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Drug crimes, are the crimes which are related to the drugs, and are against the law

A drug related crime is the one which involves the manufacture, possession or distribution of
the drugs which have potential for abuse. These crimes are also related to the product of
drugs as well as the trafficking which is often controlled by the organised crime and gang
along with the drug cartels


5% 4%
11% 26%


Alchol(26%) Cannabis(29%)
Opium(25%) Heroin(11%)
others(5%) Other Opiates(4%)

The column (1) represents a pie chart depicting

the consumption of the various drugs by the
people from all over the world.1

“United nations office on drugs and crimes ( UNODC ). National survey on extent, pattern and trends of drug
abuse in India”


A person is said to have committed a drug crime, when he without any authority is
knowingly under the possession of the drug.

A person can be convicted under this crime, when the below three elements are proved:
Intentional possession of the controlled substance a long with the knowledge; carrying no
valid prescription for the possession; quantity which would be sufficient either for sale or
personal use.

However it is not necessary that the person has the actual possession. He can as well have
a constructive possession, I.e when the person does not have the drugs with them but in
such a manner that they gave the access and control over those drugs


Another drug related crime is the “creation or cooking a synthetic chemical substance”. It
also includes extraction of a natural drug, for example: growing illegal “MARIJUANA”.
However, manufacturing does not include the production but also packaging. This means
that when a person us involved in Packaging a drug for resale, such an act also amounts to
a crime.


Drug paraphernalia is a crime which includes any equipment that is used to inject, inhale,
prepare or conceal, drugs. It also includes any such equipment which us used in the
production of drugs.

In accordance with the principles of National Drug intelligence Center, to import, export,
of sell any kind of drug paraphernalia is against the law. These include, syringes, rolling

papers, bongs etc.

One problem that drug paraphernalia poses is the problem in identification of the
equipment. There are certain cases in which the product may have been said to serve for a
legal purpose. These equipments can include, rolling papers, syringes etc.

Chart Title







2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


The Y axis represents the number of arrests; on the other hand

The X axis represents the number of years

The above histogram depicts the number of people arrested for drug trafficking
( manufacturing, possession and distribution ) in the last five years. The following chart
depicts the growth in the people arrested each year. In 2015, a total number of 6,658 people
were arrested, 27,480 in 2016, 32,559 in 2017, 38,975 in 2018 with a total of 56,006 in 2019

Serial Name of the 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

No. drug

1. Heroin 1047 766 528 1029 863

2. Opium 1732 1829 2438 3625 1116

3. Hashish 3549 4300 3872 3338 2000
4. Ephedrine 1244 2207 7208 4393 1862
5. Methaqualone 5 20 72 216 274

Following is the table, which represents the seizure of the five above mentioned drugs in
India during the years 2015-19. While there has been a significant increase in the seizure of
Methaqualone, the seizure of other drugs have somewhat remained the same


A number of recent surveys have shown the relationship and linkage between the suicidal
behaviour and the drug use. Various studies have shown the influence alcohol and drugs have
providing toxicity to the human body. Referring to a recent study, a minimum of 50% of the
suicides committed are the consequences of these controlled substances

Chart Title








2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The x axis depicts the number of suicides; on the other hand
The y axis represents the number of years
The above chart shows the growth in the number of suicides been committed in the last five
years ( 2015-19 ). It shows the increasing number of suicides which takes place each year,
which can be more evidently seen in the teenage population. In 2015, there were 3670, 5199
in 2016, 6705 in 2017, 7193 in 2018 which later increased to 7860 in 2019


With the increasing rate of crimes related to drugs in India, it is important to take appropriate
measures to prevent it for the future of the country. The first step to prevent the growth of
drug crimes can be the effective coordination among the agencies associated, I.e “narcotics
control bureau” . There are a number of NGOs which have been set up to help the people
come out of the drug addiction, but the main problem it possess is the money it charges. The
government can establish economical de-addiction centres and camps which can be used by a
larger number of people. One important step is to create awareness among the citizens of the
country about the harm which the drugs cause, by holding a large number of campaigns and
advertisements so as to reach over a mass population. Punishment under the “illegal drug
control act” could be enhanced, where the law breakers should be heavily penalised. Another
step which could prove to of great efficiency is to focus on the source from where the drugs
are supplied. There are a number illegal agencies and manufacturers which need to be
stopped and ensure their compliance with laws

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