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SESSION 2019-20



General Instructions:
Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Attempt all questions from Part I (COMPULSORY). A total of five questions are to be
attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five
questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are
given in brackets. [ ]This Question paper consists of four printed pages.


(Attempt all questions)
Question 1 [1x10=10]

i. What happens if fundamental rights are violated?

ii. When did the Constitution come into force?
iii. Which part of Indian Constitution deals with election?
iv. Mention any two fundamental duties.
v. Why is our Constitution called a comprehensive document?
vi. Explain the term ‘Universal Adult Franchise’.
vii. State two provisions of the constitution which proves India to be a secular
viii. When is the by election held?
ix. Why has the Indian Constitution accepted ‘Single Citizenship’?
x. Name the writ issued to a person who has been unlawfully imprisoned.

Question 2 [2x10=20]

i. State any two points of differencebetween Capitalism and Socialism.

ii. How did Megaliths help to reconstruct the history of South India?
iii. Name the tales native to India and its significance in Buddha’s life.
iv. Who established Mamluk dynasty? How did he consolidate his position?
v. Enlist the features ofthe new religion started by Akbar.
vi. Why did AlaudinKhalji introduce the market policy in Delhi?
vii. State two characteristic features of the Taj Mahal.
viii.Elaborate on the religious policy of Aurangzeb that led to the downfall of the
Mughal empire.
ix. What is the Industrial Revolution?
x.Who was the founder of the Mughal Dynasty in India? How did he become the
unchallenged ruler of Northern India?

PART II (50 Marks)
[Answer any two questions from this section]

Question 3

Fundamental Rights are defined in the Part III of the Constitution.

With reference to this, answer the following questions:-

i. What does ‘Right to Equality’ provide us? [4]

ii. Name the right which protect the citizen from exploitation. State its provision
as mentioned in the constitution. [3]
iii. What are the two rights given to a person against arbitrary arrest? Mention one
restriction imposed on Fundamental Rights. [3]

Question 4

With reference to the Directive Principles and Constitution of our country, answer the
followingquestions :-

i. State the significance of the Constitution. [4]

ii. Why were Directive Principles included in our Constitution? [3]
iii. Distinguish between fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy
. [3]

Question 5

With reference toElections ,answer the following questions:

i. Why do we need elections? [4]

ii. Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India? State the current
composition of the Election Commission. [3]
iii. Distinguish between Direct and Indirect election. [4]

[Answer any three questions from this section]

Question 6

The Indian subcontinent is a birthplace of world’s major religion.

With reference to Jainism and Buddhism, answer the following:-

i. Explain any three factors that led to the rise of Jainism and Buddhism in
India. [3]
ii. Mention the Tri ratnas in Jainism. [3]
iii. What are the Four Noble Truths as preached by Buddha. [4]

Question 7

The period between the 1st century B.C. to the end of 2nd century A.D. in Southern
India is known as Sangam Period. With reference to this, answer the following

i. Name the three dynasty which ruled during the Sangam Period. State three
achievements of Rajaraja I. [3]
ii. Who assumed the title of ‘GangaikondaChola? Why the land around Bay of
Bengal was known as ‘Chola Lake’? [3]
iii. Compare the society and economy of Sangam Age with Later Vedic Age. [4]

Question 8

The Gupta Age ushered a new era in Indian history. With reference to this, answer
the following questions:

i. Elaborate on the source of information of Samudragupta’s conquest? Describe

his military conquest. [4]
ii. What do we learn about the administration of Chandragupta II from the
account of Fa-Hien? [3]
iii. ‘Sanskrit received encouragement and patronage from Gupta rulers.’
Explain [3]

Question 9

Many different elements must have come together before a human community
develops to the level of sophistication commonly referred to as civilization.
With reference to the Indus Valley Civilization and the Vedic Age , answer the
following the questions:

i. What are Vedas? Name them. Which is the oldestVeda? [4]

ii. Compare the position of women in early Vedic period and later Vedic period.[3]
iii. Enlist the factors that prevent scholars from discovery the mystery of Indus
script. [3]

Question 10

Study the picture carefully and answer the following questions:-

i. Identify the picture and state its historical significance. [3]

ii. Which great ruler was adorned with two titles? What titles did he adopt?
Which incident brought about a change in his life? [3]
iii. Explain the Central Administration and Village Administration
under this kingship. [4]


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