM, Reymond MJ, Shenkin A et al 2001
Influence of selenium supplements on the post- The mortality is less than 5%.
traumatic alterations of the thyroid axis. Intens
Care Med 27: 91. SSSS needs to be distinguished from toxic
Docter R, Krenning EP, De Jong M et al 1993 The
epidermal necrolysis (TEN) type II, which
sick euthyroid syndrome: changes in thyroid
is usually a drug reaction and probably
hormone serum parameters and hormone
metabolism. Clin Endocrinol 39: 499. autoimmune-mediated. It is a rare but severe
Kaptein EM, Spencer CA, Kamiel MB et al 1980 form of Stevens–Johnson syndrome, and is
Prolonged dopamine administration and thyroid thus the most severe cutaneous drug reaction.
hormone economy in normal and critically ill Its initial report by Lyell in 1956 described it
subjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 51: 387. as a ‘scalded skin syndrome’, and subsequently
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
it was sometimes referred to as Lyell’s Exophthalmos (see Hyperthyroidism)

Extrinsic allergic alveolitis

It is a severe epidermal necrosis with blistering Exotic pneumonia
and a burns-like appearance. The cleavage plane Exotic pneumonia is the term applied to
is at the epidermal–dermal junction, i. e. deeper pulmonary infection due to an unusual
than for type I. organism.
It is usually associated with allopurinol,
anticonvulsants, minocycline, NSAIDs, or This unusual organism may be either:
sulfonamides, though it can also occur in graft-
versus-host disease and in mycoplasma • common, though not as a respiratory
infection. pathogen; or
• uncommon and infectious by virtue of an
Treatment of TEN type II is as a burn, and unusual environment.
corticosteroids should be avoided. Plasma exchange
has sometimes been recommended, but there is doubt
about its efficacy. The ‘common’ organisms include:
The mortality is 25–50%, and death is due • some viruses and rickettsiae;
either to sepsis or to organ involvement • bacteria, such as atypical mycobacteria and
(especially the gut or lungs). actinomyces;
• fungi, such as aspergillus and cryptococcus;
Bibliography • protozoa, such as toxoplasma.
Kim P, Goldfarb P, Gaisford T et al 1983
These organisms cause pneumonia mainly in
Stevens–Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
necrolysis. J Burn Care Rehabil 4: 93.
compromised hosts. In these patients, the
Lyell A 1967 A review of toxic epidermal necrolysis diagnostic net has to be cast somewhat wider
in Britain. Br J Dermatol 79: 662. than usual if one of the more expected
Melish ME, Glasgow LA, Turner MD 1972 The organisms is not readily isolated.
staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome: isolation
The ‘uncommon’ organisms include:
and partial purification of the exfoliative toxin. J
Infect Dis 125: 129. • bacteria giving rise to melioidosis,
Nicolis GD, Helwig EB 1973 Exfoliative dermatitis: nocardiosis, plague, anthrax, tularaemia;
a clinicopathologic study of 135 cases. Arch • many fungi which have restricted
Dermatol 108: 788. geographical distribution, such as
Roujeau JC, Kelly JP, Naldi L et al 1995 Medication
histoplasma, coccidioidomycosis and
use and the risk of Stevens–Johnson syndrome or
toxic epidermal necrolysis. N Engl J Med 333:
1600. These organisms are generally identifiable,
Schwartz RA 1997 Toxic epidermal necrolysis. Cutis provided there is a high level of clinical
59: 123. suspicion of unusual pathogens in patients who
Sehgal VN, Gangwani OP 1987 Fixed drug
may have acquired their infection in an
eruption: current concepts. Int J Dermatol 26:
unfamiliar environment, usually as travellers.
Thestrup-Pedersen K, Halkier-Sorensen L, Sogaard
H et al 1988 The red man syndrome: exfoliative
dermatitis of unknown etiology. J Am Acad Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (see
Dermatol 18: 1307. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis)
F Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Factitious disorders • Sjögren’s syndrome occasionally.

Factitious disorders

A factitious (i.e. artificial) disorder is one which It can lead to osteomalacia.

generally mimics a known disease state but The serum phosphate, bicarbonate and often
which is self-inflicted, usually in a conscious and calcium are low, and the alkaline phosphatase
manipulative way. It is thus related to, but increased, while levels of vitamin D and
separate from, other self-inflicted problems, parathyroid hormone (PTH) are normal.
such as drug overdose or trauma (self-
mutilation). These latter conditions are not only Treatment is with vitamin D, phosphate and
much more common but usually also much bicarbonate.
more readily identifiable.
A number of factitious disorders may sometimes Brenton DP, Isenberg DA, Cusworth DC et al 1981
be encountered in seriously ill patients, The adult presenting Fanconi syndrome. J Inh
particularly in those with personality disorders. Metab Dis 4: 211.
There is often associated drug abuse, but the
separation from real specific disease can
sometimes be difficult. Farmer’s lung (see Hypersensitivity

The most important factitious disorders

include: Fasciitis
• bleeding; There are a number of forms of fasciitis.
• dermatitis; • Necrotizing fasciitis (see Gangrene)
• diarrhoea; • Eosinophilic fasciitis. This superficially
• fever; resembles scleroderma. The skin is actually
• hyperthyroidism; normal, but the subcutaneous fascia contains
• hypoglycaemia. an inflammatory infiltrate.
The aetiology is unknown, but it has been
reported following severe muscular exertion.
Familial hypocalciuric There is marked eosinophilia with a raised
hypercalcaemia (see ESR. Rheumatoid serology is negative.
Hyperparathyroidism) The condition is self-limited, though improvement
is hastened by low-dose corticosteroids.

Fanconi’s syndrome • Local fasciitis. These include Dupuytren’s,

plantar fasciitis, diabetic stiff hand syndrome.
Fanconi’s syndrome consists of increased renal
excretion of glucose, amino acids (see • Fournier’s gangrene (see Gangrene)
Aminoaciduria), phosphate and uric acid, due to
abnormal proximal renal tubular reabsorption. Felty’s syndrome
It occurs in: Felty’s syndrome consists of seropositive
rheumatoid arthritis with splenomegaly and
• tubulointerstitial diseases (especially allergic neutropenia.
interstitial nephritis, such as that due to beta-
lactam antibiotics or outdated tetracycline); Clinical manifestations often also include fever,
• heavy metal poisoning (such as from lead or weight loss, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy,
cadmium); skin pigmentation and ulceration.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
haemoglobin. Its persistence in larger amounts is
Investigations typically show a white cell

chiefly seen in thalassaemia (q.v.).
count of 1.5–2.0⫻109/L with a neutropenia
of 0.5–1.0⫻109/L. HbF is also seen in the syndrome of ‘hereditary
persistence of fetal haemoglobin’, an autosomal
Neutropenia due to other rheumatic diseases, dominant condition resulting from several gene
such as SLE, or to marrow depressant abnormalities. Homozygotes have 100% HbF
therapy, such as gold, needs to be excluded. and heterozygotes 50%. Whereas traditionally
Sometimes the neutropenia is severe (i.e. this condition was considered to be
⬍0.5⫻109/L). It may thus be associated asymptomatic, more recently some cases have
with recurrent infections, especially of the been found to be anaemic.
lungs and skin, and particularly with Gram-
negative bacilli, staphylococci and
streptococci. Fever (see Pyrexia)
The pathogenetic mechanisms of
neutropenia are probably multiple and
Fever of unknown origin (see
include impaired granulopoiesis, which may
be T-cell mediated, increased peripheral Pyrexia)
destruction and increased margination.
Thrombocytopenia is common but is not 145
usually marked.
Fibrinolysis is the process which removes
thrombotic material and remodels acute lumenal
Treatment is required if the condition is severe. obstruction, thus restoring vascular patency.
• While corticosteroids may be useful Like other plasma enzyme cascades, the
symptomatically, they may exacerbate infection. fibrinolytic sequence comprises:
• Splenectomy may be considered, but continued • an inactive precursor;
improvement in the neutrophil count occurs in only • an active enzyme;
about 30% of patients after such surgery. • stimulatory and inhibitory influences;
• Disease-modifying drugs such as gold may be • substrate;
useful. • end-products.
• Cytokine therapy with G-CSF offers new
Fibrinolysis is one of the four inter-related
Bibliography enzyme cascades (the other three being the
Goldberg J, Pinals RS 1980 Felty syndrome. Semin coagulation, kinin and complement systems)
Arthritis Rheum 10: 52. which are responsible for integrating many
Spivak JL 1977 Felty’s syndrome: an analytical of the bodily responses to injury and which
review. Johns Hopkins Med J 141: 156. are all triggered by activation of factor XII.

Plasminogen activator is released as tissue

Fetal haemoglobin
plasminogen activator (t-PA) locally from
Fetal haemoglobin (HbF) contains 2-alpha and damaged endothelial cells and also from a
2-gamma chains (i.e. it is designated alpha-2 variety of other tissues. Activator converts the
gamma-2). In normal adult haemoglobin, the inactive circulating precursor, plasminogen, to
gamma chains have changed to beta chains, and the active enzyme, plasmin, a broad protease
there is usually only ⬍2% of residual fetal but with a special appetite for fibrin (and also to
F Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

a lesser extent fibrinogen and other coagulation Systemic secondary fibrinolysis may be

factors). Other substances may also activate seen:

plasminogen, including natural agents, such as
• in acute promyelocytic leukaemia;
urokinase (the plasminogen activator in urine)
• after congenital heart surgery;
or exogenous products (such as bacteria-derived
• in primary amyloidosis;
• in disseminated intravascular coagulation
The effect of plasminogen activator and of (the most common situation and one in
plasmin are modulated by the circulating which it is often compensatory).
inhibitors, plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI,
Local secondary fibrinolysis is most
especially PAI-1) and by antiplasmin (especially
frequently seen after prostatectomy. It may
␣2-antiplasmin, ␣2-AP).
also be involved in some cases of bleeding
Plasmin lyses fibrin by combining with its from the gums, stomach, large bowel, uterus
lysine-binding site, a site which may be blocked and perhaps subarachnoid space.
by ␣2-AP and by substances resembling lysine,
such as epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA).
When fibrin is laid down in a thrombus,
Collen D, Lijnen HR 1991 Basic and clinical aspects
circulating plasminogen is incorporated into this of fibrinolysis and thrombolysis. Blood 78: 3114.
clot. It is this plasminogen which is Prins MH, Hirsh J 1991 A critical review of the
preferentially activated to plasmin by t-PA, evidence supporting a relationship between
partly because it is protected from circulating impaired fibrinolytic activity and venous
inhibitors. thromboembolism. Arch Intern Med 151: 1721.
Clinical disease arises from disturbed
fibrinolysis, either thrombosis from
impaired fibrinolysis or haemorrhage from Fish envenomation (see Bites and stings
enhanced fibrinolysis. (marine vertebrates))

Impaired fibrinolysis may be due to:

• decreased t-PA synthesis and/or release;
• increased PAI-1; The causes of flushing are:
• abnormal or deficient plasminogen (rarely).
• acne rosacea
Impaired fibrinolysis is one of the potential
This is an acneiform eruption on the face,
causes of a hypercoagulable state.
associated with flushing and sometimes with
rhinophyma. It is of unknown cause.
Eventually, the erythema can be persistent. It is
Enhanced fibrinolysis is uncommon. Its
aggravated by heat, cold, sun and wind and may
presence is reflected in raised levels of
be associated with gastritis.
fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products.
Treatment is with oral tetracycline. Isotretinoin
It gives rise to a haemorrhagic diathesis
may be used in severe cases, though recently severe
which is treatable with EACA.
depression has sometimes been reported in young
• Primary fibrinolysis is rare and may patients receiving this drug.
include congenital ␣2-AP deficiency. It is
• alcohol
• Secondary fibrinolysis is the more This is because acetaldehyde, the metabolite
common pathological abnormality and produced by alcohol dehydrogenase, is a
may be either systemic or local. vasodilator.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• anaphylaxis
• Folic acid deficiency is associated with a

Food poisoning
carcinoid tumour
• cluster headache megaloblastic anaemia, often with
• drugs thrombocytopenia but without the features
of pernicious anaemia.
These include especially calcitonin, disulfiram
(with alcohol), desmopressin (DDAVP) in high- Concomitant iron deficiency is frequent,
dose, nifedipine, pentamidine. thereby blocking megaloblastosis, but typical
hypersegmented neutrophils are still
• fever apparent.
• food
This occurs with some types of food poisoning, There is an increased incidence of neural tube
including mushrooms (q.v.) and scombroid defects in babies of mothers who are either
(q.v.), folic acid deficient or who fail to take folic acid
• mastocytosis (see Urticaria) supplementation during pregnancy.

• menopause Since the serum folate may fall rapidly, e.g.

within two weeks, in the absence of intake, but
In this, flushing (or flashing) is associated with the body stores are not yet depleted, the RBC
declining oestrogen levels in about 80% of folate level best reflects overall folic acid
women. The flushing is probably deficiency. The serum B12 level should always 147
hypothalamic in origin and is associated with a be measured, as concomitant deficiency of
feeling of heat, then sweating and a rise in vitamin B12 is frequent.
surface temperature but a fall in core
temperature. Treatment is usually with a daily oral dose of 1 mg,
though as little as 200 ␮g is in fact generally
Bibliography adequate. If the diagnosis is correct, treatment gives
Pochi PE 1983 Hormones, retinoids and acne. N haematological improvement within a few days.
Engl J Med 308: 1024.

Folic acid deficiency (see also
Megaloblastic anaemia and Neural tube defects) Folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicle
giving rise a small pustule. It is usually caused by
Folic acid together with vitamin B12 is required S. aureus or occasionally by P. aeruginosa.
for the metabolism of single carbon units and
thus for DNA synthesis. Treatment is local, unless the process is extensive, in
which case antibiotics are indicated.
Folic acid deficiency arises from:
• a poor or unusual diet;
• small bowel disease (because 80% of folic Food poisoning
acid is absorbed in the small intestine);
Although food poisoning is a very common
• alcoholism;
condition, its presentation in Intensive Care is
• chronic renal failure;
uncommon and moreover it may take a number
• haemolysis;
of unusual forms. The types of food poisoning
• pregnancy;
considered in this book include:
• drugs which interfere with folic acid
metabolism (e.g. anti-tuberculous agents, • botulism;
ethanol, methotrexate, phenytoin, • Chinese-restaurant syndrome;
sulfasalazine, trimethoprim). • ciguatera;
FFood poisoning Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• mushroom poisoning; Local damage and systemic toxicity result from

• scombroid. its ingestion.
In addition, some aspects of food poisoning are There is no specific treatment.
of an infectious nature and are considered more
generally (e.g. see Diarrhoea and Norwalk virus).
Fournier’s gangrene (see Gangrene)
Haddad LM, Shannon MW, Winchester JF (eds)
1997 Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug Friedreich’s ataxia (see Cerebellar
Overdose. 3rd edition. Philadelphia: WB degeneration)
Hughes JM, Merson MH 1976 Fish and shellfish
poisoning. N Engl J Med 295: 1117.
Morse DL, Guzewich JJ, Hanrahan JP et al 1986 Frostbite (see also Hypothermia)
Widespread outbreaks of clam- and oyster- When the environmental temperature is less
associated gastroenteritis: role of Norwalk virus. N
than freezing, atmospheric water vapour
Engl J Med 314: 678.
becomes ice-crystals (i.e. frost) without first
Olson KR (ed) 1998 Poisoning and Drug Overdose.
3rd edition. Norwalk: Appleton & Lange. becoming a liquid (i.e. dew).
Trujillo MH, Guerrero J, Fragachan C et al 1998 Frostbite refers to the freezing of tissues, with
Pharmacologic antidotes in critical care medicine: intracellular ice formation giving rise to
a practical guide for drug administration. Crit Care
mechanical disruption of cells, cellular
Med 26: 377.
dehydration, deranged cellular metabolism,
haemolysis, thrombosis and gangrene. The
tissues start to freeze from about ⫺2°C.
Frostbite arises from cold environmental
Formaldehyde (methanal, HCHO) is a
temperature, often with wind, and usually with
colourless, flammable, pungent and irritating
various risk factors. Risk factors include:
gas. It is the simplest aldehyde and is derived
from the oxidation of methanol. It is an organic • lack of food or clothing;
compound extensively used in the chemical • excess exercise;
industry, in which it is the base for some • illness;
explosives, tanning agents and disinfectants. • injury;
Formalin is a 37% aqueous solution of • dehydration;
formaldehyde. • psychosis;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• alcohol; have been explored, but they have not been
• mechanical constriction.

subjected to formal clinical trial.
It affects mainly the extremities, which appear The prognosis is worse if the cold injury has
cold, white, hard, waxy and pulseless and are been of long duration, if the thawing process is
affected to a varying depth. The process begins slow, and in particular if refreezing occurs.
with stinging and is followed by aching and Refreezing is such a serious issue because of
finally numbness. resultant enhanced tissue damage that
rewarming should be deferred if there is any risk
Reperfusion injury during rewarming may
of refreezing occurring.
contribute to some of the damage of frostbite.
Prevention of frostbite comprises measures both
to maintain core temperature and to prevent
The complications of frostbite are:
local exposure, though these simple but
• local or systemic infection; effective principles may not always be
• gangrene; achievable. The risk is particularly increased in
• local neurological damage; winter sports and especially if exercise is
• pain, stiffness, wasting, scarring, loss of the curtailed because of exhaustion, injury or
subcutaneous fat pad and deformity in the equipment breakdown.
affected part.
Treatment consists of emergency rewarming. The
core temperature should be restored if necessary and Furunculosis (boils) refers to deep, inflammatory
the affected part thawed rapidly (e.g. with water nodules around hair follicles. They are
warmed to 42°C). This may give rise to blistering, staphylococcal and can lead to bacteraemia and
which is associated with skin hyperaemia and can be even metastatic abscesses, endocarditis and/or
painful and lead to necrosis. Movement should be shock, especially in immunocompromised
avoided patients. They may be associated with nasal
carriage of the organism or with poor
• Tetanus toxoid and perhaps antibiotics should be hygiene.
• Many forms of adjuvant pharmacological therapy, Treatment is by drainage if the lesion is fluctuant
including vasodilators, antithrombotics, anti- and with antibiotics if there is associated cellulitis or
inflammatory agents and free radical scavengers, systemic features.
G Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid • embolism;

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) occurs
• thromboangitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease);
naturally in the central nervous system and was
• trauma;
synthesized in the 1960s. It has been variously
• vasculitis.
used or studied as an anaesthetic, an adjunct in
alcohol or opiate withdrawal, a treatment for
narcolepsy, an agent to reduce tissue oxygen Infectious gangrene (gangrenous cellulitis)
demand in resuscitation and sepsis, and a is a severe type of skin infection which takes
stimulator of growth hormone (particularly for a number of forms. These include:
body builders). Because of its ability to impair
• necrotizing fasciitis, both streptococcal
consciousness and to provide associated and non-streptococcal;
relaxation, euphoria, disinhibition and increased
• progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene;
sensuality, it has recently become a popular but
• pyoderma gangrenosum;
illegal drug of abuse particularly at parties and has
• pseudomonal gangrenous cellulitis;
been labelled in the press as the ‘date rape’ drug.
• necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis.
Intoxication can cause profound unconsciousness,
with flaccid paralysis, hypothermia, bradycardia,
hypotension and respiratory depression. 1. Necrotizing fasciitis may be either
Recovery occurs within a few hours. streptococcal or non-streptococcal.
Laboratory tests are normal, except that other Streptococcal infection is caused by group A
drugs may have also been taken concomitantly. streptococci which may uncommonly cause a
rapid-onset cellulitis, with skin necrosis and
Treatment is generally supportive, with particular subcutaneous gangrene. It usually affects a limb
care to protect the airway. and typically follows surgical or traumatic
• Atropine is useful for bradycardia. injury, though diabetes, varicella infection and
• Neither naloxone nor flumazenil have any reversal immunosuppression are also important
effect, but physostigmine may be effective. predisposing factors.

Invasive group A streptococcal infections occur

in about 1 in 10000 of the population per year
Henderson RS, Holmes CM 1976 Reversal of the
in developed countries and are complicated by
anaesthetic action of sodium gamma-
hydroxybutyrate. Anaesth Intens Care 4: 351. necrotizing fasciitis in 5–10% of cases. A spate of
Li J, Stokes SA, Wockener A 1998 A tale of novel such cases in the UK recently received much
intoxication: a review of the effects of gamma- dramatic publicity, with detailed descriptions of
hydroxybutyric acid with recommendations for the destruction caused by the ‘new, flesh-eating’
management. Ann Emerg Med 31: 729. germ. The resurgence of such infections does
Viera AJ, Yates SW 1999 Toxic ingestion of gamma- not appear to have a clonal basis, as the
hydroxybutyric acid. South Med J 92: 404. responsible strains are genetically heterogeneous.

The affected part is initially blue, but then dark

Ganciclovir (see Acyclovir) fluid-filled bullae appear, which subsequently
rupture revealing non-crepitant gangrene. The
lesion is painful and appears like a deep burn.
Gangrene There is also associated systemic toxicity, usually
Most cases of gangrene involve the lower limb and phlebitis, commonly bacteraemia and/or
are due to peripheral ischaemia from myositis, and sometimes the ‘toxic strep
atherosclerotic disease. However, some are due to: syndrome’ (q.v.).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The mortality is high (about 30%) despite 5. Necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis is

Gas gangrene
penicillin and surgery, so that early diagnosis is a non-painful, non-crepitant lesion consisting
important. The extent and depth of the necrosis of a necrotic centre with a purple heaped
can best be determined by CT or MRI. margin.
Non-streptococcal infection is usually It is usually found in diabetics as a slowly
polymicrobial and is seen after abdominal progressive lesion which does not produce
infection or in diabetics. The organisms systemic toxicity.
involved include Gram-negative bacilli,
anaerobes and enterococci (i.e. enteric
The intra-abdominal process tends to extend Bessman AN, Wagner W 1975 Nonclostridial gas
rapidly to the abdominal wall, with local pain gangrene. JAMA 233: 958.
and crepitus and systemic toxicity. Bisno AL, Stevens DL 1996 Streptococcal infections
of skin and soft tissue. N Engl J Med 334: 240.
The chief differential diagnosis is a clostridial Brown RD, Davis NL, Lepawski M et al 1994 A
infection or perhaps a spider bite. multicentre review of the treatment of major
truncal necrotising infections with and without
If the male genitalia are involved, the condition hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Am J Surg 167: 483.
is called Fournier’s gangrene. Davies HD, McGeer A, Schwartz B et al 1996
Invasive group A streptococcal infections in
Treatment is with antibiotics (aminoglycoside and 151
Ontario, Canada. N Engl J Med 335: 547.
metronidazole), extensive surgical debridement, Elliott DC, Kufera JA, Myers RAM et al 1996
general support, and probably hyperbaric oxygen. Necrotizing soft tissue infections: risk factors for
2. Progressive bacterial synergistic mortality and strategies for management. Ann Surg
gangrene (Meleney’s progressive synergistic 224: 672.
Giuliano A, Lewis F, Hadley K et al 1977
gangrene) is usually associated with a pre-
Bacteriology of necrotizing fasciitis. Am J Surg
existing lesion, including a colostomy. 134: 52.
There is a painful non-crepitant ragged Green RJ, Dafoe DC, Raffin TA 1996 Necrotizing
ulceration, with an inner rim of gangrene, a fasciitis. Chest 110: 219.
middle rim of purple erythema and an outer rim Jarrett P, Rademaker M, Duffill M 1997 The clinical
spectrum of necrotising fasciitis. Aust NZ J Med
of pink oedematous skin. The process tends to
27: 29.
extend only slowly. Riegels-Nielsen P, Hesselfeldt-Nielsen J, Bang-
The infection is usually polymicrobial and Jensen E et al 1984 Fournier’s gangrene. J Urol
involves microaerophilic streptococci, together 132: 918.
with either Gram-negative bacilli or S. aureus. Stevens DL 1992 Invasive group A Streptococcus
infections. Clin Infect Dis 14: 2.
Treatment usually requires extensive surgical Stevens DL 1999 The flesh-eating bacterium. I Infect
debridement and systemic antibiotics. Dis 179 (suppl 2): S366.
Stone HH, Martin JJ 1972 Synergistic necrotizing
3. Pyoderma gangrenosum (q.v.). cellulitis. Ann Surg 175: 702.
4. Pseudomonal gangrenous cellulitis Unsworth IP, Sharp PA 1984 Gas gangrene: an 11-
year review of 73 cases managed with hyperbaric
comprises a circumscribed non-crepitant largely
oxygen. Med J Aust 140: 256.
painless lesion, with a necrotic centre and Weinstein L, Barza MA 1973 Gas gangrene. N Engl J
erythematous halo. Med 289: 1129.
It is seen in patients with burns or who are
immunocompromised. It has a rapid onset and
produces systemic toxicity. Gas gangrene (see Clostridial infections)
G Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Gas in soft tissues Gastrinoma (see Zollinger–Ellison syndrome)

Gas in soft tissues

Gas in soft tissues may be due to:

• Anaerobic cellulitis due to clostridial
Gastroenteritis (see Diarrhoea)
infection, usually produced by C. perfringens
(see Clostridial infections). Gastroenterology
• Necrotizing fasciitis (see Gangrene),
especially polymicrobial cellulitis. This is seen Gastrointestinal dysfunction of a general
particularly in diabetics or perineal infection. nature is very common in the seriously ill, and
Gram-negative enteric bacilli (especially E. some would say it is virtually invariable. On
coli and klebsiella) are usually present, and the one hand, the gut is a target organ of
anaerobes (bacteroides) are common. many systemic insults, and on the other hand,
• Trapped air, which usually arises from a the gut may itself contribute to adverse
procedural, surgical or traumatic injury, systemic responses by mechanisms such as
though it may sometimes be caused by a cytokine release, enzyme spill or bacterial
compressed gas injury or by deep hydrogen translocation.
peroxide irrigation. Gas from trapped air Less common specific gastrointestinal disorders
does not spread, unless it connects with a are also sometimes encountered, and those
tension pneumothorax. considered in this book include:
Bibliography • achlorhydria;
Bessman AN, Wagner W 1975 Nonclostridial gas • angiodysplasia;
gangrene. JAMA 233: 958. • anorectal infections;
Giuliano A, Lewis F, Hadley K et al 1977 Bacteriology • cholangitis;
of necrotizing fasciitis. Am J Surg 134: 52. • cholestasis;
Unsworth IP, Sharp PA 1984 Gas gangrene: an 11- • colitis;
year review of 73 cases managed with hyperbaric
• Crohn’s disease;
oxygen. Med J Aust 140: 256.
Weinstein L, Barza MA 1973 Gas gangrene. N Engl J
• diarrhoea;
Med 289: 1129. • dysphagia;
• enterocolitis;
• food poisoning;
• gastric emptying;
Gastric emptying
• gastroenteritis;
For solid food, the normal half-time of gastric • gingivitis;
emptying is ⬍1 h. For liquids, the half-life in • glossitis;
the stomach is normally about 20 min, but this • inflammatory bowel disease;
can be greatly increased in the seriously ill. • malabsorption;
• Mallory–Weiss syndrome;
• mouth diseases;
• pancreatitis;
In Intensive Care patients, gastroparesis (i.e. • parotitis;
delayed gastric emptying) of varying degree • Plummer–Vinson syndrome;
occurs in a large of number of conditions, • pneumatosis coli;
though it is most typically seen in diabetes. • short bowel syndrome;
Gastroparesis may respond to treatment with • stomatitis;
prokinetic drugs, such as metoclopramide, • tongue;
cisapride or domperidone. • ulcerative colitis;
• Whipple’s disease.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Glomerular diseases

Bibliography Diagnosis and Management. 5th edition.

Barie PS, Fischer E, Eachempati SR 1999 Acute Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
acalculous cholecystitis. Curr Opin Crit Care 5: 144.
Blaser MJ, Smith PD, Ravdin JL et al (eds) 1995
Infections of the Gastrointestinal Tract. New Germ warfare (see Anthrax and Warfare
York: Raven Press. agents)
Doe WF 1993 The immunology of the gut. In:
Peters PJ, Rosen FS, Walport M (eds) Clinical
Aspects of Immunology. 4th edition. Oxford: Giant cell arteritis (see Arteritis)
Blackwell. p 2079.
Go VLW et al (eds) 1993 The Pancreas: Biology,
Pathobiology and Diseases. New York: Raven
Gingivitis (see Mouth diseases)
Johnston DE, Kaplan MM 1993 Pathogenesis and
treatment of gallstones. N Engl J Med 328: 412. Glomerular diseases
Powell LW, Piper DW (eds) 1995 Fundamentals of
Gastroenterology. 6th edition. Sydney: McGraw- Glomerular diseases are mostly immunological
Hill. in origin, and their distinction is made on renal
Shearman DJC, Finlayson NDC 1989 Diseases of the biopsy. They are responsible for either nephritic
Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver. 2nd edition. and/or nephrotic clinical pictures.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Sherlock S, Dooley J 1993 Diseases of the Liver and
Biliary System. 9th edition. Oxford: Blackwell. The nephritic response comprises:
Sleisenger MH, Fordtran JS (eds) 1993
Gastrointestinal Disease: Pathophysiology, • haematuria;
• proteinuria;
G Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• hypertension; • systemic disorders (25%), including:

• renal impairment.
Glomerular diseases

– diabetes;
There is an active urine sediment, with red – amyloid;
cell, white cell and granular casts, including – pre-eclampsia;
abnormal or dysmorphic red blood cell – autoimmune diseases (especially SLE);
shapes. – infection;
– malignancy;
– drugs (NSAIDs, captopril, gold, lithium,
The nephritic picture may be produced by
mercury, penicillamine);
either focal or diffuse glomerular disease.
• membrano-proliferative
• Focal disease involves ⬍50% of glomeruli.
glomerulonephritis (occasionally);
It includes:
• post-infectious glomerulonephritis
– IgA nephropathy; (occasionally).
– thin basement membrane disease;
– SLE;
– Alport’s syndrome (hereditary nephritis Abraham PA, Keane WF 1984 Glomerular and
with deafness and cataracts). interstitial disease induced by nonsteroidal anti-
• Diffuse disease involves ⬎50% of inflammatory drugs. Am J Nephrol 4: 1.
glomeruli. It includes: Balow J 1985 Renal vasculitis. Kidney Int 27: 954.
Balow JE, Austin HA, Tsokos GC et al 1987 Lupus
– rapidly progressive or crescentic nephritis. Ann Intern Med 106: 79.
glomerulonephritis (including Kincaid-Smith P 1980 Analgesic abuse and the
Goodpasture’s syndrome); kidney. Kidney Int 17: 250.
– membrano-proliferative Llach F 1985 Hypercoagulability, renal vein
(mesangiocapillary) glomerulonephritis; thrombosis, and other thrombotic complications of
– fibrillary glomerulonephritis; the nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 28: 429.
– post-infectious glomerulonephritis; Morgan DB, Dillon S, Payne RB 1978 The assessment
– SLE; of glomerular function: creatinine clearance or
– vasculitis. plasma creatinine? Postgrad Med J 54: 302.
Muirhead N 1999 Management of idiopathic
membranous nephropathy: evidence-based
The nephrotic response comprises: recommendations. Kidney Int 70 (suppl): S47.
Nolin L 1999 Courteau M. Management of IgA
• marked proteinuria (⬎3 g/day), due to nephropathy: evidence based recommendations.
podocyte damage; Kidney Int 70 (suppl): S56.
• hypoalbuminaemia; Ronco PM, Flahault A 1994 Drug-induced end-
• oedema; stage renal disease. N Engl J Med 331: 1711.
• hypercoagulability;
• hyperlipidaemia.
Glossitis (see Mouth diseases)
The urine sediment shows fatty casts,
sometimes with haematuria.
The nephrotic picture may be produced by:
Glucagonoma is an alpha-cell tumour of the
• membranous nephropathy (30%); pancreas which gives rise to a characteristic
• minimal change disease (20%); syndrome of hyperglycaemia with weight loss,
• focal segmental glomerulosclerosis anaemia and a distinct dermatitis. Most such
(FSGS) (15%); tumours occur in the tail of the pancreas,
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
most are malignant and most occur in older heterozygote women may have a significant

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

women. Hepatomegaly is common because of deficiency, explained by the Lyon–Beutler
metastases, and sometimes there is associated hypothesis of random X inactivation in different
multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) (q.v.). cells. This phenomenon has also provided the
theoretical basis for the use of G6PD as a
The dermatitis is referred to as necrolytic
valuable marker in confirming the monoclonal
migratory erythema and is sufficiently
pathobiology of most cancers.
characteristic for dermatologists to be
responsible for most diagnoses of glucagonoma. G6PD is a dimer, with each component having
The initial skin lesion is a reddish macule which a molecular weight 55 kD. There are over 200
then vesiculates and finally sloughs leaving an molecular variants, which increase the
area of local hypopigmentation. These lesions proportion of inactive monomers and thus give
are seen especially on the buttocks, groin and rise to the biochemical defect.
distal extremities. Sometimes the entire
sequence of lesions can be found G6PD catalyses the conversion of NADP⫹ to
simultaneously. There is a characteristic NADPH, a potent reducing agent and
histology, with inflammatory cells in clefts. The protector of red blood cells against oxidative
skin lesions occur early in the course of the damage. G6PD deficiency is thus associated
disease, even before metastases, and disappear with vulnerability to haemolysis. Severe
within a few days of successful resection. A disease is also associated with impaired
generalized decrease in serum amino acid levels neutrophil function and thus proneness to 155
may be responsible for this unusual dermatitis. infection.

Investigations show a plasma glucagon level The clinical picture (referred to as favism,
usually 10–20 times normal. because of its classical precipitation by the
ingestion of fava beans) may take one of three
Surgical resection is often possible, as the tumour is forms, namely:
slowly growing.
• Class 1 (the least common) with chronic
• Otherwise, cytotoxic therapy is appropriate. haemolytic anaemia;
• Octreotide may be dramatically helpful in some • Class 2 (of intermediate frequency) with
patients. episodic haemolysis and associated with
• Successful liver transplantation has been reported. severe deficiency;
• Class 3 (the commonest) with haemolysis
Bibliography following a significant oxidative insult and
Leichter SB 1980 Clinical and metabolic aspects of associated with moderate deficiency.
glucagonoma. Medicine 59: 100.
A G6PD screening test is available, but direct
assay is required for definitive diagnosis.
Glucose-6-phosphate Treatment comprises:
dehydrogenase deficiency (see also
Anaemia–haemolysis) • avoidance of culprit drugs (namely
antimalarials (classically primaquine),
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) chloramphenicol, nitrofurantoin, sulfonamides,
deficiency is one of the most common high-dose aspirin);
worldwide disorders, perhaps because it may • resuscitation and circulatory support, including
originally have given some protection against transfusion in the presence of acute favism (severe
malaria. The gene for the G6PD isoenzymes is disseminated intravascular coagulation and
on the X chromosome, therefore the disease haemolysis),
affects especially men. However, even • possibly high-dose vitamin E.
G Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bibliography haemorrhage may be considerable enough to

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

Beutler E 1990 The genetics of glucose-6-phosphate cause anaemia. There is an active nephritic
dehydrogenase deficiency. Semin Hematol 27: 137. picture (see Glomerular diseases) with rapidly
progressive renal failure.
Glycogen storage diseases Chest X-ray shows a patchy and variable
pulmonary infiltrate, initially due to
Glycogen storage diseases are of several types,
haemorrhage and later to fibrosis. Renal biopsy
all associated with a positive family history and
shows a necrotizing proliferative
a specific biochemical defect giving rise to
glomerulonephritis, commonly with crescentic
impaired glycogenolysis. The best known
formation. Occasionally, the renal involvement
example is McArdle’s disease (type V),
is only mild and focal.
which is due to myophosphorylase deficiency
and is associated with weakness, poor exercise The diagnosis is based on the demonstration of
tolerance and myoglobinuria. anti-GBM antibodies in serum and on biopsy of
the lung or more commonly kidney, the latter
Other biochemical defects affect different
showing the characteristic immunofluorescent
organs, especially the brain, heart and liver.
finding of IgG deposition along the glomerular
There may be hepatomegaly, hypoglycaemia,
basement membrane.
hyperlipidaemia, hyperuricaemia, lactic acidosis,
impaired growth, cyclical neutropenia and Treatment with corticosteroids even in high dose is
156 bacterial infection. If dietary compliance is ineffective. The mainstay of current treatment is
poor, chronic renal disease, inflammatory bowel plasmapheresis (which removes antibodies), with or
disease, hepatic adenoma, amyloid, gout or without immunosuppression with corticosteroids and
osteoporosis may result. cytotoxics, usually cyclophosphamide (to prevent new
antibody formation). Plasmapheresis is conducted with
Bibliography 4 L exchanges daily for 1 week. Plasmapheresis
Layzer RB 1985 McArdle’s disease in the 1980s. N interrupts both the haemoptysis and the impending
Engl J Med 312: 370.
renal failure. However, it does not reverse renal failure
Pears JS, Jung RT, Hopwood D et al 1992 Glycogen
storage disease diagnosed in adults. Quart J Med
if oliguria is established, and it is reported to carry a
82: 207. substantially increased risk of superinfection.
Talente GM, Coleman RA, Alter C et al 1994 Until recently, the mortality was high with fatal
Glycogen storage disease in adults. Ann Intern pulmonary haemorrhage commonly occurring
Med 120: 218.
early and end-stage renal disease supervening in
80% of survivors within 1 y. This is because
Goodpasture’s syndrome although anti-GBM antibodies disappear
Goodpasture’s syndrome comprises pulmonary spontaneously within 1 y and recurrence is
haemorrhage and glomerulonephritis, associated unusual, irreversible damage has occurred
with autoantibodies to basement membranes of during this time unless there is effective
alveoli and glomeruli. Since the renal treatment. For the same reason, any
component can sometimes occur alone, an consideration of transplantation should be
additional pulmonary injury may be required deferred until the antibodies have disappeared.
for full expression of the symptom-complex, Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis is a
such as viral infection or toxic exposure rare disease indistinguishable from the pulmonary
(including smoking). component of Goodpasture’s syndrome and
occurring mainly in children. It is often fatal,
Clinical features are usually seen in young men,
although the prognosis appears very variable.
and the initial presentation is usually
haemoptysis. The interstitial and alveolar There is no clearly effective therapy.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography Uric acid completely dissociates at a normal pH

Green RJ, Ruoss SJ, Kraft SA et al 1996 Pulmonary to give urate anion. If the plasma concentration
capillaritis and alveolar hemorrhage: update on is ⬎400 ␮mol/L, there is supersaturation with
diagnosis and management. Chest 110: 1305. sodium urate, which therefore precipitates, the
Kefalides NA 1987 The Goodpasture antigen and crystals then being ingested by neutrophils. The
basement membranes: the search must go on. Lab
normal plasma urate concentration is 100–500
Invest 56: 1.
Kelly PT, Haponik EF 1994 Goodpasture syndrome:
␮mol /L.
molecular and clinical advances. Medicine 73: 171. The clinical features of gout are well known. A
Leatherman JW, Davies SF, Hoidal JR 1984 Alveolar typical attack of the sudden onset of pain in a
hemorrhage syndromes: diffuse microvascular lung single joint, usually in the lower extremity.
hemorrhage in immune and idiopathic disorders.
Within a few hours, the joint becomes red, hot,
Medicine 63: 343.
Turner N, Mason PJ, Brown R et al 1992 Molecular
swollen and extremely painful. The process is
cloning of the human Goodpasture antigen self-limited and usually subsides within a few
demonstrates it to be the ␣3 chain of type IV days. Half of the cases occur at the first
collagen. J Clin Invest 89: 592. metatarsophalangeal joint (podagra), but the
Young KR 2000 Diagnostic pitfalls in alveolar process is polyarticular in 10–15% of cases.
hemorrhage syndromes. Pulm Perspectives; 17: 11. Acute gout may be associated with fever.
The disease may then enter an interval period,
Gout with recurrent attacks at variable intervals. The
Gout is a crystal-induced synovitis. It is next attack usually occurs within two years. In
characterized by recurrent attacks of acute some patients, a chronic phase subsequently
arthritis, usually associated with an increased occurs, perhaps after 10–20 y, with persistent
plasma urate. The mechanism of inflammation if symptoms. In chronic gout, there may be a
neutrophil ingestion of sodium urate crystals with polyarthritis involving both upper and lower
consequent release of inflammatory mediators. limbs, with urate deposits (tophi) on tendons,
around joints, in the ear and sometimes in
Uric acid has no known biological function but deeper structures.
is a product of purine metabolism.

The mechanisms for hyperuricaemia are: There is a high incidence of renal disease
associated with chronic tophaceous gout,
• metabolic (with increased uric acid even greater than that associated with
production) diabetes mellitus. However, the renal disease
– primary (sometimes associated with a is usually due to associated hypertension, and
specific enzyme defect of purine gouty nephropathy is usually mild, though
metabolism); tubulointerstitial urate deposits may be found.
– secondary (especially associated with There is a 10–15% incidence of renal calculi,
increased nucleic acid turnover, e.g. in though it is worth noting that most uric acid
the tumour-lysis syndrome – q.v.). stones are in fact from acid urine and not
• renal (with decreased excretion of uric acid) from gout, hyperuricaemia or hyperuricuria.

– primary;
– secondary (including chronic renal Concomitant diseases are also common, including:
disease, lead nephropathy, drug-induced
renal disease due to cyclosporin, • diabetes mellitus, in up to 80% of cases;
diuretics, low-dose salicylates). • obesity;
• hyperlipidaemia.
G Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Associated cardiovascular disease is thus very • Low doses of colchicine (e.g. 0.5 mg bd) may also

frequent. be used in maintenance therapy.

The diagnosis of gout is usually readily made on • Renal calculi should be treated with enhanced
urine flow and alkalinization.
the basis of the clinical features, together with
an increased plasma urate. However, the plasma Hyperuricaemia if asymptomatic does not
urate is an insensitive test and the level may require treatment.
even fall to some extent during the acute attack.
The urinary urate (even ⬎6 mmol/day) is non- Pseudogout is due to the deposition of crystals
specific. Acutely there may be leukocytosis. The containing calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate
diagnosis may be confirmed if necessary by (CPPD, apatite). This can give a syndrome
examination of synovial fluid for urate crystals. resembling gout, though it can also mimic
Histological examination of tophi shows that osteoarthritis and even rheumatoid arthritis. It
the chalky material consists of crystal masses. requires examination of synovial fluid for its
definitive diagnosis.
If there is any suspicion of septic arthritis,
examination of synovial fluid is mandatory. This
is particularly important to consider, since septic Bibliography
arthritis may precipitate an acute attack of gout Beck LH 1986 Requiem for gouty nephropathy.
Kidney Int 30: 280.
in that joint and cause diagnostic confusion.
Boss GR, Seegmiller JE 1979 Hyperuricemia and
158 Treatment of acute disease traditionally has been with gout: classification, complications and
colchicine, 0.5 mg orally hourly until relief or a total management. N Engl J Med 300: 1459.
of 3–5 mg has been given or side-effects have occurred. Dieppe PA, Huskisson EC, Crocker P et al 1976
Colchicine however has been largely superseded because Apatite deposition disease: a new arthropathy.
Lancet 1: 266.
of its marked gastrointestinal side-effects.
Emmerson BT 1996 The management of gout. N
• Indomethacin is in fact just as effective, 50–75 Engl J Med 334: 445.
mg being given initially, followed by 25–50 mg tds Hadler NM, Franck WA, Bress NM et al 1974 Acute
for 5–7 days. Other NSAIDs are also effective. polyarticular gout. Am J Med 56: 715.
McGill NW 1997 Gout and other crystal
• Corticosteroids either oral or intra-articular may
arthropathies. Med J Aust 166: 33.
be considered if NSAIDs are contraindicated or
Pascual E 2000 Gout update: from lab to the clinic
ineffective, but the diagnosis should always be
and back. Curr Opin Rheumatol 12: 213.
reviewed before their use in case septic arthritis has Simkin PA 1977 The pathogenesis of podagra. Ann
been overlooked. Intern Med 86: 230.
In chronic disease, the plasma urate should be
decreased either by enhancing urinary excretion (by
probenecid, 500 mg qid, or sulfinpyrazone, 100 mg Graves’ disease (see Hyperthyroidism)
qid) or more usually by inhibiting biosynthesis (by
allopurinol, 50–100 mg/day initially, increasing over
several weeks to 100–300 mg/day in divided doses,
Growth hormone (see Acromegaly)
depending on the plasma urate level). Allopurinol
occasionally produces marked side-effects, including drug
fever, rash, hepatitis, vasculitis and rarely a severe toxic
syndrome comprising all these features, together with Guillain–Barré syndrome (see
eosinophilia and renal dysfunction. Neuropathy)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Haemangioma (see also Telangiectasia) These conditions include:

Haemangioma is a benign vascular tumour, • agranulocytosis;
either congenital or acquired. It may occur at • anaemia;
virtually any site, and because of its vascular • anticardiolipin antibody;
fragility it is subject to easy bleeding, either • antiphospholipid syndrome;
spontaneously or as a result of minor trauma. • antithrombin III;
• basophilia;
Giant haemangiomas (as in the liver, i.e.
• coagulation disorders;
Kasabach–Merritt syndrome) may cause
• dysproteinaemias;
disseminated intravascular coagulation,
• eosinophilia;
haemolysis and thrombocytopenia.
• erythrocytosis;
• fetal haemoglobin;
• fibrinolysis;
Haematology • haemoglobin disorders;
The general principles related to bleeding, • haemolysis;
thromboembolism, anticoagulation, the use of • haemophilia;
blood products and the complications of • hypersplenism;
haematological malignancies are well • idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura;
understood in Intensive Care practice. • lupus anticoagulant;
• lymphadenopathy; 159
On the other hand, although specific individual • lymphocytosis;
haematological disorders are usually uncommon • lymphopenia;
in Intensive Care patients, the great frequency • megaloblastic anaemia;
with which haematological problems in general • methaemoglobinaemia;
are encountered in the seriously ill reflects the • microangiopathic haemolysis;
large variety of such conditions which needs to • neutropenia;
be considered by Intensive Care clinicians. • neutrophilia;
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• pancytopenia; Dexter TM 1987 Stem cells in normal growth and


pernicious anaemia; disease. Br Med J 295: 1192.

• petechiae; Doll DC, List AF 1992 Myelodysplastic syndromes.
Semin Oncol 19: 1.
• plasminogen;
Editorial 1982 Nitrous oxide and acute marrow
• platelet function disorders;
failure. Lancet 2: 856.
• polycythaemia;
Editorial 1992 Peripheral stem cells made to work.
• protein C; Lancet 339: 648.
• protein S; Greenberg CS, Sane DC 1990 Coagulation problems
• purpura; in critical care medicine. In: Lumb PD,
• reticulocytes; Shoemaker WC (eds). Critical Care: State of the
• sickle cell anaemia; Art, Chapter 9. Fullerton: Society of Critical Care
• sideroblastic anaemia; Medicine. p 187.
• splenomegaly; Hirsh J, Levine MN 1992 Low molecular weight
• storage disorders; heparin. Blood 79: 1.
Kushner I, Rzewnicki DL 1994 The acute phase
• thalassaemia;
response: general aspects. Baillieres Clin
• thrombasthenia;
Rheumatol 8: 513.
• thrombocytopenia;
Lieschke GJ, Burgess AW 1992 Granulocyte colony-
• thrombocytosis/thrombocythaemia; stimulating factor and granulocyte-macrophage
• thromboembolism; colony-stimulating factor. N Engl J Med 327: 28
• thrombophilia; & 99.
• vitamin K deficiency; Metcalf D 1993 Hematopoietic regulators:
• von Willebrand’s disease. redundancy or subtlety? Blood 82: 3515.
Moake JL 1990 Common hemostatic problems and
blood banking in critical care medicine. In: Lumb
Bibliography PD, Shoemaker WC (eds). Critical Care: State of
Arya S, Hong R, Gilbert EF 1985 Reactive the Art, Chapter 8. Fullerton: Society of Critical
hemophagocytic syndrome. Pediatr Pathol 3: Care Medicine. p 161.
129. Nachman RL 1992 Thrombosis and atherogenesis:
Barrett-Connor E 1972 Anemia and infection. Am J molecular connections. Blood 79: 1897.
Med 52: 242. Ogawa M 1993 Differentiation and proliferation of
Bohnsack JF, Brown EJ 1986 The role of the hemopoietic stem cells. Blood 81: 2844.
spleen in resistance to infection. Annu Rev Med Provan D, Henson A (eds) 1998 ABC of Clinical
37: 49. Haematology. London: BMJ Publishing.
Bolan CD, Alving BM 1990 Pharmacologic agents in Rapaport SI 1983 Preoperative hemostatic
the management of bleeding disorders. Transfusion evaluation: which tests, if any? Blood 61: 229.
30: 541. Rose WF 1987 The spleen as a filter. N Engl J Med
Collen D, Lijnen HR 1991 Basic and clinical aspects 317: 704.
of fibrinolysis and thrombolysis. Blood 78: 3114. Salama A, Mueller-Eckhardt C 1992 Immune-
Colman N, Herbert V 1980 Hematologic mediated blood cell dyscrasias related to drugs.
complications of alcoholism: overview. Semin Semin Hematol 29: 54.
Hematol 17: 164. Schafer AI 1984 Bleeding and thrombosis in the
Colman RW, Hirsh J, Marder VJ et al (eds) 1982 myeloproliferative disorders. Blood 64: 1.
Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and Silverstein RL, Nachman RL 1992 Cancer and
Clinical Practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott. clotting – Trousseau’s warning. N Engl J Med
Copeman PW 1975 Livedo reticularis: signs in the 327: 1163.
skin of disturbance of blood viscosity and blood Sox HC, Liang MH 1986 The erythrocyte
flow. Br J Dermatol 93: 519. sedimentation rate: guidelines for rational use. Ann
Dalen JE, Hirsh J, Guyatt GH (eds) 2001 Sixth Intern Med 104: 515.
ACCP consensus conference on antithrombotic Weitz JI 1997 Low-molecular-weight heparins. N
therapy. Chest 119: no. 1 (Suppl). Engl J Med 337: 688.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Haematuria Macroscopic haematuria, with a urinary red cell
count of ⬎106/mL of glomerular origin (i.e.

Haematuria is a striking clinical finding, but in with dysmorphic red cells), is often indicative of
fact as little as 1 mL/L can cause a visible colour a rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with
change, and much lower concentrations can be crescent formation.
detected chemically (by dipstick test).
Isolated haematuria may be either renal or
Abnormal urinary tract blood loss is considered
to be:
• ⬎1 RBC per high-power field on urine • Renal causes may be:
microscopy (⬎3 RBCs in women); – glomerular, as in glomerulonephritis or
• ⬎10000 RBCs per mL of urine. following heavy exercise,
Haematuria is usually without clots, perhaps – extra-glomerular, as with calculi,
because of the local action of urokinase. carcinoma, trauma, vascular disease,
haemorrhagic disease, cystic disease.
Haematuria needs to be distinguished from • Extra-renal causes include disorders of the:
other causes of red or red-brown urine.
– ureter (calculi);
These include most importantly:
– bladder (infection, tumour, trauma,
• haemoglobinuria (from haemolysis – cyclophosphamide);
q.v.), – prostate (benign hypertrophy, carcinoma); 161
• myoglobinuria (from rhabdomyolysis – – urethra (infection, trauma).
Many instances of haematuria, especially if
but in these the colour remains in the transient, have no demonstrable cause.
supernatant after standing or centrifugation.
Appropriate investigations include examination
Red urine may also be caused by: of the urine and urinary sediment, renal
ultrasound examination, possibly intravenous
• drugs
pyelography and possibly cystoscopy.
– such as rifampicin, phenothiazines,
sulfasalazine; Bibliography
Cronin RE, Kaehny WD, Miller, PD et al 1976
• porphyria; Renal cell carcinoma: unusual systemic
• ingestion of some vegetables manifestations. Medicine 55: 291.
– e.g. beetroots. Froom P, Ribak J, Benbassat J 1984 Significance of
microhaematuria in young adults. Br Med J 288: 20.
More brownish urine:
• may contain bilirubin or melanin;
• may be caused by drugs
Haemochromatosis is a common inherited
– such as methyldopa, metronidazole or
disease, with a prevalence of 12% for
heterozygotes or carriers and of 3.6/1000 for
homozygotes. Some heterozygotes (25%) have
Haematuria minor abnormalities of iron metabolism but no
clinical disease. Even many homozygotes (50%)
• with marked proteinuria suggests do not have clinical disease.
• with pyuria suggests urinary tract It is an autosomal recessive disease with the
infection. abnormal gene located close to the HLA region
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

on chromosome 6. The HFE gene has recently and most useful abnormal test, as it is
increased, often to 80–90% (normal ⬍55%).

been identified and cloned, and its C282Y

mutation has been found to be responsible for • The serum ferritin may be increased (⬎400
most familial cases of the disease. The defect ␮g/L in men and ⬎200 ␮g/L in women) if
gives rise to excess iron absorption, with greatly there is clinical disease.
increased iron stores in the body and deposition • If either the serum transferring saturation or
in parenchymal cells, particularly of the liver, the serum ferritin is abnormal, liver biopsy
heart, pancreas and testes. should be performed even in asymptomatic
patients to:

Haemochromatosis is the primary, idiopathic – confirm the diagnosis,

or hereditary form of iron overload – assess the presence of cirrhosis,
disease. Secondary iron overload syndromes – measure the iron concentration (hepatic
occur in the iron-loading anaemias (q.v.), iron index becomes ⬎2.0).
such as thalassaemia and hereditary
spherocytosis. Mild iron overload also occurs • Liver function tests are often abnormal, but
in alcoholism. there is usually no jaundice.
• Imaging of the liver with CT or MRI may
be helpful.
Symptoms usually commence between 30 and
162 60 years of age. They occur later and much less While population screening is not cost-
frequently in women because of menstruation effective, all first- and second-degree relatives of
and pregnancy. There is lethargy, weakness, any index case should be tested. Clearly, siblings
arthralgia (and later arthritis), abdominal pain, have a 25% chance of being homozygous. HLA
loss of libido and impotence. typing while not diagnostically useful may be
helpful in family studies, because the case is
On examination, there is hepatomegaly, greyish
probably normal if neither HLA haplotype is
skin pigmentation, arthropathy and testicular
shared with the index case. Testing should be
atrophy. Advanced disease may be complicated
commenced at the age of 10 years and
by diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, hepatocellular
continued three yearly until the age of 70 years.
carcinoma and cardiac failure.
Treatment is with life-long venesection which
removes iron via haemoglobin (500 mL of blood
The diagnosis should be considered:
contains 250 mg of iron). Since the patient often has
• in any case of liver disease of unknown 10–20 g of excess iron in the body, 50 units of blood
cause; may have to be removed (i.e. one unit each 1–2
• in the presence of a positive family weeks for 1–2 years). Thereafter, 3–5 venesections
history; per year will maintain the iron stores at a low level
• when there is a syndrome of fatigue, without inducing iron deficiency, for which the best
diabetes, arthritis and cardiac failure. end-points are haemoglobin of 110 g/L and low-
normal ferritin levels. Dietary restriction of iron intake
is unhelpful, but alcohol intake should be minimized,
Appropriate laboratory investigations are as
and care should be taken with vitamin C intake since
this enhances iron absorption.
• The serum iron level is not helpful, since it There is a 50% average mortality within 20
may be increased in the presence of hepatic
years. With treatment:
cell destruction from any cause.
• The serum iron-to-iron binding capacity • the prognosis is normal if there is no
ratio (i.e. transferrin saturation) is the earliest cirrhosis;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• skin pigmentation and cardiac failure mechanism of red blood cell abnormality and

Haemoglobin disorders
improve; thus anaemia due to increased red blood
• diabetes mellitus improves but does not destruction (haemolysis – see Anaemia). There
disappear; are over 100 types of haemoglobinopathy and
• gonadal failure and arthritis may sometimes many are asymptomatic.
Haemoglobin requires the complex globin
• cirrhosis does not regress entirely and
assembly of 2 alpha and 2 beta chains, which
indeed primary liver cancer may still
must then be coordinated with haem synthesis.
occur. Its development is best screened
The alpha genes are on chromosome 16 and the
for with an alphafetoprotein level (q.v.)
non-alpha genes are on chromosome 11.
and annual imaging of the liver with
Haemoglobin A (HbA) contains two beta
chains, HbF contains two gamma chains and
HbA2 contains two delta chains.
Adams PC, Kertesz AE, Valberg LS 1991 Clinical Genetic defects may cause amino acid
presentation of hemochromatosis. Am J Med 90: substitution (as in sickle cell anaemia) or
445. incoordinated assembly (as in thalassaemia). The
Burke W, Thomson E, Khoury MJ et al 1998 resultant abnormal haemoglobin may be
Hereditary hemochromatosis: gene discovery and unstable, bind oxygen incorrectly, oxidize or
its implications for population-based screening. crystallize.
JAMA 280: 172.
Burt MJ, George DK, Powell LW 1996 1. Thalassaemia
Haemochromatosis – a clinical update. Med J Aust Thalassaemia is encountered worldwide,
164: 348.
perhaps because heterozygotes had some
Challoner T, Briggs C, Rampling MW et al 1986 A
survival advantage, e.g. enhanced malarial
study of the haematological and haemorrheological
consequences of venesection. Br J Haematol 62: 671. resistance (as with sickle cell anaemia and
Editorial 1979 Serum-ferritin. Lancet 1: 533. glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency).
Finch CA 1982 The detection of iron overload. N Thalassaemia arises from a variety of genetic
Engl J Med 307: 1702. defects which cause mismatching of globin
Finch CA, Huebers H 1992 Perspectives in iron chains with resultant molecular aggregation, cell
metabolism. N Engl J Med 306: 1520. deformity, and metabolic and immunological
Olynyk JK 1999 Hereditary haemochromatosis: abnormalities of the red blood cell membrane.
diagnosis and management in the gene era. Liver
19: 73. Beta thalassaemia is the common form of the
Powell LW, Bassett ML 1998 Haemochromatosis: disease and is due to impaired beta chain
diagnosis and management after the cloning of the production. The chains are thus unmatched and
HFE gene. Aust NZ J Med 28: 159. there is a compensatory increase in gamma and
Valberg LS, Ghent CN 1985 Diagnosis and delta chains, so that haemoglobin HbF and
management of hereditary hemochromatosis. HbA2 are also present.
Annu Rev Med 36: 27.
Thalassaemia major (Cooley’s anaemia) is
usually homozygous and is associated with
severe disease, consisting of haemolytic anaemia,
Haemodilution (see Anaemia) hepatosplenomegaly, growth retardation and
susceptibility to infections. Iron overload results
from the inevitable multiple transfusions and
Haemoglobin disorders may be prevented or treated by desferrioxamine
Haemoglobin disorders (haemoglobinopathies) (deferoxamine, DFO) (see Chelating agents).
are a diverse group of disorders providing one Bone-marrow transplantation from
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

HLA-identical donors has been performed in Heterozygotes have 30–50% HbS (i.e. they
Haemoglobin disorders

over 1000 patients worldwide and has been have HbAS) and are asymptomatic.
reported to give an 80% cure rate. Homozygotes have 70–98% HbS (i.e. they
have HbSS) and have symptomatic disease,
Thalassaemia minor (thalassaemia trait) is usually
with chronic haemolytic anaemia and acute
heterozygous and presents with mild disease.
vaso-occlusive crises.
There are many genetic variants, with These two complications are responsible for the
abnormalities clinically resembling beta majority of the morbidity and mortality of the
thalassaemia. In alpha thalassaemia, there are disease.
excess beta chains and no substitute chains
available in the adult for the deficient alpha Clinical features are those of chronic haemolytic
chains. anaemia. There is jaundice, and about 50% of
patients have pigment gallstones. There is
The differential diagnosis of thalassaemia is hyposplenism and increased susceptibility to
chiefly iron deficiency anaemia, but in infection. The kidneys show loss of concentrating
thalassaemia the red blood cell count is ability. The central nervous system, eyes, lungs,
normal. liver, kidneys, bone marrow and penis may be
The diagnosis of thalassaemia is made on the affected by acute vascular occlusion.
basis of anaemia, decreased MCV, normal RBC The ‘acute chest syndrome’ is associated with
164 count, peripheral blood film showing pulmonary vascular occlusion and perhaps local
hypochromia and microcytosis but with infection, and an extensive but asymmetrical
basophilic stippling and nucleated erythrocytes, ‘white-out’ on chest X-ray. It is a major cause
increased HbA2 and HbF, and specifically of morbidity and mortality. It is associated with
abnormal haemoglobin electrophoresis. an increased plasma level of phospholipase A2.
2. Sickle cell anaemia
Sickle cell crisis is an acute, life-
Sickle cell anaemia occurs in many countries
threatening and painful vaso-occlusive
around the world, especially in West Africa
process, leading to local ischaemia or even
(and thus also in Black Americans), the Eastern
infarction. The initiating event is often not
Mediterranean and India. Like thalassaemia, its
apparent. The target organs are especially the
wide prevalence and persistence are possibly
kidney and the bone marrow.
due to some protection by the trait against
The diagnosis is based on the typically abnormal
Sickle cell anaemia is due to the presence of
blood film and confirmed by haemoglobin
HbS, which has a glutamate residue replaced by
electrophoresis. The white cell count and
valine in the sixth position of the beta chain.
platelet count are usually elevated.
HbS in deoxy form has reduced solubility and
polymerizes, so that the red blood cell becomes Treatment of a sickle cell crisis includes rest,
distorted into a sickle shape. This process of hydration, oxygenation, alkali and analgesia.
sickling occurs especially in the
• Since severe pain, especially that of avascular
microvasculature and is aggravated by hypoxia,
necrosis in bone marrow, may last for over a week,
acidosis and increased 2,3-DPG. The process is
there is a risk of narcotic addiction.
at least partly irreversible, so that the cells
• The frequency of the acute chest syndrome is
remain damaged even after re-oxygenation and
reduced by hydroxyurea.
are then prematurely removed by the
reticuloendothelial system, giving rise to General anaesthesia is normally recommended to be
haemolytic anaemia. deferred until the HbS level has been lowered to about
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
50% by transfusion (or exchange transfusion, so that Bibliography
the haematocrit is not ⬎0.35). In fact, however,

Haemolytic–uraemic syndromes
Charache S, Terrin ML, Moore RD et al 1995
there have been reported series of general anaesthetics Effect of hydroxyurea on the frequency of painful
without complications despite no specific precautions. crises in sickle cell anaemia. N Engl J Med 332:
Pregnancy and even oral contraceptives add to the 1317.
Davies SC, Luce PJ, Win AA et al 1984 Acute chest
anaesthetic risk.
syndrome in sickle-cell disease. Lancet 1: 36.
In the future, gene therapy offers prospects for cure, Embury SH 1986 The clinical pathophysiology of
sickle cell disease. Annu Rev Med 37: 361.
and in the meantime bone marrow transplantation
Francis RB, Johnson CS 1991 Vascular occlusion in
has been successful in some patients. sickle cell disease: current concepts and
unanswered questions. Blood 77: 1405.
Haemoglobin C disease results from the
Piomelli S, Loew T 1991 Management of thalassemia
replacement of glutamate by lysine at the sixth major (Cooley’s anemia). Hematol Oncol Clin
position on the beta chain. It is thus a variant of North Am 5: 557.
sickle cell anaemia, except that it is mild. Platt OS 1994 Easing the suffering caused by sickle
Heterozygotes are asymptomatic, while cell disease. N Engl J Med 330: 783.
homozygotes have mild anaemia with Schrier SL 1994 Thalassemia: pathophysiology of red
splenomegaly. cell shapes. Annu Rev Med 45: 211.
Styles LA, Schalkwijk CG, Aarsman AJ et al 1996
Haemoglobin E disease is a further variant Phospholipase A2 levels in acute chest syndrome
in which lysine replaces glutamate at the 26 of sickle cell disease. Blood 87: 2573. 165
position on the beta chain. The trait is Weatherall DJ 1993 The treatment of thalassemia –
particularly common in some South East slow progress and new dilemmas. N Engl J Med
Asian populations. The clinical features are 329: 877.
similar to those of HbC disease. Drugs with
oxidizing properties such as dapsone should be
avoided. Haemoglobinopathy (see Haemoglobin
Many other amino acid substitutions have been
reported, which give unstable haemoglobins
associated with chronic haemolytic anaemia Haemoglobinuria (see Anaemia and
without spherocytosis.

Some haemoglobin variants confer abnormal

Haemolysis (see Anaemia and Cold
oxygen binding.
agglutinin disease)
• Left shift of the haemoglobin oxygen
dissociation curve
– i.e. increased oxygen affinity is Haemolytic–uraemic syndromes
produced by haemoglobin Chesapeake, (see also Thrombotic thrombocytopenic
Rainier or Yakima. purpura)
• Right shift of the haemoglobin The haemolytic–uraemic syndromes comprise
oxygen dissociation curve childhood and adulthood haemolytic–uraemic
– i.e. decreased oxygen affinity is syndrome (HUS), as well as the related
produced by haemoglobin Kansas. thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
– This phenomenon can cause cyanosis. (TTP)(q.v.), though not disseminated
intravascular coagulation.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

haemolysis with raised LDH, neutrophilia, and

These conditions have the common features
Haemolytic–uraemic syndromes

platelet-fibrin thrombi in small arteries in biopsy

of: material (e.g. bone marrow, kidney).
• microangiopathic haemolysis; Coagulation is normal and there is no
• thrombocytopenia; disseminated intravascular coagulation, the
• platelet-fibrin thrombi in small vessels; complement level is normal, the direct
• renal involvement. Coombs’ test is negative, and the urinary
sediments is usually normal.

In more chronic situations, the histology may Treatment should be with plasmapheresis if the
show concentric vascular thickening as in condition is severe.
malignant hypertension or scleroderma. While • Traditionally, therapy with aspirin and/or
HUS is usually idiopathic, there is sometimes corticosteroids has been used, but aspirin in
such marked local clustering as to suggest an particular should be used with caution because of
epidemic, especially in children. the risk of bleeding.
• Platelet transfusion may also give rise to problems
(e.g. thrombotic deterioration), and thus should be
HUS may be associated with:
used only if the patient is bleeding.
• pregnancy • Renal support should be instituted on its normal
– especially the postpartum state, when it merits.
particularly occurs if there has been • Clearly, any culprit drugs should be stopped.
placental abruption, retained placenta or There is an 80% response to early treatment and
pre-eclampsia; complete remission is usual, though the
• bone marrow transplantation; microangiopathic changes may take some
• immuno-modulation months to subside. However, one third of cases
suffer a recurrence, though this is usually mild
– with cyclosporin and some cancer and often asymptomatic, being demonstrated
chemotherapeutic agents, e.g. only by new thrombocytopenia and
mitomycin C; microangiopathic haemolysis. The renal
• mucous adenocarcinoma of the recovery may be delayed and incomplete,
gastrointestinal tract; especially if the patient is untreated. The
• antiphospholipid syndrome; mortality is worse postpartum, because it is then
• food poisoning often associated with cardiomyopathy, but even
in this circumstance survival is substantially
– due to enteropathogenic
better than with TTP.
(enterotoxigenic, entero-haemorrhagic)
E. coli, especially serotype O157:H7,
and usually in children (see Diarrhoea). Bibliography
This is an important cause of outbreaks Beers M, Cameron S 1995 Hemolytic uremic
of HUS. syndrome. Emerg Infect Dis 1: 4.
Kaplan B, Drummond K 1978 The
hemolytic–uremic syndrome is a syndrome. N
Sometimes, these conditions lead to HUS and Engl J Med 298: 964.
sometimes to TTP. Whether its pathogenesis Remuzzi G 1987 HUS and TTP: variable expression
primarily involves endothelial cell or platelet of a single entity. Kidney Int 32: 292.
activation is uncertain. Wong CS, Jelacic S, Habeeb RL et al 2000 The risk
of hemolytic–uremic syndrome after antibiotic
Investigations show thrombocytopenia with treatment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection. N
increased beta-thromboglobulin (␤TG), Engl J Med 342: 1930.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Haemophilia Haemoptysis may range from minor blood-

streaking of the sputum to the expectoration of
Haemophilia (classical haemophilia or large amounts of frank blood. Most haemoptysis
haemophilia A) is the best known of the is minor, but even relatively small amounts of
hereditary haemorrhagic disorders, because blood can be quite startling when mixed with
although uncommon (1 in 10000 males) its expectorated sputum.
effects are striking. It is due to either a
quantitative or qualitative defect of factor VIII: The source of expectorated blood is not always
C, the gene for which is on the X clear from the history. Blood from the mouth,
chromosome. The disease is thus confined to nose or throat, or the upper gastrointestinal
hemizygotic males, while females are carriers. tract, may well into the throat and then be
coughed up. Patients, and even clinicians, may
Factor VIII is a large plasma protein of
also have difficulty sometimes in distinguishing
molecular weight 330kD, plasma concentration
between haemoptysis and haematemesis.
100 ␮g/L (100%) and half-life 10 h. It acts as a
coagulation factor rather than a zymogen and Some degree of haemoptysis is common with
assists the activation of factor X to Xa. The many acute respiratory infections, though most
severity of disease is directly related to the causes of haemoptysis are serious chronic
plasma concentration, which ranges from diseases, such as carcinoma, tuberculosis,
virtually undetectable to about 50%. bronchiectasis and severe left heart failure
Treatment has traditionally been with factor VIII (classically in the past due to mitral stenosis). 167
concentrates, but recombinant factor VIII is now Although the cause may be apparent from the
available. The level should be raised to 25–50% clinical features and/or chest X-ray,
before invasive procedures. Avoidance of aspirin and bronchoscopy is usually required to clarify the
administration of EACA or DDAVP are helpful. diagnosis. However, even after extensive
Haemophilia B (Christmas disease) is due to investigation, some episodes of haemoptysis are
factor IX deficiency. Like haemophilia A, it is sex- not satisfactorily explained.
linked. Factor IX is a plasma protein of molecular
weight 57 kD and plasma concentration 5 mg/L.
It is a zymogen with a half-life of 24 h. The chief causes of haemoptysis are (in
approximate order of frequency):
The management principles are similar to those of
haemophilia, except that the concentration required for 1. acute chest infection (bronchitis,
haemostasis is generally lower (usually 20% is pneumonia);
adequate) and the smaller size of factor IX results in a 2. carcinoma (also rarely bronchial
larger distribution volume (being about the size of adenoma);
albumin space). 3. chronic bronchitis;
4. pulmonary infarction;
5. acute pulmonary oedema (left heart
Bloom AL 1991 Progress in the clinical management
of haemophilia. Thromb Haemost 66: 166.
6. foreign body;
Furie B, Furie BC 1990 Molecular basis of 7. bronchiectasis, lung abscess;
hemophilia. Semin Hematol 27: 270. 8. tuberculosis;
9. systemic bleeding disorder;
10. drug reaction;
Haemoptysis 11. Goodpasture’s syndrome;
12. Wegener’s granulomatosis;
Haemoptysis, or the expectoration of blood, 13. lymphomatoid granulomatosis.
should always be regarded as potentially serious.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Treatment is primarily that of the underlying acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome, with

condition. In refractory cases, bronchial artery acute pulmonary oedema due to increased
embolization, endobronchial tamponade or even capillary permeability – the hantavirus
surgery may be indicated if the responsible lesion can pulmonary syndrome (HPS). There is associated
be localized. septic shock, lactic acidosis and
Bobrowitz ID, Ramakrishna S, Shim Y-S 1983 Treatment with mechanical ventilation appears to
Comparison of medical v surgical treatment of be required in about half the cases, together with
major hemoptysis. Arch Intern Med 143: 1343. haemodynamic monitoring and inotropic support. The
Jean-Baptiste E 2000 Clinical assessment and putative antihantavirus drug, ribavirin, is not effective
management of massive hemoptysis. Crit Care in HPS.
Med 28: 1642.
Remy J, Arnaud A, Fardou H et al 1977 Treatment
of hemoptysis by embolization of bronchial Bibliography
arteries. Radiology 122: 33. Duchin JS, Koster FT, Peters CJ et al 1994;
Hantaviral pulmonary syndrome: Clinical
description of disease caused by a newly
recognized hemorrhagic fever virus in the
Haemostasis (see Coagulation disorders) Southwestern United States. N Engl J Med 330:
168 Hallin GW, Simpson SQ, Crowell RE, James DS,
Hamman–Rich syndrome (see Koster FT, Mertz GJ, Levy H 1996
Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis) Cardiopulmonary manifestations of hantavirus
pulmonary syndrome. Crit Care Med 24: 252.
Hughes JM, Peters CJ, Cohen ML et al 1993
Hand–Schüller–Christian disease Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome: an emerging
infectious disease. Science 262: 850.
(see Histiocytosis X) Schmaljohn C, Hjelle B 1997 Hantaviruses: a global
disease problem. Emerg Infect Dis 3: 2.
Shope RE 1999 A midcourse assessment of
Hantavirus hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Emerg Infect Dis
In 1993, a small epidemic of unusual cases of 5: 1.
severe acute respiratory failure was reported in
the southwestern USA. Within a month, the
causative agent had been identified on Heat (see also Pyrexia)
serological and genetic evidence as a hitherto
Heat injury occurs if the body’s
unrecognized species of hantavirus (Sin Nombre
thermoregulatory processes are overwhelmed.
virus), transmitted to humans via contact with
infected deer mice and without human to • This occurs particularly in association with a
human passage. Within 8 months, 48 cases in high environmental temperature.
that area had been confirmed, with a mortality • It is aggravated by direct sunlight and high
of about one third even in young previously humidity.
healthy patients, and the geographic distribution • Increased risk occurs with:
of cases had begun to widen. Hantavirus had – exercise;
previously only been known as a rodent-borne – dehydration;
cause of haemorrhagic fever with renal failure in – old age;
the Eastern Hemisphere. – excess clothing;
Clinical features commence with the features of – some drugs, such as phenothiazines and
a non-specific viral illness. It progresses to an anticholinergics.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The heat-related issues discussed in this book • red, pruritic vesicles (miliaria rubra) on

Heat shock proteins

are: covered skin;
• friction blisters at sites of pressure.
• heat cramps;
• heat exhaustion;
• heat rash;
Heat shock proteins
• heat shock proteins;
• heat stroke; Since adverse environmental exposure may
• hot tubs; jeopardize the survival of any living organism
• hyperthermia. by producing the major acute changes referred
to as stress, a common pattern of defence is set
Bibliography in train, resulting in multiple structural and
Marr JJ, Geiss PT 1982 Management of heat injury functional changes in the organism. This stress
syndromes. In: Shoemaker WC, Thompson WL response is often referred to as the heat shock
(eds) Critical Care: State of the Art. Fullerton: response, because the original and best studied
Society of Critical Care Medicine. p K1. stressor was hyperthermia. This response is
associated with the rapid elaboration of a set of
proteins, called heat shock proteins (HSP), and
Heat cramps a decrease in other cellular proteins. This
Heat cramps are painful muscular spasms, which response is rapid and reversible and is geared to
can occur even in the presence of a normal protecting the essential cellular machinery from 169
body temperature. irreversible injury, thus promoting both survival
during the stress and rapid recovery thereafter.
They may be prevented with adequate
hydration and are treated with massage and HSPs are members of a larger family of
stretching. intracellular proteins which maintain the
integrity of the cell’s structure and are
sometimes referred to as ‘molecular
Heat exhaustion chaperones’. HSPs are classified as either large
(68–100 kD) or small (15–30 kD). HSP70 is the
Heat exhaustion is a more severe form of heat best characterized family of stress proteins. HSPs
injury than heat cramps. It is associated with a are synthesized not only typically after a brief
moderate increase in body temperature. increase in temperature of 3–5°C, but also after
There is fatigue, headache, nausea, cramps and other insults such as hypoxia, hypoglycaemia,
hyperventilation. Dehydration and postural infection and acute chemical exposure. They
hypotension occur, and the patient, though have been identified in all major cell structures
sweating freely, feels cold, often with associated and are also present at low levels in unstressed
piloerection. cells, so that they thus have a background
function, probably in maintaining membrane
Treatment consists of rest in a cool and preferably dry integrity. Following the cloning of the first gene
environment, with hydration and external cooling. in 1978, all have now been cloned. Extensive
amino acid homology has been found, even
between humans and bacteria, even though
Heat rash these two species diverged more than 1.5 billion
years ago. The response is thus presumed to be
Heat rash is due to occlusion of sweat ducts,
of great antiquity. Perhaps these proteins bind
which gives rise to:
to denatured elements and thus prevent their
• small, clear, asymptomatic vesicles (miliaria aggregation and resultant cell damage. In
crystallina) on exposed skin; general, the process is protective, because there
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

is a correlation between HSP induction on mild • Individual cases occur in hot environments,
Heat shock proteins

stress and the development of tolerance to either in association with strenuous physical
thermal or other stress. However, HSP may also exercise, as in athletes or new military
provide a mechanism for the induction of recruits, or in confined areas, such as prisons,
autoimmunity (q.v.) via molecular mimicry. military barracks or pilgrim crowds.
The development of HSP may have relevance Apart from a high environmental temperature
in fever and/or sepsis. Thus, the failure to often without direct sunlight, the risk increases:
mount a fever is associated with an increased
mortality in infections, although any benefit of • with drug administration (anticholinergics,
phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants,
fever itself has not been demonstrated. In
monoamine oxidase inhibitors);
addition, thermal pretreatment (and most
recently, post-treatment) has been shown to • with impairment of the body’s ability to
dissipate heat (as in a humid environment or
protect experimentally against pulmonary and
with dehydration, cardiac failure or inability
neurological damage and consequent mortality
to sweat).
in sepsis.
Heat stroke has a sudden onset with a rapid rise
Bibliography in body temperature, usually to at least 41°C
Buchman TG 1994 Manipulation of stress gene and typically with the cessation of sweating, so
expression: a novel therapy for the treatment of
that the skin appears flushed and dry. The upper
sepsis? Crit Care Med 22: 901.
Chu EK, Ribeiro SP, Slutsky AS 1997 Heat stress
temperature limit for survival is generally about
increases survival rates in polysaccharide-stimulated 44°C. Heat stroke represents a major failure of
rats. Crit Care Med 25: 1727. thermoregulation, though the mechanism of
Delogu G, Bosco LL, Marandola M et al 1997 Heat damage is more than direct thermal injury and
shock protein (HSP70) expression in septic probably includes the elaboration of mediators
patients. J Crit Care 12: 188. such as nitric oxide.
Lindquist S 1986 The heat shock response. Annu
Rev Biochem 55: 1151. • Neurological dysfunction occurs with
van Eden W, Young DB (eds) 1996 Stress Proteins in delirium, coma, fits and decerebrate posture.
Medicine. New York: Dekker. • Circulatory failure is seen, with marked
Villar J, Ribeiro SP, Mullen JBM et al 1994 tachycardia and eventually the abrupt onset
Induction of the heat shock response reduces of hypotension, pulmonary oedema
mortality rate and organ damage in a sepsis (especially in the elderly) and shock.
induced acute lung injury model. Crit Care Med
• Dehydration and hypovolaemia are usual.
22: 914.
• Associated features include:

– hyperventilation;
Heat stroke
– hypokalaemia;
Heat stroke is the most severe form of heat – metabolic acidosis which may be severe;
injury and is a dangerous complication. It is – haemoconcentration;
diagnosed on the basis of core temperature – leukocytosis;
⬎40°C and hot but dry skin. – disseminated intravascular coagulation;
– hypophosphataemia;
It is seen in both epidemics and sporadically in
– renal failure (with proteinuria and
microscopic haematuria and possibly
• Epidemics occur during heat waves in urban subsequent acute tubular necrosis);
areas, especially among the elderly, – hepatocellular damage of varying severity;
debilitated or alcoholic population, even if – rhabdomyolysis;
sedentary – vomiting and diarrhoea.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Heavy metal poisoning (see Chelating
There is thus widespread cellular damage and

HELLP syndrome
the presence of a medical emergency.

Treatment consists of active cooling to 39°C HELLP syndrome (see also Pre-
within 30 min. Cooling should then be tapered to eclampsia)
prevent an overshoot in the process. Cooling may be
achieved by the use of either ice-packs or a cooling The HELLP syndrome comprises haemolysis,
blanket. elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count.
It is a pregnancy-related disease of unknown
Requisite supportive therapy includes fluids, aetiology, first described in 1982 as a separate
electrolytes, circulatory and respiratory support, and subgroup of pre-eclampsia. It has been reported
attention to any metabolic, haematological and renal to occur in 2–12% of cases of pre-eclampsia,
dysfunction. The value of heparin is unsubstantiated, usually in the more severe cases. It usually
and the efficacy of dantrolene has not been confirmed occurs in the third trimester, though 30% of
in clinical trials. patients present within the first 48 h of the
The condition has a high mortality (with post-partum period. In these cases, many have
reports from 10–80%), but it is preventable had no evidence of pre-eclampsia prior to
by avoiding the risk factors referred to delivery.
above and by the provision of appropriate The clinical features include upper abdominal 171
first-aid. pain and malaise in virtually all patients. Weight
A similar condition occurring after exposure to gain, oedema and hypertension are commonly
triggering agents (classically during general present, but these are not necessarily diagnostic
anaesthesia) is referred to as malignant for pre-eclampsia at the time.
hyperthermia (q.v.).
A severe illness follows, with associated:
Bouchama A, Cafege A, Devol EB et al 1991 • shock;
Ineffectiveness of dantrolene sodium in the • ARDS;
treatment of heatstroke. Crit Care Med 19: 176. • acute renal failure;
Bouchama A, al-Sedairy S, Siddiqui S et al 1993
• subcapsular haematoma of the liver
Elevated pyrogenic cytokines in heat stroke. Chest
(which may even lead to hepatic rupture);
104: 1498.
Clowes GHA, O’Donnell TF 1974 Heat stroke. N • generalized haemorrhage;
Engl J Med 291: 564. • convulsions;
Costrini A 1990 Emergency treatment of exertional • blindness (due to retinal detachment);
heatstroke and comparison of whole body cooling • abruptio placentae (especially if there is
techniques. Med Sci Sports Exerc 22: 15. acute renal failure and disseminated
Knochel JP 1989 Heat stroke and related heat stress intravascular coagulation).
disorders. Dis Mon 35: 301.
Marr JJ, Geiss PT 1982 Management of heat injury These complications occur in 1–15% of cases
syndromes. In: Shoemaker WC, Thompson WL and are more frequent in the post-partum
(eds) Critical Care: State of the Art. Fullerton: state.
Society of Critical Care Medicine. p K1.
Simon HB 1993 Hyperthermia. N Engl J Med 329:
483. There is a microangiopathic haemolysis with
thrombocytopenia but no laboratory evidence
initially of disseminated intravascular
Heavy chains (see Multiple myeloma) coagulation, though this eventually occurs in
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

about 20% of cases. The liver function tests are Hemianopia

HELLP syndrome

Hemianopia refers to loss of half of a visual
The differential diagnosis includes: field. The particular half affected depends on
the site of the lesion which has interrupted the
• acute fatty liver of pregnancy (q.v.); optic tract or radiation.
• other causes of microangiopathic haemolysis
(q.v.), e.g. thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura (TTP), haemolytic–uraemic Hemianopia may be caused by:
syndrome (HUS), malignancy; • cerebral tumour (including pituitary
• mild and asymptomatic gestational tumours);
thrombocytopenia, seen in 5–8% of normal • stroke (both haemorrhagic and
pregnancies. ischaemic);
Treatment is with emergency delivery, usually by • cerebral abscess (parietal, subdural);
Caesarean section, and Intensive Care management. • meningitis;
The liver should be treated as for hepatic trauma, • superior sagittal sinus thrombosis;
with great care with palpation, etc. Difficult hepatic • migraine (occasionally).
bleeding may require hepatic artery embolization.
Laparotomy is sometimes indicated if there appears to
be an acute abdominal crisis. Plasmapheresis should Bibliography
172 Morantz RA, Walsh JW (eds) 1994 Brain Tumors.
be considered for persistent haematological
New York: Marcel Dekker.
Clearly, the condition carries a significant
maternal and fetal risk. Henoch–Schönlein purpura (see
Burrows RF, Kelton JG 1990 Thrombocytopenia at
delivery: a prospective survey of 6715 deliveries. Heparin
Am J Obstet Gynecol 162: 731.
Heparin is one of the most commonly used
Martin JN, Files FC, Blake PG 1990 Plasma
drugs in clinical medicine. Its most common
exchange for preeclampsia: I. Postpartum use for
persistently severe preeclampsia with HELLP complication is bleeding.
syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 162: 126. An uncommon but important and nowadays
Pousti TJ, Tominaga GT, Scannell G 1994 Help for well recognized complication is heparin-
the HELLP syndrome. Intens Care World 11: 62.
induced thrombocytopenia (HITS) (see
Sibai BM, Ramadan MK, Usta I et al 1993 Maternal
morbidity and mortality in 442 pregnancies with
hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets
(HELLP syndrome). Am J Obstet Gynecol 169: More uncommon complications of heparin
1000. therapy include:
Van Dam PA, Renier M, Baekelandt M et al 1989
Disseminated intravascular coagulation and the • osteoporosis
syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes,
– associated with prolonged use;
and low platelets in severe preeclampsia. Obstet
Gynecol 73: 97. • hyperkalaemia
Weinstein L 1982 Syndrome of hemolysis, elevated
liver enzymes and low platelet count: a severe – due to hypoaldosteronism and usually in
consequence of hypertension. Am J Obstet the presence of renal failure and/or
Gynecol 142: 159. diabetes;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• skin necrosis (q.v.) known. They include hepatic failure (including

Hepatic diseases
fulminant hepatic failure, FHF), cirrhosis, portal
– though this is more commonly seen hypertension, hepatic encephalopathy and
with warfarin therapy and occurs in hepato–renal syndrome. Some conditions of
protein C deficient patients; course are less common and are therefore
• increased liver enzymes considered in this book, including:
– transaminitis, with levels that though • biliary cirrhosis;
increased are still usually in the normal • Budd–Chiari syndrome;
range, this phenomenon generally • hepatic necrosis;
reaching a peak after one week and • hepatic vein thrombosis;
decreasing despite continuing therapy; • hepatitis;
• hepatoma;
• interaction with intravenous glyceryl • hepatopulmonary syndrome;
trinitrate (nitroglycerin, GTN)
• liver abscess;
– with consequent resistance to heparin. • Wilson’s disease.

Bibliography Adedoyin A, Branch RA 1997 The effect of liver
Hirsh J, Levine MN 1992 Low molecular weight disease on drugs. Curr Opinion Crit Care 3: 255.
heparin. Blood 79: 1. Better OS 1986 Renal and cardiovascular dysfunction
Oster JR, Singer I, Fishman LM 1995 Heparin- 173
in liver disease. Kidney Int 29: 598.
induced aldosterone suppression and Calvo CP, Sipman FS, Caramelo C 1996 Renal and
hyperkalaemia. Am J Med 98: 575. electrolyte abnormalities in patients with hepatic
insufficiency. Curr Opinion Crit Care 2: 413.
Hepatic diseases Eckardt K-U 1999 Renal failure in liver disease.
Intens Care Med 25: 5.
Most hepatic disorders encountered in the Editorial 1982 Hepatic osteomalacia and vitamin D.
Intensive Care Unit are common and well Lancet 1: 943.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Fraser CL, Arieff AI 1985 Hepatic encephalopathy. Sometimes, fulminant hepatitis occurs with no
Hepatic diseases

N Engl J Med 313: 865. definable cause, so that it is likely that there
Garcia-Tsao G 1991 Treatment of ascites with single are other as yet unidentified viruses, mutant
total paracentesis. Hepatology 13: 1005. viruses or toxins capable of producing this
LaMont JT, Isselbacher KJ 1973 Postoperative
syndrome. About 5–20% of cases of acute and
jaundice. N Engl J Med 288: 305.
chronic hepatitis have no currently identifiable
Lieber CS 1995 Medical disorders of alcoholism. N
Engl J Med 333: 1058. cause, prompting in particular a continuing
Ludwig J 1993 The nomenclature of chronic active search for viruses other than the main known
hepatitis: an obituary. Gastroenterology 105: 274. five (A–E).
McClain CJ 1991 Trace metals in liver disease.
Semin Liver Dis 11: 321.
Clinical features of hepatitis are variable and
Mills PR, Sturrock RD 1982 Clinical associations
between arthritis and liver disease. Ann Rheum often extensive.
Dis 41: 295. Typically, there are systemic inflammatory
Riordan SM, Williams R 1999 Current management symptoms affecting the gut, joints and CNS
of fulminant hepatic failure. Curr Opin Crit Care
for 1–2 weeks prior to the onset of more
5: 136.
specific local features. The more specific
Runyon BA 1994 Care of patients with ascites. N
Engl J Med 330: 337. local features include:
Shearman DJC, Finlayson NDC 1989 Diseases of the • dark urine (in over 90%);
Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver. 2nd edition.
174 • light stools (in over 50%);
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
• abdominal discomfort;
Sherlock S, Dooley J 1993 Diseases of the Liver and
Biliary System. 9th edition. Oxford: Blackwell. • tender smooth hepatomegaly;
Starzl TE, Demetris AJ, Van Thiel D 1989 Liver • jaundice;
transplantation. N Engl J Med 321: 1014, 1092. • hepatic fetor (fetor hepaticus).
Vennes JA, Bond JH 1983 Approach to the
jaundiced patient. Gastroenterology 84: 1615.
Investigations show abnormal liver function
Wright TL 1993 Etiology of fulminant hepatic
tests with high transaminase levels as the initial
failure: is another virus involved? Gastroenterology
104: 640. finding. The serum bilirubin rises to a
maximum of about 350 ␮mol /L by 2 weeks,
and then decreases over the following 2–4
Hepatic necrosis (see Hepatitis) weeks. The alkaline phosphatase is usually
moderately elevated, and there is
hypoalbuminaemia and a prolonged
Hepatic vein thrombosis (see prothrombin time in severe cases. The full
blood examination is mildly abnormal.
Budd–Chiari syndrome)
Treatment is frustrating because no modalities alter
the course of disease.
• Bed rest is warranted on the clinical merits of the
Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver cells. It is symptoms, but measures such as diet and vitamins
produced: are ineffective and even alcohol is not necessarily
• usually by viral infection (especially hepatitis
• Trials involving corticosteroids, immune globulin,
viruses A–E, CMV, EBV);
cimetidine and exchange transfusion have shown
• sometimes by drugs or toxins. no efficacy.
Hepatitis may thus be a final common pathway • Lactulose (30 mL 4 hourly) is commonly given,
for a variety of different liver insults. but its benefit is uncertain.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• Transplantation is indicated in severe disease with Hepatitis type A virus (HAV, infectious

encephalopathy, except in chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis virus) is an RNA virus transmitted by
C because of the high rate of recurrent viraemia faecal contamination.
and severe hepatitis.
The incubation period is usually 3–5 weeks, and
• Predisposition to bacterial infection and
there is a viraemia with viral shedding for up to
coagulopathy need to be attended to.
3 weeks before the appearance of jaundice. The
patient is not infectious after 3 weeks of clinical
The outlook after hepatitis is usually illness unless a relapse occurs. There is no
favourable, with an uncomplicated course animal reservoir.
and complete recovery.
Infection gives rise to immunity (an early IgM
Occasionally, however, and a later IgG) and antibodies may be detected
• the disease may relapse or become in about 50% of the population.
prolonged especially with hepatitis B Chronic disease does not occur, and the
and hepatitis C, and also in the elderly: mortality is ⬍0.2%.
• there may be an acute fulminant Pooled immune globulin given within 2 weeks of
exposure decreases the occurrence of clinical disease.
– leading to hepatic coma and even death;
Hepatitis type B virus (HBV, serum
– usually seen in hepatitis B and hepatitis C; 175
hepatitis) is a DNA virus usually transmitted by
– sometimes in hepatitis E in pregnancy;
percutaneous inoculation of infected blood, but
• chronic hepatitis the virus in fact is present in many bodily fluids,
so that for example venereal transmission is also
– may occur in hepatitis B or C pre-
disposing to hepatocellular carcinoma;
– may occur in hepatitis C predisposing The incubation period is usually 2–6 months
to a carrier state; and averages 12 weeks. Antibodies to surface
– is manifest by raised serum alanine antigen (anti-HBs) and to core antigen (anti-
aminotransferase (ALT) for more than HBc) appear early and persist in the carrier state,
six months and progresses slowly to though only anti-HBs is normally seen in
hepatic fibrosis; convalescent serum or after vaccination.
– may be autoimmune, when it is most
commonly ANA positive and Chronic disease occurs in up to 10% of patients,
corticosteroid-responsive, and the mortality is 1.5%.
– may be cryptogenic. Treatment is with immune globulin if given within
Many concomitant extrahepatic syndromes one week of exposure, but the most appropriate
have also been reported, most commonly in management is prevention with recombinant
hepatitis B. There have been associated: hepatitis B vaccine. However, the use of this vaccine
has become controversial in some countries following
• autoimmune haemolytic anaemia; reports of both central and peripheral demyelination
• polyarteritis nodosa; after its administration.
• cryoglobulinaemia especially in chronic
HCV infection; Hepatitis type C virus (HCV, non-A, non-B
• sicca syndrome especially in chronic HCV or post-transfusion hepatitis) is an RNA virus
infection; also usually transmitted by percutaneous
• immune-mediated renal disease in chronic inoculation or infected blood. It was identified
HBV and especially HCV infection. in 1989 and is now recognized as the cause of
most cases (perhaps 90%) of transfusion
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

hepatitis, but it may also be responsible for up 15% in pregnancy, but it does not lead to

to 25% of sporadic acute community-acquired chronic disease.

Hepatitis type F virus (HFV) is a recently
Incubation period is usually 5–10 weeks. Anti- described DNA virus. Its role as a formal
HCv antibodies are present in the acute disease, hepatitis virus remains to be clarified.
in the carrier state and in over 50% of cases of
Hepatitis type G virus (HGV) is a recently
hepatocellular carcinoma.
described RNA virus, related to but separate
Most patients are asymptomatic, even though from HCV. It appears to be an important cause
they are infectious to others. The disease may of post-transfusion hepatitis, though it may be a
remain silent and eventual chronic liver coinfection with HCV.
impairment may be its first clinical
manifestation. Failure of viral clearance is the
most important problem following acute Many drugs may cause liver damage, usually
infection and this causes chronic disease in about via idiosyncratic reactions (see Drug Allergy).
75%. Chronic hepatitis in turn commonly leads The clinical and laboratory features are
to cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. The indistinguishable from viral hepatitis. The
mortality is probably similar to that of hepatitis ‘incubation’ period is usually 2–6 weeks, but
B. The mechanism for its hepatocarcinogenesis it can be a short as 1 day or as long as 6
is uncertain because, unlike HBV, HCV is not months. Although this form of liver damage
176 may be predictable for high doses of some
incorporated into the host genome.
drugs (e.g. paracetamol), it is not normally
Treatment with immune globulin acutely and with dose-dependent, as with halothane, isoniazid,
interferon alpha (IFN) in the chronic state are methyldopa, phenytoin, sulfonamides.
helpful. Combination therapy with ribavirin and IFN
appears to be more effective both initially and after Recently, the new anti-Parkinsonism drug,
relapse than IFN alone, with response to therapy tolcapone, was withdrawn from the market
varying with viral genotype. because of reports of serious and sometimes
fatal hepatotoxicity, the new ‘fourth-
End-stage liver disease due to hepatitis C infection is generation’ quinolone, trovafloxacin/
nowadays the most common condition requiring liver alatrofloxacin, has been reported to cause
transplantation. hepatic damage, including rarely acute
Hepatitis type D virus (delta-agent) requires hepatic necrosis and hepatic failure.
hepatitis B virus (HBV) for its expression. Thus, Drug-induced hepatitis can persist despite
its route of transmission, incubation period and stopping the drug. Continuing the drug may
prophylaxis are as for hepatitis B. be fatal.
It is associated with more severe disease, with an Conversely, in patients with liver disease
acute mortality of up to 20% and a chronic there is impairment of oxidative drug
disease state in HBV carriers. Anti-HDv metabolism, a drug clearance mechanism
antibodies appear late in the course of disease. (e.g. for theophylline) which has recently
Hepatitis type E virus is, like HAV, been shown to be improved in such patients
transmitted via faecal contamination. It is an by supplemental oxygen. Drug clearance by
important course of epidemic hepatitis in hepatic conjugation (e.g. for paracetamol) is
developing countries. The immunological status not improved by oxygen.
is uncertain.
The incubation period is 2–8 weeks. The Toxins producing hepatic damage similar to
mortality of acute disease is up to 2% and up to viral hepatitis may occur in:
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• mushroom poisoning (q.v.), including McCaughan GW, Koorey DJ 1997 Liver
transplantation. Aust NZ J Med 27: 371.

Kombucha ‘mushroom’ tea;
• plant alkaloid poisoning; McCaughan GW, Strasser SI 2000 Emerging
therapies for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: the
• Reye’s syndrome (q.v.).
importance of HCV genotype. Aust NZ J Med 30:
A similar picture is also seen in some cases of 644.
severe hepatic ischaemia and/or congestion. McHutchison JG, Gordon SC, Schiff ER et al 1998
Interferon alfa-2b alone or in combination with
Bibliography ribavirin as initial treatment for chronic hepatitis
Davis GL, Esteban-Mur R, Rustgi V et al 1998 C. N Engl J Med 339: 1485.
Interferon alfa-2b alone or in combination with Mitra AK 1999 Hepatitis C-related hepatocellular
ribavirin for the treatment of relapse of chronic carcinoma. Epidem Rev 21: 180.
hepatitis C. N Engl J Med 339: 1493. Perron AD, Patterson JA, Yanofsky NN 1995
Farrell GC 1998 Acute viral hepatitis. Med J Aust Kombucha ‘mushroom’ hepatotoxicity. Ann
168: 565. Emerg Med 26: 660.
Farrell GC 1998 Chronic viral hepatitis. Med J Aust Riordan SM, Williams R 1999 Current management
168: 619. of fulminant hepatic failure. Curr Opin Crit Care
Froomes PRA, Morgan DJ, Smallwood RA et al 5: 136.
1999 Comparative effects of oxygen Shapiro CN 1994; Transmission of hepatitis viruses.
supplementation on theophylline and Ann Intern Med 120: 82.
acetaminophen clearance in human cirrhosis. Tsukuma H, Hiyama T, Tanaka S et al 1993 Risk
Gastroenterology 116: 915. factors for hepatocellular carcinoma among patients 177
Gross JB, Persing DH 1995 Hepatitis C: advances in with chronic liver disease. N Engl J Med 328:
diagnosis. Mayo Clin Proc 70: 296. 1797.
Hoofnagle JH 1989 Type D (delta) hepatitis. JAMA Various. Hepatitis C 1999 Aust Family Physician 28
261: 1321. (Special Issue).
Johnson RJ, Gretch Dr, Yamabe H et al 1993 Wanke CA, Guerrant RL 1987 Viral hepatitis and
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis gastroenteritis transmitted by shellfish and water.
associated with hepatitis C virus infection. N Engl Infect Dis Clin North Am 1: 649.
J Med 328: 465. Wright TL 1993 Etiology of fulminant hepatic
Kaplowitz N, Aw TY, Simon FR et al 1986 Drug- failure: is another virus involved? Gastroenterology
induced hepatotoxicity. Ann Intern Med 104: 826. 104: 640.
Keays R, Harrison PM, Wendon JA et al 1991 Zuckerman AJ 1995 The new GB hepatitis viruses.
Intravenous acetylcysteine in paracetamol Lancet 345: 1453.
fulminant hepatic failure: a prospective controlled
trial. Br Med J 303: 1026.
Krawczynski K 1993 Hepatitis E Hepatology 17: Hepatocellular carcinoma (see
932. Hepatoma)
Lau JY, Wright TL 1995 Molecular virology and
pathogenesis of hepatitis B. Lancet 342: 1335.
Lee WM 1997 Hepatitis B virus infection. N Engl J
Med 337: 1733.
Liang TJ, Rehermann B, Seeff LB et al 2000 Hepatoma (hepatocellular carcinoma) is
Pathogenesis, natural history, treatment, and generally associated with pre-existing liver
prevention of hepatitis C. Ann Intern Med 132: disease. Typically, this precursor disease is
cirrhosis, especially following hepatitis B or C
Linnen J, Wages J, Zhen-Yong ZK et al 1996
Molecular cloning and disease association of
infection or haemochromatosis. Sometimes,
hepatitis G virus: A transfusion-transmissible agent. hepatoma may follow cirrhosis due to alcohol,
Science 271: 505. ␣1-antitrypsin deficiency, methotrxate or
Maddrey WC 1993 Chronic hepatitis. Dis Mon 39: schistosomiasis. Occasionally, it may follow
53. hepatic damage without cirrhosis, e.g. after
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

ingestion of aflatoxins, androgens and possibly Bibliography


oral contraceptives. El-Serag HB, Mason AC 1999 Rising incidence of

hepatocellular carcinoma in the United States. N
Hepatoma is seen most commonly in men, Engl J Med 340: 745.
typically younger men in Africa, middle-aged Fan S-T, Lo C-M, Lai ECS et al 1994 Perioperative
men in East Asia, and elderly men in developed nutritional support in patients undergoing
countries. hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma. N Engl
J Med 331: 1547.
Farmer DG, Rosove MH, Shaked A et al 1994
Clinical features of hepatoma include: Current treatment modalities for hepatocellular
carcinoma. Ann Surg 219: 236.
• weight loss; Margolis S, Homcy C 1972 Systemic manifestations
• painful hepatomegaly; of hepatoma. Medicine 51: 381.
• hepatic friction rub; Mitra AK 1999 Hepatitis C-related hepatocellular
• worsening of portal hypertension. carcinoma. Epidem Rev 21: 180.
Tsukuma H, Hiyama T, Tanaka S et al 1993 Risk
It is commonly associated with factors for hepatocellular carcinoma among
paraneoplastic features (q.v.), such as: patients with chronic liver disease. N Engl J Med
• dysfibrinogenaemia; 328: 1797.
Venook AP 1994 Treatment of hepatocellular
• hypoglycaemia;
carcinoma: too many options? J Clin Oncol 12:
• hypercalcaemia;
• polycythaemia. Wands JR, Blum HE 1991 Primary hepatocellular
carcinoma. N Engl J Med 325: 729.
Investigations involving liver function tests are
usually unhelpful, as they are typically abnormal
beforehand, although the AST and/or alkaline
phosphatase may be especially abnormal. Hepatopulmonary syndrome
Imaging and biopsy are required for diagnosis Hepatopulmonary syndrome (or hepatogenic
including the extent of the tumour. pulmonary angiodysplasia) was described in
Angiography is required to assess resectability 1984 as a condition characterized by cirrhosis,
because, unlike hepatic metastases, hepatoma cyanosis and clubbing.
may have increased vascularity. Although the
alpha-fetoprotein level (q.v.) is increased in Its pathogenesis is unknown, but it may be
about 70% of patients, it is neither suffciently due to failure of the liver to preserve the
specific nor sensitive for diagnosis, though it normal balance of pulmonary vasoconstrictor
may assist with the assessment of progress and and vasodilator substances. Histologically,
possibly with the screening of high-risk patients. there are diffuse precapillary dilatations,
arteriovenous malformations and pleural spider
Treatment is with resection if technically feasible. naevi.
• Otherwise, liver transplantation may be
considered, although recurrence within two years is
common. Clinical features of hepatopulmonary
• Palliation may be produced by local vascular syndrome are dominated by hypoxaemia,
occlusion or chemotherapy. which can sometimes be severe. There is
dyspnoea, cyanosis and digital clubbing.
The median survival is only about 6 months. The
prognosis is worse if there are metastases (usually On standing, the hypoxaemia is
to lung or bone) or jaundice, but the five-year paradoxically worse (orthodeoxia) and there
survival is up to 30% following resection. is tachypnoea (platypnoea). These unusual
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
phenomena are generally seen only in Herpesviruses (see Acyclovir)

High altitude
occasional patients after pneumonectomy or
with recurrent pulmonary embolism. High altitude
In mild disease, there are no symptoms.
Moderate altitude (1500–2500 m) exists in
Examination of the chest is normal. many regions of the world which are either
populated or commonly visited. This altitude
The chest X-ray is normal. Lung function tests is of clinical relevance only in patients with
show a decreased diffusing capacity and existing cardiopulmonary disease and in the
abnormal ventilation–perfusion relationships occasional particularly susceptible patient
(typically shunt). who even then has only mild distress. It is
the altitude to which commercial airlines are
The differential diagnosis includes the many, pressurized (i.e. up to 2440 m or 8000 ft).
much more common causes of pulmonary
dysfunction in patients with liver disease, High altitude (2500–4000 m) is the usual
namely: threshold for permanent habitation. The
PaO2 has fallen to 50 mmHg by 4000 m.
• diaphragmatic disadvantage; This region contains the usual threshold for
• pleural effusion; high-altitude medical problems.
• atelectasis.
Very high altitude (4000–5500 m) 179
Treatment is uncertain, but indomethacin or possibly encompasses the limits of permanent
octreotide may be helpful. habitation and acclimatization. At these
Liver transplantation causes the condition to reverse heights, the barometric pressure is about half
eventually, provided it has not become chronic. that at sea level and the arterial oxygenation
is approximately the normal venous level.
Extreme altitude (5500–8848 m, the
In Intensive Care practice, the
height of Mount Everest) is reached only by
hepatopulmonary syndrome should be
mountaineering expeditions.
remembered as a cause of hypoxaemia in
patients with significant liver disease and a
normal chest X-ray. High-altitude medical problems comprise the
following entities.
1. Acute mountain sickness
Herve P, Lebrec D, Brenot F et al 1998 Pulmonary This is especially manifest by headache but also
vascular disorders in portal hypertension. Eur fatigue, dizziness, insomnia and nausea. It is due
Respir J 11: 1153. to cerebral hypoxia. It is experienced by about
Krowka MJ, Cortese DA 1994 Hepatopulmonary 70% of subjects at least to some degree and is
syndrome: current concepts in diagnostic and worse on exercise. It is associated with an
therapeutic considerations. Chest 105: 1528. impaired ventilatory response to hypoxia. It is
Krowka MJ, Wiseman GA, Burnett OL et al 2000 not associated with unfitness, but it is assisted by
Hepatopulmonary syndrome. Chest 118: 615. acclimatization. It lasts only a few days.
Its treatment is symptomatic, including oxygen
administration. Effective measures include
Hereditary haemorrhagic acetazolamide and dexamethasone but not
telangiectasia (see Arteriovenous frusemide. Descent from altitude is required if the
malformations) illness is severe.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

2. Pulmonary oedema about 15%, and survivors may suffer from

High altitude

prolonged neurological sequelae.

This is manifest by dyspnoea, fatigue and cough
and if severe by cerebral dysfunction. It is Treatment requires descent from altitude and the
associated with exercise and lack of administration of oxygen.
acclimatization. It has an average incidence of
only 0.5%, though this can be increased 10-fold • Corticosteroids have been used, but their value is
not established.
or more if ascent is rapid. It generally occurs
gradually but always within 2–4 days and is 4. Miscellaneous conditions
commonly preceded by the less severe features
These include:
of acute mountain sickness. It has a mortality of
about 10%, especially if treatment fails. • chronic mountain sickness, manifest by
fatigue, poor mental function, dyspnoea,
It is associated with pulmonary hypertension
polycythaemia and pulmonary hypertension;
but a normal pulmonary artery wedge pressure.
• thromboembolism;
It is thus a high-flow, protein-rich, oedema
• peripheral oedema;
process, similar to that seen after the relief of
• syncope.
acute pulmonary artery obstruction or in
hypertensive encephalopathy. It is associated 5. Prior conditions adversely affected by
with an irregular hypoxic pulmonary arteriolar altitude
constriction, multiple small thrombi, peripheral
180 These include:
vasoconstriction and fluid retention due to
increased secretion of antidiuretic hormone. • heart disease;
• chronic obstructive lung disease;
Treatment requires descent from altitude and the
• hypertension;
administration of oxygen.
• obesity;
• Diuretics are not appropriate. • sickle cell disease;
• Continuous positive airway pressure/positive end- • decompression sickness.
expiratory pressure (CPAP/PEEP) is effective
(ancient Chinese merchants crossing high Bibliography
mountains such as the Himalayas were known to Boyer SJ, Blume FD 1984 Weight loss and changes
use pursed-lip breathing if breathless). in body composition at high altitude. J Appl
• Intubation and mechanical ventilation may Physiol 57: 1580.
occasionally be required. Cottrell JJ 1988 Altitude exposure during aircraft
• Nitric oxide has recently been reported to be of flight: flying higher. Chest 92: 81.
benefit. Cramer D, Ward S, Geddes D 1996 Assessment of
• Nifedipine has been found to be useful oxygen supplementation during air travel. Thorax
prophylactically in susceptible people. 51: 202.
Frayser R, Houston CS, Bryan AC et al 1970
3. Cerebral oedema Retinal hemorrhage at high altitude. N Engl J
Med 282: 1183.
This is manifest by headache, disorientation, Hackett PH, Rennie D, Levine HD 1976 The
ataxia, hallucinations and coma. Papilloedema incidence, importance and prophylaxis of acute
and retinal haemorrhages are commonly seen. mountain sickness. Lancet 2: 1149.
There is increased intracranial pressure and Hock RJ 1970 The physiology of high altitude. Sci
cerebral petechiae. Am 222: 2, 52.
Houston CS, Dickinson J 1975 Cerebral form of
It occurs in about 20% of patients suffering from high-altitude illness. Lancet 2: 758.
pulmonary oedema, though its onset may be Hultgren HN 1996 High-altitude pulmonary edema:
delayed for several days. It has a mortality of current concepts. Annu Rev Med 47: 267.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Johnson TS, Rock PB 1988 Acute mountain • familial;
sickness. N Engl J Med 319: 841. • racial;

Histiocytosis X
Penaloza D, Sime F 1971 Chronic cor pulmonale • drug-induced (minoxidil, phenytoin,
due to loss of altitude acclimatization (chronic cyclosporin);
mountain sickness). Am J Med 50: 728.
• idiopathic.
Richalet JP 1995 High altitude pulmonary oedema:
still a place for controversy? Thorax 50: 923.
Scherrer U, Vollenweider L, Delabays A et al 1996 Bibliography
Inhaled nitric oxide for high-altitude pulmonary Kvedar JC, Gibson M, Krusinski PA 1985 Hirsutism:
edema. N Engl J Med 334: 624. evaluation and treatment. J Am Acad Dermatol 12:
Schoene RB 1985 Pulmonary edema at high altitude: 215.
review, pathophysiology, and update. Clin Chest McKenna TJ 1994 Screening for sinister causes of
Med 6: 491. hirsutism. N Engl J Med 331: 1015.
Sutton JR, Reeves JT, Wagner PD et al 1988 Munro DD, Darley CR 1979 Hair. In: Fitzpatrick
Operation Everest II: oxygen transport during TB, Eisen AZ, Wolff K et al (eds) Dermatology in
exercise at extreme simulated altitude. J Appl General Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Physiol 64: 1309. p 395.
Ward M, Millege J, West J 1989 High Altitude
Medicine and Physiology. Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press. Histiocytosis X
Waterlow JC, Bunje HW 1966 Observations on Histiocytosis X comprises three related diseases,
mountain sickness in the Colombian Andes. namely: 181
Lancet 2: 655.
West JB, Boyer SJ, Graber DJ et al 1983 Maximal • eosinophilic granuloma;
exercise at extreme altitudes on Mount Everest. J • Hand–Schüller–Christian disease;
Appl Physiol 55: 688. • Letterer–Siwe disease.
There is a unique granulomatous infiltration
Hirsutism with Langerhans’-like cells resembling
monocytes and macrophages (i.e. histiocytes)
Hirsutism refers to increased growth of hair at
and containing a foamy eosinophilic cytoplasm
sites that are normally androgen-dependent,
with characteristic inclusions (X or Birbeck
namely the face, chest and abdomen. The term
granules) and positive staining with anti-CD1a
usually applies to women.
monoclonal antibody.
Excess androgens may be exogenous (e.g.
anabolic steroids) or endogenous. Increased The infiltrate is a monoclonal proliferation, and
endogenous androgen production may be either it affects skin, bone, liver and central nervous
functional or neoplastic and occurs in either the system, as well as lung.
adrenal gland or ovary (e.g. polycystic ovary Eosinophilic granuloma is the form of
syndrome). histiocytosis X which affects the lungs, in which
Treatment apart from any that may be available for a it is an uncommon cause of a diffuse pulmonary
specific lesion is either cosmetic or suppressive. infiltrate. It mostly occurs in Caucasian adults
Suppression may be achieved with corticosteroids (e.g. and is strongly associated with smoking.
dexamethasone) which inhibit ACTH production, Clinical features generally comprise cough and
oral contraceptives which inhibit pituitary dyspnoea, though 25% of patients are
gonadotrophins, and androgen blockers (cyproterone asymptomatic. Spontaneous pneumothorax
acetate and spironolactone are the most commonly occurs in 10–20% of cases. Systemic
used agents of this type). involvement is common with up to 20% of
Hypertrichosis refers to increased hair growth patients having involvement of bone or
of a non-endocrine nature. It may be: pituitary (with diabetes insipidus).
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

The chest X-ray shows a diffuse reticular or lymphocytes. In humans, the MHC is specified
Histiocytosis X

fine nodular pattern, with 50% of cases also by the term HLA and resides on the short arm
having honeycombing or cysts, many too small of chromosome 6.
to be detected except by CT scanning.
Rupture of such a cyst is the cause of There are two types of MHC molecules, Class I
propensity to pneumothorax. Lung function and II.
tests show decreased gas exchange and • Class I antigens are expressed on virtually all
ventilatory capacity, as for most pulmonary cell types. They consist of two polypeptide
interstitial diseases, but unlike them there is also chains, a polymorphic heavy chain (44 kD),
airflow obstruction. and a non-polymorphic light chain (11.5
The diagnosis is made by open lung biopsy, kD), called beta 2-microglobulin. The Class
though it may be suggested by the presence of I proteins present peptide fragments of
⬎5% CD1a-positive cells in BAL fluid. proteins made within the cell, including
usually encoded proteins, to CD8⫹ cells.
Treatment of local disease is with curettage if feasible
• Class II antigens are expressed on only a few
or with irradiation. cell types, mainly lymphocytes, monocytes
Systematic disease is treated with corticosteroids with and dendritic cells, though in inflammation
or without cytotoxic agents (vinblastine). However, many other cells can also express these
treatment is often not required, as the condition is antigens. They consist of two polymorphic
182 relatively benign, frequently asymptomatic and often polypeptide chains of 34 and 28 kD. The
remits. Class II proteins present peptide fragments of
endogenous endocytosed proteins to CD4⫹
Hand–Schüller–Christian disease occurs in cells.
children as well as adults.It is a multi-system
disease affecting bone particularly. Diabetes There may be many different alleles at each of
insipidus is common. Pulmonary involvement the 7 loci in the HLA system. There is a
may include progressive fibrosis with correlation between specific HLA antigens and
honeycombing. the presence of a large of number of diseases,
with relative risks from 2–3-fold up to 90-fold
Letterer–Siwe disease occurs only in infants.
or more. The mechanism of this association is
not understood in detail, but it is likely to be
Cheyne C 1971 Histiocytosis X. J Bone Joint Surg
related to the ability of different MHC types to
53: 366. bind and present particular peptide antigens to
Crausman RS, Jennings CA, Tuder RM et al 1996 T lymphocytes.
Pulmonary histiocytosis X: pulmonary function There is a relative risk of 10-fold or more of the
and exercise physiology. Am J Respir Crit Care
following diseases (in descending order of
Med 153: 426.
Kambouchner M, Valeyre D, Soler P et al 1992
frequency in each group) in patients with
Pulmonary Langerhans’ cell granulomatosis specific HLA antigens:
(histiocytosis X). Annu Rev Med 43: 105.
• dermatological diseases
– dermatitis herpetiformis, pemphigus
Histocompatibility complex vulgaris;
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
• endocrine diseases
contains genes responsible for the production of
highly polymorphic cell-surface antigens which – juvenile insulin-dependent diabetes
identify cells as ‘self’ and which are responsible mellitus, congenital adrenal hyperplasia,
for presentation of peptide antigens to T subacute thyroiditis, Addison’s disease;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• gastrointestinal diseases
Histoplasmosis has many similarities in

Horner’s syndrome
– gluten-sensitive enteropathy; pathogenesis and clinical presentation to
• haematological diseases tuberculosis. It can also mimic sarcoidosis.

– haemochromatosis;
The diagnosis is based on culture of the
• neurological diseases organism. A positive skin test is not specific for
– narcolepsy; the disease-state, but positive serology may be
• renal diseases
Treatment is with amphotericin if the disease is
– Goodpasture’s syndrome, gold and clinically significant.
penicillamine nephropathy;
• Ketoconazole is also effective.
• rheumatic diseases • Surgical resection may sometimes be indicated for
– ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter’s syndrome, chronic pulmonary lesions.
reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis.
Note that some of these conditions (e.g. Wheat LJ 1988 Systemic fungal infections: diagnosis
haemochromatosis, narcolepsy and most notably and treatment; I. Histoplasmosis. Infect Dis Clin
congenital adrenal hyperplasia) are not immune- North Am 2: 841.
related, and their HLA association may relate to
other, non-HLA genes nearby.
Horner’s syndrome
Bibliography Horner’s syndrome describes the phenomenon
Guillet J-G, Lai M-Z, Briner TJ et al 1987
of unilateral miosis (pupillary constriction) with
Immunological self, nonself discrimination.
ptosis (lid droop) and often anhydrosis and
Science 235: 865.
Schlossman SF, Boumsell L, Gilks W et al 1994 enophthalmos. It is caused by interruption of
Update: CD antigens 1993. J Immunol 152: 1. the ascending sympathetic fibres originating in
Tiwari JL, Terasaki PI 1985 HLA and Disease the hypothalamus and innervating the eye.
Associations. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Horner’s syndrome may be caused by:

• carotid disease;
• vertebrobasilar ischaemia;
Histoplasmosis is a systemic mycosis caused by • brachial plexus infiltration (particularly
the fungus, Histoplasma capsulatum, which is due to carcinoma of the lung or breast);
found in soil and bird droppings worldwide. • syringomyelia;
Infection from aerosolized spores thus occurs • migraine and cluster headache;
when soil or bird or bat droppings are disturbed. • central venous catheterization.
Over 90% of infections are asymptomatic, but
primary disease if severe gives an influenza-like An ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome is seen in the
illness. A chronic progressive cavitatory disease lateral medullary syndrome, which is caused
of the lungs may be seen, particularly in older by vertebral artery thrombosis. In addition,
men. Disseminated disease with multiorgan there is nystagmus, ataxia and dysphagia.
involvement is seen in occasional patients (one Typically, there is also ipsilateral impairment of
in 50000) with primary disease and in facial sensation and contralateral loss of the
compromised hosts. sensation of pain and temperature in the limbs.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bibliography rotten eggs and is referred to as ‘stink damp’. It

Horner’s syndrome

Reddy G, Coombes A, Hubbard AD 1998 Horner’s is produced from the natural decay of organic
syndrome following internal jugular vein sulfur-containing substances, and it is also
cannulation. Intens Care Med 24: 194. present in the gas from mineral spas and from
volcanoes. It is also produced as a by-product of
Hot tubs (see Bathing) petroleum refining, and it is used extensively in
the chemical industry as an analytic agent.

Human bites (see Bites and stings) Its accidental inhalation can be fatal.
Treatment is symptomatic.
Hydatid disease (see Echinococcosis)
Hyperbaric oxygen (see Carbon
Hydrocephalus monoxide and Gangrene)
Hydrocephalus refers to enlargement of the
cerebral ventricles. It is classified as either
communicating or non-communicating. Hypercalcaemia
Communicating hydrocephalus is the more Hypercalcaemia is an important phenomenon,
common form. It is due to impaired since:
184 reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid by the
arachnoid granulations over the dural venous • it may present a life-threatening crisis;
sinuses. This may follow previous haemorrhage, • it may also be a marker of significant and
potentially treatable underlying disease.
infection or trauma.
Non-communicating hydrocephalus arises The causes are
from obstruction in the ventricular system (e.g. 1. Increased gastrointestinal absorption
in the aqueduct of Sylvius). Thus, cerebrospinal
fluid flow is impaired and the proximal Normal absorption of calcium is under vitamin
ventricles become enlarged. D control and increased absorption thus occurs
from excess vitamin D intake, as well as in the
milk-alkali syndrome (in which there is
Hydrocephalus gives rise to progressive
associated metabolic alkalosis) and in sarcoidosis.
dementia, with ataxia and incontinence. The
diagnosis is made by CT and MR scanning. 2. Increased bone reabsorption
Normal absorption is under parathyroid control
Treatment is with shunting, usually and increased reabsorption thus occurs in
ventriculoperitoneal but sometimes ventriculoatrial or hyperparathyroidism, as well as in
ventriculovenous. hyperthyroidism (in which it is mild and
Complications of ventricular shunting include: uncommon), metastatic malignancy, multiple
myeloma, Paget’s disease, immobility (though
• infection; usually there is associated disease) and as a
• shunt occlusion; paraneoplastic phenomenon (due to ectopic
• subdural haemorrhage. hormone production or to cytokine release,
such as of IL-1).
Hydrogen sulfide 3. Increased renal absorption
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a colourless, Normal renal absorption of calcium is under
poisonous gas with the characteristic smell of parathyroid hormone control and increased
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
absorption thus occurs in hyperparathyroidism, • If ⬎3.0 and ⬍3.5 mmol/L, and there are

as well as in adrenal insufficiency and sometimes no significant symptoms, treatment of the
following thiazide administration. underlying disease only is required.
• If ⬎3.5 mmol/L, or if symptoms are
If the patient is well, the usual cause of present, specific treatment is required.
hypercalcaemia is hyperparathyroidism. Treatment priorities are rehydration and lowering of
the plasma calcium level.
In tumour-associated hypercalcaemia, the • The most important therapeutic measure is
malignancy is usually apparent clinically. intravenous saline, given as 6–8 hourly litres,
• The ectopic hormone produced is with frusemide after urine flow is established.
parathyroid hormone related protein Since dehydration is the most immediately life-
(PTHrP). Even in bony metastases, there threatening complication of hypercalcaemia,
may be a humoral element. PTHrP is diuretics must be used with great care, and fluid
synthesized by some squamous cell volume should be monitored by measuring the
carcinomas (particularly lung, breast and cardiac filling pressures. Hypernatraemia should be
kidney) but also by some normal tissues, such avoided by intermittently giving isotonic dextrose.
as the placenta. The intact protein of 173 Consequent hypokalaemia or hypomagnesaemia
amino acids can be assayed, though variable should be avoided.
fragments are also found. PTHrP may have a • Corticosteroids are effective in some 185
morphogenetic role at least in the fetus, malignancies, in sarcoidosis and following excess
because ‘knockout’ mice show marked vitamin D.
developmental defects. • Phosphate may be used, provided there is no
• Vitamin D in the form of the active 1, 25- concomitant hyperphosphataemia, in which case
dihydroxyvitamin D {1, 25 (OH)2D} is also there is the risk of metastatic calcification. A dose
produced ectopically in some tumours of 1–1.5 g/24 h is given iv, but its effect is
(particularly lymphomas) and in some temporary.
granulomas (particularly sarcoidosis and • Bisphosphonates (biphosphonates) (originally
tuberculosis). This form of vitamin D can developed as calcium- and phosphate-binding
now be assayed, though normally the best detergents to prevent washing machine scale) are
indicator of vitamin D status is the generally regarded as the front-line agents.
measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D Disodium pamidronate (APD) given in a dose of
(25OHD). 90 mg iv over 4 h, with an onset within 12–24 h
• Thus, measurement should be made of the and a duration of up to 2 weeks, is the agent of
PTH level routinely and of the 1, 25 choice. Sodium etidronate (dose 500 mg orally
(OH)2D level if lymphoma or sarcoidosis are once-thrice daily) is rarely used now. APD may
suspected. cause fever, phlebitis, hypomagnesaemia and
• Calcitonin (q.v.) produces a rapid though
The major clinical consequence of incomplete and transient effect and is only
hypercalcaemia is hypovolaemia from occasionally used.
impaired renal reabsorption of salt and water. • Mithramycin is a potent though toxic agent (dose
25 ␮g/kg IV) and is rarely used nowadays.
Treatment depends on the plasma level.
• If ⬍3.0 mmol/L, no symptoms of Anderson JJB, Toverud SU 1994 Diet and vitamin
dehydration are likely and no treatment is D: a review with an emphasis on human function.
required. J Nutr Biochem 5: 58.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Beall DP, Scofield RH 1995 Milk-alkali syndrome intracellular part via transmembrane elements

associated with calcium carbonate consumption. characteristic of the G protein-coupled receptor

Medicine 74: 89. superfamily. A similar receptor is also present on
Bilerzikian JP 1992 Management of acute the thyroid C cells, where it controls calcitonin
hypercalcemia. N Engl J Med 326: 1196.
secretion, in the kidney, where it controls
Cox M, Haddad JG 1994 Lymphoma,
calcium and phosphorus exchange, and in the
hypercalcemia, and the sunshine vitamin. Ann
Intern Med 21: 709. central nervous system, where its role is
DeLuca HF 1978 Vitamin D metabolism and presently uncertain.
function. Arch Intern Med 138: 836.
Mallette LE 1991 The parathyroid polyhormones:
new concepts in the spectrum of peptide hormone Clinical features of primary
action. Endocr Rev 12: 110. hyperparathyroidism are numerous and
Mundy GR 1988 Hypercalcemia of malignancy variable.
revisited. J Clin Invest 82: 1.
Nussbaum SR 1993 Pathophysiology and • The classical features of the student’s triad
management of severe hypercalcemia. Endocrinol (‘bones, stones and abdominal groans’) are
Metab Clin North Am 22: 343. in fact uncommon.
Ralston SH, Gallacher SJ, Patel U et al 1989 • Most patients are asymptomatic, having
Comparison of three intravenous biphosphonates been discovered during coincidental
in cancer-associated hypercalcemia. Lancet 2: plasma calcium screening.
186 1180. • Skeletal features include pain, local
Rodan GA, Fleisch HA 1996 Bisphosphonates: tenderness, spontaneous fracture, cystic
mechanisms of action. J Clin Invest 97: 2692. lesions (osteitis fibrosa cystica) and
Theriault RL 1993 Hypercalcemia of malignancy:
pathophysiology and implications for treatment.
Oncology 7: 47. • Renal features include nephrolithiasis,
Wysolmerski JJ, Broadus AE 1994 Hypercalcemia of nephrocalcinosis, polyuria and
malignancy: the central role of parathyroid dysfunction.
hormone-related protein. Annu Rev Med 45: 189. • Abdominal features include pain,
constipation, weight loss and pancreatitis.
• Neuromuscular features include weakness,
Hyperparathyroidism fatigue, apathy, somnolence, depression
and hypotonia.
Hyperparathyroidism encompasses several • Cardiovascular features include
groups of conditions associated with increased hypertension and short QT interval.
circulating levels of parathyroid hormone • Miscellaneous features include calcium
(PTH). deposits in the conjunctiva.
Primary hyperparathyroidism is usually
caused by a single parathyroid adenoma. It can
The skeletal features are due to increased PTH,
also be caused by diffuse hyperplasia of the chief
while the other features are chiefly due to the
cells, due either to a parathyrotropic substance
or to upwards resetting of the calcium
homeostat. Rarely, it may be caused by Diagnosis is based on the demonstration of
parathyroid carcinoma. It is one of the hypercalcaemia (q.v.) in the presence of an
important presenting features of MEN type I increased serum PTH level. There is associated
(q.v.). hypophosphataemia and hyperchloraemia. The
urinary calcium is usually increased.
Normally, PTH secretion is controlled by the
Ca⫹⫹-sensing receptor, which comprises a If the urinary calcium is not increased, benign
receptor on the cell surface coupled to an or familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
(FHH) should be suspected. This is a rare hyperparathyroidism, in whom a hyperplastic

condition inherited as an autosomal dominant gland is presumed to become autonomous and
and caused by a defect in the Ca⫹⫹-sensing produce an adenoma which then leads to
receptor in the parathyroid (and kidney). hypercalcaemia.
X-ray, especially of the skull and hands, may It is most convincingly documented by
show typical changes. In some patients, persistent hypercalcaemia after renal
hypercalcaemia may be masked by concomitant transplantation, though even then severe
renal disease, liver disease, vitamin D deficiency secondary disease may take over a year for the
or magnesium deficiency. hyperplastic glands to regress.
Treatment is surgical, though successful Parathyroidectomy with removal of all glands and
parathyroidectomy requires particular operative autotransplantation is occasionally required for tertiary
experience and skill. There is a risk of postoperative hyperparathyroidism.
tetany, especially if there is significant bony disease,
‘Pseudo’ hyperparathyroidism is the term
which causes the ‘hungry bone phenomenon’ and
used to describe hypercalcaemia presumed to be
which requires prompt and often vigorous treatment
due to ectopic hormone production in
with calcium and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.
malignancy. Hypercalcaemia in this setting is
The subsequent postoperative course may be associated not in fact commonly due to ectopic PTH
with either hypoparathyroidism or recurrent production but to parathyroid hormone related
hyperparathyroidism. Follow-up alone without protein (PTHrP) (see Hypercalcaemia), and the 187
surgery is acceptable if the hypercalcaemia is mild (⬍3 term is thus usually a misnomer.
mmol/L), the alkaline phosphatase is not elevated
and the patient is truly asymptomatic (i.e. there is an Bibliography
absence of even subtle symptoms, including any of a Brown EM 1991 Extracellular Ca2⫹ sensing
psychiatric nature). regulation of parathyroid cell function, and role of
Ca2⫹ and other ions as extracellular (first)
Secondary hyperparathyroidism is a messengers. Physiol Rev 71: 371.
complication of other diseases, especially Brown EM, Gamba G, Riccardi D et al 1993
chronic renal failure. It arises from stimulation Cloning and characterization of an extracellular
of PTH from hypocalcaemia and Ca2⫹-sensing receptor from bovine parathyroid.
hyperphosphataemia. Since the Nature 366: 575.
Deftos LJ, Parthemore JG, Stabile BE 1993
hyperparathyroidism is compensatory,
Management of primary hyperparathyroidism.
hypercalcaemia is uncommon. Annu Rev Med 44: 19.
The diagnosis is: Fischer JA 1993 ‘Asymptomatic’ and symptomatic
primary hyperparathyroidism. Clin Invest 71: 505.
• suspected when the serum calcium level in Heath H 1989 Familial benign (hypocalciuric)
this setting is normal instead of low; hypercalcemia: a troublesome mimic of mild
• strengthened if there is specific bone disease primary hyperparathyroidism. Endocrinol Metab
(osteitis fibrosa cystica); and Clin North Am 18: 723.
Heath H, Hodgson SE, Kennedy MA 1980 Primary
• confirmed if the PTH assay is elevated. hyperparathyroidism: incidence, morbidity and
Treatment is of the underlying disease where possible. potential economic impact in a community. N
Engl J Med 302: 189.
• Phosphate-binding agents (non-aluminium Mallette LE 1991 The parathyroid polyhormones:
containing) and small doses of vitamin D may be new concepts in the spectrum of peptide hormone
used. action. Endocr Rev 12: 110.
Pocotte SL, Ehrenstein G, Fitzpatrick LA 1991
‘Tertiary’ hyperparathyroidism is seen in the Regulation of parathyroid hormone secretion.
occasional patient with secondary Endocr Rev 12: 291.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Slatopolsky E, Delmez JA 1994 Pathogenesis of • bird fancier’s lung


secondary hyperparathyroidism. Am J Kidney Dis

23: 229. – due to pigeon, budgerigar, hen or
Tonner DR, Schlechte JA 1993 Neurologic parrot proteins;
complications of thyroid and parathyroid disease.
Med Clin North Am 77: 251. • humidifier fever
– due to organisms similar to those
causing farmer’s lung but growing in
Hyperphosphataemia forced air heating, cooling or
humidification systems).
Hyperphosphataemia is associated with:
• acute and chronic renal failure;
There are many other causes of hypersensitivity
• hypercalcaemia due to increased
pneumonitis, but they are quite uncommon and
gastrointestinal absorption;
generally associated with unusual exposures, as
• secondary hyperparathyroidism;
• pseudohypoparathyroidism;
• the tumour-lysis syndrome (see Cancer
• animal food worker’s lung (fish meal);
complications) or other acute cell lysis (as in
• bagassosis (mouldy, overheated, sugar cane
burns or rhabdomyolysis).
Treatment is by restricting phosphate intake, • bible-printer’s lung (mouldy typesetting
which also helps to maintain the serum calcium at a water);
normal level and thus decreases the risks of secondary • blackfat tobacco smoker’s lung (blackfat
hyperparathyroidism, osteodystrophy and metastatic tobacco);
calcification in chronic renal failure. Since the • cheese worker’s lung (cheese mould);
necessary dietary restriction to 800–1000 mg daily • coffee worker’s lung (coffee-bean extract);
results in an unpalatable diet, a phosphate-binding • corn farmer’s lung (corn dust);
antacid may usefully be added, though care should be • detergent lung (detergents);
taken with either magnesium- or aluminium-based • furrier’s lung (fox fur);
antacids. The serum phosphate level should be kept at • malt worker’s lung (mouldy barley, malt
1.5–2 mmol/L. dust);
• maple bark stripper’s lung (mouldy maple
Bibliography bark);
Coburn JW, Salusky IB 1989 Control of serum • mummy-handler’s lung (mummy
phosphorus in uremia. N Engl J Med 320: 1140. wrappings);
Weisinger JR, Bellorin-Font E 1998 Magnesium and • mushroom worker’s lung (mushroom
phosphorus. Lancet 352: 391. compost);
• New Guinea lung (mouldy thatch dust);
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis • paper mill-worker’s lung (mouldy wood
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic • paprika splitter’s lung (paprika dust);
alveolitis) is an interstitial lung disease produced • pituitary snuff taker’s lung (heterologous
by the inhalation of organic dusts. pituitary powder);
• sequoiosis (mouldy redwood sawdust);
Farmer’s lung (due to a thermophilic • suberosis (mouldy oak bark, cork dust);
Actinomyces growing in mouldy hay) is the • tea grower’s lung (tea plants);
most common example. • wheat weevil disease (infected wheat
Less common examples are: • woodworker’s lung (sawdust).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Unlike asthma, the clinical features of

Bernardo J, Center DM 1981 Hypersensitivity
hypersensitivity pneumonitis include: pneumonia. Dis Mon 27: 1.

• marked systemic upset,

– with fever and malaise, often of a flu- Hypersplenism (see also Splenomegaly)
like nature and resulting in a common
Hypersplenism refers to a diverse group of
misdiagnosis of infection,
conditions associated with splenomegaly from
• respiratory features of a restrictive rather any cause and consequent removal of the
than obstructive nature, formed elements of the blood. The
splenomegaly is most commonly congestive and
– with symptoms of cough and dyspnoea
due to portal or splenic vein obstruction, as in
but not wheeze, and findings of crackles
hepatic cirrhosis or cardiac failure. It may also
rather than rhonchi.
occur from direct infiltration, as in:

The course is usually acute, typically occurring • lymphoma;

within 6–8 h of exposure to the relevant • myeloproliferative disorders;
antigen. It subsides spontaneously if the antigen • collagen-vascular disorders;
is removed, but it may be prolonged for weeks • granulomatous disease;
if there is continued exposure, as on a farm. In • infectious diseases;
such cases, the onset may sometimes be • Felty’s syndrome.
insidious. Occasionally, a chronic process may
Clinically, there is haemolytic anaemia,
be seen with cough and dyspnoea on exertion
although even massive splenomegaly does not
but no systemic features and often no prior
always cause a decreased red blood cell mass,
acute episodes identified.
since there may be considerable haemodilution.
Chest X-ray shows micronodular shadows Other formed elements, particularly platelets,
initially and fibrosis (especially of the upper may also be removed. The bone marrow is
lobes) later. typically hyperplastic, unless there is a primary
haematological disorder.
The diagnosis is particularly dependent on a
history of appropriate exposure. Precipitating Treatment may require splenectomy, including any
antibodies to specific antigen are detectable in accessory spleen(s), if clinical disease is substantial.
acute cases, but positive serology indicates only Corticosteroids or radiotherapy may sometimes be
exposure to antigen and not necessarily disease helpful.
therefrom. Other causes of interstitial disease
should be excluded, though separation from Bibliography
idiopathic diffuse fibrosing alveolitis may be Bohnsack JF, Brown EJ 1986 The role of the spleen
difficult. Lung biopsy in such patients will often in resistance to infection. Annu Rev Med 37: 49.
show granulomas, which then suggest the Rose WF 1987 The spleen as a filter. N Engl J Med
correct diagnosis. The BAL fluid has ⬎50% 317: 704.
lymphocytes, mostly suppressor-cytotoxic T
cells, but these findings are of limited diagnostic
specificity. Hyperthermia (see Pyrexia)
Avoidance of the offending antigen usually results in
complete symptomatic remission, though
corticosteroids may be required in cases which are
severe or chronic. Hyperthyroidism can have a number of causes.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

1. Graves’ disease refers to autoimmune Beta blockade, sedation, rest, adequate nutrition and

thyroid disease characterized by diffuse toxic long-term follow-up are also important.
goitre and caused by the production of
2. Toxic nodular goitre arises in a pre-existing
antibodies to TSH receptors (and thus loss of
goitre, in which eventual autonomy of thyroid
endogenous TSH control). Other associated
hormone production occurs.
features of an autoimmune nature may
sometimes be seen, particularly including 3. Toxic adenoma (Plummer’s nodule) may be
ophthalmopathy and pretibial myxoedema. a variant of toxic nodular goitre but may also
occur within an atrophic gland.
The classical clinical picture of Graves’ 4. Drug-induced hyperthyroidism can occur
disease, often seen in a young woman, following the deliberate ingestion of T4 or T3.
includes More practically, it can follow the
1. symptoms of: administration of iodine-containing
medications, especially amiodarone, which can
• palpitations; produce a variety of abnormalities of thyroid
• tremor; function, including hyperthyroidism (which is
• sweating; reported to occur in 10% of patients on a low
• weight loss; iodine intake). In this condition, there is an
• irritability and insomnia; isolated increase in T4 and not T3.
190 2. signs of: 5. Excess TSH from a pituitary tumour can
• smooth non-tender goitre; cause hyperthyroidism. In this setting, there
• proptosis and lid lag, with occasionally the may be headache and the eye signs are different,
more severe eye involvement of since they include field defects. There are no
exophthalmos or even ophthalmoplegia; associated autoimmune phenomena. Rarely,
• hyperdynamic circulatory state; increased TSH may be produced but without
• tremor; resultant hyperthyroidism, because of thyroid
• palmar erythema; hormone resistance.
• clubbing (rarely). Hyperthyroidism may present in a number of
less common forms.
Investigations show increased T4 and T3 and
1. Occult hyperthyroidism is seen especially
suppressed TSH levels. If there is associated
in elderly patients, in whom its first clinical
hypoproteinaemia and thus decreased TBG, the
manifestation is cardiac. Thus, arrhythmias
free T4 level needs to be measured (or
(especially atrial fibrillation), angina and cardiac
calculated). Hyperthyroidism is excluded by a
failure are the usual features.
normal TSH level, unless the patient has a
TSH-secreting pituitary tumour (see below).
Treatment options include antithyroid drugs This is an important phenomenon, because it
(carbimazole, propylthiouracil), subtotal is one of the specifically treatable causes of
thyroidectomy or radioiodine, the choice varying cardiac disease.
between centres. Some clinicians treat with antithyroid
drugs for 12–18 months, following which about 50%
The diagnosis is confirmed by an elevated T3
of patients are in remission and need no further
and decreased TSH, but the T4 level is not
treatment, while about 50% relapse and need surgery
necessarily elevated.
or radioiodine. Some clinicians instead favour initial
ablation therapy with radioiodine (except in young 2. Atypical hyperthyroidism refers to the
women), followed by replacement therapy. condition when one single, perhaps atypical,
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
clinical feature predominates, such as myopathy Bibliography

or personality change. Carter JA, Utiger RD 1992 The ophthalmopathy of
Graves’ disease. Annu Rev Med 43: 487.
3. Drug-suppressed hyperthyroidism occurs Cooper DS 1986 Which anti-thyroid drug? Am J
especially during concomitant beta-blocker Med 80: 1165.
administration. Beta-blockers mask many of the DeGroot LJ, Quintans J 1989 The causes of
prominent clinical features of hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroid disease. Endocr Rev 10: 537.
including tremor, sweating and circulatory Franklyn J, Sheppard M 1992 Radioiodine for
changes, though they do not influence weight thyrotoxicosis: perhaps the best option. Br Med J
305: 727.
loss, personality changes, goitre, eye signs or
Khir ASM 1985 Suspected thyrotoxicosis. Br Med J
laboratory tests. 290: 916.
Lazar MA 1993 Thyroid hormone receptors:
multiple forms, multiple possibilities. Endocr Rev
4. Thyroid storm refers to a severe 14: 184.
exacerbation of hyperthyroidism with fever, Magner JA 1990 Thyroid-stimulating hormone:
dehydration, shock and extreme restlessness. biosynthesis, cell biology, and bioactivity. Endocr
It usually follows concomitant infection, but Rev 11: 354.
it may follow trauma or the abrupt Ramsay I 1985 Drug and non-thyroid induced
withdrawal of antithyroid drugs. If the changes in thyroid function tests. Postgrad Med J
underlying hyperthyroidism was not 61: 375.
previously known, it may be difficult to Shupnik MA, Ridgway EC, Chin WW 1989 191
detect in the presence of severe infection or Molecular biology of thyrotropin. Endocr Rev 10:
trauma, but it may be suspected if the 459.
Smallridge RC 1992 Metabolic and anatomic thyroid
physiological response to the current insult
emergencies: a review. Crit Care Med 20: 276.
appears excessive. Stockigt JR 1993 Hyperthyroidism secondary to
It is confirmed by the finding of increased drugs and acute illness. Endocrinologist 3: 67.
T4 or T3 and suppressed TSH levels. Surks MI, Chopra IJ, Mariash CN et al 1990 American
Thyroid Association guidelines for use of laboratory
The condition requires urgent resuscitation and tests in thyroid disorders. JAMA 263: 1529.
treatment of the precipitating disease. Tonner DR, Schlechte JA 1993 Neurologic
complications of thyroid and parathyroid disease.
• Antithyroid treatment is given as Med Clin North Am 77: 251.
propylthiouracil (100 mg qid nasogastrically, Waldstein SS, Slodki SJ, Kaganiec GI 1960 A clinical
followed by sodium iodide 0.5 g iv bd). study of thyroid storm. Ann Intern Med 52: 626.
• Beta-blockers should be used and also Woeber KA 1992 Thyrotoxicosis and the heart. N
corticosteroids in very severe cases. Engl J Med 327: 94.

5. Malignant exophthalmos refers to severe Hypertrichosis (see Hirsutism)

sight-threatening eye involvement.

The hyperthyroidism is treated on its normal merits, Hyperuricaemia (see Gout)

although radioiodine has recently been reported to
exacerbate ophthalmopathy.
Hyperviscosity (see Multiple myeloma)
• First-line treatment for exophthalmos is with
corticosteroids, but occasionally surgical
decompression of the orbit may be required. Hypocalcaemia
• Recently plasmapheresis has been reported to be The plasma calcium represents ⬍1% of the total
helpful. body calcium, and of this only the ionized
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

fraction (normally about 50%) influences 1 g of calcium chloride) three times daily. Clearly, the

physiological events. Since in Intensive Care underlying disease requires treatment.

hypoalbuminaemia is common, the ionized or
free calcium level can be normal despite a low Bibliography
total serum calcium. Cholst IN, Steinberg SF, Tropper PJ et al 1984 The
influence of hypermagnesemia on serum calcium
and parathyroid hormone levels in human subjects.
True hypocalcaemia refers to decreased N Engl J Med 310: 1221.
ionized calcium, which may be measured Lebowitz MR, Moses AM 1992 Hypocalcemia.
directly. Alternatively, a corrected total Semin Nephrol 12: 146.
calcium (mmol/L) may be calculated Zaloga GP 1992 Hypocalcemia in critically ill
approximately as: ionized Ca⫹⫹ ⫽measured patients. Crit Care Med 20: 251.
total Ca⫹⫹ ⫹{0.02⫻(40-serum albumin)}.

Hypoglycaemia (see Islet cell tumour)

Hypocalcaemia is caused by
1. Parathyroid deficiency
Hypokaleamia (see Conn’s syndrome)
This occurs most commonly post-
thyroidectomy, but also post-parathyroidectomy
192 (the ‘hungry bone’ syndrome) or idiopathic Hyponatraemia (see Central pontine
(q.v.). myelinolysis and Syndrome of inappropriate
2. Parathyroid hormone resistance antidiuretic hormone)

This is seen in pseudohypoparathyroidsim

(q.v.), chronic renal failure, malabsorption, Hypoparathyroidism
hypomagnesaemia, hypermagnesaemia,
hyperphosphataemia, drugs (especially Hypoparathyroidism refers to the failure of the
phenytoin). parathyroid gland to secrete parathyroid
hormone (PTH). The condition may be either
3. Other conditions idiopathic or postoperative (i.e. following
parathyroidectomy or more commonly
These include disorders such as pancreatitis,
rhabdomyolysis, osteoblastic metastases.
Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism may be an
In the second two groups of causes, PTH levels
isolated defect, sometimes genetic. More
are increased.
commonly, it is associated with:
The clinical features of hypocalcaemia comprise
• antibodies to other endocrine organs
those of the underlying disease as well as of the
low serum calcium level itself. The latter – and thus often other endocrine failure,
depend on the rate as well as the severity of the especially of the thyroid and adrenal
deficiency. They include paraesthesiae, glands;
especially around the mouth, restlessness and
• mucocutaneous candidiasis
Trousseau’s and/or Chvostek’s signs. More
chronic hypocalcaemia may give rise to fatigue – when the condition is referred to as
and muscle aches. The ECG typically shows a polyglandular autoimmunity type I.
prolonged QT interval.
A rare type of hypoparathyroidism is the Di
Treatment of acute hypocalcaemia is with calcium iv George syndrome, with associated lymphopenia
(e.g. 10 mL of 10% calcium gluconate) or orally (e.g. and thymic aplasia.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The clinical features of hypoparathyroidism are • hypertonic carbohydrate feeding;

those of hypocalcaemia (q.v.). renal tubular defects;
Treatment is with vitamin D, since it has a similar • dialysis;
action to PTH and since PTH is not a practical • correction of diabetic ketoacidosis;
therapeutic agent. • liver disease;
• malabsorption;
• Hypoparathyroidism if acute requires calcium iv • osteomalacia (except in chronic renal failure);
(e.g. 10 mL of 10% calcium gluconate) or if less • post-exercise exhaustion;
acute calcium chloride 1 g orally tds. • heat stroke;
• Synthetic vitamin D analogues may be also be • respiratory alkalosis.
Pseudohypoparathyroidism refers to the A phosphate level of ⬍0.5 mmol/L is
syndrome of PTH-resistance, first described by associated with:
Albright, in which there is hypocalcaemia,
hyperphosphataemia, parathyroid hyperplasia • muscular weakness, including
and the somatic abnormalities of short stature, diaphragmatic dysfunction;
moon face and obesity. • rhabdomyolysis;
• 2–3 DPG depletion (and thus a left-
The occasional case in which there is shifted oxygen dissociation curve),
normocalcaemia is sometimes referred to as • impaired neutrophil function. 193
A phosphate level of ⬍0.3 mmol/L is
In fact, several other mechanisms may also cause additionally associated with:
PTH-resistance, including:
• impaired red cell glycolysis and thus
• chronic renal failure; haemolysis.
• malabsorption;
• hypomagnesaemia;
• drugs (especially phenytoin). Treatment of significant hypophosphataemia requires
phosphate ions iv. This is given as
sodium/potassium phosphate (13.4 mmol per 20 mL
Bibliography ampoule, i.e. 0.67 mmol/mL) diluted in saline or
Loriaux DL 1985 The polyendocrine deficiency dextrose. The usual dose is 1 ampoule given over
syndromes. N Engl J Med 312: 1568. 4–6 h, though half this dose is adequate in milder
Pocotte SL, Ehrenstein G, Fitzpatrick LA 1991
deficiency and 2–4 times this dose is needed in severe
Regulation of parathyroid hormone secretion.
Endocr Rev 12: 291.
deficiency (i.e. ⬍0.3 mmol/L and especially if
Tonner DR, Schlechte JA 1993 Neurologic ⬍0.16 mmol/L).
complications of thyroid and parathyroid disease.
Med Clin North Am 77: 251. Bibliography
Aubier M, Murciano D, Lecocguic Y et al 1985
Effect of hypophosphatemia on diaphragmatic
contractility in patients with acute respiratory
Hypophosphataemia failure. N Engl J Med 313: 420.
Coburn JW, Salusky IB 1989 Control of serum
Hypophosphataemia may have a large variety of phosphorus in uremia. N Engl J Med 320:
causes. These include: 1140.
Kingston M, Al-Siba’l MB 1985 Treatment of severe
• primary hyperparathyroidism; hypophosphatemia. Crit Care Med 13: 16.
• hypercalcaemia of malignancy; Weisinger JR, Bellorin-Font E 1998 Magnesium and
• phosphate-binding antacids; phosphorus. Lancet 352: 391.
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Hypothermia (see also Drowning) is required, the latter preferably in hospital.


Techniques of active rewarming have not been

Hypothermia refers to a state of lowered core subject to formal comparative evaluation, though
temperature below 35oC. Since clinical mercury many are available. Rewarming with an electric
thermometers do not generally read below blanket may lead to relapse, though this may not
35oC, a reading of 35oC on such a device does apply to external rewarming with warm air. Core
not exclude hypothermia and indeed should rewarming may be achieved by warmed (i.e. 40°C
prompt the measurement of core temperature enteral, parenteral, peritoneal, pleural or dialysis
using a specific low-reading thermometer. fluids, or by veno–venous bypass using a
Hypothermia, like hyperthermia, is a dangerous haemofiltration system.
Hypothermic cardiac arrest can be particularly
Hypothermia may occur even in temperate
difficult to treat, since the cold heart is relatively
weather following immersion or wind chill.
refractory to drugs and electrical stimuli. Normal
Patients who are at extremes of age, who are
resuscitation should be continued until the core
physically or mentally ill, are injured, or who
temperature has been increased to at least 30°C before
have impaired consciousness (e.g. from alcohol
being deemed unsuccessful. Survival with good cerebral
or drugs) are especially predisposed to
function has been achieved in young patients in
hypothermia. Hypoglycaemia, myxoedema,
hypothermic asystole by using cardiopulmonary
head injury, multiple trauma and drug overdose
are commonly encountered causes of secondary
hypothermia. Perioperative hypothermia is an important
Hypothermia generally has an insidious onset phenomenon and occurs in about one third of
with fatigue, apathy, confusion, incoordination surgical patients in the operating theatre. It is
and shivering. due to impaired thermoregulation caused by
anaesthesia, together with a cool environment,
open body cavities and cold iv fluids. Even mild
If the temperature falls to ⬍35°C, there is: perioperative hypothermia has been shown to
• confusion and disorientation. be associated with an increased incidence of
bleeding, wound infections and cardiac events,
If the temperature falls to ⬍32°C, there is: and with increased hospital stay. The likely
• muscular rigidity; mechanism of this increased morbidity is
• progressive metabolic acidosis; hypothermia-induced stress response, with the
• hypovolaemia; production of greatly elevated levels of
• coagulopathy; catecholamines, cortisol and other counter-
• dilated pupils; regulatory hormones. This increased morbidity
• potentially fatal arrhythmias, which can be has been shown in controlled trials to be
readily precipitated by minor stimuli. prevented by maintaining normothermia with
active warming using forced air.
If the temperature falls to ⬍28°C, there is:
Sepsis-induced hypothermia is a seeming
• unconsciousness;
paradox which occurs in about 10% of patients
• cardiac instability or arrest (usually in
with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis. Inability to
ventricular fibrillation);
mount a fever in the presence of severe
• apnoea.
infection is now known to be associated with a
doubling of mortality (see Heat shock proteins).
Treatment is with a warm, dry and sheltered This finding is in contrast to an older view that
environment and warm fluids by mouth. If the induced hypothermia might be beneficial in
process is severe, passive or even active rewarming sepsis. Hypothermic patients with sepsis have
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
higher plasma levels of interleukin 6 (IL–6), Hypothyroidism
tumour necrosis factor ␣ (TNF-␣) and

eicosanoids (especially thromboxane A2 and Hypothyroidism refers to the bodily deficiency
prostacyclin) than do febrile patients and are of thyroid hormone. Myxoedema refers to the
more acidotic. Recently, the cyclo-oxygenase florid clinical syndrome associated with this. In
inhibitors, ibuprofen, has been reported to fact, however, most patients with
improve the prognosis in hypothermic sepsis. hypothyroidism have only mild symptoms, and
indeed many are asymptomatic.

Bibliography Hypothyroidism has many causes, though more

Arons MM, Wheeler AP, Bernard GR et al 1999 than 95% are due to intrinsic thyroid disease,
Effects of ibuprofen on the physiology and from:
survival of hypothermic sepsis. Crit Care Med 27:
699. • inflammation, especially Hashimoto’s
Brauer A, Wrigge H, Kersten J et al 1999 Severe thyroiditis;
accidental hypothermia: rewarming strategy using a • previous surgery;
veno-venous bypass system and a convective air • iodine deficiency or excess;
warmer. Intens Care Med 25: 520. • drugs, e.g. lithium, amiodarone, other
Britt LD, Dascombe WH, Rodriguez A 1991 New iodine-containing medications;
horizons in management of hypothermia and • local irradiation.
frostbite injury. Surg Clin North Am 71: 345.
Clemmer TP, Fisher CJ, Bone RC et al 1992 A few cases are due to disease of the: 195
Hypothermia in the sepsis syndrome and clinical
• pituitary (with TSH deficiency); or
outcome. Crit Care Med 20: 1395.
• hypothalamus (with TRH deficiency).
Dexter WW 1990 Hypothermia: safe and efficient
methods of rewarming the patient. Postgrad Med
88: 55. The classical clinical features of myxoedema
Dowd PM 1987 Cold-related disorders. Prog
Dermatol 21: 1.
Easterbrook PJ, Davis HP 1985 Thrombocytopenia • cold intolerance;
in hypothermia: a common but poorly recognised • thick dry skin;
complication. Br Med J 291: 23. • hoarse voice;
Ku J, Brasel KJ, Baker CC et al 1999 Triangle of
• apathy;
death: hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy.
• motor retardation;
New Horizons 7: 61.
Reuler JB 1978 Hypothermia: pathophysiology, • constipation;
clinical settings, and management. Ann Intern Med • occasionally headache, myalgia, arthralgia,
89: 519. oedema.
Sessler DI 1997 Mild perioperative hypothermia. N However, a single feature may at times
Engl J Med 336: 1730.
predominate. More importantly, the changes
Varon J, Sadovnikoff N, Sternbach GL 1992
may occur so slowly as to be difficult to
Hypothermia: saving patients from the big chill.
Postgrad Med 92: 47. recognize without assistance (e.g. from an
Walpoth BH, Walpoth-Aslan BN, Mattle HP et al old photograph).
1997 Outcome of survivors of accidental deep
hypothermia and circulatory arrest treated with
extracorporeal blood warming. N Engl J Med 337: Diagnosis is based on decreased T4 and
1500. increased TSH, though marginal abnormalities
Woodhouse P, Keatinge WR, Coleshaw SR 1989 of these tests commonly occur in asymptomatic
Factors associated with hypothermia in patients patients, in whom diagnosis then remains
admitted to a group of inner city hospitals. Lancet difficult. The TSH is not elevated if the
2: 1201. hypothyroidism is of pituitary or hypothalamic
H Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

origin. T3 is decreased late in the course of Bibliography


disease and is not a useful test in this setting. Bastenie PA, Bonnyns M, Vanhaelst L 1985 Natural
Antithyroid antibodies (mainly to thyroid history of primary myxedema. Am J Med 79: 91.
peroxidase, i.e. anti-TPO, and also to DeGroot LJ, Quintans J 1989 The causes of
thyroglobulin) occur early in autoimmune autoimmune thyroid disease. Endocr Rev 10: 537.
Editorial 1986 Subclinical hypothyroidism. Lancet 1:
thyroiditis (see Autoimmune disorders).
Treatment is with thyroid replacement, generally Jordan RM 1993 Myxedema coma: the prognosis is
thyroxine 100 ␮g daily, though it is usually improving. Endocrinologist 3: 149.
commenced at lower doses, e.g. 50 ␮g daily. Lazar MA 1993 Thyroid hormone receptors:
multiple forms, multiple possibilities. Endocr Rev
Sometimes higher maintenance doses are needed, in 14: 184.
which case they should be achieved over some weeks. Loriaux DL 1985 The polyendocrine deficiency
Increased doses are particularly required during syndromes. N Engl J Med 312: 1568.
pregnancy. Increased doses are also required during Magner JA 1990 Thyroid-stimulating hormone:
concomitant therapy with agents which alter the biosynthesis, cell biology, and bioactivity. Endocr
bioavailability of T4, such as sucralfate, Rev 11: 354.
Mazzaferri EL 1986 Adult hypothyroidism. Postgrad
cholestyramine or soy bean-based feeds (which decrease
Med 79: 64, 75.
absorption of T4) and barbiturates, carbamazepine, Ramsay I 1985 Drug and non-thyroid induced
phenytoin or rifampicin (which increase hepatic changes in thyroid function tests. Postgrad Med J
metabolism of T4). 61: 375.
On the other hand, in elderly or cardiac patients, Shupnik MA, Ridgway EC, Chin WW 1989
Molecular biology of thyrotropin. Endocr Rev 10:
initial doses should often be as low as 25 ␮g daily.
The euthyroid state is achieved when symptoms Smallridge RC 1992 Metabolic and anatomic thyroid
have receded and the TSH level is normal (the emergencies: a review. Crit Care Med 20: 276.
T4 level is not a reliable guide to euthyroidism). Surks MI, Chopra IJ, Mariash CN et al 1990
American Thyroid Association guidelines for use
of laboratory tests in thyroid disorders. JAMA 263:
Myxoedema coma is a rare complication 1529.
of hypothyroidism. It is seen mainly in the Vance ML 1994 Hypopituitarism. N Engl J Med
elderly and is usually precipitated by 330: 1651.
infection or exposure. There is hypothermia Tonner DR, Schlechte JA 1993 Neurologic
as well as coma. complications of thyroid and parathyroid disease.
Med Clin North Am 77: 251.
Treatment comprises resuscitation and Walsh JP, Stuckey BGA 2001 What is the optimal
administration of T3 10 ␮g iv. treatment for hypothyroidism. Med J Aust 174:
• Resuscitation needs to be undertaken with
great care, as fluid overload can easily be
produced on the one hand, and repair of
hypothermia can require considerably increased
fluids on the other hand.
• It is wise to administer corticosteroids
concomitantly, in case there is associated
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (see Treatment is not required if the platelet count is
⬎30–50 ⫻ 109/L and there is no bleeding. Aspirin

Immue complex disease

Diffuse fibrosing alveolitis)
should clearly be avoided. If treatment is required,
corticosteroids are usually effective within a few days.
Idiopathic pulmonary • If relapse occurs, splenectomy produces a remission
haemosiderosis (see Goodpasture’s in 75% of cases, with the platelet count rising by
syndrome) the first postoperative day and commonly
exceeding normal by the second week.
• High-dose human IgG (e.g. 20 g iv daily for 5
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic days) or plasmapheresis may be effective.
purpura (see also Thrombocytopenia) • Cytotoxic agents (particularly vincristine),
cyclosporin or interferon alpha have also been used.
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is Immunosuppression should clearly be avoided in
due to an autoimmune IgG antibody, usually patients with AIDS.
directed against the platelet membrane
glycoprotein, GP IIb–IIIa. Sometimes there Platelet transfusions are recommended if bleeding is
may be circulating immune complexes, as in severe, because 6–20 U 2–4 times daily confers
HIV infection. clinical benefit, even though there is increased platelet
destruction and the platelet count itself may not
Platelets with bound antibody are vulnerable to necessarily rise.
trapping and thus destruction via phagocytosis,
In pregnancy, the diagnosis of ITP should not
especially in the spleen. Platelet production in
be made unless pre-eclampsia has been
the bone marrow increases by 3–4-fold, but this
excluded. Splenectomy is contraindicated
is only about half the known marrow reserve,
because it may precipitate abortion. Some
perhaps because platelet antibodies react also
degree of maternal thrombocytopenia is
with megakaryocytes.
common anyway (8% incidence) and is neither
The clinical features are usually seen in young immune-mediated nor clinically significant.
women, in whom there is often associated Corticosteroids and Caesarean section may be
immune thyroid disease. There is no required in cases of confirmed ITP in
splenomegaly. Sometimes, there is purpura pregnancy.
only, but if more severe there is also mucosal An ITP-like syndrome may also be seen in
bleeding. lymphoma or SLE, but in these conditions it is
in fact secondary.
The course is usually chronic and relatively
benign, except for the occasional occurrence of
intracranial haemorrhage. The condition may Bibliography
Ferrara JLM 1995 The febrile platelet transfusion
spontaneously remit, only to relapse in the
reaction: a cytokine shower. Transfusion 35: 89.
presence of infection.

Acute ITP typically follows a viral illness and

disappears within three months. Immotile cilia syndrome (see Situs
The peripheral blood film is normal apart from
the appearance of large platelets. These are
young, metabolically active and highly
Immune complex disease
functional. An increased titre of platelet
associated IgG is usual, but this test though This is a heterogeneous group of diseases in
sensitive is non-specific. which exogenous or endogenous antigens have
I Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

combined with antibodies to cause either local Examples with exogenous antigens include
Immue complex disease

or systemic tissue damage. hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

The amount of immune complex formed is 2. Systemic immune complex disease
related to the relative concentrations of antigen
Serum sickness is the prime example of this
and antibody, the largest amount and in general
phenomenon. This is a condition associated
the largest size of immune complexes being
with fever, rash, lymphadenopathy,
formed when antigen and antibody are present
splenomegaly and arthritis about 10 days after a
in molar equivalence. Their normal clearance is
large exposure to foreign antigen. Serum
by the reticuloendothelial system following their
sickness runs a benign and self-limited course
transport on red blood cell membranes. This
over about a week, though occasionally
clearance is rapid and does not produce damage.
reversible vasculitis or polyneuritis may occur.
However, if normal clearance is impaired, such
A chronic form may develop if the antigen
as by complement factor deficiency, immune
exposure is prolonged or repeated.
complexes can be deposited in small blood
vessels in any organ or tissue in the body but Systemic immune complex disease can follow
particularly in the kidney and to a lesser extent
• infections, e.g. viral (such as hepatitis B),
in the skin and choroid plexus. Vasoactive
bacterial (such as streptococcal) and parasitic,
substances are then released from circulating
basophils and later from tissue mast cells and • administration of many different drugs which
infiltrated neutrophils, platelets are activated and can act as haptens (such as aspirin, gold,
vascular permeability is enhanced. The immune penicillamine, penicillin, phenytoin,
complexes can then migrate beyond the sulfonamides and thiazides).
endothelium to the basement membrane and
Immune complex assays can be useful as
even into surrounding tissues.
markers of progress, but the levels are neither
Immune complex disease may be local or sensitive nor specific. Their presence may also
systemic. be suggested by evidence of complement
activation, with decreased C3 and C4. A more
1. Localized immune complex disease
specific test is the immunohistological
The prime example of this phenomenon is the examination of biopsy material.
Arthus reaction. This is an acute
Treatment consists of removal of the offending
haemorrhagic and necrotic local reaction usually
antigen if possible, anti-inflammatory agents
in the skin and occurring 2–4 h after the
(especially antihistamines), corticosteroids, cytotoxics
injection of antigen into an immunized animal.
and possibly plasmapheresis. Cephalosporins and
Clinically, such a phenomenon occurs when methyldopa may offer interesting therapeutic
antigen is localized, so that any reaction with possibilities.
formed antibodies is also localized. This occurs
Recent experimental evidence suggests the potential
therapeutic value of the cytokines, IL-4 and IL-10,
• endogenous antigens which are either of antibodies to integrins and selectins, and of nitric
structural (e.g. basement membrane) or oxide synthetase inhibition.
secreted (e.g. thyroglobulin);
• exogenous antigens which are concentrated Bibliography
locally (e.g. inhaled). Lawley TJ, Bielory L, Gascon P et al 1984 A
prospective clinical and immunologic analysis of
Examples with endogenous antigens include patients with serum sickness. N Engl J Med 311:
Goodpasture’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s 1407.
thyroiditis and pemphigus vulgaris. Schifferli JA, Ng YC, Peters DK 1986 The role of
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
complement and its receptors in the elimination of 2. Cell-mediated immunodeficiency
immune complexes. N Engl J Med 315: 488.

Wiggins RC, Cochrane CG 1981 Immune- This is manifested as impaired delayed
complex-mediated biologic effects. N Engl J Med hypersensitivity with proneness to infections.
304: 518. Infections are frequent and severe and may be
due to many different organisms, especially
opportunists (e.g. candida, pneumocystis),
Immunodeficiency Gram-negative bacteria and viruses.

Immunodeficiency diseases arise because of a • Primary deficiencies are sometimes

defect either in: inherited and include:

• immunoglobulin production (i.e. B-cell – severe combined immunodeficiency

deficiency); disease (SCID) and its several variants;
• cell-mediated immunity (i.e. T-cell – the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome, an X-
deficiency). linked disorder with associated eczema,
thrombocytopenia and lymphoid cancers;
1. Immunoglobulin deficiency – ataxia-telangiectasia, the mutant gene
which has recently been identified as being
The best known such condition is X-linked
responsible for greatly increased sensitivity
agammaglobulinaemia (q.v.), but many other
to ionizing radiation, so that there is a 199
specific deficiencies of antibody production
propensity for chromosomal damage.
have been reported, particularly common
variable immunodeficiency and selective • Secondary deficiencies are due to other
immunoglobulin deficiency. diseases, such as collagen-vascular,
inflammatory (especially HIV infection),
• Common variable immunodeficiency
neoplastic, nutritional or traumatic disorders,
(CVID) is a non-inherited form of
or to drugs. Psychological stress has been
hypogammaglobulinaemia which usually
reported to be a potential cause of increased
appears in adult life. There is a generalized
susceptibility to viral infections in some
decrease in all immunoglobulins, presumably
due to B-cell dysfunction. There may be
multiple pathogenetic mechanisms, but the
clinical features are similar to those of
agammaglobulinaemia with proneness to Bibliography
infection and to autoimmune diseases. Buckley RH, Schiff RI 1991 The use of intravenous
Additional features include chronic lung immune globulin in immunodeficiency diseases. N
damage, lymphoid hyperplasia and giardia- Engl J Med 325: 110.
Sneller MC, Strober W, Eisenstein E et al 1993
induced diarrhoea.
NIH conference: new insights into common
Treatment is with replacement therapy and variable immunodeficiency. Ann Intern Med 118:
antibiotics, while corticosteroids should be used with
Van de Meer JWM 1994 Defects in host-defense
caution. mechanisms. In: Rubin RH, Young LS (eds)
Clinical Approach to Infections in the
• Selective immunoglobulin deficiency Compromised Host. 3rd edition. New York:
comprises a number of categories, some Plenum. p 33.
inherited, and including IgG sub-classes, IgM, Yu Z, Lennon VA 1999 Mechanism of
IgA and combined defects. Their clinical effects intravenous immune globulin therapy in
are variable, and they are frequently antibody-mediated autoimmune diseases. N Engl
asymptomatic. J Med 340: 227.
Immunology Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Immunology Austen KF, Burakoff SJ, Rosen FS et al (eds) 1996

Therapeutic Immunology. Cambridge: Blackwell.
200 Disorders with an immunological aetiology or Ballow M, Nelson R 1997 Immunopharmacology:
more commonly with an immunological immunomodulation and immunotherapy. JAMA
contribution are frequent in Intensive Care, as 278: 2008
in medicine generally. While many such Barnes PJ, Karin M 1997 Nuclear factor-␬␤ – a
disorders are more logically considered under pivotal transcription factor in chronic
specific organ-system headings, some inflammatory disease. N Engl J Med 336: 1066
Chrousos GP 1995 The
immunological conditions and principles of a
hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and immune-
general character are considered in this book as
mediated inflammation. N Engl J Med 332: 1351.
separate topics, including: Clark EA, Ledbetter JA 1994 How B and T cells talk
• agammaglobulinaemia; to each other. Nature 367: 425.
Cohen JJ 1993 Apoptosis. Immunol Today 14: 126.
• angioedema;
Couriel D, Weinstein R 1994 Complications of
• antinuclear antibodies;
therapeutic plasma exchange: a recent assessment. J
• autoimmune disorders;
Clin Apheresis 9: 1.
• cold agglutinin disease; Dwyer JM 1992 Manipulating the immune system
• complement deficiency; with immune globulin. N Engl J Med 326: 107.
• cryoglobulinaemia; Engelhard VH 1994 How cells process antigens. Sci
• Henoch–Schonlein purpura; Am 271(2): 54.
• histocompatibility complex; Faist E, Wichmann M, Kim C 1997
• immune complex disease; Immunosuppression and immunomodulation in
• immunodeficiency; surgical patients. Curr Opinion Crit Care 3: 293.
• Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction; Guillet J-G, Lai M-Z, Briner TJ et al 1987
Immunological self, nonself discrimination.
• light chains;
Science 235: 865.
• serum sickness.
Nossal GJV 1987 Current concepts: immunology:
the basic components of the immune system. N
Bibliography Engl J Med 316: 1320.
Anderson KC, Weinstein HJ 1990 Transfusion- Nossal GJV 1989 Immunologic tolerance:
associated graft-versus-host disease. N Engl J Med collaboration between antigen and lymphokines.
323: 315. Science 245: 147.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Nossal GJV 1993 Life, death and the immune system. (many cases of which are also nosocomial),
Sci Am 269(3): 20.

abdominal sepsis, and the systemic inflammatory
Nossal GJV 1994 Negative selection of lymphocytes. response syndrome in its various guises (and
Cell 76: 229. names). The general principles of
Pardoll DM 1994 Tumour antigens: a new look for
microbiological diagnosis, antibiotic prescribing
the 1990s. Nature 369: 357.
and infection control are also part of front-line
Parker CW 1982 Allergic reactions in man.
Pharmacol Rev 34: 85. Intensive Care.
Paul WE 1993 Infectious diseases and the immune However, the spectrum of infectious diseases
system. Sci Am 269(3): 57. that may potentially be encountered in
Reichlin S 1993 Neuroendocrine-immune
Intensive Care is very large, and it is the many
interactions. N Engl J Med 329: 1246.
but less common among these specific
Reimann PM, Mason PD 1990 Plasmapheresis:
technique and complications. Intens Care Med 16: infections which are outlined in this book.
3. These include:
Roberts NJ 1991 Impact of temperature elevation on
• acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
immunologic defenses. Rev Infect Dis 13: 462.
• actinomycosis;
Shortman K, Scollay R 1994 Death in the thymus.
Nature 372: 44. • amoebiasis;
Smith RM, Giannoudis PV 1998 Trauma and the • anthrax;
immune response. J R Soc Med 91: 417. • aspergillosis;
Van de Meer JWM 1994 Defects in host-defense • botulism;
mechanisms. In: Rubin RH, Young LS (eds) • brucellosis;
Clinical Approach to Infections in the • cat-scratch disease;
Compromised Host. 3rd edition. New York: • cholera;
Plenum. p 33. • clostridial infections;
Von Boehmer H 1994 Positive selection of • Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease;
lymphocytes. Cell 76: 219.
• cryptococcosis;
Yu Z, Lennon VA 1999 Mechanism of intravenous
• cytomegalovirus;
immune globulin therapy in antibody-mediated
autoimmune diseases. N Engl J Med 340: 227. • dengue;
Zanetti G, Calandra T 1997 Intravenous • diphtheria;
immunoglobulins and granulocyte colony- • Ebola haemorrhagic fever;
stimulating factor for the management of infection • echinococcosis;
in intensive care units. Curr Opinion Crit Care 3: • epididymitis;
342. • Epstein–Barr virus;
Zweiman B, Levinson AI 1992 Immunologic aspects • fasciitis;
of neurological and neuromuscular diseases. JAMA • Fournier’s gangrene;
268: 2918. • hantavirus;
• histoplasmosis;
• hydatid disease;
Infections • Lassa fever;
Infectious diseases are especially relevant to • leptospirosis;
Intensive Care, because sepsis in its various • listeriosis;
forms is one of the single largest groups of • Lyme disease;
problems encountered. • malaria;
• melioidosis;
Many specific infections are therefore • Norwalk virus;
commonly encountered and well understood by • orchitis;
Intensive Care staff, including nosocomial and • paragonimiasis;
community-acquired pneumonia, classical sepsis • pediculosis;
Infections Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care


• poliomyelitis; considered, such as fever, neutropenia,

• Q fever; immunocompromise, various drug reactions,
• rabies; and mediators.
• relapsing fever;
• rickettsial diseases;
• scarlet fever;
Barrett-Connor E 1972 Anemia and infection. Am J
• schistosomiasis; Med 52: 242.
• syphilis; Bion JF, Brun-Buisson C (eds) 2000 Infection and
• tetanus; critical illness: genetic and environmental aspects of
• toxoplasmosis; susceptibility and resistance. Intens Care Med 26;
• tuberculosis; Suppl.1.
• typhoid fever; Bohnsack JF, Brown EJ 1986 The role of the spleen
• typhus; in resistance to infection. Annu Rev Med 37: 49.
• varicella; Brigden ML, Pattullo AL 1999 Prevention and
• yellow fever. management of overwhelming postsplenectomy
infection – an update. Crit Care Med 27: 836.
Numerous additional issues of more general Cassell GH, Cole BC 1981 Mycoplasmas as agents of
relevance to infectious diseases are also human disease. N Engl J Med 304: 80.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Cohen S, Tyrrell DA, Smith AP 1991 Psychological Inflammatory bowel disease
stress and susceptibility to the common cold. N

Inflammatory bowel disease

Engl J Med 325: 606. Non-specific inflammatory bowel disease
Cunha BA (ed) 1998 Infectious Diseases in Critical comprises ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease,
Care Medicine. New York: Marcel Dekker. each with different pathological, clinical and
Durand MI, Calserwood SB, Weber MD et al 1993 therapeutic aspects, but both requiring
Acute bacterial meningitis in adults. N Engl J Med distinction from other serious bowel diseases,
328: 21. such as infections or ischaemia. Biological
Fisman DN 2000 Hemophagocytic syndromes and
agents targeting the immuno-inflammatory
infection. Emerg Infect Dis 6: 6.
response offer new therapeutic opportunities for
Gorbach SL, Bartlett JG, Blacklow NR (eds) 1998
Infectious Diseases. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: WB these distressing diseases.
Saunders. 1. Ulcerative colitis comprises inflammation
Howard CR 1984 Viral hemorrhagic fevers: of colonic epithelium, usually affecting the
properties and prospects for treatment and
rectum and distal colon. While there is some
prevention. Antiviral Res 4: 169.
minor familial and ethnic clustering, its
Keusch GT, Barza MJ, Bennish ML et al (eds) 1998
Year Book of Infectious Diseases 1998. St Louis: aetiology is unknown, but it is probable that
Mosby-Year Book. there are subgroups of separate causation.
Mandell GL, Douglas RG, Bennett JE (eds) 1990 Clinical features are seen most commonly in
Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 3rd
young adults. In the early stages, blood and/or
edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 203
mucus is noted in the stools, and there may
Meslin F-X 1997 Global aspects of emerging and
potential zoonoses: a WHO perspective. Emerg even be constipation. In the later stages, there is
Infect Dis 3: 2. diarrhoea and systemic features, with fatigue,
Paul WE 1993 Infectious diseases and the immune anorexia, fever and weight loss.
system. Sci Am 269(3): 57.
The severity of illness is very variable.
Peeling RW, Brunham RC 1996 Chlamydiae as
pathogens: new species and new issues. Emerg
• Mild disease
Infect Dis 2: 4.
Rahal JJ 1978 Antibiotic combinations: the clinical This is seen in most patients (60%), with
relevance of synergy and antagonism. Medicine 57: intermittent diarrhoea (e.g. up to four stools per
179. day) and associated abdominal cramps.
Sigurdardottir B, Bjornsson OM, Jonsdottir KE et al
1997 Acute bacterial meningitis in adults. Arch In most such patients (85%), the process remains
Intern Med 157: 425. confined to the rectum (proctitis) or rectum and
Spach D, Liles W, Campbell G et al 1993 Tick- distal colon (proctosigmoiditis).
borne diseases in the United States. N Engl J Med
329: 936. There are no systemic features or laboratory
Tomkins L 1992 The use of molecular methods in abnormalities.
the diagnosis of infectious diseases. N Engl J Med
327: 1290. • Moderate disease
Whitley RJ 1990 Viral encephalitis. N Engl J Med
This occurs in 25% of patients, with
323: 242.
Zanetti G, Calandra T 1997 Intravenous involvement of up to half of the colon (left-
immunoglobulins and granulocyte colony- sided colitis).
stimulating factor for the management of infection There is watery diarrhoea, with blood and
in intensive care units. Curr Opinion Crit Care 3:
mucus (e.g. more than five stools per day),
associated with abdominal cramps and rectal
Zumla A, James DG 1996 Granulomatous
infections: etiology and classification. Clin Infect urgency.
Dis 23: 146. Some systemic symptoms are usual.
I Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• Severe disease • liver

Inflammatory bowel disease

This occurs in 15% of patients, with – with jaundice, cholangitis, fatty liver;
involvement of the entire colon (extensive or – occasionally with cirrhosis;
total colitis). • skin
There is constant profuse bloody diarrhoea, – occasionally with erythema nodosum;
with abdominal distension and marked systemic – rarely with pyoderma gangrenosum.
The diagnosis is made on sigmoidoscopy, at
Such patients require hospitalization. which the mucosa appears friable and granular.
Biopsy excludes Crohn’s disease or other
specific disorders, and microbiological
examination excludes amoebae or pathogenic
• Toxic megacolon
bacteria. Colonoscopy or barium contrast
This is the most severe of form of the disease enema shows the extent of disease.
and occurs in about 3% of cases. Since one
third of such cases present initially in this The differential diagnosis is:
way, the differential diagnosis can be • Crohn’s disease;
difficult, especially as diarrhoea may be • irritable bowel syndrome;
minimal at this time and systemic symptoms • diverticulitis;
prominent. There are signs of an acute • ischaemic colitis;
abdomen, and the patient may become • bacterial or amoebic gastroenteritis.
Treatment modalities are several.

The local complications of ulcerative colitis • Simple anti-diarrhoeal medication (e.g.

include: loperamide, diphenoxylate) may be effective in
mild disease, but they should be used with care
• bowel haemorrhage; because of the risk of toxic megacolon.
• bowel perforation; • Sulfasalazine is used primarily for maintenance,
• bowel stricture; but it is also useful for mild exacerbations.
• cancer of the colon Although typically given orally, it may also be
used in the form of a retention enema.
– this is related to the duration, extent and • Corticosteroids are used locally in enema form
severity of the disease and is responsible for and systemically for moderate or severe disease.
a third of deaths from the disease. • Immunosuppressive therapy (azathioprine,
cyclosporin) is indicated for severe or refractory
Extra-colonic complications may be
prominent and may involve the:
• Surgery (proctocolectomy) may be required.
• eyes
• Toxic megacolon requires resuscitation,
– with iritis and/or conjunctivitis and/or
fluids and electrolytes, nasogastric aspiration,
intravenous cortocosteroids and antibiotics.
• joints Anti-diarrhoeal drugs are contraindicated, and
indeed they may precipitate this syndrome. As
– with migratory monarticular arthritis of soon as the patient becomes stable, a total
large joints; proctocolectomy is peformed preferably within
– with an increased incidence of ankylosing 48 h.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The course of illness is very variable. About initial disease or its complications. However, there is a

Interstitial lung diseases

10% of patients experience long remissions of high postoperative recurrence rate, and about half of
up to 15 years, though most (75%) have the patients require re-operation.
intermittent exacerbations over many years.
Recently, a chimeric monoclonal antibody to tumour
About 10% of patients have continuous disease.
necrosis factor ␣, infliximab, was reported to
The 1-year mortality is 5% overall and up to
enhance greatly the closure of abdominal and perineal
15–20% in toxic megacolon.
2. Crohn’s disease is a granulomatous
ileocolitis affecting all layers of the bowel and Bibliography
presenting as an enteritis, enterocolitis, colitis or Gibson PR,A nderson RP 1998 Inflammatory bowel
proctocolitis. Like ulcerative colitis, there is disease. Med J Aust 169: 387.
some minor familial and ethnic clustering, but Greenberg GR 1992 Nutritional support in
its aetiology remains unknown. inflammatory bowel disease: current status and
future directions. Scand J Gastronenterol 192
Clinical features are also seen mainly in young (suppl): 117.
adults. Chronic indolent symptomatic disease Kornbluth A, George J, Sachar DB 1994
has been present on average for five years before Immunosuppressive drugs in Crohn’s disease.
presentation. Mild, watery but not blood- Gastroenterologist 2: 239.
stained diarrhoea and abdominal pain is often MacDermott RP, Stenson WF 1992 Inflammatory
Bowel Disease. New York: Elsevier.
diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome. In some
Present DH, Rutgeerts P, Targan S et al 1999 205
patients, there are systemic features of anorexia, Infliximab for the treatment of fistulas in patients
fatigue, weight loss, abdominal mass, fistulae, with Crohn’s disease. N Engl J Med 340: 1398.
iritis and anaemia. Rachmilewitz D 1992 New forms of treatment for
Complications include: inflammatory bowel disease. Gut 33: 1301.
Sands BE 1997 Biologic therapy for inflammatory
• anal fissure; bowel disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 3: 95.

• bowel fistulae
– which occur in 50% of patients at some Inhalation injury (see Burns (respiratory
time during the course of the disease; complications))
• peri-rectal abscess;
• fulminant colitis (‘toxic megacolon’)
Insect bites and stings (see Bites and
– this can occur but is uncommon; stings)
• increased incidence of both gallstones and
renal oxalate calculi
Interstitial lung diseases
– particularly in those patients with severe fat
malabsorption; The interstitial lung diseases are a group of
diffuse pulmonary processes, many of unknown
• the eye, joint and skin features seen in
aetiology. They are listed below as a group for
ulcerative colitis occur in about 10% of
comparison, but their individual details are
considered separately in this book.
The differential diagnosis and investigations are
Specific interstitial diseases, such as pneumonia,
as for ulcerative colitis.
pulmonary oedema, pneumoconioses and other
Treatment is also similar to that for ulcerative colitis, occupational lung diseases, drug reactions and
except that medical therapy is often disappointing and lung involvement in systemic diseases are
surgery is required in most patients because of either usually considered separately.
I Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

High-resolution CT scanning is generally the Moss J (ed) 1999 LAM (lymphangioleiomyomatosis)

Interstitial lung diseases

most useful imaging technique in this group of and Other Diseases Characterized by Smooth
conditions. Muscle Proliferation. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Prakash UB, Barham SS, Rosenow EC et al 1983
Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis. Mayo Clin Proc
The major interstitial lung diseases are: 58: 290.
Reynolds HY 1998 Diagnostic and management
1. sarcoidosis strategies for diffuse interstitial lung disease. Chest
2. diffuse fibrosing alveolitis 113: 192.
Taylor JR, Ryu J, Colby TV et al 1990
– i.e. idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Lymphangioleiomyomatosis. N Engl J Med 323:
interstitial pneumonitis; 1254.
3. haemorrhagic infiltrates
– Goodpasture’s syndrome;
Interstitial nephritis (see
– idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis;
Tubulointerstitial diseases)
4. pulmonary infiltration with
eosinophilia (PIE)
– Loeffler’s syndrome; Interstitial pneumonitis (see Diffuse
– asthmatic pulmonary eosinophilia; fibrosing alveolitis)
– tropical pulmonary eosinophilia;
– eosinophilic pneumonia;
5. angiitis and granulomatosis
– Wegener’s granulomatosis;
– lymphomatoid granulomatosis; Iron (Fe, atomic number 26, atomic weight 56)
– bronchocentric granulomatosis; comprises 35% of the Earth’s composition,
6. rare pulmonary infiltrative condition being the chief constituent of the Earth’s core
and a major constituent (5%) of the Earth’s
– histiocytosis X; crust, in which it is the fourth most common
– pulmonary alveolar proteinosis; element after oxygen, silicon and aluminium. It
– pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis; has for centuries been the most used and
– lymphangiomyomatosis; cheapest metal in all societies. As is well known,
– pulmonary amyloidosis. iron has an important role in biological
The total body stores of iron are normally about
Bibliography 4.5 g, 65% being present in haemoglobin, a
Chu SC, Horiba K, Usuki J et al 1999 small amount in myoglobin and haem enzymes,
Comprehensive evaluation of 35 patients with
and the remainder in stores of both soluble
lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Chest 115: 1041.
Coultas DB, Zumwalt RE, Black WC et al 1994
ferritin and insoluble haemosiderin (in liver,
The epidemiology of interstitial lung diseases. Am spleen and bone marrow). One mL of blood
J Respir Crit Care Med 150: 967. contains about 0.5 mg of iron.
Crystal RG, Bitterman PB, Rennard SI et al 1984
Interstitial lung diseases of unknown cause. N Engl
The daily dietary requirement is 10–20 mg, of
J Med 310: 154, 235. which about 10% is actually absorbed, with
Kitaichi M, Nishimura K, Itoh H et al 1995 extra requirements for menstruation and
Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Am J pregnancy. The recommended iv dose is 20
Respir Crit Care Med 151: 527. ␮mol/day.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Clinical conditions associated with iron Whipple’s triad consists of hypoglycaemia,

Islet cell tumour

abnormalities include: which:
• iron deficiency (see Anaemia); • displays typical clinical features (especially
• iron overload (see Haemochromatosis and neuroglycopenia);
Haemoglobin disorders); • with an appropriately low blood sugar;
• iron poisoning (see Desferrioxamine). • with relief of symptoms with therapy which
restores the blood sugar to normal.
Bibliography The islet cell tumour is thus an insulinoma.
Bothwell TH, Charlton RW, Cook JD et al 1979 Most such tumours (90%) are single, small and
Iron Metabolism in Man. Oxford: Blackwell. benign. Occasionally, they are multiple (as in
Conrad ME, Umbreit JN, Moore EG 1994 Iron multiple endocrine neoplasia – q.v.) or even
absorption and cellular uptake of iron. Adv Exp malignant.
Med Biol 356: 69.
Cook JD, Skikne BS 1989 Iron deficiency: definition
and diagnosis. J Intern Med 226: 349. The differential diagnosis includes the other
Editorial 1979 Serum-ferritin. Lancet 1: 533. causes of fasting hypoglycaemia, which is
Finch CA 1982 Erythropoiesis, erythropoietin, and also seen in:
iron. Blood 60: 1241.
Finch CA 1982 The detection of iron overload. N • sepsis;
Engl J Med 307: 1702. • liver failure;
Finch CA, Huebers H 1992 Perspectives in iron • severe cardiac failure; 207
metabolism. N Engl J Med 306: 1520. • diffuse malignancy.
Hershko C, Peto TEA, Weatherall DJ 1988 Iron and
infection. Br Med J 296: 660.
Huebers HA, Finch CA 1987 The physiology of The diagnosis is made by the demonstration of
transferrin and transferrin receptors. Physiol Rev appropriate hypoglycaemia after fasting. The
67: 520. blood glucose level should be ⬍2 mmol/L in
Kuhn LC 1994 Molecular regulation of iron proteins. men or ⬍1.5 mmol/L in women and not just
Baillieres Clin Haematol 7: 763. ⬍3 mmol/L (the lower limit of normal),
Mills KC, Curry SC 1994 Acute iron poisoning. because this level can occur with normal fasting
Emerg Clin North Am 12: 397. (falls much greater than this are usually
Sayers MH, English G, Finch C 1994 Capacity of the prevented by gluconeogenesis and decreased
store-regulator in maintaining iron balance. Am J
insulin secretion). The usual fast is overnight
Hematol 47: 194.
(i.e. 12 h), which has a diagnostic yield of about
65%. If the fast is increased to 24 h, 48 h and 72
h, the diagnostic yields increase accordingly to
Iron overload disease (see 71%, 92% and 98%, respectively. At this time
Haemochromatosis and Haemoglobin disorders) also, the ratio of immunoreactive insulin (IRI)
to glucose is abnormally increased.
If the diagnosis is still in doubt, a provocative
Irritable bowel syndrome (see Colitis) test with exogenous insulin may be
administered (in which case there is a failure of
proinsulin or C peptide to fall).
Islet cell tumour Similar findings can also be produced by some
Islet cell tumours of the pancreas cause fasting oral hypoglycaemic agents, so that the
hypoglycaemia, which is associated with association of profound fasting hypoglycaemia
abnormally high (i.e. non-suppressed) insulin with hyperinsulinaemia should always prompt a
levels and which displays Whipple’s triad. urinary drug screen for sulfonylureas.
I Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

If appropriately abnormal fasting hypoglycaemia Islet cell tumours are potentially curable by surgical
Islet cell tumour

is associated with a normal IRI: glucose ratio, a resection.

non-pancreatic tumour should be sought. Some
large mesodermal tumours, such as Bibliography
fibrosarcoma, mesothelioma and rarely Le Quesne LP, Nabarro JDN, Kurtz A et al 1979
haemangiopericytoma, either secrete insulin- The management of insulin tumours of the
like growth factors (IGFs) or metabolize glucose pancreas. Br J Surg 66: 31.
at an excess rate and thus cause marked

Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction Interestingly, it has been reported to be decreased by

Jellyfish envenomation
giving antibodies to tumour necrosis factor (anti-
The Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction occurs within TNF␣).
a few hours of commencing treatment of
spirochaetal diseases, particularly leptospirosis, Bibliography
relapsing fever and syphilis. It is due to the Gelfand JA, Elin RJ, Berry FW et al 1976
release of lipopolysaccharide products from the Endotoxemia associated with the
organism and resembles an immunological Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction. N Engl J Med 295:
reaction. Like sepsis, it is associated with 211
mediator and cytokine release.
There is fever, tachycardia, hypotension,
headache and myalgia. It occurs within 8 h and
Jellyfish envenomation (see Bites and
lasts about 12–24 h. stings (marine invertebrates))

There is no specific treatment, though sometimes

supportive care for hypotension may be required.

K Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Kaposi’s sarcoma (see Acquired respiratory tract infections or CNS depressant

Kaposi’s sarcoma

immunodeficiency syndrome) drugs, in addition to the obvious skeletal


Kartagener’s syndrome (see If kyphoscoliosis is severe, the mechanical

Bronchiectasis and Situs inversus) distortion of the chest wall and the
mechanical disadvantage of the respiratory
muscles lead to ventilatory failure.
Korsakoff syndrome (see
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome) Investigations in severely affected patients show
markedly impaired ventilatory capacity, with
decreased vital capacity and total lung capacity.
Kyphoscoliosis A vital capacity of ⬍45% is associated with an
Kyphoscoliosis refers to a deformity of the increased risk of respiratory failure. In contrast
vertebral column, to the gas exchange abnormalities seen in
parenchymal lung disease, there is hypercapnia
• kyphosis comprising anterior flexion, and a relatively normal alveolar-arterial oxygen
• scoliosis comprising lateral curvature with tension difference. Pulmonary hypertension and
rotation. cor pulmonale are usual.
The two features are usually combined, and Treatment is with surgical correction, if possible
distortion of the thoracic cage results. early in the course of disease.
Kyphoscoliosis is the most common structural
• Otherwise, treatment should be directed to those
abnormally of the thoracic cage. Most cases complicating problems which are reversible or
(80%) are idiopathic, but some are secondary. preventable (e.g. influenza and pneumococcal
• Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis commences in vaccination).
childhood, usually affecting girls, and often • Even after chronic respiratory failure has
becoming severe during the years of rapid supervened, the outlook may be favourable for
skeletal growth. many years with home oxygen therapy and
• Secondary kyphoscoliosis is associated either mechanical ventilation at night.
with neuromuscular diseases, such as
poliomyelitis or syringomyelia, or sometimes Bibliography
with congenital vertebral defects. Libby DM, Briscoe WA, Boyce B et al 1982 Acute
respiratory failure in scoliosis or kyphosis:
Clinical features may comprise dyspnoea on prolonged survival and treatment. Am J Med 73:
exertion and increased susceptibility to 532.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Lactase deficiency Decreased lactic acid clearance also occurs in

Lactic acidosis
hepatic hypoperfusion, since the liver normally
Lactase deficiency refers to the loss from the converts lactate back to pyruvate with the
intestinal mucosa of the disaccharidase enzyme consequent regeneration of bicarbonate and
required to break down the disaccharide, more importantly also converts lactate to
lactose, i.e. glucose-galactose (or sucrose, i.e. glucose via gluconeogenesis. Since in exercise,
glucose-fructose) to monosaccharides which can lactate production can exceed 300 mmol/h
then be absorbed. Otherwise these sugars without significant acidosis, it is apparent that in
remain in the bowel, where their osmotic load disease lactate acidosis must arise from impaired
takes up water and produces diarrhoea (q.v.). In clearance as well as from increased production.
the lower bowel, additional bacterial digestion
produces even smaller but still non-absorbable The lactate/pyruvate ratio is normally about
fragments, thereby increasing the osmotic effect 10:1. It is increased in lactic acidosis and was
further. formerly the basis of a classification for this
Lactase deficiency may rarely be congenital, but
it is usually acquired in later childhood. It is
common in peoples of non-Northern European A more practical classification, and one with
origin, and its management requires removal of more therapeutic meaning, is into
dairy foods from the diet.
• type A (with apparent tissue hypoxia).
In normal subjects without lactase deficiency, This includes shock, hypoxaemia and 211
ingestion of other saccharides can produce probably sepsis. This is sometimes referred
similar gastrointestinal effects, e.g.: to as ‘shock’ lactate, which is an index of
tissue hypoxia or hypoperfusion
• indigestible oligosaccharides from legumes;
• non-absorbable sugar alcohols (mannitol, • type B (without apparent tissue hypoxia).
sorbitol); This includes:
• indigestible disaccharides (lactulose). – congenital enzyme deficiencies,
– acquired diseases, such as renal failure,
liver failure, pancreatitis, diabetes,
Lactic acidosis sepsis, malignancy,
Lactic acidosis is the most common form of – drugs, such as ethanol, methanol,
metabolic acidosis associated with an increased ethylene glycol, sodium nitroprusside,
anion gap, i.e. [Na⫹]⫺[Cl⫺]⫺[HCO⫺ 3
]⬎13 adrenaline, salicylates, metformin.
mmol/L (or about half this if there is severe
This is sometimes referred to as a ‘stress’
hypoalbuminaemia). It is a frequent
lactate which, is an index of
complication of serious illness and is associated
hypermetabolism, at least in sepsis.
with a mortality of 60–90% despite treatment.
About 1000 mmol of lactic acid is normally
The clinical features are those of the underlying
produced per day, and this load is greatly
disease. Particular note must be taken of the
increased in sepsis, hypotension or other tissue
presence of tissue hypoxia.
ischaemia. These are conditions which result in
impaired oxidation of pyruvate in The serum lactate level is increased in lactic
mitochondria. Pyruvate is normally metabolized acidosis (normal ⬍1–2 mmol/L), but levels
aerobically to CO2 and water via the ⬎6 mmol/L are required for renal excretion.
tricarboxylic acid (TCA or Krebs) cycle. In Arterial or mixed venous samples should be
anaerobic conditions, pyruvate is metabolized to used, so that global rather than regional changes
lactate. are assessed. There is no direct relationship
L Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

between blood lactate and hydrogen ion Cooper DJ, Walley KR, Wiggs BR et al 1990
Lactic acidosis

concentrations. Bicarbonate does not improve hemodynamics in

critically ill patients who have lactic acidosis. Ann
The serum lactate level is normal (though there Intern Med 112: 492.
is still an increased anion gap) in an unusual form Dempsey GA, Lyall HJ, Corke CF et al 2000
of lactic acidosis due to d-lactate accumulation, Pyroglutamic acidemia: a cause of high anion gap
as in the short bowel syndrome. D-lactate is metabolic acidosis. Crit Care Med 28: 1803.
produced by some bacteria, whereas mammalian Editorial 1990 The colon, rumen, and d-lactic
tissues produce -lactate, the laevo isomer which acidosis. Lancet 336: 599.
is measured by most analytical methods. Emmett M, Narins RG 1977 Clinical use of the
anion gap. Medicine 56: 38.
Forsythe SM, Schmidt GA 2000 Sodium bicarbonate
The arterial PCO2 is usually low, but the for the treatment of lactic acidosis. Chest 117: 260.
mixed venous PCO2 is high. This wide Huckabee WE 1961 Abnormal resting blood lactate:
venoarterial difference for CO2 is a better II. Lactic acidosis. Am J Med 30: 840.
guide to the severity of the problem than the James JH, Luchette FA, McCarter FD et al 1999
Lactate is an unreliable indicator of tissue hypoxia
arterial PCO2. It is due to increased CO2
in injury and sepsis. Lancet 354: 505.
production and/or decreased cardiac output.
Kruse JA 1997 Clinical utility and limitations of the
anion gap. Int J Intens Care 4: 51.
Treatment is primarily that of the underlying cause. It Malhotra D, Shapiro JI 1996 Pathogenesis and
212 is important to recognize in any particular case management of lactic acidosis. Curr Opinion Crit
Care 2: 439.
whether increased lactate does or does not indicate
Mizock BA 1989 Lactic acidosis. Dis Mon 35: 233.
hypoperfusion, as it is not only under-resuscitation
Nasraway S, Black R, Sottile F 1989 The anion gap
that has adverse clinical consequences but also over- in patients admitted to the medical intensive care
resuscitation. unit. Chest 96: 287S.
The use of bicarbonate is controversial. While it has Schelling JR, Howard RL, Winter SD et al 1990
Increased osmol gap in alcoholic ketoacidosis and
traditionally been considered reasonable on theoretical
lactic acidosis. Ann Intern Med 113: 580.
grounds to administer it cautiously if the acidosis is
Stacpoole PW 1986 Lactic acidosis: the case against
severe (i.e. pH ⬍7.20), controlled studies have in bicarbonate therapy. Ann Intern Med 105: 276.
fact been unable to show an increased survival
following its use or any other evidence to support its
Lassa fever
Lassa fever is one of the four forms of viral
While metabolic acidosis with a high anion gap
haemorrhagic fever transmitted from person
is most commonly attributed to lactic acidosis in
to person (see Ebola haemorrhagic fever). It was
the critically ill, in some cases unidentified
first recognized in 1970 in Nigeria and is
anions appear to be involved. Acquired
known to have a rodent reservoir, with person
pyroglutamic acid excess, due particularly to
to person spread following human ingestion of
paracetamol ingestion, may be one such cause.
contaminated food. The pathogenesis involves
viral interaction with and damage to endothelial
Arieff AI 1991 Indications for use of bicarbonate in
cells and platelets, giving rise to a generalized
patients with metabolic acidosis. Br J Anaesth 67: capillary leak.
165. The incubation period is 6–21 days, which
Bakker J 2001 Lactate: may I have your votes please? provides sufficient time nowadays for travel
Intens Care Med 27: 6.
anywhere in the world.
Cohen RD, Woods HF (eds) 1976 Clinical and
Biochemical Aspects of Lactic Acidosis. Oxford: The illness presents initially as influenza-like,
Blackwell. with a sore throat, rash and gastrointestinal
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
symptoms. In the second week,
Lead poisoning may thus occur in a wide

encephalopathy, hepatitis and pleurisy are seen.
Haemorrhage, renal failure and shock may variety of circumstances, including the
occur in some patients. home, industry, agriculture and from motor
vehicle exhaust fumes.
The diagnosis is made by viral culture and
Much of the risk of lead poisoning has
The differential diagnosis includes many other
disappeared since lead salts are no longer used as
infective diseases, including:
pigments in white exterior paint or in
• malaria; insecticides. Nevertheless, lead may readily
• pneumonia; accumulate in the body and produce toxicity
• gastroenteritis; (referred to as plumbism), which takes the
• influenza; form in children particularly of cognitive and
• typhoid. behavioural effects and in adults of renal disease.
Treatment is with ribavirin (2 g loading dose, then The maximum recommended exposure is not
1 g qid for 4 days and then 0.5 g tds for 6 days), ⬎50 ␮g/m3/8 h and a whole blood level of
together with resuscitation and supportive care. ⬍60 ␮g/dL. The free RBC protoporphyrin
level may be used as a screening test, since lead
When first described, the mortality was 50%,
blocks haemosynthesis and thus produces an
but it is nowadays 1–2%. Prolonged weakness is 213
acquired porphyrin disease.
experienced by survivors and 25% have
permanent deafness. Although the toxic effects are widespread and
especially involve the central nervous system,
Bibliography kidneys, bone marrow and gut, there is very
Howard CR 1984 Viral hemorrhagic fevers: variable individual susceptibility.
properties and prospects for treatment and
prevention. Antiviral Res 4: 169. Acute toxicity in adults classically gives rise
McCormick JB, Webb PA, Krebs JW et al 1987 A to abdominal colic, haemolytic anaemia (a
prospective study of the epidemiology and ecology benign variant of sideroblastic anaemia with
of Lassa fever. J Infect Dis 155: 437. coarse basophilic stippling of erythrocytes) and
encephalopathy (similar to that seen in
hypertension). There may be pallor, irritability,
Lateral medullary syndrome (see a metallic taste in the mouth, a black line at the
Horner’s syndrome) base of the gums, anorexia and constipation.
Acute toxicity in children causes
Lead neurological damage, which may lead to
intellectual impairment and if more severe to
Lead (Pb, atomic number 82, atomic weight
deafness, blindness and seizures.
207, melting point 328oC) is a soft, dense
malleable, durable and corrosion-resistant great Chronic toxicity is manifest by renal failure,
metal. It is probably the oldest known metal, hypertension and saturnine gout. Lead
and although not found free in nature it is nephropathy is a tubulointerstitial nephritis,
readily produced from its major source, namely with an unremarkable urinary sediment, and
lead sulfide (galena). There are many industrial impaired uric acid excretion and increased
applications for lead or lead-containing serum uric acid out of proportion to the degree
compounds, including plumbing, solder, of renal impairment. Neurological changes of
batteries, ammunition, insulation, shielding, headache, confusion, visual disturbance and
glass and petrol (as the additive tetraethyl lead). peripheral motor neuropathy (e.g. wrist drop)
L Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

are seen. Permanent mental loss occurs in about After improvement lasting 1–3 days, recurrent

one third of patients. Cardiomyopathy with fever and meningitis occur which then last up
potentially fatal arrhythmias can follow repeated to some weeks.
petrol sniffing.
Specific syndromes at this stage include the
Treatment of lead poisoning requires the chelating following.
agents, calcium edetate and/or penicillamine (q.v.).
• Weil’s disease
A prolonged course is required, but complete recovery
is usual, provided there is no neurological damage. This is the most severe form of the illness. It is
seen in 5–10% of patients and presents with
Bibliography jaundice, uraemia, encephalopathy, anaemia.
Alperstein G, Reznik RB, Duggin GG 1991 Lead: Sometimes, there is rhabdomyolysis and
subtle forms and new modes of poisoning. Med J vasculitis.
Aust 155: 407.
Balestra DJ 1991 Adult chronic lead intoxication: a • Aseptic meningitis
clinical review. Arch Intern Med 151: 1718.
Initially this mimics viral meningitis, but
Carton JA, Maradona JA, Arribas JM 1987
Acute–subacute lead poisoning: clinical findings
eventually the CSF shows a lymphocytosis,
and comparative study of diagnostic tests. Arch markedly increased protein level and normal
Intern Med 147: 697. glucose.
White JM, Selhi HS 1975 Lead and the red cell. Br J
• Pretibial fever (Fort Bragg fever)
Haematol 30: 133.
There is splenomegaly and raised, red, painful
lesions on the shins. The diagnosis is made from
Leptospirosis positive culture or serology.
Leptospirosis is due to infection with the small The differential diagnosis is an acute viral illness.
spirochaete, Leptospira interrogans. The organism Treatment is primarily with supportive measures, but
is endemic in animals in the tropics, both antibiotics (doxycycline for 7 days or possibly
domestic and wild, in which the infection is penicillin) probably shorten the duration of disease
often asymptomatic and the organism is shed in and decrease its severity.
the urine. Human infection is incidental and
occurs after contact of abraded skin or mucous There is no satisfactory prevention. The
membranes within infected material. In warm mortality is 3–6%, and survivors recover
and moist conditions, the organism can survive completely.
for weeks outside the body. There is an obvious
occupational risk for abattoir workers, farmers Turner LH 1973 Leptospirosis. Br Med J 1: 537.
and veterinarians and a less apparent one from a
number of outdoor recreational activities.
Following an incubation period of 7–12 days, Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (see
there is an acute non-specific febrile illness, Urticaria)
which is often severe and lasts for 4–7 days.
However, the clinical manifestations are
variable, and infection may also be subclinical. Leukoencephalopathy (see
Typically, there is bradycardia, rash, Demyelinating diseases)
conjunctivitis, stiff neck and muscle tenderness.
There is occasional hepatosplenomegaly and
lymphadenopathy. Leptospirae are present in Lewisite (see Chelating agents and Warfare
the blood during this phase.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Lice (see Pediculosis) • The skin may show a Lichtenberg flower, a

delicate branching lesion which is not a burn
and disappears within 24 h. Localized deep
burns may also be seen.
Light chains (see Multiple myeloma)
• Eye damage most commonly results in later
development of cataract.
The mortality is 20–30% in humans struck by
lightning. There is thus one death per year
The electrical discharge in lightning comprises from this cause per 10 million population.
an estimated 20 million or more volts DC with Importantly, long-term sequelae independent
a current of up to 20000 amps, although the of the direct consequences of the injury,
duration is ⬍500 msec. including psychiatric illness and cataracts,
occur in about two thirds of survivors.
Lightning may strike an individual in several
different ways, namely:
Browne B, Gaasch W 1992 Electrical injuries and
• directly; lightning. Emerg Med Clin North Am 2: 211.
• as a splash or flash from a nearby object of Hiestant D, Colice G 1988 Lightning-strike injury. J
high resistance; Intens Care Med 3: 303.
• via contact with a primary object; 215
• from the adjacent ground via the legs as a
stride potential; Liquorice
• via telephone lines.
Liquorice is derived from the perennial herb,
Glycyrrhiza glabra, and comprises glycyrrhizic
Burns (flash burn over the outside of the body, acid (etymologically meaning sweat root). It is
which may even rip clothing apart), electrical obtained from the roots of the plant and is
injury or blast injury may be produced. The similar to anise.
electrical injury is usually minor, and the blast
injury is equivalent to blunt trauma. It has long been used for flavouring and in
medicines to disguise unpleasant components. It
The injuries are thus neurological, is also a popular confection and has been used in
musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, cutaneous and chewing tobacco. Medically, liquorice has been
ophthalmological. Direct strike may of course prescribed in peptic ulcer disease and in
cause immediate death, though an electrically Addison’s disease.
induced respiratory arrest may be reversible for
up to 24 h. Since liquorice is salt-retaining, its excessive
use (e.g. ⬎0.45 kg/week) can give rise to
• Neurologically, there may be confusion
oedema or to pseudoprimary aldosteronism and
and paralysis. Most patients suffer at least
thus secondary hypertension (see Conn’s
some loss of consciousness. Fixed dilated
pupils can be due to local eye damage and
not necessarily to brainstem death. From It can also give rise to hypokalaemic periodic
telephone contact, there may be headache, paralysis, although more commonly this
deafness and tinnitus. condition occurs due to:
• Cardivascular effects include any
arrhythmia and particularly asystole. • potassium loss from the kidney or gut;
Vasoconstriction can be marked, even to the • diuretic or corticosteroid use;
point of tissue ischaemia. • thyrotoxicosis.
L Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bibliography which are commonly used in most forms of


Blachley JD, Knochel JP 1980 Tobacco chewer’s meningitis are not appropriate for the treatment
hypokalemia: licorice revisited. N Engl J Med 302: of this organism.
de Klerk GJ, Nieuwenhuis MG, Beutler JJ 1997 Treatment is with ampicillin 2 g iv 4 hourly for 10
Hypokalaemia and hypertension associated with days beyond the subsidence of fever. This is longer
use of liquorice flavoured chewing gum. Br Med J than is usual for bacterial meningitis and is required
314: 751. because of the frequency of relapse following shorter
• Penicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline,
Listeriosis cotrimoxazole and vancomycin are also effective.
Listeriosis is caused by the aerobic Gram- • Gentamicin is synergistic with ampicillin in vitro
but probably not in vivo, whereas cotrimoxazole is
positive bacillus, Listeria monocytogenes, a
synergistic with ampicillin in vivo and thus
saprophyte found widely in soil, plants and
provides a clinically effective combination.
animals. It is relatively resistant to heat,
including pasteurization, and can grow even in
refrigerated food. It is thus often food-borne.
Calder JAM 1997 Listeria meningitis in adults. Lancet
Despite its ubiquitous nature, human disease is 350: 307.
in fact uncommon. It is, however, an important Durand ML, Calderwood SB, Weber DJ et al 1993
216 Acute bacterial meningitis in adults. N Engl J Med
cause of neonatal sepsis and of adult meningitis.
328: 21.
Gellin BG, Broome CV 1989 Listeriosis. JAMA 261:
Meningitis particularly occurs in the elderly 1313.
or in compromised hosts. It is clinically Hearmon CJ, Ghosh SK 1989 Listeria monocytogenes
similar to other forms of meningitis, except meningitis in previously healthy adults. Postgrad
that: Med J 65: 74.
Nieman RE, Lorber B 1980 Listeriosis in adults: a
• tremor and ataxia are more common; changing pattern. Rev Infect Dis 2: 207.
• encephalitis especially of the pons may Southwick PS, Purich DL 1996 Intracellular
sometimes be seen. pathogenesis of listeriosis. N Engl J Med 334: 770.

Other less common forms of infection include:

• isolated bacteraemia;
Lithium (Li, atomic number 3, atomic weight
• occasional focal lesions;
7, melting point 179oC) is the lightest solid
• an influenza-like illness in pregnancy, with
element. It was discovered in 1817 and is a soft,
associated amnionitis and fetal damage.
white substance which floats on water (SG
The diagnosis is made from bacterial 0.53). Although it has a variety of industrial
identification, as there is no routine serological uses, it is best known for its use as lithium
test (though an anti-listeriolysin-O test has carbonate, its is used in a dose of manic-
recently been developed). The organism may depressive illness, first described in 1949 in
sometimes be difficult to identify, as it can have Australia. In this condition, it is used in a dose
coccoid forms and may therefore sometimes be of 900–2400 mg/day in divided doses to give a
confused with streptococci. trough therapeutic plasma level of about 1
Since listeriosis presents to Intensive Care as
meningitis, specific diagnosis is important Lithium is a reactive element with a large
because the third-generation cephalosporins variety of biological effects. Of particular
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
relevance to its psychopharmacological effects is being seen in 5% of patients,

its inhibition at therapeutic plasma levels of a particularly women with thyroid
second messenger system in the central nervous antibodies, and requiring thyroid
system. At higher levels, it decreases adenyl replacement therapy though not
cyclase and thus cAMP. It is distributed in the cessation of lithium;
total body water and excreted solely by the
kidney, where like sodium it undergoes • cardiovascular
glomerular filtration though not distal tubular – with arrhythmias, especially conduction
reabsorption (so that its excretion is not defects;
enhanced by diuretics like thiazides). However, – hypotension;
like sodium, with which it competes, it is – T-wave inversion on ECG, a benign
reabsorbed from the proximal tubule, so that its change;
plasma level is increased in states of sodium – vasculitis;
depletion (and also with NSAIDs).
• dermatological
Lithium has a low therapeutic index, and acute
– with acne;
toxicity may be seen with plasma levels ⬎2
– precipitation or exacerbation of
mmol/L. Moreover, side-effects are common at
any level.
– stress alopecia;

Adverse experiences of lithium are manifest • haematological 217

as: – with raised white cell count, due to

increased neutrophil turnover and mass;
• renal
– with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, • gastrointestinal
seen to some degree in about 20% of – with nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea;
patients and treated with a thiazide or
preferably amiloride; • metabolic
– interstitial nephritis or nephrotic – with mild hypercalcaemia;
syndrome, both uncommon but
requiring permanent cessation of • general
lithium; – with oedema and weight gain;
• neurological • teratogenic
– with intention tremor, drowsiness, – with congenital heart disease (as with
confusion, fits, coma, hyperreflexia, rubella).
ataxia, dysarthria, blurred vision,
tinnitus, focal neurological signs;
The treatment of lithium toxicity is an emergency,
• neuropsychiatric
since high plasma levels may cause permanent
– impaired memory, cognition and neurological damage or death. Therapy is supportive,
creativity, though these complaints may with sodium and water replacement and enhancement
be no more than cessation of of urinary lithium excretion by alkalinization and
hypomania; osmotic diuresis. Renal replacement therapy is
required if toxicity is severe, though recovery is
• thyroid
delayed despite the return to normal of plasma lithium
– with non-toxic goitre or levels, since the intracellular effects themselves are slow
hypothyroidism, these abnormalities to reverse.
L Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bibliography Copeman PW 1975 Livedo reticularis: signs in the


Cade JFJ 1949 Lithium salts in the treatment of skin of disturbance of blood viscosity and of blood
psychotic excitement. Med J Aust 2: 349. flow. Br J Dermatol 93: 519.
Kulig K 1992 All lithium overdoses deserve respect. J Klein K, Pittelkow M 1992 Tissue plasminogen
Emerg Med 10: 757. activator for the treatment of livedoid vasculitis.
Mitchel JE, MacKenzie TB 1982 Cardiac effects of Mayo Clin Proc 67: 923.
lithium therapy in man: a review. J Clin Psychiatry Schroeter AL, Diaz-Perez JL, Winkelmann RK et al
43: 47. 1975 Livedo vasculitis (the vasculitis of atrophie
Walker RG 1993 Lithium nephrotoxicity. Kidney blanche): immunohistopathologic study. Arch
Int 42 (suppl): S93. Dermatol 111: 188.

Liver abscess
Livedo reticularis
Liver abscess is the most common intra-
Livedo reticularis refers to blue-red mottling abdominal visceral abscess. It may arise from
of the skin which characteristically takes a either local or systemic infection.
fishnet pattern reflecting the underlying
vascular anatomy. It is thus a vascular disorder, Local causes include:
though its cause is in practice usually • cholangitis;
unknown. • direct extension;
Idiopathic livedo reticularis occurs chiefly • portal venous transmission following
218 abdominal surgery or PTCA.
in young to middle-aged women and is
typically precipitated by cold or stasis. Systemic causes are bacteraemias. In turn,
Symptoms are minimal but may include liver abscess may give rise to bacteraemia or
numbness or tingling. metastatic infection elsewhere.
Treatment is not required.
Clinical features of liver abscess may be
Secondary livedo reticularis occurs in a subtle and include only fever and
number of conditions, including: leukocytosis. Sometimes, there may be
• antiphospholipid syndrome; abnormal local signs or liver dysfunction.
• immune vasculitis;
• endocarditis; Although the plain X-ray may show an
• thrombocythaemia; associated right pleural effusion or even an
• hyperviscosity syndromes; air–fluid level within the liver, imaging with
• cholesterol embolization. ultrasound or CT is usually required.
Livedo vasculitis is a related but more serious Sometimes, there may be difficulty in
condition, with a course which is either chronic distinguishing a liver abscess from other types of
or relapsing. intrahepatic mass, such as cyst or neoplasm.

There is microvascular occlusion with pain and

The micro-organisms involved in liver
ulceration, especially affecting the lower limbs.
abscess are usually Gram-negative enteric
The cerebral circulation may be involved with
bacilli, as for peritonitis or other intra-
resultant cerebrovascular ischaemia.
abdominal abscesses. Often the condition is
Antithrombotic therapy is recommended. polymicrobial. Blood cultures may assist the
microbiological diagnosis. An amoebic
Bibliography aetiology should be suspected if the abscess is
Burton JL 1988 Livedo reticularis, porcelain-white a single right-sided lesion in a traveller.
scars, and cerebral thromboses. Lancet 1: 1263.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Treatment is nowadays by percutaneous drainage, structures other than the lung, such as the

Lung tumours
together with appropriate antibiotics. mediastinum, chest wall and spine.
The progress and prognosis depend on the
underlying cause. The thoracic signs of lung cancer comprise:
• local wheeze;
Bibliography • unresolving pneumonia;
Branum GD, Tyson GS, Branum MA et al 1990 • pleural effusion;
Hepatic abscess: changes in etiology, diagnosis and • recurrent laryngeal or phrenic nerve
management. Ann Surg 212: 655. involvement;
Rustgi AK, Richter JM 1989 Pyogenic and amebic
• thoracic inlet (Pancoast) syndrome
abscess. Med Clin North Am 73: 847.
– with shoulder pain, Horner’s syndrome
and brachial plexus damage;
Loeffler’s syndrome (see Eosinophilia • supraclavicular lymph node involvement;
and lung infiltration) • superior vena cava obstruction.

Lung cancer is particularly prone to give

Lung tumours systemic, non-metastatic manifestations or
Primary malignant tumours of the lung paraneoplastic phenomena (q.v.). These include: 219
• general disability
• predominantly, bronchogenic carcinoma
(lung cancer); – tiredness, weakness, anorexia and weight
• less commonly, mesothelioma, pulmonary loss;
lymphoma, melanoma, sarcoma;
• less malignantly, bronchoadenoma (carcinoid • connective tissue disorders
tumour, cylindroma, others); – clubbing, hypertrophic pulmonary
• rarely, papilloma, neurofibroma, osteoarthropathy, acanthosis nigricans,
haemangiopericytoma, teratoma, dermatomyositis;
Primary benign tumours include chiefly • neuromuscular disorders
hamartoma and angioma. Many rare tumours – myasthenia, cerebellar degeneration, motor
(e.g. chemodectoma) have also been reported. and/or sensory neuropathy, dementia;
Secondary (malignant) tumours of the lung
• endocrine disorders
are probably more common than in other sites.
The most frequent sources of the primary – hypercalcaemia, Cushing’s syndrome,
tumour are: syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone, carcinoid syndrome,
• breast; hyperthyroidism, hypoglycaemia;
• gastrointestinal tract;
• urogenital system; • haematological disorders
• thyroid; – thrombophlebitis, venous
• connective tissue sarcoma; thromboembolism, non-bacterial
• lymphoma. thrombotic endocarditis, haemolytic
Primary benign and malignant tumours as well anaemia, red cell aplasia,
as metastases may also occur in intrathoracic thrombocytopenia.
L Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bibliography reservoirs include numerous wild and domestic

Lung tumours

Bains MS 1991 Surgical treatment of lung cancer. animals and birds, and a variety of tick species
Chest 100: 826. and perhaps other insect vectors become
Belani CP (ed) 1998 International symposium infected.
on thoracic malignancies. Chest 113 (suppl):
1S. Humans are inoculated through the skin giving
Clamon GH, Evans WK, Shepherd FA et al 1984 rise to erythema migrans, in which the
Myasthenic syndrome and small cell cancer of the organism can be identified in nearly 90% of
lung: variable response to antineoplastic therapy. cases. The organism then disseminates to the
Arch Intern Med 144: 999. joints, heart and CNS. The disease has protean
Hall TC (ed) 1974 Paraneoplastic syndromes. Ann manifestations, and probably many cases are
NY Acad Sci 230: 1.
unrecognized. Infection occurring during
McCaughan BC, Martini N, Bains MS 1985
Bronchial carcinoids. J Thorac Cardiovsc Surg 89:
pregnancy may cause fetal damage or fetal death
8. at any stage.
Menkes MS, Comstock GW, Vuilleumier JP et al The disease has early and late phases.
1986 Serum beta-carotene, vitamins A and E,
selenium, and the risk of lung cancer. N Engl J
Med 315: 1250.
• Stage one
Minna J, Ihde D, Glatstein E 1986 Lung cancer: A distinctive skin lesion is noted 3–20 days after
scalpels, beams, drugs, and probes. N Engl J Med the tick bite, which is itself remembered only
220 315: 1411. by about 20% of patients. The lesion consists of
Pass HI, Mitchell JB, Johnson DH et al (eds) 2000 a maculopapule which enlarges to 6–16 cm in
Lung Cancer. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
diameter and fades after 3–4 weeks. There may
& Wilkins.
Sugarbaker DJ (ed) 1997 Multimodality therapy
be associated systemic systems including myalgia
of chest malignancies – update ’96. Chest and a stiff neck.
112: 181S.
Yellin A, Rosenman Y, Lieberman Y 1984 • Stage two
Review of smooth muscle tumours of the
This is a disseminated condition seen in some
lower respiratory tract. Br J Dis Chest 78:
patients and occurring 1 day–8 weeks after the
Yesner R, Careter D 1982 Pathology of carcinoma skin lesion. In this condition:
of the lung: changing patterns. Clin Chest Med 3: – 80% have arthritis (involving large
257. joints);
– 15% have neurological abnormalities
(aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, cranial
Lupus anticoagulant (see and peripheral neuropathy, sometimes
Antiphospholipid syndrome) resembling Guillain–Barré syndrome);
– 16% have cardiac dysfunction (with
varying degrees of AV block and
Lyme disease myocardial but not valvular
Lyme disease is caused by the tick-borne
– occasional patients have hepatitis,
spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi, and is the most
pneumonitis (resembling ARDS) or
common vector-borne disease in non-tropical
ocular involvement.
developed countries. It was first observed in the
town of Lyme in Connecticut in 1975, its
causative agent was confirmed in 1983 and its • Stage three
genome sequenced in 1997, and it is now This represents late disease, with persistent
widely observed around the world. Animal infection more than one year later.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Steere AC, Sikand VJ, Meurice F et al 1998
The diagnosis is primarily a clinical one, Vaccination against Lyme disease with

supported by positive serology (though recombinant Borrelia burgdorferi outer surface
sensitivity and specificity are limited, protein A with adjuvant. N Engl J Med 339:
especially in the early stages). PCR diagnosis 209.
is now possible. The differential diagnosis
• erythema marginatum;
• rheumatic fever; Lymphadenopathy of a generalized nature may
• reactive arthritis; be due to:
• rheumatoid arthritis. • infectious diseases
False-positive diagnoses are probably – viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal;
frequent, especially in patients with atypical
arthritis and fatigue. In addition, false- • haematological malignancies;
positive serology can be produced by • immune disorders;
unrelated conditions, including autoimmune • miscellaneous conditions, such as
diseases and bacterial infections. – Felty’s syndrome;
– sarcoidosis;
Treatment is with tetracycline (e.g. doxycycline 100 – SLE; 221
mg bd for 10–30 days) or amoxycillin, penicillin or – drugs (e.g. phenytoin).
Prophylactic antibiotics have been shown not to be
warranted. Prevention is with protective clothing and Lymphocytosis
removal of ticks from the skin, and with a newly Lymphocytosis refers to an increased peripheral
available vaccine for inhabitants of high-risk areas. blood lymphocyte count of ⬎4.5⫻109/L. It is
uncommon, but it is occasionally seen in some
Bibliography infections, such as:
Barbour AG, Fish D 1993 The biological and social
phenomenon of Lyme disease. Science 260: • brucellosis;
1610. • chicken pox;
Burgdorfer W, Barbour AG, Benach JL et al 1982 • measles;
Lyme disease – a tick-borne spirochetosis? Science • tuberculosis.
216: 1317.
Fraser CM, Casjens S, Huang WM et al 1997 Persistent lymphocytosis suggests the possibility
Genomic sequence of a Lyme disease spirochaete, of underlying chronic lymphatic leukaemia.
Borrelia burgdorferi. Nature 390: 580.
Atypical lymphocytosis refers to an absolute
Halperin J, Luft BJ, Volkman DJ et al 1990 Lyme
neuroborreliosis: peripheral nervous system
lymphocytosis with a significant proportion of
manifestations. Brain 113: 1207. cells (often about one third) being atypical, i.e.
Shadick NA, Philips CB, Logigian EL et al 1994 The enlarged cells with increased cytoplasm. This
long-term clinical outcomes of Lyme disease. Ann most commonly occurs following viral
Intern Med 121: 560. infection, especially infectious mononucleosis. It
Spach D, Liles W, Campbell G et al 1993 Tick- is also seen with:
borne diseases in the United States. N Engl J Med
329: 936. • cytomegalovirus;
Steere AC, Taylor E, McHugh GL et al 1993 The • toxoplasmosis;
overdiagnosis of Lyme disease. JAMA 269: • allergic reactions (e.g. serum sickness);
1812. • some malignancies (e.g. lymphoma).
L Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

It is associated with: • uraemia;


nutritional deficiency;
• lymphadenopathy usually;
• lymphoma;
• splenomegaly often;
• immune suppression
• hepatomegaly sometimes;
• signs of meningeal irritation occasionally. – thus it is an important finding in HIV

Lymphomatoid granulomatosis Bibliography

(see Wegener’s granulomatosis) Castelino DJ, McNair P, Kay TWH 1997
Lymphocytopenia in a hospital population – what
does it signify? Aust NZ J Med 27: 170.
Lymphopenia (lymphocytopenia) refers to an Lyssavirus (see Bites and stings (bats), and
absolute lymphocyte count in peripheral blood Rabies)
of ⬍1.5⫻109/L. It is seen with:
• severe infections;
• major surgery or trauma;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Magnesium acquired hypoparathyroidism and thus

Magnesium (Mg, atomic number 12, atomic
weight 24) is the lightest structural metal and
was first isolated in 1808, though it had long Increased plasma magnesium levels are
been known in compounds. It is widely potentially toxic, though the relation
distributed in nature and is responsible for much between the plasma level and specific
of the bitter taste of sea water, which contains abnormalities is only approximate.
0.13% magnesium chloride. In biology, it is an
important cofactor or catalyst for enzyme
reactions in carbohydrate metabolism. • 2–4 mmol/L
The normal plasma level is 0.8–1 mmol/L, of this is a ‘therapeutically increased level’, as in
which about 70% is free or ionized and the rest pre-eclampsia.
bound to albumin. The total body magnesium
• ⬎3.0 mmol/L
is about 1000 mmol (about 25 g), of which the
majority is in bone. Magnesium is thus there may be drowsiness, headache, lethargy,
primarily (about 99%) an intracellular cation, sweating, flushing and nausea;there may also be
being the second most common after potassium. diplopia, dysarthria and decreased deep tendon
The recommended daily intake is 125–500 mg reflexes.
(5–20 mmol), of which about 40% is absorbed.
• ⬎5 mmol/L 223
Magnesium causes an osmotic diarrhoea, and toxicity becomes important and is manifest by
this is seen following the administration of hyporeflexia and sometimes abnormal cardiac
magnesium-containing antacids or magnesium conduction (i. e. prolonged PR interval,
salts which are popular cathartics. widened QRS complex).
Magnesium given within the first 24 h has been
• ⬎7.5 mmol/L
reported to decrease mortality in acute
myocardial infarction by 2.5% (10.3% to 7.8%). there is areflexia, muscle paralysis, narcosis,
This finding, however, was not confirmed in respiratory failure due to hypoventilation,
the recent large ISIS-4 trial, though it may be hypotension and complete heart block.
that the magnesium was not given early enough
• ⬎12.5 mmol/L
in that trial to replicate previous observations.
Magnesium is useful in a number of asystole occurs.
tachyarrhythmias, especially in torsade de Treatment is with hydration and calcium (10–20
pointes but also in digitalis toxicity and after mL iv of 10% calcium gluconate over 10 min). The
cardiac surgery, when a dose of 10 mmol (2.5 g reversal of magnesium toxicity by calcium is
of MgSO4 or 5 mL of 50% solution) may be temporary, and its persistence may require dialysis.
given over 1–2 min. This dose raises the plasma
level by about 0.8 mmol/L. A continuous iv Hypomagnesaemia, on the other hand,
infusion of about 5 mmol/h for 24 h may then occurs in about 10% of hospital patients and in
be used. about 40% of seriously ill patients. However,
when ionized magnesium instead of the usual
Magnesium is also the agent of choice to total plasma magnesium is measured,
prevent convulsions in pre-eclampsia (q.v.). hypomagnesaemia is much less frequent,
Hypermagnesaemia is uncommon. It is occurring in perhaps only 15% of seriously ill
usually seen in patients with renal failure who patients. The relationships between
have been taking magnesium-containing measurements of intracellular, ionized plasma
antacids or laxatives. It may give rise to an and total plasma magnesium are somewhat loose
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

and of uncertain clinical significance. When • To prevent deficiency, 5–20 mmol should be given

daily intake is omitted, the magnesium ‘stores’ daily, unless there are continuing losses when these
become depleted in about a week and too must be taken into account.
hypomagnesaemia occurs.
Renal calculi contain magnesium in 15% of
Decreased intake is compounded by increased cases in the form of struvite (magnesium
loss. This usually arises from: ammonium phosphate) – see Nephrolithiasis.
• losses via the gut, especially from GI fistulae,
• losses via the kidney (a fractional magnesium Arsenian MA 1993 Magnesium and cardiovascular
excretion in the urine of ⬎2.5% indicates disease. Progr Cardiovasc Dis 35: 271.
renal magnesium wasting); Casscells W 1994 Magnesium and myocardial
• drugs giving increased urinary loss infarction. Lancet 343: 807.
(aminoglycosides, amphotericin, cisplatin, Cholst IN, Steinberg SF, Tropper PJ et al 1984 The
cyclosporin, pamidronate, pentamidine, influence of hypermagnesemia on serum calcium
thiazides); and parathyroid hormone levels in human subjects.
• diabetic ketoacidosis; N Engl J Med 310: 1221.
• alcoholism; ISIS-4 (Fourth International Study of Infarct Survival)
Collaborative Group 1995 ISIS-4: A randomised
• hypothermia;
factorial trial assessing early oral captopril, oral
• burns.
mononitrate, and intravenous magnesium sulphate
224 The hypokalaemia associated with diuretic use in 58 050 patients with suspected acute myocardial
has concomitant hypomagnesaemia in 40% of infarction. Lancet 345: 669.
cases. Treatment of both is required to correct Lucas MJ, Leveno KJ, Cunningham FG 1995 A
the hypokalaemia and associated arrhythmias. It comparison of magnesium sulfate with phenytoin
for the prevention of eclampsia. N Engl J Med
is of interest that the potassium-sparing diuretics
333: 201.
also conserve magnesium.
McLean RM 1994 Magnesium and its therapeutic
uses. Am J Med 96: 63.
Since magnesium is important in Nadler JL, Rude RK 1995 Disorders of magnesium
cardiovascular, neurological and endocrine metabolism. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am
function, its deficiency can give rise to 24: 623.
widespread effects and especially Teo KK, Yusuf S, Collins R et al 1991 Effects of
intravenous magnesium in suspected acute
tachyarrhythmias, cardiac failure and sudden
myocardial infarction: overview of randomized
death. Hypomagnesaemia is one of the
trials. Br Med J 303: 1499.
causes of a prolonged QT interval and thus Weisinger JR, Bellorin-Font E 1998 Magnesium and
torsade de pointes. phosphorus. Lancet 352: 391.
Whang R, Whang D, Ryan M 1992 Refractory
Like hypermagnesaemia, hypomagnesaemia can potassium depletion: a consequence of magnesium
deficiency. Arch Intern Med 152: 40.
also give rise to an acquired
Woods KL, Fletcher S, Roffe C et al 1992
Intravenous magnesium sulphate in suspected acute
Treatment depends on severity. myocardial infarction: results of the second
Leicester Magnesium Intervention Trial (LIMIT-
• If severe, 10–20 mmol should be given, as 2). Lancet 339: 1553.
5–10 mL iv of 50% magnesium sulfate in
100 mL of 5% dextrose over 10–20 min.
• If very severe, up to 40–80 mmol may be given in Malabsorption
a similar way.
• In chronic mild/moderate deficiency, 25–50 mmol Malabsorption is a commonly used global term
should be given daily. encompassing:
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• true malabsorption malabsorption, there is impaired xylose

absorption, though this test has largely fallen
– i.e. failure to absorb nutrients due to
into disuse. Confirmatory investigations include
damage of the small intestinal mucosa;
faecal fat analysis, barium follow-through and
• maldigestion small bowel biopsy.
– i.e. due to either deficiency of digestive
secretions, especially biliary and/or Bibliography
pancreatic, or to a number miscellaneous Campbell CB, Roberts RK, Cowen AE 1977 The
changing clinical presentation of coeliac disease in
adults. Med J Aust 1: 89.
The causes of true malabsorption are: Corsini G, Gandolfi E, Bonechi I et al 1966
Postgastrectomy malabsorption. Gastroenterology
• coeliac disease 50: 358.
– i.e. gluten-sensitive enteropathy; Duggan JM 1997 Recent developments in our
understanding of adult coeliac disease. Med J Aust
• tropical sprue, 166: 312.
• miscellaneous conditions, including Fisher RL (ed) 1989 Malabsorption and nutritional
– ischaemia; status and support. Gastrenterol Clin North Am
– extensive bowel resection; 18: 467.
Go VLW et al (eds) 1993 The Pancreas: Biology,
– lymphoma;
Pathobiology and Diseases. New York: Raven
– amyloid; Press. 225
– Crohn’s disease; Gosh SK, Littlewood JM, Goddard D et al 1977
– Whipple’s disease; Stool microscopy in screening for steatorrhoea. J
– parasitic infection; Clin Pathol 30: 749.
– AIDS; Green PHR, Tall AR 1979 Drugs, alcohol and
– irradiation; malabsorption. Am J Med 67: 1066.
– high altitude; Marshak RL, Lindner AE 1966 Malabsorption
– hypogammaglobulinaemia; syndrome. Semin Roentgenol 1: 138.
– abetalipoproteinaemia.
The causes of maldigestion include:
• chronic pancreatitis or biliary obstruction;
• post-gastrectomy; Malaria is a parasitic vector-borne disease, still
• diabetic dysautonomia; uncontrolled and causing at least 100 million
• scleroderma; cases and 2 million deaths per year worldwide,
• drugs mainly in tropical countries. It is also seen in
temperate climates in travellers. The geographic
– particularly alcohol, colchicine, laxatives. range of disease is expected to extend as future
The clinical features of malabsorption in general global warming enlarges the range of its main
comprise: vector.
• steatorrhoea (the passage of light and bulky Occasionally, malaria (particularly due to P.
stools); falciparum) has been seen in people who have
• weight loss despite an adequate food intake; never been in an endemic area, and presumably
• fatigue; this is either:
• the consequences of single or multiple
vitamin deficiency. • so-called ‘airport malaria’ (from an
infected mosquito which has hitchhiked
Investigations show anaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, aboard a plane from a malarious country),
hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia. In true or
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• ‘autochthonous malaria’ (from a local tetracycline or clindamycin, or mefloquine should be


Anopheles mosquito which has fed on a case added. The tissue phase of P. vivax infection requires
of imported disease). primaquine (15 mg daily for two weeks) to eradicate
extra-erythrocytic or hepatic infection.
Most disease is caused by P. falciparum (46%)
and P. vivax (43%). The parasite has a complex In acute malaria, corticosteroids have sometimes been
but well documented life-cycle in humans, given, but they are unhelpful and may even be
following the injection of the sporozoite by a deleterious in cerebral malaria.
mosquito of the anopheline type which is the
Prevention requires avoidance of mosquitoes,
definitive host. Malaria can also be transmitted
prophylactic medication and awareness of its
by blood transfusion in countries where the
possibility for up to a year after potential
disease is prevalent.
exposure. Prophylactic agents in chloroquine-
resistant areas include doxycycline (100 mg per
The incubation period is typically 10 days to day) or mefloquine (250 mg per week),
4 weeks, but sometimes it is much longer, depending on the region. A malaria vaccine is
particularly in those who have been on currently being developed.
suppressive antimalarial drugs or who are
semi-immune, in whom clinical disease may Bibliography
occur months or years after leaving an Iqbal KM, Ahmed N, Aziz L 2000 Malaria: its severe
endemic area. The clinical picture is one of form and its management. Crit Care & Shock 3:
high fever (up to 41°C or more), chills, 69.
sweating and prostration. Anaemia, jaundice Mai NTH, Day NPJ, Chuong LV et al 1996 Post-
and hepatosplenomegaly are observed. malaria neurological syndrome. Lancet 348: 917.
Sometimes, there is renal failure, diarrhoea Martens P, Hall L 2000 Malaria on the move. Emerg
and coma. Infect Dis 6: 2.
Public Health Committee Report 1993 Malaria
P. falciparum gives a continuous or Prophylaxis. Canberra: NH&MRC.
intermittent fever, with obstruction of the Wyler DJ 1983 Malaria – resurgence, resistance, and
microcirculation, especially in the brain, gut research. N Engl J Med 308: 875.
and lung (giving an ARDS-like picture). Zucker JR 1996 Changing patterns of autochthonous
There is hypoglycaemia, intravascular malaria transmission in the United States. Emerg
haemolysis and lactic acidosis. P. vivax gives Infect Dis 2: 37.
a tertian or second daily fever.

Malignant hyperthermia
The diagnosis is made by detection of the
parasites on blood film, though the parasites Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a rare and
may be scanty or absent at the time of severe striking complication of general anaesthesia, in
illness and a repeat smear may be needed. which it occurs in about 1 in 50000 adult cases
and more commonly in children. It was first
Treatment options have been reduced because drug
recognized in 1960 in Melbourne. It is usually
resistance, most importantly to chloroquine, is now
associated with the use of suxamethonium and
widespread. Normally, acute treatment is with
volatile agents (especially halothane) and mostly
chloroquine 0.6 g then 0.3 g in 6 h and 0.3 g daily
occurs during induction, though occasionally it
for two days.
may appear as late as the recovery period.
If the parasites are resistant, alternative agents are Previous anaesthetics may not have caused the
quinine 0.6 g orally tds for three days or quinidine syndrome. It can even sometimes occur in the
gluconate 600 mg iv over 1–2 h then 1 mg/min iv non-anaesthetic situation, such as in stress or
for 2–3 days. Pyrimethamine with a sulfonamide, exercise.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The aetiology is a genetically determined required. An important but uncommon side-effect of

biochemical defect of muscle metabolism, seen dantrolene is severe hepatitis.
in families who are otherwise normal. Although
The untreated mortality is 30% but this is
the condition is inherited as an autosomal
greatly reduced with prompt and appropriate
dominant in severe cases, there is genetic
treatment. After recovery, patient and family
heterogeneity with recessive inheritance in
counselling should be undertaken, including
milder forms of the disease. The regulation of
advice about any future anaesthesia.
intracellular calcium ions in muscle is abnormal,
so that neuronal stimulation and muscle
depolarization lead to excessive calcium egress Denborough MA, Lovell RR 1960 Anaesthetic
into the cytoplasm, dysregulation of the many deaths in a family. Lancet 2: 45.
calcium-mediated cell processes and thus muscle Kolb ME, Horne ML, Martz R 1982 Dantrolene in
hypermetabolism. human malignant hyperthermia: a multicenter
study. Anesthesiology 56: 254.
It sometimes occurs in patients with various
MacLennon DH, Phillips MS 1992 Malignant
forms of muscle disease, such as myopathy, hyperthermia. Science 256: 789.
muscular dystrophy or the neuroleptic Nelson TE, Flewellen EH 1983 The malignant
malignant syndrome. hyperthermia syndrome. N Engl J Med 309: 416.

Clinical features comprise the rapid onset of:

Mallory–Weiss syndrome
• rapidly increased core temperature;
• tachyarrhythmias; Mallory–Weiss syndrome refers to a mucosal or
• hypercapnia despite tachypnoea; submucosal tear of the lower oesophagus,
• metabolic acidosis; usually associated with retching or vomiting,
• muscular rigidity; particularly if it has been held back.
• mottled skin and cyanosis;
Boerhaave’s syndrome refers to a complete
• excessive bleeding; oesophageal rupture under similar circumstances.
• shock;
• coma. A Mallory–Weiss tear is reported to be
responsible for 5–10% of cases of upper
gastrointestinal bleeding.
There is hyperkalaemia, myoglobinuria,
increased lactate, increased creatine kinase, and
the hypercapnia is out of proportion to a In Intensive Care, it is an important cause of
seemingly adequate ventilation. acute mediastinitis.
Treatment involves cooling, hyperventilation,
oxygenation and therapy for abnormalities of
electrolytes (e.g. hyperkalaemia) and acid–base (e.g.
metabolic acidosis).
Manganese (Mn, atomic number 25, atomic
Most importantly, specific therapy is available with
weight 55) is a hard white brittle metal, first
dantrolene, which decreases calcium ion release from
recognized in 1774 and mainly used as an alloy
the sarcoplasmic reticulum and thus decreases muscle
in steel.
contractility. It is given in a dose of 1–2 mg/kg iv
and repeated in 5–10 min to give an initial dose of It is an essential trace element in animals and
2–3 mg/kg. This dosage is usually very effective, but plants, but it is toxic in excess. It is a required
it may need to be repeated 4 hourly and occasionally cofactor in many enzyme systems and is also
total dosage up to 10 mg/kg over 48–72 h may be required for the action of vitamin K. The most
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

obvious effect of its lack is thus vitamin K strong if three or four groups are present.

deficiency (q.v.). Manganese deficiency has also Clinical examination and even chest X-ray may
been associated with osteoarthritis. be normal, and echocardiography is required to
detect significant cardiovascular lesions. Annual
It is present in many fruits, nuts and cereals. It is
echocardiographic screening is often
normally excreted in the bile and therefore can
accumulate in the body in the presence of
cholestasis. Prophylactic beta blockers are indicated if there is
aortic root dilatation.
The required daily intake is 150–2000 ␮g orally
and the recommended iv dose is 5 ␮mol/day. • There should be rigorous control of any
These doses should be decreased if there is hypertension.
biliary obstruction. • Surgical replacement of the ascending aorta and aortic
valve is indicated for marked aortic regurgitation.
Pregnancy in Marfan’s syndrome predisposes to
Marfan’s syndrome
aortic dissection.
Marfan’s syndrome is an inherited disorder of
connected tissue which causes extensive
physical abnormalities. The basic defect is in the Marine vertebrate and
gene for fibrillin, a glycoprotein of 350 kD, invertebrate stings (see Bites and stings)
228 which is a structural component of the
microfibrils associated with elastin. There is thus
disruption of collagen and elastic fibres in many Mast cells (see Basophilia)
structures, most importantly in the
cardiovascular system, but also in the eye and Mastocytosis (see Urticaria)
musculoskeletal system.

The four groups of clinical features of

Mediastinal diseases
Marfan’s syndrome are: Acute mediastinitis usually follows
oesophageal perforation or rupture. Vomiting
• abnormally long limbs
may damage the lower oesophagus with either a
(dolichostenomelia) and fingers
Mallory–Weiss tear and haemorrhage or a
(arachnodactyly), chest wall abnormalities
complete perforation giving rise to Boerhaave’s
(kyphoscoliosis, pectus excavatum),
syndrome with pneumomediastinum and left
increased risk of spontaneous
pleural effusion and/or pneumothorax.
pneumothorax and high arched palate;
Oesophageal perforation may also be caused by
• aortic dilatation, with proneness to aortic
a procedure, foreign body or carcinoma.
regurgitation and aortic dissection;
Occasionally, mediastinitis may be due to spread
• mitral valve prolapse;
of infection from adjacent chest structures or to
• ectopia lentis, which is an upward
infection of a mediastinal cyst.
displacement of the lens, usually bilateral
and occurring in up to 80% of subjects. It The clinical features include fever, dysphagia
is due to disrupted ciliary zonular fibres and chest pain. Typically, the patient appears
and may be associated with myopia and well initially (i.e. up to 48 h) but then becomes
an increased risk of retinal detachment. seriously ill.
Treatment comprises appropriate antibiotic therapy
The diagnosis is based on the presence of at (with anaerobic cover) and surgical drainage of any
least two of the groups of clinical features and is abscess.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Chronic mediastinitis is usually associated – retrosternal thyroid or parathyroid mass;

Mediastinal diseases
with a progressive fibrotic process. – pericardial or pleuropericardial cyst;
– cystic hygroma;
The cause is unknown, but it may be related to
– hernia through the sternocostal or
other fibrosing diseases, especially
retrosternal hiatus (foramen of Morgagni);
retroperitoneal fibrosis, but also Riedel’s
– neoplasm (germ cell, mesenchymal).
thyroiditis, Dupuytren’s contracture, Peyronie’s
disease and sclerosing cholangitis. Methysergide • Middle mediastinum
therapy for migraine has been implicated in – aortic aneurysm or other great vessel
some cases. Sometimes the disease is localized abnormality;
(e.g. to the hilar region). – bronchogenic or pleuropericardial cyst;
There is no effective therapy. – lymphoma;
– lipoma;
– mediastinitis;
Other mediastinal diseases include chiefly – tumour (trachea, lymph nodes, cardiac);
cysts and tumours. The most common, in – hernia through the sternocostal or
order, are: retrosternal hiatus (foramen of Morgagni).
• neurogenic tumours (especially • Posterior mediastinum
– neurogenic tumour (neurofibroma);
• cysts (especially bronchogenic or
– gastro-oesophageal or bronchogenic cyst; 229
– oesophageal lesion (tumour, diverticulum);
• thymoma (more often benign than
– meningocele;
– aortic aneurysm;
• teratoma (also more often benign than
– hernia through the vertebrocostal or
posterolateral hiatus (foramen of
• lymphoma;
• retrosternal thyroid.
– thoracic spine disease.

However, many different types of lesions may The clinical features of mediastinal disease
occur in the mediastinum, and their nature may include pain, dysphagia, hoarseness,
depends greatly on their site. stridor, cough, haemoptysis and dyspnoea.
• Superior mediastinum Physical examination may reveal Horner’s
– thymoma; syndrome (q.v.), superior vena cava
– teratoma; obstruction, enlarged cervical lymph nodes
– lymphoma; or pleural effusion.
– retrosternal thyroid or parathyroid mass;
– cystic hygroma; Investigations include chest X-ray and
– aortic aneurysm; particularly CT scanning, and sometimes
– haemangioma; tomography, aortography, bronchoscopy and
– abscess; mediastinoscopy.
– lymphadenopathy;
– oesophageal lesion. Bibliography
Abolnik I, Lossos IS, Breuer R 1991 Spontaneous
• Anterior mediatinum
pneumomediastinum. Chest 100: 93.
– thymoma; Azarow KS, Pearl RH, Zurcher R et al 1993
– teratoma; Primary mediastinal masses. J Thorac Cardiovasc
– lymphoma; Surg 106: 67.
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Estrera AS, Landay MJ, Grisham JM et al 1983 cell counters which provide a sensitive index of
macrocytosis (i.e. MCV ⬎98 f L).
Mediastinal diseases

Descending necrotizing mediastinitis. Surg

Gynecol Obstet 157: 545.
Schowengerdt CG, Suyemoto R, Main FB 1969 However, macrocytosis is not specific, in that it
Granulomatous and fibrous mediastinitis. J Thorac also occurs in non-megaloblastic disorders, such
Cardiovasc Surg 57: 365. as:
Strollo DC, de Christenson MLR, Jett JR 1997
Primary mediastinal tumors. Chest 112: 511 & • alcoholism;
1344. • liver disease;
• anti-metabolite therapy.
It can also be masked by concomitant iron
Mediastinitis (see Mediastinal diseases) deficiency or thalassaemia.
The peripheral blood film typically also shows
Mediterranean fever (see Pyrexia) hypersegmented neutrophils (5 or more lobes),
occasional nucleated red blood cells and
sometimes neutropenia or thrombocytopenia.
Medullary sponge kidney (see Renal The levels of folic acid and B12 should be
cystic disease)

230 Folic acid deficiency is seen with

Medullary thyroid cancer (see
• inadequate intake
– alcoholism, malnutrition, pregnancy;
• impaired absorption
Megaloblastic anaemia
– intestinal disease;
Megaloblastic anaemia refers to anaemia
characterized by macrocytes on the peripheral • certain drugs
blood film and megaloblastic erythroid – methotrexate, phenytoin,
hyperplasia in the bone marrow. There is a pyrimethamine, trimethoprim.
defect of DNA synthesis and thus cell division,
so that larger cells are produced.
Folic acid deficiency can occur rapidly, since
This defect is due most commonly to folic acid the body contains stores for only two weeks.
or vitamin B12 deficiency, but it may also be Treatment is with folic acid 1 mg/day or with folinic
produced by drugs (e.g. nitrous oxide for acid if the deficiency is secondary to specific blocking
⬎6 h). It may sometimes be a genetic disorder. drugs.
The morphological changes are not confined to
the bone marrow and are seen at other sites of Vitamin B12 deficiency is seen:
rapid cell turnover, such as the gut mucosa.
• classically in pernicious anaemia
Both folic acid and vitamin B12 are required for
the metabolism of single carbon units, and both – q.v.;
are thus required dietary nutrients.
• in other causes of impaired absorption,
such as
The diagnosis is suggested from the clinical
features and the presence of macrocytosis. It is – post-gastrectomy;
most readily confirmed nowadays by electronic – pancreatic disease;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
– ileal disease; Lewis KS, McCarthy RJ, Rothenberg DM 1999
Does melatonin decrease sedative use and time to

– infection with the fish tapeworm;
– drugs (alcohol, colchicine, neomycin); extubation in patients requiring prolonged
mechanical ventilation? Anesth Analg 88: S123.
• also in extreme and prolonged Shilo L, Dagan Y, Smorjik Y et al 2000 Effect of
malnutrition, melatonin on sleep quality of COPD Intensive
• following loss of coenzymes Care patients. Chronobiol Int 17: 71.
Webb SM, Puig-Domingo M 1995 Role of
– e.g. after nitrous oxide, melatonin in health and disease. Clin Endocrinol
42: 221.
• in rare congenital disorders.
Wurtman RJ, Moskowitz MA 1977 The pineal
organ. N Engl J Med 1329: 1383.
Editorial 1982 Nitrous oxide and acute marrow
failure. Lancet 2: 856. Meleney’s progressive
Pruthi RK, Tefferi A 1994 Pernicious anemia synergistic gangrene (see Gangrene)
revisited. Mayo Clin Proc 69: 144.

Melatonin Melioidosis
Melatonin is a serotonin derivative, secreted by Melioidosis is caused by an unusual
the pineal gland when the retina fails to pseudomonas-like organism, Burkolderia
perceive light. Its name derives from the fact pseudomallei (formerly called Pseudomonas
that it lightens amphibian skin by aggregating pseudomallei), a Gram-negative aerobic bacillus
melanophores (i.e. the opposite effect to that of found in water and soil in tropical areas up to
melanocyte-stimulating hormone, MSH – see 20° of latitude either side of the Equator and in
Adrenocorticotropic hormone), though such an particular in Southeast Asia. The organism is
effect has not been shown in humans. enzootic in animals, but these are not a source
of direct transmission to humans, nor does
It was not discovered until 1958 but has been person-to-person transmission occur. The
widely studied since. Its secretion is circadian organism enters the skin via an abrasion or the
and thus provides the body with an internal lungs via aerosol.
clock in synchrony with the natural day and
night. It may thus influence the function of the Infection is also seen in travellers, even those
brain, psyche, thyroid and gonads. who have long left an endemic area.

Melatonin is available as an over-the-counter

drug in many countries and it has become very There are three patterns of infection, namely
popular in people with a variety of sleep subclinical, acute and chronic.
disorders, since unlike sedatives it induces
• Subclinical infection
normal REM sleep. A recent small study
showed it to be effective in a dose of 3 mg in This is presumably common, because
improving sleep quality and preventing sleep positive serology is found in up to 30% of
deprivation in patients in the traditionally populations at risk. There may be an
difficult Intensive Care environment. asymptomatic pulmonary infiltrate in some
Bibliography • Acute infection
Garfinkel D, Laudon M, Zisapel N 1995
Improvement in sleep quality in elderly people by This comprises a local pustule, pneumonia or
controlled-release melatonin. Lancet 346: 541. septicaemia.
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

The pustule appears after an incubation Mendelson’s syndrome (see


period of two days and is usually self- Aspiration)

limited, though it may lead to septicaemia.
Pneumonia is the most common clinical
form and ranges from mild to fulminating. Meningococcaemia (see
The most severe form is associated with Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome)
necrosis, cavitation and septicaemia.
Septicaemia is similar to other Gram-
negative septicaemias and can lead to Meningoencephalitis (see Encephalitis)
septic shock or metastatic abscess
• Chronic infection Mercury
This comprises suppuration, particularly in Mercury (Hg, atomic number 80, atomic
the lungs and typically with upper lobe weight 201, melting point –39oC, SG 13.5) is a
cavities. It may thus resemble tuberculosis. metal of the zinc group. It is the only metal
which is liquid at room temperature, and it was
well known to the ancients. Although native
Recrudescent disease of any form may mercury occurs in nature, most is readily
appear many years later and is usually obtained from the red sulfide (cinnabar), which
232 precipitated by: though rarer than copper or zinc is more
• diabetes; abundant than many other common metals,
• immune suppression; such as tin.
• infection;
Mercury is a reactive substance which forms
• liver disease;
metal alloys readily to reproduce an amalgam.
• trauma.
Its uses in thermometers, barometers, sealed
The diagnosis is made by specific culture, electrical switches, vapour lamps and dentistry
though identification may be difficult and thus are well known. It has also been used in
delayed. Positive serology in a traveller may fungicides and pharmaceuticals. Mercury is
assist. also widely used in industrial processes, the
effluent from which can result in biological
Optimal treatment is not established because of
concentrations via the chain of bacteria to fish
variable susceptibility of the organism.
to man. The maximum recommended
• It is commonly aminoglycoside-resistant, and exposure is not ⬎0.1 mg/m3 or 0.05
treatment is traditionally with chloramphenicol, mg/m3/8 h.
tetracycline or cotrimoxazole.
Mercurous chloride (calomel) and mercuric
• Newer antipseudomonal agents (e.g. ceftazidime) chloride (corrosive sublimate) have antiseptic
are of value on their sensitivity merits.
proprieties, but mercury-containing
• The duration of treatment is at least a month and therapeutic agents, such as these, diuretics and
in chronic cases up to 6 months.
ointments, are not nowadays used. Mercury
Mortality is up to 50% if septicaemia is poisoning thus usually arises from industrial
present. accidents. Industrial exposure may be
indirect, as in the Minamata accident in Japan
Bibliography in the early 1950s when factory effluent into
Koponen M, Zlock D, Palmer D et al 1991 a local bay affected fishermen and their
Melioidosis: forgotten, but not gone! Arch Intern families together with their household cats
Med 151: 605. and the nearby seabirds. Toxicity has also
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
occurred in farmers eating instead of planting Metabolism and nutrition

Metabolism and nutrition

grain seed treated with mercury-containing
fungicide. Many disorders of metabolism, such as the
major acid–base and electrolyte abnormalities,
Acrodynia (pink disease) occurs in children and many aspects of nutrition, such as enteral
from eating house paint containing mercury- and parenteral nutrition, are part of the ‘bread
based, antimould preparations. For the first half and butter’ of Intensive Care practice.
of the 20th century, it occurred in children Numerous other issues and conditions which
given worm cures or teething powders are less frequently encountered are considered
containing mercury in the form of calomel. Its in this book, including:
name derived from the bright pink colour of
the child’s extremities, which were also painful. • beriberi;
The patient was also miserable, lethargic and • chromium;
photophobic. • copper;
• Fanconi’s syndrome;
Acute toxicity arises from soluble mercury • folic acid deficiency;
compounds, which are generally also corrosive. • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
There is nausea, abdominal pain, bloody deficiency;
diarrhoea and renal failure. • glycogen storage diseases;
Chronic toxicity usually arises from a mercury • haemochromatosis;
salt which has been inhaled or absorbed through • hypercalcaemia; 233
the skin (the latter for example as mercury • hyperphosphataemia;
nitrate in felt hat manufacture giving the ‘mad • hypocalcaemia;
hatter’ syndrome). • hypophosphataemia;
• iron;
• Oral manifestations include salivation, a • lactase deficiency;
metallic taste, stomatitis, a blue line on the • lactic acidosis;
gums and loose teeth. Anorexia and weight • magnesium;
loss may occur. • manganese;
• Mental effects may include personality • porphyria;
change. Weakness, blindness, peripheral • pseudohyperkalaemia;
neuropathy, paralysis, coma and death may • pseudohyponatraemia;
result. • scurvy;
• Acute tubulointerstitial disease may be • selenium;
produced. • trace elements;
• A lichenoid skin reaction with purple, flat, • vitamin deficiency;
irregular papules resembling idiopathic lichen • zinc.
planus may occur from mercury and indeed
from a number of drugs. Bibliography
Anderson JJB, Toverud SU 1994 Diet and vitamin
Bibliography D: a review with an emphasis on human function.
Black J 1999 The puzzle of pink disease. J R Soc J Nutr Biochem 5: 58.
Med 92: 478. Chandra RK 1992 Effect of vitamin and trace-
element supplementation on immune responses
and infection in elderly patients. Lancet 340:
Mesothelioma (see Asbestos) Crowe AV, Griffiths RD 1997 Nutritional failure
and drugs. Curr Opinion Crit Care 3: 268.
DeLuca HF 1978 Vitamin D metabolism and
Metabolic acidosis (see Lactic acidosis) function. Arch Intern Med 138: 836.
MMetabolism and nutrition Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Dent CE, Smith R 1969 Nutritional osteomalacia. Q include dyshaemoglobins among their measured
J Med 38: 195. parameters.
Editorial 1982 Hepatic osteomalacia and vitamin D.
Lancet 1: 943. Inherited methaemoglobinaemia is a
Fisher RL (ed) 1989 Malabsorption and nutritional haemoglobinopathy due to a deficiency of the
status and support. Gastrenterol Clin North Am enzymes required to maintain iron in its
18: 467. reduced or ferrous state. Iron in its ferric form
Kellum JA 1998 Recent advances in acid-base does not bind oxygen, so that cyanosis occurs in
physiology applied to critical care. In: Vincent J-L methaemoglobinaemia at levels of 10% or more
(ed) Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency (in contrast to the requirement of about 30% of
Medicine 1998. Berlin: Springer. p 577.
deoxyhaemoglobin before cyanosis is apparent).
Marik P, Varon J 1998 The obese patient in the
Symptoms of anaemia become apparent at
ICU. Chest 113: 492.
Nasraway S, Black R, Sottile F 1989 The anion gap methaemoglobin levels ⬎25%.
in patients admitted to the medical intensive care Acquired methaemoglobinaemia is seen
unit. Chest 96: 287S. following exposure to many agents,
Rose BD 1994 Clinical Physiology of Acid–Base and
Electrolyte Disorders. 4th edition. New York: • classically with nitrites,
McGraw-Hill. • nowadays, most commonly after the
Schelling JR, Howard RL, Winter SD et al 1990 therapeutic use of nitric oxide, particularly in
Increased osmol gap in alcoholic ketoacidosis and relation to cardioplumonary bypass,
lactic acidosis. Ann Intern Med 113: 580.
• also with drugs such as dapsone, glyceryl
trinitrate, primaquine, sulfasalazine and
vitamin K analogues.
Methaemoglobinaemia (see
Methylene blue) Bibliography
Charache S 1986 Methemoglobinemia – sleuthing
Methaemoglobinaemia can be either inherited or for a new cause. N Engl J Med 314: 776.
acquired. The diagnosis of methaemoglobinaemia Dotsch J, Demirakca S, Hamm R et al 1997
may be readily confirmed using any of the Extracorporeal circulation increases nitric oxide
sophisticated blood gas machines which have induced methemoglobinemia in vivo and in vitro.
become widely available recently and which Crit Care Med 25: 1153.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Hall AH, Kulig KW, Rumack BH 1986 Drug- and Although not toxic in itself, toxicity from its
chemical-induced methemoglobinemia: clinical

metabolites occurs after a latent period of
features and management. Med Toxicol 1: 253. several hours. Typically, although methanol is
Schweitzer SA 1991 Spurious pulse oximeter rapidly absorbed, there is a lag period of
desaturation due to methemoglobinemia. Anesth
12–24 h (range 1–72 h) before toxicity is
Intens Care 19: 988.
apparent. The longer delay is especially seen if
Warren JB, Higenbottam T 1996 Caution with the
use of inhaled nitric oxide. Lancet 348: 629. there has been concomitant ethanol ingestion.
• Visual impairment is the most prominent
clinical feature, and indeed it occurs to some
Methanol degree in all cases. Eye damage includes
hyperaemia of the optic disc, papilloedema
Methanol (methyl alcohol, CH3OH, ‘wood and retinal oedema and even fixed dilated
alcohol’) is the simplest aliphatic alcohol, with pupils and often total permanent blindness.
uses in industry and possibly as a future fuel. It • Neurological signs include headache,
is occasionally taken as a substitute for ethyl drowsiness, vertigo, and if severe, fits and
alcohol, since it causes mild inebriation. Most coma. There is CT evidence of cerebral
cases are sporadic, although mini-epidemics are oedema and patchy infarction, particularly of
seen following the consumption of the putamen. Permanent motor dysfunction
contaminated illicit liquor. of a Parkinsonian type may be seen.
• Gastrointestinal symptoms are common 235
and include nausea, vomiting, severe
There is considerable variability in the
abdominal pain (possibly pancreatic in origin),
potentially lethal dose.
actual pancreatitis and haemorrhagic gastritis.
• Usually 70–100 mL is fatal. • Metabolic acidosis is typically present and
• Death has been reported after as little as 6 can be severe. It is partly due to lactic
mL. acidosis associated with circulatory
• Total lack of any symptoms has been impairment, but mostly it is due to the
reported after as much as 500 mL. production of formic acid. The metabolic
acidosis is usually uncompensated because of
Blindness can occur following the ingestion
respiratory depression, manifest typically by
of as little as 4 mL.
slow ‘fish-like’ gasping. There is an increased
The minimum toxic level of methanol is 50 anion gap (due to the presence of formate)
mg/dL. and an increased osmolar gap.

It is absorbed, distributed and metabolized Treatment priorities are two-fold, namely:

similarly to ethyl alcohol. Although methanol • correction of acidosis;
itself is excreted in the lungs and kidneys, most • alteration of metabolism.
is metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase to
formaldehyde (HCOH) and then by aldehyde Other modalities such as gastric lavage (unless very
dehydrogenase to formic acid (HCO.OH). early) and charcoal administration are not effective.
These substances and especially the latter are
toxic, since they are very reactive, being able to 1. Treatment of the acidosis is urgent. The
bind proteins and inhibit oxidative metabolism. metabolic acidosis in this setting is relatively refractory
The further metabolism of formate to carbon to bicarbonate. Thus, dialysis is indicated if the
dioxide requires folic acid. The oxidation of acidosis is persistently severe and/or if the serum
methanol is 7-fold slower than that of ethanol, methanol concentration is ⬎0.5 g/L. Dialysis
so that complete excretion takes several days. increases the removal of methanol 3-fold. While
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

haemodialysis is very effective, peritoneal dialysis or ethylene glycol poisoning: mechanism of toxicity,

haemoperfusion are not. clinical course, diagnosis and treatment. Med

Toxicol 1: 309.
2. The metabolism of methanol should be Jacobsen D, McMartin KE 1997 Antidotes for
decreased (by ethanol) and the metabolism of methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning. J Toxicol
formate increased (by folic acid). Clin Toxicol 35: 127.
• The value of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) derives from Kruse JA 1992 Methanol poisoning. Intens Care Med
its competition for the enzyme, alcohol 18: 391.
Kulig K, Duffy JP, Lenden CH et al 1984 Toxic
dehydrogenase, so that the degradation of methanol
effects of methanol, ethylene glycol and isopropyl
and the accumulation of toxic metabolites are
alcohol. Topics in Emerg Med 6: 14.
slowed. Ethanol has a greater affinity than Palatnick W, Redman LW, Sitar DS et al 1995
methanol for this enzyme and saturates it at a Methanol half-life during ethanol administration:
concentration of 1–1.5 g/L (22–33 mmol/L). implications for management of methanol
This blood alcohol level is 2–3 times the maximum poisoning. Ann Emerg Med 26: 202.
legal level permitted for driving and causes marked
intoxication in at least a third of subjects.
Methylene blue
The required blood level is achieved with a loading
dose of 0.7 g/kg, equivalent to about 500 mL of Methylene blue is a bright, blue-green organic
10% alcohol iv over 1 h or 125 mL of 43% alcohol dye of the phenothiazine family. It was
orally (i.e. 4 ‘drinks’). This level is maintained by discovered in 1876 and is manufactured from
about 10–15% of the loading dose given hourly. aniline material, most commonly from an
In patients who are heavy drinkers or if dialysis is organic diazo group. Methylene is a carbene, a
used, this maintenance requirement needs to be class of reactive molecules with divalent carbon
increased 2–3-fold. The administration of ethanol in atoms (i.e. only two of four potential bonds are
this way may need to be modified in patients with formed with other atoms). The generic formula
pre-existing neurological, cardiac or liver damage. of a carbene is R1-C-R2. Methylene is the
During dialysis, maintenance may also be achieved by most reactive of the carbenes and can attack
adding 1 g/L of alcohol to the dialysate. almost every organic compound.

Since the administration of fomepizole (4- Methylene blue is used as a dye, a biological
methylpyrazole, Antizol), an expensive new agent stain and a chemical indicator.
recently shown to inhibit alcohol dehydrogenase and thus
prevent the production of toxic metabolites, has been Clinically, methylene blue is used as a
used successfully in ethylene glycol poisoning (q.v.), it reducing agent in the treatment of
may also be similarly useful in methanol poisoning. methaemoglobinaemia (q.v.).
• The administration of folate (e.g. 50–100 mg iv
4 hourly) may be helpful in increasing the Methaemoglobinaemia (q.v.) occurs when the
metabolism of formate. iron in haemoglobin is in the oxidized or ferric
The prognosis of methanol poisoning is related form and thus (like carboxyhaemoglobin) cannot
to the degree of metabolic acidosis, with a 50% bind oxygen. This occurs following exposure to
mortality in patients who have a serum many agents, particularly nitrites, but also drugs
bicarbonate ⬍10 mmol/L. such as dapsone, glyceryl trinitrate, primaquine,
sulfasalazine and vitamin K analogues.
Burns MJ, Graudins A, Aaron CK et al 1997 Methylene blue is given as an iv infusion of
Treatment of methanol with intravenous 4- 1000 mg in 100 mL from which 1–2 mg/kg is
methylpyrazole. Ann Emerg Med 30: 829. administered over 5 min. Extravasation should
Jacobsen D, McMartin KE 1986 Methanol and be avoided because of the risk of local tissue
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
necrosis. Cyanosis is immediately reversed, • local fibrin deposits;

Mixed connective tissue disease

though relapse may occur some hours later due arteriovenous shunt;
to the release from tissues of further oxidizing • intracardiac shunt;
agent, so that the further administration of • classically cardiac valve disease or mechanical
methylene blue may be needed, usually the same prostheses, especially the older
dose hourly, up to a total dose of 7 mg/kg if Starr–Edwards models.
needed. A continuous iv infusion of 1 mg/kg/h
Microangiopathic haemolysis may also be
may be used but is not generally recommended.
associated with:
If the concentration of methaemoglobin is very
high (e.g. 60%), exchange transfusion with or • vasculitis;
without dialysis is recommended. • metastatic cancer;
Methylene blue is not effective in glucose–6- • thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura;
phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency • haemolytic–uraemic syndrome;
(q.v.), because it must first be reduced to leuko- • meningococcaemia;
methylene blue in red blood cells by NADPH • rickettsial diseases;
(and NADPH requires G6PD for its formation). • abnormal haemodynamic jets;
• cyclosporin.
The potential value of methylene blue in septic
shock has recently been explored, on the basis If it is severe, it may be associated with
that the free radical, nitric oxide (NO), may be thrombocytopenia and even disseminated
intravascular coagulation. 237
an important mediator of the refractory
vasodilatation in that condition and methylene Treatment is primarily of that of the underlying disease.
blue is of value in nitrate toxicity.
Haemodynamic improvement has been
observed, though at the expense of hypoxaemia,
Nand S, Bansal VK, Kozeny G et al 1985 Red cell
so that survival data must be awaited before any fragmentation syndrome with the use of subclavian
clinically useful conclusion can be made about hemodialysis catheters. Arch Intern Med 145:
the utility of this new pharmacological approach. 1421.
Blass N, Fung D 1976 Dyed but not dead: methylene
blue overdose. Anesthesiology 45: 458. Miller Fisher syndrome (see
Gachot B, Bedos JP, Veber B et al 1995 Short-term Neuropathy (Guillain–Barré syndrome))
effects of methylene blue on hemodynamics and
gas exchange in humans with septic shock. Intens
Care Med 21: 1027.
Hall HA, Kulig KW, Rumack BH 1986 Drug and
Mites (see Pediculosis)
chemical-induced methaemoglobinaemia; clinical
features and management. Med Toxicol 1: 253.
Mixed connective tissue
Microangiopathic haemolysis disease
Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD)
Microangiopathic haemolysis refers to the
is a clinical syndrome with features common
finding on peripheral blood film of fragmented
to a number of rheumatic diseases and not
and bizarre-shaped red blood cells with
specific for any single diagnostic category. It
associated haemolysis.
may or may not be a separate disease entity,
The abnormal red blood cell morphology is and some cases have been regarded as variants
caused by shear stress from intravascular of SLE (q.v.), though without the typical
obstruction, such as: serology.
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Clinical features are very variable and involve 1. Gingivitis

Mixed connective tissue disease

chiefly women, though with an age range from

Gingivitis is commonly of dental origin. The
5–80 y. All patients have arthralgia, most with
organisms involved are usually anaerobic upper
an arthritis resembling rheumatoid arthritis but
respiratory tract flora (peptostreptococci,
non-deforming, with swollen fingers as in
fusobacteria, bacteroides). In hospital patients,
scleroderma and with a rash as in SLE.
Gram-negative bacilli and staphylococci may
Asymptomatic pulmonary involvement is
also be involved. Uncommon causes include
common, but renal involvement is uncommon.
viruses or actinomyces. Gingivitis may also be
Proximal myopathy resembling polymyositis
associated with
may be seen. Many patients have
neuropsychiatric symptoms. • stomatitis;
• sinusitis;
Investigations typically show leukopenia, raised • Vincent’s angina
ESR, increased IgG, positive rheumatoid factor
and high titre of antinuclear antibodies. The – i.e. trench mouth;
most typical antibody is to an RNP antigen.
• Ludwig’s angina
Unlike in SLE, LE cells and DNA antibodies
are not usually seen and complement levels are – i.e. sublingual cellulitis;
usually normal.
• peritonsillar abscess
238 Treatment is with NSAIDs in mild disease but – sometimes called quinsy;
otherwise with corticosteroids.
• haemorrhage
– seen in bleeding disorders or scurvy;
Prockop DJ 1992 Mutations in collagen genes as a
cause of connective-tissue diseases. N Engl J Med
• hyperplasia
326: 540. – classically occurring with phenytoin or
more recently with cyclosporin and calcium
channel blockers (of the dihydropyridine
Monkey bites (see Bites and stings) group, such as nifedipine, amlodipine,
felodipine), and generally slowly reversible
following cessation of the drug.
Monosodium glutamate (see Chinese-
restaurant syndrome) Persistent gingivitis should be remembered as
a risk factor for subacute bacterial
Motor neurone disease (see
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 2. Glossitis
Glossitis occurs in a number of forms.
Mouth diseases A. Atrophic glossitis
Mouth diseases include: This is seen in vitamin deficiency (niacin,
riboflavin, B12, folate). It is commonly
• gingivitis;
associated with
• glossitis;
• stomatitis; • angular cheilitis, namely fissuring at the
• parotitis. corners of the mouth. This is also and
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
more commonly associated with dribbling 3. Stomatitis

Mouth diseases
of saliva. It may become secondarily Although stomatitis may be due to local disease,
infected. it can more importantly be a manifestation of
• cheilosis, namely vertical fissuring of the lips. systemic disease, particularly a generalized
This also is commonly due to other causes, dermatosis. In this setting, the mucous
such as local irritation, solar damage and membrane is clearly different from skin, in that
drugs, such as isotretinoin. it has no stratum corneum or appendages and
has salivary glands instead of sweat glands.
B. Black hairy tongue
Important forms of stomatitis associated with
This is a benign hyperplasia of the filiform systemic disease of this type include:
papillae of the tongue. It is associated with
• erythema multiforme and Stevens–Johnson
bacterial overgrowth of chromogenic bacteria syndrome;
due to prolonged antibiotic therapy. It may
• pemphigus;
also be caused by tobacco and certain foods. It
• generalized candidiasis;
is offensive both in appearance and odour.
• graft-versus-host disease;
C. Xerostomia • Reiter’s syndrome;
• SLE.
This refers to a dry mouth due to decreased
Other forms of stomatitis include:
saliva. This is seen typically in Sjögren’s
syndrome, but it may also be seen following • aphthous ulceration; 239
irradiation for head and neck cancer and in • Behçet’s syndrome;
chronic sialadenitis. • hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
(Osler–Weber–Rendu syndrome);
D. Benign migratory glossitis (‘geographic • HSV infection
– usually HSV type 1, but sometimes HSV
This is caused by an irregular loss of papillae of type 2 in sexually active young adults;
the tongue and is manifest as raised white areas
• other viruses
containing red patches.
– coxsackie which gives herpangina, and
E. Strawberry tongue VZV and EBV which have additional
clinical features;
This is seen in scarlet fever.
• Peutz–Jeghers syndrome. This is an
F. Leukoplakia autosomal dominant condition manifest by
This is a pre-malignant condition, manifest as macules in and around the mouth and often
white patches on the tongue. It is traditionally associated with gastrointestinal polyps. These
caused by tobacco, but it is also seen in AIDS. lesions are hamartomas, but they can bleed or
G. Macroglossia obstruct. There may be an associated ovarian
This refers to enlargement of the tongue and is
seen acromegaly, amyloidosis, lymphangioma, 4. Parotitis
Parotitis is the prominent clinical feature of
H. Miscellaneous disorders of the tongue mumps. In hospital patients, it is more
include: commonly bacterial (especially staphylococcal),
but it may be caused by other infections (e.g.
• candidiasis due to inhaled corticosteroids;
parainfluenza virus). It may also be seen in:
• herpetic and other ulceration;
• malignancy; • sarcoidosis;
• XII nerve paralysis. • tumour;
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• Sjögren’s syndrome; MEN type II (MEN2) comprises:

• cat-scratch disease;
Mouth diseases

• thyroid medullary carcinoma

• following drugs.
– a rare type of thyroid cancer, which arises
Bibliography in the parafollicular cells and which
Moreland LW, Corey J, McKenzie R 1988 Ludwig’s secretes thyrocalcitonin;
angina. Arch Intern Med 148: 463. • phaeochromocytoma
Pruett TL, Simmons RL 1984 Nosocomial gram-
negative bacillary parotitis. JAMA 251: 252. – which is often bilateral and may be
Utsunomiya J, Gocho H, Miyanaga T et al 1975 malignant;
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome: its natural course and
management. Johns Hopkins Med J 136: 71. • parathyroid hyperplasia.
MEN2 is subdivided into two groups, namely:
1. MEN2A, which comprises thyroid medullary
Multifocal motor neuropathy (see cancer, plus phaeochromocytoma in half the
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) cases, plus hyperparathyroidism in 15% of cases;
2. MEN2B, which comprises thyroid medullary
Multiple endocrine neoplasia cancer and phaeochromocytoma, plus other
unusual features, including mucosal neuromas
240 The multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) (or and gastrointestinal ganglioneuromatosis.
multiple endocrine adenomatosis, MEA)
syndromes refer to several patterns of multiple The mutation is of the RET proto-oncogene.
endocrine abnormalities inherited as autosomal Its penetrance is moderate, with about half the
dominant conditions. They are relatively rare, carriers of the mutation developing clinical
with a prevalence of about 1:20–25000. disease before the age of 60 years. Genetic
screening is relatively straightforward, since the
MEN type I (MEN1) comprises pituitary, responsible mutations are tightly clustered.
parathyroid and pancreatic adenomas (or
hyperplasia), though pancreatic tumours may be Treatment of identified carriers is with prophylactic
malignant. Clearly, MEN1 may clinically present thyroidectomy in childhood.
as one of these tumours alone, though in this case
there is less than a 10% chance of a particular Brandi ML 1991 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type
patient in fact having MEN1. Carcinoid tumours 1: general features and new insights into etiology. J
may also occur. Hyperparathyroidism is the Endocrinol Invest 14: 61.
commonest clinical manifestation. Burgess JR 1999 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type
1: current concepts in diagnosis and management.
The mutation is of the tumour suppressor gene,
Med J Aust 170: 605.
MEN1, located on the long arm of Chandrasekharappa SC, Guru SC, Manickam P et al
chromosome 11 in 1988 and cloned in 1997. Its 1997 Positional cloning of the gene for multiple
penetrance is high, with virtually all carriers of endocrine neoplasia-type 1. Science 276: 404.
the mutation developing clinical disease before Eng C 1999 RET proto-oncogene in the
the age of 40 years. However, over 200 development of human cancer. J Clin Oncol 17:
different mutations of this large gene have been 380.
described, so that genetic screening is Learoyd DL, Delbridge LW, Robinson BG 2000
complicated. Multiple endocrine neoplasia. Aust NZ J Med 30:
Effective management requires early diagnosis of the Mallette LE 1991 The parathyroid polyhormones:
component tumours and their surgical resection, new concepts in the spectrum of peptide hormone
especially for parathyroid and pancreatic tumours. action. Endocr Rev 12: 110.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Robinson BG 1994 Multiple endocrine neoplasia – • bleeding may result from interference with
who should be screened? Med J Aust 160: 739.

Multiple myeloma
platelets and coagulation factors, particularly
Schimke RN 1990 Multiple endocrine neoplasia: factors I, II and VIII.
how many syndromes? Am J Med Genet 37: 375.
The diagnosis is made biochemically,
histologically and radiologically.
Multiple myeloma
• Biochemically, there is typically Bence Jones
Multiple myeloma (plasma cell myeloma) is a protein in the urine and/or a monoclonal
relatively slowly growing malignant tumour spike on serum electrophoresis. No M
arising in a clone of plasma cells. Since normal protein is seen in 25% of patients, but most
plasma cells synthesize immunoglobulins as of these still have Bence Jones proteins in the
matched heavy and light chains, malignant urine.
plasma cells commonly secrete an abnormal • Histologically, typical changes are seen in
monoclonal immunoglobulin (paraprotein) with bone marrow or tissue biopsy material.
a single heavy chain class and a single light chain • Radiologically, lytic bone lesions may be
type giving the classical M protein spike on seen.
serum electrophoresis. Commonly, there are
excess kappa or lambda light chains (which Treatment is with radiotherapy for local lesions and
appear in the urine as Bence Jones proteins, cytotoxic therapy for systemic disease. Recently,
q.v.). Sometimes, there can be no heavy chains several aggressive and complex cytotoxic regimens have
at all (with resultant hypogammaglobulinaemia improved the response rate.
associated with the Bence Jones proteinaemia)
• Trials of both autologous and allogeneic bone
or excess heavy chains (either gamma, alpha or
marrow transplantation have been reported, but
mu, giving one of the heavy chain diseases) or
there have been significant problems with both
neither chain at all (giving
• Hyperviscosity is treated with plasmapheresis.
Normal plasma cell function is depressed in • Hypercalcaemia is treated on its usual merits
patients with multiple myeloma, resulting in (q.v.).
immunocompromise. The bone marrow is • Skeletal problems, particularly bone pain, may be
infiltrated with resultant pancytopenia, the bone relieved by the second-generation bisphosphonate,
itself can be eroded by plasmacytomas, and pamidronate (APD) (see Hypercalcaemia).
extramedullary infiltration is common in liver, • Infectious complications may require
spleen, lymph nodes, gut, subcutaneous tissues, immunoglobulin replacement.
pleural cavity, nasopharynx and nasal sinuses. • Dialysis may be indicated for renal failure.
A variety of other clinical problems may be If a response is achieved, there is a mean
produced, including: survival of about three years in good health.
Occasionally, very long survival is seen. The
• hypercalcaemia (q.v.); prognosis is worse in the presence of anaemia,
• renal disease; hypercalcaemia, multiple osteolytic bone lesions
• hyperviscosity, especially due to IgA and or paraproteins in large amounts.
IgM variants. The abnormal protein
aggregates red blood cells, and headache, There are several variants of multiple myeloma.
retinopathy and cardiac failure may result.
Sometimes, the abnormal proteins are 1. Solitary plasmacytoma may be seen,
precipitated by cold (i.e. these are especially of bone.
cryoglobulins – see below) and Raynaud’s 2. Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia is a
phenomenon results; variant due to an IgM clone.
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

3. Heavy chain disease, with gamma, alpha or result, giving distinct pathophysiological and
Multiple myeloma

mu fragments, tends to behave as a chronic clinical manifestations for each.

haematological malignancy.
A. Primary amyloidosis is produced by light
4. Benign monoclonal gammopathy (so- chain Ig fragments (molecular weight 5–25 kD)
called) may be seen in older patients. similar to Bence Jones proteins. Deposits occur
Eventually, classical myeloma develops in about especially in muscle (e.g. tongue and heart), skin
20% of patients within about 10 years if the (especially of the upper part of the body), liver,
gammopathy is IgG, and other spleen, gut, kidneys (with nephrotic syndrome),
lymphoproliferative disorders develop in about joints and peripheral nerves.
50% of patients if the gammopathy is IgM.
The clinical manifestations are related to the
5. Cryoglobulinaemia occurs when the type of local involvement. Bleeding occasionally
abnormal plasma proteins are precipitated by cold. occurs because of either the trapping of factor X
There are three types of cryoglobulinaemia. or from increased fibrinolysis. Median survival
has been reported to be 18 months.
• Type 1 is due to a monoclonal
immunoglobulin – IgM, IgG, IgA, or BJ in No therapy is consistently effective, but
descending order of frequency. corticosteroids and melphalan have been reported to
• Type 2 is a mixed condition. be helpful in some patients and more so than other
• Type 3 is associated with polyclonal therapies such as colchicine.
immunoglobulins. B. Secondary amyloidosis is a reactive process
Types 2 and 3 probably represent immune to chronic inflammation, especially pyogenic
complex diseases, in which the immune infections, tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
complexes are precipitated by cold. Most The protein, amyloid A (AA, molecular weight of
cryoglobulins in this setting have rheumatoid 8.5 kD) is derived from a normal acute phase
factor activity and can produce a large variety of reactant in plasma, called serum amyloid A (SAA,
effects, including inflammation, platelet molecular weight 84–200 kD and cleaved by
aggregation, clotting factor consumption, monocytes). Since deposits of amyloid occur only
microvascular obstruction, hyperviscosity, in some patients with chronic inflammation,
bleeding, vascular purpura, Raynaud’s different patterns of monocyte degradation of SAA
phenomenon, renal dysfunction and may be responsible for the individual variation.
neurological changes. Commonly, there is an
Deposits are seen mostly in liver, spleen,
underlying autoimmune disease or chronic
kidneys and adrenals, and the main clinical
hepatitis (HBV or even more frequently HCV
feature is the nephrotic syndrome.
Treatment is with colchicine which blocks SAA
Treatment with plasmapheresis is effective, but
corticosteroids and cytotoxics are not helpful.
6. Amyloidosis comprises a number of C. Miscellaneous amyloidosis occurs in
disorders characterized by the accumulation in several forms, including hereditary (as in familial
tissues of protein in fibrillar form (i.e. amyloid). Mediterranean fever, due to amyloid A
The protein is laid down in beta-pleated sheets, production), senile and local forms.
so that it is insoluble, resistant to proteolysis and
phagocytosis, typically stains with Congo red Bibliography
and is birefringent under polarizing light. Attal M, Harousseau J-L, Stoppa A-M et al 1996 A
prospective, randomized trial of autologous bone
Several different proteins can be modified in marrow transplantation and chemotherapy in
this way and different secondary structures multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 335: 91.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bataille R 1996 Management of myeloma with Multiple sclerosis
bisphosphonates. N Engl J Med 334: 529.

Multiple sclerosis
Bjorkstrand B, Ljungman P, Svensson H et al 1996 Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition of chronic
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation versus patchy demyelination which occurs in the
autologous stem cell transplantation in multiple white matter in zones called plaques. These are
myeloma. Blood 88: 4711. of varying site and size within the CNS.
Brouet JC, Clouvel JP, Danon F et al 1974 Biologic
and clinical significance of cryoglobulins. Am J Its aetiology is unknown, but it may be an
Med 57: 775. autoimmune response to viral infection, possibly
Dauel TF, Dauth J, Mellstedt H et al 1985 via molecular mimicry with a homologous
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinaemia. Lancet 2: sequence within the myelin protein. It mostly
311. occurs in young adults who are predisposed
Dowd PM 1987 Cold-related disorders. Prog because of certain genetic haplotypes, but these
Dermatol 21: 1. influences are only partly characterized.
Frankel AH, Singer DRJ, Winearls CG et al 1992
Environmental factors are presumably also
Type II essential mixed cryoglobulinemia:
important, because of the excess of cases
presentation, treatment and outcome in 13
patients. Q J Med 82: 101. occurring in temperate zones and in urban areas
Gertz MA, Kyle RA 1991 Secondary systemic (and perhaps also in the more affluent). Its overall
amyloidosis. Medicine 70: 246. prevalence is about 50 per 100000 population.
Gertz MA, Kyle RA, Greipp PR 1991 Response
rates and survival in primary systemic amyloidosis. 243
Blood 77: 257. The clinical features of multiple sclerosis are
Greipp PR 1992 Advances in the diagnosis and characterized by fluctuating neurological
management of myeloma. Semin Hematol 29: signs, attributable to multiple sites of
24. involvement.
Hamblin TJ 1986 The kidney in myeloma. Br Med J
292: 2. Both its initial onset and subsequent relapses
Joshua DE, Gibson J 2000 Multiple myeloma – typically occur over a few days.
evolving concepts of biology and treatment. Aust Subsequently, there is stable dysfunction for
NZ J Med 30: 311. a few weeks, followed by gradual but usually
Kintzer JS, Rosenow EC, Kyle RA 1978 Thoracic partial recovery.
and pulmonary abnormalities in multiple myeloma.
Arch Intern Med 138: 727.
Kisilevsky R, Benson MD, Frangione B et al (eds) Initial symptoms particularly comprise:
1994 Amyloid and Amyloidosis. New York:
• motor changes
Kyle RA 1993 “Benign” monoclonal gammopathy. – weakness, clumsiness, stiffness;
Mayo Clin Proc 68: 26.
Kyle RA, Gertz MA, Greipp PR et al 1997 A trial of • sensory changes
three regimens for primary amyloidosis. N Engl J – paraesthesiae;
Med 336: 1202.
McGrath MA, Penny R 1976 Paraproteinemia: • visual disturbances, particularly
blood hyperviscosity and clinical manifestations. J
Clin Invest 58: 1155. – optic neuritis, which is manifest by
Norden CW 1980 Infections in patients with impaired visual acuity, with a central
multiple myeloma. Arch Intern Med 140:1150. scotoma, loss of pupillary reaction to light
Pepys MB 1988 Amyloidosis: some recent and sometimes an oedematous disc on
developments. Q J Med 67: 283. ophthalmoscopy; optic neuritis may
Solomon A, Weiss DT, Kattine AA 1991 sometimes occur as an isolated condition,
Nephrotoxic potential of Bence Jones proteins. N in which case it is probably a forme fruste
Engl J Med 324: 1845. of MS;
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

– internuclear ophthalmoplegia, which is Bibliography

Multiple sclerosis

caused by demyelination of the medial Anderson DW, Ellenberg JH, Leventhal CM et al

longitudinal bundle; on lateral conjugate 1992 Revised estimate of the prevalence of
gaze, there is thus impaired adduction of multiple sclerosis in the United States. Ann Neurol
the following eye and nystagmus in the 31: 333.
Dhib-Jalbut S, McFarlin DE 1990 Immunology of
leading or abducting eye.
multiple sclerosis. Ann Allergy 64: 433.
• vestibular disturbance; Ebers GC 1985 Optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis.
Arch Neurol 42: 702.
• incontinence and/or impotence;
Editorial 1991 Where to hit MS. Lancet 337: 765.
• psychiatric disturbances. Kilpatrick TJ, Soilu-Hanninen M 1999 New
The later course of the disease is very treatments for multiple sclerosis. Aust NZ J Med
variable, with exacerbations at irregular 29: 801.
intervals over long periods but eventually McDonald WI 1992 Multiple sclerosis: diagnostic
with persistent signs of spastic weakness, optimism. Br Med J 304: 1259.
Pender MP 1996 Recent advances in the
uncoordination and incontinence. Various
understanding, diagnosis and management of
clinical patterns are recognized, particularly multiple sclerosis. Aust NZ J Med 26:157.
relapse-remission and chronic progressive Pender MP 2000 Multiple sclerosis. Med J Aust 172:
patterns. Many cases have quite a benign 556.
course, and even permanent remission may Ron MA, Feinstein A 1992 Multiple sclerosis and the
244 occasionally be seen. mind. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 55; 1.
The diagnosis is based on clinical criteria, but it
should be substantiated by special tests, Muscular dystrophies
particularly MRI (which shows typical
demyelination plaques in over 90% of cases). Muscular dystrophies comprise a group of
The CSF shows increased IgG, with oligoclonal hereditary disorders of muscle, characterized by
banding. The responses to evoked potentials are progressive weakness and wasting. The major
abnormal. A normal MRI and CSF and the types are described below, but the many types
absence of eye signs and incontinence should can now be classified in some detail according to
suggest an alternative diagnosis. the genes involved and thus the protein affected.
1. Duchenne’s (pseudohypertrophic)
Treatment is of limited efficacy. dystrophy
• Corticosteroids (except as pulsed, high-dose, This is an X-linked recessive disorder and is
intravenous methylprednisolone for relapse), therefore seen in boys of mothers who are
cytotoxics, plasmapheresis, immune globulin and carriers. Genetic screening is available. It
hyperbaric oxygen have all been shown to be particularly involves the muscles of the pelvic
ineffective. girdle, resulting in a waddling gait. Most
• New drugs, especially beta-interferon, are patients have succumbed by their mid-20s to
showing promise in clinical trials, but their either respiratory failure and/or associated
long-term value is still uncertain. They cardiomyopathy.
appear to be of most value in patients with
No treatment has generally been effective, though
frequent attacks and no more than moderate
corticosteroids have recently been shown to be
helpful. Non-invasive nocturnal ventilation may be
• Symptoms of spasticity may be improved with
useful in advanced disease.
baclofen or diazepam and symptoms of urinary
urgency with propantheline. 2. Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy
• Elective surgery carries an increased risk of relapse, This is an autosomal dominant condition which
but pregnancy is normally well tolerated. is very slowly progressive from adolescence
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
onwards. It primarily involves the muscles of species which grow in the wild. Commercially

Mushroom poisoning
the face and shoulder girdle. There is no available mushrooms, however, are cultured.
associated cardiomyopathy, so that a normal Poisoning also occurs because of the
life-span is common. ‘recreational’ use of mushrooms for their
3. Myotonic dystrophy (dystrophia myotonia) hallucinogenic properties. In fact, only about
1% of mushrooms are poisonous.
This is also an autosomal dominant condition,
with an onset usually in adolescence. It The term ‘mushroom’ is non-scientific and
primarily involves the muscles of the face refers to the edible type of fungus, whereas the
(including eyelids) and neck and the small equally lay term ‘toadstool’ refers to any
muscles of the hands and feet. poisonous variety. Mushrooms are the
umbrella-shaped, fleshy, fruiting body of fungi
of the order Agaricales in the class
As its name implies, myotonic dystrophy is
Basidiomycetes. In the ground, the fungal
associated with myotonia, i.e. delayed
mycelia may live for hundreds of years as an
muscular relaxation. Myotonia is also seen
underground mat of threads, from which a new
crop of fruiting sporophores arises each season.
• myotonia congenita (a benign
myopathy); Within the order Agaricales are both
• periodic paralysis (due to hyperkalaemia) • the family Agaricaceae, which includes
(q.v.). 245
Agaricus campestris (the common field
mushroom) and Agaricus bisporus (the
Pathophysiologically, the muscle membrane has common commercial variety),
decreased permeability to chloride ion, and • the family Amanitaceae, which includes
there is a characteristic EMG. many poisonous varieties and in particular
the genus Amanita which has about 100
Myotonic dystrophy is associated with baldness,
species within it. The most common
cardiomyopathy, cataracts, glucose intolerance,
poisonous mushroom is Amanita phalloides,
dysphagia and gonadal atrophy. Often, the
called the ‘death cap’, which is responsible
condition is mild and the course slow.
for 90% of fatal mushroom poisonings
Treatment with phenytoin or procainamide can worldwide. It is mostly associated in a
help the myotonia but not the weakness. symbiotic relationship with older oak and
other deciduous trees.
Bibliography Mushroom poisoning usually occurs in the
Griggs RC, Moxley RT, Mendell JR et al 1993
autumn. There have been many famous deaths
Duchenne dystrophy: randomized, controlled trial
of prednisone (18 months) and azathioprine (12
of this nature in history, including the Euripides
months). Neurology 43: 520. family, the Roman Emperor Claudius, Pope
Harper PS 2001 Myotonic Dystrophy. London: WB Clement II, Charles VI of France and of course
Saunders. Barbar the elephant’s royal predecessor.
Moser H 1984 Duchenne muscular dystrophy:
pathogenetic aspects and genetic prevention. Hum
Genet 66: 17. Several syndromes may be produced by
mushroom poisoning. The most common
syndromes are:
Mushroom poisoning
• cytotoxic;
Mushroom poisoning is a worldwide problem • neurotoxic.
because of the difficulty in identifying the many
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Cytotoxins are primarily amatoxins, cyclic associated amatoxin ingestion and thus later
Mushroom poisoning

octapeptides from the Amanita genus. They are cytotoxic damage.

very potent, with as little as 50 g (or one
mushroom), containing about 5 mg of toxin, Bibliography
possibly being fatal. They inhibit protein Barbato MP 1993 Poisoning from accidental
synthesis, giving rise to cell membrane ingestion of mushrooms. Med J Aust 158: 842.
destruction. Klein AS, Hart J, Brems JJ et al 1989 Amanita
poisoning: treatment and the role of liver
Symptoms arise after a latent period 6–24 h, by transplantation. Am J Med 86: 187.
which time the patient may have forgotten Mitchell DH 1980 Amanita mushroom poisoning.
having eating a mushroom. There is abdominal Annu Rev Med 31: 51.
pain, nausea and vomiting, but these symptoms Rumack BH, Spoerke DG eds 1994 Handbook of
usually subside by 24 h or so. Despite clinical Mushroom Poisoning: Diagnosis and Treatment.
improvement, liver enzymes become abnormal 2nd edition. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
by 48 h. Between 2–4 days, hepatic and renal
failure occur.
Optimal treatment is uncertain.
Mustards (see Warfare agents)
• Gastric lavage and charcoal are recommended if the
diagnosis is made early. Myasthenia gravis
246 • The administration of high-dose penicillin for three
days inhibits hepatocyte uptake of the toxin. Myasthenia gravis is a condition of muscle
• Thioctic acid has been reported to be helpful. weakness due to impaired neuromuscular
• Dialysis is indicated on its normal merits for renal transmission.
support but does not remove toxin. It is caused by autoantibodies to a subunit of the
• Liver transplantation has been used in some acetylcholine receptor on the post-junctional
severely affected patients. muscle membrane. It occurs primarily in
• If alcohol is taken during the first three days, a younger women or older men. In about 10% of
disulfiram-like reaction may be seen. cases, there is an associated thymic tumour
The mortality is about 20%. (thymoma).
Neurotoxins are varied in type and less
commonly fatal. There is typically a gradual onset of muscle
fatigue, characteristically with increasing
Symptoms appear within 2 h, last for 6–12 h weakness with repetitive use. It may range in
and resolve spontaneously. They comprise severity from mild and local to severe and
chiefly muscarinic effects (with anticholinergic generalized. It particularly involves the
features of sweating, salivation and muscles innervated by the cranial nerves
gastrointestinal upset), hallucinations (which (eyes, face, jaw, pharynx and voice).
may be LSD-like) or disulfiram-like reactions Typically, there is diplopia and ptosis.
(with flushing, tachycardia and tachypnoea,
following alcohol).
The diagnosis is made on the basis of the EMG
Atropine may be given for muscarinic effects but not and confirmed with edrophonium (Tensilon, a
if there are associated hallucinations as it may short-acting anticholinesterase). After
worsen these. Hallucinations are best treated with edrophonium 10 mg iv, dramatic improvement
diazepam. in muscle power occurs within 60 s and lasts
The presence of the rapid and brief neurotoxic for a few minutes. Acetylcholine antibodies are
reaction does not exclude the possibility of present in about 90% of cases, and there may be
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
other associated autoimmune diseases, in probably due to damage to the neuromuscular

Myasthenia gravis
particular thyroid disease. A CT scan is junction.
required to assess the presence of an associated
2. Myasthenic syndrome (Eaton Lambert
This is a paraneoplastic phenomenon (q.v.). It is
Treatment modalities include: caused by the binding of antibodies to the
presynaptic membrane of the neuromuscular
• anticholinesterase therapy (in particular
pyridostigmine). Dosage requirements vary junction.
considerably and range from 15 mg 8 hourly Although there is typical muscular weakness and
to 120 mg 4 hourly orally (60 mg orally fatigue, there is paradoxical improvement with
being equivalent to 2 mg iv). However, repeated use. It is exacerbated by muscle
excess dosage can give a cholinergic crisis relaxants and may be improved with successful
(q.v.), which is associated with muscarinic treatment of the underlying carcinoma (usually
side-effects. of the lung).
• corticosteroids. These are of value if the
response to anticholinesterase is It sometimes responds to pyridostigmine,
unsatisfactory or the patient is very sick. corticosteroids and/or plasmapheresis.
There is an 80% response rate within Bibliography
2 weeks. Berrouschot J, Baumann I, Kalischewski P et al 1997 247
• cytotoxic agents (usually azathioprine). Therapy of myasthenic crisis. Crit Care Med 25:
These may enhance the steroid response. 1228.
• plasmapheresis or immune globulin. These Clamon GH, Evans WK, Shepherd FA et al 1984
are used for an acute crisis and for perioperative Myasthenic syndrome and small cell cancer of the
support. lung: variable response to antineoplastic therapy.
• thymectomy. Even in the absence of a Arch Intern Med 144: 999.
thymoma, this gives a 70% response rate. Gracey DR, Divertie MB, Howard FM 1983
Mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure
It is best considered early in the course of
in myasthenia gravis. Mayo Clin Proc 58:
disease. 597.
O’Neill JH, Murray NM, Newsom-Davis J 1988
Two variants of myasthenia gravis may be seen. The Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome. Brain
111: 577.
1. Drug-induced myasthenia Segredo V, Caldwell J, Matthay M et al 1992
This may be caused by aminoglycosides. Persistent paralysis in critically ill patients after
Weakness of this type may be caused even in long-term administration of vecuronium. N Engl J
Med 327: 524.
normal subjects, as well as increased weakness in
Seybold ME 1983 Myasthenia gravis: a clinical and
myasthenics. Penicillamine therapy for basic science review. JAMA 250: 2516.
rheumatoid arthritis may be associated with Sokoll M, Gergis S 1981 Antibiotics and
myasthenia. neuromuscular function. Anesthesiology 55:
Needless to say, prolonged neuromuscular 148.
junction abnormalities are common after long Swift TR 1981 Disorders of neuromuscular
transmission other than myasthenia gravis. Muscle
infusions of neuromuscular blocking drugs,
Nerve 4: 334.
particularly in patients with liver and kidney Tonner DR, Schlechte JA 1993 Neurologic
dysfunction. While this phenomenon is usually complications of thyroid and parathyroid disease.
due to the persistence of long-acting Med Clin North Am 77: 251.
metabolites (e.g. of vecuronium), a myasthenia- Wright EA, McQuillen MP 1971 Antibiotic-induced
like syndrome has also been reported and is neuromuscular blockade. Ann NY Acad Sci 183: 358.
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Mycetism (see Mushroom poisoning) Treatment is surgical, if the aneurysm is accessible.


Prophylactic surgical excision is recommended, because

rupture is a major complication which can be fatal.
Mycetoma (see Aspergillosis)

Myelitis (see Demyelinating diseases)

Mycoplasma hominis (see Pregnancy)

Mycoplasma pneumoniae (see Cold Myelopathy may be either:
agglutinin disease)
• local; or
• associated with encephalopathy (q.v.), as an
Mycotic aneurysms encephalomyelopathy.
Mycotic aneurysms arise from destruction of the Isolated myelopathy is due to local spinal cord
arterial wall following infection. This process damage, such as that due to:
may be produced by:
• disc protrusion;
• direct bacterial invasion of the arterial wall; • infection;
• deposition of immune complexes in the • nutritional deficiency (particularly due to
248 arterial wall; vitamin B12);
• embolic occlusion of vasa vasorum. • radiation.
Although the arterial wall damage is an acute
process, it may not become clinically evident until
long after the original infection has subsided. Myoglobinuria (see Rhabdomyolysis)

A mycotic aneurysm is thus the sterile end-

result of a previous infection. Myopathy
• It may occur in any artery, including the Myopathy is a general term indicating a muscle
sinus of Valsalva and the pulmonary artery disorder. It may be either primary or secondary.
(e.g. following iv heroin use). Primary myopathies include:
• The antecedent infection is a bacteraemia,
especially if associated with acute or • genetic disorders
subacute bacterial endocarditis. The most – glycogen storage diseases;
common organism involved is S. aureus. – lipid storage myopathy;
– mitochondrial diseases;
Clinical features include: • malignant hyperthermia (q.v.);
• muscular dystrophy (q.v.);
• a pulsatile mass (which may be tender and • myasthenia gravis (q.v.)
which usually is noted in a palpable artery,
e.g. brachial, femoral or popliteal); – in fact a neuromuscular disease;
• local pressure problems; • periodic paralysis (q.v.);
• an abdominal bruit; • poliomyelitis (q.v.)
• a sudden haemorrhage; – in fact a denervating disease.
• rupture of a sinus of Valsalva into the right
heart giving a left-to-right shunt and a Secondary myopathy may be caused by:
continuous murmur. • inflammation;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• toxic/metabolic disorders Bibliography

Batchelor PM, Taylor LP, Thaler HT et al 1997
– alcoholism; Steroid myopathy in cancer patients. Neurology
– drugs (antimalarials, colchicine, 48: 1234.
zidovudine, and especially fluorinated Chad DA, Lacomis D 1994 Critically ill patients with
corticosteroids, even in standard doses); newly acquired weakness: the clinicopathological
– endocrine disorders (adrenal, parathyroid spectrum. Ann Neurol 35: 257.
and thyroid disorders of either excess or De Jonghe B, Cook D, Sharshar T et al 1998 Acquired
deficiency); neuromuscular disorders in critically ill patients: a
systematic review. Intens Care Med 24: 1242.
– metabolic disturbances
Hansen-Flaschen J 1997 Neuromuscular
(hypophophataemia, hypokalaemia,
complications of critical illness. Pulmonary
hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia); Perspectives 14(4): 1.
Hund E 1999 Myopathy in critically ill patients.
• trauma
Chest 27: 2544.
– rhabdomyolysis; Layzer RB 1985 McArdle’s disease in the 1980s. N
– severe exertion. Engl J Med 312: 370.
Nates JL, Cooper DJ, Day B et al 1997 Acute
Acute necrotizing myopathy is one of the weakness syndromes in critically ill patients – a
less common forms of critical illness reappraisal. Anaesth Intens Care 25: 502.
neuromuscular abnormality (CINMA) – see Segredo V, Caldwell JE, Matthay MA et al 1992
Critical illness neuropathy. It may be seen in Persistent paralysis in critically ill patients after 249
Intensive Care patients who have received long-term administration of vecuronium. N Engl J
prolonged neuromuscular blockade with any Med 327: 524.
of the non-depolarizing agents, commonly Tonner DR, Schlechte JA 1993 Neurologic
with concomitant corticosteroids. It was thus complications of thyroid and parathyroid disease.
Med Clin North Am 77: 251.
first recognized as a complication of severe
asthma, and those paralyzed for more than 24
h may be at particular risk. Experimental
evidence suggests that it may be due to
marked enhancement of steroid-induced Myositis
myopathy by pharmacological denervation. It Myositis, or inflammation of muscle, may be
may be a cause of prolonged ventilator seen in several settings.
1. Autoimmune diseases
This condition may be difficult to distinguish
from critical illness polyneuropathy (with • mixed connective tissue disease;
which it may also coexist). A less well • Sjögren’s syndrome.
understood variant is critical illness 2. Infective
myopathy. This is seen in patients with sepsis
and/or multi-organ failure and may have a • clostridial,
similar pathogenesis to critical illness • streptococcal
polyneuropathy. – Group A streptococci may sometimes
Myopathy due to disuse atrophy may of course cause a potentially fatal gangrenous
occur following any serious illness, particularly myositis and/or necrotizing fasciitis (see
if it is prolonged. Gangrene).
– This is the severe end of the spectrum
Electrophysiological studies and histology may which ranges from superficial skin
be required to clarify these conditions in an infection (impetigo) to deeper infections
individual patient (see also Neuropathy). (such as cellulitis or erysipelas).
M Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

– Treatment requires surgical drainage and/or 6. Myositis associated with vasculitis


debridement, as well as antibiotics.

• About 50% of cases of vasculitis have
• tropical histological evidence of associated myositis,
though mostly such muscle involvement is
– Pyomyositis is common in the tropics and
in AIDS.
– It is usually due to S. aureus.
– The muscle abscess is usually best Miller FW 1994 Classification and prognosis of
diagnosed with CT scanning. inflammatory muscle disease. Rheum Dis Clin
• viral North Am 20: 811.

– most widely known with influenza virus;

– also with adenovirus, coxsackievirus, Myotonia (see Muscular dystrophy)
echovirus, HIV.
3. Myositis ossificans
Myxoedema (see Hypothyroidism)
• This is post-traumatic.
4. Polymyositis
Myxoma (see Cardiac tumours)
• q.v.
5. Inclusion body myositis
• see Polymyositis.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Nails Bibliography

Daniel CR 1983 Diseases of the nails. In: Cann HF
Nails, especially finger nails, can show a large (ed) Current Therapy. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
variety of physical abnormalities, many of which p 653.
are associated with systemic diseases.

• Onychomycosis is usually associated with Necrolytic migratory erythema (see

paronychia and is commonly fungal in Glucagonoma)
origin, though it may be caused by
staphylococci or pseudomonas (in which case
green nails are sometimes seen). It especially Necrotizing cutaneous
occurs in the immunocompromised. mucormycosis (see Gangrene)
• Onycholysis refers to separation of the nail
plate from the nail bed. It may follow drugs
(tetracycline, quinolones especially when Necrotizing pneumonia (see
associated with ultraviolet light), dermatoses Cavitation)
(e.g. psoriasis), peripheral vascular disease,
thyroid disease and trauma.
• Koilonychia refers to spoon-shaped nails Nephrolithiasis
and is seen typically in iron deficiency
Nephrolithiasis (renal calculous disease) occurs 251
anaemia but also in haemochromatosis.
• Clubbing of the nails may be inherited or in about 5% of the population. The calculi may
may be idiopathic. Most commonly, it arises be composed of a variety of substances.
from malignancy or chronic inflammation in 1. Calcium oxalate, an octahedron, occurs
the lungs or mediastinum. Clubbing of a with or without calcium apatite (70% of
single digit may follow a local vascular calculi). Such stones form when:
abnormality, such as an AV fistula.
• Leukonychia indicates white streaking of • the urine volume is small;
the nails and is seen in psoriasis, systemic • there is increased urinary calcium or oxalate
infections and poisoning (arsenic, thallium). – increased oxalate intake with ingestion of
• Yellow discolouration of the nails is seen some foods, such as chocolate, peanuts,
in jaundice, chronic respiratory infections, leafy vegetables, strong tea;
amyloid, thyroid disease and AIDS. – increased oxalate absorption in
• Brown discolouration of the nails is seen inflammatory bowel disease or the short
following the use of some antimalarial or bowel syndrome;
cytotoxic drugs. – increased oxalate turnover in pyridoxine
• Splinter haemorrhages, while purportedly deficiency;
typical of subacute bacterial endocarditis, are
usually in fact traumatic in origin. • there is decreased urinary inhibitors
• Onychodystrophies refer to a large variety – such as citrate, glycoprotein, magnesium.
of alterations of nail shape, surface or colour.
They are especially seen in the elderly, in 2. Struvite, magnesium ammonium phosphate,
whom for example, brittle or longitudinally- is typically in the shape of a coffin lid and
ridged nails may be seen. sometimes forms a staghorn (15% of calculi).
• Pitting of the nails is typical in psoriasis Such stones form particularly in urinary tract
(q.v.) though not pathognomonic. infections when ammonia production is
• Atrophy or hypertrophy of the nails may increased from urease secreted by bacteria.
occasionally be seen as congenital conditions. These are typically proteus, though other
N Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Gram-negative bacilli and staphylococci may NIH Consensus Development Panel 1988

also be involved. Prevention and treatment of kidney stones. JAMA

260: 977.
3. Uric acid calculi occur in the shape of Singer A, Das S 1989 Cystinuria: a review of the
radiolucent diamonds (10% of calculi). pathophysiology and management. J Urol 142:
4. Calcium phosphate produces an
Stewart C 1988 Nephrolithiasis. Emerg Med Clin
amorphous stone (2% of calculi). North Am 6: 617.
5. Cystine produces hexagons (1% of calculi). Wilson DM 1990 Clinical and laboratory evaluation
These occur in cystinuria, which an autosomal of renal stone patients. Endocrinol Metab Clin
North Am 19: 773.
recessive condition.

Clinical consequences of renal calculi Nephrology

Most renal disorders encountered in Intensive
• pain; Care are very well known, especially the
• urinary tract obstruction; various conditions associated with acute and
• urinary tract obstruction infection; chronic renal failure, acute tubular necrosis,
• haematuria. dialysis, transplantation, trauma, and acid–base,
Sometimes, the patient may present with: fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Nevertheless,
252 a variety of other, less common aspects of renal
• renal impairment; disease can be relevant to Intensive Care
• ileus; practice and are considered in this book. They
• hypovolaemia. include:

• aminoaciduria;
The differential diagnosis of calculi, particularly
• beta2-microglobulin;
if radiolucent, includes sloughed renal papilla,
• drugs and the kidney;
clot, tumour or uric acid stone. A diagnosis of
• glomerular diseases;
renal tubular acidosis (q.v.) is supported by the
• haematuria;
presence of diffuse tiny nephrocalcinosis and
• myoglobinuria;
metabolic acidosis with a normal anion gap and
• nephrolithiasis;
high urinary pH. Definitive diagnosis usually
• proteinuria;
requires an intravenous pyelogram.
• renal artery occlusion;
Treatment requires removal of the stone, unless it is • renal cortical necrosis;
passed spontaneously. Removal options include • renal cysts;
retrograde basket extraction or lithotripsy, though in • renal tubular acidosis;
severe cases a nephrostomy may be required first. • renal vein thrombosis;
• tubulointerstitial diseases.
Antibiotics are required if there is concomitant
Arieff AI, Massry SG, Barrientos A et al 1973 Brain
water and electrolyte metabolism in uremia:
Coe FL, Parks JH, Asplin JR 1992 The pathogenesis
effects of slow and rapid hemodialysis. Kidney Int
and treatment of kidney stones. N Engl J Med
4: 177.
327: 1141.
Arieff AI, Guisado R, Massry SG et al 1976 Central
Curhan GC, Willett WC, Rimm EB et al 1997
nervous system pH in uremia and the effects of
Family history and risk of kidney stones. J Am Soc
hemodialysis. J Clin invest 58: 306.
Nephrol 8: 1568.
Bennett WM, Aronoff GR, Golper TA et al 1994
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care


Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure: Dosing of dialysis-induced hypotension. Am J Kidney Dis

Guidelines for Adults. Philadelphia: American 2: 290.
College of Physicians. Kincaid-Smith P 1980 Analgesic abuse and the
Caruana RJ 1987 Heparin free dialysis: comparative kidney. Kidney Int 17: 250.
data and results in high risk patients. Kidney Int Massry SG, Glassock RJ (eds) 1994 Textbook of
31: 1351. Nephrology. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams &
Cronin RE, Kaehny WD, Miller, PD et al 1976 Wilkins.
Renal cell carcinoma: unusual systemic Mathew T 1988 Recurrence of disease after renal
manifestations. Medicine 55: 291. transplantation. Am J Kidney Dis 12: 85.
Dossetor JB 1966 Creatininemia versus uremia: the Morgan DB, Dillon S, Payne RB 1978 The
relative significance of blood urea nitrogen and assessment of glomerular function: creatinine
serum creatinine in azotemia. Ann Intern Med 65: clearance or plasma creatinine? Postgrad Med J 54:
1287. 302.
Fraser CL, Arieff AI 1988 Nervous system Raskin NH, Fishman RA 1976 Neurologic disorders
complications of uremia. Ann Inter Med 109: 143. in renal failure. N Engl J Med 294: 143.
Hoitsma AJ, Wetzels JFM, Koene RAP 1991 Drug- Ronco PM, Flahault A 1994 Drug-induced end-
induced nephrotoxicity: aetiology, clinical features stage renal disease. N Engl J Med 331: 1711.
and management. Drug Safety 6: 131. Schrier RW 1992 An odyssey into the milieu
Hruska KA, Teitelbaum SL 1995 Renal interieur: pondering the enigmas. J Am Soc
osteodystrophy. N Engl J Med 333: 166. Nephrol 2: 1549.
Keshaviah P, Shapiro FL 1982 A critical examination Schwartz WB, Relman AS 1967 Effects of electrolyte
N Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

disorders on renal structure and function. N Engl J change especially in non-cutaneous sites), more

Med 276: 383, 452. commonly they may eventually compress

Sherman RA, Eisinger RP 1982 The use (and surrounding structures. In the gut, a
misuse) of urinary sodium and chloride neurofibroma may be one of the causes of polyp
measurements. JAMA 247: 3121.
Stamm WE, Hooton TM 1993 Management of
urinary tract infections in adults. N Engl J Med The less common form of neurofibromatosis is
329: 1328. associated with bilateral acoustic neuromas.
There may also be meningioma or spinal cord
neurofibroma (which is usually subdural and
Nephrotic syndrome (see Glomerular found in the thoracic region). Sometimes, there
diseases) may be associated glioma, cataracts or skin
Neurofibromatosis may sometimes present with
Neural tube defects (see Arnold–Chiari skin lesions in a single dermatome or with an
malformation, Bathing, Folic acid deficiency associated phaeochromocytoma and thus
and Syringomyelia) hypertension.
Treatment is with excision of symptomatic lesions.
Ketotifen may be useful both for symptoms and to
254 Neurofibromatosis decrease tumour growth.
Neurofibromatosis arises from dysplasia of the Genetic counselling should be undertaken.
neural and cutaneous ectoderm. It is inherited as
an autosomal dominant condition. The genes Bibliography
(NF-1 and NF-2) are on separate chromosomes, Martuza RL, Eldridge R 1988 Neurofibromatosis 2
NF-1 being responsible for 90% of cases and (bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis). N Engl J
NF-2 for 10%. Med 318: 684.
Riccardi VM 1981 Von Recklinghausen’s
It is the most common neurocutaneous neurofibromatosis. N Engl J Med 305: 1617.
disorder, with a prevalence of 1 in 3000 of the
The most common form of neurofibromatosis is
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
referred to as von Recklinghausen’s disease. The neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare,
This comprises cafe au lait spots (which may be non-dose-related, idiosyncratic reaction which
present from birth), freckles in skin folds, may occur potentially to any antipsychotic
neurofibromas, plexiform neuromas, bilateral agent, though usually to phenothiazines. Its
hamartomas of the iris, neurological impairment pathogenesis is unclear, but it probably
and bone involvement. represents dysfunction of the hypothalamus and
basal ganglia due to dopamine antagonism.
The neurofibromas are derived from all the
nerve elements, including the nerve cells, sheath It is associated with fever, rigidity, fluctuating
cells and connective tissue. Histologically, they consciousness and autonomic instability. These
are therefore multicellular and while not clinical features generally evolve over a few
encapsulated they are well circumscribed. days.
They appear as soft pedunculated lesions from Laboratory investigations usually show elevated
puberty onwards. They are skin-coloured or CK levels, renal impairment due to
purplish and may be pruritic. Although they myoglobinuria and dehydration, and abnormal
may be become malignant (with sarcomatous liver function tests.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The mortality has been reported to be possibly rather the large number of less frequently

as high as 20%, but the condition is too rare to encountered neurological conditions, many of
calculate a true mortality. which raise important issues of diagnosis or
management. They include:
Treatment comprises drug cessation and general
supportive measures.
• amnesia;
Bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist, and • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis;
dantrolene, a direct-acting muscle relaxant (see • anorexia nervosa;
Malignant hyperthermia), are probably helpful. • Arnold–Chiari malformation;
There is a high incidence of recurrence if the culprit • Bell’s palsy;
drug is resumed, so that alternative psychiatric therapy • benign intracranial hypertension;
is required. • central pontine myelinolysis;
• cerebellar degeneration;
Bibliography • Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease;
Caroff SN, Mann SC 1993 Neuroleptic malignant • critical illness polyneuropathy;
syndrome. Med Clin North Am 77: 185. • delirium;
Guze BH, Baxter LR 1985. Neuroleptic malignant • dementia;
syndrome. N Engl J Med 313: 163. • demyelinating disease;
Kornhuber J, Weller M 1994 Neuroleptic malignant • encephalitis;
syndrome. Curr Opin Neurol Neurosurg 7: 353. • encephalopathy; 255
Rosenberg MR, Green M 1989 Neuroleptic • epidural abscess;
malignant syndrome: review of response to • Guillain–Barré syndrome;
therapy. Ach Intern Med 149: 1927.
• hemianopia;
Shaw A, Mathews EE 1995 Postoperative neuroleptic
malignant syndrome. Anesthesiology 50: 246.
• Horner’s syndrome;
• hydrocephalus;
• leukoencephalopathy;
• meningoencephalitis;
• motor neurone disease;
This book does not include the more common • multiple sclerosis;
neurological disorders seen in Intensive Care, • muscular dystrophies;
such as those related to cerebrovascular disease, • myasthenia gravis;
trauma, headache, epilepsy or meningitis, but • myelitis;
N Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• myelopathy; complications of uremia. Ann Intern Med 109:

• 143.

• neuropathy; Hansen-Flaschen J 1997 Neuromuscular
complications of critical illness. Pulmonary
• ophthalmoplegia;
Perspectives 14(4): 1.
• optic neuritis;
Knochel J 1982 Neuromuscular manifestations of
• papilloedema;
electrolyte disorders. Am J Med 72: 521.
• periodic paralysis; Lyons MK, Meyer FB 1990 Cerebrospinal fluid
• polyneuropathy; physiology and the management of increased
• ptosis; intracranial pressure. Mayo Clin Proc 65: 684.
• restless legs; Mandel JL 1989 Dystrophin: the gene and its
• retinal haemorrhage; product. Nature 339: 584.
• retrobulbar neuritis; Marton KI, Gean AD 1986 The spinal tap: a new
• syringomyelia; look at an old test. Ann Intern Med 104: 840.
• tardive dyskinesia; Miller DH, Raps EC (eds) 1999 Critical Care
• tinnitus; Neurology. Woburn: Butterworth–Heinemann.
• vertigo; Moore PM 1989 Diagnosis and management of
isolated angiitis of the central nervous system.
• Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome.
Neurology 39: 167.
Morantz RA, Walsh JW (eds) 1994 Brain Tumors.
Bibliography New York: Marcel Dekker.
256 Arieff AI, Massry SG, Barrientos A et al 1973 Brain Moskowitz MA 1991 The visceral organ brain.
water and electrolyte metabolism in uremia: Neurology 41: 182.
effects of slow and rapid hemodialysis. Kidney Int Raskin NH, Fishman RA 1976 Neurologic disorders
4: 177. in renal failure. N Engl J Med 294: 143.
Arieff AI, Guisado R, Massry SG et al 1976 Central Rosenberg RN 1981 Biochemical genetics of
nervous system pH in uremia and the effects of neurologic disease. N Engl J Med 305: 1181.
hemodialysis. J Clin Invest 58: 306. Rosenberg RN 1998 Atlas of Clinical Neurology.
Bhardwaj A, Williams MA, Hanley DF (eds) 1997 Current Medicine 1998. Oxford:
Critical Care of Stroke. In: New Horizons. Butterworth–Heinemann.
Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins and SCCM. 5: no. Schwartzman RJ, McLellan TL 1987 Reflex
4. sympathetic dystrophy: a review. Arch Neurol 44:
Bolton CF 1996 Sepsis and the systemic 555.
inflammatory response syndrome: Neuromuscular Sherman DG, Dyken ML, Fisher M et al 1992
manifestations. Crit Care Med 24: 1408. Antithrombotic therapy for cerebrovascular
Bolton CF 1996 Neuromuscular conditions in the disorders. Chest 102: S529.
intensive care unit. Intens Care Med 22: 841. Strandgaard S, Paulson OB 1984 Cerebral
Caplan LR, Brass LM, DeWitt LD (et al) 1990 autoregulation. Stroke 15: 413.
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound: present status. Strange K 1992 Regulation of solute and water
Neurology 40: 696. balance and cell volume in the central nervous
Chang CWJ 1999 Neurologic complications of system. J Am Soc Nephrol 3: 12.
critical illness and transplantation. Curr Opin Crit Swift TR 1981 Disorders of neuromuscular
Care 5: 112. transmission other than myasthenia gravis. Muscle
Charness ME, Simon RP, Greenberg DA 1989 Nerve 4: 334.
Ethanol and the nervous system. N Engl J Med Tonner DR, Schlechte JA 1993 Neurologic
321: 442. complications of thyroid and parathyroid disease.
Chiappa KH, Ropper AH 1982 Evoked potentials in Med Clin North Am 77: 251.
clinical medicine. N Engl J Med 306: 1140, 1205. Wall PD, Melzack RE 1994 Textbook of Pain. 3rd
Ciavarella D, Wuest D, Strauss RG et al 1993 edition. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Management of neurologic disorders. J Clin Zweiman B, Levinson AI 1992 Immunologic aspects
Apheresis 8: 242. of neurological and neuromuscular diseases. JAMA
Fraser CL, Arieff AI 1988 Nervous system 268: 2918.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Neuropathy • collagen-vascular diseases;

Neuropathy is usually a polyneuropathy.
• nutritional deficiency;
Sometimes, it may be a mononeuropathy or an
• sarcoidosis;
asymmetrical mononeuropathy multiplex. It
• Lyme disease;
may be either motor or sensory or more
• porphyria;
commonly both motor and sensory.
• uraemia;
Mononeuropathy is commonly due to a local
• vitamin B12 deficiency.

The types of polyneuropathy include: 5. Critical illness neuropathy

1. genetic neuropathies; Critical illness neuropathy/polyneuropathy
2. toxic neuropathies; (CIP) is the most common and best
3. inflammatory neuropathies; recognized of the critical illness
4. systemic disease-induced neuropathies; neuromuscular disorders (CINMA). It
5. critical illness neuropathy; comprises axonal degeneration of peripheral
6. diabetic neuropathy; nerves seen in patients with sepsis and/or
7. Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) and its multi-organ failure (MOF) of prolonged
variants; duration. It may therefore represent the
8. multi-focal motor neuropathy. neurological manifestation of MOF. It is not 257
generally apparent until after at least a week
1. Genetic neuropathies include: of critical illness.
• Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease (q.v.). This condition was first described in the
2. Toxic neuropathies may be produced by: early 1980s, but no specific aetiology has yet
been demonstrated. In patients with
• drugs multiorgan failure prospectively examined
– such as amiodarone, cytotoxics, gold, electrophysiologically, the incidence has
hydralazine, isoniazid, nitrofurantoin, been found to be as high as 70%. However,
phenytoin; the overall incidence in Intensive Care
patients appears to vary greatly, and even
• heavy metals mild clinical features are found in only about
– such as arsenic and lead in particular; half of those suspected on EMG of having
• poisons, mainly industrial chemical agents CIP.

– such as acrylamide, hexacarbons, Motor features are generally more prominent

organophosphates, rapeseed oil, than sensory or autonomic, with generalized
trichloroethylene. weakness and wasting due to muscle
denervation. There is symmetrical flaccid
3. Inflammatory neuropathies may occur in:
paresis, particularly of the lower limbs, with
• AIDS, diphtheria, leprosy. reduced deep tendon reflexes. In severe
cases, breathing and swallowing can be
4. Systemic disease-induced neuropathies
affected. There is relative preservation of
can be produced by:
cranial nerve function.
• malignancy
The diagnosis can of course be difficult,
– as a paraneoplastic phenomenon, especially because of the limitations of neurological
in carcinoma of the breast, lung or ovary, examination in Intensive Care patients
or in multiple myeloma; receiving sedation and muscle relaxants and
N Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

because of the many other causes of Occasionally, other nerves are involved, either

neurological dysfunction seen in such singly or combined, such as:

patients. The EMG shows an axonal
• cranial (especially VII, III and VI);
polyneuropathy and there is abnormal
• ulnar;
spontaneous muscle activity typical of
• femoral;
denervation. Conduction velocities are
• sciatic;
normal, whereas they are reduced in
• peroneal;
demyelination (as in Guillain–Barré
• lateral femoral cutaneous;
• thoracic roots.
CIP needs to be distinguished in particular
Sometimes, diabetic amyotrophy may be
from an acute myopathy, such as that
produced, with painful wasting and weakness of
typically seen in Intensive Care patients who
the proximal muscles of the lower limbs.
have had prolonged neuromuscular blockade
and/or corticosteroids (see Myopathy). The EMG in diabetic neuropathy typically
shows the abnormal nerve conduction of
If the phrenic nerve is involved, prolonged
denervation. CSF examination shows a
ventilator dependence may result.
moderately increased protein.
The mortality is reported to be about 60%,
The neuropathy may be improved with good diabetic
but clearly this is also the mortality of the
control. Pain may be alleviated in some cases by
258 severe underlying conditions. The motor
carbamazepine or tricyclic antidepressants.
disturbances of CIP are not always reversible,
even with prolonged rehabilitation. 7. Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) is an
acute idiopathic polyneuritis (acute
inflammatory demyelinating
6. Diabetic neuropathy polyradiculoneuropathy). It is the most
common type of acute neuromuscular paralysis.
A neuropathy may be found in about 60% of
There is patchy inflammation and
patients with either insulin-dependent or non-
demyelination of peripheral nerves, with axonal
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The precise
degeneration in some severe cases.
mechanism of production of this neuropathy is
unclear. The aetiology is presumed to be
immunological, since antibodies may be found
Polyneuropathy is seen in about half of these
to myelin and there is an increased serum
cases. There is symmetrical distal mainly sensory
concentration of IL-2 receptors indicating T
involvement. It is often subclinical, but mild
cell activation. The trigger of the putative
symptoms are sometimes seen. These are
immune attack is unknown, as is its specific
especially paraesthesiae of the lower limbs,
molecular target. Although there is an increased
occasionally with sensory loss and even
incidence in Hodgkin’s disease and SLE, the
weakness and decreased reflexes. The condition
majority of patients have had an infective illness
is worse at night and can be very painful. In
in the previous two months, with particularly
some patients, it eventually becomes severe,
severe disease following diarrhoea due to
with associated autonomic involvement,
Campylobacter jejuni and with a small increased
including urinary retention, faecal incontinence,
risk following influenza vaccination.
impotence and postural hypotension.
Mononeuropathy is seen in about a third of
cases. Like diabetic polyneuropathy, it is also Clinical features comprise the acute onset of
often subclinical. Symptoms when seen relate predominantly motor dysfunction
usually to the carpal tunnel syndrome. commencing in the legs and ascending to the
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
trunk, arms, face and even bulbar muscles It is steroid-responsive.

over a few days. Typically, the conditions
• chronic inflammatory demyelinating
progresses for 1–4 weeks and is followed by
polyneuropathy (CIDP). This is a more
gradual improvement over weeks to months.
slowly progressive condition, with a poorer
Complications particularly include:
• respiratory failure;
It may respond to corticosteroids, immune suppression,
• dysautonomia;
immune globulin or plasmapheresis.
• inappropriate ADH syndrome;
• the consequences of prolonged Intensive • Miller Fisher syndrome.This refers to the
Care with associated instrumentation. presence of a triad of ataxia, ophthalmoplegia
and areflexia, in the absence of significant
limb weakness.
The diagnosis is made clinically and is supported
by nerve conduction studies (although these 8. Multi-focal motor neuropathy (see
may be initially normal) and by CSF findings of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).
a raised protein level (which may not be
The types of mononeuropathy include the
apparent for over a week) but usually no cells.
A discrete sensory level, asymmetrical features
or mononuclear cells in the CSF suggest an • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
alternative diagnosis of either an inflammatory • Brachial plexus neuropathy; 259
or neoplastic nature. • Isolated palsies.
The treatment of affected patients requires complex These are usually due to a local disease (or
and prolonged care. Corticosteroids are not helpful, sometimes diabetes) and involve the radial,
but plasmapheresis and immune globulin (ivIG) ulnar, peroneal or lateral femoral cutaneous
have both been shown in clinical trials to be effective if nerves.
given early, presumably because they modulate the
• Cranial neuropathies
inflammatory process responsible for the nerve injury
rather than promoting nerve regeneration or If multiple, they are usually paraneoplastic
remyelination. They are of similar efficacy and have (though sometimes they may be diabetic).
no demonstrable additive benefit when combined.
• Plasmapheresis should be commenced early, with Individual cranial neuropathies may be
3.5 L exchanges second daily for five occasions. caused as follows.
The course may need be repeated after two weeks,
if there is a relapse.
• Immune globulin is given in a dose 0.5 g/kg daily – meningioma;
for five days. It is certainly less complicated than – meningitis;
plasma exchange and is probably as effective. – post-viral;
The mortality is now ⬍5%, but recovery is – trauma;
slow and some patients have persistent weakness II
(especially those with preceding C. jejuni
infection). – optic atrophy (often nutritional);
– optic neuritis (see above);
Variants of Guillain–Barré syndrome include: – tumour (craniopharyngioma, glioma,
• chronic relapsing polyneuropathy. This pituitary);
is a recurrent form of GBS. It can be
associated with neurofibromatosis and with
some HLA types. – see Ophthalmoplegia;
N Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

V Bromberg MB, Feldman EL, Albers JW 1992


– trigeminal neuralgia (tic doloureux); Chronic inflammatory demyelinating

– disorders of the posterior cranial fossa or polyradiculoneuropathy. Neurology 42: 1157.
Chad DA, Lacomis D 1994 Critically ill patients with
base of skull (the most common causes
newly acquired weakness: the clinicopathological
of a V nerve lesion);
spectrum. Ann Neurol 35: 257.
VII Dalakas MC, Engel WK 1981 Chronic relapsing
– Bell’s palsy; (dysimmune) polyneuropathy: pathogenesis and
– lesions of the pons or cerebellopontine treatment. Ann Neurol 9 (suppl): 134.
De Jonghe B, Cook D, Sharshar T et al 1998 Acquired
neuromuscular disorders in critically ill patients: a
– sarcoidosis; systematic review. Intens Care Med 24: 1242.
– Guillain–Barré syndrome; Dyck PJ, Kratz KM, Karnes JL et al 1993 The
– hemifacial spasm (it and related prevalence by staged severity of various types of
disorders are now being usefully treated diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy
with botulinum toxin); in a population-based cohort: the Rochester
VIII Diabetic Neuropathy Study. Neurology 43: 817.
Feasby TE, Hughes RA 1998 Campylobacter jejuni,
– acoustic neuroma;
antiganglioside antibodies, and Guillain–Barré
– aminoglycoside toxicity; syndrome. Neurology 51: 340.
– brainstem lesions; Fisher M 1956 An unusual variant of acute idiopathic
– Ménière’s disease; polyneuritis (syndrome of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia
– meningitis; and areflexia). N Engl J Med 255: 57.
– vestibular neuronitis; Fuller GN, Jacobs JM, Guiloff RJ 1993 Nature and
IX, X, XI incidence of peripheral neuropathy syndromes in
HIV infection. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 56:
– brainstem lesions; 372.
– cervical infection, trauma or tumour; Halperin J, Luft BJ, Volkman DJ et al 1990 Lyme
– jugular foramen syndrome; neuroborreliosis: peripheral nervous system
– motor neurone disease; manifestations. Brain 113: 1207.
XII Hansen-Flaschen J 1997 Neuromuscular complications
of critical illness. Pulmonary Perspectives 14(4): 1.
– cervical infection, trauma or tumour, Harrison MS 1962 “Epidemic vertigo” – “vestibular
– motor neurone disease. neuronitis”: a clinical study. Brain 85: 613.
Hillbom M, Wennberg A 1984 Prognosis of
Bibliography alcoholic peripheral neuropathy. J Neurol
Ashbury AK 1988 Understanding diabetic Neurosurg Psychiatry 47: 699.
neuropathy. N Engl J Med 319: 577. Hughes RAC 1991 Ineffectiveness of high-dose
Ashbury AK, Cornblath DR 1990 Assessment of intravenous methylprednisolone in Guillain-Barré
current diagnostic criteria for Guillain-Barré syndrome. Lancet 338: 1142.
syndrome. Ann Neurol 27 (suppl): S21. Hughes RA, van der Meche FG 2000
Berek K, Margreiter J, Willeit J et al 1996 Corticosteroids for treating Guillain-Barré
Polyneuropathies in critically ill patients: a syndrome. Cochrane Database Systematic Review
prospective evaluation. Intens Care Med 22: 849. 2: CD001446.
Bleck TP 1996 The expanding spectrum of critical Hund EF, Fogel W, Krieger D et al 1996 Critical
illness polyneuropathy. Crit Care Med 24: 1282. illness polyneuropathy: Clinical findings and
Bolton CF 1996 Sepsis and the systemic outcomes of a frequent cause of neuromuscular
inflammatory response syndrome: neuromuscular weaning failure. Crit Care Med 24: 1328.
manifestations. Crit Care Med 24: 1408. Lasky T, Terracciano GJ, Magder L et al 1998 The
Bolton CF, Gilbert JJ, Hahn AF et al 1984 Guillain-Barré syndrome and the 1992–1993 and
Polyneuropathy in critically ill patients. J Neurol 1993–1994 influenza vaccines. N Engl J Med 339:
Neurosurg Psychiatry 47: 1223. 1797.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Leijten FSS, De Weerd AW, Poortvliet DCJ et al Neutropenia
1996 Critical illness polyneuropathy in multiple

organ dysfunction syndrome and weaning from the Neutropenia refers to an absolute neutrophil
ventilator. Intens Care Med 22: 856. count in peripheral blood of ⬍2⫻109/L. Often
Moore P, Owen J 1981 Guillain–Barré syndrome: it is ⬍1⫻109/L; in severe cases, it is ⬍0.5⫻
incidence, management and outcome of major 109/L. However, in some ethnic populations,
complications. Crit Care Med 9: 549. neutrophil counts as low as 1⫻109/L may in
Morantz RA, Walsh JW (eds) 1994 Brain Tumors. fact be normal.
New York: Marcel Dekker.
Nakamo KK 1978 The entrapment neuropathies.
Muscle Nerve 1: 264. The causes of neutropenia are:
Nates JL, Cooper DJ, Day B et al 1997 Acute
weakness syndromes in critically ill patients – a • decreased production;
reappraisal. Anaesth Intens Care 25: 502. • increased removal;
Pestronk A 1991 Motor neuropathies, motor neuron • sequestration.
disorders, and antiglycolipid antibodies. Muscle
Nerve 14: 927.
Plasma Exchange/Sandoglobulin Guillain–Barré Decreased production is due usually to:
Syndrome Trial Group 1997 Randomised trial of
plasma exchange, intravenous immunoglobulin, • drugs, the most common cause – see below;
and combined treatments in Guillain–Barré • viral infection;
syndrome. Lancet 349: 225. • bone marrow hypoplasia or infiltration; 261
Rees JH, Soudain SE, Gregson NA, Hughes RAC
1995 Campylobacter jejuni infection and or less commonly to
Guillain–Barré syndrome. N Engl J Med 333:
1374. • folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency;
Ropper AH 1988 Campylobacter diarrhea and • Felty’s syndrome;
Guillain–Barré syndrome. Arch Neurol 45: 655. • cachexia.
Ropper AH 1992 The Guillain–Barré syndrome. N
Engl J Med 326: 1130. Genetic, cyclic and chronic benign forms of
Segredo V, Caldwell JE, Matthay MA et al 1992 neutropenia due to decreased production
Persistent paralysis in critically ill patients after sometimes occur.
long-term administration of vecuronium. N Engl J
Increased removal from the circulation
Med 327: 524.
Sweet WH 1986 The treatment of trigeminal occurs:
neuralgia (tic douloureux). N Engl J Med 315:
• in immune disease
van der Meche FGA, Schmitz PIM 1992 The Dutch – especially Felty’s syndrome;
Guillain–Barré Study Group: A randomized trial
comparing intravenous immune globulin and • with drugs (see below).
plasma exchange in Guillain–Barré syndrome. N
Engl J Med 326: 1123. Sequestration of neutrophils occurs
Williams AC, Sturman S, Kelsey S et al 1986 The
neuropathy of the critically ill. Br Med J 293: 790. • in splenomegaly;
Windebank AJ, Blexrud MD, Dyck PJ et al 1990 • with toxic margination
The syndrome of acute sensory neuropathy: – best known in Gram-negative sepsis.
clinical features and electrophysiologic and
pathologic changes. Neurology 40: 584.
Zochodne DW, Bolton CF, Wells GA et al 1987 Drugs which impair granulopoiesis may do
Critical illness polyneuropathy: A complication so via cytotoxic, immunological or
of sepsis and multiple organ failure. Brain 110: idiosyncratic mechanisms. Most cases recover
819. within two days to two weeks.
N Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• Cytotoxic effects are produced by a because prolonged use of broad-spectrum agents can

wide variety of agents. These include: lead to colonization and infection by resistant
organisms, including fungi.
– cancer chemotherapeutic agents (most
commonly), Bibliography
– benzene and related compounds. Dale D, Guerry D, Wewerka J et al 1979 Chronic
neutropenia. Medicine 58: 128.
• Immunological mechanisms are Jones RN 1999 Contemporary antimicrobial
invoked by: susceptibility patterns of bacterial pathogens
– beta-lactam antibiotics; commonly associated with febrile patients with
– hydralazine; neutropenia. Clin Infect Dis 29: 495.
van der Klauw MM, Wilson JH, Stricker BH 1998
– procainamide;
Drug-associated agranulocytosis. Am J Haematol
– quinidine. 57: 206.
• Idiosyncratic mechanisms are involved Vincent PC 1986 Drug-induced aplastic anemia and
with: agranulocytosis. Drugs 31: 52.

– analgesics (especially NSAIDs, classically Neutrophilia

phenylbutazone but also indomethacin);
– antibiotics (ampicillin, Neutrophilia refers to an increased peripheral
chloramphenicol); blood neutrophil count of ⬎7.5⫻109/L.
262 – antihistamines;
– antithyroid drugs; Neutrophilia is a very common finding and
– cimetidine; may be produced by several mechanisms,
– phenytoin; namely:
– procainamide;
1. increased production and/or release,
– quinidine;
due to
– ranitidine;
– sulfonamides; – inflammatory diseases;
– tranquillizers (especially phenothiazines – malignancy;
and most recently clozapine). – lithium;
– cytokine administration (e.g. G-CSF,
Clinically, the neutropenia may be found
coincidentally or because of an infection. Such 2. decreased exit from the circulation,
infections may produce diminished signs due to
because of the absence of pus, and they typically
– physical activity;
respond poorly to antibiotics. They particularly
– corticosteroids;
involve the skin, respiratory tract and urinary
tract, and they are due to an increased risk of 3. decreased sequestration and/or
infection by those pathogens which normally margination, due to
colonize the body’s surfaces.
– physical activity;
Treatment is primarily of the underlying problem, but – corticosteroids;
occasional cases respond to corticosteroids or even – adrenergic influences.
lithium. This third mechanism causes a pseudo-
• Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G- neutrophilia, because the blood pool of
CSF) is effective in many types of neutropenia. neutrophils is not in fact increased.
• Antibiotics in this setting need to be bactericidal.
Antibiotic regimens need to be carefully considered, Any treatment is of the underlying disorder.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Non-respiratory thoracic especially seafood, water or other persons (with

disorders a variable transmission rate reported between
4–43%). There is a year-round risk. Following
Non-respiratory thoracic disorders considered an incubation period of 24–48 h during which
in this book are those related to abnormalities of time the proximal small bowel becomes
the: infected, there is nausea, watery diarrhoea and
• chest wall (q.v.); systemic symptoms which last another 24–48 h.
• diaphragm (q.v.); The diagnosis is made by electron microscopy
• mediastinum (q.v.); or radioimmunoassay of antigen in faeces.
• pleural cavity (q.v.).
The differential diagnosis includes other
Norwalk like-viruses, enteroviruses, hepatitis,
Norwalk virus and in children rotavirus.

Norwalk virus is the commonest cause (40%) of Treatment is with fluid replacement.
non-bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. It was
named following an outbreak in Norwalk,
Ohio in 1968. It is acquired from food, Nutrition (see Metabolism and nutrition)

O Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Obstetrics and gynaecology Canberra: Australian Government Printing

Obstetrics and gynaecology

Several aspects of women’s health are of Australian Society for the Study of Hypertension in
relevance to Intensive Care, particularly Pregnancy 1993 Management of hypertension in
obstetric disasters and gynaecological illnesses of pregnancy: consensus statement. Med J Aust 158:
a septic or multi-organ nature. Those 700.
considered in this book include: Batagol R 1996 Drugs and Breast Feeding.
Melbourne: CSL Pharmaceuticals.
• abortion; Briggs GG, Freeman RL, Yaffe SJ (eds) 1990 Drugs
• acute fatty liver of pregnancy; in Pregnancy and Lactation. 3rd edition.
• amenorrhoea; Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
• amniotic fluid embolism; Brooks DC, Sznyter LA 1998 Pregnancy. In
• HELLP syndrome; Scientific American Surgery, Section VII Special
Problems in Perioperative Care, Chapter 11. New
• ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome;
York: Scientific American.
• pneumonia in pregnancy;
Chestnut DH 1989 Critical care in obstetric practice.
• pre-eclampsia;
In: Fuhrman BP, Shoemaker WC (eds) Critical
• pregnancy; Care: State of the Art, Chapter 7. Fullerton:
• salpingitis; Society of Critical Care Medicine. 121.
• trauma in pregnancy. Clark SL, Cotton DB, Hankins GDV et al 1997
Critical Care Obstetrics. Oxford: Blackwell.
Bibliography Cope I 1991 Medicines in pregnancy. Med J Aust
Australian Drug Evaluation Committee 1999 155: 214.
Prescribing Medicines in Pregnancy. 4th edition. Council on Scientific Affairs, American Medical
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Association 1983 Fetal effects of maternal alcohol 1. Pneumoconiosis refers to the permanent
use. JAMA 249: 2517.

Occupational lung diseases

accumulation of inhaled dust in the lungs,
Jamal S, Maurer JR 1994 Pulmonary disease and together with the tissue reaction to its
the menstrual cycle. Pulmonary Perspectives 11: presence.
Lim V, Katz A, Lindheimer M 1976 Acid–base A dust is an aerosol of solid, inanimate particles,
regulation in pregnancy. Am J Physiol 231: 1764. and their size should be less than 10 ␮m to be
Newmark ME, Penry JK 1980 Catamenial epilepsy: a retained in the lung. This size is somewhat
review. Epilepsia 21: 281. unusual, especially in nature, and requires the
Rizk NW, Kalassian KG, Gilligan T et al 1996 disruptive forces of industrial processes.
Obstetric complications in pulmonary and critical
Moreover, only a few specific dusts among the
care medicine. Chest 110: 791.
many produced give rise to clinical disease. In
Sanson B-J, Lensing AWA, Prins MH et al 1999
Safety of low-molecular-weight heparin in addition, associated damage due to smoking is
pregnancy: a systematic review. Thromb Haemost very common and may outweigh any effect of
81: 668. inhaled dust.
Wood CE 1996 Menorrhagia: a clinical update. Med
J Aust 165: 510.
The chief pneumoconioses are due to:
• coal dust;
Occupational lung diseases
• silica; 265
Lung damage from inhalation of dusts, fumes • asbestos.
or other injurious substances may occur in
many occupations in most societies. There
is a vast number of such substances, and the Coal dust and silica give rise to simple
consequences of their inhalation range from pneumoconiosis with few or no symptoms or
minor to severe. Fortunately, most substances lung function abnormalities, but the chest X-ray
to which the population is exposed are not shows diffuse, multiple, rounded opacities, often
harmful, and those that are injurious are primarily affecting the upper lobes. If the silica
probably well recognized nowadays, so that is inhaled as very fine particles, a diffuse
appropriate preventive measures can be interstitial fibrosis rather than a nodular
taken. pathology may result.
It is worth noting that in general, occupational For reasons that are unclear but may be
diseases are not pathologically unique. They are immunological, some patients develop
the same as their counterparts due to other complicated pneumoconiosis in the form of
causes and are distinguished primarily by their progressive massive fibrosis with large
history. fibrotic lesions, often with cavities and usually
in the upper lobes. Symptoms of dyspnoea and
The major occupational lung diseases cough now appear. The progressive massive
comprise the following: fibrosis of silicosis and of coal workers’
pneumoconiosis may be complicated by
• pneumoconiosis; tuberculosis or rheumatoid arthritis (Caplan’s
• occupational asthma; syndrome), respectively.
• hypersensitivity pneumonitis;
• acute lung irritation; Asbestos (q.v.) may produce progressive,
• occupational pulmonary infections; diffuse fibrosis, at which stage symptoms appear.
• occupational pulmonary neoplasms; Lung function changes, particularly decreased
• miscellaneous occupational lung diseases. gas transfer, precede both symptoms and
radiographic changes.
O Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

In addition to producing a pneumoconiosis • hydatid disease

Occupational lung diseases

(asbestosis), asbestos also predisposes to:

– in sheep farmers.
• calcified pleural plaques;
6. Occupational pulmonary neoplasms
• diffuse pleural fibrosis;
• bronchogenic carcinoma;
• pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma. • carcinoma of the lung
Pneumoconioses are also produced by: – following exposure to asbestos, uranium
mining, arsenic, nickel, chromate,
• other silicates (e.g. talc and kaolin, but not beryllium, mustard gas and probably other
cement or fibreglass); substances;
• aluminium;
• barium sulfate; • mesothelioma
• iron oxide; – following exposure to asbestos (q.v.).
• tin oxide;
• tungsten carbide; 7. Miscellaneous occupational lung
• beryllium (q.v.) (beryllium also gives rise to diseases include:
diffuse granuloma formation). • byssinosis
2. Occupational asthma may be caused by – a condition found in textile workers
266 exposure to substances which are allergenic, inhaling cotton, flax or hemp dust;
pharmacologically active or directly irritant to – with cough, chest tightness, dyspnoea and
the bronchial tree. wheeze, especially on Mondays;
Animal danders, vegetable, flower and grain – with an obstructive pattern on spirometry
dusts, wood dusts, cotton dusts, isocyanates, but a normal chest X-ray;
latex, soldering flux, insecticides, gases (e.g. • pulmonary infiltration due to hair sprays
sulfur dioxide) and various chemicals and
proteolytic enzymes may be incriminated. – sometimes picturesquely called
Many patients have no past history or family
history of asthma or atopy, and symptoms may • paraquat lung
sometimes be atypical in that wheeze is not – a lethal, proliferative and destructive
always prominent. Typically, the symptoms are reaction following ingestion of this toxic
worse at work and subside at weekends weed killer (q.v.).
(‘Monday morning asthma’) and on holidays,
but eventually they may become chronic. Bibliography
Bernardo J, Center DM 1981 Hypersensitivity
3. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (q.v.). pneumonia. Dis Mon 27: 1.
4. Acute lung irritation (q.v.). Berry G 1995 Environmental mesothelioma
incidence, time since exposure to asbestos and
5. Occupational pulmonary infections level of exposure. Environmetrics 6: 221.
include: Chan-Yeung M, Malo J-L 1995 Occupational
asthma. N Engl J Med 333: 107.
• tuberculosis Davidoff F 1998 New disease, old story. Ann Intern
Med 129: 327.
– in health workers and miners with silicosis;
Ho A, Chan H, Tse KS et al 1996 Occupational
• Q fever asthma due to latex in health care workers. Thorax
51: 1280.
– in farmers, veterinarians and abattoir Mitchell CA 1997 Occupational lung disease. Med J
workers; Aust 167: 498.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Schwartz DA 1987 Acute inhalational injury. Occup Optic neuritis (see Multiple sclerosis)
Med 2: 297.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

van Kempen V, Merget R, Baur X 2000
Occupational airway sensitizers. Am J Ind Med 38: Orchitis
The major causes of orchitis are:
• mumps;
Octreotide (see Acromegaly, Carcinoid • varicella;
syndrome, Diarrhoea, Glucagonoma and • typhoid;
Hepatopulmonary syndrome) • Coxsackie virus B infection;
• filariasis.
In post-pubertal males, mumps causes orchitis in
Oncofetal antigen (see Alpha-
about 10% of patients and is then followed in
fetoprotein and Carcinoembryonic antigen) half by infertility and testicular atrophy.
Orchitis should be distinguished from:
Ophthalmoplegia • epididymitis (q.v.);
• testicular torsion;
Ophthalmoplegia refers to weakness of the
• testicular tumour.
ocular muscles due to damage to the III, IV 267
and/or VI cranial nerves.
Organophosphates (see Warfare
• If unilateral, it is commonly due to an
orbital lesion. It may also be associated
Osler–Weber–Rendu disease (see
– an intracavernous carotid artery Arteriovenous malformations)
– diabetes,
– recent viral infection. Ovarian hyperstimulation
• If bilateral, it may be caused by: syndrome
– cavernous sinus thrombosis, Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is
– midbrain lesion (usually ischaemic), a serious multisystem complication of ovulation
– multiple sclerosis, induction, first described in 1984. Ovarian
– myasthenia gravis, stimulation by exogenous hormone
– Wernicke’s encephalopathy. administration is used to produce the oocytes
needed in IVF and GIFT programmes, and
OHSS is thus an inadvertent iatrogenic
Clinical features are manifest as follows: condition.
• III nerve damage causes weakness of upward, The pathogenesis of OHSS is presumably an
downward and inward eye movement, exaggeration of the normal ovulation process,
associated with ptosis and a dilated pupil; with mediator release, increased capillary
• IV nerve damage causes weakness of permeability, and fluid shift from the
downward and inward eye movement; intravascular space into the serous cavities.
• VI nerve damage causes weakness of There is thus hypovolaemia and
outward eye movement. haemoconcentration.
O Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

OHSS occurs in about 20% of ovarian Treatment is required for all except mild cases, which
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

inductions, with the majority of cases being are self-limiting within about two weeks. Appropriate
mild and only about 1% being severe. It occurs treatment comprises urgent Intensive Care
a few days after the start of the luteal phase and management, with fluid resuscitation, circulatory
usually lasts only a week or so. monitoring, albumin administration, and abdominal
and pleural paracenteses.
Specific pharmacological treatment is not available, as
OHSS is classified as:
antihistamines and prostaglandin inhibitors have been
• mild disease disappointing, though recently ACE inhibitors have
shown promise.
– Grade 1 (abdominal discomfort and
– Grade 2 (nausea, vomiting and
Brinsden PR, Wada I, Tan SL et al 1995 Diagnosis,
prevention and management of ovarian
• moderate disease hyperstimulation syndrome. Br J Obstet Gynaecol
102: 767.
– Grade 3 (ascites); Golan A, Ron-El R, Herman A et al 1989 Ovarian
hyperstimulation syndrome: an update review.
• severe disease Obstet Gynecol Surv 44: 430.
– Grade 4 (ascites, pleural effusion and Myrianthefs P, Ladakis C, Lappas V et al 2000
268 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS):
– Grade 5 (hypovolaemia, hypotension, diagnosis and management. Intens Care Med 26:
oliguria, coagulopathy). 631.
Tassone M, Kuhn R, Talbot JM 1997 Ovarian
hyperstimulation syndrome. Aust NZ J Obstet
Gynaecol 37: 5.
In the full-blown picture, there is thus: Williamson K, Mushambi MC 1994 Ovarian
• shock; hyperstimulation syndrome. Br J Anaesth 3: 731.
• multiorgan failure (acute respiratory distress
syndrome, renal failure, liver dysfunction);
• thrombosis and/or haemorrhage. Oxytocin (see Desmopressin)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Paget’s disease increased uptake on isotope bone scans. There is

Paget’s disease
increased urinary hydroxyproline (reflecting
Paget’s disease of bone is a local disorder collagen reabsorption) and increased plasma type
with considerable histological complexity. I procollagen fragments (reflecting collagen
Although its aetiology is uncertain, there is synthesis). Although the serum alkaline
some familial clustering and variable ethnic phosphatase is increased, the urinary calcium is
prevalence (e.g. it is found in up to 3% of older generally normal, unless the patient is confined
patients in North America and Western Europe to bed. Hypercalcaemia is also uncommon
but not in Asia). This epidemiology, together (despite an increased calcium and phosphate flux
with the finding of intranuclear inclusion bodies which may rise up to 20-fold without changes
resembling paramyxovirus nucleocapsids and in plasma levels), and this too occurs usually
reacting against measles, RSV or other related only with immobilization such as with bed rest.
viruses, suggests that the disease may be due to Treatment is often not required. Symptoms respond to
an infectious agent acquired some years before. NSAIDs for clinically significant disease. Specific
Histologically, there is a mixed inhibition of osteoclast formation and function may be
osteolytic/osteoblastic process, the latter obtained with calcitonin, bisphosphonates or
becoming predominant later in the disease. In plicamycin (mithramycin).
addition to increased bone reabsorption with
• Calcitonin has been available for about 20 years
abnormal osteoclasts, there is osteoblastic and improves most clinical features except deafness.
activity with new bone formation, typically a 269
It is given as 50–100 U sc daily or second daily
mosaic of both lamellar and woven bone. A on a long-term basis, since relapse follows its
loose fibrous stroma with prominent vessels cessation. Although its onset of action is prompt,
replaces the bone marrow. The entire process the fall in alkaline phosphatase, sometimes even to
may be different in different bones at the same normal values, may take some weeks. Occasional
time. side-effects include nausea, flushing, abnormal
The clinical features of a focal bone disorder of taste and local bone pain. More importantly,
this type clearly depend on its site and extent. antibodies develop in some patients, who thus
become resistant unless the synthetic human form
• Although commonly asymptomatic, there of calcitonin is then used.
may be local deformity, local pain, local
• Bisphosphonates include aledronate, pamidronate
hyperaemia or pathological fracture. Specific and etidronate (see Hypercalcaemia). These too
local symptoms include deafness, neural may exacerbate local pain, but improvement tends
compression or renal calculi (if there has to be sustained for many months after cessation of
been hypercalcuria). therapy.
• Systemically, there may be a hyperdynamic • Plicamycin is given in a dose of 15 ␮g/kg per
state, if more than 30% of the skeleton is day for 10 days. These are much lower doses than
involved. These features are usually seen in are used for cancer chemotherapy, so that although
middle-aged or elderly patients. nausea or thrombocytopenia may occur, bone
• Occasionally, there may be neoplastic marrow, liver and renal toxicity do not occur.
change, either benign giant cell tumour Again, prolonged remissions may be produced.
(which is locally destructive) or osteosarcoma
(of the osteolytic type). Most osteosarcomas Paget’s disease of nipple comprises a reddish
in adults arise in patients with Paget’s disease. scaly and often ulcerated plaque, involving the
nipple and areola and associated with an
Investigations include abnormal X-ray findings, underlying carcinoma.
especially in the skull, with lytic lesions
surrounded by a somewhat irregular margin. It is unilateral and mostly seen in women.
Even if the X-ray is normal, there may be However, extramammary lesions of a similar
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

nature can be seen in either sex, involving The treatment of severe acute pancreatitis is well
Paget’s disease

apocrine gland sites, especially in the perineum known in Intensive Care practice and its elements
or axilla. These too usually reflect an underlying have recently been critically reviewed (see
carcinoma. bibliography).

Bibliography Chronic pancreatitis is also well known to be

Singer FR 1991 Clinical efficacy of salmon calcitonin associated with:
in Paget’s disease of bone. Calcif Tissue Int 49
(suppl 2): S7. • alcoholism;
Singer FR 1995 Paget’s disease of bone. In: De • biliary disease.
Groot LJ (ed) Endocrinology. Philadelphia: It may less commonly follow abdominal trauma.
p 1259.
Singer FR, Minoofar PN 1995 Bisphosphonates in
the treatment of disorders of mineral metabolism.
Baron TH, Morgan DE 1999 Acute necrotizing
Adv Endocrinol Metab 6: 259.
pancreatitis. N Engl J Med 340: 1412.
Go VLW et al (eds) 1993 The Pancreas: Biology,
Pathobiology and Diseases. New York: Raven
Palmar erythema Press.
Palmar erythema describes a dark reddish-purple Green PHR, Tall AR 1979 Drugs, alcohol and
area on the palm of the hand, usually over the malabsorption. Am J Med 67: 1066.
hypothenar eminence. Layer P, Yamamoto H, Kalthoff L et al 1994 The
270 different courses of early- and late-onset idiopathic
and alcoholic chronic pancreatitis.
It is typically associated with hepatic Gastroenterology 107: 1481.
cirrhosis, but it is also seen in chronic active Marshall JB 1993 Acute pancreatitis: a review with an
hepatitis, thyrotoxicosis and rheumatoid emphasis on new developments. Arch Intern Med
arthritis. 153: 1185.
Marshall JC 1999 Surgical approaches to the
management of acute severe necrotizing
pancreatitis. Curr Opin Crit Care 5: 159.
Pancreatitis Rotstein OD 1999 Surgical approach #1 to severe
necrotizing pancreatitis. Curr Opin Crit Care 5:
Acute pancreatitis is well known to be 160.
precipitated by alcohol or biliary disease. Starr MG 1999 Surgical approach #2 to severe
necrotizing pancreatitis. Curr Opin Crit Care 5: 162.
Less common causes of acute pancreatitis Steer ML, Meldolesi J 1987 The cell biology of
experimental pancreatitis. N Engl J Med 316: 144.
Steer ML, Waxman I, Freedman S 1995 Chronic
• hypercalcaemia; pancreatitis. N Engl J Med 332: 1482.
• hyperlipoproteinaemia; Wyncoll DL 1999 The management of severe acute
• abdominal trauma necrotizing pancreatitis: an evidence-based review
of the literature. Intens Care Med 25: 146.
– including surgery;
• infections
– particularly mumps, salmonella; Pancytopenia
• drugs Pancytopenia refers to the presence of
– especially azathioprine, cytosine combined anaemia, neutropenia and
arabinoside, frusemide, oestrogens, thrombocytopenia (see Anaemia). Sometimes,
sulfonamides, tetracycline, thiazides. the causative process may affect only one or
two cell lines.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
If the bone marrow has been infiltrated, Chest X-ray shows a transient pulmonary

Paraneoplastic syndromes
viable stem cells may circulate and relocate infiltrate as in Loeffler’s syndrome, and cavities
in sites of fetal haemopoiesis. This is referred or pleural effusion may subsequent appear.
to as extramedullary haemopoiesis and is There is an eosinophilia.
associated with a leukoerythroblastic blood
film. The diagnosis is made following identification
of typical eggs in sputum or faeces (since
Any cytopenia (affecting 1, 2 or all 3 cell lines) sputum is often swallowed).
or a leukoerythroblastic blood film provides an
indication for bone marrow examination. The differential diagnosis is primarily
tuberculosis. The illness can thus present as
AFB-negative presumed tuberculosis.
Treatment is with praziquantel.
Papilloedema or swelling of the optic disc is
seen classically in conditions of increased
intracranial pressure. Papilloedema also occurs Bibliography
in: Pachucki CT, Levandowski RA, Brown VA et al
1984 American paragonimiasis treated with
• malignant hypertension; praziquantel. N Engl J Med 311: 582.
• hypercapnia;
• optic neuritis (q.v.). 271

Bibliography Paraneoplastic syndromes

Lyons MK, Meyer FB 1990 Cerebrospinal fluid
physiology and the management of increased
Paraneoplastic syndromes occur in malignancies
intracranial pressure. Mayo Clin Proc 65: 684. and comprise a variety of local and systemic
features not associated with any direct effect of
the original cancer, either its primary tumour or
its metastases.
Paragonimiasis occurs following the ingestion of They may occur before the cancer itself has
fresh water crustaceans infected with lung flukes been identified and may thus be an early marker
from the genus paragonimus. It occurs of an undetected cancer. They disappear after
predominantly in tropical Asia, Africa and successful treatment of the underlying cancer,
Central America. and any reappearance thus signifies a relapse or
The flukes migrate from the duodenum via the
peritoneal cavity and diaphragm to the lung, The most important paraneoplastic syndromes
where they form a nodule with a necrotic comprise:
centre surrounded by an inflammatory capsule.
After 5–6 weeks, the fluke lays eggs and the • dermatoses;
capsule ruptures into the bronchial tree, giving • ectopic hormone production;
sputum containing blood, inflammatory cells • neurological changes.
and eggs.
A variety of other conditions, such as
The patient often appears well, but sometimes cachexia, disseminated intravascular
there may be night sweats, chronic cough and coagulation and thromboembolism are
pleuritic pain. The effects of a space-occupying commonly associated with malignancies, but
lesion are noted if the parasite migrates to other these are not usually included among the
sites, e.g. CNS. paraneoplastic syndromes.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

1. Dermatoses 2. Ectopic hormone production (q.v.)

Paraneoplastic syndromes

A large variety of biologically active substances

There are a number of dermatoses may be produced by neoplastic cells. These
specifically suggestive of underlying include particularly a variety of polypeptide
malignancy. These include: hormones, such as ACTH, ADH, calcitonin,
glucagon, growth hormone, HCG, LH, MSH,
• hyperpigmentation PTH and somatostatin. Corticosteroids,
– due to ACTH production; prostaglandins and renin may also be secreted.
Corticosteroids, prostaglandins and renin may
• flushing also be secreted.
– due to carcinoid syndrome (q.v.);
• proliferative skin lesions The most frequently encountered clinical
feature from ectopic hormone production is
– as in multiple seborrhoeic keratosis due
inappropriate ADH syndrome (q.v.).
to secretion of growth factors;
Cushing’s syndrome, erythrocytosis,
• necrolytic migratory erythema hypercalcaemia, hyperpigmentation,
hypoglycaemia may also be produced. The
– due to glucagonoma (q.v.).
haematological findings of eosinophilia and
raised ESR may also be sometimes related to
ectopic hormone production.
Other, non-specific, dermatoses are also
commonly associated with malignancy.
3. Neurological changes
• Psoriasis-like lesions can be associated
with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. Neurological abnormalities are common and
• Hypertrichosis lanuginosa can be can precede any symptoms directly due to the
associated with disseminated carcinoma and cancer itself. The mechanisms are uncertain,
consists of fine downy hair in a previously and there can be a variety of overlapping
hairless region. It may also be associated with syndromes. The cancers most commonly
ichthyosis or acanthosis nigricans. involved are lung and ovary but also
• Pyoderma gangrenosum (q.v.) may be gastrointestinal tract and breast.
associated with myeloproliferative disorders,
as well as with chronic inflammatory
disease. The neurological abnormalities encountered
• Generalized pruritus may be associated involve:
with polycythaemia vera or lymphoma.
Although commonly associated with drugs • brain
or scabies, it may also reflect serious non- – progressive multifocal
malignant disease, such as thyrotoxicosis, leukoencephalopathy;
cholestasis or chronic renal disease. – subacute cerebellar degeneration;
• Painful red skin plaques with fever and – brainstem or limbic encephalitis;
neutrophilia (Sweet’s syndrome) may be
• spinal cord
associated with myeloproliferative disorders.
More often, it is associated with arthritis, and – degeneration of anterior horn cells;
it is also seen after bowel bypass surgery. – subacute necrotizing myelopathy;
• The skin and internal organs may suffer
• peripheral nerve
concomitant insult from a potentially
cancerous agent, such as arsenic (q.v.). – sensory or mixed neuropathy;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• neuromuscular junction agriculture since the early 1960s. Most cases of

human poisoning have occurred from accidental
– myasthenia gravis or related conditions
or deliberate ingestion (rather than from
(e.g. Eaton Lambert syndrome);
inhalation or skin absorption), with as little as
• muscle 10 mL of the 20% concentrate being potentially
lethal. The granular form is considered less
– polymyositis;
– myopathy;
– neuromyopathy. Although paraquat causes marked local irritation
(e.g. of skin, eyes or gastrointestinal tract), its
most dramatic effects are systemic, with renal
Bibliography failure, liver damage and in particular
Cascino TL 1993 Neurologic complications of pulmonary oedema. Although these
systemic cancer. Med Clin North Am 77: 265. complications may be rapidly fatal, more
Clamon GH, Evans WK, Shepherd FA et al 1984 typically death occurs in a few weeks from
Myasthenic syndrome and small cell cancer of the
severe pulmonary fibrosis.
lung: variable response to antineoplastic therapy.
Arch Intern Med 144: 999. Rapid diagnosis is dependent on an accurate
Cohen PR, Kurzrock R 1987 Sweet’s syndrome and history, and confirmation is by a qualitative
malignancy. Am J Med 82: 1220. urine test or plasma radioimmunoassay.
Cohen PR, Talpaz M, Kurzrock R 1988
Malignancy-associated Sweet’s syndrome; review Urgent treatment is with gastric lavage and 273
of the world literature. J Clin Oncol 6: 1887. prevention of further absorption using Fuller’s
Cronin RE, Kaehny WD, Miller, PD et al 1976 Earth (30% solution 250 mL 4 hourly), with
Renal cell carcinoma: unusual systemic magnesium sulfate as a purgative to hasten the
manifestations. Medicine 55: 291.
faecal removal of the paraquat–Fuller’s Earth
Fitzpatrick TB, Eisen AZ, Wolff K et al (eds) 1979
Dermatology in General Medicine. New York:
• Various measures to enhance removal of absorbed
Hall TC (ed) 1974 Paraneoplastic syndromes. Ann
paraquat, such as diuresis, dialysis and
NY Acad Sci 230: 1.
Jemec GBE 1986 Hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita. haemoperfusion, and possible antidotes, such as
Arch Dermatol 122: 805. corticosteroids and free radical scavengers, have
Mallette LE 1991 The parathyroid polyhormones: been ineffective.
new concepts in the spectrum of peptide hormone • Recently, propofol has been found to be protective
action. Endocr Rev 12: 110. in experimental animals.
McLean DI 1986 Cutaneous paraneoplastic • Lung transplantation has been reported, though
syndromes. Arch Dermatol 122: 765. recurrence of ‘paraquat lung’ has also been
O’Neill JH, Murray NM, Newsom-Davis J 1988 observed in such cases.
The Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syndrome. Brain
111: 577.
Peterson K, Rosenblum MK, Kotanides H et al 1992 Bibliography
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration. Neurology Ariyama J, Shimada H, Aono M et al 2000
42: 1931. Propofol improves recovery from paraquat acute
Ruther U, Nunnensiek C, Bokemeyer C (eds) 1998 toxicity in vitro and in vivo. Intens Care Med
Paraneoplastic Syndromes. Basel: Karger. 26: 981.
Ng LL, Naik RB, Polak A 1982 Paraquat ingestion
with methaemoglobinaemia treated with
Paraquat methylene blue. Br Med J 284: 1445.
Suzuki K, Takasu N, Arita S et al 1991 Evaluation of
Paraquat (1,1-dimethyl-4,4-bipyridylium) is a severity indexes of patients with paraquat
potent phytotoxic herbicide, used worldwide in poisoning. Hum Exp Toxicol 10: 21.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Parotitis (see Mouth diseases) Pemphigus


Pemphigus vulgaris is a vesiculobullous disease,

presumably of autoimmune origin, since
Paroxysmal nocturnal
antibodies may be found to the epidermal
haemoglobinuria (see Anaemia) desmosome adhesion protein, plakoglobulin.
From a local lesion usually in the mouth, it may
Pediculosis progress to involve extensive areas of skin and
mucous membrane. The affected epidermis can
Pediculosis is produced by one of two be dislodged by lateral digital pressure
ectoparasites which infect the skin and cause a (Nikolsky’s sign, which is also seen in the
marked itch. These are: staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome – see
Exfoliative dermatitis. The bullae ulcerate and
• Sarcoptes scabiei, a burrowing mite, and
then heal slowly with hyperpigmentation.
• Pediculus humanus, a blood-sucking louse.
Histologically, there is loss of epidermal cell
Infection occurs in one of three forms, i.e. cohesion (acantholysis).
capitis, corporis and pubis. The differential diagnosis includes the other
Scabies is the more common infestation, except vesiculobullous diseases (q.v.).
in overcrowding or wartime when lice become Treatment is with corticosteroids, which may be life-
more common. Infection occurs from person to saving if the disease is extensive, in which case fluid
person transmission or from fomites. The eggs and protein loss also need to be repaired.
hatch in about one week, and the parasites have Plasmapheresis, cyclosporin, other immunosuppressive
a life-span of about one month. drugs and gold may also help.
Phthiriasis, the ‘lousy disease’ of antiquity in Variants of pemphigus include
which lice ate away the flesh of the unfortunate
victim as a fatal punishment from the gods, has • Pemphigus vegetans, which consists of
raised wart-like plaques, which respond to
not been reported for more than a century and
may never have existed as such.
• Pemphigus foliaceus, seen in sun-exposed
Many local treatments are available, including areas and sometimes merging with SLE,
lindane and over-the-counter pyrethrins. • Paraneoplastic pemphigus, associated
with malignancy,
The human body louse is also the vector for • Bullous pemphigoid, in which recurrent
transmission of Bartonella quintana, the crops of subepidermal bullae, often with
aetiological agent in trench fever. This presents secondary infection, occur in older patients.
as acute periodic fever with headache and The condition often begins with urticaria
painful shins. Trench fever has recently been and pruritus. Mucosal involvement can
noted to have returned to industrialized sometimes occur. If this includes the
societies, particularly in homeless people. conjunctiva, blindness may result.

Bondeson J 1998 Phthiriasis: the riddle of the lousy
Jolles S, Hughes J, Whittaker S 1998 Dermatological
disease. J R Soc Med 91: 328.
uses of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin.
Arch Dermatol 134: 80.
Korman N 1987 Bullous pemphigoid. J Am Acad
Pelvic inflammatory disease (see Dermatol. 21: 1089.
Salpingitis) Provost TT 1982 Pemphigus. N Engl J Med 306: 1224.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Penicillamine (see Chelating agents) associated with other autoimmune phenomena,

especially thyroid disease.
Clinical features in addition to anaemia include
Periodic breathing (see Sleep disorders glossitis and neurological disease. The
of breathing) neurological disease is referred to as subacute
combined degeneration and comprises
peripheral neuropathy as well as spinal cord
Periodic paralysis (see also Liquorice) involvement. It is manifest by paraesthesiae and
Periodic paralysis is due to an abnormal initially loss of sensations passing through the
potassium flux across muscle cell membranes. posterior columns, i.e. loss of vibration sense
The serum potassium may be either increased, and proprioception, but the sensations of touch
decreased or normal, thus classifying the and temperature are preserved until the disease
condition into three types. All are autosomal is advanced. There is thus ataxia and spastic
dominant conditions. weakness. Patients can also suffer from
neuropsychiatric impairment, especially
Muscle weakness, usually generalized, occurs memory loss and depression.
rapidly and lasts for hours to days. Typically,
there are recurrent attacks, but they vary greatly Treatment is with vitamin B12 1000 ␮g
in frequency and severity. parenterally weekly for six weeks, then monthly for

A similar condition also occurs in chronic If the anaemia is severe, transfusion may be
hypokalaemia from any other cause (e.g. gut considered, but this needs to be administered with
loss). great care as volume overload is easily produced in
these patients.

All types of periodic paralysis usually respond to Bibliography

acetazolamide, 250 mg 6 hourly. Pruthi RK, Tefferi A 1994 Pernicious anemia
revisited. Mayo Clin Proc 69: 144.
Griggs R, Ptacek L 1992 The periodic paralysis.
Hosp Pract 27: 123. Peroneal muscular atrophy (see
Knochel J 1982 Neuromuscular manifestations of
Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease)
electrolyte disorders. Am J Med 72: 521.

Pernicious anaemia Petechiae

Petechiae are the smallest haemorrhagic lesions
Pernicious anaemia is an autoimmune-
on the skin and mucous membranes and are
induced vitamin B12 deficiency. Normally,
manifest as non-blanching red-purple dots.
vitamin B12 binds to intrinsic factor, a 45 kD
glycoprotein secreted by the gastric parietal
cells. This complex then binds to specific Petechiae have three mechanisms of
sites in the distal ileum from where it is causation, namely:
• thrombocytopenia (q.v.);
In pernicious anaemia, there is an autoimmune • platelet function defect (q.v.);
antibody to intrinsic factor, and thus vitamin • microvascular damage (i.e. vascular
B12 deficiency occurs due to impaired purpura).
absorption. Commonly, the condition is
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Vascular purpura is especially associated with plasma or urine. The most convenient test has

serious infections, such as septicaemia (see been 24 h urinary secretion of VMA

Purpura). (vanillylmandelic acid) and catecholamines, but
the 24 h urinary excretion of metanephrine is
more reliable and elevated plasma
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (see catecholamine levels are the most sensitive.
Mouth diseases) Specific provocative or inhibitory tests of
catecholamine secretion can be hazardous.
Direct imagining of the tumour with CT
scanning is required to demonstrate the actual
site of lesions ⬎5 mm in diameter.
Phaeochromocytoma is the only lesion of the
adrenal medulla. It is a vascular and secretory Treatment requires careful pre-operative preparation
tumour associated with the production of with alpha blockade (using phenoxybenzamine) for
hypertension and thus detected mainly in such blood pressure control, followed if necessary by beta
patients. blockade (using e.g. propranolol) for heart rate
control. Following normalization of blood pressure,
• Traditionally, there is paroxysmal heart rate and blood volume, surgery may be
hypertension, but this is seen in only 40% of undertaken, though great care needs to be taken with
patients and the majority in fact have sudden hypertension during surgical handling of the
276 sustained hypertension. tumour, followed by hypotension after its removal.
• An occasional patient may even present with Thus, sodium nitroprusside and noradrenaline
paradoxical hypotension, especially of a infusions need to be prepared for use, as well as
postural nature, from excess beta stimulation parenteral beta-blocker and intravenous fluids.
and hypovolaemia.
• There is associated headache, sweating and
tachycardia, with a hypermetabolic state Rarely, a phaeochromocytoma crisis may
(including glucose intolerance, weight loss occur, which produces features similar to
and leukocytosis). those of a number of other conditions,
including cerebral trauma, monoamine
Phaeochromocytoma may sometimes be oxidase inhibitor crisis or abrupt cessation of
associated with the MEN syndrome type 2 (q.v.), clonidine.
in which case it is often bilateral. Occasionally,
the tumours are found extra-abdominally, e.g. in It is treated with phentolamine or sodium
the thoracic para-aortic region. Most nitroprusside infusion for blood pressure control,
phaeochromocytomas (90%) are benign. Some followed by beta blockade.
are clinically undiagnosed during life.
The diagnosis should be considered in young
patients with hypertension, in paroxysmal Bravo EL, Gifford RW 1984 Pheochromocytoma:
hypertension or if there are associated diagnosis, localization and management. N Engl J
symptoms. Med 311: 1298.
The differential diagnosis particularly includes: Daly PA, Landsberg L 1992 Phaeochromocytoma:
diagnosis and management. Bailliere’s Clin
• hypertension with associated anxiety; Endocrinol Metab 6: 143.
• posterior fossa lesions which can stimulate Editorial 1985 The function of adrenaline. Lancet 1:
the medullary sympathetic–adrenal axis. 561.
Golub MS, Tuck ML 1992 Diagnostic and
The diagnosis is confirmed by the therapeutic strategies in pheochromocytoma.
demonstration of increased metabolites in the Endocrinologist 2: 101.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Sutton MG, Sheps SG, Lie JT 1981 Prevalence of • Vitiligo. This refers to patchy
clinically unsuspected pheochromocytoma. Mayo

Pigmentation disorders
depigmentation following loss of melanin
Clin Proc 56: 354. and/or melanocytes, especially on the face or
Whalen RK, Althausen AF, Daniels GH 1992 Extra- limbs. These lesions may coalesce so as to
adrenal pheochromocytoma. J Urol 147: 1.
become extensive. The same process may also
destroy pigment cells in the retina. Vitiligo is
particularly associated with endocrine
Phosgene (see Warfare agents) disorders, such as Addison’s disease, diabetes,
pernicious anaemia and thyroid disease.
Phrenic nerve (see Diaphragm) 2. Hyperpigmentation

A. Local hyperpigmentation
Phthiriasis (see Pediculosis)
• Acanthosis nigricans. This refers to
pigmented papillomatous lesions resembling
Physical exposure dirt lines and especially seen in skin folds.
The physical exposures considered in this book
are those to: It may be associated with:

• cold, in relation to • obesity; 277

• autoimmune disease;
– frostbite;
• endocrine disease
– hypothermia;
– flexural brown thickening of the skin
• heat, in relation to suggests hyperinsulinaemia;
– heat cramps;
• malignancy
– heat exhaustion;
– heat stroke; – especially abdominal adenocarcinoma;
– heat rash; – occasionally squamous cell carcinoma of
– heat shock proteins; the cervix.
– hot tubs;
– hyperthermia; It may also be seen as a familial trait.
• high altitude. • Freckles, or solar lentigines. These may be
Each of these topics is considered individually. seen after local trauma or inflammation or in
• Melasma (chloasma). This occurs on the
Pigmentation disorders face and is seen with oral contraceptives,
pregnancy or liver disease.
1. Hypopigmentation
• Albinism. This is an uncommon condition, B. Diffuse hyperpigmentation
in which several types of genetic defect of
• Systemic diseases. These include:
melanin production may be inherited as an
autosomal dominant. – Addison’s disease;
• Hypomelanosis. This refers to decreased – haemochromatosis;
pigmentation following recent skin trauma – drugs (amiodarone, antimalarials, cytotoxic
or inflammation (including eczema, leprosy, agents, oral tanning agents, phenothiazines,
psoriasis, syphilis). tetracycline).
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• Non-melanin hyperpigmentation. This there may also be local symptoms, particularly

Pigmentation disorders

may be due to deposition of: of a visual nature. Pituitary apoplexy is an

emergency condition which can complicate any
– carotene;
pituitary tumour (see Acromegaly).
– haemoglobin;
– foreign substances, such as heavy metals The most common deficiency of anterior
(arsenic, silver). pituitary secretion is global, i.e.
panhypopituitarism. This is usually due to a
Bibliography tumour, particularly a chromophobe adenoma.
Grimes PE 1995 Melasma: etiologic and therapeutic Other tumours, such as craniopharyngioma or
considerations. Arch Dermatol 131: 1453. occasionally metastases, or sometimes other
Hendrix JD, Greer KE 1992 Cutaneous space-occupying lesions, such as granulomas,
hyperpigmentation caused by systemic drugs. Int J may be responsible for global pituitary
Dermatol 31: 458.
Mosher DB, Fitzpatrick TB, Ortonne J-P 1979
Abnormalities of pigmentation. In: Fitzpatrick TB, Sheehan’s syndrome refers to the rare entity
Eisen AZ, Wolff K et al (eds) Dermatology in of pituitary deficiency following postpartum
General Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill. shock, though hypophysitis may be a more
p 568. common cause of pituitary deficiency in the
Orlow SJ 1997 Albinism: an update. Semin Cutan
postpartum period.
Med Surg 16: 24.
278 Pituitary reserve is best tested currently via the
response of the pituitary hormones and target
hormones to releasing hormones.
Treatment of pituitary deficiency is traditionally with
The hypothalamic–pituitary axis is the
target gland hormone replacement (adrenal,
major junction between the body’s two chief
gonadal, thyroid), since pituitary hormones
pathways for integrated systemic responses,
themselves are generally inconvenient to administer
namely the nervous and endocrine systems.
The richly innervated hypothalamus provides
The exception is human growth hormone, which is
the link with the CNS. Since it is outside the
easily given by daily subcutaneous injection. Its
blood–brain barrier, it can also sense circulating
indication in adults is controversial, though it is
substances, such as cortisol, glucose and sodium.
licensed in several countries for use in growth
In addition, it has amine, opioid and peptide
hormone deficiency. It is now made by recombinant
receptors. It is thus well placed to house the
technology and is thus safe, though it is very
major homeostatic centres for control of
osmolality, temperature, thirst and appetite.
(see Adrenal insufficiency and Hypothyroidism)
It provides the link with the endocrine system
via secretion of stimulatory or inhibitory The posterior pituitary comprises the
peptides into the hypophyseal-portal venous terminal parts of the hypothalamic neurones. It
system and thus into the anterior pituitary. is here that vasopressin (AVP or ADH) is
These peptides include AVP/ADP, CRH, secreted, having migrated along the axons from
dopamine, GHRH, GnRH, somatostatin, the hypothalamus where it was synthesized.
Vasopressin secretion responds to small changes
The anterior pituitary secretions, if (e.g. 1%) in osmolality and to larger changes
abnormally increased or decreased, are usually (e.g. 10%) in blood pressure or blood volume.
manifest via abnormalities of the target gland. If As little as 1% increase in plasma osmolality
the pituitary abnormality is caused by a tumour, causes sufficient vasopressin secretion to increase
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
the urine osmolality by 200 mOsm/kg. This Pituitary apoplexy (see Acromegaly)

Platelet function defects

response is sensitive in either direction in
normal subjects, but it becomes substantially
impaired in older patients and in cardiac failure. Placental abruption (see Trauma in
The chief disorders of vasopressin are: pregnancy)

• diabetes insipidus
– i.e. ADH deficiency;
Plasmacytoma (see Multiple myeloma)

• the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic

hormone (q.v.) Plasminogen
– i.e. ADH excess. Plasminogen is the inactive circulating precursor
of the fibrinolytic system. Its molecular weight
(see also Desmopressin) is 90000 and its plasma concentration is about
200 ␮g/mL (2.4 ␮M).
Bills DC, Meyer FB, Laws ER et al 1993 A Its role is described in Fibrinolysis (q.v.)
retrospective analysis of pituitary apoplexy.
Neurosurgery 33: 602. Platelet function defects
Burke CW 1992 The pituitary megatest: outdated?
Clin Endocrinol 36: 133. Platelet function defects refer to qualitative 279
Chrousos GP 1995 The hypothalamic–pituitary– platelet abnormalities, as opposed to the
adrenal axis and immune-mediated inflammation. quantitative platelet abnormality of
N Engl J Med 332: 1351. thrombocytopenia.
Dash RJ, Gupta V, Suri S 1993 Sheehan’s syndrome.
Aust NZ J Med 23: 26.
Editorial 1980 Corticosteroids and hypothalamic– They present as a bleeding disorder with
pituitary–adrenocortical function. Br Med J 280: prolonged bleeding time but normal platelet
813. count.
Elster AD 1993 Modern imaging of the pituitary.
Radiology 187: 1.
Hoffman DM, Ho KKY 1999 Growth hormone Platelet function defects may be congenital or
deficiency in adults: to treat or not to treat. Aust acquired.
NZ J Med 29: 342.
Loriaux DL 1985 The polyendocrine deficiency 1. Congenital
syndromes. N Engl J Med 312: 1568. • absence of platelet membrane receptors, due
Magner JA 1990 Thyroid-stimulating hormone: to the rare conditions
biosynthesis, cell biology, and bioactivity.
Endocrinol Rev 11: 354. – glycoprotein IIb–IIIa (Glanzmann’s
Molitch ME, Russell EJ 1990 The pituitary thrombasthenia);
‘incidentaloma’. Ann Intern Med 112: 925. – glycoprotein Ib–Ix (Bernard–Soulier)
Robertson GL 1987 Physiology of ADH secretion. disease;
Kidney Int 32 (suppl 21): S20.
Shupnik MA, Ridgway EC, Chin WW 1989 • platelet granule deficiency, i.e. ␣- and ␦-
Molecular biology of thyrotropin. Endocr Rev 10: storage pool disease (also rare);
459. • von Willebrand’s disease (q.v.)
Vance ML 1994 Hypopituitarism. N Engl J Med
330: 1651. 2. Acquired
Vokes TJ, Robertson GL 1988 Disorders of
• storage pool defect
antidiuretic hormone. Endocrinol Metab Clin
North Am 17: 281. – in myeloproliferative disorders;
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• miscellaneous abnormalities, as Treatment of clinical bleeding due to a platelet

Platelet function defects

function defect is with platelet concentrates and/or

– in alcoholism;
DDAVP (see Desmopressin).
– after cardiopulmonary bypass;
– in uraemia;
– due to drugs. Deykin D 1983 Uremic bleeding. Kidney Int 24:
Many drugs adversely affect platelet Ferrara JLM 1995 The febrile platelet transfusion
function. However, few do so in a manner reaction: a cytokine shower. Transfusion 35: 89.
quantitative enough to cause clinical George JN, Shattil SJ 1991 The clinical importance
bleeding, unless there is some other of acquired abnormalities of platelet function. N
Engl J Med 324: 27.
concomitant haemostatic impairment.
Sattler FR, Weitekamp MR, Ballard JO 1986
Of the drugs causing quantitatively Potential for bleeding with the new beta-lactam
significant platelet dysfunction, aspirin is the antibiotics. Ann Intern Med 105: 924.
archetypal agent. Like all NSAIDs, it impairs Schafer AI 1984 Bleeding and thrombosis in the
platelet aggregation by inhibiting cyclo- myeloproliferative disorders. Blood 64: 1.
oxygenase and decreasing thromboxane A2 Yang Z, Stulz P, von Segesser L et al 1991 Different
(TXA2). interactions of platelets with arterial and venous
coronary bypass vessels. Lancet 337: 939.
Other drugs which cause clinically significant
280 defects include:
• beta-lactam antibiotics
Pleural cavity
– classically carbenicillin, but also other
members of this family to a lesser Pleural disorders include:
extent; 1. pneumothorax (see below);
• dextran 70; 2. pleurisy (see below) due to underlying
• ticlopidine and clopidrogel; disease (infection, inflammation, pulmonary
• selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors embolism, neoplasm, trauma);
3. pleural effusion (see below);
Many agents can impair platelet function in a
minor way, including especially: 4. plaques, thickening and calcification
following prior pleural disease, (see
• anaesthetics agents;
• antihistamines;
• beta blockers; 5. tumours – mesothelioma (either localized,
• calcium channel blockers; (i.e. fibroma) or diffuse, (i.e. malignant)).
• clofibrate;
• nitrates;
Pneumothorax refers to the presence of air
• psychotropic agents;
within the pleural cavity. This process may be:
• radiographic contrast media.
Certain foods can produce similar effects, • spontaneous, or
including: • traumatic (including iatrogenic).

• garlic; Either type may be under ‘tension’.

• ginger; Spontaneous pneumothorax:
• onions;
• several spices. • can arise in otherwise healthy subjects
(primary pneumothorax); or
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• can occur as a complication of another lung
The physical signs of pneumothorax may be

Pleural cavity
disorder (secondary pneumothorax).
quite subtle, unless the pneumothorax is
Primary pneumothorax occurs most large or under tension, when there may be:
commonly in young tall thin males who are
otherwise healthy, though they are usually • compression of the ipsilateral lung;
smokers. • displacement of the mediastinum;
• distortion of the contralateral lung;
This is thought to be due to the greater apical • circulatory embarrassment.
distending forces operating in association with
elastic recoil (which declines with age) and A chest X-ray is essential to confirm the
the pleural pressure gradient which is presence of a pneumothorax and to assess its
proportional to vertical lung height. There is size and likely cause.
probably an inherent weakness in the
subpleural apical tissue, such as a small bleb, Treatment of a pneumothorax depends on its size and
presumably due to a congenital bronchial tree cause.
Rarely, primary pneumothorax may be • A small spontaneous pneumothorax (up to 25%
reduction of lung volume) may be managed
catamenial (i.e. menses-related).
conservatively, unless the patient is on mechanical
The overall incidence of primary pneumothorax ventilation, in which case as for larger 281
in the population generally is low (about 4 per pneumothoraces an intercostal catheter is required.
10000 patient-years). Resolution of a small pneumothorax normally
requires 5–7 days, but this can be substantially
Secondary pneumothorax occurs with: hastened by administering oxygen which promotes
• diffuse disease processes reabsorption by exaggerating the diffusion gradient
for nitrogen between the blood and intrathoracic
– such as airways obstruction, bullae, gas.
interstitial lung disease, Marfan’s • A moderate spontaneous pneumothorax may be
syndrome, successfully treated by simple aspiration in many
cases, again unless the patient is on mechanical
• focal disease processes,
– such as carcinoma, infarction, necrotizing • Traumatic pneumothorax is best treated with
pneumonia, rheumatoid nodule, insertion of an intercostal catheter and underwater
endometriosis, tuberculosis (commonly in seal, since in addition there is often blood in the
the past), Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia pleural cavity (haemopneumothorax).
(more commonly nowadays), and acute • Pleurodesis is usually performed for recurrent
lobar collapse (causing pneumothorax ex pneumothorax, and thoracotomy may be required
vacuo). for a persisting bronchopleural fistula.
Traumatic pneumothorax may be: There is a risk of ipsilateral recurrence of
spontaneous pneumothorax of about 25%
• open within 2 y. Review of patients with apparently
– as after a penetrating chest wall injury; primary spontaneous pneumothorax is essential
to exclude underlying pathology which may
• closed require treatment.
– as after closed chest wall injury, pulmonary Pleurisy or inflammation of the parietal pleura
barotrauma, transbronchial lung biopsy or is always due to underlying pulmonary disease.
central venous catheterization. It is associated with chest pain which is often
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

severe, and with a pleural friction rub on 2. Biochemistry

Pleural cavity

auscultation. Dry or fibrinous pleurisy may be

• protein
followed later by pleural effusion, in which case
the friction rub disappears because of separation – ⬍30 g/L indicates transudate;
of the parietal and visceral pleura. – ⬎30 g/L indicates exudate;

Pleural effusion may be: • glucose

– N ⬎50% plasma level;
• either a transudate or exudate
– decreased in tuberculosis, malignancy,
– i.e. less than or greater than 30 g/L rheumatoid disease;
protein, respectively; – postpneumonic empyema;
– either may be called a hydrothorax;
• contain – increased in inflammation;
– blood (haemothorax) (see below); • cholesterol
– pus (empyema – see Cavitation);
– chyle (chylothorax) (see below). – increased in exudates or lymphatic
An effusion contains at least 500 mL before it
can be detected clinically and 100–300 mL • amylase
282 before it is apparent radiologically. The pleural – increased in pancreatic disease;
effusion may lie free in the pleural space or be
• pH
loculated either in the general space or into
lobular or subpulmonary spaces. – low (⬍7.20) in complicated
parapneumonic effusions.
The chief investigation of pleural effusion is
pleural aspiration (with or without pleural 3. Cytology
biopsy). The fluid is examined for: 4. Microbiology
1. Macroscopic appearance The chief causes of the different types of pleural
effusion are
• straw-coloured
– transudate, exudate; 1. Transudate
• congestive cardiac failure
• purulent
– either bilateral or right-sided,
– empyema or pyothorax;
– ⬎50000 WBCs/mL gives appearance of • constrictive pericarditis,
purulence; • hypoproteinaemia
– cirrhosis,
• blood-stained
– nephrotic syndrome,
– haemothorax; – critical illness,
– ⬎1 mL of blood/L gives RBC count
• Meig’s syndrome
⬎5000/mL and a serous appearance;
– haematocrit ⬎50% that of peripheral blood – from ovarian carcinoma,
indicates frank bleeding; • polyserositis,
• milky • peritoneal dialysis,
• superior vena cava obstruction,
– chylothorax; • myxoedema.
– chyliform rarely in chronic exudates.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
2. Exudate 5. Chylothorax

Pleural cavity
• bacterial pneumonia • malignancy
– parapneumonic sympathetic effusion, – especially lymphoma,
• pulmonary infarction, • trauma,
• malignancy • surgery,
– metastases, especially from cancers of • left subclavian vein thrombosis,
lung, breast, stomach, ovary, • lymphangiomyomatosis,
– primary lung cancer, • lymphangiectasia,
– mesothelioma, • mediastinitis.

• tuberculosis,
• subphrenic abscess,
• pancreatitis,
Alfageme I, Munoz F, Pena N et al 1993 Empyema
• oesophageal perforation,
of the thorax in adults: etiology, microbiologic
• collagen-vascular disease, findings, and management. Chest 103: 839.
• lymphoma, Andrivet P, Djedaini K, Teboul JL et al 1995
• uraemia, Spontaneous pneumothorax: comparison of
• ascites thoracic drainage vs immediate or delayed needle 283
aspiration. Chest 108: 335.
– mostly gives right-sided effusions.
Bartter T, Santarelli R, Akers SM et al 1994 The
evaluation of pleural effusion. Chest 106: 1209.
Baumann MH, Strange C 1997 Treatment of
spontaneous pneumothorax. A more aggressive
3. Empyema
approach? Chest 112: 789.
• bacterial pneumonia, Baumann MH, Strange C 1997 The clinician’s
perspective on pneumothorax management. Chest
• subphrenic abscess,
112: 822.
• penetrating injury,
Belani CP (ed) 1998 International symposium on
• septic embolism,
thoracic malignancies. Chest 113 (suppl): 1S.
• haematogenous spread. Cerfolio RJ, Allen MS, Deschamps C et al 1996
Postoperative chylothorax. J Thor Cardiovasc Surg
112: 1361.
Gunnels J 1978 Perplexing pleural effusions. Chest
4. Haemothorax 74: 390.
• trauma Jamal S, Maurer JR 1994 Pulmonary disease and
the menstrual cycle. Pulmonary Perspectives
– including invasive procedures, 11(3): 3.
Joseph J, Sahn SA 1996 Thoracic endometriosis
• malignancy,
syndrome: new observations from an analysis of
• pulmonary infarction, 110 cases. Am J Med 100: 164.
• leukaemia, Light RW 1993 Management of spontaneous
• tuberculosis, pneumothorax. Am Rev Respir Dis 148: 245.
• pancreatitis, Lynch TJ 1993 Management of malignant pleural
• oesophageal perforation, effusions. Chest 103 (suppl): S385.
• pulmonary arteriovenous malformation or Martinez FJ, Villanueva AG, Pickering R et al 1992
fistula, Spontaneous hemothorax. Medicine 71: 354.
• ‘bloody tap’. Muller NL 1993 Imaging of the pleura. Radiology
186: 297.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Romero S, Candela A, Martin C et al 1993 Pneumoconiosis (see Occupational lung

Pleural cavity

Evaluation of different criteria for the separation

of pleural transudates from exudates. Chest 104:
Sahn SA 1988 The pleura. Am Rev Respir Dis 138:
184. Pneumomediastinum (see Barotrauma)
Sahn SA 1993 Management of complicated
parapneumonic effusions. Am Rev Respir Dis
148: 813. Pneumonia, exotic (see Exotic
Shiel WC, Prete PE 1984 Pleuropulmonary pneumonia)
manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Semin
Arthritis Rheum 13: 235.
Taylor JR, Ryu J, Colby TV et al 1990 Pneumonia in pregnancy
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis. N Engl J Med 323:
1254. Pneumonia in pregnancy presents a special
Valentine VG, Raffin TA 1992 The management of problem, because it is the commonest serious
chylothorax. Chest 102: 586. non-obstetric infection in the pregnant patient
Walker-Renard PB, Vaughan LM, Sahn SA 1994 and because it is the third most frequent cause
Chemical pleurodesis for malignant pleural of indirect maternal death. It can also have a
effusions. Ann Intern Med 120: 56. significant effect on fetal well-being.
Watt AG 1978 Spontaneous pneumothorax. Med J
284 Aust 1: 186. Although the relative incidence of specific
Woodring JH, Baker MD, Stark P 1996 pathogens responsible for pneumonia in
Pneumothorax ex vacuo. Chest 110: 1102. pregnancy is the same as in the non-pregnant
patient, the decreased immune status of
pregnancy renders such infections generally
Plumbism (see Lead) more serious. This particularly applies to viral,
fungal and mycobacterial infections, because the
chief alteration in maternal defence is in cell-
Plummer–Vinson syndrome (see mediated immunity due to the changed
hormonal environment. These changes are
Dysphagia and Anaemia)
compounded by secondary anatomical
disadvantages in the respiratory system,
especially a raised diaphragm, decreased
Pneumatosis coli functional residual capacity and reduced ability
to clear tracheobronchial secretions.
Pneumatosis coli describes the uncommon
condition of gas-filled cysts within the bowel Pneumonia in pregnancy may be:
wall. The cysts can occupy the submucosa
and subserosa, and they may affect both the • community-acquired bacterial or atypical;
small and large intestine. Although the • complicating influenza (superinfection,
especially due to S. aureus);
aetiology is unknown, there is an association
with chronic airways obstruction. The • nosocomial (usually Gram-negative);
condition is usually asymptomatic and • aspiration (polymicrobial anaerobic and
discovered only incidentally on abdominal X-
ray. Occasionally, it may be considered The antibiotics which are indicated in pneumonia and
responsible for either diarrhoea or which are safe in pregnancy comprise chiefly the
obstruction. penicillins and cephalosporins.
Treatment with hyperbaric oxygen causes the cysts • A macrolide (but not erythromycin estolate) is
and any associated symptoms to disappear. indicated for atypical pathogens.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• Aminoglycosides and vancomycin should be Intensive Care and its management principles

used only in very severe infections, because of the are well known. Some uncommon drug
risk they pose of fetal ototoxicity and poisonings (e.g. amphetamines) are considered
nephrotoxicity. in this book (see Drugs).

Bibliography Many other chemical agents, generally of a

Garland SM, O’Reilly MA 1995 The risks and non-therapeutic nature, may cause uncommon
benefits of antimicrobial therapy in pregnancy. forms of poisoning following ingestion or other
Drug Safety 13: 188. exposure (e.g. cyanide, warfare agents), and
Goodrum LA 1997 Pneumonia in pregnancy. Semin these are also discussed (see Chemical
Perinatology 21: 276. poisoning).
Rigby FB, Pastorek JG 1996 Pneumonia during
pregnancy. Clin Obstet Gynecol 39: 107. Food poisoning (q.v.) is considered separately.
Riley L 1997 Pneumonia and tuberculosis in
pregnancy. Infect Dis Clin North Am 11: 119.
Camporesi EM 1990 Use of hyperbaric oxygen in
critical care. In: Lumb PD, Shoemaker WC (eds)
Critical Care: State of the Art, Chapter 10.
Pneumothorax (see Barotrauma and Fullerton: Society of Critical Care Medicine. p 219.
Pleural cavity) Davis JC 1984 Hyperbaric medicine. In: Shoemaker
WC (ed) Critical Care: State of the Art. Fullerton:
Society of Critical Care Medicine. p E1.
Poisoning Haddad LM, Shannon MW, Winchester JF (eds)
1997 Clinical Management of Poisoning and Drug
Chemical poisoning due to drug overdosage is a Overdose. 3rd edition. Philadelphia: WB
very commonly encountered problem in Saunders.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Olson KR (ed) 1998 Poisoning and Drug Overdose. • amphetamine abuse;

• familial Mediterranean fever.

3rd edition. Norwalk: Appleton & Lange.

Trujillo MH, Guerrero J, Fragachan C et al 1998
Pharmacologic antidotes in critical care medicine: The condition is rare, with a prevalence of 1 in
a practical guide for drug administration. Crit Care 100000 of the population.
Med 26: 377.

Clinical manifestations are seen most

commonly in middle-aged men.
Poliomyelitis has become rare in developed • There is fever, malaise, anorexia, weight
loss, weakness, myalgia, arthralgia and
countries since the development of a successful
subcutaneous nodules.
vaccine in 1955. In developed countries, the
occasional reported illness is most likely caused • There may also be hypertension, acute
myocardial infarction, asthma, rash, fits,
by mutation towards a virulent strain in a
glomerulonephritis and mononeuritis
relative or recipient.
mutiplex (asymmetrical peripheral
Poliomyelitis is asymptomatic in 95% of cases. neuropathy).
In the remainder, the features are usually similar • Renal involvement occurs in 75% of
to mild influenza and gastroenteritis. patients and may comprise either
glomerulonephritis or vasculitis, with
It occasionally produces aseptic meningitis and
haematuria, proteinuria and uraemia.
most importantly paralysis from destruction of
motor neurones in the spinal cord and • Mesenteric arteritis may cause bowel
ischaemia and an abdominal crisis.
brainstem. Paralysis thus occurs of the lower
limbs and if severe of the respiratory muscles, • Complications may include aneurysm
with inadequate airway protection and
respiratory failure. Residual muscle weakness
and wasting are usual. Investigations show anaemia, leukocytosis,
Treatment is supportive. eosinophilia and raised ESR. Definitive
diagnosis is made from histological examination
There is an ambitious WHO plan for the global of biopsy material from an involved site,
eradication of poliomyelitis within the next few especially muscle, though histology while
years, although the disease is still endemic in at specific is not very sensitive. Visceral
least 50 countries. angiography may show microaneurysms and
segmental arterial narrowing.
Satcher D 1999 Polio eradication by the year 2000. Treatment is that of any underlying disease, together
JAMA 281: 221. with removal of any identifiable antigen. Otherwise,
corticosteroids and sometimes cyclophosphamide
are used.
Polyarteritis nodosa
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a multi-system Bibliography
Albert DA, Rimon D, Silverstein MD 1988 The
disease with inflammation and necrosis of small
diagnosis of poyarteritis nodosa. Arthritis Rheum
and medium arteries. The cause is unknown, 31: 1117.
but it can sometimes be associated with:
• hepatitis B antigenaemia;
• HIV infection; Polycystic kidney disease (see Renal
• rheumatoid arthritis; cystic disease)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Polycystic ovary syndrome (see granulocytic as well as erythroid precursors.

Amenorrhoea and Hirsutism) However, the red cell series predominates,
probably because of inhibition of apoptosis
rather than increased sensitivity to
Clinical features are usually seen in older
Polycythaemia refers to an increased circulating
patients, in whom there is hepatosplenomegaly,
red cell mass, as opposed to erythrocytosis
ischaemic disease, and typically pruritus,
(q.v.), which is an increased red blood cell
especially after bathing.
count without an increased mass.
Increased viscosity gives rise to
Relative polycythaemia occurs when there is
thromboembolism, which may be unusual or
a decreased plasma volume, as in dehydration,
multiple, and may include the Budd–Chiari
but also in phaeochromocytoma and perhaps in
syndrome (q.v.).
stress. This group also includes
pseudopolycythaemia (Gaisbock’s syndrome), Investigations show an increased red blood cell
although its mechanism is unknown. mass (unless there is concomitant bleeding) in
the absence of hypoxia, and leukocytosis and
Absolute polycythaemia may be due to:
Treatment is with venesection to a haematocrit of
• hypoxia; 0.40–0.45 or with radiotherapy.
• increased erythropoietin without hypoxia;
• polycythaemia vera. • Radiophosphorous is used if the patient is
refractory to venesection.
• Cytotoxic therapy causes a significantly increased
Hypoxia occurs in: risk of the development of leukaemia.
• cardiopulmonary disease; The prognosis without treatment is a 50%
• haemoglobinopathy; mortality within 1.5 years. This is increased to
• altitude. 3.5 years with successful venesections and 12.5
In these settings, if the PaO2 is ⬍60 mmHg years following radiotherapy.
(SaO2 ⬍90%), erythropoietin is appropriately The laboratory findings of polycythaemia vera
stimulated. in the absence of clinical features is sometimes
Increased erythropoietin without hypoxia referred to as ‘primary erythrocytosis’ and is
occurs in erythropoietin-secreting tumours. probably a forme fruste of polycythaemia vera.
These are usually:
• renal;
Berlin NI 1986 Polycythemia vera: an update. Semin
• adrenal; Hematol 23: 131.
• hepatic; Challoner T, Briggs C, Rampling MW et al 1986 A
• ovarian; study of the haematological and haemorrheological
• cerebellar. consequences of venesection. Br J Haematol 62:
Polycythaemia vera is an autonomous
Editorial 1987 Pseudopolycythaemia. Lancet 2: 603.
increase in red cell mass associated with Gareau R, Audran M, Barnes R et al 1996
decreased erythropoietin. It is a Erthropoietin abuse in athletes. Nature 380: 113.
myeloproliferative disorder, in which the initial Golde DW, Hocking WG, Koeffler HP et al 1981
clonal change arises in a pluripotent stem cell, Polycythemia: mechanisms and management. Ann
so that there are abnormal markers in Intern Med 95: 71.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Gruppo Italiano Studio Policitemia 1995 Hunder GG, Bloch DA, Michel BA et al 1990 The

Polycthaemia vera. Ann Intern Med 123: 656. American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria
Hinshelwood S, Bench AJ, Green AR 1997 for the classification of giant cell arteritis. Arthritis
Pathogenesis of polycythaemia vera. Blood Rev Rheum 33: 1122.
11: 224. Zilko PJ 1996 Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell
Krantz SB 1991 Erythropoietin. Blood 77: 419. arteritis. Med J Aust 165: 438.
Schafer AI 1984 Bleeding and thrombosis in
myeloproliferative disorders. Blood 64: 1.
Watts EJ, Lewis SM 1983 Spurious polycythaemia. Polymyositis/dermatomyositis
Scand J Haematol 31: 241.
Polymyositis is an uncommon but often serious
condition affecting skeletal muscles. When
Polymyalgia rheumatica (see also associated with skin eruptions, it is referred to as
Arteritis) dermatomyositis.

Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a clinical Although its cause is unknown, it may

syndrome of profound proximal limb girdle sometimes be associated with:
pain and stiffness, usually seen in older • malignancy (as a paraneoplastic phenomenon
patients. – q.v.);
• other rheumatic diseases (especially SLE –
Polymyalgia rheumatica is at one end of a q.v., and scleroderma – q.v.).
spectrum, with giant cell arteritis (most The pathogenesis is presumably immunological,
commonly temporal arteritis) at the other and autoantibodies of various types may be
and with overlap in some patients. identified in most patients. However, such
antibodies are probably markers rather than
Not uncommonly, rheumatoid arthritis may causes of disease, since they are not usually
present with a clinical picture of PMR, with directed to muscle components, and the muscle
overt peripheral synovitis becoming apparent injury is more likely to be cell-mediated, since
only subsequently. lymphocytes may produce muscle cell
Clinical manifestations may include fever,
fatigue, weight loss and depression, as well as
the proximal muscle symptoms. The onset is Clinical features are dominated by proximal
usually acute but may sometimes be insidious. muscle weakness (i.e. shoulder and pelvic
girdles). In severe cases, distal muscles and
Investigations show a markedly increased ESR, even the pharynx and diaphragm may be
often with anaemia, increased alkaline involved, with dysphagia, aspiration and
phosphatase, normal CK and increased respiratory failure.
Treatment with corticosteroids (usually 15 mg/day
Multi-organ involvement may be seen.
of prednisolone) gives a dramatic response within
days. Higher doses are needed initially for temporal • Skin
arteritis. The dose should usually be tapered to a low
dose for up to 2 y before attempting withdrawal. – A dark-red eruption is typical, particularly
on the face, neck, chest and hands.
Bibliography – The eyelids may be discoloured and
Hamilton CR, Shelley WM, Tumulty PA 1971 oedematous (heliotrope rash).
Giant cell arteritis: including temporal arteritis and – There may be generalized cutaneous
polymyalgia rheumatica. Medicine 50: 1. vasculitis.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• Lungs The course of the disease is very variable,

ranging from fulminant over a few days to
– In about 50% of cases, there is either
indolent over many years. Typically, there is
interstitial fibrosis or associated pneumonia.
gradual progression over weeks to months. The
• Heart mortality is 15–20% at 5 y and is worse in older
patients or with associated cardiac, pulmonary
– Arrhythmias and conduction defects may or malignant processes. Occasionally there is
be seen. spontaneous improvement, and sometimes
– Myocarditis is now recognized to be complete and permanent remission may occur
present in most patients. with therapy.
• Carcinoma
– This may be apparent if the polymyositis is Dalakas MC 1991 Polymyositis, dermatomyositis,
a paraneoplastic phenomenon. and inclusion-body myositis. N Engl J Med 325:
Investigations show increased muscle enzymes, Miller FW 1994 Classification and prognosis of
especially CK, the most specific muscle enzyme, inflammatory muscle disease. Rheum Dis Clin
and particularly the CK-MM isoenzyme. An North Am 20: 811.
elevated CK-MB is not necessarily indicative of Sigurgeirsson B, Lindelof B, Edhag O et al 1992.
acute myocardial infarction in this setting, as Risk of cancer in patients with dermatomyositis or
this isoenzyme is also produced in regenerating polymyositis. N Engl J Med 326: 363. 289
skeletal muscle. The AST and LDH are also Tazelaar HD, Viggiano RW, Pickersgill J et al 1990
elevated. The EMG shows characteristic Interstitial lung disease in polymyositis and
changes of asynchronous muscle fibre dermatomyositis: clinical features and prognosis as
correlated with histologic findings. Am Rev Resp
contraction. Biopsy shows degeneration and
Dis 141: 727.
fragmentation of muscle fibres with patchy
Diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical Polyneuritis (see Neuropathy)
features, together with the elevated muscle
enzymes and typical biopsy and perhaps EMG.
Imaging with MRI may be useful. Other causes Polyneuropathy (see Neuropathy)
of myopathy (q.v.) should be excluded.
A particularly difficult differential diagnosis is
inclusion body myositis, suggested by a
poor therapeutic response and confirmed by The porphyrias comprise a group of six mostly
biopsy. inherited diseases,of abnormal porphyrin
metabolism. Porphyrin synthesis produces the
Treatment is with corticosteroids, the dose
iron-containing moiety, haem, which is the
depending on the severity of the disease. Although
chief component in haemoglobin, cytochromes
most patients improve with corticosteroids, the
and other oxidative enzymes.
response is often partial. Following a satisfactory
clinical response and normalization of muscle The enzymic steps from the initial components,
enzymes, the dosage may be tapered. If the response glycine and succinyl-CoA, to the eventual
to corticosteroids is inadequate or the dose required for production of haem give rise to ring structures
maintenance is unacceptably high, other modalities via progressive deamination, decarboxylation,
may be required, including cytotoxic agents oxidation and finally iron chelation. These steps
(azathioprine or methotrexate), cyclosporin, high-dose clearly provide multiple sites for enzymic
immune globulin or plasmapheresis. defects, and indeed an abnormality at each of
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

the six steps after the initial production of Like the other hepatic porphyrias, AIP is

porphobilinogen causes a distinct disease. characterized by the five ‘Ps’, namely

The major sites of haem production are the
liver and bone marrow, and thus the sites of the i. onset after Puberty,
defects in porphyrias are either hepatic (the four ii. Pain, especially abdominal,
most common forms) or erythropoietic (one iii. Polyneuropathy,
rare form) or both (one form). Most porphyrias iv. Photosensitivity,
are inherited disorders. v. Psychiatric features.
Porphyrias were among the first inborn errors
of metabolism to be described, because of their In over 90% of symptomatic patients, attacks
familial pattern, their characteristic clinical have occurred before the age of 40 years. They
features and their obvious chemical markers in are precipitated by the four ‘Ms’, namely
the urine (since porphyrins fluoresce under
i. Medicines
ultraviolet light).
– especially alcohol, barbiturates,
The typical clinical course is one of acute attacks
carbamazepine, chloramphenicol,
separated by long latent periods. This fluctuating
chlordiazepoxide, ergot, griseofulvin,
course is explained by the fact that the enzyme
methyldopa, oestrogens, phenytoin,
defects affect non-rate-limiting steps, whereas
sulfonamides, tolbutamide.
290 the chief endogenous or exogenous stimuli for
– Fortunately, many drugs are safe, including
acute attacks induce the normally rate-limiting
analgesics, beta blockers, benzodiazepines,
initial step controlled by the enzyme, ␦-amino
chlorpromazine, corticosteroids, penicillin,
laevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase. Thus,
precursor production now overwhelms the
defective step, and intermediate products spill ii. Medical illnesses
into the circulation and then into the urine.
– especially infections
Other diseases are also associated with acquired
iii. Malnutrition
abnormalities of porphyrin metabolism, namely
chronic liver disease, haemolysis, malignancy – especially carbohydrate deprivation,
and especially lead poisoning.
iv. Menstruation.
1. Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is an
• More than half the attacks are precipitated by
autosomal dominant disease due to deficiency of
drugs (usually barbiturates, oral
porphobilinogen (PBG) deaminase to about
contraceptives, phenytoin, sulfonamides,
50% of normal levels. It is thus due to an
though many others have varying degrees of
abnormality at the first of the six steps from
reported porphyrinogenicity), followed by
porphobilinogen to haem.
menstruation or pregnancy (13%), infections
More than 100 different mutations have been (10%), alcohol (3%), starvation (3%), while
described as affecting PBG deaminase in this in about 15% no precipitating factor can be
way. However, 80–90% of those with genetic defined.
abnormalities have only latent disease, since • Abdominal pain and tenderness are universal.
many mutations are expressed mildly, and • The urine is dark (since PBG in urine
nearly half of those with overt biochemical polymerizes to form porphobilin, so that the
defects are asymptomatic. urine becomes dark red on standing).
• Peripheral neuropathy, more motor than
AIP comprises about 5% of porphyrias. Most
sensory, is found in 75% of patients, of
patients are female.
whom 15% develop respiratory paralysis.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• About half the patients show It is associated with solar skin lesions, as there is

neuropsychiatric changes of behaviour photosensitivity, even indoors or under
and/or mood, often with cranial nerve transparent sunscreens, because long-
involvement and sometimes with fits. wavelength ultraviolet light penetrates
• Fever, tachycardia and labile hypertension transparent media. There is associated skin
are common. fragility and also neuropathic lesions, and
blisters, ulcers and scars of various stages are
Investigations show increased urinary ␦-ALA
and PBG in all patients, even in remission.
Urinary uroporphyrin (⬎40 nmol/day) and Acute, systemic attacks can occur, similar to
faecal coproporphyrin are increased in all cases those in acute intermittent porphyria. The two
acutely. Other investigations show leukocytosis, conditions are distinguished by the
hyponatraemia, hypochloraemia, hypovolaemia, demonstration of the appropriate porphyrins,
abnormal EEG and EMG, sometimes and usually in faeces, since the defective enzyme
abnormal CSF, and dilated bowel loops on itself is not readily assayed.
abdominal X-ray.
Treatment is the same as for acute intermittent
The differential diagnosis includes in particular porphyria.
any cause of acute abdominal pain.
3. Hereditary coproporphyria (HC) is the
Treatment is symptomatic with analgesics. least common hepatic porphyria (2% of
porphyrias) and is due to a deficiency of 291
• Glucose in the form of 10% dextrose 200 mL/h coproporphyrinogen oxidase. It is thus due to
is recommended, though added insulin may be
an abnormality at the fourth of the six steps
from porphobilinogen to haem.
• Tachycardia and hypotension respond to beta
blockers. It is clinically indistinguishable from variegate
• Fits may be controlled with gabapentin. porphyria and thus overlaps acute intermittent
• If respiratory paralysis occurs, ventilatory support porphyria.
is required, but even then the reported mortality is
Treatment principles are therefore similar.
up to 50%.
• Fluids, electrolytes and nutritional support are 4. Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is the
required. most common porphyria (80% of porphyrias)
• Specific treatment in the form of haematin, the and is due to a deficiency of uroporphyrinogen
ferric form of haem (200 mg iv over 20 min bd), decarboxylase. It is thus due to an abnormality
provides improvement within a few days but can at the third of the six steps from
give rise to disseminated intravascular coagulation. porphobilinogen to haem. Unlike the other
porphyrias, most cases (up to 90%) are not
The prognosis is probably better than
traditionally reported, since modern screening
now shows that many patients are The majority (75%) of affected cases are men,
asymptomatic, and prophylactic avoidance of and the peak age of onset is in the 50s. More
precipitating factors is effective. Family than half the cases are precipitated by alcohol
screening is recommended. and the rest by either oestrogens or liver disease,
in which case there are abnormal liver function
2. Variegate porphyria (porphyria variegata,
tests and histology. The condition can thus be
PV) is due to a decreased protoporphyrinogen
associated with hepatitis, biliary disease or
oxidase. It is thus due to an abnormality at the
fifth of the six steps from porphobilinogen to
haem. It is inherited and comprises about 5% of All patients show photosensitivity, with
porphyrias. vesiculation, hyperpigmentation, hypertrichosis
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

and skin fragility. In 50% of cases, the urine Lamon JM, Bennett M, Frykholm BC et al 1978

becomes dark on standing. Prevention of acute porphyric attacks by

intravenous haematin. Lancet 2: 492.
Investigations show an increased urinary Moore MR 1993 Biochemistry of porphyria. Int J
uroporphyrin (⬎40 nmol/day) and increased Biochem 25: 1353.
total porphyrins in urine and in plasma. Iron Mustajoki P, Nordman Y 1993 Early administration
overload is seen in 75% of cases and may of heme arginate for acute porphyric attacks. Arch
require venesection or even desferrioxamine Intern Med 153: 2004.
(see Haemochromatosis). Yeung Laiwah AC, Moore MR, Goldberg A 1987
Pathogenesis of acute porphyria. Quart J Med 63:
Treatment measures include avoidance of sun, 377.
alcohol, iron and oestrogens.
• Beta-carotene may be useful.
• Iron depletion therapy is required in most
Post-transfusion purpura (see
patients (see Haemochromatosis). Thrombocytopenia)

5. (Erythropoietic) Protoporphyria (EPP) is

due to a deficiency of ferrochetalase. It is thus
due to an abnormality at the last of the six steps
from porphobilinogen to haem. The deficient Pre-eclampsia (toxaemia of pregnancy, gestosis
enzyme occurs in erythrocytes, as well as in in Eastern Europe) occurs in 5–10% of all
liver cells. It is inherited and comprises about pregnancies, most commonly in the third
8% of porphyrias. trimester of the first pregnancy. It occurs earlier,
even in the first trimester, in the presence of
The chief clinical feature is photosensitivity.
hydatidiform mole or underlying renal disease.
It may be treated with beta-carotene.
The aetiology remains unknown but clearly
6. Congenital erythropoietic porphyria is a requires the presence of the trophoblast, as the
very rare autosomal recessive condition with a condition is unique to pregnancy. It is
deficiency of uroporphyrinogen cosynthetase. It associated with uteroplacental ischaemia, which
is thus due to an abnormality at the second of in turn is associated with structural
the six steps from porphobilinogen to haem. abnormalities of the spiral arteries, abnormalities
The deficient enzyme occurs only in the of prostaglandin metabolism, increased platelet
erythrocyte series. responsiveness, generalized increase in pressor
responsiveness and endothelial cell swelling in
It is associated with photosensitivity,
the glomeruli. Its pathogenesis may be
haemolysis, dark urine and red teeth.
immunological and perhaps an abnormal
It has been successfully treated with bone marrow response to feto–placental tissue.
Pre-eclampsia consists of the gradual onset of:

Bibliography • hypertension (to ⬎140/90 mmHg);

Brodie MJ, Moore MR, Thompson GG et al 1977 • oedema;
Pregnancy and the acute porphyrias. Br J Obstet • proteinuria (often to ⬎3.5 g/day, i.e. the
Gynaec 84: 726. nephrotic range, but with a normal renal
Grandchamp B 1998 Acute intermittent porphyria. sediment and normal renal function).
Semin Liver Dis 18: 17.
Kauppinen R, Mustajoki P 1992 Prognosis of acute The progression from pre-eclampsia to
porphyria: occurrence of acute attacks, eclampsia is indicated by convulsions and occurs
precipitating factors, and associated diseases. in about 1 in 200 cases. Even in the absence of
Medicine 71: 1. convulsions (eclampsia), severe pre-eclampsia is
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
associated with neurological features of • Magnesium sulfate is the agent of choice for the

headache, visual disturbance and increased prevention and treatment of convulsions (i.e.
reflexes. The disparity in the responses of eclampsia). To achieve a ‘therapeutic serum
eclamptic and epileptic seizures to magnesium level’ of 2–4 mmol/L, 20 mmol (0.5
benzodiazepines and phenytoin suggests that g) of magnesium (i. e. 5 g of magnesium sulfate)
their mechanism of production is different. should be given, as 10 mL iv of 50% magnesium
sulfate in 100 mL of 5% dextrose over 20 min.
There may be upper abdominal tenderness due
This should be followed by a continuous iv
to liver distension. Sometimes, the HELLP
infusion of 5–10 mmol/h for 24 h to maintain a
syndrome (q.v.) may occur, and indeed about
magnesium level which is effective but not toxic. If
10% of more severe cases suffer this
seizures recur, 50% of the initial loading dose is
repeated. Toxicity is monitored by assessment of
tendon reflexes for hyporeflexia and by
In 20–30% of cases of eclampsia, the onset is measurement of the serum magnesium level (see
post-partum and any ante-partum pre- Magnesium).
eclampsia may have been mild. Eclampsia • Effective prophylaxis in high-risk patients may be
may thus be an unpredictable complication achieved with low-dose aspirin.
for up to 7 days after delivery. The maternal prognosis is good, and there is no
increased incidence of subsequent hypertension
Since pre-eclampsia does not cause renal or renal disease. If the disease has progressed to 293

impairment, the presence of renal failure frank eclampsia, there is a risk of maternal
indicates another associated complication, such mortality from cerebral haemorrhage. There is
as: an increased fetal risk.
There is a low likelihood of recurrence, unless:
• sepsis;
• abruptio placentae; • the condition is severe;
• urinary tract obstruction; • it has occurred in a multigravida;
• acute fatty liver; • there is a different partner for a subsequent
• haemolytic–uraemic syndrome (especially pregnancy;
post-partum); • there is underlying renal disease.
• hypovolaemia (due either to hyperemesis or
to diabetes insipidus, the latter sometimes Bibliography
seen from excess placental metabolism of Arbogast BW, Taylor RN 1997 Molecular
vasopressin by vasopressinase). Mechanisms of Pre-eclampsia. Berlin: Springer-
The differential diagnosis is underlying Bucher HC, Guyatt GH, Cook RJ et al 1996 Effect
hypertension or renal disease. of calcium supplementation on pregnancy-
induced hypertension and preeclampsia. A meta-
Treatment is by delivery if the mother is stable and
analysis of randomised controlled trials. JAMA
fetal maturity is satisfactory.
275: 1113.
• Hypertension may be treated satisfactorily with Chua S, Redman CWG 1991 Are prophylactic
beta-blockers, methyldopa, hydralazine, or anticonvulsants required in severe pre-eclampsia?
probably calcium channel inhibitors, but ACE Lancet 337: 250.
CLASP (Collaborative Low-dose Aspirin Study in
inhibitors should be avoided because of increased
Pregnancy) Collaborative Group 1994 CLASP: a
fetal morbidity and because of possible
randomised trial of low-dose aspirin for the
hypovolaemia. prevention and treatment of pre-eclampsia
• Hypovolaemia should be treated, and cardiac among 9364 pregnant women. Lancet 343:
filling pressures may need to be monitored. 619.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Cunningham FG, Grant NF 1989 Prevention of Pregnancy


preeclampsia – a reality? N Engl J Med 321: 606.

Davison JM, Shiells EA, Barron WM et al 1989 A number of either general or specific problems
Changes in the metabolic clearance of vasopressin related to pregnancy have relevance to Intensive
and plasma vasopressinase throughout human Care. The general problems are discussed below
pregnancy. J Clin Invest 83: 1313. and include:
Douglas KA, Redman CWG 1994 Eclampsia in the
United Kingdom. Br Med J 309: 1395. • miscarriage (abortion);
Durr JA, Hoggard JG, Hunt JM et al 1987 Diabetes • drugs;
insipidus in pregnancy associated with abnormally • systemic disorders;
high circulating vasopressinase activity. N Engl J • teratogenicity;
Med 316: 1070. • trophoblastic neoplasia;
Editorial 1989 Are ACE inhibitors safe in pregnancy? • post-partum problems.
Lancet 2: 482.
Gant NF, Worley RJ, Everett RB et al 1980 Control Specific problems of importance are discussed
of vascular responsiveness during human separately, namely:
pregnancy. Kidney Int 18: 253. • acute fatty liver of pregnancy (q.v.);
Ihle BU, Long P, Oats J 1987 Early onset pre-
• HELLP syndrome (q.v.);
eclampsia: recognition of underlying renal disease.
Br Med J 294: 79.
• pneumonia in pregnancy (q.v.);
Lucas MJ, Leveno KJ, Cunningham FG 1995 A • pre-eclampsia (q.v.);
294 comparison of magnesium sulfate with phenytoin • trauma in pregnancy (q.v.).
for the prevention of eclampsia. N Engl J Med Maternal deaths are defined by the WHO as
333: 201. deaths ‘during pregnancy, childbirth or in the
Martin JN, Files FC, Blake PG 1990 Plasma
42 days of the puerperium, irrespective of the
exchange for preeclampsia: I. Postpartum use for
duration and site of the pregnancy, from any
persistently severe preeclampsia with HELLP
syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 162: 126. cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy
Need JA 1975 Pre-eclampsia in pregnancies by or its management’. Such deaths may be:
different fathers: immunological studies. Br Med J
• direct (i.e. due to a complication of the
1: 548. pregnancy itself); or
Perry KG, Martin JN 1992 Abnormal hemostasis and
coagulopathy in preeclampsia and eclampsia. Clin
• indirect (i.e. due to some other disease but
Obstet Gynecol 35: 338.
possibly aggravated by pregnancy).
Redman C 1990 Platelets and the beginnings of Deaths during pregnancy may also be incidental
preeclampsia. N Engl J Med 323: 478. to that state (e.g. from trauma, suicide, cancer).
Redman CWG, Roberts JM 1993 Management of Total maternal mortality in Victoria is recorded
pre-eclampsia. Lancet 341: 1451.
from all three causes and over the last decade
Roberts J, Taylor R, Goldfen A 1991 Clinical and
has averaged about 0.1 per 1000 births.
biochemical evidence of endothelial cell
dysfunction in pregnancy syndrome eclampsia. Am By contrast, the total perinatal mortality was 6.9
J Hypertens 4: 700. per 1000 births (or 4.3 per 1000 births using the
Sibai BM, El-Nazer A, Gonzalez-Ruiz A 1986 more restricted WHO recommendations for
Severe preeclampsia in young primigravid women:
international comparison), of which about two
subsequent pregnancy outcome and remote
thirds of the deaths are stillbirths (i.e. at least
prognosis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 155: 1011.
The Eclampsia Trial Collaborative Group 1995
500 g or over 22 weeks gestation) and one third
Which anticonvulsant for women with eclampsia? neonatal (i.e. at least 500 g or over 22 weeks
Evidence from the Collaborative Eclampsia Trial. gestation, and within 28 days of birth). The
Lancet 345: 1455. infant death rate ( i.e. total mortality of liveborn
Williams DJ, de Swiet M 1997 The pathophysiology babies up to one year) was 3.8 per 1000 live
of pre-eclampsia. Intens Care Med 23: 620. births. This low figure has been particularly
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
contributed to by the progressive decline in – benzodiazepines and barbiturates are not

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS, cot recommended for long-term use,
death) over the past decade from about 30% to – aspirin should be used only for specifically
10% of infant deaths. defined indications, e.g. pre-eclampsia.
1. The risk of miscarriage (abortion) is • Anaesthetics
– muscle relaxants are safe,
• in the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) (q.v.); – nitrous oxide is safe in late pregnancy,
• in systemic infection (especially brucellosis, – local anaesthetics should be used with
toxoplasmosis, typhoid); caution in late pregnancy.
• with misoprostol (a synthetic PGE1 analogue 3. Common systemic disorders, such as the
used for NSAID-induced peptic ulceration).
antiphospholipid syndrome, cardiac disease,
More than half of all cases of recurrent cholestasis, collagen-vascular diseases, diabetes,
miscarriage can be related to a procoagulant epilepsy, folic acid deficiency, hypertension,
abnormality, which then leads to placental infectious diseases (e.g. listeriosis,
vascular occlusion via thrombosis and infarction. toxoplasmosis), renal disease,
The antiphospholipid syndrome is responsible thromboembolism, and thyroid disease, all
for two thirds of these abnormalities. Virtually present additional problems during pregnancy.
all patients with a procoagulant abnormality can
Pulmonary oedema in pregnancy may be:
subsequently proceed to term with treatment, 295
usually with aspirin before conception and with • cardiogenic;
aspirin and heparin from conception to delivery. • associated with pre-eclampsia;
• tocolytic-induced (i.e. a complication of ␤-
The complications of miscarriage are
agonist therapy).
numerous, the most important acute ones being
infective, namely: Pneumonia in pregnancy (q.v.) and trauma in
pregnancy (q.v.) present particular problems and
• acute pelvic inflammatory disease; are discussed separately.
• clostridial or Gram-negative anaerobic
infections; 4. Some occupational and environmental
• Mycoplasma hominis infection (which may also exposures are teratogenic.
occur post-partum) giving a mild, self-
5. Neoplasia may arise in the gestational
limited, febrile illness.
trophoblast. Such neoplasia includes:
2. Drugs may cause fetal and sometimes
• hydatidiform mole, which can be partial,
maternal problems.
complete or invasive;
• Antibiotics • choriocarcinoma, the most invasive form.
Choriocarcinoma usually arises from a molar
– erythromycin estolate, quinolones,
pregnancy, but it can also occur after
tetracycline and trimethoprim are
spontaneous abortion (1:5000 cases), ectopic
contraindicated in pregnancy;
pregnancy (1:15000 cases) or full-term
– aminoglycosides, chloramphenicol,
pregnancy (1:150000 cases).
metronidazole and sulfonamides are also
best avoided; A molar pregnancy should be considered if
– penicillin and cephalosporins are safe. there is excessive uterine enlargement, pre-
eclampsia, hyperemesis or abnormal vaginal
• Analgesics and sedatives bleeding. The hCG level is markedly elevated,
– codeine and paracetamol are safe, associated hyperthyroidism is sometimes seen,
– narcotics are safe except near term, and occasionally trophoblastic lung emboli may
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

occur. In choriocarcinoma, metastases occur Briggs GG, Freeman RL, Yaffe SJ (eds) 1990 Drugs
in Pregnancy and Lactation. 3rd edition.

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Perinatal outcome in hypothyroid pregnancies. erection of the penis. It is an uncommon
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Dis 11: 611.
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It is sometimes seen as a complication of local
pregnancy and lactation: a position paper for the therapy for impotence, while priapism itself may
Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. in turn lead to impotence. It has occasionally
Med J Aust 165: 485. been reported as a side-effect of the non-
McPartin J, Halligan A, Scott JM et al 1993 tricyclic antidepressant agent, trazodone.
Accelerated folate breakdown in pregnancy.
Lancet 341: 148.
Oakley CM 1995 Anticoagulants in pregnancy. Br Procalcitonin (see Calcitonin)
Heart J 74: 107.
Persellin RH 1977 The effect of pregnancy on
rheumatoid arthritis. Bull Rheum Dis 27: 922. Proctitis (see Anorectal infections)
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Progressive multifocal unusual in affecting e.g. cerebral or splenic

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

leukoencephalopathy (see vessels.

Demyelinating diseases) Treatment is normally with life-long warfarin.
Acquired protein C deficiency occurs in:

Protein C • vitamin K deficiency (q.v.);

• liver disease;
Protein C is an important natural inhibitor of • disseminated intravascular coagulation.
coagulation. It is a vitamin K dependent factor
Activated protein C resistance is a recently
and is a serine protease, like most coagulation
recognized familial thrombophilia, with a
Caucasian population incidence of about 5%. It
Protein C is activated when thrombin couples has been found to be the major risk factor for
with thrombomodulin on the endothelial cell venous thrombosis, being demonstrated in
surface. It then combines with membrane- 20–50% of such patients (the higher incidence
bound protein S to form an active complex. being found in patients with a family history of
This complex antagonizes the large activated thromboembolism).
cofactors, Va and VIIIa, as they assist the
The phenomenon is due to a point mutation
activation of II to IIa and X toXa, respectively.
with a single-base substitution of adenine for
298 Protein C has a molecular weight of 62 kD, guanine in the Factor V gene. In the resultant
plasma concentration of 4mg/L (0.0645 ␮M) Factor V molecule (Factor V Leiden) an arg at
and half life of about 12 h. amino acid 506 is replaced by a glu at the
cleavage site for protein C, thus rendering
Protein C deficiency is implicated in the rare
Factor Va resistant to inactivation by activated
warfarin-induced skin necrosis (q.v.). This is
protein C (APC).
because Protein C (and probably protein S)
have shorter half-lives than the four vitamin K- Heterozygous subjects have a thrombotic risk
dependent coagulation factors (factors II, VII, which is similar to that seen in heterozygous
IX & X) and the initial effect of warfarin, protein C or protein S deficiency and which
especially in higher dose, must therefore be increases with age, malignancy and oral
transiently thrombotic (i.e. the anticoagulant contraceptives. APC resistance may also
factors are decreased before the coagulation predispose to arterial thrombosis.
factors). Similarly, in vitamin K deficiency, the
Treatment principles are the same as those previously
administration of vitamin K must result in a
established for protein C or S deficiency (q.v.).
transiently haemorrhagic state (i.e. the
anticoagulant factors are increased before the Protein C levels have been found to be low in
coagulation factors). sepsis and to be correlated with outcome.
Protein C replacement was reported to be of
Protein C deficiency may be either congenital
benefit in the treatment of small numbers of
or acquired and leads to a hypercoagulable state.
patients with this condition, and the initial
Congenital protein C deficiency is lethal results of a recent large multicentre randomized
(with purpura fulminans) in early life if it is controlled study using recombinant human
homozygous, but heterozygotes are common (1 activated protein C (drotrecogin alfa) are
in 250 of the population). In these subjects, promising.
protein C levels overlap the low normal range,
and thromboses can occur even with levels of Bibliography
about 50% of normal. Venous and arterial Bernard GR, Vincent J-L, Laterre P-F et al 2001
thromboses may occur, and these are sometimes Efficacy and safety of recombinant human
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
activated protein C for severe sepsis. N Engl J Med Protein S provides one of the links between the
344: 699.

processes of inflammation and thrombosis.
Bertina RM, Koeleman RPC, Koster T et al 1994 Thus, circulating protein S is bound to the C4b
Mutation in blood coagulation factor V associated component of complement (an acute phase
with resistance to activated protein C. Nature 369:
reactant) and is thereby inhibited. In addition,
IL-1 decreases thrombomodulin on endothelial
Dowd P, Ham S-W, Naganathan S et al 1995 The
mechanism of action of vitamin K. Annu Rev cells by two thirds, so that the protein
Nutr 15: 419. C–protein S complex functions at only about
Esmon C 2000 The protein C pathway. Crit Care 10% of its normal capacity in this setting.
Med 28: 556.
Like protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency
Esmon CT, Johnson AE, Esmon NL et al 1991
may be either congenital or acquired (e.g. in
Initiation of the protein C pathway. Ann NY Acad
Sci 614: 30. pregnancy and in the nephrotic syndrome) and
Hillarp A, Dahlback B 1997 Activated protein C is a cause of a thrombotic tendency. Such
resistance. Vessels 3: 4. thromboses can affect cerebral, mesenteric, renal
Koster T, Rosendaal FR, de Ronde H, Briet E, and other veins.
Vandenbroucke JP, Bertina RM 1993 Venous
Treatment is with life-long warfarin.
thrombosis due to poor anticoagulant response to
activated protein C. Lancet 342: 1503.
Matsuzaka T, Tanaka H, Fukuda M et al 1993 Bibliography
Relationship between vitamin K dependent Dowd P, Ham S-W, Naganathan S et al 1995 The
coagulation factors and anticoagulants (protein C mechanism of action of vitamin K. Annu Rev
and protein S) in neonatal vitamin K deficiency. Nutr 15: 419.
Arch Dis Child 68: 297. Engesser L, Broekmans AW, Briet E et al 1987
Papinger I, Kyrle PA, Heistinger M et al 1994 The Hereditary protein S deficiency: clinical
risk of thromboembolism in asymptomatic patients manifestations. Ann Intern Med 106: 677.
with protein C and protein S deficiency. Thromb Matsuzaka T, Tanaka H, Fukuda M et al 1993
Haemost 71: 441. Relationship between vitamin K dependent
Rose VL, Kwaan HC, Williamson K et al 1986 coagulation factors and anticoagulants (protein C
Protein C antigen deficiency and warfarin necrosis. and protein S) in neonatal vitamin K deficiency.
Am J Clin Pathol 86: 653. Arch Dis Child 68: 297.
Shearer MJ 1995 Vitamin K. Lancet 345: 229. Papinger I, Kyrle PA, Heistinger M et al 1994 The
Smith OP, White B, Vaughan D et al 1997 Use of risk of thromboembolism in asymptomatic patients
protein C concentrate, heparin, and with protein C and protein S deficiency. Thromb
haemodiafiltration in meningococcus-induced Haemost 71: 441.
purpura fulminans. Lancet 350: 1590. Rose VL, Kwaan HC, Williamson K et al 1986
Svensson PJ, Dahlback B 1994 Resistance to Protein C antigen deficiency and warfarin necrosis.
activated protein C as a basis for venous Am J Clin Pathol 86: 653.
thrombosis. N Engl J Med 330: 517. Shearer MJ 1995 Vitamin K. Lancet 345: 229.
Zoller B, Hillarp A, Dahlback B 1997 Activated
protein C resistance: Clinical implications. Clin
Appl Thromb Hemost 3: 25. Proteinuria
Proteinuria, like haematuria, is a common
abnormality detected on urinalysis.
Protein S
Protein S is, like protein C, also vitamin K
Proteinuria is defined as ⬎150 mg/day. It
dependent. It is a cofactor for protein C. It has a
should be remembered that:
molecular weight of 69 kD and plasma
concentration of 25 mg/L (10 mg/L free, • 150 mg of protein in this setting contains
0.1449 ␮M), but its half-life is uncertain. ⬍20 mg of albumin;
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• the dipstick test has a threshold of Pseudohyperkalaemia


detection of 2–3-fold higher than this;

Pseudohyperkalaemia is not a clinical problem
• the dipstick test does not detect non-
albumin protein. but solely an in vitro phenomenon.

Proteinuria is:
It is best known as a consequence of in vitro
• mild if ⬍1 g/day; haemolysis, but it also occurs in the presence
• severe if ⬎3 g/day. of marked leukocytosis (⬎100⫻109/L) or
thrombocytosis (⬎1000⫻109/L).
Proteinuria is clinically important if it is Hyperkalaemia in these circumstances should
persistent and not solely orthostatic. It may be always raise some suspicion as to its
due to: correctness. Sometimes, of course, the
1. Glomerular disease hyperkalaemia is correct, though unexpected
and transient.
In this case, the protein is chiefly albumin.
2. Tubulointerstitial disease (including reflux
nephropathy) Bibliography
In this case, the protein is chiefly beta2- Greenberg S, Reiser IW, Chou SY et al 1993
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole induces reversible
300 microglobulin (q.v.).
hyperkalemia. Ann Intern Med 119: 291.
Proteinuria comprising mainly low molecular
weight material is also seen when there is
greatly increased production of such species, Pseudohyponatraemia (see also
e.g. light chains in multiple myeloma (q.v.). Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
3. ‘Overflow’ hormone and Central pontine myelinolysis)

This occurs in multiple myeloma, acute Pseudohyponatraemia refers to a decreased

leukaemia or following heavy exercise. In these plasma sodium in the presence of a normal or
cases, both high-molecular-weight (albumin) increased plasma osmolality. It may be referred
and low-molecular-weight (beta2- to as isotonic hyponatraemia.
microglobulin) fractions are excreted. True hyponatraemia is always associated with
A similar phenomenon occurs with increased hypo-osmolality.
glomerular permeability, as in infection, cardiac Pseudohyponatraemia is due to the presence of
failure or following exertion. other active osmols in plasma, which therefore
Appropriate investigations of proteinuria cause water to move from the intracellular space
include examination of urine, renal biopsy and to the extracellular space and thus dilute the
ultrasound examination. plasma sodium. It therefore occurs in the
presence of high concentrations of glucose or
Bibliography mannitol. As a rule of thumb, an increased
Robinson RR 1980 Isolated proteinuria in plasma glucose of 3.5–5 mmol/L decreases the
asymptomatic patients. Kidney Int 18: 395. plasma sodium by 1 mmol/L.
Increased concentrations of lipids and proteins
Prussian blue (see Thallium) can cause up to one third decrease in plasma
sodium, because there is less water per litre of
plasma, and the phenomenon is thus a
Pseudogout (see Gout) measurement artifact.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Glycine irrigation solution, as sometimes used because it can sometimes cause perforation and

in urology, gives isosmotic dilution of plasma thus peritonitis and even death.
sodium, which can fall as low as 100 mmol/L.
Treatment is chiefly of the underlying condition. If
Consequent symptoms such as fits are due to
this fails, early colonoscopic decompression is
glycine toxicity as well as to hyponatraemia.
recommended, though this procedure can be both
The diagnosis of pseudohyponatraemia is important, difficult and hazardous in some patients.
because it is the underlying disease and not the low
Recently, the anticholinesterase neostigmine (2 mg
plasma sodium which requires treatment. When the
iv over 3–5 min) has been shown to be rapidly
plasma osmolality is measured in such circumstances,
effective, with decompression in less than 30 min.
it is important to subtract any contribution from a
This agent should be given only in the Intensive Care
raised urea, as in renal failure, to provide an estimate
Unit, because significant muscarinic effects including
of the true osmolality.
bradycardia (requiring atropine) may occur, as well as
abdominal pain. Needless to say, subtle as well as
overt mechanical bowel obstruction (e.g. volvulus)
Bonventre JV, Leaf A 1982 Sodium homeostasis:
steady states without a set point. Kidney Int 21: must be excluded before this cholinergic agent can be
880. safely given.
Dixon B, Ernest D 1996 Hyponatraemia in the
transurethral resection of prostate syndrome. Anaes Bibliography
Intens Care 24: 102. Ponec RJ, Saunders MD, Kimmey MB 1999 301
Weinberg LS 1989 Pseudohyponatremia: a Neostigmine for the treatment of acute colonic
reappraisal. Am J Med 86: 315. pseudo-obstruction. N Engl J Med 341: 137.

Pseudohypoparathyroidism (see Pseudo primary aldosteronism

Hypoparathyroidism) (see Conn’s syndrome)

Pseudomembranous colitis (see Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic papulosquamous disease,
with a population incidence of 0.5–3%. Its
Pseudo-obstruction of the colon aetiology is unknown, but both hereditary and
environmental factors may be involved. There
Pseudo-obstruction of the colon (Ogilvie is a 3-fold increased incidence in smokers, and
syndrome) is a relatively common acute the condition is worse in alcoholics.
complication of a number of conditions in sick
hospitalized patients, including surgery, trauma, The Auspitz sign refers to small bleeding points
sepsis, diabetes, neurological disorders, following scraping of the lesion’s scales and is
scleroderma, amyloid, and of course drugs diagnostically helpful. The Kobner response
which inhibit gastrointestinal motility. As its refers to the production of a new lesion
name suggests, there is no mechanical following local trauma at an uninvolved site,
obstruction, though the pathogenesis is though this phenomenon is not specific for
uncertain. psoriasis. Scratching thus can aggravate the
Colonic dilatation is evidenced by a caecal
diameter at least 10 cm shown radiologically. The individual lesions tend to coalesce to form
Although the condition tends to resolve with plaques which can become extensive, especially
conservative treatment, it is a serious condition, on the elbows, knees, lower back and scalp.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Even the palms, soles and genitals may be Ingram JT 1958 Pustular psoriasis. Arch Dermatol 77:

involved, and the nails become pitted. The 314.

lesions can last for many years unless treated. Lebwohl M 2000 Advances in psoriasis therapy.
Discomfort and pruritus occur in 60% of cases. Dermatol Clin 18: 13.
Whyte HJ, Baughman RD 1964 Acute guttate
Local treatment includes dithranol, phototherapy, psoriasis and streptococcal infection. Arch
steroids and tar. Dermatol 89: 350.

• Systemic therapy chiefly includes methotrexate,

etretinate (related to isotretinoin) and probably
cyclosporin, though many other agents have also Ptosis
been used with some benefit. Ptosis, or drooping eyelid, may be unilateral or
• Drugs including antimalarials, beta blockers, bilateral.
indomethacin and lithium may adversely affect
psoriasis and should be avoided if possible. • If unilateral, it is due to:
The prognosis is very variable and the condition – III nerve lesion;
can fluctuate greatly spontaneously. – Horner’s syndrome (q.v.).
• If bilateral, it is either associated with:
Variants of psoriasis include:
– ophthalmoplegia (q.v.);
302 • Erythroderma (see Exfoliative – generalized muscle disorder (see
dermatitis); Myopathy).
• Guttate psoriasis, occurring especially
after upper respiratory tract infection,
because infecting organisms can act as Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
superantigens and boost the immune
response, causing guttate flares; Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) is a
• Seborrhoeic psoriasis, also included in disease of unknown cause and indeed with no
the spectrum of seborrhoeic dermatitis known precipitating factor.
(see Dermatitis); There is an accumulation in the alveoli of
• Psoriasis associated with arthritis and glycoprotein and lipid material resembling
overlapping with Reiter’s syndrome (q.v.); surfactant. It may therefore be a condition of
• Pustular psoriasis, either generalized (in abnormal surfactant production or clearance. It
80% of cases and associated with is of interest that GM-CSF ‘knockout’ mice
hypocalcaemia) or localized (usually to develop a strikingly similar condition.
the palms and soles). The lesions appear
infected but in fact are not. Microscopically, this material is amorphous and
eosinophilic, with a characteristic positive
reaction to periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reagent.
Bibliography On electron microscopy, there are lamellar
Calvert HT, Smith MA, Wells RS 1963 Psoriasis and bodies similar to those seen in alveolar type II
the nails. Br J Dermatol 75: 415. cells. Inflammation is usually minimal, and the
Farber EM, Nall ML 1974 The natural history of lung structure remains intact.
psoriasis in 5,600 patients. Dermatologica 148: 1.
Farber EM, Nall ML 1992 An appraisal of measures Clinical features comprise cough and dyspnoea,
to prevent and control psoriasis. J Am Acad through some patients are asymptomatic. Chest
Dermatol 26: 736. signs are minimal. While occasionally it may
Fox BJ, Odom RB 1985 Papulosquamous diseases: a cause respiratory failure, most patients are not
review. J Am Acad Dermatol 12: 597. seriously ill.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
The chest X-ray shows a bilateral, butterfly-
Pulmonary hypertension is defined as an

Pulmonary hypertension
shaped, pulmonary infiltrate resembling
pulmonary oedema but without cardiomegaly, increase in the pulmonary artery pressure
pulmonary vascular congestion, Kerley B lines (PAP) above 30/15 mmHg (mean PAP
or pleural effusion. The disease is thus one of ⬎20–25 mmHg).
the uncommon causes of this common X-ray
picture in seriously ill patients. Cor pulmonale refers to right ventricular
hypertrophy and/or dilatation secondary to
pulmonary disease and in response to
The diagnosis is made by the demonstration
pulmonary hypertension. There may or may
in turbid fluid obtained by bronchoalveolar
not be overt right ventricular failure. The
lavage of abundant PAS-positive material.
development of right ventricular hypertrophy
• Since secondary infection may occur, implies that the process is chronic. Right
particularly with mycobacteria, nocardia ventricular dilatation, however, may be acute.
or fungi, the lavage fluid should always be
cultured for these micro-organisms.
There are three groups of causes of
• PAS-positive material and a somewhat
pulmonary hypertension.
similar chest X-ray may be found in
pneumonia due to P. carinii. Thus, the 1. Increased left atrial pressure
presence of this micro-organism should This is due to left heart failure and causes 303
always be sought in such cases. passive pulmonary hypertensio. Since the
pulmonary venous pressure is increased,
Treatment is indicated only if dyspnoea is significant pulmonary oedema eventually occurs.
or if the disease fails to remit spontaneously as it does 2. Increased pulmonary blood flow
in most cases within a few months.
This is due to left-to-right shunt and causes
• Therapy consists of unilateral lung lavage, using hyperkinetic pulmonary hypertension
a double-lumen endotracheal tube to isolate the
contralateral lung from the procedure. The other 3. Increased pulmonary vascular
lung is similarly treated on a subsequent occasion. resistance
Corticosteroids are contraindicated. This may be due to:
• GM-CSF therapy has recently been reported to
be dramatically helpful in some patients. • vascular constriction, usually caused by
Bibliography • vascular obliteration, usually caused by
Claypool WD, Rogers RM, Matuschak GM 1984 diffuse parenchymal damage, sometime by
Update on the clinical diagnosis, management, and vasculitis or rarely by veno-occlusive
pathogenesis of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis disease;
(phospholipidosis). Chest 85: 550. • vascular obstruction, usually caused by
Goldstein LS, Kavuru MS, Curtis-McCarthy P et al pulmonary embolism.
1998 Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: clinical
features and outcome. Chest 114: 1357.
Regardless of the initial cause, secondary
structural changes eventually occur in the
Pulmonary hypertension pulmonary arteries. In addition, plexiform (or
Pulmonary hypertension is a common microaneurysmal) lesions, microvascular
association of many lung diseases. It also follows thromboses or reactive vasoconstriction occur
a number of non-pulmonary disorders, in some patients. These complications further
especially those of a cardiac nature. exacerbate the hypertension.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Chronic airways obstruction, particularly confirm the presence of pulmonary

Pulmonary hypertension

chronic bronchitis, is the main cause of hypertension, indicate the left atrial pressure
pulmonary hypertension due to parenchymal (indirectly by the pulmonary artery wedge
lung disease. Other causes include diffuse pressure), demonstrate the presence of left-to-
interstitial lung disease, bronchiectasis, right shunt by right heart blood gas sampling,
kyphoscoliosis, vasculitis, primary pulmonary permit calculation of pulmonary vascular
hypertension and pulmonary veno-occlusive resistance and allow pulmonary angiography.
disease. However, any lung disease if sufficiently
severe and widespread can cause pulmonary The treatment of pulmonary hypertension and cor
hypertension. Rare causes include tumour or pulmonale is that of the underlying condition.
talc embolization, HIV infection, amyloidosis,
• Diuretics and especially digitalis should be used
and familial capillary haemangiomatosis. There with considerable caution.
may also be an association with portal
• In cases with significant arterial hypoxaemia, long-
hypertension and chronic liver disease in some term oxygen therapy is helpful.
patients. Clusters of cases have been reported
following the ingestion of denatured rapeseed Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is
oil or appetite suppressants (initially aminorex an uncommon condition of unknown aetiology
and subsequently fenfluramines, which have primarily affecting young women. Some cases
therefore been recently withdrawn from the are familial. Its prevalence is about 1000 per
market). Indeed, recent surveillance has million population and its incidence about 1 per
suggested that anorexigens may not only cause million population per year. Its distinction from
primary pulmonary hypertension but also chronic, recurrent, pulmonary
contribute to the secondary pulmonary thromboembolism is not always possible.
hypertension associated with other underlying The chief symptoms are fatigue, dyspnoea (of
diseases. unknown mechanism) and syncope on exertion,
and sometimes chest pain. Physical signs of cor
The clinical features include symptoms due pulmonale are usually marked. Often there is
to low cardiac output, such as fatigue, peripheral vasoconstriction (including
dyspnoea and angina. Raynaud’s phenomenon) and cyanosis.

Physical examination shows a prominent ‘a’ The median age of diagnosis is 36 years and the
wave of the jugular venous pulse, right average survival is only about 3 y from the
ventricular hypertrophy, loud pulmonary onset of symptoms.
component with narrowed split of the Treatment includes avoidance of systemic vasodilators
second sound, and right heart gallop. In and of pregnancy.
advanced cases, systolic ejection click and
pulmonary diastolic and tricuspid pansystolic • Long-term anticoagulation is usually
murmurs may be heard. recommended, because the distinction from
pulmonary embolism is not always possible and
There may be evidence of overt right
because supervening pulmonary artery thrombosis
ventricular failure, with increased jugular
may occur.
venous pressure, hepatomegaly and
• Pulmonary vasodilator therapy is tempting, but
peripheral oedema.
in fact most available pulmonary vasodilators are
also systemic vasodilators. Thus, even if the
The investigation of patients with pulmonary pulmonary vascular resistance is decreased, cardiac
hypertension requires chest X-ray, ECG, output may be increased, so that the pulmonary
echocardiography and appropriate lung function artery pressure may be unchanged or even
tests. In addition, right heart catheterization will increased, while there may be systemic
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
hypotension. Assessment of such agents therefore Rich S 1988 Primary pulmonary hypertension. Prog
Cardiovasc Dis 31: 205.

Pulmonary infiltrates
requires complex haemodynamic monitoring in an
Intensive Care setting. If a favourable acute Rich S, Rubin L, Walker AM et al 2000
vasodilator response is obtained, high-dose calcium Anorexigens and pulmonary hypertension in the
United States. Chest 117: 870.
channel blockers (e.g. nifedipine 240 mg/day)
Roberts WC 1986 A simple histologic classification
may be used. A suitable pulmonary vascular
of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Am J Cardiol
response may perhaps be best assessed following 58: 385.
prostacyclin (epoprostenol) infusion or aerosol. Rubin LJ 1997 Primary pulmonary hypertension. N
Inhaled nitric oxide gives a similar though Engl J Med 336: 111.
transient effect. The continuous intravenous Rubin LJ (ed) 1998 Brenot memorial symposium on
infusion of prostacyclin for 12 weeks has recently the pathogenesis of primary pulmonary
been reported to improve symptoms, hypertension. Chest 114: no.3 Suppl.
haemodynamics and survival, and long-term Shure D 1996 Primary pulmonary hypertension –
treatment is now commonly recommended though good news and bad. Pulmonary Perspectives 13(3):
there is wide variation in the regimens used. 6.
Versprille A 1984 Pulmonary vascular resistance: a
• Single lung or heart–lung transplantation has
meaningless variable. Intens Care Med 10: 51.
been reported to be relatively effective.
Walmrath D, Schneider T, Pilch J et al 1995 Effects
of aerosolized prostacyclin in severe pneumonia.
Bibliography Am J Resp Crit Care Med 151: 724.
Auger WR, Channick RN, Kerr KM et al 1999 305
Evaluation of patients with suspected chronic
thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Semin Pulmonary infiltrates
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 11: 179.
Barst RJ, Rubin LJ, Long WA et al 1996 A
comparison of continuous intravenous The chief causes of a diffuse pulmonary
epoprostenol (prostacyclin) with conventional infiltrate are:
therapy for primary pulmonary hypertension. N
Engl J Med 334: 296.
1. pneumonia;
Dantzker DR, Grant BJB 1983 Pulmonary 2. interstitial lung disease
hypertension. In: Shoemaker WC, Thompson WL
(eds) Critical Care: State of the Art. Fullerton: – sarcoidosis;
Society of Critical Care Medicine. p F1. – diffuse fibrosing alveolitis;
Fishman AP 1999 Aminorex to fen/phen: an – other interstitial lung disease;
epidemic foretold. Circulation 99: 156. – collagen-vascular disease;
Gaine SP, Rubin LJ 1998 Primary pulmonary – PIE;
hypertension. Lancet 352: 719.
Libby DM, Briscoe WA, Boyce B et al 1982 Acute 3. malignancy
respiratory failure in scoliosis or kyphosis:
– lymphoma;
prolonged survival and treatment. Am J Med 73:
– metastases;
McGregor M, Sniderman A 1985 On pulmonary – lymphangitis carcinomatosa;
vascular resistance: the need for more precise – alveolar cell carcinoma;
definition. Am J Cardiol 55: 217. 4. pulmonary oedema;
Palevsky HI, Fishman AP 1991 The management of
primary pulmonary hypertension. JAMA 265: 5. acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome;
Pepke-Zaba J, Higenbottam TW, Dinh-Xuan AT et 6. pneumoconiosis;
al 1991 Inhaled nitric oxide as a cause of selective 7. hypersensitivity pneumonitis;
pulmonary vasodilatation in pulmonary
hypertension. Lancet 338: 1173. 8. aspiration pneumonitis;
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

9. drug reaction (see Drugs and the lung); 2. infection

Pulmonary infiltrates

10. Wegener’s granulomatosis; – granuloma, especially tuberculous or

11. Goodpasture’s syndrome;
3. hamartoma;
12. military tuberculosis;
4. arteriovenous malformation;
13. radiation pneumonitis;
5. bronchogenic cyst
14. uraemia.
– for which there may be a clue from
‘popcorn’ calcification.
Most of these conditions are separately
considered elsewhere in this book.
The chief causes of a large and single
Bibliography pulmonary nodule are:
Crystal RG, Bitterman PB, Rennard SI et al 1984
Interstitial lung diseases of unknown cause. N Engl 1. neoplasm
J Med 310: 154, 235. – usually primary, and especially large cell
Muller NL, Miller RR 1990 Computed tomography carcinoma or alveolar cell carcinoma;
of chronic diffuse infiltrative lung disease. Am Rev
– sometimes lymphoma;
Respir Dis 142: 1440.
306 2. infection
– bacterial pneumonia, fungal infection;
Pulmonary infiltration with
3. sequestration;
eosinophilia (see Eosinophilia and lung
infiltration) 4. bronchogenic cyst.

Pulmonary nodules The chief causes of multiple pulmonary

nodules are:
Pulmonary nodules may be:
1. neoplasm
• small and single (a ‘coin’ lesion);
• large (⬎6 cm diameter) and single; – usually metastases;
• multiple. – sometimes in women ‘benign
metastasizing’ uterine leiomyoma;
The diagnosis cannot usually be made from the
clinical features, since most patients are 2. infection
asymptomatic. It frequently requires comparison – septic emboli, especially in S. aureus
with previous films (if available), tomography, infection;
CT scanning (with percutaneous needle – granulomas, as in fungal or nocardial
biopsy/aspiration), bronchoscopy, and infection, or in melioidosis or
sometimes thoracotomy and resection. paragonimiasis;
3. arteriovenous malformations;
The chief causes of a small and single 4. Wegener’s granulomatosis;
pulmonary nodule are:
5. rheumatoid lung;
1. carcinoma
6. sarcoidosis;
– usually primary and especially
7. amyloid.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography the capillary pressure is much greater than the

Dines DE, Arms RA, Bernatz PE et al 1974 venous pressure. Lung function tests show
Pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas. Mayo Clin Proc marked impairment of gas transfer. Lung
48: 460. biopsy shows intimal fibrosis and eventual
Faughnan ME, Lui YW, Wirth JA et al 2000 Diffuse arterialization, particularly of the smaller
pulmonary arteriovenous malformations:
pulmonary veins.
characteristics and prognosis. Chest 117: 31.
Lillington GA 1993 Management of the solitary Medical treatment is ineffective. Vasodilator drugs are
pulmonary nodule. Hosp Pract 28: 41. not usually of value and may paradoxically exacerbate
Savic B, Birtel FJ, Tholen W et al 1979 Lung acute pulmonary oedema or even death.
sequestration. Thorax 34: 96.
Steele JD 1963 The solitary pulmonary nodule. J Lung transplantation is the only potentially curative
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 46: 21. treatment.
Terry PB, Barth KH, Kaufman SL et al 1980 Balloon
embolization for the treatment of pulmonary
arteriovenous fistulas. N Engl J Med 302: 1189. Bibliography
White RJ, Lynch-Nyhan A, Terry P et al 1988 Heath D, Segal N, Bishop J 1966 Pulmonary veno-
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation: occlusive disease. Circulation 34: 242.
techniques and long-term outcome of Holcomb BW, Loyd JE, Ely EW et al 2000
embolotherapy. Radiology 169: 663. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease. Chest 118:
Palevsky HI, Pietra GG, Fishman AP 1990
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease and its response
Pulmonary oedema (see Acute to vasodilator agents. Am Rev Respir Dis 142:
pulmonary oedema) 426.
Palmer SM, Robinson LJ, Wand A et al 1998
Massive pulmonary edema and death after
prostacyclin infusion in a patient with pulmonary
Pulmonary veno-occlusive
veno-occlusive disease. Chest 113: 237.
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease may be
seen in a number of settings. In primary
pulmonary hypertension (PPH), about 5% of
patients have involvement predominantly Purpura refers to skin and mucous membrane
affecting the pulmonary veins instead of the bleeding, with lesions that range from as small as
arteries, with intimal proliferation, thrombosis, petechiae to as large as ecchymoses.
obliteration and fibrosis. In these cases, it
appears to be an uncommon variant of PPH.
Sometimes, the condition may be seen in Purpura is caused by:
association with mediastinal fibrosis (see • thrombocytopaenia (q.v.);
Mediastinum). It has also been reported in • platelet function disorders (q.v.);
collagen-vascular diseases, and after radiation, • increased microvascular permeability (i.e.
cancer chemotherapy and bone marrow vascular purpura).
The chest X-ray shows pulmonary
Increased microvascular permeability may be
congestion, and the lung scan shows patchy
due to:
abnormality. Although the pulmonary artery
wedge pressure is often increased, it • endothelial cell damage;
underestimates the true pulmonary capillary or • damage to supporting structures;
filtration pressure, because in this condition • miscellaneous conditions.
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Endothelial cell damage may be: Bibliography


Cameron JS 1984 Henoch–Schonlein purpura:

• toxic, from clinical presentation. Contrib Nephrol 40: 246.
– infections, especially Gram-negative or
– snake venom; Pyoderma gangrenosum
Pyoderma gangrenosum is a non-infective and
• embolic, due to
probably immunological condition in which
– sepsis; purple, non-crepitant, somewhat painful
– disseminated intravascular coagulation; nodules develop usually on the limbs or lower
– thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura body. The lesions vesiculate, coalesce and
(q.v.); ulcerate, leaving a ragged and undermined edge.
– subacute bacterial endocarditis (see They can become large and are often multiple.
Endocarditis); There is no systemic toxicity.
– cholesterol;
The course is very variable from acute to
– fat;
chronic. The condition is most commonly
• leukocytoclastic (see Vasculitis), due to associated with serious underlying systemic
immune-mediated neutrophil aggregation, disease, such as a myeloproliferative disorder,
as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic active hepatitis,
gastrointestinal malignancy, or especially
– in Henoch–Schonlein (or
inflammatory bowel disease.
Schonlein–Henoch) purpura;
– in collagen-vascular disease; The chief differential diagnosis is infectious
– in hepatitis B infection; gangrenous cellulitis (see Gangrene).
– with some drugs (e.g. sulfonamides).
Treatment is local, though systemic corticosteriods
Damage to supporting structures occurs may be required.
• In resistant cases, immunosuppression with
• scurvy (q.v.); cyclophosphamide, cyclosporin, thalidomide or
• corticosteroids; recently tacrolims (a macrolide antibiotic with an
• senile purpura; action similar to that of cyclosporin) is indicated.
• hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (q.v.); • Dapsone and hyperbaric oxygen have been
• amyloid (see Multiple Myeloma); reported to be helpful in some cases.
• hereditary connective tissue disorders
– Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, Marfan’s Hecker MS, Lebwohl MG 1998 Recalcitrant
syndrome (q.v.), pseudoxanthoma pyoderma gangrenosum: treatment with
elasticum. thalidomide. J Am Acad Dermatol 38: 490
Newell LM, Malkinson FD 1982 Pyoderma
Miscellaneous conditions primarily include
gangrenosum. Arch Dermatol 118: 769.
auto-erythrocyte purpura. This is an Schwaegerle SM, Bergfeld WF, Senitzer D et al 1988
unusual and uncommon condition in Pyoderma gangrenosum: A review. J Am Acad
middle-aged women. It is manifest as large Dermatol 18: 559
painful subcutaneous haematomas. Its name
derives from its reproduction by
subcutaneous injection of the patient’s Pyrexia
own red blood cells.
It is well known that normal body temperature
Treatment is ineffective. is defended within very narrow limits, with an
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
additional circadian range from about 36.1C in • decreased heat loss;
• hypothalamic disease.

the morning to 37.4°C in the evening.
Heat is produced by metabolic processes, In practice, hyperthermia is usually associated
particularly by the liver and heart at rest and by with exercise (in which heat production can
skeletal muscles on exercise. Skeletal muscle can increase 20-fold), particularly in association with
generate large amounts of energy and the body dehydration or adverse environmental
is only about 25% efficient in translating conditions (see Heat stroke).
metabolic energy to external work, the rest
being converted to heat.
However, some disease states also produce
Heat is lost from the skin (90%) and lungs
hyperthermia rather than fever, often with
(10%), two thirds by radiation and one third by
very high body temperatures (e.g. ⬎41°C).
evaporation, though the latter component
These diseases include:
increases with increased environmental
temperature and on exercise, when sweating • malignant hyperthermia;
which may reach up to 2 L/h becomes the • neuroleptic malignant syndrome;
body’s main method of achieving external heat • salicylate poisoning;
loss. Normally, this external heat loss is very • thyroid storm;
efficient, so that even a prolonged increase in • phaeochromocytoma;
metabolic rate of 15-fold or more for two hours • hypothalamic disease
or more, as in elite marathoners, raises the body
– due to encephalitis, cerebrovascular
temperature to only 38–40°C (whereas without
disease, neurotrauma, neoplasia,
such heat loss, the temperature would increase
sarcoidosis, drugs.
by 1°C each 5 min).
The temperature control centre resides in the
The clinical distinction between hyperthermia
pre-optic nucleus in the anterior hypothalamus,
and fever cannot be made on the basis of
from where it stimulates the autonomic nervous
temperature level and can be particularly
system to produce either vasodilatation and
difficult in endocrine or hypothalamic disease.
sweating to increase heat loss of vasoconstriction
Recurrent pyrexia makes fever more likely than
and shivering to decrease heat loss.
The treatment for hyperthermia is that of the
Increased body temperature is referred to as
underlying disease, with specific therapy if possible. In
pyrexia. Pyrexia may take one or two
addition, systemic measures are important, including
forms, namely:
physical cooling and circulatory support.
• hyperthermia Fever, unlike hyperthermia, is always due to
– i.e. failure of heat control, so that heat disease. It has been known since antiquity to be
production exceeds heat loss; one of the cardinal signs of significant disease.
• fever Fever arises from the production, especially by
mononuclear phagocytes, of cytokines which are
– i.e. an increased set-point, so that heat
acute inflammatory mediators. These include
control achieves an increased
especially IL-1 and TNF but also IL–6 and IFN␥.
The cytokine, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist
(IL-1ra), opposes the inflammatory response.
Hyperthermia can be caused by:
IL-1 in particular is a pyrogen, in which role it
• increased heat production; acts as a hormone rather than a cytokine. Thus,
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

it is distributed by the circulation and acts on Fever of unknown origin (FUO) should

receptors remote from the original site of perhaps more properly be termed pyrexia of
inflammation and cytokine production. unknown origin (PUO). This is because no
Following binding to cell membrane receptors assumption should be made in advance as to
in the hypothalamus, IL-1 activates whether the set-point is or is not increased,
phospholipase to release from membrane though in most cases of course the set-point is
phospholipids the family of arachidonic acid in fact increased and the condition may rightly
metabolites and in particular prostaglandins be termed fever.
(especially of the E series). These substances
increase the temperature set-point in the
hypothalamus and activate the heat control Fever of unknown origin (FUO) has been
mechanisms accordingly. It is because of the defined as:
central role of prostaglandins in this pathway
that aspirin is so effective in fever. • core body temperature ⬎38.3°C;
• of at least 3 weeks duration;
Several other cytokines are also pyrogenic, • excluding major well known infective
including TNF (which is indirect and acts via and postoperative causes; and
stimulating IL-1) and IL-6 and IFN␥ (which are • unclarified despite one week of
direct). As is well known, the ‘pro- investigations.
inflammatory’ cytokines are also
310 immunostimulatory, with a variety of actions
incorporated into the acute phase response. This definition immediately excludes the
These include stimulation of T and B cells, majority of cases of fever, since although one
activation of macrophages, release of other third of hospital patients develop fever (most
cytokines, stimulation of neutrophil release from due to infection), nearly 90% of these have
the bone marrow, stimulation of neutrophil straightforward diagnoses and in most of the
chemotaxis (thus causing leukocytosis rest the fever is short-lived and has no ill-
systemically and inflammatory cell infiltration effects.
locally), stimulation of production by the liver of
acute phase proteins (thus causing an increased The causes of FUO have been well
ESR), increased procoagulant activity and documented in published series, and it is
platelet adhesion, vasodilatation and increased worth remembering that in this, as in many
vascular permeability, and subsequently situations of diagnostic difficulty, the
fibroblast proliferation for repair. uncommon manifestations of common diseases
are more likely to be encountered than the
common manifestations of uncommon
The net effect of the endocrine–immune diseases.
interactions and the consequent
inflammatory and related responses is the
‘sick everything’ syndrome. The causes of FUO have thus been found to
This is a pyrexial, euthyroid, diabetogenic be:
and hypogonadal state, whose details are
more apparent as laboratory than as clinical • infections (23–36%);
findings. • neoplasms (7–31%);
• collagen-vascular diseases (9–18%);
Apart from being a marker of potentially • other less common specific diseases
serious illness, the clinical significance of this (18–29%);
state remains uncertain. • undiagnosed (7–23%).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Infections Other less common specific diseases

1. Systemic • Alcoholic hepatitis.
• Brucellosis, leptospirosis, listeriosis, • CNS lesions,
mycosis, psittacosis, toxoplasmosis should – usually associated with coma and
be considered. known brain damage.
• Viral infections do not produce fever for
⬎3 weeks, except for CMV, which is • Drugs
especially seen in transplant recipients. – particular culprits are beta-lactam
• Endocarditis and tuberculosis should antibiotics, isoniazid, hydralazine,
always be specifically excluded. methyldopa, phenytoin, sulfonamides.
• Other infections are rare, except in – The presence of a rash and/or
travellers. eosinophilia may provide a useful clue.
2. Local – In addition, the responsible drug has
• A localized collection or abscess should usually been administered only recently,
always be sought, especially if there has except that both methyldopa and
been local injury, particularly to the phenytoin can produce late-presenting
abdomen. Subphrenic, intrahepatic or fever.
other intra-abdominal collections should • Factitious. 311
be considered in such cases. • Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF).
• Occult local infection sometimes involves This condition presents with attacks of
the urinary tract, paranasal sinuses or abdominal pain and polyserositis, as well
teeth. as fever and leukocytosis, but the patient
is well between attacks. The patient is
Neoplasms usually an Arab, Armenian or Sephardic
• Lymphoma. There is an increased incidence of
• Haematological malignancy. amyloidosis with nephrotic syndrome and of
– In these cases however the usual cause polyarteritis nodosa.
of fever is infection rather than
The differential diagnosis is wide and
malignancy itself.
includes diabetic ketoacidosis, acute
– If the latter, however, it typically
porphyria, SLE, lead colic, tabetic crisis, and
responds to NSAIDs.
perhaps common intrathoracic conditions,
• Carcinoma of the kidney. such as AMI or pneumonia.
• Phaeochromocytoma.
• Extensive metastatic disease. • Granulomatous diseases, especially
• Inflammatory bowel disease.
Collagen-vascular diseases • Pulmonary thromboembolism
• Especially SLE. – though fever prolonged for ⬎1 week is
• In the elderly, polymyalgia rheumatica uncommon.
and temporal arteritis should be • Whipple’s disease.
• Associated arthralgia and high ESR are
useful clues to this category of illness. The height and pattern of fever are not usually
diagnostically helpful. Diagnosis requires
P Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

detailed history and clinical examination and

The adverse consequences of pyrexia

appropriate investigations (particularly

microbiological, imaging and histological) to include:
cover the conditions listed above. • catabolic state;
Occasionally, diagnosis made be assisted by • hyperdynamic circulation;
antibiotics or corticosteroids in a therapeutic • delirium;
trial. • convulsions (usually in children);
Fever in the Intensive Care Unit may also be • cellular damage if the temperature is
considered as core temperature 38.3°C (SCCM extreme (i.e. ⬎41°C), though usually
definition). For practical purposes, temperature such damage may be primarily attributable
elevations less than this do not usually warrant to the underlying disease.
complex investigation in themselves. Most cases
of fever in ICU are caused by obvious
The beneficial consequences of fever
• particularly have not been established in humans,
although cytokine release appears to have
– nosocomial pneumonia evolved over hundreds of millions of years,
– line-related sepsis so that in many species it presumably
– abdominal sepsis, enhances host defence. Certainly, fever
– wound infection, benefits some infected poikilotherms and
even mammals.
• sometimes
However, fever is not helpful in humans,
– sinusitis since although some infecting organisms are
– urinary tract infection heat sensitive the body temperatures
– C. difficile colitis achieved during fever are not high enough
Some cases of fever in ICU are due to non- to take advantage of this potential microbial
infectious causes and can be frustrating to weakness. Similarly,
clarify. While most such causes usually produce
• fever therapy as used in the past was not
only minor elevations of temperature, helpful in infections, though it was not
sometimes they may produce genuine fever. harmful, and
These conditions include:
• antipyretic medication is not harmful,
• pancreatitis; though it is not helpful except
• acalculous cholecystitis; symptomatically.
• gut ischaemia; More recently, whole body hyperthermia has
• gut bleeding; been used in some oncology centres as part
• thromboembolism; of a range of cancer treatment modalities.
• drug fever;
• transfusion;
• myocardial infarction; Treatment of fever is that of the underlying disease,
• cerebral haemorrhage; together with symptomatic measures (aspirin or
• haematoma; paracetamol) and general support. Since the
• phlebitis. temperature set-point is increased, physical cooling can
be distressing, though it may be considered useful (as
While the hazards of pyrexia are well known, in hyperthermia) if the temperature is particularly high
the possible benefits of fever remain (i.e. ⬎40–41°C), especially at extremes of age and
controversial. in cardiovascular disease.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography O’Grady NP, Barie PS, Bartlett J et al 1998 Practice
guidelines for evaluating new fever in critically ill

Q fever
Adaun RP, Fauci AS, Dale DC et al 1979 Factitious
fever and self-induced infection. Ann Intern Med adult patients. Crit Care Med 26: 392.
90: 230 Olson KR, Benowitz NL 1984 Environmental and
Bernheim HA, Block LH, Atkins E 1979 Fever: drug-induced hyperthermia: pathophysiology,
pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and purpose. Ann recognition and management. Emerg Med Clin
Intern Med 91: 261 North Am 2: 459.
Blumenthal I 1997 Fever – concepts old and new. J Petersdorf RG, Beeson PB 1961 Fever of
R Soc Med 90: 391. unexplained origin. Medicine 40: 1.
Dinarello CA, Cannon JG, Wolff SM 1988 New Roberts NJ 1991 Impact of temperature elevation on
concepts on the pathogenesis of fever. Rev Infect immunologic defenses. Rev Infect Dis 13: 462.
Dis 10: 168. Robins HI, Longo W 1999 Whole body
Editorial 1980 Familial Mediterranean fever. Br Med hyperthermia. Intens Care Med 25: 898.
J 281: 2. Rosenberg J, Pentel P, Pond S et al 1986
Eliakim M, Levy M, Ehrenfeld M 1981 Recurrent Hyperthermia associated with drug intoxication.
Polyserositis (Familial Mediterranean Fever, Crit Care Med 14: 964.
Periodic Disease). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Saper CB, Breeder CD 1994 The neurologic basis of
Jacoby GA, Swartz MN 1973 Fever of undetermined fever. N Engl J Med 330: 1880.
origin N Engl J Med 289: 1407. Shann F 1995 Antipyretics in severe sepsis. Lancet
Kluger MJ, Ringler DH, Anver MR 1975 Fever and 345: 338.
survival. Science 188: 166. Simon HB 1993 Hyperthermia. N Engl J Med 329:
Knockaert DC, Vanneste LJ, Vanneste SB et al 1992 483. 313
Fever of unknown origin in the 1980s. Arch Simon HB, Daniels GH 1979 Hormonal
Intern Med 152: 51. hyperthermia: endocrinologic causes of fever. Am
Mackowiak PA 1994 Fever: blessing or curse? A J Med 66: 257.
unifying hypothesis. Ann Intern Med 120: 1037. Sohar E, Gafni J, Heller H 1967 Familial
Mackowiak PA 1998 Concepts of fever. Arch Intern Mediterranean fever. Am J Med 43: 227.
Med 158: 1870. Swartz MN, Simon HB 1992 Pathophysiology of
Mackowiak PA, LeMaistre CF 1987 Drug fever: a fever and fever of undetermined origin. Sci Am
critical appraisal of conventional concepts. Ann Med section 7, chapter XXIV: 1.
Intern Med 106: 728.
Marik PE 2000 Fever in the ICU. Chest 117: 855.
Musher DM, Fainstein V, Young EJ 1979 Fever Pyroglutamic acid (see Lactic acidosis)
patterns: their lack of clinical significance. Arch
Intern Med 139: 1225.
Nimmo SM, Kennedy BW, Tullet WM et al 1993
Drug-induced hyperthermia. Anaesthesia 48: 892. Q fever (see Rickettsial diseases)
R Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Rabies apprehension, dyspnoea, nausea and


Rabies is a dramatic example of one of many
• Hydrophobia occurs in some patients and is
viral zoonoses in animals which may be characteristic.
incidentally transmitted to humans, where an
• Subsequently, excitation occurs with
entirely different disease is produced from that hyperventilation, seizures and disorientation.
seen in the original reservoir. Contact may be
• Finally, paralysis occurs, even involving
direct or via a vector. autonomically innervated structures, and
death follows from cardiorespiratory failure.
Most such animal viruses rarely spread to The diagnosis requires a careful history,
humans. The best known examples apart especially of travel. It is confirmed by viral
from rabies are: isolation and positive serology.
• dengue; Treatment is with local wound cleaning and general
• haemorrhagic fevers (including possibly supportive measures.
Ebola fever);
• yellow fever; • Although no person to person transmission has
• equine morbillivirus (first described in been reported, isolation is usually recommended.
1994 in Australia, and now called Hendra • Post-exposure prophylactic vaccination is now
virus); very effective but is complex and requires
314 • lyssavirus of fruit bat origin (first described consultation with local health authorities. No
in 1996 in Australia, called Australian bat vaccination however is required if a suspected
lyssavirus (ABL), and closely related to animal remains healthy after 10 days of
classic rabies virus). observation or if the animal is killed and
laboratory tests are negative.
Some human viruses on the other hand may
be transmitted to animals, such as: The condition is always fatal within three weeks
of illness in unvaccinated patients.
• hepatitis;
• measles;
• poliomyelitis;
Fishbein DB, Robinson LE 1993 Rabies (review). N
• avian influenza.
Engl J Med 329: 1632.

Rabies is found in many carnivores in most

countries (except Australia, United Kingdom Radiation injury
and Hawaii). Dogs are the main source of
infection in humans. The disease is particularly Radiation has dose-related consequences, both
prevalent in Asia, Africa, and Central and South local and systemic. In particular, the patient
America. becomes a compromised host with
Usually, direct inoculation occurs from infected • loss of integrity of the mucocutaneous
salvia following a bite. surface barrier (especially the gut),
• decreased number and impaired function of
• The virus replicates in adjacent muscle cells circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes,
and then passes via the nerves to the CNS.
• impaired function of both circulating and
• There is an incubation period of about 30 fixed mononuclear phagocytes.
days (though 12 days to ⬎4 y have been
reported). In radiotherapy, either subatomic particle
• Clinical features comprise local pain and radiation or electromagnetic radiation
numbness and systemic features of irritability, (megavoltage X-ray or gamma-rays from
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
radioactive isotopes) may be used. Both oedema, and later with small vessel

Raynaud’s phenomenon/disease
modalities deliver photons to the tissues where thrombosis and alveolar epithelial
intracellular structures (e.g. DNA) are ionized in desquamation. It is of variable extent and
both malignant and normal cells. Some severity, but it occurs to some degree in all
malignant tissues (lymphoma, seminoma) are patients having chest irradiation. It may
much more sensitive to radiation than are resemble P. carinii pneumonia, from which it
normal tissues, but unfortunately the converse therefore needs to be distinguished.
applies for the gut, kidneys, liver, lungs and
Symptoms appear some weeks after radiation
nervous system. Radiation injury is an
and include dry cough and dyspnoea. The
important complication of therapeutic radiation,
overlying skin may show increased
even though appropriate precautions are taken
to minimize the exposure of normal tissues.
Chest X-ray shows a new pulmonary infiltrate,
often typically confined to the area of the
Acute effects of radiation include damage
radiation port. BAL helps exclude infection or
to proliferating cells with erythema,
malignancy and may show lymphocytes and
desquamation, nausea, oesophagitis and bone
dysplastic or damaged alveolar type II cells.
marrow suppression.
Severe symptoms are probably helped with
Late effects of radiation are due to vascular
corticosteroids, and concomitant antibiotics are
occlusion, tissue necrosis or possibly stem cell
usually given because of the likelihood of 315
• Radiation fibrosis is a natural progression
Carcinogenic influences in the environment, of radiation pneumonitis over the succeeding
including radiation, can affect almost all organs months.
by activation of cellular oncogenes. The
tumours which may result include especially The process is often clinically silent, but
leukaemia but also carcinoma of the skin, dyspnoea can occur and may be progressive and
thyroid and breast, bone and soft tissue disabling.
sarcomas, and brain tumours. Previous Chest X-ray shows infiltration and contraction
radiotherapy for Hodgkin’s disease may give rise of the affected part of the lung.
to such tumours subsequently (as well as to an
excess cardiac mortality). There is no effective treatment.

Local effects of radiation can be prominent. Bibliography

• In the pelvis, proctitis and cystitis may Gross NJ 1977 Pulmonary effects of radiation injury.
result. Ann Intern Med 86: 81.
• In the head and neck, there may be
hoarseness, sore and dry mouth and throat,
with loss of taste, mucositis, ulcers, fistulae Rat bites (see Bites and stings)
and cutaneous erythema.
• Neurological changes of encephalopathy or
myelopathy may be produced from local
Raynaud’s phenomenon/disease
vascular damage.
• Late pericarditis may be produced. Raynaud’s phenomenon is a peripheral
• Radiation pneumonitis is an acute, vasospastic disorder, secondary to organic
primary, vascular reaction, initially with disease such as SLE or scleroderma which it
pulmonary vascular congestion and alveolar often precedes.
R Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Raynaud’s disease is a primary or idiopathic Although the pathogenetic mechanisms of the

Raynaud’s phenomenon/disease

form of the condition, which in its mildest form illness are uncertain, there may be cross-
occurs in about 25% of young women. It may reactivity between bacterial antigens and self-
represent an increased sensitivity to ␣2 agonists antigens.
due to an increased density of receptors in the
digital arteries.
Clinical features include arthritis, usually
Treatment is primarily symptomatic and physical. asymmetrical and involving the knees, ankles
or feet. Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis
• Calcium channel blockers are helpful, though and tenosynovitis are common. There may
direct vasodilator agents are ineffective.
be associated sacroiliitis or overlap with
• Captopril and ketanserin are reportedly helpful. ankylosing spondylitis (q.v.). There may
sometimes be associated skin lesions, namely
keratoderma blennorrhagicum with
Coffman JD 1991 Raynaud’s phenomenon: an
update. Hypertension 17: 593. hyperkeratotic lesions. Conjunctivitis is
Sturgill MG, Seibold JR 1998 Rational use of usual, and there may sometimes be uveitis.
calcium-channel antagonists in Raynaud’s In AIDS, the condition is more severe,
phenomenon. Curr Opin Rheumatol 10: 584.
though probably not more frequent. This is
in contrast to other rheumatic disorders, such
as rheumatoid arthritis and SLE, which may
316 Reactive arthritis (see Reiter’s improve in the presence of AIDS.

Investigations usually show a raised ESR.

Reiter’s syndrome Examination of the synovial fluid shows a high
complement level, reflecting inflammation (in
Reiter’s syndrome comprises the triad of contrast to rheumatoid arthritis in which the
arthritis, urethritis and conjunctivitis. level is low). In chronic disease, there may be
Occasionally, there may be a tetrad, with the IgA antibodies to the trigger organism,
additional features of painless ulcers in the consistent with a continuing mucosal infection.
mouth or rash on the glans penis (circinate The diagnosis is made on the basis of the
balanitis). The joint involvement is a reactive clinical features and not the laboratory tests.
Treatment is with NSAIDs, to which symptoms of
It occurs particularly in young men, in whom it arthritis usually respond.
is the commonest inflammatory
monoarthropathy or oligoarthropathy, with a • In occasional severe cases, salazopyrine or
prevalence of 3.5 per 100000. There is a 37- methotrexate and sometimes corticosteroids may
fold increased incidence in subjects with the be required (though some of these agents are
specific genetic HLA antigen B27, and 70–90% contraindicated in HIV-positive cases).
of patients with the condition are B27-positive. • Any predisposing urethritis or bacterial
gastroenteritis is treated on its merits.
Reiter’s syndrome usually follows a specific
infection, either epidemic or endemic. The condition is usually self-limited, but
sometimes it may progress to produce
• Epidemic causes are usually dysenteric, considerable and prolonged disability.
especially from salmonella, shigella,
campylobacter or Yersinia enterocolitica. Bibliography
• Endemic infections are usually venereal, Amor B 1998 Reiter’s syndrome. Rheum Dis Clin
either from chlamydia or mycoplasma. North Am 24: 677.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Editorial 1980 Reactive arthritis. Br Med J 281: 311. – Sometimes, there may be only one relapse,
Gibofsky A, Zabriskie JB 1995 Rheumatic fever and

Renal artery occlusion

but often there are many.
poststreptococcal reactive arthritis. Curr Opin – However, on each occasion the symptom-
Rheumatol 7: 299. free interval is longer and the actual relapse
Keat A 1999 Reactive arthritis. Adv Exp Med Biol
is milder and briefer.
455: 201.
– Resolution occurs because of the
McEwen C, DiTata D, Lingg C et al 1971
Ankylosing spondylitis and spondylitis production of antibody, but recurrence
accompanying ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis, occurs because of the process of antigen
psoriasis and Reiter’s disease. Arthritis Rheum 14: variation.
Spirochaetes are seen on the blood film, except
Winblad S 1975 Arthritis associated with Yersinia
during symptom-free intervals. Borrelia cannot
enterocolitica infections. Scand J Infect Dis 7: 191.
be cultured on artificial media. There is
anaemia, thrombocytopenia and disseminated
Relapsing fever intravascular coagulation, but the white cell
count is normal. Liver function tests are
Relapsing fever occurs following infection with
abnormal in severe cases.
one of several species of spirochaete of the
genus borrelia, which are transmitted by The differential diagnosis includes:
arthropod vectors (lice or ticks).
• bacteraemia;
• Louse-borne infection often occurs in • infectious mononucleosis; 317
epidemics and follows natural or man-made • malaria;
disasters. It has thus been associated with • salmonellosis;
typhus and has occurred mainly in Africa, • leptospirosis;
Asia and South America. • spotted fevers.
• Tick-borne infection is widely distributed Treatment is with tetracycline for 10 days, though a
and usually arises from exposure to infected
single dose of doxycycline 100 mg has been used in
Both forms of infection are clinically similar.
• Chloramphenicol, penicillin and ceftriaxone are
• Following an incubation period of about 7 also effective.
days, • Treatment can be associated with the
Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction (q.v.).
– symptoms comprise high fever with chills,
headache, myalgia, prostration, confusion, The mortality is usually 2–5%, though it can
cough and gastrointestinal complaints, increase to 40% in epidemics because of
– clinical findings include tachycardia, concomitant diseases.
hyperventilation, rash, splenomegaly,
– sometimes, there is hepatomegaly,
Spach D, Liles W, Campbell G et al 1993 Tick-
lymphadenopathy, disseminated borne diseases in the United States. N Engl J Med
intravascular coagulation. 329: 936.
• After 3–6 days,
– the febrile illness comes to an abrupt end Renal artery occlusion
in a drenching sweat.
Renal artery occlusion may be due to:
• In another 6–10 days,
• emboli;
– there is a febrile recurrence, but the illness • thrombi;
on this occasion is shorter. • vascular disease.
R Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Emboli arise from:

The diagnosis of renal artery occlusion can
Renal artery occlusion

• cardiac thrombi, due to acute myocardial be difficult, especially if there is no apparent

infarction or atrial arrhythmias. A frequent initiating event and the process is persistent
consequence of embolization of such or recurrent.
material is renal artery occlusion, because the
kidneys take 20% of the cardiac output. In severe cases, the differential diagnosis
• athero-emboli (cholesterol emboli). This is includes acute tubular necrosis.
usually seen in older patients with extensive The urine sediment is sometimes ‘active’,
atherosclerotic disease who have had a with haematuria, red blood cell casts and
radiological or surgical procedure proximal occasionally eosinophils. An eosinophilia
to the kidneys. An acute increase in plasma may be noted on peripheral blood
creatinine after such procedures is an examination.
important clue to this mechanism, though it
requires differentiation from contrast-
induced renal damage. It may be associated Treatment is with anticoagulation, though local
with more peripheral embolization and thrombolytic therapy has also been reported to be
livedo reticularis (q.v.). successful.
• subacute bacterial endocarditis, tumour or
fat. These are uncommon sources of Bibliography
318 clinically significant renal artery emboli. Bell SP, Frankel A, Brown EA 1997 Cholesterol
emboli syndrome – uncommon or unrecognized?
Thrombi are usually associated with underlying J R Soc Med 90: 543.
arterial damage from atheroma or trauma. Corwin HL, Korbet SM, Schwartz MM 1985
Vascular disease is usually associated with Clinical correlates of eosinophiluria. Arch Intern
Med 145: 1097.
abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Crosby RL, Miller PD, Schrier RW 1986 Traumatic
Renal artery occlusion causes ischaemic damage renal artery thrombosis. Am J Med 81: 890.
to the kidney, with a typically wedged-shaped Lessman RK, Johnson SF, Coburn JW et al 1978
infarct or more general atrophy. The Renal artery embolism. Ann Intern Med 89:
consequences depend on the speed, extent and 477.
Peat DS, Mathieson PW 1996 Cholesterol emboli
duration of the process, with irreversible
may mimic systemic vasculitis. Br Med J 313:
changes often appearing after 2 h of occlusion. 546.
Clinical features typically comprise: Smith MC, Ghose MK, Henry AR 1981 The clinical
spectrum of renal cholesterol embolization. Am J
• loin pain and tenderness; Med 71: 174.
• systemic symptoms of fever and nausea.
Sometimes, the process may be clinically silent.
Often in embolic disease there are emboli Renal calculous disease (see
apparent elsewhere, and the site of embolization Nephrolithiasis)
is apparent. Hypertension is common. A skin
rash may be seen, in the form of livedo
reticularis (q.v.). Renal cortical necrosis
Investigations show haematuria in one third of Renal cortical necrosis refers to infarction of the
cases. The LDH but not the AST is typically entire renal cortex with consequent acute
elevated. A renal isotope scan is the preferred anuric renal failure. The juxtamedullary
technique to show either segmental or glomeruli probably survive and are responsible
generalized decrease in renal perfusion. for the partial recovery seen in some patients.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
3. Polycystic disease is a common condition
Renal cortical necrosis is:

Renal cystic disease

inherited as an autosomal dominant. It is
• traditionally associated with prolonged commonly referred to as autosomal dominant
shock or severe hypovolaemia; polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and has a
• classically associated with obstetric prevalence of at least 1:1000. In 90% of cases,
disasters. there is an abnormal gene on the short arm of
chromosome 16 (ADPKD1 locus). Though the
cysts commence in utero as outpouchings of the
Clinically, there may be loin pain, hypotension renal tubule and Bowman’s capsule, the
and anuria, preceded sometimes by haematuria. condition is clinically silent until adult life.
Urinalysis shows casts (as in acute tubular There is interstitial scarring and compression of
necrosis), and renal function is non-specifically adjacent normal tissue, giving rise to:
abnormal. • loin pain;
The differential diagnosis includes: • hypertension;
• palpable abdominal mass;
• acute tubular necrosis; • urinary tract infection;
• post-renal obstruction; • renal calculi;
• severe glomerulonephritis; • haematuria;
• bilateral vascular occlusion; • renal impairment.
• haemolytic–uraemic syndrome (rarely). 319
The most useful diagnostic imaging is with
An ultrasound examination is required to ultrasound. There may also be:
exclude obstruction, and diagnostic
confirmation may require renal biopsy. • cysts elsewhere (especially in the liver,
pancreas or spleen);
Treatment is supportive. • cerebral arterial berry aneurysms (and thus
About one third of patients recover sufficiently subarachnoid haemorrhage);
to be dialysis-free but with renal function only • mitral valve prolapse;
15–50% of normal and with proneness to a • colonic diverticula.
gradual decline thereafter. 4. Medullary cystic disease is an autosomal
dominant condition of cystic development in
the medulla. It presents in young adults with:
Renal cystic disease • scarred, shrunken kidneys;
Renal cystic disease comprises a wide variety of • loss of concentrating ability and thus
• renal failure.
1. Simple cysts are fluid-filled, epithelial-lined
5. Medullary sponge kidney is due to cystic
structures. They are clinically silent and are
outpouching from the collecting ducts, giving
found in about 50% of older patients.
rise to the characteristic flower-spray appearance
2. Acquired cystic disease refers to the on intravenous pyelogram. Some cases are
presence of more than five cysts, accompanied familial. The condition presents with:
by renal impairment and usually with small
scarred kidneys. This process arises in the • haematuria;
proximal tubules and occurs in about 50% of • renal calculi;
patients on long-term dialysis. These cysts can • occasional tubular effects (e.g. renal tubular
cause haematuria, loin pain and erythrocytosis.
They may also become infected or malignant. but not renal failure.
R Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Bibliography may occur in chronically alkaline urine from

Renal cystic disease

Amis ES, Cronan JJ, Yoder IC et al 1982 Renal other causes.

cysts: curios and caveats. Urol Radiol 4: 199.
Gabow PA 1993 Autosomal dominant polycystic RTA type 1 may be:
disease. N Engl J Med 329: 332.
Ishikawa I 1991 Acquired cystic disease: mechanisms • genetic
and manifestations. Semin Nephrol 11: 671. – sometimes associated with Marfan’s

Renal tubular acidosis • idiopathic;

• associated with
Classical renal tubular acidosis (distal RTA
– drugs (amphotericin, lithium);
or type 1) is caused by a defect of the distal
– autoimmune disease;
tubules preventing H⫹ excretion.
– hypocalcaemia;
– hypergammaglobulinaemia;
Thus, – medullary sponge kidney.

• the urine cannot be fully acidified, A rare form of RTA may be hyperkalaemic and
• the urine pH is always ⬎5.3, associated with:
• there is a metabolic acidosis with a normal • urinary tract obstruction;
320 anion gap.
• renal transplant rejection;
• SLE;
The urinary anion gap is positive. • sickle cell anaemia;
• drugs (amiloride, silver sulfadiazine).
A similar phenomenon is found in some cases of
diarrhoea, but this should be apparent clinically. Proximal renal tubular acidosis (proximal
Moreover, the normal negative urinary anion RTA or type 2) is associated with a defect of
gap is still seen in such patients with diarrhoea. proximal tubular reabsorption of bicarbonate.

H⫹ is normally secreted as NH⫹ 4

from the
alpha-intercalated cell into the lumen of the Thus,
collecting tubule under the action of
aldosterone via an ATP-ase pump. The urinary • there is excess sodium bicarbonate in the
anion gap is an approximate index of urinary
ammonium, with a negative anion gap • the urine pH is ⬎5.3 (when the filtered
load exceeds the absorptive capacity),
suggesting normal acidification. Potassium is
excreted from the adjacent principal cell also • the plasma bicarbonate is low.
under aldosterone action to restore
electrochemical neutrality following the active This condition is usually associated with other
reabsorption of Na⫹ from the lumen. When H⫹ proximal tubular defects, for example of
is secreted from the cell, bicarbonate remains glucose, amino acids, phosphates and uric acid,
and diffuses into the blood in exchange for Cl⫺, so that these substances appear in excess in the
also to maintain electrical neutrality. In RTA urine, a condition called the Fanconi syndrome
only potassium secretion is available to (q.v.).
compensate for sodium reabsorption, so that
By contrast, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
hypokalaemia results. Since citrate excretion is
which also increase bicarbonate in the urine do
also impaired, the less soluble phosphate appears
not cause any of these additional abnormalities.
in the tubules, and this precipitates with calcium
to give nephrocalcinosis. A similar phenomenon RTA type 2 may be:
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• hereditary Renin–angiotensin–aldosterone

– as in a variety of metabolic disorders, such The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone (RAA)
as glycogen storage diseases, Wilson’s system is one of the key mechanisms for salt and
disease, etc., water balance and thus for circulatory control.
• acquired
Renin is a proteolytic enzyme produced by
– following drugs (cadmium, copper, lead, modified smooth muscle cells in the afferent
mercury, outdated tetracycline), arteriole of the kidney in the juxtaglomerular
– associated with multiple myeloma or cells. Its release is regulated by tubular sodium
hyperparathyroidism. concentration, sensed in the adjacent epithelial
cells of the macula densa in the distal
Renal vein thrombosis convoluted tubule. Renin release is also
influenced by adrenergic stimuli.
Renal vein thrombosis is generally associated
with the nephrotic syndrome, but it can also The substrate for rennin is a circulating ␣2-
occur in renal carcinoma and thus with normal globulin (angiotensinogen) which is produced
renal function. The nephrotic syndrome occurs in the liver. From it, renin cleaves the inactive
with acute occlusion, but if the thrombosis is decapeptide, angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is
gradual, there may be appropriate compensation converted to the octapeptide, angiotensin II, in
and the process may be silent. the lungs by angiotensin-convertin enzyme (see
Angiotensin-converting enzyme), and
angiotensin II is the main stimulus to the
While renal vein thrombosis may cause the production of aldosterone in the adrenal gland
nephrotic syndrome in association with a (see Aldosterone). Angiotensin II also activates
thrombophilic state, membraneous the adrenergic system and is thus a vasopressor
nephropathy may also lead to renal vein and mild inotrope. These well known effects
thrombosis in its own right in about 50% of are mediated via the AT1 receptors.
In addition to these effects which have been
recognized for many decades, it has more
Renal vein thrombosis may be bilateral and may recently been appreciated that angiotensin II has
be acute enough to cause infarction. Usually it a second subtype of receptors, AT2, which
is more gradual and may even be clinically mediate a variety of other less well defined
silent, though it can lead to loin pain and actions. Thus, angiotensin II also increases
haematuria. intracellular Ca⫹⫹ release and cell growth (i.e. it
Diagnosis is by renal vein Doppler ultrasound affects gene expression by enhancing protein
examination. synthesis in smooth muscle and myocardial
cells). Angiotensin II is thus an extracellular
Treatment is with long-term anticoagulation. messenger, and its mechanism of action is via
binding to the specific cell surface receptors,
Cronin RE, Kaehny WD, Miller, PD et al 1976 which initiates a complex signalling cascade to
Renal cell carcinoma: unusual systemic release intracellular Ca⫹⫹ and to activate protein
manifestations. Medicine 55: 291. kinase C.
Llach F 1985 Hypercoagulability, renal vein
Angiotensin II receptor antagonists
thrombosis, and other thrombotic complications of
the nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 28: 429. (ARAs), i.e. losartan, irbesartan and related
Llach F, Papper S, Massry SG 1980 The clinical compounds, target the AT1 receptor. They
spectrum of renal vein thrombosis: acute and thus provide more complete angiotensin
chronic. Am J Med 69: 819. blockade than do the ACE inhibitors, because
R Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

angiotensin can also be formed to some • Hyperaldosteronism may be


extent via pathways other than renin. Since

– hyper-reninaemic,
the angiotensin receptor antagonists do not
– primary,
block the inactivation of bradykinin like the
– secondary to cardiac, hepatic or renal
ACE inhibitors do, they were not expected
to produce cough or angioedema, but this
early promise has not been borne out in
practice. On the other hand, the potentiation Bibliography
Curry SC, Arnold-Capell P 1991 Nitroprusside,
of bradykinin may be responsible also for
nitroglycerin, and angiotensin-converting enzyme
some of the beneficial effects of the ACE
inhibitors. Crit Care Clin 7: 555.
inhibitors. In addition, the ARAs have been Melby JC 1991 Diagnosis of hyperaldosteronism.
reported to cause occasional hepatotoxicity Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am 20: 247.
and to exacerbate hyperglycaemia in some Oparil S, Haber E 1974 The renin–angiotensin
diabetics. In clinical trials, angiotensin system. N Engl J Med 291: 389 & 446.
receptor antagonists have been found to be as Pitt B, Segal R, Martinez FA et al 1997 Randomised
effective as ACE inhibitors in hypertension trial of losartan versus captopril in patients over 65
and more effective in reducing mortality in with heart failure (Eavaluation of Losartan in the
heart failure. Elderly Study, ELITE). Lancet 349: 747.
Quinn SJ, Williams GH 1988 Regulation of
Since renin release is influenced by sodium aldosterone secretion. Ann Rev Physiol 50: 409.
322 concentration, adrenergic stimuli and renal Stoll M, Steckelings UM, Paul M et al 1995 The
perfusion pressure, it is ideally attuned to angiotensin AT2-receptor mediates inhibition of
controlling blood volume. cell proliferation in coronary endothelial cells. J
Clin Invest 95: 651.
Williams GH 1986 Hyporeninemic
Abnormalities of renin secretion include hypoaldosteronism. N Engl J Med 314: 1041.
• overproduction in Respiratory burns (see Burns
– renal artery stenosis; (respiratory complications))
– the rare Bartter’s syndrome, in which
there is an increased renal synthesis of
PGE2 and hypokalaemic metabolic Respiratory diseases
Issues related to the management of major
• deficiency in respiratory problems comprise much of the
– renal disease, especially diabetic backbone of Intensive Care, particularly
nephropathy; problems concerning mechanical ventilation,
– Conn’s syndrome. acute (adult) respiratory distress syndrome and
nosocomial pneumonia. While many other
respiratory problems are also common,
Abnormalities of aldosterone production especially asthma, acute pulmonary oedema,
follow the abnormalities of renin secretion, community-acquired pneumonia and
though there are also other causes of pulmonary thromboembolism, some may have
dysaldosteronism. uncommon causes or differential diagnoses.
These uncommon aspects of common
• Hypoaldosteronism may be
conditions, together with the more clearly
– hyporeninaemic, uncommon conditions themselves, are therefore
– idiopathic. considered in this book and include:
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Respiratory diseases
• acute lung irritation; • pulmonary veno-occlusive disease;
• acute pulmonary oedema; • radiation;
• alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency; • sarcoidosis;
• aspiration; • sleep disorders of breathing;
• asthma; • systemic diseases and the lung;
• barotrauma; • Wegener’s granulomatosis.
• bronchiectasis;
Non-respiratory thoracic disorders are also
• bronchiolitis obliterans;
considered, in relation to the:
• burns;
• cancer; • chest wall;
• cavitation; • diaphragm;
• cystic fibrosis; • mediastinum;
• diffuse fibrosing alveolitis; • pleural cavity.
• drowning;
• drugs and the lung; Bibliography
• eosinophilia and lung infiltration; Abraham E, Terada L (eds) 1999 Acute lung injury.
• exotic pneumonia; Chest 116 (suppl 1).
• Goodpasture’s syndrome; Albertson TE, Walby WF, Derlet RW 1995
• haemoptysis; Stimulant-induced pulmonary toxicity. Chest 108:
• histiocytosis X; 1140.
• hypersensitivity pneumonitis; Bascom R, Bromberg PA, Costa DL et al 1996
• idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; Health effects of outdoor pollution. Am J Resp
Crit Care Med 153: 3, 477.
• interstitial lung diseases;
Berger AJ, Mitchell RA, Severinghaus JW 1977
• interstitial pneumonitis;
Regulation of respiration. N Engl J Med 297: 92,
• occupational lung diseases; 138, 194.
• pneumoconiosis; Cade JF, Pain MCF 1988 Essentials of Respiratory
• pulmonary alveolar proteinosis; Medicine. Oxford: Blackwell.
• pulmonary hypertension; Caruana-Montaldo B, Gleeson K, Zwillich CW
• pulmonary infiltrates; 2000 The control of breathing in clinical practice.
• pulmonary nodules; Chest 117: 205.
R Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Craddock PR, Fehr J, Brigham KL et al 1977 Trulock EP 1997 Lung transplantation. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med 155: 789.
Respiratory diseases

Complement and leukocyte-mediated pulmonary

dysfunction in hemodialysis. N Engl J Med 296: 769. Versprille A 1984 Pulmonary vascular resistance: a
Editorial 1989 Polycythaemia due to hypoxaemia: meaningless variable. Intens Care Med 10: 51.
advantage or disadvantage? Lancet 2: 20. Walmrath D, Schneider T, Pilch J et al 1995 Effects
Gardner WN 1996 The pathophysiology of of aerosolized prostacyclin in severe pneumonia.
hyperventilation disorders. Chest 109: 516. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 151: 724.
Goldstein RA, Rohatgi PK, Bergofsky EH et al 1990 White RJ, Lynch-Nyhan A, Terry P et al. 1988
Clinical role of bronchoalveolar lavage in adults with Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation:
pulmonary disease. Am Rev Respir Dis 142: 481. techniques and long-term outcome of
Green M 1995 Air pollution and health. Br Med J embolotherapy. Radiology 169: 663.
311: 401. Winterbauer RH, Belic N, Moores KD 1973
Heffner JE, Harley RA, Schabel SI 1990 Pulmonary Clinical interpretation of bilateral hilar adenopathy.
reactions from illicit substance abuse. Clin Chest Ann Intern Med 78: 65.
Med 11: 151. Wohl MEB, Chernick V 1978 Bronchiolitis Am Rev
Irwin RS (ed) 1998 Managing cough as a defense Respir Dis 118: 759.
mechanism and as a symptom: a consensus panel Wright BA, Jeffrey PH 1990 Lipoid pneumonia.
report of the American College of Chest Semin Respir Infect 5: 314.
Physicians. Chest 114: no.2 Suppl. Wu T-C, Tashkin DP, Djahed B et al 1988
Jamal S, Maurer JR 1994 Pulmonary disease and the Pulmonary hazards of smoking marijuana as
menstrual cycle. Pulmonary Perspectives 11(3): 3. compared with tobacco. N Engl J Med 318: 347.
324 Kopec SE, Irwin RS, Umali-Torres CB et al 1998
The postpneumonectomy state. Chest 114: 1158.
Kryger M, Bode F, Antic R et al 1976 Diagnosis of Restless legs
obstruction of the upper and central airways. Am J
Restless legs syndrome is classically a benign
Med 61: 85.
Leatherman JW, Davies SF, Hoidal JR 1984 Alveolar
idiopathic disorder, though it may also be a
hemorrhage syndromes: diffuse microvascular lung precursor to toxic/metabolic neuropathy,
hemorrhage in immune and idiopathic disorders. especially due to uraemia.
Medicine 63: 343. There is aching of the legs, with crawling
Leatherman JW, Mcdonald FM, Niewohner DE
sensations, especially at night. Symptoms may
1985 Fluid-containing bullae in the lung. South
Med J 78: 708.
be present for a long time without any
McGregor M, Sniderman A 1985 On pulmonary progression.
vascular resistance: the need for more precise Treatment with carbamazepine, clonazepam or
definition. Am J Cardiol 55: 217. levodopa may give relief.
Parsons PE 1994 Respiratory failure as a result of
drugs, overdoses, and poisonings. Clin Chest Med
15: 93.
O’Keefe ST 1996 Restless legs syndrome: a review.
Ray CS, Sue DY, Bray G et al 1983 Effects of
Arch Intern Med 156: 243.
obesity on respiratory function. Am Rev Respir
Telstad W, Sorensen O, Larsen S et al 1984
Dis 128: 501.
Treatment of the restless legs syndrome with
Savic B, Birtel FJ, Tholen W et al 1979 Lung
carbamazepine. Br Med J 288: 444.
sequestration. Thorax 34: 96.
Schatz M, Wasserman S, Patterson R 1981
Eosinophils and immunologic lung disease. Med Reticulocytes
Clin North Am 65: 1055.
Sugarbaker DJ (ed) 1997 Multimodality therapy of The red blood cell is produced when the late
chest malignancies – update ’96. Chest 112: 181S. normoblast extrudes its nucleus. For the first four
Terry PB, Barth KH, Kaufman SL et al 1980 Balloon days of its life-span (three days in the bone
embolization for the treatment of pulmonary marrow and one in the peripheral blood), the
arteriovenous fistulas. N Engl J Med 302: 1189. new red blood cell is termed a reticulocyte,
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
because it contains residual ribosomes which are • a number of other settings

Reye’s syndrome
apparent on supravital stain, since the RNA is – such as carbon monoxide poisoning, fat
precipitated by methylene blue. Following the embolism and high altitude.
loss of this residual ribosomal material, the red
blood cell becomes mature. When nuclei are
Retrobulbar neuritis
extruded from even earlier normoblasts, as in
severe anaemia, ‘stress reticulocytes’ are produced. Retrobulbar neuritis is usually due to
demyelination (see Demyelinating diseases). It
The reticulocyte count reflects the vigour of
may also be caused by:
marrow production.
• cyanide poisoning (q.v.);
• nicotine
The absolute reticulocyte count may be
calculated as the red blood cell count, – tobacco amblyopia, traditionally seen in
multiplied by the percentage of reticulocytes, pipe smokers;
corrected for the time in the peripheral
• vitamin B12 deficiency (q.v.).
circulation (normally one day).
Reye’s syndrome
Maturation time in the peripheral blood is
Reye’s syndrome is a serious systemic disorder,
prolonged in anaemia (e.g. it is two days when
which follows a viral infection and which
the PCV has fallen to 0.25). Since the 325
involves particularly the brain and liver.
reticulocyte count is normally 0.5–2.5% of the
Although originally described in children, it is
total red blood cell count, the normal corrected
now known also to affect young adults and
reticulocyte count is 50⫾25⫻109/L.
even sometimes older patients.
Epidemiologically, it has been linked to prior
• An increased reticulocyte count
influenza (and probably other viral infections,
– is seen in increased marrow production. such as varicella), together with the
– This occurs in many forms of anaemia. concomitant use of salicylates. However, its
pathogenesis remains unknown. Moreover, its
• A decreased reticulocyte count
incidence appears to have declined significantly
– is seen in decreased marrow production. since the 1980s, perhaps partly because of
– This occurs in renal disease, aplastic greater avoidance of aspirin and partly because
anaemia, megaloblastic anaemia, many cases became reclassified as due to other
sideroblastic anaemia, thalassaemia and metabolic disorders.
Clinical features comprise the rapid onset,
some days after the viral illness, of
Retinal haemorrhage • refractory vomiting,
Retinal haemorrhage is seen most typically: • hepatomegaly,
• fits,
• in uncontrolled hypertension; • drowsiness,
• with increased local venous pressure, as in • eventually coma.
cavernous thrombosis.
It may also be seen in: Investigations show abnormal liver function tests,
• some infections except that the bilirubin usually remains normal.
– such as with CMV or in SBE; Liver biopsy shows microvesicular steatosis, with
R Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

minimal inflammation (a similar fatty infiltration • Malignant hyperthermia

Reye’s syndrome

occurring in other viscera). The CSF is normal, – q.v.

except that the pressure may be raised.
• Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
The diagnosis is generally made clinically,
because liver biopsy may be unsafe due to the – q.v.
associated coagulopathy. • Metabolic disorders
Treatment is supportive with clotting factor – hypokalaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis,
replacement, mechanical ventilation, lactulose, and hyperosmolality.
measures to decrease intracranial hypertension • Muscle damage
(including mannitol and/or dexamethasone).
– from ischaemia, severe exertion, status
Prevention includes the use of paracetamol epilepticus, trauma.
rather than aspirin for young people with acute
viral infections and influenza vaccine for those • Polymyositis
few patients who need to have aspirin. – q.v.
• Toxic agents
– alcohol, cocaine, drug overdose, lovastatin,
Atkins JN, Haponik EF 1979 Reye’s syndrome in
the adult patient. Am J Med 67: 672.
snake venom.
326 Reye RDK, Morgan G, Baral J 1963 • Viral (and rarely bacterial) infection
Encephalopathy and fatty degeneration of the
viscera: a disease entity in children. Lancet 2: 749.
– especially influenza,
Sarnaik AP 1999 Reye’s syndrome: hold the – also adenovirus, EBV, HSV,
obituary. Crit Care Med 27: 1674. – occasionally Gram-positive bacteria.

The most important clinical consequence of

Rhabdomyolysis rhabdomyolysis is acute renal failure from
Rhabdomyolysis refers to the necrosis of tubular obstruction due to pigment casts.
muscle tissue. There is consequent release of There may also be tubular cell damage and
myoglobin and muscle enzymes into the afferent-efferent arterial imbalance, as well as
circulation. The causes of rhabdomyolysis are hypovolaemia.
as follows.
Rhabdomyolysis is thus similar to haemolysis,
• Idiopathic with myoglobinuria causing problems similar to
– paroxysmal, with muscle pain, tenderness those from haemoglobinuria, but with some
and weakness, clearly distinguishing features, as indicated in
– usually after exertion and lasting for 2–3 the table below.
Myoglobinuria v haemoglobinuria
– sometimes familial, and there may be
enzyme defects. Myoglo- Haemo-
– There is an increased intracellular Ca⫹⫹ binuria globinuria
and thus dantrolene may be helpful by Molecular weight 170 kD 69 kD
inhibiting calcium release from the Plasma colour normal dark red
sarcoplasmic reticulum. Urine colour dark red dark red
Urine dipstick test for blood positive positive
• Heat stroke Urine red blood cells negative negative
– q.v. Renal damage yes yes
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Other renal investigations show: Many rheumatological conditions are very

common in the population, including soft tissue
• pigment casts in the urine sediment;
rheumatic syndromes, osteoarthritis, post-
• raised plasma creatinine and urea;
traumatic damage, rheumatoid arthritis and
• hyperkalaemia;
vasomotor disorders. Thus, while some
• hyperphosphataemia;
connective tissue and musculoskeletal conditions
• hypercalcaemia;
may have manifestations severe enough to
• very low urine sodium concentration, in
require Intensive Care admission, more common
contrast to the more normal level in typical
reasons for Intensive Care in such patients are
acute tubular necrosis.
either comorbidity, because of the chronicity of
The plasma CK is also high, as are other muscle many of these conditions, or other illness, with
enzyme levels. the rheumatic disorder being coincidental.
Treatment is with hydration with iv saline to A large variety of rheumatological conditions
improve renal perfusion and urine flow. A urine may therefore be seen in Intensive Care patients,
output of 300 mL/h should be obtained, if necessary and while not usually primary problems they can
with mannitol diuresis. The urine pH should be give rise to added difficulties of management of
maintained ⬎6.5 until the urine colour has pain, immobility, stiffness and concomitant drug
normalized. A positive fluid balance may be expected needs. The chief such conditions include:
in the first 6–12 h, because of fluid sequestration in
damaged muscle. Because of the likelihood of renal • ankylosing spondylitis;
failure, and difficulties with fluid balance, cardiac • arthritis and arthropathies;
filling pressures should be monitored. • cricoarytenoid arthritis;
• Felty’s syndrome;
Although hypocalcaemia is usual in the early phases • gout and pseudogout;
due to calcium transit into ischaemic muscle, and • kyphoscoliosis;
although it may be aggravated by alkalinization, • mixed connective tissue disease;
hypercalcaemia occurs in 20–30% of cases during the • myositis;
recovery. This may be an unexpected phenomenon • polyarteritis nodosa;
and arises from mobilization of calcium from injured • polymyalgia rheumatica;
muscle. Calcium administration should thus be • polymyositis and dermatomyositis;
avoided, even during the early stages of hypocalcaemia. • Reiter’s syndrome and reactive arthritis;
• rhabdomyolysis;
Bibliography • scleroderma;
Gabow PA, Kaehny WD, Kelleher SP 1982 The • Sjögren’s syndrome;
spectrum of rhabdomyolysis. Medicine 61: 141. • spondyloarthritis;
Knochel JP 1981 Rhabdomyolysis and • systemic lupus erythematosus.
myoglobinuria. Semin Nephrol 1: 75.
Miller FW 1994 Classification and prognosis of Bibliography
inflammatory muscle disease. Rheum Dis Clin Ahern MJ, Smith MD 1997 Rheumatoid arthritis.
North Am 20: 811. Med J Aust 166: 156.
Gibofsky A, Zabriskie JB 1995 Rheumatic fever and
poststreptococcal reactive arthritis. Curr Opin
Rheumatology Rheumatol 7: 299.
Hamerman D 1989 The biology of osteoarthritis. N
Connective tissue and musculoskeletal disorders Engl J Med 320: 1322.
mostly have no currently identifiable specific Hruska KA, Teitelbaum SL 1995 Renal
aetiology. However, as for other conditions, a osteodystrophy. N Engl J Med 333: 166.
classification is useful, though it must necessarily Jowsey J 1977 Metabolic Disease of Bone.
be somewhat arbitrary. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.
R Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Kelley WN, Harris ED, Ruddy S et al (eds) 1997 Rickettsial diseases


Textbook of Rheumatology. 5th edition.

Philadelphia: Saunders. Rickettsial diseases are produced by infection
Littlejohn GO 1996 Fibromyalgia syndrome. Med J with members of a genus of small pleomorphic
Aust 165: 387. obligate intracellular parasites which contain
Mandell BF (ed) 1994 Acute Rheumatologic and both DNA and RNA and are coccobacillary in
Immunological Diseases: Management of the appearance. In general, they have an animal
Critically Ill Patient. New York: Marcell Dekker. reservoir and an arthropod vector and are
Miller FW 1994 Classification and prognosis of transmitted to humans only incidentally. They
inflammatory muscle disease. Rheum Dis Clin are taxonomically related to various
North Am 20: 811.
proteobacteria, such as legionella.
Mills PR, Sturrock RD 1982 Clinical associations
between arthritis and liver disease. Ann Rheum The organisms multiply at the site of entry and
Dis 41: 295. then disseminate so as to infect endothelial cells
Parniapour M, Nordin M, Skovron ML et al 1990 throughout the body. This results in:
Environmentally induced disorders of the muscu-
loskeletal system. Med Clin North Am 74: 347. • capillary leak syndrome;
Posen S 1992 Paget’s disease: current concepts. Aust • hypovolaemia;
NZ J Surg 62: 17. • circulatory failure;
Prockop DJ 1992 Mutations in collagen genes as a • multi-organ failure.
cause of connective-tissue diseases. N Engl J Med
328 326: 540. There are three main groups of rickettsial
Rodan GA 1992 Introduction to bone biology. Bone diseases, namely:
13: 53.
Schumacher HR, Klippel JH, Koopman WJ (eds) • the spotted fevers;
1993 Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases. Atlanta: • the typhus group;
Arthritis Foundation. • Q fever.
Shiel WC, Prete PE 1984 Pleuropulmonary In addition, many new rickettsioses have
manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Semin been identified worldwide in recent years,
Arthritis Rheum 13: 235. including ehrlichiosis and bartonella
Simon LS, Mills JA 1980 Drug therapy: nonsteroidal
infection (cat-scratch disease, trench fever
antiinflammatory drugs. N Engl J Med 302: 1179,
and bacillary angiomatosis).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
1. Spotted fevers are widely distributed, 3. Q fever is caused by the organism, Coxiella

Rickettsial diseases
particularly in the Rocky Mountains of the burnetii, following transmission via milk, faeces
USA, the Mediterranean, Asia and Northern or products of conception. The animal reservoir
Australia. in cattle and sheep is worldwide, and the
organism is very infectious, although no person-
A generalized maculopapular rash is
to-person transmission occurs. It is usually seen
accompanied by fever and systemic features.
in animal workers. The transmission is air-
2. The typhus group includes: borne.
• endemic (murine) typhus; Following an incubation period of about 20
• epidemic (louse-borne) typhus; days, there are non-specific initial symptoms
• scrub typhus. followed after 4–5 days by fever, headache,
cough, chest pain and primary atypical
Endemic typhus occurs worldwide and is
pneumonia. There is no rash but there is
transmitted by rodent fleas. The responsible
occasionally hepatosplenomegaly. Spontaneous
organism is R. typhi. Following an incubation
recovery occurs after 1–2 weeks.
period of 6–14 days, there is fever, an eventual
rash and systemic symptoms, especially Chronic recurrent illness may occur in up to
headache. There may be a pulmonary infiltrate. 10% of patients months to years after the acute
The illness lasts 10–12 days if untreated. illness. This can be associated with potentially
fatal endocarditis.
Epidemic typhus is due to R. prowazekii and is 329
transmitted by the body louse, especially in The differential diagnosis is difficult, as in the
times of war. Following an incubation period of early phases it is similar to many acute febrile
7 days, there is an abrupt onset of high fever, an illnesses. The history of contact with livestock is
eventual rash, severe headache and diffuse important. When pneumonitis appears, the
vascular lesions. There is often a pulmonary differential diagnosis becomes more confined
infiltrate and splenomegaly, and if severe, and includes viral, chlamydial, legionella and
hypotension, confusion, respiratory failure and mycoplasma infections. In endocarditis, it
disseminated intravascular coagulation. Lysis mimics bacterial infection.
occurs after two weeks without treatment, and
The diagnosis of rickettsial diseases is confirmed
mortality is 10–50%, especially in the
debilitated. A recrudescence of epidemic typhus
may occur many years later and is referred to as The organisms are sensitive to tetracycline (0.5 g qid
Brill–Zinsser disease. The organism has or doxycycline 100 mg bd) or chloramphenicol (0.5 g
presumably persisted dormant in the qid), to either of which antibiotic group a rapid
reticuloendothelial system prior to reactivation. response is seen. Ciprofloxacin is also effective.
There is an irregular fever and severe headache
but no rash. The illness lasts 7–11 days,
following which there is complete recovery.
Caron F, Meurice JC, Ingrand P et al 1998 Acute Q
Scrub typhus is produced by the organism fever pneumonia. Chest 114: 808.
Orientia tsutsugamushi (formerly called R. Spach D, Liles W, Campbell G et al 1993 Tick-
tsutsugamushi) and is transmitted by an infected borne diseases in the United States. N Engl J Med
mite, an ectoparasite of small mammals. The 329: 936.
Winkler HH 1990 Rickettsia species. Annu Rev
condition usually occurs in South East Asia, the
Microbiol 44: 131.
Western Pacific or Northern Australia. The bite
site may show infection, and there is
lymphadenopathy, a high fever and a rash.
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Salicylism (see Aspirin) 1 g is a cost-effective alternative. Failure of antibiotic


therapy indicates the likelihood of an abscess, which

needs to be identified by imaging (usually CT) and
Salpingitis drained.
Salpingitis or infection involving the Fallopian Bibliography
tubes commonly also involves the uterus and Peterson HB, Walker CK, Kahn JG et al 1991 Pelvic
adjacent structures, and together these infections inflammatory disease: key treatment issues and
comprise acute pelvic inflammatory options. JAMA 266: 2605.
disease. Rice PA, Schachter J 1991 Pathogenesis of pelvic
inflammatory disease: what are the questions?
Except when the organisms are directly JAMA 265: 2587.
implanted following abortion, pregnancy or Webster DP, Schneider CN, Cheche S et al 1993
surgery, the pathogens usually have ascended Differentiating acute appendicitis from pelvic
from the vagina. Thus, aerobic and anaerobic inflammatory disease in women of child-bearing
faecal flora and cervicovaginal flora (especially age. Am J Emerg Med 11: 569.
bacteroides and anaerobic Gram-negative cocci)
are responsible for 50% of infections. Other
organisms commonly involved include N. Sarcoidosis
gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease characterized
hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum.
by non-caseating granulomas. It is found
There are both local and systemic features of worldwide, but there is great regional variation
infection and occasionally extension to produce in incidence. In general, it is more common in
peritonitis. temperate than in tropical climates. Occasional
familial clustering is seen, perhaps indicating
Subsequent problems include recurrent
some genetic predisposition.
abdominal pain, ectopic pregnancy and
infertility. The aetiology is most likely to be one or more,
as yet unidentified, transmissible agents.
The differential diagnosis can sometimes be
Although it has been linked with a number of
difficult and includes:
infections, none of these associations have stood
• appendicitis; up to close scrutiny, except perhaps for reports
• mesenteric adenitis; of its occurrence after yersinia infections. In
• endometriosis; turn, sarcoidosis may predispose to listeria or
• ruptured ovarian cyst; cryptococcal infection. Moreover, many
• ovarian tumour; conditions both infectious (e.g. histoplasmosis,
• ectopic pregnancy. non-caseating tuberculosis) and non-infectious
(e.g. berylliosis) may also produce granulomas
In 25% of cases presenting with a putative
similar to those seen in sarcoidosis.
diagnosis of salpingitis, no definitive diagnosis is
made even at laparoscopy. It is a relatively common condition, especially
in young adults, with a prevalence generally
Treatment is with antibiotics, preferably tetracycline
from 5–20 per 100000 population.
(doxycycline) and a cephalosporin (cefoxitin).
Recently, quinolones have also been shown to be Although the clinical features are protean, the
effective. If severe, gentamicin plus metronidazole or chief manifestations are pulmonary, with over
even imipenem may be indicated. In either event, 95% of patients having an abnormal chest X-
doxycycline should also be given for up to two weeks ray. Physical examination of the chest is
to cover chlamydia. If poor compliance with such a frequently normal, but crackles and wheezes are
regimen is anticipated, a single dose of azithromycin sometimes noted. Respiratory symptoms
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
correlate much better with functional or patients with an insidious onset.

pathological changes than with radiological Extrapulmonary involvement is frequent.
changes, the latter often being either
• Stage 0 (the remaining 10% of cases)
considerably greater or less than the symptoms
would suggest. This term is sometimes applied to those who
have normal chest X-rays.

Clinical staging is based on the lung

Uncommon intrathoracic manifestations include
involvement, though there is no necessary
the following.
progression or retrogression serially through
the individual stages. • Pleural effusion or pleural thickening, seen
in 1–4% of cases. The effusion is usually
• Stage I (50% of cases) small, and there is a high lymphocyte count
This consists of bilateral hilar in the pleural fluid.
lymphadenopathy which is usually • Lung nodules, often large (i.e. 2–10 cm
asymptomatic. There are however systemic diameter) and needing to be distinguished
features of fever, malaise, weight loss, from tuberculosis, mycetoma or carcinoma.
arthralgia and erythema nodosum. About • Cavitation, rarely.
10% of these patients have extrapulmonary • Calcification of nodes, seen in 5% of cases
involvement (especially of CNS, eyes, as a late phenomenon.
lacrimal glands). Most cases (75%) resolve • Atelectasis, due to endobronchial
after two years, and only 10–15% develop involvement and with associated wheeze.
progressive pulmonary disease. An acute • Respiratory failure, due to extensive
onset with erythema nodosum especially consolidation.
heralds a self-limited course and spontaneous • An unusual variant is necrotizing sarcoid
resolution. granulomatosis with pulmonary
• Stage II (25% of cases)
Extrapulmonary manifestations are numerous
This involves both bilateral hilar
and varied, and they may be apparent in
lymphadenopathy and diffuse lung
virtually any organ system.
infiltration. In addition to systemic features,
there are usually pulmonary symptoms of • Skin. Erythema nodosum is seen in 90% of
cough and dyspnoea. Remission occurs in patients with stage I disease. Sometimes,
about 50% of patients within two years, but there may be skin granulomas, nodules or
some progress to develop chronic disease. lupus pernio (usually in stage III disease).
• Eyes are involved in 25% of patients.
• Stage III (15% of cases) Typically, there is uveitis with painless
This refers to diffuse lung infiltration photophobia and lacrimation. Classically but
without hilar lymphadenopathy. Respiratory uncommonly, there may be uveoparotid
symptoms are usual, though these are much fever (with associated salivary gland
less striking than the chest X-ray would enlargement, systemic symptoms, meningitis
predict. Although most patients at this stage and cranial nerve palsies) or chorioretinitis
have progressed through the previous stages, (with blurred vision). Keratoconjunctivitis
about 10% of cases in fact present at this sicca may occur.
stage. Remission still occurs in about one • Neurological changes are seen in ⬍5% of
third of patients by two years, though patients. They may involve either the central
progression to relentless progressive chronic nervous system (encephalopathy,
pulmonary fibrosis is common, especially in hypothalamic lesions, granulomas, cranial
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

nerve palsies, fits, chronic meningitis in are sometimes massive. Chest radiography is

which the CSF shows increased protein and always essential, as clinically silent pulmonary
lymphocytes) or peripheral nervous system involvement is usual, even if the presentation is
(with peripheral neuropathy of a sensory extrapulmonary.
and/or motor form).
Lung function tests may show decreased
• Liver and spleen may contain granulomas,
ventilatory capacity, usually restrictive but
occasionally there may be overt enlargement
occasionally obstructive in pattern, hypoxaemia
or dysfunction, and associated
and hypocapnia, decreased lung volumes,
lymphadenopathy may be seen.
decreased compliance and decreased gas transfer.
• Musculoskeletal system is involved in
The latter is probably the most sensitive
1–10% of patients, with arthritis, swelling
functional test and the best for serial follow-up.
and cystic lesions in the bones of the digits.
Although these functional changes correlate
• Endocrine changes comprise
quite well with pathological changes, they are
hypercalcaemia and especially hypercalcuria,
not helpful prognostically.
and occasionally pituitary dysfunction,
especially with diabetes insipidus. There is depressed cell-mediated immunity
• Heart, with granulomas causing failure, (i.e. anergy, with a negative Mantoux test) but
arrhythmias and pericardial disease, though often enhanced humoral or B-lymphocyte
in fact most cardiac involvement is occult. activity (with raised or abnormal
• Upper respiratory tract, with nasal immunoglobulins).
granulomatous involvement simulating
A positive Kveim test has been obtained in
rhinitis or supraglottic laryngeal plaque
about 80% of cases, though this test is no longer
involvement causing hoarseness.
• Renal, with tubulointerstitial nephritis,
associated with either interstitial infiltration, Microbiological examination of sputum should
granulomas or nephrocalcinosis. There is exclude acid-fast bacilli.
sterile pyuria, mild proteinuria and defects of
Hypercalcaemia and especially hypercalcuria
concentration and acidification and thus
may be demonstrated.
tubular function. Renal involvement is
however usually asymptomatic, and like the The serum angiotensin converting enzyme
cardiac involvement it is generally found (ACE) level is increased in most patients with
only at autopsy. acute disease. However, this finding is non-
specific, importantly being also seen in miliary
The diagnosis is established most securely when tuberculosis, as well as in pneumoconiosis,
clinicoradiographic findings are supported by biliary cirrhosis and leprosy.
histological evidence of widespread
noncaseating epithelioid-cell granulomas in The chief differential diagnosis is:
more than one organ. Although often only lung
material obtained by transbronchial lung biopsy • tuberculosis;
is available for examination, additional biopsy of • lymphoma;
lymph node, Kveim nodule (formerly) or other • metastatic carcinoma;
tissue greatly assists diagnosis. • amyloid.

Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid shows Treatment is not required in many patients, because
lymphocytosis, though this is non-specific. the disability is mild and remission is usual, but
corticosteroids are indicated in symptomatic disease.
Chest X-ray shows that the diffuse lung Corticosteroids both relieve symptoms and suppress
involvement may be miliary, nodular or inflammation and granuloma formation. They thus
reticular. Confluent infiltrates may occur and suppress the manifestations of acute sarcoidosis, but
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
whether they alter the long-term outcome remains Scarlet fever

unproven. Most clinicians, however, would use
corticosteroids in Stage II or III disease with dyspnoea Scarlet fever is usually produced by the Group
and abnormal lung function and in serious A beta-haemolytic streptococcus, S. pyogenes.
extrapulmonary disease. Low doses are usually This organism produces the type A
effective, and treatment can often be ceased after one erythrogenic toxin which causes extensive
year. capillary damage. Although scarlet fever
declined in incidence and severity following the
• No benefit has been found from the addition of introduction of penicillin, there has been a
cyclosporin to corticosteroids. recent re-emergence of the condition.
• There is some trial evidence to suggest that
prolonged treatment with chloroquine may be
helpful in some patients. The original site of streptococcal infection
can be skin and soft tissue, e.g. cellulitis or
The prognosis is usually good, because about necrotizing fasciitis, rather than an upper
75% of patients with stage I disease undergo a respiratory tract infection. Usually, there is
complete remission within two years. In about associated bacteraemia.
10% of patients, progression to fibrosis occurs.
In individual patients, the course and prognosis
may correlate with the mode of onset, as Following a fever and sore throat, there is a
indicated above. Severe chronic fine, red, sandpaper-like rash within 1–5 days.
Although the rash includes the oral cavity, it 333
extrapulmonary lesions are usually associated
with pulmonary fibrosis. The overall mortality typically tends to spare the perioral region.
is less than 5% and is most commonly due to There is nausea and even severe prostration.
respiratory failure secondary to severe When the rash fades, desquamation
pulmonary fibrosis. accompanies the healing process.
Complicating features, often in the absence of a
Bibliography rash, include:
British Thoracic Society Sarcoidosis Study 1996
Effects of long term corticosteroid treatment.
Thorax 51: 238. • renal failure;
Newman LS, Rose CS, Maier LA 1997 Sarcoidosis. • a toxic-shock syndrome resembling that
N Engl J Med 336: 1224. caused by staphylococci (see Toxic-shock
Selroos O, Astra Draco AB 1996 syndrome). In this setting, the mortality is
Glucocorticosteroids and pulmonary sarcoidosis. 30% despite high-dose penicillin and
Thorax 51: 229. Intensive Care.
Thomas PD, Hunninghake GW 1987 Current
concepts of the pathogenesis of sarcoidosis. Am
Rev Respir Dis 135: 747. Schistosomiasis
Winterbauer RH, Belic N, Moores KD 1973
Clinical interpretation of bilateral hilar adenopathy. Schistosomiasis arises from infection with a
Ann Intern Med 78: 65. trematode, one of the major groups of
Wyser CP, van Schalkwyk EM, Alheit B et al 1997 helminthic parasites.
Treatment of progressive pulmonary sarcoidosis
Helminths are multicellular organisms with
with cyclosporin A. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
156: 1371. complex extra-human life-cycles and include
trematodes (flukes), nematodes
(roundworms) and cestodes (tapeworms).
Scalded skin syndrome (see The three major species of fluke are S. mansoni,
Exfoliative dermatitis) S. japonicum and S. haematobium. They are
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

mostly found in Africa, Asia, and Central and Bibliography


South America. Because of the absence of an Hiatt RA, Sotomayor ZR, Sanchez G et al 1979
intermediate host, they are not found in Factors in the pathogenesis of acute Schistosomiasis
developed countries, though infection may be mansoni. J Infect Dis 139: 659.
seen in travellers.
Following passage of the eggs in human faeces Schonlein–Henoch purpura (see
into water, the hatchlings become free- Purpura)
swimming miracidia which enter the fresh
water snail, the immediate host. These release
free-swimming cercaria, which penetrate Scleroderma
human skin and become schistosomula, which
in turn circulate in the blood and mature and Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) is a generalized
mate in portal vessels. These then lodge in disorder of connective tissue of unknown
blood vessels in different parts of the body, aetiology. It is characterized by degenerative
where they shed eggs, which are excreted or and inflammatory changes that lead to intense
transported elsewhere. In particular, S. fibrosis, particularly in the skin. Possible fetal
mansoni lodges in the colon, S. japonicum in microchimerism with a consequent form of
the entire intestine and S. haematobium in the graft-versus-host disease has been reported as an
bladder. interesting pathogenetic mechanism in some
cases of scleroderma in women.
There are three stages of clinical disease.
This process may be extensive and involve
• First stage many other organs, especially lungs and kidneys,
but sometimes it may be localized to skin and
There is dermatitis at the site of penetration of subcutaneous tissue and even comprise a single
the parasite into the skin. linear lesion. Pathogenetically, the fibrous
• Second stage proliferation comprises quantitatively but not
qualitatively abnormal collagen. There is an
About 4–8 weeks later, if the original infestation associated vasculopathy involving small arteries.
has been heavy, acute disease now occurs
(Katayama fever). There is fever, malaise,
myalgia, urticarial rash, cough, Clinical manifestations of scleroderma can be
hepatosplenomegaly and eosinophilia. widespread, with multi-organ involvement.
• Skin
• Third stage
– There is early thickening and later
The eggs are now found in the liver, gut and
bladder. This gives rise to fever, malaise,
– There is loss of pliability, mobility and
diarrhoea, haematuria, hepatosplenomegaly and
appendages, especially on the hands
later portal hypertension. Liver failure does not
(sclerodactyly) and face.
occur because the hepatic parenchyma is
– There is often associated telangiectasia.
spared. Embolization to the lungs may cause
– The involvement of cutaneous vessels
pulmonary hypertension and to the brain may
may give Raynaud’s phenomenon.
cause focal CNS signs. The diagnosis is made
– Sometimes, there is subcutaneous
following demonstration of the eggs in faeces
or urine.
Treatment is with praziquantel (40–60 mg/kg as a • Musculoskeletal
single dose). This drug is very effective and has few – There is polyarthralgia and sometimes
side-effects. polyarthritis, and tenosynovitis.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
– Acral osteolysis with loss of terminal but patients now often survive with aggressive

bone and soft tissue from the digits is antihypertensive therapy, and pulmonary
seen. involvement is now the chief cause of death.
– There can be flexion contractures and The mortality is very variable, though the
myopathy. average is 50% at 5 y in diffuse disease and 35%
at 10 y overall. Although the condition only
• Gastrointestinal tract
occasionally remits, its progress is usually slow,
– There is dilatation and impaired especially after the first two to five years.
contractility of the oesophagus. Localized disease itself does not adversely affect
– This process may also involve the life expectancy.
intestine, and sometimes there may be
Variants of scleroderma include the following.
pneumatosis intestinalis.
– Some patients have associated Sjögren’s • Overlap syndromes
syndrome (q.v.).
– mixed connective tissue disease (q.v.).
• Lungs
• Limited cutaneous scleroderma
– There may be diffuse interstitial fibrosis
– CREST syndrome, namely calcinosis,
and pulmonary hypertension.
Raynaud’s phenomenon, oesophageal
• Heart immobility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasia.
– This variant of scleroderma is a milder 335
– Cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias,
form with limited skin involvement, less
conduction defects, cardiac failure may
organ damage (except for biliary cirrhosis)
and less progression.
• Kidneys – However, some patients develop severe
pulmonary hypertension late in the course
– Malignant hypertension (renal crisis) can
of this illness.
be produced.
– An anti-centromere antibody is usually
• Nerves demonstrable.
– Trigeminal neuralgia and other cranial
neuropathies may be seen rarely. Donohoe J 1992 Scleroderma and the kidney.
Kidney 41: 462.
Investigations show a positive ANA test in most Evans PC, Lambert N, Maloney S et al 1999 Long-
patients, and diffuse hypergammaglobinaemia term fetal microchimerism in peripheral blood
mononuclear cell subsets in healthy women and
may be present. A specific antibody is
women with scleroderma. Blood 93: 2033.
demonstrable to the enzyme, topoisomerase I Rasaratnam I, Ryan PFJ 1997 Systemic sclerosis and
(Scl–70). the inflammatory myopathies. Med J Aust 166:
Treatment is symptomatic and depends on the 322.
extent of involvement and the speed of progression. Silver RM, Miller KS, Kinsella MB et al 1990
Evaluation and management of scleroderma lung
Symptoms should be managed on their individual
disease using bronchoalveolar lavage. Am J Med
merits. 88: 470.
Corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide arrest the
progress of pulmonary fibrosis, and ACE inhibitors
are recommended in renal crisis. Scombroid
The prognosis depends on the extent and type Scombroid poisoning is the commonest seafood
of involvement. Renal crisis used to be fatal, poisoning worldwide. Enteric marine flora can
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

degrade histidine, present in high concentration Bibliography


in the dark meat of many fish, to form Wallerstein RO, Wallerstein RO Jr 1976 Scurvy.
histamine, the likely toxin in this condition. Semin Hematol 13: 211.
This process arises when caught fish are not
cooled, and it can occur within even a few
hours at room temperature. Once formed, the Selenium
toxin is not destroyed by subsequent freezing or
by smoking. Selenium (Se, atomic number 34, atomic
weight 79) was discovered in 1818 and is
The victim may note that the fish tasted related chemically and physically to sulfur,
metallic or peppery. The onset of symptoms is being intermediate between metals and non-
rapid with headache, flush, pruritus, metals. It is widely distributed in nature in small
gastrointestinal symptoms and occasionally quantities, and it is ingested in grains, meats and
bronchospasm. It is not an allergic process. seafood.
The administration of antihistamines, including H2 In the body, where it is present in a total
antagonists, is recommended for symptomatic relief. amount of 10–20 mg, it is an essential trace
The condition is non-fatal and self-limited. element and acts as an anti-oxidant. Over the
last decade, it has become apparent that, like
iodine, selenium is required for normal
336 Morrow JD, Margolies GR, Rowland J et al 1991 thyroid metabolism (see Euthyroid sick
Evidence that histamine is the causative toxin of syndrome).
scombroid-fish poisoning. N. Engl J Med 324: Selenium deficiency has been reported to be
associated with cardiomyopathy, myositis and
osteoarthropathy. More recently, it has been
appreciated that low selenium levels may occur
Scorpion stings (see Bites and stings) in sepsis and trauma and are then associated
with increased morbidity and mortality.
The normal plasma level is 0.8–1.2 ␮mol/L.
Scurvy The daily requirement is 30–80 ␮g orally and
Scurvy is due to vitamin C deficiency and is the the recommended iv dose is 0.4–1.5
oldest known nutritional disorder of man. It ␮mol/day.
was well described during the Crusades and
later it afflicted sailors. It was recognized in Bibliography
1753 as dietary in origin. Berger MM, Cavadini C, Chiolero R et al 1996
Copper, selenium and zinc status and balances after
Since vitamin C is required for the synthesis of major trauma. J Trauma 40: 103
collagen, patients with scurvy have deficient Diplock AT, Chaudhry FA 1988 The relationship of
supporting structures for small vessels. There is selenium biochemistry to selenium-responsive
thus microvascular bleeding (especially of the disease in man. In: Prasad AS (ed) Essential and
gums), commonly with vascular purpura and Toxic Trace Elements in Human Health and
Disease. New York: Liss. p 211.
sometimes with deep haematomas. There are
Forceville X 2001 Selenium and the ‘free’ electron.
also abnormalities of the hair shafts and of Intens Care Med 27: 16.
keratinization. Levander OA, Burk RF 1986 ASPEN research
Scurvy is commonly associated with other workshop on selenium in clinical nutrition. JPEN
vitamin deficiencies and with malnutrition. 10: 545.
Rayman MP 2000 The importance of selenium to
Treatment is with vitamin C 1 g daily. human health. Lancet 356: 233.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Serotonin syndrome (see erythropoiesis and thus anaemia. The name

Situs inversus
Amphetamines) derives from the presence in peripheral blood of
normoblasts with iron-encrusted mitochondria,
the so-called ringed sideroblasts. The peripheral
Serpins (see Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency) blood film shows hypochromic, distorted red
blood cells, but the iron binding capacity is
Serum sickness (see Immune complex
disease) The following types may be found.
1. Hereditary benign sideroblastic
Sheehan’s syndrome (see Pituitary)
This can occur as either a sex-linked or
autosomally inherited condition.
Short bowel syndrome
2. Acquired benign sideroblastic
The short bowel syndrome occurs following anaemia
extensive surgical removal of the small intestine
This is seen in:
usually for ischaemia or malignancy, though
sometimes it may follow irradiation. • alcoholism;
Malabsorption (q.v.) results, especially when the • lead poisoning;
ileum is lost, because although the ileum can • pyridoxine deficiency;
compensate for the loss of the jejunum, vice • after anti-tuberculous drugs, such as
versa does not apply, especially for specialized
absorption sites within the ileum for vitamin B12 3. Acquired malignant sideroblastic
and bile salts. anaemia
The predominant clinical feature is profuse This is a myelodysplastic disorder,
diarrhoea. This occurs because of the increased accompanied by neutropenia and
osmotic load, especially of carbohydrates. thrombocytopenia. It may evolve into a
Steatorrhoea, weight loss, and vitamin or myeloproliferative disorder or acute myeloid
mineral deficiencies, may occur. leukaemia.
Treatment is with dietary control (i.e. small, frequent
and readily absorbed meals), vitamin and mineral Bibliography
supplementation, and anti-diarrhoeal medication. Doll DC, List AF 1992 Myelodysplastic syndromes.
Semin Oncol 19: 1.
Jacobs A 1986 Primary acquired sideroblastic
Shy–Drager disease (see Sweating) anaemia. Br J Haematol 64: 415.

Sickle cell anaemia (see Haemoglobin Situs inversus

disorders) Situs inversus refers to left–right reversal of the
normal asymmetrical position of the body’s
internal organs. If this process involves just the
Sideroblastic anaemia heart, it is of course called isolated dextrocardia.
Sideroblastic anaemia refers to a diverse group Situs inversus is characteristic of Kartagener’s
of conditions associated with ineffective syndrome, described in 1933 as accompanied
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

by bronchiectasis (q.v.). Subsequently, the Bibliography

Situs inversus

association of chronic sinusitis was recognized, Afzelius BA 1976 A human syndrome caused by
and 40 y later the further link was made with immotile cilia. Science 193: 317.
male infertility associated with live but immotile Mygind N, Nielsen MH, Pedersen M 1983
sperm. Kartagener’s syndrome and abnormal cilia. Eur J
Respir Dis 64 (suppl 127): 1.
The condition is inherited as an autosomal
recessive, involving the absence of ATPase-
containing dynein arms of outer microtubular Sjögren’s Syndrome
doublets. This is part of the microtubular Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic inflammatory
machinery required for motility in sperm tails condition involving the exocrine glands. It may
and respiratory cilia. Immotile cilia thus lead to be associated other autoimmune diseases,
respiratory infection, and immotile sperm lead especially rheumatoid arthritis, but also SLE and
to infertility. Fertility is also decreased in scleroderma.
women, because the oviducts and fimbriae are
ciliated. Kartagener’s syndrome has thus been Since the changes can be subtle, its total
renamed ‘Immotile cilia syndrome’. incidence is uncertain, but its prevalence may
be up to 1 in 100 of the population.
Other abnormalities of disturbed
microtubular configurations have more The pathology comprises inflammatory cellular
recently also been described. These give rise infiltrate of glandular tissue with associated
to motility disturbances (including acinar atrophy.
incoordination instead of immotility) and are
thus more generally referred to as primary Clinical manifestations are dominated by the
ciliary dyskinesia. sicca syndrome.
The clinical features primarily comprise upper
• This comprises dry eyes and mouth,
respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract because the lacrimal and salivary glands
infections commencing in childhood. There is are affected.
• Sometimes, the respiratory tract is also
• chronic sinusitis; dry, with hoarseness, bronchitis and
• secretory otitis media; pneumonia.
• retained tracheobronchial secretions with • The skin and genital mucous membranes
chronic productive cough; may be similarly affected.
• bacterial superinfection; There may be associated myositis,
• ultimately bronchiectasis. neuropathy and thyroiditis. Sometimes, there
The pattern of disability is similar to that is concomitant biliary cirrhosis,
seen in cystic fibrosis, except that it is milder cryoglobulinaemia, drug hypersensitivity,
and without the serious sequelae of pancreatitis, renal tubular acidosis or chronic
pneumonia, cor pulmonale and severe hepatitis C infection. Neuropsychiatric
airways obstruction. Also in contrast to cystic abnormalities may be seen.
fibrosis, the micro-organisms involved are
chiefly haemophilus, neisseria and
Investigations show decreased tear production,
streptococci rather than pseudomonas and
which can be conveniently assessed by the
Schirmer filter paper test. There is filamentous
Investigations apart from respiratory assessment keratitis on slit-lamp examination and
include examination of the cilia in vitro or their conjunctival staining with Rose Bengal dye.
clearance ability in vivo. There is decreased salivary flow (e.g. ⬍0.5
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
mL/min from the parotid duct after lemon • primary alveolar hypoventilation;
• the sleep apnoea syndromes.

Sleep disorders of breathing

juice). Sialography or biopsy may be useful. The
ESR and IgG are increased. Rheumatoid factor
The first two groups of disorders are also more
is positive in most patients, antinuclear
marked during sleep and are thus considered
antibodies are often present in high titre with a
speckled pattern, and antibodies to Ro(SS-A)
and La(SS-B) are present in about 60% of 1. Periodic breathing is best known in the
patients. There is some genetic predisposition, form of Cheyne–Stokes respiration, in which
with primary Sjögren’s syndrome associated cycles occur of gradually increasing tidal volume
with HLA B8, DR3. followed by decreasing tidal volume and then
An unusual complication is lymphoid transient apnoea, when the cycle is repeated.
proliferation to produce either It is best explained by a lag in the normal
• pseudolymphoma, if the proliferation is control loop of ventilation. It is thus an
pleomorphic, or even expected feature of advanced cardiac disease
• non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. with a prolonged circulation time. It is also seen
in patients with central nervous system lesions
Treatment is usually symptomatic with oral fluids involving the deep structures in the cerebral
and artificial tears. hemispheres and basal ganglia, as in ischaemia or
Low-dose corticosteroids or hydroxychloroquine are encephalopathy. For uncertain reasons, it may
occasionally indicated and sometimes be seen during haemodialysis, in chronic 339
immunosuppression if severe manifestations are pulmonary disease and in some normal subjects,
present. e.g. at altitude.
Other related abnormal breathing patterns
Skin necrosis (see also Gangrene) include:
Warfarin-induced skin necrosis is a rare • random, ataxic or Biot’s breathing
complication of coumarin therapy, usually seen
– due to medullary, pontine or cerebellar
within the first 10 days of treatment in protein
lesions (usually haemorrhage or trauma);
C deficient patients. Red haemorrhagic bullae,
– in these cases, apnoea is readily produced
which become necrotic and then scar, occur
by sedatives or narcotics;
particularly on the breasts, thighs and buttocks
of women and on the penis of men. • apneustic breathing
Heparin-induced skin necrosis is also rare – due to lower pontine lesions and
and is similar to that seen after warfarin. It is characterized by an end-inspiratory pause.
presumed to be due to immune-mediated
platelet aggregation. 2. Primary alveolar hypoventilation is
usually due to a brainstem lesion, commonly
vascular or inflammatory. There is:
Skin signs of internal malignant
• hypoxaemia;
disease (see Paraneoplastic syndromes) • hypercapnia;
• grossly impaired ventilatory response to
Sleep disorders of breathing (see carbon dioxide, hypoxia and exercise;
also Melatonin) • normal pulmonary function;
• normal neuromuscular function;
Disordered breathing comprises: • normal chest wall;
• periodic and other abnormalities of breathing • normal blood gases on voluntary
pattern; hyperventilation.
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Clinical features include headache, lethargy and • cardiovascular consequences

Sleep disorders of breathing

somnolence but not dyspnoea. There is

– arrhythmias, hypertension, an increased
cyanosis, polycythaemia and cor pulmonale.
incidence of acute myocardial infarction
and stroke.
The extreme of the condition has been
picturesquely called ‘Ondine’s curse’.
Pathogenetic mechanisms, generally worse
When associated with obesity and often also
during REM-sleep in most patients, include
obstructive sleep apnoea, it is sometimes
relaxation of the muscles of the upper airway
referred to as the ‘Pickwickian syndrome’.
during sleep (a process exacerbated by alcohol
or sedative drugs), decreased ventilatory
3. Sleep apnoea syndromes comprise those response to carbon dioxide during sleep, or
impairments of breathing, either pathological abnormalities of the upper airway,
hypoventilation or frank apnoea, that occur chest wall or neuromuscular function. Sedative
chiefly or solely during sleep. Obstructive drugs impair the arousal response to
sleep apnoea (OSA) is the severe end and obstruction, hypoxaemia and hypercapnia, and
chronic snoring is the mild end of the spectrum thus prolong the apnoeic episodes.
of conditions referred to as sleep disordered
The diagnosis is suggested by clinical suspicion
breathing (SDB) due to increased upper airway
based on the constellation of features described
340 resistance.
above, but it should be confirmed by formal
The sleep apnoea syndromes are most polysomnography in a sleep laboratory. Such
commonly due to upper airway obstruction, studies show that sleep disruption with apnoea
though the cause may be sometimes either and arousal may occur up to 60 times or more
central or a combination of both mechanisms. per hour.
Although most patients are overweight middle-
Treatment options include:
aged men, the condition is in fact widespread
and may affect 2–5% of the population to some • cessation of alcohol and sedatives;
degree. • weight control;
It may also occur as a new phenomenon in • attention to any local pathology (e.g. tonsillar
patients discharged from intensive care after
prolonged mechanical ventilation. • avoidance of androgens;
• use of drugs, such as medroxyprogesterone (a
respiratory stimulant) or protryptyline (to decrease
Clinical features are dominated by: REM-sleep), which may sometimes be helpful;
• low-flow oxygen if hypoxaemia is the dominant
• somnolence during the daytime
– due to nocturnal sleep fragmentation; • nasal CPAP, the most dramatically effective
measure, even in non-obstructive cases;
• snoring, restlessness and apnoeic episodes
during the night • other mechanical aids, but those available are
generally poorly effective;
– observed by bed partners; • nasal positive pressure ventilation in severe cases;
• attention to non-obstructive causes;
• the longer-term consequences of repeated
asphyxia • surgery, which is occasionally indicated, usually
tracheostomy but sometimes
– polycythaemia, hypercapnia, cor uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), though the
pulmonale, intellectual deterioration, results are often disappointing and there is an
sexual dysfunction, headache; absence of good trial data.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography Riley RW, Powell NB 1990 Maxillofacial surgery
and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Otolaryngol

Aldrich MS 1992 Narcolepsy. Neurology 42 (suppl):
34. Clin North Am 23: 809.
Burwell CS, Robin ED, Whaley RD et al 1956 Saunders NA, Sullivan CE (eds) 1984 Sleep and
Extreme obesity associated with alveolar Breathing. Lung Biology in Health and Disease,
hypoventilation: a Pickwickian syndrome. Am J Vol 21. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Med 21: 811. Severinghaus JW, Mitchell RA 1962 Ondine’s curse
Canto RG, Zwillich CW 1993 Central sleep apnea. – failure of respiratory center automaticity while
Pulmonary Perspectives 10(3): 4. awake. Clin Res 10: 122.
Chan CS, Grunstein RR, Bye PT et al 1989 Strohl KP, Redline S 1986 Nasal CPAP therapy,
Obstructive sleep apnea with severe chronic upper airway muscle activation, and obstructive
airflow limitation. Am Rev Respir Dis 140: 1274. sleep apnea. Am Rev Respir Dis 134: 555.
Cherniack NS, Longobardo GS 1973 Cheyne–Stokes Strollo PJ, Rogers RM 1996 Obstructive sleep
breathing: instability in physiologic control. N apnea. N Engl J Med 334: 99.
Engl J Med 288: 952. Sullivan CE, Issa FG, Berthon-Jones M et al 1981
Chishti A, Batchelor AM, Bullock RE et al 2000 Reversal of obstructive sleep apnoea by continuous
Sleep-related breathing disorders following discharge positive airway pressure applied through the nares.
from intensive care. Intens Care Med 26: 426. Lancet 1: 862.
Exar EN, Collop NA 1999 The upper airway Young T, Palta M, Dempsey J et al 1993 The
resistance syndrome. Chest 115: 1127. occurrence of sleep-disordered breathing among
Fishman AP, Goldring RM, Turino GM 1966 middle-aged adults. N Engl J Med 328: 1230.
General alveolar hypoventilation: a syndrome of Worsnop C, Pierce R, McEvoy RD 1998 341
respiratory and cardiac failure in patients with Obstructive sleep apnoea. Aust NZ J Med 28:
normal lungs. Q J Med 35: 261. 421.
Hudgel DW, Thanakitcharu S 1998 Pharmacologic
treatment of sleep-disordered breathing. Am J
Respir Crit Care Med 158: 691. Smoke inhalation (see Burns, respiratory
Ingbar DH, Gee JBL 1985 Pathophysiology and
treatment of sleep apnea. Annu Rev Med 36: 369.
Kales A, Vela-Bueno A, Kales JD 1987 Sleep
disorders: sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Ann Intern
Med 106: 434. Snake bites (see Bites and stings)
Krachman SL, D’Alonzo GE, Griner JG 1995 Sleep
in the intensive care unit. Chest 107: 1713.
McNicholas WT 1999 Sleep apnoea and driving risk.
Eur Respir J 13: 1225. Sodium nitroprusside (see Cyanide)
Naughton M, Pierce R 2000 Snoring, Sleep Apnoea
and Other Sleep Problems. 2nd edition. Spring
Hill: Australian Lung Foundation. Somatomedin C (see Acromegaly)
Neill AM, McEvoy RD 1997 Obstructive sleep
apnoea and other sleep breathing disorders. Med J
Aust 167: 376.
Somatostatin (see Acromegaly, Ectopic
O’Keefe ST 1996 Restless legs syndrome: a review.
Arch Intern Med 156: 243. hormone production and Octreotide)
Pack AI 1994 Obstructive sleep apnea. Adv Intern
Med 39: 517.
Powell NB, Riley RW, Robinson A 1998 Surgical Spider bites (see Bites and stings)
management of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Clin Chest Med 19: 77.
Ray CS, Sue DY, Bray G et al 1983 Effects of
obesity on respiratory function. Am Rev Respir Splenomegaly (see also Hypersplenism)
Dis 128: 501. Splenomegaly may be caused by:
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• congestion, due to The other causes of spondyloarthritis include:


– portal or splenic vein obstruction, • enteropathic spondyloarthritis,

– hepatic cirrhosis,
– associated with Crohn’s disease or
– cardiac failure,
ulcerative colitis,
• infectious diseases, either
• psoriatic spondyloarthritis,
– generalized (such as malaria or infectious • Reiter’s syndrome,
– q.v.,
– granulomatous and local (e.g.
tuberculosis), • reactive arthritis,
• connective tissue disorders, such as – occurring after various infections, but
without direct microbial joint invasion (see
– collagen-vascular diseases,
– vasculitis,
– best regarded as a limited form of Reiter’s
• infiltrations, such as syndrome (q.v.),
– sarcoidosis, • possibly Behçet’s syndrome (q.v.),
– amyloid, • possibly Whipple’s disease (q.v.).
– lipoidosis,
342 Bibliography
• neoplasia, particularly Kahn MA (ed) 1994 Spondyloarthropathies. Curr
– lymphoma, Opin Rheumatol 6: 351.
– myeloproliferative disorders, McEwen C, DiTata D, Lingg C et al 1971
Ankylosing spondylitis and spondylitis
• haemolytic diseases. accompanying ulcerative colitis, regional enteritis,
psoriasis and Reiter’s disease. Arthritis Rheum 14:
Bibliography 291.
Bohnsack JF, Brown EJ 1986 The role of the Reveille JD 1998 HLA-B27 and the seronegative
spleen in resistance to infection. Annu Rev Med spondyloarthropathies. Am J Med Sci 316: 239.
37: 49.
Rose WF 1987 The spleen as a filter. N Engl J Med
317: 704.
Spotted fevers (see Rickettsial diseases)

Spondyloarthritis Staphylococcal scalded skin

Spondyloarthritis refers to combined sacroiliitis syndrome (see Exfoliative dermatitis)
and peripheral arthropathy. Although the chief
such condition is ankylosing spondylitis
(q.v.), other diseases may cause a similar Stevens–Johnson syndrome (see
condition and indeed there may be considerable Erythema multiforme, and Exfoliative
overlap between them. Sometimes, the specific
type is difficult to characterize and the term
undifferentiated spondyloarthritis is used. They
are associated with the major histocompatibility
complex class I molecule, the human leukocyte Stings (see Bites and stings)
antigen HLA-B27. There is a probable bacterial
pathogenesis, most obviously found in reactive
arthritis. Stomatitis (see Mouth diseases)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Storage disorders eventually death from brainstem paralysis. There

Sturge–Weber syndrome
is facial stiffness, trismus and opisthotonos.
Storage disorders are due to monocyte/ Tetanic contraction of the respiratory muscles
macrophage defects. These cells normally produces apnoea. A series of fits each followed
scavenge cellular debris, a process which by exhaustion lasts several hours. Since the
involves their lysosomes. Mutations causing patient is awake during these episodes, there is
enzymatic defects of lysosomal constituents (e.g. considerable somatic and psychic discomfort.
hydrolases) thus result in storage abnormalities. Death occurs primarily from respiratory failure.
These are classified according to the There may be associated lactic acidosis,
composition of the retained product and rhabdomyolysis and even fractures.
include glycoproteins, mucopolysaccharides,
neutral lipids and sphingolipids. The differential diagnosis includes epilepsy,
tetanus and rabies.
Treatment has generally been with bone marrow
transplantation, though for some conditions it is Treatment consists of sedation, particularly with a
controversial. benzodiazepine.
For Gaucher’s disease, alglucerase is specific.
• Muscle relaxation and mechanical ventilation is
usually required, together with cardiovascular and
metabolic support.
Stridor (see Asthma) • Dialysis is not effective. 343

If the patient survives for six hours, i.e. the

Strychnine usual period of seizures, total recovery is the
Strychnine is an alkaloid (q.v.) which was
discovered in 1818 in the woody vine called St
Ignatius’ beans in the Philippines (Strychnos
ignatii). It also occurs in the seeds of the Indian
Sturge–Weber syndrome
tree, Strychnos nux-vomica. It is a very bitter Sturge–Weber syndrome (encephalo-trigeminal
substance and was used formerly as a tonic or angiomatosis) is a rare neurocutaneous disorder
cathartic in medicinals. Its common clinical use most obviously manifest by a craniofacial
of the time was parallelled by its frequency in naevus, which is a port-wine stain (naevus
suicide and homicide. Now, however, it is used flammaeus or capillary angioma) of the face. It
only as a rodent poison in agriculture, so that involves the skin innervated by the first branch
human toxicity is rare. The average lethal dose of the trigeminal nerve and is due to dilated
is 100 mg. capillaries in the dermis. Although it is apparent
at birth, after puberty the lesion becomes
It is rapidly absorbed and having a low protein-
thicker and more nodular, and little regression
binding is also rapidly cleared, 80% being
metabolized by the liver and 20% excreted
unchanged in the urine. The urine thus Neurological features include contralateral fits
provides the best sample for clinical from ipsilateral leptomeningeal and cortical
measurement. angiomatosis, usually in the parieto-occipital
region. There may also be hemiparesis and
Neurological toxicity is rapid (within 10–30
hemianopia, as well as mental retardation.
min) and dramatic. Since strychnine blocks the
There is commonly ipsilateral glaucoma.
inhibitory neurones in the thalamus, brainstem
and spinal cord, it produces a hyperexcitable Treatment is symptomatic, apart possibly from laser
state with powerful spasms and fits and therapy for the skin lesion.
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Sucralfate (see Aluminium) – Severe or even life-threatening features


can occur within 24–36 h of

withdrawal of such drugs, with
hyperthermia, fits and coma, as well as
Sweating is an important physiological
mechanism of temperature control. However, • Dumping syndrome
abnormalities are frequent. – occurring shortly after a meal.
Decreased sweating occurs in • Dyshidrosis (or pompholyx)
– a form of eczematous dermatitis,
• Autonomic nervous system disease. manifest by recurrent vesicles on the
– This is usually part of diabetic or sides of the fingers and on the palms
alcoholic peripheral neuropathy and is and soles.
associated with other neurological
• Endocarditis.
features, such as hyporeflexia and
• Exercise
– Commonly, there is orthostatic – Sweating is of course the major
hypotension without tachycardia. physiological response to the
344 hyperthermia of exercise.
• Dehydration.
• Heat stroke. • Envenomation
• Shy–Drager disease
– e.g. spider bite.
– This was described in 1960 as a
condition of autonomic deficiency, • Hot flushes (flashes)
associated with neurological – which are part of the vasomotor
degeneration, Parkinsonian features and disturbance associated with declining
postural hypotension. oestrogen levels, particularly at the
– It is generally fatal in 7–8 y. female menopause.

• Hyperthyroidism.
Increased sweating occurs in the following. • Hypoglycaemia.
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Acromegaly. – which is associated with vasomotor
• Acute myocardial infarction. instability in many patients.
• Anticholinesterase overdose
• Myeloproliferative disorders.
– i.e. cholinergic crisis. • Phaeochromocytoma.
• Cardiac tumours. • Pre-syncope
• Chinese restaurant syndrome. – in which there is increased cholinergic
• Collagen-vascular diseases stimulation, with pallor, nausea and
– especially rheumatoid arthritis. increased intestinal peristalsis, as well as
• Drug withdrawal
• Needless to the say, increased sweating is
– especially from anxiolytic, hypnotic or one of the accompaniments of fever or
sedative drugs (colloquially referred to hyperthermia (q.v.).
as ‘cold turkey’).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Night sweats are prominent in the following. – also tumours of the gut or thymus,

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone

– neuroblastoma.
• AIDS. 3. Increased sensitivity to ADH
• Chronic myeloid leukaemia.
• Cryptococcosis. This may be produced by a number of drugs,
• Eosinophilic pneumonia. such as:
• Fungal infections. – carbamazepine,
• Hodgkin’s disease. – chlorpropamide,
• Melioidosis. – cyclophosphamide.
• Paragonimiasis.
Of course, vasopressin or oxytocin may also
• Pulmonary aspergillosis.
have been administered in their own right.
• Renal abscess.
• Tuberculosis.
In SIADH, the osmostat gets reset at a lower
Bibliography level for ADH release, e.g. as low as 275
Quinton P 1987 Physiology of sweat secretion. mOsm/kg. The serum sodium is thus stabilized
Kidney Int 2 (suppl 21): S102. at a new low level (usually 120–130 mmol/L),
despite an abnormally increased urinary sodium
concentration and osmolality. This is a relatively
Sweet’s syndrome (see Paraneoplastic
stable state, since water restriction gives rise to 345
syndromes (dermatoses)) thirst and thus to further stimulation of ADH,
so that the urine becomes more concentrated.
Swimming (see Bathing, Drowning and The clinical features are those of hyponatraemia.
Diving) These are chiefly neurological with headache,
malaise, nausea, fits and eventually coma.
Syndrome of inappropriate The differential diagnosis of SIADH is primarily
antidiuretic hormone the other causes of hyponatraemia, in particular:

The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic • volume depletion;

hormone (SIADH) secretion occurs in three • dilution;
groups of clinical settings. • pseudohyponatraemia.
Adrenal insufficiency should be specifically
1. Increased ADH excluded.
Either increased ADH synthesis in the The diagnosis is confirmed by measurements of
hypothalamus or increased ADH release the plasma and urine sodium concentration and
from the posterior pituitary may be produced osmolality, as indicated in the table below.
Differential diagnosis of hyponatraemia
– CNS disorders (infection, neoplasia,
vascular disease), Plasma Urine
– the postoperative state, Plasma osmo- Urine osmo-
– prolonged nausea. Condition Naⴙ lality Naⴙ lality

2. Ectopic ADH Pseudohypo- ⇓ ⇔ ⇔ ⇔

This may be produced in a number of Hypovolaemia ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇑
tumours, Dilution ⇓ ⇓ ⇔ ⇓
SIADH ⇓ ⇓ ⇑ ⇑
– particularly carcinoma of the lung,
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Increased urine Na⫹ refers to ⬎20 mmol/L and Rose BD 1986 New approach to disturbances in the
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone

decreased urine Na⫹ refers to ⬍15 mmol/L. plasma sodium concentration. Am J Med 81: 1033.
Sterns RH 1987 Severe symptomatic hyponatremia:
Increased urine osmolality refers to ⬎200
treatment and outcome. Ann Intern Med 107:
Vokes TJ, Robertson GL 1988 Disorders of
In hyponatraemia due to hypovolaemia, if antidiuretic hormone. Endocrinol Metab Clin
there is associated North Am 17: 281.

• hypokalaemia and metabolic

alkalosis, Syphilis
– hypovolaemia is probably due to Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease
vomiting, diuretic therapy or perhaps a produced by infection with the thin motile
villous adenoma, spirochaete, Treponema pallidum. Humans are its
• hypokalaemia with metabolic only known host.
acidosis, There has been a recent recurrence of syphilis,
– hypovolaemia is probably due to particularly among homosexual men.
diarrhoea, Although not culturable in vitro and very labile
• hyperkalaemia and metabolic to heat, cold, drying and soap, a 50% effective
acidosis, inoculum requires only 50–60 organisms. Since
most inocula in contacts of even heavily
– hypovolaemia is probably due to infected cases do not produce the disease, most
adrenal insufficiency. inocula are therefore presumably very small.
Following penetration of mucous membrane or
Treatment is primarily with water restriction. broken skin, there is parasitaemia which lasts
10–60 days.
• Saline may be cautiously administered in severe
cases but clearly must be more hypertonic than the The primary lesion appears as a painless
urine, so that isotonic saline is generally chancre at the site of inoculation after an
unsuitable. This is because normal sodium incubation period of 3–4 weeks. It lasts for 1–6
excretion takes less water with it than is weeks and then heals. A chancre is highly
administered, so that the plasma sodium falls infective.
further. A secondary stage appears 6 weeks later, with:
• In persistent cases, an ADH antagonist may be
used, such as a loop diuretic (e.g. frusemide), • widespread mucocutaneous lesions;
demethyltetracycline or possibly lithium. • lymphadenopathy;
• systemic illness.
(see also Central pontine myelinolysis (for
further discussion of the treatment of This resolves after 2–6 weeks. The disease then
hyponatraemia, including speed of correction becomes latent for a variable period up to 20
and complications). years or more, during which time there are no
symptoms but positive serology.
Bibliography The tertiary stage eventually appears with
Berl T 1990 Treating hyponatremia: damned if we destructive lesions in the CNS, aorta, bones,
do and damned if we don’t. Kidney Int 37: skin and elsewhere.
Robertson GL 1987 Physiology of ADH secretion. • Neurosyphilis takes the form of
Kidney Int 32 (suppl 21): S20. meningovascular disease, general paresis,
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Davies D 1972 Ankylosing spondylitis and lung • Fever is present in many patients, and the
fibrosis. Q J Med 41: 395.
Systemic diseases and the lung

differential diagnosis from infection can be

Marik P, Varon J 1998 The obese patient in the difficult.
ICU. Chest 113: 492.
• Arthritis is usually of the non-deforming
Matthay RA, Schwarz MI, Petty TL 1975
type and comprises symmetrical polyarthritis
Pulmonary manifestations of systemic lupus
with pain, swelling and morning stiffness.
erythematosus. Medicine 54: 397.
Ray CS, Sue DY, Bray G et al 1983 Effects of Sometimes, it may be indistinguishable from
obesity on respiratory function. Am Rev Respir rheumatoid arthritis. There may be
Dis 128: 501. associated tendonitis and sometimes avascular
Segal AM, Calabrese LH, Muzaffar A et al 1985 The necrosis of bone. Arthralgia is common.
pulmonary manifestations of systemic lupus • Heart involvement is especially manifest by
erythematosus. Semin Arthritis Rheum 14: 202. pericarditis. Sometimes, there may be
Shiel WC, Prete PE 1984 Pleuropulmonary myocarditis or non-infective endocarditis.
manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Semin • Kidneys are commonly involved, as
Arthritis Rheum 13: 235. evidenced by haematuria, proteinuria, pyuria
and urinary casts. Minor mesangial changes
occur in most patients but are asymptomatic.
Systemic lupus erythematosus Focal proliferative changes are also common
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic but are benign and reversible. Membranous
multi-system autoimmune disease. Its cause or glomerulonephritis may sometimes occur
causes are not yet known. with consequent nephrotic syndrome,
though this too can remit. Diffuse
Pathogenetically, it arises from the loss of
proliferative glomerulonephritis is the most
immune regulation and tolerance, so that there
serious renal complication and may lead to
is an autoimmune reaction to host antigens
renal failure. The renal pathology may vary
giving rise to inflammatory damage of vessels
during the course of the disease.
and tissues. There is some genetic
• Neurological involvement occurs in about
predisposition, and there may be viral disruption
50% of patients, although it is often mild.
of the suppressor T cell population. Eventually,
Neuropsychiatric features are common early
there is excess B-cell proliferation and
in the course of the disease. Depression is
circulating immune complexes, with deposits
especially marked, but there may also be
containing DNA, complement and
organic psychosis or fits. Pyramidal tract or
cranial nerve involvement may be seen
The clinical features are extremely variable and (especially the latter, with VII nerve and
are seen primarily in young women, in whom extra-ocular signs). Aseptic meningitis, chorea
there is an incidence of 1 in 15000 per year. and peripheral neuropathy may sometimes be
seen. Except for cognitive dysfunction, most
The most common features are rash, fever and
neurological changes are transient. The CSF is
arthritis, but there are very many others and
often normal, there are minimal histological
indeed the condition can rightly be called
changes, and abnormalities noted on MRI in
subcortical white matter are reversible.
• Rash is characteristically manifest as facial • Lungs are commonly involved, with
erythema, typically of the transient butterfly pleurisy, pleural effusion, diffuse pulmonary
type, but more commonly it is apparent infiltrate and propensity to pneumonia.
elsewhere, particularly on the neck and Pulmonary hypertension is sometimes seen.
hands. It may be exacerbated by ultraviolet The lungs may also be involved if there is
light, and it can be associated with alopecia cardiac failure, renal failure or
or mouth ulcers. thromboembolism.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
• Antiphospholipid syndrome (q.v.). This is transplantation, after which recurrence of lupus

Systemic lupus erythematosus

a hypercoagulable state associated with nephritis is fortunately rare.
autoantibodies to phospholipid, the so-called • Immunosuppressive therapy (cyclophosphamide,
‘lupus anticoagulant’ occurring in about 50% azathioprine) may be used for steroid-sparing or
of patients with SLE. for uncontrolled disease, though they have not been
• Myopathy may be seen (q.v.). shown to enhance the efficacy of steroids in
• Splenomegaly may occur (q.v.). controlled trials (except for cyclophosphamide iv).
• Although corticosteroids may be strikingly helpful
Pregnancy can be associated with specific
symptomatically in a number of situations as
problems in SLE, since pregnancy may
described above, it is doubtful whether they alter
sometimes be a cause of SLE exacerbation.
Pregnancy-related problems also occur if there
• Plasmapheresis was found not to be effective in a
is hypertension or antiphospholipid syndrome,
controlled trial.
and there is an increased incidence of
spontaneous abortion, pre-eclampsia and The prognosis is difficult to assess in an
neonatal lupus. individual patient, but it is often good. An
average 5 y mortality of 20% is sometimes
Investigations show anaemia, sometimes of an
quoted from referral centres, though the actual
acute haemolytic nature. There is typically
rate is greatly dependent on the patient sample
leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Many
studied, with much lower rates applying to the
autoantibodies can be demonstrated,
overall population of SLE-affected patients. 349
especially ANA (in ⬎90% of cases),
There is no cure, and while there may be
antibodies to many of the antigens in cell
complete remission for several years on the one
nuclei (e.g. to double-stranded DNA in about
hand, on the other hand there may be
70% of cases), and LE cells. Complement
recurrences which can range from mild to
levels are usually reduced in active disease.
severe multi-organ disease. Exacerbations may
The changes of individual organ involvement
be precipitated by infection, surgery, some
may be demonstrated.
drugs and sometimes pregnancy. The prognosis
Treatment must be individualized, because of the very is worse if there is severe neurological or renal
variable clinical course and the difficulty in evaluating involvement. Death is usually from either
progress. infection or renal failure.
• It is usual to recommend avoidance of sun Variants include the following.
exposure, because 30% of patients are
photosensitive and a flare-up involves not just the
1. Drug-induced SLE
skin but systemic changes.
• Skin manifestations are treated with avoidance of This is particularly seen after hydralazine and
excessive ultraviolet light exposure, topical procainamide. It may also follow
corticosteroids, and sometimes hydroxychloroquine penicillamine, isoniazid, phenytoin,
and low-dose systemic corticosteroids. sometimes phenothiazines and occasionally
• Joint manifestations are treated with NSAIDs, other drugs.
hydroxychloroquine and sometimes low-dose
The risk is about 1% with the high-risk
drugs, though about 50% of patients exposed
• Problems such as pleurisy or pericarditis may to these drugs develop positive ANA titres
require moderate-dose corticosteroids.
and some may have subclinical SLE.
• Severe neurological manifestations or diffuse
proliferative glomerulonephritis are treated with This form of lupus is usually milder and with
high-dose corticosteroids. End-stage renal disease is less renal disease, though sometimes the
treated with chronic haemodialysis or entire lupus complex may be seen.
S Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Usually, drug-induced SLE follows the pregnancy loss in patients with systemic lupus
Systemic lupus erythematosus

continuous administration of the offending erythematosus. Blood 80: 975.

drug for some time (range 3 weeks to 2 Johns KR, Morand EF, Littlejohn GO 1998
years). It is reversible on stopping the drug, Pregnancy outcome in systemic lupus
erythematosus. Aust NZ J Med 28: 18.
though the abnormal laboratory tests may
Lee LS, Chase PH 1975 Drug-induced systemic
take many months to resolve, unlike the
lupus erythematosus. Semin Arthritis Rheum 5:
symptoms which usually subside in a few 83.
days. Matthay RA, Schwarz MI, Petty TL 1975
Pulmonary manifestations of systemic lupus
2. Discoid lupus erythematosus. Medicine 54: 397.
Rasaratnam I, Ryan PFJ 1997 Systemic lupus
This comprises skin lesions only and involves erythematosus. Med J Aust 166: 266.
the face, scalp, chest and arms. Systemic disease Segal AM, Calabrese LH, Muzaffar A et al 1985 The
rarely occurs. The serology is negative. pulmonary manifestations of systemic lupus
erythematosus. Semin Arthritis Rheum 14: 202.
Bibliography Steinberg AD 1986 The treatment of lupus nephritis.
Doherty NE, Siegel RJ 1985 Cardiovascular Kidney Int 30: 769.
manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. Tan EM, Cohen AS, Fries JF et al 1982 The
Am Heart J 110: 1257. 1982 revised criteria for the classification of
Ginsberg JS, Brill-Edwards P, Johnston M et al 1992 systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum 25:
350 Relationship of antiphospholipid antibodies to 1271.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Takayasu’s disease (see Aortic is thus lost, and muscular spasm occurs with a

coarctation and Vasculitis) result which depends on the relative strengths of
the agonist and antagonist muscle groups
involved. Thus, opisthotonos is typical, with
upper limb flexion and lower limb extension.
Tardive dyskinesia
Tardive dyskinesia describes a syndrome of
Most commonly, the organisms penetrate a
involuntary facial movements and
site of skin injury following trauma.
choreoathetotic movements of the limbs.
Sometimes, they follow bites, burns, surgery,
It is a severe neurological complication, seen in parenteral narcotic use, delivery or abortion.
about 20% of patients on long-term In 10–20% of cases, there is no identifiable
antipsychotic drugs. The best known drugs in initial lesion.
this setting are the phenothiazines, but other
unrelated compounds may produce similar
There is an incubation period of usually more
than 2 weeks, but it may range from 1–55 days.
The shorter the incubation period, the higher
Sometimes, there may be impairment of the mortality, which is reportedly 100% if the
swallowing, airway control and breathing. incubation period is only 1–2 days and about
30% if it is greater than 10 days.

The condition may slowly resolve when the drug is

stopped. It is otherwise untreatable. • Trismus (lockjaw) is the first clinical
feature noted in over half the patients.
• There is:
Temporal arteritis (see Arteritis) – restlessness;
– generalized muscle spasm and stiffness;
– hyper-reflexia (with downgoing plantar
Tetanus (see also Clostridial infections) reflexes);
Tetanus results from infection with the – dysphagia.
anaerobic Gram-positive bacillus, Clostridium • The spasms become progressively violent
tetani, which is widely distributed in soil and within 72 h, though there is no loss of
animal (and occasionally human) faeces. Since consciousness. Tonic seizures follow even
active immunization is so effective, the disease is minor stimuli and may involve the
most commonly seen in developing countries, respiratory muscles, thus potentially
where a million deaths per year are produced giving respiratory arrest.
worldwide due to the fact that the organism is • There is moderate fever and sympathetic
ubiquitous and trauma so frequent. Clinical overactivity.
tetanus does not provide immunity against • The illness is severe for the first week, then
subsequent episodes. gradually decreases over several weeks.
Inoculated spores germinate at the site of injury • Complications include:
and produce a potent neurotoxin – respiratory failure;
(tetanospasmin). This migrates centrally along – pulmonary aspiration;
motor neurone axons to the spinal cord, where – arrhythmias;
it suppresses the inhibition of the reflex arc by – fractures of the thoracic vertebrae;
internuncial neurones. The reflex antagonist – pulmonary embolism.
relaxation normally activated during contraction
T Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Laboratory results are generally normal, and the Tetralogy of Fallot


organism can be isolated in only 30% of

patients. Tetralogy of Fallot is the commonest cyanotic
congenital heart disease. It comprises:
The differential diagnosis includes:
• pulmonary stenosis (more commonly
• strychnine poisoning (q.v.) infundibular than valvular);
• ventricular septal defect;
– this is very similar; • an over-riding dextroposed aorta;
• right ventricular hypertrophy.
• pseudotetanus with trismus
There is thus a right-to-left shunt, the degree of
– this may be caused by phenothiazines and which varies with the degree of pulmonary
resolves with IV phenytoin; stenosis.
• spider bite (q.v.); The shunt causes hypoxaemia, cyanosis and
• trismus from other causes secondary polycythaemia. Coagulopathy due to
– such as jaw infection or encephalopathy; reduced vitamin K-dependent clotting factors
and platelet dysfunction give rise to a bleeding
• hysteria. tendency, which is especially marked after
Treatment principles are three-fold, namely to treat cardiac surgery.
the source, neutralize the toxin and manage the Surgical correction should be performed in childhood
complications. (before the age of 5 y). Such surgery nowadays always
• The wound requires debridement and culture. involves a complete repair.
• Antitoxin, currently of human origin, is given in
In adults who have had an incomplete repair or
a single dose of 3–5000 U im or iv. The wound
no surgery, there is an increased risk of:
should be infiltrated with antitoxin also.
Antitoxin is not effective for toxin which has • infective endocarditis;
already become bound. If human immunoglobulin • paradoxical embolism, especially of the brain
is not available, equine antitoxin is used in a dose and thus the production of a brain abscess;
of 100 000 U. • sudden death from arrhythmias.
• Intensive Care is required with administration of
muscle relaxants, sedation, iv fluids and
mechanical ventilation. Sedation should be with Bibliography
diazepam, and beta blockers iv are used for Nora JJ 1993 Causes of congenital heart disease: old
arrhythmias. Penicillin is given iv in large doses and new modes, mechanisms, and models. Am
for one week, but is of limited value in that it Heart J 125: 1409.
affects only the vegetative cells in the wound, Wilson NJ, Neutze JM 1993 Adult congenital heart
disease: principles and management guidelines.
though in this way new toxin production is
Aust NZ J Med 23: 498, 697

Bibliography Tetrodotoxin (see Bites and stings (marine

Edsall G 1976 Problems in the immunology and
control of tetanus. Med J Aust 2: 216. invertebrates and marine vetebrates))

Tetrahydroaminoacridine (THA) Thalassaemia (see Haemoglobin

(see Anticholinergic agents) disorders)
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Thallium Thiamine deficiency (see Beriberi)

Thallium (T1, atomic number 81, atomic
weight 204, melting point 304˚C) is a soft blue-
Thrombasthenia (see Platelet function
grey metal, malleable like lead but tarnishing in
air. It is present in small amounts in lead an zinc disorders)
ores and was discovered in them in 1861.
Neither the metal or its compounds have major
commercial application, but since it is a poor Thrombocythaemia (see
conductor of electricity it has found limited Thrombocytosis)
industrial use in photoelectric cells and in
However, its toxicity made it popular in
insecticides and rodenticides until the 1960s. Thrombocytopenia refers to a decreased
Following its accidental or deliberate ingestion peripheral blood platelet count.
in humans, there is a classical picture of initial Like deficiencies of the other formed elements,
gastroenteritis followed by peripheral it is due to one or more of the same three
neuropathy and later alopecia. The peripheral mechanisms, namely decreased production,
neuropathy is generally mixed and is manifest increased removal or sequestration.
particularly by ptosis, retrobulbar neuritis and 353
facial paralysis. A Guillain–Barré-like The mechanism of platelet production from
polyneuritis has also been reported. megakaryocytes has been greatly clarified by the
discovery of thrombopoietin (TPO) and by its
recent cloning and characterization. TPO
Since thallium ions behaves like potassium, deficiency may occur in liver disease, since the
they are secreted into the gut where they liver is a major site of its production, and TPO
may be sequestered by the antidote, excess may be involved in some states of
Prussian blue (potassium thrombocytosis. Exogenous TPO is available for
ferrihexacyanoferrate), via exchange of clinical trial use in thrombocytopenic
potassium for thallium in its molecular conditions.

The relationship between the platelet count

Prussian blue is given in a dose of 10 g bd orally or and the risk of bleeding is inexact.
by nasogastric or nasoduodenal tube, a tube usually
being needed because of associated gastrointestinal • Thus, there is no single level below
stasis. For the same reason, a purgative is generally which bleeding occurs and above which
required to treat the severe constipation which typically bleeding does not occur.
occurs. The antidote is continued not only until • Nevertheless, a platelet count of 20⫻
plasma and urinary levels have declined but more 109/L is commonly regarded as the ‘magic
importantly until faecal excretion has ceased. number’ below which the risk of serious
Potassium given intravenously enhances thallium haemorrhage becomes significant.
excretion into the gut, but oral potassium is • However, a platelet count of at least
contraindicated since it interferes with the double this is required for protection
thallium–potassium exchange by the antidote in the against bleeding from invasive procedures
gut. (i.e. 40–50⫻109/L) and double this again
(about 100⫻109/L) for haemostatic safety
in high-risk procedures, such as
Thermoregulation (see Pyrexia) neurosurgery.
T Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• In general, one unit of platelet • aplastic anaemia;

• dysplastic megakaryopoiesis

concentrate raises the platelet count by

about 10⫻109/L per m2, so that 5–6 units
– due to alcoholism, or vitamin B12 or folic
or packs are generally required for
acid deficiency;
• However, unlike the normal half-life of • drugs
four days, the half-life of transfused
– alcohol, gold, sulfonamides, thiazides.
platelets is usually only about 24 h and
perhaps as short as only 1 h in severe Increased removal may be either immune or
consumptive disorders. non-immune mediated. The two mechanisms
are not always clearly separable.
In addition, a number of other factors both 1. Immune mechanisms include:
platelet-related and platelet-independent affect
bleeding. • autoantibodies
– ITP, lymphoma, SLE;
• Platelet-related factors include platelet
size and thus their age and metabolic and • drugs (see drug-induced thrombocytopenia
functional activity, with larger platelets being below)
younger and more active. In addition,
platelet function abnormalities (q.v.) increase – quinine/quinidine particularly;
the risk of bleeding for any given platelet – heparin;
count. – possibly diazepam, paracetamol, phenytoin,
• Platelet-independent factors affecting
bleeding include any concomitant • infections
haemostatic defect, particularly those of
coagulation, as in liver disease, vitamin K – infectious mononucleosis, malaria;
deficiency and disseminated intravascular • post-transfusion purpura (PTP).
The diagnosis of the cause of thrombocytopenia
is assisted by both the associated clinical features Post-transfusion purpura is an uncommon
and the full blood examination. Platelet kinetics condition occurring 2–10 days after the
are not feasible as a routine study, though the transfusion of any blood products containing
response to a standard six-unit platelet platelets.
transfusion gives indirect kinetic information
and is thus diagnostically helpful. PTP is considered due to antibody
production to the platelet allo-antigen Zwa,
a platelet antigen occurring in 90% of the
The types of thrombocytopenia are: population. Patients with PTP are thus Zwa
• decreased production; negative.
• increased removal; The condition is usually seen in middle-aged
– either immune or non-immune or elderly women. There tends to be severe
mediated; thrombocytopenia and clinically significant
• sequestration.
The chief differential diagnosis is heparin-
induced thrombocytopenia,
Deceased production occurs with: disseminated intravascular coagulation and
• marrow infiltration; sepsis.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Treatment with high doses of corticosteroids may Thrombocytopenia due to sequestration is

be effective. usually mild and not clinically significant unless
there is concomitant disease. The reason for the
• Plasmapheresis may be used in severe and failure of the bone marrow to compensate is
refractory cases.
• The best therapy is immune globulin (IgG
40 g iv over 40 min), followed by 10 units of Drug-induced thrombocytopenia may be
platelets which are now effective because of difficult to distinguish from ITP, though the
reticuloendothelial blockade. history may provide a clue.
The condition is reversible within 1–4 months. Thrombocytopenia due to quinine/quinidine
typically develops after about two weeks and is
treated with corticosteroids if severe and
2. Non-immune destruction occurs because
possibly with immune globulin or
of activation of coagulation, platelet aggregation
or endothelial cell damage. It is due to:
• disseminated intravascular coagulation
Heparin has become recognized as a
– or related conditions, such as haemolytic– common cause of thrombocytopenia, which
uraemic syndrome, thrombotic may take one of two forms, sometimes
thrombocytopenic purpura, vasculitis, pre- referred to as Types I (mild, early, non-
eclampsia; immune) and II (severe, delayed, immune).

• giant haemangioma 1. Type I. Mild thrombocytopenia occurs in

– possibly via disseminated intravascular about 1% of patients given porcine heparin
coagulation; and about 5% of those given bovine heparin.

• Gram-negative septicaemia It becomes apparent within 4–10 days of

commencement of unfractionated heparin
– typically accompanied by DIC if severe; and is probably non-immune. It may occur
– without DIC in milder cases, e.g. platelet even with small doses of heparin.
count ⬎50⫻109/L;
It is asymptomatic and self-limited, even if
• massive transfusion heparin is continued.
– and thus platelet washout. No treatment or even cessation of heparin is
Sequestration occurs with: required

• splenomegaly 2. Type II. A more severe form of

thrombocytopenia (heparin-induced
– when the intrasplenic platelet pool may thrombocytopenia, HITS) may sometime
rise from the normal 25% to 50–80%; be seen, with more profound
• coronary artery bypass grafting thrombocytopenia (⬍50⫻109/L), associated
with a heparin-dependent IgG antiplatelet
– when a platelet count ⬍50⫻109/L may antibody.
persist for up to one week or more,
especially in the elderly; The antigen recognized is a complex, on a
platelet membrane, of heparin’s
• pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome (q.v.). glycosaminoglycans and platelet factor 4 (PF-
Normal pregnancy is incidentally associated 4, a heparin-binding protein in the platelet’s
with mild asymptomatic thrombocytopenia in ␣ granule). Antibody binding to this
5–8% of cases. complex causes platelet activation and
T Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

subsequent platelet removal from the TTP is manifest by:


• thrombocytopenia;
There may be in vivo platelet aggregates and • microangiopathic haemolysis;
endothelial cell damage (because heparin and • generalized symptoms of fever and damage
heparin-like material is bound to the to the brain and kidneys (and sometimes
endothelial cell surface) with consequent bowel, heart, liver and skin).
thromboembolism. While thrombosis is
It thus has many clinical features in common
usually venous, it may be arterial or
with haemolytic–uraemic syndrome (q.v.).
microvascular, and it may affect unusual sites.
It can be severe and extensive, and it carries There are a number of variants of TTP as yet
a 20% risk of amputation and a 30% unclarified as to mechanism, but their
mortality. predisposing factors include:
Treatment of HITS requires total cessation of • bone marrow transplantation;
heparin, as changing to another animal source or • pregnancy;
a low molecular weight preparation is mostly • the drugs, cyclosporin and ticlopidine;
ineffective. • HIV infection.
Although some antithrombotic protection Treatment has not been subjected to formal trials, but
may be offered by dextra or aspirin, warfarin plasmapheresis has become the favoured therapy,
356 is the best therapeutic option. Either the low with daily exchanges for one week in severe cases.
molecular weight heparinoid, danaparoid, or Electrolytes, plasma proteins and the platelet count
a member of the hirudin, such as lepirudin, need careful monitoring.
can be specifically useful in the first few days.
• Corticosteroids are traditionally used, but former
modalities such as aspirin, dipyridamole or
vincristine are generally no longer required.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
• Dextran and prostacyclin have been occasionally
(TTP) is an uncommon condition, which
causes about 1 death per 1000000 population
• In severe and refractory cases, splenectomy may
per year. It occurs at all ages and is twice as
produce a striking remission.
common in women.
Modern treatment has greatly improved the
TTP was originally described in 1924 by
previously rapidly fatal course of this condition,
Moschowitz, but it was only in 1982 that its
so that survival is now over 70%. However,
relation to platelet adhesion to damaged
while many patients remain in complete and
endothelial cells via unusually large von
long-term remission, about one third relapse
Willebrand factor multimers was discovered. The
during the following 10 y, and 10% of patients
mechanism for this damage was finally elucidated
develop other serious disease.
in 1996, when it was found that a
metalloprotease is normally responsible for
cleaving the large vWF multimers after they are Bell WR, Braine HG, Ness PM et al 1991
secreted into the plasma by endothelial cells. This Improved survival of thrombotic
vWF-cleaving protease is deficient in TTP, being thrombocytopenic purpura hemolytic–uremic
absent in chronic relapsing TTP and removed by syndrome: clinical experience in 108 patients. N
a specific autoantibody in acute TTP. The Engl J Med 325: 398
protease is normal in the seemingly related Beutler E 1993 Platelet transfusions: the 20, 000/?L
haemolytic–uraemic syndrome. The protease may trigger. Blood 81: 1411
now be assayed relatively simply, and this could Bick RL 1997 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
form the basis of a specific diagnostic test. and paradoxical thromboembolism: Diagnostic and
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
therapeutic dilemmas. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: towards
3: 63 consensus. Thromb Haemost 79: 1.

Chong BH 1995 Heparin-induced Yang Z, Stulz P, von Segesser L et al 1991 Different
thrombocytopenia. Br J Haematol 89: 431. interactions of platelets with arterial and venous
Chong BH, Ismail F, Cade J et al 1989 Heparin- coronary bypass vessels. Lancet 337: 939.
induced thrombocytopenia: studies with low
molecular weight heparinoid, Org 10172. Blood
73: 1592. Thrombocytosis/
Cines DB, Konkle BA, Furlan M 2000 Thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura: a paradigm shift?
Thromb Haemost 84: 528. Thrombocytosis refers to an increased platelet
Editorial 1991 TTP – desperation, empiricism, count above 400⫻109/L, and
progress. N Engl J Med 325: 426. thrombocythaemia refers to disease associated
Farag SS, Savoia H, O’Malley CJ et al 1997 Lack of
with such an increased count.
in vitro cross-reactivity predicts safety of low-
molecular weight heparins in heparin-induced Thrombocytosis is usually ‘reactive’ to:
thrombocytopenia. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 3:
58. • inflammation;
Ferrara JLM 1995 The febrile platelet transfusion • trauma;
reaction: a cytokine shower. Transfusion 35: 89. • neoplasia;
George JN, El-Harake M, Raskob GE 1994 Chronic • splenectomy.
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. N Engl J 357
Med 331: 1207. The platelets themselves are normal. There are
Greinacher A 1995 Heparin-associated no clinical consequences, even in the presence
thrombocytopenia. Vessels 1: 17. of a very high count.
Mannucci PM 1999 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura: a simpler diagnosis at last? Thromb
Haemost 82: 1380.
Such high platelet counts can however be a
Moake JL, Rudy CK, Troll JH et al 1982 Unusually cause of pseudohyperkalaemia.
large plasma factor VIII: von Willebrand factor
multimers in chronic relapsing thrombotic Thrombocythaemia is an autonomous
thrombocytopenic purpura. N Engl J Med 307:
increase in the peripheral blood platelet count,
Mueller-Eckhardt C 1986 Post-transfusion purpura.
with megakaryocyte proliferation in the bone
Br J Haematol 64: 419. marrow. It is usually due to a clonal chronic
Payne BA, Pierre RV 1984 Pseudothrombocytopenia: myeloproliferative disorder, such as chronic
a laboratory artifact with potentially serious myeloid leukaemia, polycythaemia vera,
consequences. Mayo Clin Proc 59: 123. myelofibrosis, and essential thrombocythaemia.
Tsai HM, Lian ECY 1998 Antibodies to von
Willebrand factor-cleaving protease in acute
The platelet count is commonly much greater
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. N Engl J than 1000⫻109/L. Platelet function is
Med 339: 1585. commonly abnormal as well.
Vempaty HT, Zehnder JL 1998 Heparin-induced Life expectancy is relatively unimpaired, but
thrombocytopenia: pathophysiology, laboratory
there is an increased incidence of bleeding
diagnosis and clinical management. Crit Care
International Mar–Apr: 8.
(about 20%) and/or thromboembolism (about
Warkentin TE, Levine MN, Hirsh J et al 1995 10%).
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in patients Erythromelalgia may be produced and is due
treated with low-molecular-weight heparin or to microvascular dysfunction. It is manifest by
unfractionated heparin. N Engl J Med 332:
cyanotic, ischaemic and burning digits.
Warkentin TE, Chong BH, Greinacher A 1998 Treatment is generally with aspirin.
T Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• Cytotoxics (alkylating agents), radiophosphorus Inherited thrombophilia includes:


( 32P), hydroxyurea or interferon are used in

• activated protein C resistance (Factor V
severe cases. However, alkylating agents,
Leiden defect);
radiophosphorus and recently hydroxyurea have
• deficiencies (or abnormalities) of
been shown to increase the incidence of leukaemic
transformation and are therefore best avoided in – antithrombin-III;
younger patients, but the newer agent, – protein C;
anagrelide, is not mutagenic. – protein S;
• Plateletpheresis may be used in emergency cases. – plasminogen;
– fibrinogen;
Bibliography – prothrombin (the recently described
Anagrelide Study Group 1992 Anagrelide, a therapy mutation, G20210A variant, with G→A
for thrombocythemic states. Am J Med 92: 69. nucleotide substitution);
Bentley MA, Taylor KM, Wright SJ 1999 Essential – low factor XII (46 C→T mutation) has
thrombocythaemia. Med J Aust 171: 210. recently been considered paradoxically to
Kurzrock R, Cohen PR 1991 Erythromelalgia: be a possible thrombophilic rather than a
review of clinical characteristics and
haemostatic risk (after all, Mr Hageman
pathophysiology. Am J Med 91: 416.
whose name was originally give to factor
Michiels JJ (ed) 1997 Platelet-dependent vascular
complications and bleeding symptoms in essential XII died of pulmonary embolism);
358 thrombocythemia and polycythemia vera. Semin • hyperhomocystinaemia
Thromb Hemost 23: 333.
Michiels JJ, Abels J, Steketee J et al 1985 – probably due to a mutant variant (called
Erythromelalgia caused by platelet mediated C677T) of the enzyme, 5, 10-
arteriolar inflammation and thrombosis in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase,
thrombocythemia. Ann Intern Med 102: 466. which causes a relative deficiency of the
Tefferi A, Elliott M, Solberg L et al 1997 New drugs enzyme responsible for converting
in essential thrombocythemia and polycythemia homocysteine to methionine;
vera. Blood Rev 11: 1.
– a fasting plasma homocysteine level
⬎18.5mmol/L is significant, possibly via a
direct pathogenetic mechanism;
Thromboembolism (see – possibly ameliorated with folate
Thrombophilia) supplementation;
Interestingly, factor XIII mutation (val34leu)
has recently been described as significantly
Thrombophilia protective against thrombophilia.
Thrombophilia refers to a thrombotic tendency,
Acquired thrombophilia includes:
which may be inherited or acquired. The term
was coined in 1965 and is a broader term than • antiphospholipid syndrome;
hypercoagulability, as it includes abnormalities • collagen-vascular disorders;
of platelets and fibrinolysis as well as • malignancy (including chemotherapy);
coagulation. It does not however include the • nephrotic syndrome;
other two components of Virchow’s triad for • myeloproliferative disorders.
thrombosis, namely abnormalities of the vessel
wall or of blood flow. Bibliography
Cattaneo M 1999 Hyperhomocysteinemia,
Thrombophilia implies the occurrence of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Thromb Haemost
thrombi which are familial, unusual, recurrent 81: 165.
or multiple. Dalen JE, Hirsh J, Guyatt GH (eds) 2001 Sixth
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
ACCP consensus conference on antithrombotic Ticks (see Bites and stings (insects), Lyme
therapy. Chest 119: no. 1 (Suppl).

Toxic-shock syndrome
disease and Relapsing fever)
de Moerloose P, Bounameaux HR, Mannucci PM
1998 Screening tests for thrombophilic patients:
which tests, for which patient, by whom, when,
and why? Semin Thromb Hemost 24: 321. Tinnitus
den Heijer M, Rosendaal FR, Blom HJ et al 1998
Tinnitus is the distressing symptom of ringing in
Hyperhomocystinemia and venous thrombosis: a
the ear(s). It is due to any of the causes of VIII
meta-analysis. Thromb Haemost 80: 874.
Franco RF, Reitsma PH, Lourenco D et al 1999 nerve damage (see Neuropathy above),
Factor XIII val34leu is a genetic factor involved in provided the nerve has not been actually
the aetiology of venous thrombosis. Thromb destroyed. It is also seen in:
Haemost 81: 676.
• migraine;
Khamashta MA, Cuadrado MJ, Mujic F et al 1995
The management of thrombosis in the • motion sickness;
antiphospholipid-antibody syndrome. N Engl J • salicylism.
Med 332: 993.
Lane DA, Mannucci PM, Bauer KA et al 1996
Inherited thrombophilia. Thromb Haemost 76: Tongue (see Mouth diseases)
Miletich JP, Prescott SM, White R et al 1993
Inherited predisposition to thrombosis. Cell 72: Torulosis (see Cryptococcosis) 359
Prins MH, Hirsh J 1991 A critical review of the
evidence supporting a relationship between
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (see
impaired fibrinolytic activity and venous
thromboembolism. Arch Intern Med 151: 1721. Exfoliative dermatitis)
Sacher RA (ed) 1998 Thrombophilia: a forum on
diagnosis and management in obstetrics,
gynecology and surgery. Semin Thromb Hemost Toxic erythemas (see Erythema
24: Suppl 1. multiforme and Exfoliative dermatitis)
Winter M, Gallimore M, Jones DW 1995 Should
factor XII assays be included in thrombophilia
screening? Lancet 346: 52.
Toxic gases and fumes (see Acute
lung irritation)

Thrombopoietin (see Thrombocytopenia)

Toxic-shock syndrome
Toxic-shock syndrome (TSS) consists of
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic hypotension, shock and rash following an acute
purpura (see Thrombocytopenia) febrile staphylococcal infection.
It was first described in 1978 in children and by
1980 about 1000 cases had been reported, 95%
Thyroid function (see Euthyroid sick
in women and of these by far the majority
syndrome, Hyperthyroidism and occurring during menstruation and associated
Hypothyroidism) with tampon use. In retrospect, the toxic-shock
syndrome may have been the cause of the post-
influenzal plague in Athens in 430 BC known
Thyroid storm (see Hyperthyroidism) as the ‘Thucydides syndrome’ (although other
T Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

conditions have also been implicated, e.g. Ebola The prognosis is good, with recovery in 1–2
Toxic-shock syndrome

fever). weeks and a mortality of only 5%. The

incidence has declined and the fatality rate
The syndrome is due to the staphylococcal
decreased since super-absorbent tampons were
toxin, TSST-1, which is secreted following a
withdrawn from the market in 1981.
localized superficial and not necessarily overt
Nowadays, at least 20% of cases bear no relation
staphylococcal infection. One of a considerable
to menstruation. The condition can be
variety of local infections may be identified.
recurrent given appropriate circumstances.
They may even include deep staphylococcal
infections, such as wound infection, abscess,
pneumonia, empyema or osteomyelitis. TSST- A similar syndrome is produced by some strains
1 stimulates IL-1 and TNF release, and the of S. pyogenes which secrete erythrogenic toxin
entire sequence may be enhanced by impaired type A, i.e. the toxin responsible for scarlet
host immunity. fever, though in the ‘toxic strep syndrome’
scarlatiniform eruptions are paradoxically absent
(see Scarlet fever).
Clinical features include:
Non-group A streptococcal strains have also
• high fever; been reported recently to cause this
• scarlatiniform rash with subsequent condition.
desquamation, especially on the palms;
360 • strawberry tongue and sore throat, though Commonly there is massive soft tissue
without a pharyngeal exudate; destruction, but sometimes the preceding
• conjunctival injection; streptococcal infection is not severe.
• vomiting and diarrhoea; The diagnosis can be particularly difficult,
• hypotension and eventually shock. with only flu-like symptoms in some patients
and negative blood cultures in 40% of cases.
Multi-organ involvement is demonstrated by:
There has been a preliminary report that the
• myalgia; administration of high doses of C1-esterase
• toxic encephalopathy; inhibitor iv may be helpful.
• liver dysfunction;
• renal failure;
• thrombocytopenia; Bibliography
• hypocalcaemia. Cone LA, Woodard DR, Schlievert PM et al 1987
Clinical and bacteriologic observations of a toxic
The diagnosis is based on the clinical features shock-like syndrome due to Streptococcus
and the identification of S. aureus in culture. pyogenes. N Engl J Med 317: 146.
The condition is rarely caused by S. epidermidis. Davis JP, Chesney PJ, Wand PJ et al 1980 Toxic-
shock syndrome: epidemiologic features,
The differential diagnosis includes: recurrence, risk factors, and prevention. N Engl J
• scarlet fever; Med 303: 1429.
• meningococcaemia; Fronhoffs S, Luyken J, Steuer K et al 2000 The effect
of C1-esterase inhibitor in definite and suspected
• the Stevens–Johnson syndrome.
streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. Intens Care
Treatment includes resuscitation, management of Med 26: 1566.
the local infection and systemic antibiotics. These Kain KC, Schulzer M, Chow AW 1993 Clinical
should be either a beta-lactamase-resistant penicillin or spectrum of nonmenstrual toxic shock syndrome
a cephalosporin. (TSS): comparison with menstrual TSS by
multivariate discriminant analysis. Clin Infect Dis
• The potential value of corticosteroids is uncertain. 16: 100.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Langmuir AD, Worthen TD, Solomon J et al 1985 The differential diagnosis includes:
The Thucydides syndrome: a new hypothesis for

Trace elements
the cause of the plague of Athens. N Engl J Med • infectious mononucleosis;
313: 1027. • CMV infection;
Stevens DL 1995 Streptococcal toxic-shock • lymphoma;
syndrome: spectrum of disease, pathogenesis, and • sarcoidosis.
new concepts in treatment. Emerg Infect Dis 1: 3.
Stevens DL, Tanner MH, Winship J et al 1989 Treatment is required if the disease is severe or there is
Severe group A streptococcal infections associated multisystem involvement. Pyrimethamine is used in
with a toxic shock-like syndrome and scarlet fever a dose of 25–50 mg per day for 4–6 weeks.
toxin. N Engl J Med 321: 1. Concomitant folinic acid therapy is recommended. It is
usual to add a sulfonamide or clindamycin for cerebral
toxoplasmosis in patients with AIDS.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by infection with the
Joiner KA, Dubremetz JF 1993 Toxoplasma gondii: a
obligate intracellular protozoan parasite, protozoan for the nineties. Infect Immun 61: 1169.
Toxoplasma gondii, which has a worldwide McCabe R, Remington JS 1988 Toxoplasmosis. N
distribution and can infect all mammalian Engl J Med 318: 313.
species. Wong S, Remington JS 1994 Toxoplasmosis in
pregnancy. Clin Infect Dis 18: 853.
Human infection usually arises from ingestion 361
of contaminated raw food or cat faeces, but it
can also arise from transplacental passage, organ
transplantation or blood transfusion. Following Trace elements
the ingestion of cysts, trophozoites are liberated
in the gut giving rise to parasitaemia and tissue Trace elements are micronutrients or chemical
invasion with eventual cyst formation. Though substances required by living organisms in very
quiescent, the cysts remain viable. small amounts (each present in the body in an
amount ⬍0.01% of total body weight) and
usually associated with enzyme function.
• Most infections are clearly asymptomatic, Confirmation of the essential nature of a
since positive serology is found in up to particular trace element requires that its
50% of populations, even in developed deficiency is associated with dysfunction and
countries. that its addition prevents or reverses this
• In adults, there is fever, myalgia, fatigue, dysfunction.
rash, lymphadenopathy,
hepatosplenomegaly and atypical The essential trace elements (ETEs) include:
lymphocytosis. • boron;
• The disease is usually mild and subsides • cobalt;
after several weeks. • chromium;
• In immunocompromised hosts, a severe • copper;
opportunistic infection may occur with: • iodine;
– pneumonitis; • manganese;
– myocarditis; • molybdenum;
– meningoencephalitis; • selenium;
– a mass lesion. • zinc;
• possibly nickel;
• possibly silicon;
The diagnosis is made serologically. • possibly vanadium.
T Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Deficiency of any one of these elements gives Shenkin A 1986 Vitamin and essential trace element
Trace elements

rise to clinical disease. The major deficiencies recommendations during intravenous therapy:
are discussed elsewhere in relation to the theory and practice. Proc Nutr Soc 45: 383.
individual elements. Simmer K, Thompson RPH 1990 Trace elements.
In: Cohen RD, Lewis B, Alberti KGMM,
Recently, there has been new understanding of Denman AM (eds) The Metabolic and Molecular
the requirements for trace elements in critical Basis of Acquired Disease. London: Baillere
illness and of their iv dosage in that setting, with Tindall. p 670.
particular emphasis on prevention of deficiency. Supplement 1995 The trace elements: their role and
The elements with defined daily dosage for this function in nutritional support. Nutrition 2: no.1.
purpose are listed in the table below.
Trace element requirements Transverse myelitis (see Demyelinating
Element Dosage
Chromium 0.2–0.4 Trauma
Copper 5–20
Iodine 1.0 The principles of the management of patients
Iron 20 with trauma, even those with uncommon
Manganese 5 aspects of common injuries, are well known in
Molybdenum 0.4 the Intensive Care setting. This book thus
362 Selenium 0.4–1.5 considers injuries which themselves are less
Zinc 50–100 common, including:
• bites and stings;
Doses are in ␮mol/day for iv administration in
• lightning;
patients receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN).
• radiation injury;
They may be conveniently obtained by adding a
• respiratory burns;
commercial multi-element preparation (such as 10
• trauma in pregnancy;
mL or 1 ampoule of Additrace from Pharmacia-
• water-related accidents.
Upjohn) to the TPN solution. Major minerals
such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium Bibliography
and phosphate have to be added separately, as their Barton RN 1985 Trauma and its metabolic products.
needs can vary greatly between individual patients. Br Med Bull 41: 3.
Blaisdell FW, Holcroft JW (eds) 1999 Scientific
Bibliography American Surgery Handbook of Trauma. New
Berger MM, Cavadini C, Chiolero R et al 1994 York: Scientific American.
Influence of large intakes of trace elements on Green DR 1988 Trauma and the immune response.
recovery after major burns. Nutrition 10: 327. Immunol Today 9: 253.
Chandra RK 1992 Effect of vitamin and trace- Frayn KN 1986 Hormonal control of metabolism in
element supplementation on immune responses trauma and sepsis. Clin Endocrinol 24: 577.
and infection in elderly patients. Lancet 340: 1124. Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Malagoni MA et al 1996
Elia M 1995 Changing concepts of nutrient Scaling systems for organ specific injuries. Curr
requirements in disease: implications for artificial Opinion Crit Care 2: 450.
nutritional support. Lancet 345: 1279. Nelson LD (ed) 1999 New advances in the care of
Fleming CR 1989 Trace element metabolism in critically injured patients. New Horizons: The
adult patients requiring total parenteral nutrition. Science and Practice of Acute Medicine 7: 1.
Am J Clin Nutr 49: 573. Smith RM, Giannoudis PV 1998 Trauma and the
Mertz W 1981 The essential trace elements. Science immune response. J R Soc Med 91: 417.
213: 1332. Wisner DH 1996 Current priorities in the
Prasad AS (ed) 1988 Essential and Toxic Trace Elements management of multiple injury. Curr Opinion
in Human Health and Disease. New York: Liss. Crit Care 2: 463.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Trauma in pregnancy

Trauma in pregnancy
masking the usual clinical signs of
Trauma in pregnancy is the commonest cause hypovolaemia. However, putting the patient
of maternal death, although only 1 in 20 cases in the left lateral position will help to
of maternal trauma requires hospitalization. differentiate these two causes, because in the
Fetal risk is greater than maternal risk, but in supine position inferior caval (or even
general fetal loss is minimized if maternal health aortocaval) obstruction can occur. This may
can be maintained. reduce the cardiac output by up to 30% and
the systolic blood pressure by up to 30
Trauma during pregnancy may present special
mmHg due to diminished preload.
problems of assessment and management. This
is not just because two patients have to be Early vascular access for volume resuscitation
simultaneously considered, but especially is important, because the uterine blood flow is
because of the altered abdominal anatomy and not autoregulated and fetal shock may occur
general physiology. early. Vasopressors are best avoided.
While hypotension in the pregnant trauma Abdominal examination in pregnancy can be
patient may be due to hypovolaemia, it may misleading, because the normal anatomical
also be positional. This distinction may be relationships are altered due to stretching of the
especially difficult, because the blood volume abdominal wall, relocation of viscera and
is increased by up to 35% in pregnancy compartmentalization. Diagnostic peritoneal
(about 1500 mL at term) and the cardiac lavage can be safely performed in any trimester
output is concomitantly increased, thus provided it is above the uterus.
T Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Magriples U, Chan DW, Bruzek D et al 1999

Placental abruption (abruptio placentae)
Trauma in pregnancy

Thrombomodulin: a new marker for placental

occurs in 2–4% of patients with minor abruption. Thromb Haemost 81: 32.
injuries and in up to 40% of those with Pearlman MD, Tintinalli JE, Lorenz RP 1990 Blunt
major injuries. It is the major cause of fetal trauma during pregnancy. N Engl J Med 323:
death following maternal trauma. This 1609.
complication occurs particularly with Sorensen VJ, Bivins BA, Obeid FN et al 1990
Management of general surgical emergencies in
deceleration forces, and there may therefore
pregnancy. Am Surg 56: 245.
be few external signs of injury. It also
complicates about 1% of pregnancies in
general, particularly when risk factors such as
advanced maternal age, smoking or
Trench fever (see Pediculosis and
hypertension are present. Rickettsial diseases)

Clinical features may include abdominal

cramps, uterine tenderness, vaginal bleeding, Trichlorethylene (see Carbon
amniotic fluid leakage (with the resultant
vaginal fluid having a pH of 7–7.5), amniotic
fluid embolism (q.v.), hypovolaemia (since
up to 2 L of blood can accumulate in the
uterus), a uterine size which is ‘larger than
Tropical eosinophilia (see Eosinophilia
dates’, and altered fetal heart rate. and lung infiltration)

The detection of increased plasma levels of

thrombomodulin, a marker of endothelial Tuberculosis
cell damage, has been reported to have the
highest sensitivity of any test for placental Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the best known
abruption. chronic infectious diseases. Although in recent
decades it had been reduced to a low incidence
Cardiotocographic monitoring should be in developed countries (e.g. ⬍5 notifications
performed for at least 4 h and continued for per 100000 population per year), it has
up to 24 h if any of the clinical features remained one of the major causes of death
described above are present. worldwide. Moreover, it has also lately had a
resurgence in developed countries, particularly
Fetomaternal haemorrhage occurs in 8–30% in migrants, indigenous peoples, disadvantaged
of cases after trauma. It is detected by the groups (especially the homeless) and the
Kleihauer-Betke (KT) acid elution technique immunocompromised (especially as a
on maternal blood. One fetal cell per 1000 coinfection with HIV). A major conference has
maternal cells corresponds to a feto–maternal emphasized its many different visages and thus
haemorrhage of 5 mL. All Rh-negative mothers the need for adaptable control strategies (Lancet
who have a negative indirect Coomb’s test and Conference, 1995).
who suffer abdominal trauma during pregnancy Although treatment principles (standard 6
should receive Rh immune globulin months chemotherapy with 4-drug
prophylactically. The dose will depend on the combinations) are well established with almost
KT test result. 100% cure rates, perhaps one of the main new
challenges is the increasing frequency of
Bibliography multidrug-resistant strains, selected because of
Knudson MM 1996 Acute abdominal injuries during inappropriate therapy and evident not only in
pregnancy. Curr Opinion Crit Care 2: 469. developing countries. The occurrence of
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) It is characterized by the triad of facial
ranges from ⬍1% of cases of TB in Australia

Tubulointerstitial diseases
sebaceous adenoma (butterfly rash over the nose
(i.e. about 10 cases per year) to over 13% in and cheeks), epilepsy and mental retardation.
India (i.e. about 250000 cases per year). There may also be cafe-au-lait spots. It is one of
Current agents which may be of use in the the uncommon causes of a diffuse pulmonary
treatment of such patients include new infiltrate, with an interstitial pattern of extensive
fluoroquinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin), fine thin-walled cysts seen on high-resolution
macrolides (e.g. clarithromycin) and rifamycins CT scanning. There may be associated cardiac,
(e.g. rifabutin), but depressingly no agents are cerebral or renal tumours.
suitable for prophylaxis after contact with
Treatment is symptomatic.
isoniazid-resistant strains.

Critchley M, Earle C 1932 Tubero-sclerosis and
Clinical staff need to be aware of the risks of allied conditions. Brain 55: 311.
hospital-acquired tuberculosis and the need Lenoir S, Grenier P, Brauner MW et al 1990
for scrupulous preventative measures, Pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis and tuberous
including rapid diagnosis, effective treatment, sclerosis: comparison of radiographic and thin-
thorough isolation of infected patients, section CT findings. Radiology 175: 329.
monitoring of staff, and chemoprophylaxis of
close contacts. 365
Tubulointerstitial diseases
Tubulointerstitial diseases, together with
glomerular diseases and vascular diseases,
Davies PDO, De Cock KM, Leese J et al 1996
comprise the three main groups of renal
Tuberculosis 2000. J R Soc Med 89: 431. disorders. The tubulointerstitial diseases have a
Lancet Conference 1995 The challenge of large variety of causes and display a considerable
tuberculosis: statements on global control and spectrum of severity and reversibility and thus
prevention. Lancet 346: 809. clinical features.
Millard FJC 1996 The rising incidence of
tuberculosis. J R Soc Med 89: 497.
Ormerod P, Campbell J, Novelli V 1998 The urine usually shows:
Chemotherapy and management of tuberculosis in
the United Kingdom: recommendations 1998. • haematuria;
Thorax 53: 536. • sterile pyuria;
Snider DE, La Montagne JR 1994 The neglected • white blood cell casts;
global tuberculosis problem. J Infect Dis 169: • proteinuria
– the protein is of low molecular weight,
Snider DE, Roper WL 1992 The new tuberculosis.
N Engl J Med 326: 703.
i.e. beta2-microglobulin (q.v.),
– rather than albumin as in glomerular
Tuberous sclerosis Renal dysfunction shows tubular defects,
Tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville’s disease) is a
rare inherited neurocutaneous disorder or • impaired concentration with polyuria and
phakomatosis. It has a variable hereditary possibly hypovolaemia;
pattern and a prevalence of about 1 per 100000 • hypokalaemia or hyperkalaemia;
population. • magnesium loss;
T Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

• glycosuria; nephropathy, and some years ago it was

• aminoaciduria;
Tubulointerstitial diseases

commonly called analgesic nephropathy,

• renal tubular acidosis. because in most cases it had been associated
with excessive oral analgesic consumption
Acute interstitial nephritis is usually an (particularly phenacetin), although the
allergic response, especially to drugs. Many mechanism for this type of damage remains
drugs (currently more than 50) can be potential unclear.
causes, but the most common are: The many aetiological factors include:
• beta-lactam antibiotics • drugs most commonly, especially
– especially with the anti-staphylococcal
– analgesics (not just phenacetin, which was
agents, flucloxacillin and dicloxacillin, and
later withdrawn from the market, but also
more commonly with the latter (in
paracetamol/aspirin combinations as well
contrast to hepatic reactions which are
as other NSAIDs);
more common with the former);
– cisplatin;
• other antibiotics – cyclosporin;
– less commonly; – lithium;
– including ciprofloxacin, cotrimoxazole,
erythromycin, rifampicin, vancomycin; • toxic/metabolic agents
366 • NSAIDs; – cadmium;
• cimetidine; – lead;
• diuretics, such as thiazides; – hypokalaemia;
• phenytoin, carbamazepine; – hypercalcaemia;
• other drugs • physical agents
– allopurinol, methyldopa, propranolol.
– irradiation;
It is clinically associated with fever, rash and – obstruction;
eosinophilia, which occur on average about two – reflux;
weeks (range 3–42 days) after the drug has been
• infection
commenced. Oliguria is usual. There is a sterile
pyuria, often with eosinophiluria. – chronic pyelonephritis;
– systemic infection;
• vascular diseases;
This is an important cause of renal
• cystic renal disease;
dysfunction, because:
• transplant rejection;
• it is third in frequency after pre-renal • systemic diseases
uraemia and acute tubular necrosis;
– SLE;
• it is reversible if the drug is stopped. – sarcoidosis;
– dysproteinaemias.
Treatment with corticosteroids is probably not
Chronic interstitial nephritis is commonly
effective, though it is commonly given if recovery is
associated with papillary necrosis. It typically
delayed beyond a few days. Dialysis is required in
presents as two sequential problems, namely:
perhaps one third of cases, occasionally for several
weeks. • renal dysfunction
Chronic interstitial nephritis may be caused – failure of urinary concentration,
by a large variety of factors. It is a toxic acidification and sodium conservation;
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
– consequent metabolic acidosis and • cough;

hypovolaemia; abdominal pain;
• splenomegaly;
• slowly progressive renal failure
• a transient rose-coloured macular rash on the
– sometimes with severe hypertension; body;
– eventually with dialysis-dependent end- • watery diarrhoea which occurs early with
stage renal disease. constipation later.
The lymphoid hyperplasia in the terminal ileum
Abraham PA, Keane WF 1984 Glomerular and
may be complicated by haemorrhage or
interstitial disease induced by nonsteroidal anti- perforation.
inflammatory drugs. Am J Nephrol 4: 1. Blood cultures are usually positive in the first two
Corwin HL, Korbet SM, Schwartz MM 1985 weeks, and faecal and urinary cultures become
Clinical correlates of eosinophiluria. Arch Intern
positive during the second and third weeks.
Med 145: 1097.
Hoitsma AJ, Wetzels JFM, Koene RAP 1991 Drug- Continued excretion of the organism occurs in
induced nephrotoxicity: aetiology, clinical features up to 3% of patients. Biliary disease predisposes
and management. Drug Safety 6: 131. to chronic enteric carriage, and schistosomiasis
Kincaid-Smith P 1980 Analgesic abuse and the predisposes to chronic urinary carriage. Chronic
kidney. Kidney Int 17: 250.
carriers are asymptomatic but remain a risk to
Linton AL, Clark WF, Driedger AA et al 1980 Acute
interstitial nephritis due to drugs. Ann Intern Med
others. 367

93: 735. Treatment traditionally was with chloramphenicol,

Neilson EG 1989 Pathogenesis and therapy of but ampicillin and cotrimoxazole are also effective.
interstitial nephritis. Kidney Int 35: 1257.
Ronco PM, Flahault A 1994 Drug-induced end- • In cases of resistance to these drugs (e.g. in South
stage renal disease. N Engl J Med 331: 1711. and South-East Asia), a quinolone or third-
generation cephalosporin may be used.
• Chronic carriage requires prolonged antibiotic
Tumour lysis syndrome (see Cancer therapy, and cholecystectomy is generally curative
complications. in carriers with biliary disease who do not respond
completely to antibiotics.
Prevention is with public health measures and
Typhoid Fever immunization.
Typhoid Fever (enteric fever) is caused by the
Nontyphoidal salmonellosis is common in
exclusively human pathogen, Salmonella typhi.
developed countries, with the usual sources
Transmission is via water or food contaminated
being inadequately cooked hen’s eggs, exotic
with human faeces. The disease thus occurs
pets such as turtles and the smoking of
primarily in developing countries, and the rare
contaminated marijuana.
outbreaks in developed countries usually arise
because of food handling by chronic salmonella
carriers. Bibliography
Hornick RB, Greisman SE, Woodward TE et al
Clinical features comprise: 1970 Typhoid fever. N Engl J Med 283: 686, 739.
• fever;
• paradoxical bradycardia;
• headache; Typhus (see Rickettsial diseases)
U Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Ulcerative colitis (see Inflammatory • Venereal inguinal buboes;

• Venous disease;
Ulcerative colitis

bowel disease)
• Yaws.

Ulcers refer to breaches in the skin or mucous Oral ulcers are seen in:
membranes. Though common, they may have • Aphthous states;
a large list of causes, some of which are • Behçet’s syndrome;
unusual. • Bejel;
• Erythema multiforme;
Skin ulcers are seen with: • Graft-versus-host disease;
• Hand-foot-and-mouth disease;
• Anthrax; • Herpes simplex virus;
• Basal cell carcinoma; • Leishmaniasis;
• Blastomycosis; • Neutropenia;
• Chancroid; • Pemphigus vulgaris, including bullous
• Chromium poisoning; mucosal pemphigoid;
• Cryptococcosis; • Reiter’s syndrome;
• Decubitus (pressure); • Stevens–Johnson syndrome;
• Diphtheria; • SLE.
• Ecthyma;
• Erythema multiforme;
• Felty’s syndrome;
• Graft-versus-host disease; Genital ulcers occur in:
• Granuloma inguinale;
• Amoebiasis;
• Histiocytoma;
• Behçet’s syndrome;
• Kaposi’s sarcoma;
• Chancroid;
• Ischaemia (including diabetes);
• Epstein–Barr virus infection;
• Leishmaniasis;
• Granuloma inguinale;
• Livedo vasculitis;
• HSV (type 2) infection;
• Lymphogranuloma venereum;
• Lymphogranuloma venereum;
• Mucormycosis;
• Reiter’s syndrome;
• Mycobacteria (non-tuberculous);
• Syphilis;
• Mycosis fungoides (cutaneous T-cell
• Stevens–Johnson syndrome;
• Trauma.
• Pemphigus vulgaris;
• Plague;
• Porphyrias;
• Progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene;
Antoon JW, Miller RL 1980 Aphthous ulcer – a
• Pseudomonas; review of the literature on etiology, pathogenesis,
• Pyoderma gangrenosum; diagnosis, and treatment. JAMA 101: 803.
• Scleroderma;
• Sporotrichosis;
• Squamous cell carcinoma;
• Syphilis;
• Tetanus; There are a number of urticarial conditions, but
• Tularaemia; apart from hives they are uncommon.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
1. Urticaria thus usually refers to hives, which
5. Leukocytoclastic vasculitis is

are areas of transient, localized, pruritic oedema,
varying in size from 1–20 cm and in number sometimes considered among the urticarial
from one to more than 100. They are usually conditions.
caused by food sensitivity (mostly due to the • It comprises necrosis of the walls of vessels
degranulating chemicals used as colouring and up to arterioles with extravasation of
flavouring agents) and aspirin. formed blood elements.
• This usually gives rise to palpable purpura,
The main treatment of hives and indeed of urticaria in but some lesions begin as urticaria.
general is with antihistamines and if severe with
• In addition, chronic lesions tend to
adrenaline and corticosteroids. Photochemotherapy has become urticarial.
been used.
Although it may be idiopathic, it is more
2. Angioedema (q.v.). usually associated with

3. Physical, due especially to cold, but also to • systemic disease (collagen-vascular disease,
heat or sun. Cold urticaria is produced in lymphoma, other malignancy),
some patients by IgE autoantibodies to a cold- • infections (infectious mononucleosis,
dependent skin antigen. It occurs particularly hepatitis, streptococcal),
during rewarming and is usually associated with • drugs (aspirin, cephalosporins, penicillin,
systemic symptoms, such as headache, procainamide, thiazides).
tachycardia, syncope and wheeze. If severe, it
resembles leukocytoclastic vasculitis (see below). Bibliography
Denburg JA 1992 Basophil and mast cell lineage in
4. Systemic mastocytosis produces a similar vitro and in vivo. Blood 79: 846.
picture to carcinoid but the main mediator is Dowd PM 1987 Cold-related disorders. Prog
histamine. There is mast cell accumulation not Dermatol 21: 1.
only in skin (in virtually all cases) but also in Ekenstam E, Callen JP 1984 Cutaneous
non-cutaneous sites, with visceral and bony leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Arch Dermatol 120:
lesions (in 10–20% of cases). It is probably 484.
related to lymphoproliferative disorders or Fine J 1980 Mastocytosis. Int J Dermatol 19: 117.
polycythaemia, and there may be associated Gibson LE 1990 Cutaneous vasculitis: approach to
diagnosis and systemic associations. Mayo Clin
eosinophilia. In addition to urticaria, there is
Proc 65: 221.
flushing, headache, fatigue, abdominal pain and Lewis RA 1984 Mastocytosis. J Allergy Clin
diarrhoea, all due to histamine release. In severe Immunol 74: 755.
cases, hypotension may be produced. These Mehregan RD, Hall MJ, Gibson LE 1992 Urticarial
symptoms may be precipitated by alcohol or vasculitis: a histopathologic and clinical review of
analgesics. 72 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol 26: 441.
Monroe EW 1981 Urticarial vasculitis: an updated
Treatment is with H1 and H2 antihistamines, review. J Am Acad Dermatol 5: 88.
anticholinergics for gastrointestinal symptoms and Monroe EW, Jones HE 1977 Urticaria: an updated
oral cromoglycate. review. Arch Dermatol 113: 80.
V Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Varicella • Varicella vaccine is now available and is


recommended for universal use, though it is not yet

The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a known if such vaccination influences the incidence
member of the human herpesvirus group. It or severity of any later shingles.
undergoes latency and reactivation as do other
herpesviruses. Bibliography
Varicella is a highly communicable illness, Strassels, SA, Sullivan SD 1997 Clinical and
economic considerations of vaccination against
with an incubation period of 11–20 days
varicella. Pharmacotherapy 17: 133.
following droplet or direct contact. The virus is
Straus SE, Ostrove JM, Inchauspe G et al 1988
carried by the white blood cells to the skin and Varicella-zoster virus infections: biology, natural
viscera. history, treatment, and prevention. Ann Intern
Med 108: 221.

• A vesiculating rash appears in successive

crops, especially on the face and trunk. Vasculitis
This resolves over 7–10 days. There is
associated fever, headache and malaise. Vasculitis refers to inflammation of the blood
• In adults, a diffuse reticulonodular vessels and comprises a group of conditions of
pneumonitis may occur, which can variable aetiology, clinical features and
eventually calcify. There is cough, outcome.
tachypnoea and prolonged abnormality of
gas exchange. Most cases of generalized or systemic
• Rarely, arthritis, encephalitis, myocarditis, vasculitis are of unknown aetiology but
nephritis, orchitis and thrombocytopenia presumably have an immune pathogenesis.
may occur.
• Clinical features include fever, weight
• Disseminated disease occurs chiefly in the
loss, malaise, myalgia, arthropathy and
presence of associated malignancy.
• Reinfection does not occur, except in
immunocompromised hosts when it is • There is anaemia, thrombocytosis, raised
ESR and hypoalbuminaemia.
usually mild.
• The most specific and sensitive test is
biopsy of an affected area.
Zoster (shingles) arises from reactivation and is • The diagnosis can often be difficult.
thus usually seen in older patients and especially • Corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment.
in the immunocompromised.
Vasculitis may also be
Varicella does not lead to zoster in another
person, though vice versa applies. • secondary to systemic autoimmune
inflammatory conditions, such as
The diagnosis is made by virus isolation or
positive serology. – rheumatoid arthritis;
– Sjögren’s syndrome;
The chief differential diagnosis is disseminated
herpes simplex infection. • organ-specific, such as
– primary angiitis or arteritis of the central
Treatment is with acyclovir (q.v.).
nervous system;
• Isolation is recommended to prevent nosocomial – neutrophilic dermatoses (e.g. Behçet’s
transmission to susceptible patients. Patients so syndrome – q.v.);
exposed should receive prophylactic immune – chronic lymphocytic vasculitis (e.g.
globulin. pyoderma gangrenosum – q.v.).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
There a number of specific types of vasculitis, crops of palpable purpura or even

including those: Henoch–Schönlein purpura. Although
small vessels are primarily involved, all
• affecting mostly large vessels;
cutaneous vessels may be affected. There
• affecting primarily medium-sized vessels;
may be associated renal, gut, lung or
• affecting primarily small vessels;
neurological involvement. It responds to
• associated with thrombosis;
• associated with spasm;
• Goodpasture’s syndrome (q.v.) and
• associated with vessel wall degeneration.
cryoglobulinaemia (q.v.). These can be
1. Vasculitis affecting mostly large vessels associated with a similar picture.
• leukocytoclastic vasculitis. This comprises
• Takayasu’s arteritis, or pulseless disease. necrosis of the walls of vessels up to arterioles
This particularly affects the upper extremities
with extravasation of formed blood elements.
of young Asian women. The aortic intima
It is more commonly considered among the
becomes thickened and inflamed. The
Urticarias (q.v.).
condition may respond to corticosteroids.
• vasculitis due to
• giant cell arteritis or temporal arteritis (q.v.). – meningococcaemia,
This is often associated with polymyalgia
– hepatitis B or C infection (sometimes),
rheumatica (q.v.).
– other bacterial, rickettsial or viral infections
• aortitis (see Endarteritis). This may (occasionally) 371
sometimes be secondary to rheumatoid
arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or syphilis. • drug-induced cutaneous necrotizing
• primary angiitis of the central nervous system vasculitis, due to
(see Cerebral arteritis)
– antimicrobials (beta-lactams,
2. Vasculitis affecting primarily medium- cotrimoxazole, quinolones, sulfonamides)
sized vessels – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents
– diuretics
• polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) (q.v.) – granulocyte colony stimulating factor
• microscopic polyangiitis. This was (G-CSF)
formerly considered a variant of PAN but is
– insulin
now recognized to be one of the ANCA-
– phenytoin
associated systemic necrotizing vasculitides.
– quinine
• granulomatous arteritis (Wegener’s – streptokinase
granulomatosis)(q.v.). In addition, vessels as
small as capillaries may also be involved in • cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis due to
this condition. miscellaneous immunological, inflammatory,
• Churg–Strauss syndrome (q.v.) connective tissue and neoplastic conditions
• Behçet’s disease (q.v.) 4. Vasculitis associated with thrombosis
• Kawasaki disease
• vasculitis due to hepatitis B • antiphospholipid syndrome with anti-
• vasculitis due to HIV infection cardiolipin antibody (q.v.)
• livedo vasculitis (see Livedo reticularis)
3. Vasculitis affecting primarily small
vessels 5. Vasculitis associated with spasm
• hypersensitivity angiitis. This term, which • Raynaud’s disease (q.v.)
may now be outdated though it is still • migraine
commonly used, refers usually to drug- • eclampsia
related vasculitis. It can be associated with • ergotism
V Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

6. Vasculitis associated with vessel wall Oz MC, Brener BJ, Buda JA et al 1989 A ten-year
experience with bacterial aortitis. J Vasc Surg 10:

• atherosclerosis Royle J, Williams K, Elliott E et al 1998 Kawasaki
• connective tissue disorders disease in Australia, 1993–95. Arch Dis Child 78:
Bibliography Savage COS, Harper L, Adu D 1997 Primary
Arend WP, Michel BA, Bloch DA et al 1990 The systemic vasculitis. Lancet 349: 553.
American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria Szer I 1996 Henoch–Schonlein purpura: when and
for the classification of Takayasu arteritis. Arthritis how to treat. J Rheumatol 23: 1661.
Rheum 33: 1129. Zilko PJ 1996 Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell
Calabrese L, Dune G, Lie J 1997 Vasculitis in the arteritis. Med J Aust 165: 438.
central nervous system. Arthritis Rheum 40: 1189.
Coffman JD 1991 Raynaud’s phenomenon: an
update. Hypertension 17: 593. Vasopressin (see Desmopressin and
Conn DL 1989 Update on systemic necrotizing
vasculitis. Mayo Clin Proc 64: 535.
Gatenby PA 1999 Vasculitis – diagnosis and
treatment. Aust NZ J Med 29: 662.
Gibson LE 1990 Cutaneous vasculitis: approach to Vertigo
diagnosis and systemic associations. Mayo Clin Vertigo is the distressing symptom of a spinning
372 Proc 65: 221.
or revolving sensation. While it may be due to
Hamilton CR, Shelley WM, Tumulty PA 1971
Giant cell arteritis: including temporal arteritis and
the same conditions as cause tinnitus (q.v.), the
polymyalgia rheumatica. Medicine 50: 1. most common causes are:
Hunder GG, Bloch DA, Michel BA et al 1990 The • vestibular neuronitis;
American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria
• trauma;
for the classification of giant cell arteritis. Arthritis
Rheum 33: 1122.
• a recurrent condition called benign
Jayne DRW, Davies MJ, Cox CJV et al 1991
positional vertigo.
Treatment of systemic vasculitis with pooled
intravenous immunoglobulin. Lancet 337: 1137. Bibliography
Jennette JC, Falk RJ 1997 Small-vessel vasculitis. N Harrison MS 1962 “Epidemic vertigo” – “vestibular
Engl J Med 337: 1512. neuronitis”: a clinical study. Brain 85: 613.
Jennette JC, Falk RJ, Andrassy K et al 1994
Nomenclature of systemic vasculitides: proposal of
an international consensus conference. Arthritis Vesiculobullous diseases
Rheum 37: 187.
Kerr GS, Hallahan CW, Giordano J et al 1994 Vesiculobullous diseases compromise a large and
Takayasu arteritis. Ann Intern Med 120: 919. heterogeneous group of blistering disorders.
Lie JT 1988 Classification and immunodiagnosis of They include:
vasculitis: a new solution or promises unfulfilled? J
Rheumatol 15: 728.
• pemphigus vulgaris and its variants
Lupi-Herrera E, Sanchez-Torres G, Marcushamer J
et al 1997 Takayasu’s arteritis: clinical study of 107 • dermatitis herpetiformis (see
cases. Am Heart J 93: 94. Dermatitis);
Mehregan RD, Hall MJ, Gibson LE 1992 Urticarial • erythema multiforme (q.v.);
vasculitis: a histopathologic and clinical review of • epidermolysis bullosa (q.v.);
72 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol 26: 441. • other conditions, such as contact
Moore PM 1989 Diagnosis and management of dermatitis, drug eruptions, heat rash, herpes
isolated angiitis of the central nervous system. infections, scabies and SLE, which may
Neurology 39: 167. sometimes produce blistering.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Bibliography Vitamin requirements

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Katz SI, Hall RP, Lawlwy TJ et al 1980 Dermatitis
Vitamin Dosage
herpetiformis: the skin and the gut. Ann Intern
Med 93: 857. A 1 mg (3000 IU)
Sehgal VN, Gangwani OP 1987 Fixed drug C 100 mg
eruption: current concepts. Int J Dermatol 26: D 5 ␮g (200 IU)
67. E 10 mg (10 IU)
K –
Thiamine 3 mg
VIPoma (see Diarrhoea) Riboflavin 3.6 mg
Pyridoxine 4 mg
Niacin 40 mg
Biotin 60 ␮g
Viral haemorrhagic fever (see Ebola Pantothenic acid 15 mg
haemorrhagic fever) Folic acid 400 ␮g
B12 5 ␮g

Vitamin deficiency
Doses are in ␮g or mg per day for iv
It has long been known that certain foods are administration in patients receiving a total
required for health. In 1906, Hopkins found parenteral nutrition (TPN). They may be
that in addition to protein, carbohydrate, fat, conveniently obtained by adding a commercial 373
minerals and water, there were certain essential multi-vitamin preparation (such as MVI-12 or
‘accessory factors’. In 1912, Frank showed that Cernevit) to the TPN solution. The dose
the anti-beriberi fraction in unpolished rice was requirements for vitamin K vary greatly
an amine, which he therefore called a vital between individual patients and may be
amine or vitamine. This name was then applied conveniently assessed by measurement of the
to all ‘accessory factors’, though later the ‘e’ was prothrombin time, since this test is largely
dropped off, as the substances were found to be determined by the plasma levels of the vitamin
chemically very different and not many were in K-dependent coagulation factors (see Vitamin K
fact amines. deficiency).
Later in the same year, Hopkins and Frank
proposed the theory of diseases due to vitamin Bibliography
deficiency, and the individual vitamins were Anderson JJB, Toverud SU 1994 Diet and vitamin
subsequently discovered, being given letters D: a review with an emphasis on human function.
according to their perceived function. As with J Nutr Biochem 5: 58.
trace elements, deficiency of any one of these Chandra RK 1992 Effect of vitamin and trace-
substances gives rise to clinical disease, and the element supplementation on immune responses
major deficiencies are discussed elsewhere in and infection in elderly patients. Lancet 340:
relation to the individual vitamins. 1124.
DeLuca HF 1978 Vitamin D metabolism and
As with trace elements, there have been function. Arch Intern Med 138: 836.
recently published guidelines for the appropriate Shearer MJ 1995 Vitamin K Lancet 345: 229.
iv dosage of vitamins in critical illness, with Shenkin A 1986 Vitamin and essential trace element
particular emphasis on prevention of deficiency. recommendations during intravenous therapy:
However, unlike those for trace elements, the theory and practice. Proc Nutr Soc 45: 383.
guidelines for vitamins re-emphasize previous
knowledge and practice. The recommended
daily iv doses of vitamins for this purpose are Vitamin B12 deficiency (see
listed in the table below. Megaloblastic anaemia and Pernicious anaemia)
V Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Vitamin K deficiency Vitiligo (see Pigmentation disorders)

Vitamin K deficiency

Vitamin K deficiency was until recently thought

to cause solely decreased plasma levels of four
Von Recklinghausen’s disease (see
coagulation factors or clotting proteins, namely
prothrombin (factor II) and factors VII, IX and Neurofibromatosis)
X. This coagulation abnormality is most readily
demonstrated by an increased prothrombin
time. Von Willebrand’s disease
Although vitamin K was discovered in 1929 Von Willebrand’s disease or perhaps preferably
(and later named K for ‘koagulation’), it was not disorder (vWD either way) is the most common
until 1974 that its unique mechanism of action congenital coagulation abnormality, with a
was elucidated and this in turn has led to the heterozygous incidence of about 1%. It was first
recognition of other vitamin-K dependent described in 1926 in Helsinki by Professor Erik
proteins. When precursor proteins (PIVKA) von Willebrand. The disease arises because of
bind to vitamin K-dependent ␥-carboxylase, either deficient or defective von Willebrand’s
several glutamic acid residues (Glu) are factor, vWF, a plasma protein coded for by a
converted to ␥-carboxyglutamic acid residues gene on chromosome 12.
(Gla). Gla residues are essential for the vitamin Von Willebrand’s factor circulates as variable
K-dependent proteins to form active complexes multimers from 0.5–20⫻103 kd. Its
able to bind calcium and attach to haemostatic function is to carry and protect
phospholipids, so that in vitamin K deficiency factor VIII: C and assist platelet adhesion by
only inactive proteins are produced. associating platelet receptors with
The other, more recently discovered vitamin K- subendothelial structures, such as collagen. This
dependent proteins include: it achieves because it has specific binding sites
for factor VIII:C, platelet glycoprotein
• the anticoagulant factors, protein C (q.v.) receptors and collagen. Very large multimers
and protein S (q.v.); are stored in the endothelial cells as
• bone Gla protein (osteocalcin) and matrix Weibel–Palade bodies, from where they are
Gla protein; released in response to injury.
• other less well defined proteins in lung, liver,
kidney, pancreas, and placenta. Von Willebrand’s disease may be classified as
The action of vitamin K is manganese-
dependent, so that manganese deficiency is in • Type I, the classical type
turn one of the uncommon causes of vitamin K This is inherited as an autosomal dominant and
deficiency (see Manganese). is usually seen in its heterozygous form, with
mild to moderate disease. There is a quantitative
Bibliography abnormality of vWF.
Dam H 1935 The antihaemorrhagic vitamin of the
chick: occurrence and chemical nature. Nature • Type II
135: 652. This consists of several sub-types of abnormal
Dowd P, Ham S-W, Naganathan S et al 1995 The multimer patterns. There is normal total vWF
mechanism of action of vitamin K. Annu Rev
but a qualitative abnormality.
Nutr 15: 419.
Shearer MJ 1995 Vitamin K. Lancet 345: 229. • Type III
Stenflo J, Fernlund P, Egan W et al 1974 Vitamin K
dependent modifications of glutamic acid residues This is the severe and homozygous form of type
in prothrombin. Proc Natl Acad Sci 71: 2730. I.
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
dose of 20 ␮g iv, which may be repeated in 6 h.
Clinical features often commence only in

Von Willerbrand’s disease

DDAVP is most suitable for preoperative
adult life and comprise bleeding, either
prophylaxis, although sometimes tachycardia,
spontaneously or in excess after surgery or
headache, flushing and water retention may result.
Since DDAVP may stimulate fibrinolysis,
concomitant epsilon aminocaproic acid (EACA, 4 g 4
There is commonly a spontaneous hourly) should be used as a fibrinolytic inhibitor in
improvement during pregnancy. those cases where local fibrinolysis may be enhanced
(e.g. dental extraction).
The diagnosis is suspected from screening tests,
which show with a prolonged APTT, together Aspirin should be avoided.
with a normal platelet count and an increased
bleeding time. The vWF quantity is measured
immunologically (as VWF:Ag), and vWF Bibliography
function is commonly measured via impaired Bloom AL 1991 Von Willebrand factor: clinical
ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation. features of inherited and acquired disorders. Mayo
Clin Proc 66: 743.
Treatment is with cryoprecipitate, which contains Sadler JE, Mannucci PM, Berntorp E et al 2000
large and functionally active vWF multimers. Impact, diagnosis and treatment of von Willebrand
Typically, 10 bags may be given 12 hourly until disease. Thromb Haemost 84: 160.
bleeding ceases. Veyradier A, Jenkins CSP, Fressinaud E et al 2000
Acquired von Willebrand syndrome: from
DDAVP (desmopressin – q.v.) causes release of pathophysiology to management. Thromb
vWF from endothelial cells and is usually given in a Haemost 84: 175.
W Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Waldenstrom’s Treatment is with atropine in large doses, i.e. 2–6

mg iv and up to 15 mg in the first 30 min. Dosage
Waldenstron’s macroglobulinaemia

macroglobulinaemia (see Multiple

should be doubled every 5–10 min until muscarinic
symptoms are relieved. A continuous iv infusion of
6 mg/h may be used for maintenance, since in severe
cases prolonged treatment may be required, with
Warfare Agents (see also Germ warfare)
hundreds of mg given over days or even weeks.
Chemical warfare agents are substances which
The most effective antidote is an oxime, such as
cause nausea, asphyxia, blindness, paralysis or
pralidoxime, which complexes with the agent and
burns. They may or may not be fatal. The term
thus removes it from acetylcholinesterase (see
usually includes defoliants but not smoke. They
Anticholinergic agents). It should be given promptly
were first used in the First World War, in the
and is used in a dose of 1–2 g iv in 100 mL saline
form of chlorine, phosgene and mustard gas.
over 15 min. If there is continued absorption or if
Because of public outrage and because they
muscle weakness persists, the dose may be repeated
usually had minimal military efficacy, these
once or twice hourly or a continuous iv infusion of
agents became banned and though available
0.5 g/h given.
were not used in the Second World War.
However, some of these agents remain stocked Diazepam up to 10 mg iv may be concomitantly
and have even been used in recent years. Tear useful, especially for fits.
gas continues to be widely available for civilian
376 Pyridostigmine is paradoxically effective as a
riot control.
prophylactic agent, because it binds reversibly to
The different agents may be classified as follows. cholinesterase and thus protects it.
1. Nerve agents 2. Mustards
These most commonly are organophosphates, These act as vesicants.
related to insecticides. They are thus easy to
They are chiefly treated locally and
manufacture and can be possessed by ‘rogue’
symptomatically, though iv fluids and possibly
military regimes or terrorist groups. They are
sodium thiosulfate may be useful.
potent inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase and are
lethal at about 1 mg (G agents). One of the 3. Lewisite
most toxic of such compounds is sarin
This is a vesicant arsenical.
(isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate).
It requires treatment as for the mustards, with the
addition of BAL parenterally (q.v.) and also as an
Nerve agents produce a cholinergic crisis eye ointment.
(q.v.) with dramatic muscarinic and nicotinic 4. Phosgene
This is carbonyl chloride, a colourless but
• The former include sweating, lacrimation, reactive and toxic gas with a smell of musty hay.
bronchospasm, diarrhoea and bradycardia. It is denser than air and becomes a liquid at 8°.
• The latter include weakness, fasciculation Carbonyl is a polar chemical unit of carbon and
and paralysis. oxygen and is a reactive constituent in many
Coma and fits are seen, and death occurs organic compounds, including aldehydes,
from respiratory failure. ketones, esters, amides, quinines and carboxylic
acids. Phosgene is thus widely used industrially
Survivors may suffer permanent neurological in chemical processes. It was first prepared in
defects. 1811 from carbon monoxide and chlorine, but
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
it dissolves in water to give arbon dioxide and Waterhouse–Friderichsen

Wegener’s granulomatosis
hydrochloric acid. It is thus a potent respiratory syndrome
irritant with a progressive effect over several
hours. The Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome refers
to acute fulminant meningococcaemia with
Its effects are treated symptomatically and with resultant shock.
intravenous and inhaled corticosteroids.
5. Cyanide (q.v.) This form of severe septicaemia is seen in
about 10% of cases of meningococcaemia
6. Incapacitating agents
and presents as typical endotoxaemia. It is
These are usually anticholinergics (q.v.). commonly complicated by:

They are treated with physostigmine. • myocarditis;

• disseminated intravascular coagulation;
7. Local irritants and nauseants • acute adrenal failure;
These require no specific treatment and • acute oliguric renal failure;
spontaneous recovery occurs. • adult respiratory distress syndrome.

Although typically caused by

Bardin PG, Van Eeden SF, Moolman JA et al 1994 meningococcaemia, it is not distinguishable 377
Organophosphate and carbamate poisoning. Ann from similar conditions caused by other Gram-
Intern Med 154: 1433. negative bacteria (including H. influenzae type b
Dunn MA, Sidell FR 1989 Progress in medical in children) and also by S. pneumoniae in
defense against nerve agents. JAMA 262: 649. asplenic patients.
Emad A, Rezaian GR 1997 The diversity of the
effects of sulfur mustard gas inhalation on Treatment is with resuscitation and supportive
respiratory system 10 years after a single heavy therapy, high-dose parenteral antibiotics,
exposure. Chest 112: 734. corticosteroids and possibly heparin if DIC if
Marrs TC 1993 Organophosphate poisoning. severe.
Pharmacol Ther 58: 51.
Plasmapheresis and monoclonal antibodies to
Nozaki H, Aikawa N, Shinozawa Y et al 1995 Sarin
poisoning in Tokyo subway. Lancet 345: 980. endotoxin have been reported to be helpful.
Rickett DL, Glenn JF, Houston WE 1987 Medical Prevention is important for contacts and for
defense against nerve agents: new directions. Milit patients at risk. Although there is a high
Med 152: 35.
mortality, there are usually no long-term
Sidell FR, Borak J 1992 Chemical warfare agents.
sequelae for survivors.
Ann Emerg Med 21: 865.
Tafuri J, Roberts J 1987 Organophosphate poisoning.
Ann Emerg Med 16: 193.
Vedder EB 1925 The Medical Aspects of Chemical WDHA syndrome (see Diarrhoea)
Warfare. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

Weil’s disease (see Leptospirosis)

Wasp stings (see Bites and stings)
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Water-related accidents (see Bathing, Wegener’s granulomatosis is the most common
Diving and Drowning) form of pulmonary vasculitis. It consists of a
W Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis of the upper The illness is fatal within one year if
Wegener’s granulomatosis

respiratory tract (nose, sinuses), lungs and kidneys. untreated, but long-term remission is now
A limited form may affect the lungs only. usual with treatment.
The aetiology is unknown, but the pathogenesis
appears immunological since it is associated with Variants of Wegener’s granulomatosis probably
the presence of a specific antibody. include the following.
The patient may be of either sex and any age 1. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis is an
but is most typically a middle-aged man. uncommon condition with histological features
Clinical features are very variable, but they resembling both Wegener’s granulomatosis and
commonly comprise cough, pleuritic pain and lymphoma. There is a pulmonary infiltrate
haemoptysis. Upper respiratory tract which is angiocentric, destructive and
involvement is manifest by rhinorrhoea, ulcers, lymphoreticular, with atypical cells showing
pain and purulent drainage. mitoses. Similar lesions may be found in other
organs, especially skin and sometimes the mouth.
There may be symptoms of multi-organ
involvement, especially affecting the kidneys, Respiratory symptoms include cough, sputum
but also skin, joints and eyes. and dyspnoea.

Blood examination typically shows anaemia, The chest X-ray shows bilateral infiltrates,
leukocytosis, thrombocytosis and raised ESR. rounded lesions similar to metastases and
378 cavitation.
Serology is positive for rheumatoid factor but
not ANA. The presence of antineutrophil No consistently effective treatment is available,
cytoplasmic autoantibodies (ANCAs) is nearly although combined corticosteroid and cytotoxic
100% specific and about 70% sensitive for the therapy is usually given.
condition. The particular ANCA in Wegener’s There is a high mortality, often with
granulomatosis is directed against cytoplasmic progression to malignant lymphoma.
proteinase-3, which is present in the lysosomes 2. Bronchocentric granulomatosis is a
of neutrophils and monocytes. This autoantibody destructive condition similar to Wegener’s
is therefore called c-ANCA or anti-PR3. BAL is granulomatosis, except that the lesions are
also positive for ANCA and generally has about centred on bronchi and not on blood vessels.
50% neutrophils and a few eosinophils. Some The distinction is important because its
other vasculitides are also ANCA-associated (e.g. prognosis is much better.
Churg–Strauss syndrome, microscopic
polyangiitis, renal-limited vasculitis), but these Many patients have asthma, eosinophilia, mucus
conditions are generally positive for p-ANCA plugs and hypersensitivity to Aspergillus
(i.e. the antigenic target is myeloperoxidase, fumigatus. In these patients, the condition may
MPO, which is perinuclear). represent a variant of ‘mucoid impaction’.

The chest X-ray shows single or multiple Bibliography

densities of varying size, often with cavitation, Cordier JF, Valeyre D, Gullevin L et al 1990 Pulmonary
but sometimes there is a more general infiltration. Wegener’s granulomatosis. Chest 97: 906.
European Vasculitis Study Group 1999 A multicenter
randomized trial of cyclophosphamide versus
The condition is often initially misdiagnosed azathioprine during remission in ANCA-associated
as pulmonary malignancy, but histological systemic vasculitis. Arthritis Rheum 42 (suppl): 225.
examination establishes the diagnosis. Falk RJ, Jennett JC 1991 Wegener’s granulomatosis,
systemic vasculitis, and antineutrophil cytoplasmic
Treatment is with corticosteroids and cytotoxics autoantibodies. Annu Rev Med 42: 459.
(usually cyclophosphamide). Fauci AS, Haynes BF, Costa J et al 1982
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis. N Engl J Med Bibliography
306: 68.

Woolsorter’s disease
Harper CG, Giles M, Finlay-Jones R 1986 Clinical
Hagen EC, Ballieux BEPB, van Es LA et al 1993 signs in the Wernicke–Korsakoff complex. J
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies: a Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 49: 341.
review of the antigens involved, the assays, and the Kopelman MD 1995 The Korsakoff syndrome. Br J
clinical and possible pathogenetic consequences. Psychiatry 166: 154.
Blood 81: 1996. Reuler JB, Girard DE, Cooney TG 1985 Wernicke’s
Hoffman G 1997 Treatment of Wegener’s encephalopathy. N Engl J Med 312: 1035.
granulomatosis: time to change the standard of
care? Arthritis Rheum 40: 2099.
Hoffman GS, Specks U 1998 Antineutrophil Whipple’s disease
cytoplasmic antibodies. Arthritis Rheum 41: 1521.
Kallenberg C, Brouwer E, Weening J et al 1994 Whipple’s disease is a rare systemic disorder
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies: current presumed to be due to infection with a recently
diagnostic and pathophysiological potential. described Gram-positive actinomycete,
Kidney Int 46: 1. Tropheryma whippelii. While it chiefly affects the
Ricketti AJ, Greenberger PA, Mintzer RA et al 1983 small bowel, arthritis is also common, as in
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Arch inflammatory bowel disease.
Intern Med 143: 1553.
Salama AD 1999 Pathogenesis and treatment of ANCA- Clinical features are seen mainly in men and
associated systemic vasculitis. J R Soc Med 92: 456. comprise fever, weakness, weight loss,
Schuyler MR 1983 Allergic bronchopulmonary malabsorption and increased pigmentation. 379
aspergillosis. Clin Chest Med 4: 15. Seronegative spondylarthropathy and
lymphadenopathy resembling sarcoidosis is
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome common. There may also be digital clubbing,
Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome is the name aortic and mitral valve disease, and a slow
given to the encephalopathy caused by thiamine dementia, manifest by confusion and loss of
deficiency. It is seen in: memory. The patient is typically anergic.
PCR identification of the specific organism is
• alcoholism;
now available.
• hyperemesis gravidarum;
• malnutrition; Treatment is with a prolonged course of antibiotics,
• starvation; usually penicillin, amoxycillin or tetracycline, for
• AIDS. 12–18 months. For neurological involvement,
cotrimoxazole is used together with corticosteroids.
The Wernicke component comprises: Whipple’s disease was previously fatal, but
• acute delirium, antibiotic treatment now produces long
• with associated ophthalmoplegia, remissions.
nystagmus and ataxia.
It responds to thiamine 100 mg iv daily. Relman DA, Schmidt TM, MacDermott RP et al
1992 Identification of the uncultured bacillus of
Glucose should not be administered without Whipple’s disease. N Engl J Med 327: 293.
concomitant thiamine. Swartz MN 2000 Whipple’s disease: past, present and
future. N Engl J Med 342: 648.

The Korsakoff component of the syndrome Wilson’s disease (see Copper)

refers to a state of chronic and usually
permanent dementia.
Woolsorter’s disease (see Anthrax)
Y Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care

Yellow fever Diagnosis is made by viral isolation or

Yellow fever

serologically. A PCR method has recently

Yellow fever is one of the viral zoonoses. It is become available. Characteristic inclusion
caused by a group B arborvirus or flavivirus, (Councilman) bodies and midzonal necrosis are
which is morphologically indistinguishable from seen on liver histology, usually however
other members of the togavirus family which examined only postmortem.
cause encephalitis in the Americas. The disease
occurs mainly in South America and sub-Saharan Treatment is supportive, though early ribavirin
Africa. Typically, there is a tropical reservoir in administration has shown promise in experimental
monkeys and a mosquito vector (A. aegypti), studies.
though in urban areas the reservoir is in humans. The disease is best controlled by vector elimination,
After an incubation period of 3–6 days, there because although immunization is available it is
are non-specific symptoms of fever, malaise, given chiefly to travellers.
weakness, nausea, vomiting and back pain. The The average mortality is 5% in endemic cases
patient is highly infectious during this time. but about 40% in epidemics and 50% in severe
These clinical features subside after 1–7 days. cases. In those who survive, there is a prolonged
The patient then appears well for up to a day or convalescence.
so, only to relapse with:
380 • jaundice (due to acute fulminant hepatitis); Monath TP 1987 Yellow fever: a medically
• shock; neglected disease. Rev Infect Dis 9: 165.
• renal failure; Robertson SE, Hull BP, Tomori O et al 1996
• coma; Yellow fever: a decade of reemergence. JAMA
• generalized bleeding tendency (due to 276: 1157.
disseminated intravascular coagulation).
Uncommon Problems in Intensive Care
Zinc (ed) Essential and Toxic Trace Elements in Human
Health and Disease. New York: Liss. p 3.

Zinc (Zn, atomic number 30, atomic weight
65) is a metal with a low melting point and Zollinger–Ellison syndrome
related to cadmium and mercury. It has been a
widely used metal since antiquity, primarily as The Zollinger–Ellison syndrome refers to the
an alloy, and it was first isolated as a separate condition of refractory, painful and often
substance in India in the 13th century. multiple peptic ulceration and diarrhoea
associated with a gastrinoma or gastrin-secreting
Zinc is essential for many forms of life. It is tumour.
present in carbonic anhydrase (and thus in high
concentration in red blood cells) and in a The tumour arises either in the duodenal wall
number of gastrointestinal enzymes. It takes the or more particularly in the pancreas, with about
place of iron in snails’ blood. In addition to its 25% of cases having other additional endocrine
presence in many enzymes, it is also needed for tumours. These include especially pancreatic
growth and tissue repair. It is thus an essential insulinoma, but also adrenal, parathyroid and
trace element. thyroid adenomas and pituitary chromophobe
adenoma (see Multiple endocrine neoplasia).
The normal sources are meat and seafood, and
Two thirds of cases are malignant.
deficient zinc intake is therefore common in
situations of protein malnutrition. The normal The diagnosis is based on increased basal gastric
daily requirement is 2.5–4 mg orally and the acid secretion (⬎15 mmol/h) and increased 381
recommended iv dose is 50–100 ␮mol/day. fasting serum gastrin (always ⬎200 ng/L and
These doses should be increased if there are often up to 1000 ng/L, though similar levels
excessive gastrointestinal losses. can also be seen in renal failure or after
Marked losses can occur in serious illness,
especially from gastrointestinal fistulae. The serum bicarbonate is typically high,
The most obvious clinical feature of zinc often ⬎40 mmol/L.
deficiency is an eczematous rash, especially
of the nasolabial folds on the face, but also in Since the tumour is often small, it can be
the perineum and on the extensor surfaces. difficult to locate even with sophisticated
Alopecia, diarrhoea, ileus, tremor, apathy
and depression can also be produced. Treatment is with resection if possible, though the
tumour cannot be located in 25% of cases or has
metastasized in 50% of cases.
Zinc overdose has been reported to cause
nausea, vomiting, hypothermia, hypotension, Medical treatment is with high-dose H2 antagonists
pulmonary oedema, oliguria, jaundice, coma or better with omeprazole if the tumour cannot be
and raised serum amylase. resected.

Bibliography Bibliography
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Copper, selenium and zinc status and balances after syndrome: current concepts in diagnosis and
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