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Ma. Cristina V.



Midwife is a profession. Continued competency is a part of career management. It is

important to apply and to know in my profession, because it can help my strategy to established
many standards in my profession that I will continue. Continuing Education may also develop
my knowledge, skill, and attitude results in improvement of midwife activity, and thus improves
the health care in the society. If the education is not planned and implement properly, it affects
the patient care. Having competency leads to an improved quality of patient care and an
increased patient satisfaction with the midwifes and helps promote midwife as a profession and
improve midwifery education and clinical nursing. In addition, patients expect midwifes to
be competent and to behave them in a reasonable way.
Continuing Education can help me to accomplish all of my goals. As to spend time
devoted to learning, the outcomes are positive for my career and overall lifestyle. Improving my
career often trickles down to the rest of my life because I’m more satisfied with my job, make
more money, etc.

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