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Presentation · June 2002

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4318.5529


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1 author:

S. V. G. Menon
ShivEnclave, Mumbai, India


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• THPD Lecture Series

• Theoretical Physics Division (THPD)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Mumbai, India

• June 2002

• Principal aim of this and next seminars is to introduce transport

equations for:

• Atoms - Rarified Gas Flow

• Neutral Particles - Neutrons & Gamma

• Charged Particles - Coulomb Interaction

• Brownian Particles - Aerosol Physics

• Thermal-Photons - Radiative Transfer

• Electrons & Ions in a Plasma - Self-consistent Fields

• The topics mentioned above have diverse applications:

• Designing a Gas Centrifuge - Boltzmann Equation

• Fission, Fusion & Nuclear Radiation - Neutron Transport Equation

• Alpha Particles in ICF Targets - Fokker - Plank Equation

• Pollution, Reactor Safety - Fokker - Planck Equation

• High Temperature Phenomena - Radiative Transfer Equation

• Magnetic Confinement Fusion - Vlasov Equation

• All the equations mentioned above employs a statistical description –
which uses a distribution function f(r, v, t) in phase space

• A lot of common features exist between these equations, however, there

are important differences.

• The differences arise due to the nature of interactions between the

particles and any background medium, if present.

• Always there are approximate equations, like Euler or Navior-Stokes

equations in fluid dynamics, diffusion theory, etc.

• The basic assumptions leading to the appropriate transport equations

would be the main theme of the seminars.

• Approximation schemes, methods of solutions, numerical algorithms, etc.,

will not be considered at all!

Boltzmann Equation

• Dilute mono-atomic gas, where binary collisions are only relevant. Three
particle and higher order interactions are rare in a dilute gas.

• One particle distribution function f (r, v, t) is defined as: f (r, v, t) (d r dv)

= average number of particles in (d r dv) around r and v at time t.

• Velocity moments of f(r,v,t) are the conserved quantities of the flow.

• Mass density = (r, t) = m  f (r, v, t) dv ( m= atomic mass)

• Momentum density = p(r, t) = m  v f (r, v, t) dv

• Energy density = e(r, t) = (1/2) m  v 2 f (r, v, t) dv

• Boltzmann equation can be set up by considering the changes in f (r, v, t), in
time interval t, due to :

Streaming or free flight - which change position of particles.

External force F as well as collisions - which change velocity.

• f (r + v t, v + t F / m, t + t) (d r ' dv ' ) = f (r, v, t) (d r dv) +

+ (Rate of collisions) (d r dv) t

• If F is independent of velocity , it is easy to show :

(d r ' dv ' ) = (d r dv) (Jacobian of transformation is unity)

r ' = r + v t, v ' = v + ( F / m ) t

• Fortunately, this is true for the velocity dependent Lorentz Force also.
• Taylor expansion, division by t, and taking limit t  0, produces

• f / t + v •  f + (F / m) v f = (f / t)collisions

• This is the general structure of all transport equations involving one-

particle distribution functions.

• Mechanics of a “binary collision” is needed to calculate (f / t)collisions

• Conservation laws

• v1 + v2 = v1' + v2' (momentum )

v1 ' v1

v12 + v22 = v1' 2 + v2' 2 (energy) v2 ' v1

• Angle between v1 - v2 & v1' - v2' defines the (C.M) scattering angle
• Velocities, v1 ' , v2 ' and the scattering angle specifies an elastic collision.

• Either theory or experiment provides the probability distribution of C.M.

scattering angle.

• Scattering law :  (v1 ' , v2 '  v1 , v2 ) - Short range atomic interaction.

• Molecular chaos assumption: f2 (r, v1 ' , v2 ' , t) = f (r, v1 ' , t) f (r, v2 ' , t)

• Two-particle distribution = product of one-particle distributions.

• Velocity correlations are, thus, lost in Boltzmann equation descriptions.

• Let R in = Scattering rate in to dv1 around v1

• Let R out = Scattering rate out of dv1 around v1

• Net collision rate = (f/t)collisions = R in - R out

• Use the scattering law or the differential scattering cross-section to get

• R in =    f(v1 ' ) f(v2 ' )  v1 ' - v2 '   (v1 ' , v2 '  v1 , v2 ) dv1 ' dv2 ' dv2

• R out =    f(v1 ) f(v2 )  v1 - v2   (v1 , v2  v1 '' , v2 '' ) dv1 ' ' dv2 ' ' dv2

• Substitution in to the transport equation produces a non-linear equation

for the distribution function.

• Non-linearity arises due to the incorporation of binary collisions.

• The final equation is, usually, rewritten in a simplified form:

• Use of momentum and energy conservation laws show:

•  v1 ' - v2 '  =  v1 - v2  & dv1 ' dv2 ' = dv1 dv2

• Basic invariance of interaction to symmetry transformations show:

•  (v1 ' , v2 '  v1 , v2 ) =  (v1 , v2  v1 ' , v2 ' ) =  ()

•  is the angle between v1 - v2 and v1 ' - v2 ' (scattering angle in C.M.S)

• f/t + v1 •  f + (F/m) v1 f =    ()  v1-v2  (f1 ' f2 ' - f1 f2) d dv2

• Standard notation : f1 = f (r, v1, t) , f1 ' = f (r, v1 ', t), etc.

• Boltzmann equation is the first attempt to describe non-equilibrium

evolution of a dilute gas. Till then, equilibrium thermodynamics and
kinetic theory existed – Maxwell’s velocity distribution, etc.

• Originated in attempts to ‘derive’ irreversibility from Newton’s mechanics!

• In addition to molecular chaos, the positions of colliding particles within

the volume element (dr) are also uncertain!
• The equilibrium solution of Boltzmann equation – MB distribution.

• H-function: H(t) =  dv f(r,v,t) ln [f(r,v,t)]. Easy to show that H(t)

decreases continuously during equilibration: dH/dt < 0 : H-theorem

• This is a consequence of molecular chaos assumption – loss of memory.

• H-function is negative of Gibb’s definition of canonical entropy.

• Deduce equations for (r,t), p(r,t) and e(r,t) - Euler Equations as well as
Navior Stokes Equations

• Thus hydrodynamic flow and ideal gas EOS follow from kinetic theory.

• For dense fluids, Boltzmann equation is inappropriate – three particle &

four particle collisions are important. There are attempts to include them.
• However, hydrodynamic equations are valid even for dense fluids (e.g.
water, solids) – under appropriate conditions which specify the spatial and
temporal scales.

• Boltzmann equation for a mixture of gases : type-A and type-B atoms.

• There are 2 equations and 3 collision integrals: (A & A), (A & B), (B & B)

• For example,   AB ()  v1-v2  (fA1 ' fB2 ' – fA1 fB2 ) d dv2

• Omission of collisions between type-A, and the dynamics of type-B, yields a

linear equation for the distribution of type-A particles.

• Type-B generally represents the ‘medium’ . All linear transport models

arise out of omitting the dynamics of a ‘dense medium’.

• For example, neutrons (in reactors) are type-A particles, while the medium
nuclei are type-B particles.
• Boltzmann equation has innumerable applications:

• Two important applications are :

(a) Modeling of gas flow in a centrifuge.

(b) Flow of metal vapor in laser isotope separation chamber.

• References:

Statistical Mechanics - K. Huang

Particle Transport Theory – M.M.R.Williams

The Boltzmann Equation - Cherchiani

Neutron Transport Equation

• Transport equation for neutrons and gamma is well known:

• v -1 / t +     + N t(r, E) (r, E, , t) =

+   N  (E'E,  ' )  (E’,')dE 'd ' + Sext (r, E, , t)

• This follows easily from Boltzmann equation follows by noting:

• f(v2 ') = N (v2 ') in Rin and f(v2 ) = N (v2 ) in Rout

•    (v1 ' , 0  v1 , v2 ) dv2 =  (E'E,  ' )

•    (v1 , 0  v1 '' , v2 '' ) dv1 ' ' dv2 ' ' = s(E)

• (E) is the neutron/gamma flux defined as: (E) dE = v f(v) dv

• Interactions include variety of neutron and gamma induced processes:
scattering, capture, fission, n-2n, n-3n reactions, etc.

• Neutron-gamma transport gets mixed up due to (n,n ' ), (n, ) and (, n)

• Two such problems are:

(n, ) transport in shields & atmosphere

Simulation of NEMP in atmosphere

• The second problem involves the calculation of electron current, generated

by Compton scattering, and propagating electromagnetic field s.

• Fission introduces effects totally different from other reactions.

• In addition to coupling low and high energy neutrons, fission brings up
configurations, wherein neutron density diverges in time.

• However, the diverging energy production initiates feedback mechanisms,

which put off the reactions – Noting grows indefinitely!

• Fast energy production introduces all the aspects high temperature and
high pressure plasma physics.

• Thus, hydrodynamic motion and radiative energy transfer form

components of a multi-physics-phenomena.

• Generation of high temperature brings up the possibility of considering

thermonuclear fusion together with fission.

• Scattering anisotropy is a complication in problems with neutron and

gamma distributions with significant anisotropy.
• Strong coupling of particle’s scattering angle and energy change.

• Need to use large number of energy groups, or continuous energy methods.

Angular part of Compton scattering


E=0.25 MeV
0.25 E=1 MeV
E=5 MeV
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
scattering angle (radians)
• Scattering of high energy neutrons from heavy elements is also anisotropic.

• In applications to reactors, calculation of time-dependent neutron density is,

partially, avoided by using eigen-values in transport equation (Keff , , etc. )

1.25 Scattering Cross-section (barns)

Vs Angle for U-235 for 0.5 MeV





-0.8 -0.4 0.0 0.4 0.8

Cos(scattering Angle) 18
• Distribution of ‘medium’ nuclei is important in a few situations:

Electron current due to Compton scattering - NEMP

Material burn-up & production due to fission and capture reactions

Doppler broadening of neutron resonance cross-sections

Distribution of thermal and cold neutrons in moderators.

• References

Physical Theory of Chain Reactors – A.M.Weinberg & E.P.Wigner

Nuclear Reactor Theory – G.I.Bell & S.Glasstonne

Charged Particle Transport Equation

• The transport equation for -particles also is of same type as for n and  :

• v -1 / t +     + N s(E)  =   Ns(E'E,  ' ) ( E ',  ') dE ' d '

• But -particle interaction has a Coulomb component. The Rutherford

scattering cross-section is highly peaked in the forward direction.

• The scattering cross-section in (C.M) scattering angle cm is :

• s(E ', cm) = (1/8) (e2 Z Z' /E') 2 [ sin (cm /2) ] – 4 - R.Goldstein

• In fact, the total scattering cross-section s =  s(E ', 0) d0 is infinity.

• In spherical polar system: d0 = sin(0 ) d0 d 0 = d0 d 0

•  '   = 0 = cos(0 ) - Cosine of the scattering angle in Lab system.

• Divergence of total cross-section is due to infinite range of Coulomb force.

• All the particles in an incident beam of infinite cross-section will be

affected by the target leading to infinite cross-section!

• The L.H.S of the transport equation consists of infinite scattering cross-

section. So the transport equation does not exist!


Angular part of Rutherford

1000 formula



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

scattering angle (radians)
• Scattering-out rate: Sout =   N s(E, , 0)  (E, ) d d0 -LHS diverges

• Scattering-in rate: Sin =   N s(E ', , 0)  (E ',  ' ) d d0 -RHS

• Change in energy  = E ' - E is a known function of E ' and 0

• 0 =  '   =   ' + ((1- 2) (1-  ' 2))1/2 cos (- ' )

• Spherical polar co-ordinate system for the directions  ' and 

 

• B  = Sout -Sin = N   [s(E ', , 0) (E ',  ') - s(E, , 0)  (E, )] d d0

• Scattering cross-section is very large for E '  E ,  '   , 0  1

• Cancell out infinite terms using Taylor’s expansion!

• s(E ', , 0)  (E ',  ')  s(E, , 0)  (E,  ') +

+ /E [s(E, , 0)  (E,  )] (E ' -E) +

+ 2/E2 [s(E, , 0)  (E,  )] (E ' -E)2/2

• Continuous slowing down model (without divergence terms)

• CS  = N  st (E , 0) [(E,  ') -  (E, )] d0 +

+ /E [1  (E,  )] + (1/2) 2/E2 [2  (E,  )]

• st (E , 0) =  s(E, , 0) d and n (E) = N   s(E, , 0) n d d0

• 1(E) and 2(E) are called slowing down parameters – Energy loss.

• Dropping n terms in [ CS ] produces the Lorentz model – Used for

thermal electron transport in plasma - Negligible Energy Loss.

• To derive the Fokker-Planck equation, expand (E,  ') around  :

• Taylor’s expansion yields ( is a 2-D vector in polar co-ordinates).

• (E,  ')  (E,  ) +  (E,  )  ( ' -  ) +  

+  (E,  ) (1/2) ( ' -  )2 + etc.

• Note that ( ' -  )2 = 2- 2 cos(0 ) = 2(1- 0)

• FP  =     (E,  ) + /E (  (E,  )) + 2/E2 (  (E,  ))

• Scattering power:  = 2  st (E, 0) (1- 0) d0 (No more divergence!)

• The Fokker-Planck Equation:

• v -1 / t +     =    (E,  ) + /E (1) + 2/E2 (2  )

• For a 1-D problem, where  =  (x, E, )
• v -1 / t +  /x =  / (1- 2) / () + /E (1 ) + 2/E2 (2  )

• Fokker-Planck equation was originally introduced in Brownian diffusion.

• References

Energy Deposition to Electrons & Ions by Alpha & Proton in Plasma –

Ms Chu, Physics of Fluids, 15, 413, 1972

Fokker-Planck Transport – J.E.Morel, Nucl. Sci. & Engg. 79, 340, 1981
Radiative Transfer Equation

• Radiative transfer is the main mode of energy transport in all high

temperature phenomena, e.g., those associated with fusion physics.

• Energy transport in stellar and planetary atmospheres is mainly via

radiation transport.

• In radiative transfer, thermal photons can be modeled as particles of

energy h and momentum h/c.

• Interference phenomena associated with thermal photons are unimportant,

due to their short wavelength, and incoherent emission.

• A black body at temperature T emits radiation according to Planck law.

The characteristic frequency is hm = 2.82 kT (units are eV & Kelvin).

• Visible light is emitted at temperatures of 7000 to 13,000 degree Kelvin.

• At 10 milion degree Kelvin, photon energy ~ 1 keV – thermal x-ray

• Radiation is absorbed and re-emitted by matter due to bound-bound,

bound-free and free-free transitions of atomic-electrons.



• Transport equation for I(r, , t) = radiation energy flux/cm2 sec :

• I(r, , t) = h c f(r, , t), where f = photon number, and  is frequency.

• c-1  I / t +  I + k I(r, , t) = j ' = j (1+ no. photons in d dr d )

• j on RHS is spontaneous emission rate. j ' is total emission rate, including

induced emission .

• k (,T) is the absorption cross-section (cm-1) , which depend on density ,

temperature T, and frequency  .

• Compton and Rayleigh scattering rate, which changes photon frequency, is

neglected in comparison to emission rate.

• This is easily justified if a typical plot of k (,T) is compared with

scattering cross-section . (see next page)
10 Al (Z=13) ( = 0.1 gm /cc)
KR (cm / gm)

0 Cu (Z=29) ( = 0.1 gm /cc)
10 Eu (Z=63) ( = 0.1 gm /cc)
1E-3 0.01 0.1 1 10
temperature (kev)

Rossland Opacity for Al, Cu, Eu

• Probability of induced emission is proportional to “ (1+n) ” , where is ‘n’ is
the number of photons in the ‘state’.

• ‘n’ = f d dr d / (2 dp dr / h3 ) = f c3 / (2 2 ) = c2 I / (2 h 3 ).

• 2 is for polarization, dp = p2 dp d = h3 2 d / c3 d , I = h c f .

• j ' = j [ 1 + c2 I / (2 h 3) ] is the total emission rate - depends on I .

• Spontaneous emission rate j depends on the level population, transition

rates, etc.

• Explicit calculation of j will need solution of atomic transition rate

equations. This is needed on time scales ~ 10-14 sec only.

• For time scales longer compared to atomic transition s, LTE (local

thermodynamic equilibrium) approximation is used.
• In equilibrium, the transport equation reduces to:

• je [ 1+ c2 Ip /(2 h3) ] = k Ip , where Ip is the Planck distribution

• Substitution of Ip= (2 h3/ c2 ) / [exp(h/T)-1] in the square bracket:

• je = k [1-exp(-h/T) ] Ip  k' Ip . Note: k' is effective cross-section

• Substitution of Ip explicitly je also yields

• je = k (2 h3/ c2 ) exp(-h/T)

• The net production rate of photons is simplified as:

• j ' - k I = j + j c2 I / (2 h 3 ) - k I

 je + je c2 I / (2 h 3 ) - k I = k' (Ip - I )

• Radiation transport equation in LTE approximation is:

• (1/c)  I / t +   I + k ' I ( r, , t) = k' Ip

• Planck’s formula: Ip = (2 h3/ c2 ) / [exp(h/T)-1]

• Temperature of medium is to be determined:

• Cv  ( T / t ) =   k' ( Ip - I ) d d - Energy equation.

• Space-time distributions of I and T are, thus, completely defined.

• Coupling of radiation field and temperature introduces non-linearity in

radiative transfer phenomena.

• Strong frequency dependence of k ' introduces multiple time and spatial

scales in radiative transfer.

• The steady temperature distribution, which exists in stellar atmospheres, is
called Radiative equilibrium:

• Fusion energy produced at centre is steadily transported to the surface.

  k' Ip d d    k' I d d

Heat flux :     I d d = 0

• References:

Physics of High Temperature Phenomena – Zeldowitch & Raiser.

Radiation Hydrodynamics – G.C.Pomraning

Fokker-Planck Equation (Brownian Motion)

• Brownian motion is a case of a heavy particle diffusing in a medium

consisting of light particles (e.g., Aerosol diffusing in air)

• In a collision with medium atom, the momentum of the Brownian particle

changes by a small amount compared to its momentum before collision.

• Let w(p, q) is the probability per unit time for momentum change p  p-q

• Let f(t, p) dp is no. of Brownian particles in dp around p – No spatial part

• Rate of scattering in to dp around p is : Sin (p) = dp  w(p+q, q) f(t, p+q) dq

• Rate of scattering out of dp around p is : Sout (p) = dp f(t, p)  w(p, q) dq

• f(t, p)/t =  [ w(p+q, q) f(t, p+q) - w(p, q) f(t, p)] dq

• This is the transport equation in momentum space. The form of w(p,q) can
be derived from the collision mechanics. (e.g., Hard sphere model)

• Spatial streaming and effects of external forces, if any, can be added.

• Since q – p  0, a null vector, Taylor’s expansion gives :

• w(p+q, q) f(t, p+q)  w(p, q) f(t, p) +i qi (/pi) [w(p, q) f(t, p)] +

(1/2) i j qi qj (2/pi  pj) [w(p, q) f(t, p)] + …

• The resulting equation is called the Fokker-Planck equation (1914)

• f(t, p)/t = i (/pi) [Ai f(t, p)] + (1/2) i j (2/pi  pj) [Bij f(t, p)].

• Ai and Bij are Fokker-Plank Coefficients – defined in terms of w(p, q).

• Ai =  qi w(p, q) dq Bij = (1/2)  qi qj w(p, q) dq

• Fokker-Planck equation is a conservation law:

• f(t, p)/t + i ( Ji /pi) = 0 .

• Last term (above) is divergence in momentum space.

• Current in momentum space

• Ji = - Ai f(t, p) - j (/ pj) [Bij f(t, p)] .

• When Brownian particle approaches equilibrium:

• f(t, p)  fEQ = C exp[ - p2/ (2 M kB T) ]. Maxwell – Boltzman distribution.

• T = temperature of the medium & M= mass of particle

• At equilibrium Ji = 0  M kB T Ai = j Bij pj
• f(t, p)/t = i ( /pi) Bij [(pj / M kBT) f + ( /pi) f ]

• For heavy Brownian particles velocity p / M  velocity of light particles.

• Use this aproximation to calculate Bij :

• B = (1/6)  q2 w(0, q) dq and Bij = B ij

• Fokker-Planck equation reduces to:

• f(t, p)/t = B p [ ( p / M kBT) f + p f ]

• B = (N/ 3 m) < p 3  >

• N= no. density of light particles, p its momentum before collision,  is the

collision cross-section, and average is over all the scattering angles.

• Diffusion coefficient (D) and Mobility () of Brownian particle:

• D =  kB T = kB T2 / B = kB T2 3 m / (N < p 3  > )

• Determination Avagardo’s number

• Is it appropriate to add more terms in the Fokker-Planck Equation? –

third order, fourth order, etc.

• NO. Either there should be only terms up to second order, or up to all the
orders, i.e. the original equation itself. Other wise positivity of f(t,p) is not

• The approach to Fokker-Planck equation could be used with any variable,

which changes by a very small amount in an interaction in the transport

• Alternate approach to Brownian motion – Langevin Equation:

• M d v /dt = - (6   a) v + A (t)

• A(t) is random part of the force of molecular collisions. The non-random

part is the frictional part.

• Gaussian white noise model for A(t)

• References:

1. Physical Kinetics , E.M. Lifshitz & L.P.Pitaevskii

(Landau and Lifshitz series volume-10)

2. Selected Papers on Noise & Stochastic Processes

(Edited by Nelson Wax)

Collisionless Plasmas

• Plasma has to be rarefied for transport equations to be applicable

• This is similar to the applicability of Boltzmann equation to dilute gases.

• A criterion for ideal plasma is interaction energy is smaller :

• kBT  e2/ <r> ~ e2 N1/3

• <r> ~ 1/N1/3 is mean distance between the particles, N=no. density

• Similar condition applies to dilute gases also.

• Charge neutrality within a sphere of radius ‘’ called Debye length

•  = [ kBT / (4  N e2 ) ] 1/ 2

• Criterion for ideal plasma is re-expressed as:

• e2 N1/3 / (kB T) ~ <r>2 / (4   2)  1

• Thus, there must be a large no. of particles within a Debye sphere.

• Plasma to be classical (without quantum mechanical effects):

• kBT  (h/2)2 N2/3/m – degeneracy temperature

• Transport equation for each type of particles (electrons & ions) is

•  f / t + v .  f /  r + (F/m) .  f /  p = C(f)

• f(r, v, t) is the one particle distribution function – mean no. of particles.

• For a collisionless plasma, the collision rate C(f) ~ 0.

• However particles interact through the electric & magnetic fields produced
by themselves.

• For a neutral gas, particles move in straight lines between collisions.

Collisions are due to interactions of short range ~ atomic dimensions.

• In transport theory, these collisions are modeled as random events, which

ensures approach to equilibrium with increase of entropy.

• The term consisting of (F/m) in transport Eqn. is absent for neutral gases.

• In a plasma, all the interactions cannot be modeled as ‘collisions’ due to the

long range of Coulomb force.
• Debye radius  up to which the screened Coulomb force is effective, is
much larger than the mean inter-particle distance.

• Interactions at distances ~  will be of very small strength. Hence these can

not be expected to lead to equilibrium.

• At such distances, the interactions are NOT of ‘two-body’ type, but

‘collective’ type involving many particles.

• The fields causing such interactions are produced by many particles, hence
are of macroscopic type.

• Macroscopic forces are NOT random, they cannot increase entropy. These
must be excluded from so called ‘collisions’.

• The exact electric (E*) and magnetic (H*) fields may be split as:

• E* = E + e H* = H + h

• E and H are macroscopic fields obtained by averaging E* and H* over a

distance large compared to inter-particle distance, but small compared to
Debye length.

• The macroscopic E and H fields, which lead to the Lorentz force, can be
taken to be generated by macroscopic electrodynamics.

• The fields e and h are random, and significant only over a distance ~
inter-particle distance.

• Fields e and h will cause random changes in the direction of motion of

particles, and hence cause so called ‘collisions’ .

• In all plasmas, collisions do take place, but can be neglected sometimes.

• If the collision frequency ()– reciprocal of mean time between collisions –

is small compared to the frequency () of the macroscopic E and H fields,
plasma is collisionless.

• (1)    (collisionless plasma model)

• Similarly, if the mean free path (l) is large compared to the spatial scale
length (L) of the fields E and H, plasma is collisionless.

• (2) L  l ~ <v> /  or

  <v>/L (collisionless plasma model)

• The transport equations for collisionless plasma are:

• For electrons: (e = electron charge)

•  fe / t + v .  fe /  r – e ( E + v x B /c ) .  fe /  p = 0

• For ions: (Ze = ion charge)

•  fi / t + v .  fi /  r + Ze ( E + v x B /c ) .  fi /  p = 0

• Macroscopic Maxwell’s equations close the system:

•  x E = - (1/c)  B/ t

•  x B = + (1/c)  E/ t + (4/c) J

• .B = 0 .E = 4 ρ

• Charge density and current density are given by

• ρ = e  (Z fi – fe) dp J = e  v (Z fi – fe) dp

• Self- consistent fields in transport equations are due to Vlasov (1937).

• References:

1. Physical Kinetics , E.M. Lifshitz & L.P.Pitaevskii

(Landau and Lifshitz series volume-10)

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