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Resource depletion is the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished. We are depleting the earth’s
resources at an ever-increasing rate. Our current global population is approx. 7.4 billion and growing. Earth’s total
resources are only good for 2 billion people at the current demand.

There are four basic reasons for the depletion of natural resources:
1. Rapid population increase:
An increase in population will decrease all types of natural resources and result in environmental pollution. Ultimately,
there will be short supply, as well as deterioration in quality of natural resources. This is because increase in population
will increase the demand of natural resources and environment. At present, the world population is increasing by two per
cent every year.

2. Pollution:
We are deteriorating our environment due to increasing population and industrial revolution. We are polluting
atmosphere, lakes, streams, rivers by sewage, industrial wastes, heat, radioactive materials, detergents, fertilizers and
pesticides. Besides these, we are releasing a number of toxic materials into our surroundings. The unplanned and
uncontrolled industrial growth may adversely affect or destroy the health of the society.

3. Consumption of materials:
Due to tremendous increase of population, most of the natural resources are being rapidly consumed. But, on the other
hand, many of the natural resources are essential basic human needs. Many industries require raw materials which are
essential for the advancement of the country. However, their rapid consumption will affect adversely the quality of our
environment either by unwise use of natural resources or by increasing pollution.

4. Deterioration of land:
Due to excessive consumption of minerals of the soil, fertility of soil is lost and the land deteriorates gradually.
Sometimes drought also results in deterioration of land and many nutrients of the top soil are destroyed and soil fertility
is lost. As a result of cropping, the cycling of soil mineral nutrients is greatly reduced. Erosion has also depleted soil
fertility because most of the minerals remain in the upper part of the soil and they are easily removed by wind or washed
away by water. Sometimes water erosion takes its toll of fertile soils.

The causes and consequences of top three natural resources being depleted are as follows:
1. Water
 Only 2.5% of the world’s total water volume is fresh water. Of that 2.5%, 70% is frozen.
 70% of the available fresh water that remains in used in agriculture, 20% in industry and only 10% is being used for
human consumption. 
 The depletion of our water resources is more serious that the current oil depletion. There are substitutes for oil but
nothing can replace our drinking water.
Causes: Increased irrigation, increased use in agriculture, roads and infrastructure prevent water seepage in the soil,
rising temperatures
Consequences: Drinking water shortage. Food Shortage. Famine.
2. Oil
 Oil reserves are a non-renewable resource
 Oil accounts for 40% of all energy we use
 Efforts are underway to develop cheaper and more sustainable energy such as solar power, wind power and other
forms of renewable energy that can replace oil and fossil fuel.
Causes:  Industrial boom. Increased population. Wastage.
Consequences:  Less Transportation. Smaller economies. Higher prices. Possibly help push the transition to green energy
with reduced CO2 emissions and pollution!

3. Forests
 An estimated 18 million acres of forests are destroyed each year.
 Half of the world’s forest has been cleared.
 Deforestation contributes 12 to 17% of global greenhouse gas emissions annually.
 Forests are the habitats of millions of species.
Causes: Urbanization, Illegal logging, Agriculture, Subsistence Farming.
Consequences: Soil erosion, Global Warming caused by the rise of greenhouse gases- Extinction of species and loss of
biodiversity. Flooding and drought.


Renewable Resources
Renewable resources are those resources which can be renewed or replaced over time. Great examples of infinite,
renewable resources are wind, sunlight, tides, biomass, etc. Some of the renewable resources are supposed to have
continuous supplies, such as wind energy and solar energy, while some others take a greater time in their renewal like
wood, oxygen, etc. Geothermal energy and a biomass are another good example of renewable resources.

Advantages of Renewable Sources:

 The sun, wind, geothermal, ocean energy are available in the abundant quantity and free to use.
 Renewable sources have low carbon emissions, therefore they are considered as green and environment friendly.
 Renewable helps in stimulating the economy and creating job opportunities. The money that is used to build these
plants can provide jobs to thousands to lakhs of people.
 Renewable sources can cost less than consuming the local electrical supply. In the long run, the prices of electricity
are expected to soar since they are based on the prices of crude oil, so renewable sources can cut your electricity
 Various tax incentives in the form of tax waivers, credit deductions are available for individuals and businesses who
want to go green.
Disadvantages of Renewable Sources:
 It is not easy to set up a plant as the initial costs are quite steep.
 Solar energy can be used during the day time and not during night or rainy season.
 Geothermal energy which can be used to generate electricity has side effects too. It can bring toxic chemicals
beneath the earth surface onto the top and can create environmental changes.
 Hydroelectric provide pure form of energy but building dams across the river which is quite expensive can affect
natural flow and affect wildlife.
 To use wind energy, you have to rely on strong winds therefore you have to choose suitable site to operate them.
Also, they can affect bird population as they are quite high.

Non-renewable Resources
Non-renewable resources are those natural resources that cannot be renewed once they are completely consumed. The
resources which are replenished very slowly are also considered non-renewable resources. This is because these
resources will not be available again or available only after a long time.

The best examples of non-renewable resources are fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gases. Fossil fuels are
produced by the decay of animal and plant matter. Their rate of production is very slow as compared to the rate of their
extraction and consumption.

Advantages of Non-Renewable Sources:

 Non-renewable sources are cheap and easy to use. You can easily fill up your car tank and power your motor vehicle.
 You can use small amount of nuclear energy to produce large amount of power.
 They are considered as cheap when converting from one type of energy to another.
Disadvantages of Non-Renewable Sources:
 Non-renewable sources will expire some day and we have to us our endangered resources to create more non-
renewable sources of energy.
 The speed at which such resources are being utilized can have serious environmental changes.
 Non-renewable sources release toxic gases in the air when burnt which are the major cause for global warming.
 Since these sources are going to expire soon, prices of these sources are soaring day by day.


The earth’s natural resources are finite, which means that if we use them continuously, we will eventually exhaust them.
This basic observation is undeniable. But another way of looking at the issue is far more relevant to assessing people’s
well-being. Our exhaustible and un-reproducible natural resources, if measured in terms of their prospective contribution
to human welfare, can actually increase year after year, perhaps never coming anywhere near exhaustion. How can this
be? The answer lies in the fact that the effective stocks of natural resources are continually expanded by the same
technological developments that have fueled the extraordinary growth in living standards since the Industrial Revolution.

The effective stocks of a natural resource can be increased in at least three ways:
1. A technological innovation that reduces the amount of iron ore lost during mining or smelting increases the effective
stock of that resource. Likewise, a new technique may make it economical to force more oil out of previously abandoned
wells. This decrease in waste translates directly into a rise in the effective supplies of oil. For example, say that in 1960,
with known drilling techniques, only 40 percent of the oil at a site in Borger, Texas, could have been extracted at a cost
ever likely to be acceptable, but by 2000 improved technology had raised this figure to 80 percent. Assume, for simplicity,
that the amount of oil in Borger was 10 million barrels. Let us say that between 1960 and 2000, 5 percent of the originally
available oil—500,000 barrels—has been used up. Then, by 2000, the effective supply of oil in that part of the Texas
Panhandle will have risen from its initial level of 4 million barrels (40 percent of 10 million) to 7.6 million barrels (80
percent of 9.5 million), which yields a net rise of effective supply equal to 90 percent. In these cases, what occurs is not a
rise in the physical quantity of oil, but an increase in the productivity of the remaining supply.

2. The (partial) substitutability within the economy of virtually all resources for others is at the heart of the second
method for increasing the effective stocks of natural resources. The energy crises of the 1970s provided dramatic
illustrations of the substitutability of resources. Homeowners increased their expenditures on insulation to save on fuel
costs, thus substituting fiberglass for heating oil. Newspapers even reported that the cattle drives of earlier eras were
being revived, with cowhand labor substituting for gasoline. Technological innovation can reduce the cost of extracting or
processing a resource. A new oil rig, for example, may require fewer labor hours to operate and use less electricity and
less steel in its manufacture.
Those savings of other resources can translate into savings of oil, because those other resources are thus freed up to be
used elsewhere in the economy, and some of the alternative uses will entail substitution for oil. Second, technology can
reduce the amount of the resource needed in a given use. Innovation in the auto industry, for example, has roughly
doubled miles per gallon in all petroleum used for transportation. Scientists measure this progress as a decrease in
“energy intensity,” or the amount of raw energy resource required per unit of economic output.

3. The third way we can increase our effective stocks of a natural resource is, of course, by technological changes that
facilitate recycling. Say, for example, that a new recycling technique allows copper to be reused before it is scrapped and
that no such reuse was economical before. Then this technique has doubled the effective reserves of copper (aside from
any resources used up in the recycling process). It is important to note, however, that recycling adopted without regard
for economic considerations can actually waste resources rather than save them. For example, some researchers have
found that combustion of municipal garbage to generate electricity sometimes actually uses up more energy than it


Economic growth is the process of increasing the economy's ability to produce goods and services. It is achieved by
increasing the quantity or quality of resources. The production possibility curves is a hypothetical representation of the
amount of two different goods that can be obtained by shifting resources from the production of one, to the production
of the other. The curve is used to describe a society’s choice between two different goods.

The PPC indicates the production possibilities of two commodities when resources are fixed. This means that the
production of one commodity can only increase when the production of the other commodity is reduced, due to the
availability of resources. Therefore, the PPC measures the efficiency in which two commodities can be produced
together, helping managers and leaders decide what mix of commodities are most beneficial. The PPC assumes that
technology is constant, resources are used efficiently, and that there is normally only a choice between two commodities.

Production possibilities, which analyzes the alternative combinations of two goods that an economy can produce with
given resources and technology, indicates economic growth with an outward shift of the production possibilities curve.
The general method of achieving economic growth is by increasing the quantities or qualities (Q and Q) of the resources.

With existing resources and technology, the economy can produce any combination of crab puffs and storage sheds up to
or on the production possibilities curve. However, it cannot produce any combination of production beyond the curve,
such as point M. While point M cannot be reached today with existing resources and current technology, it can be
reached tomorrow through economic growth. Growth expands the frontier, causing it to shift outward. Point M can be
reached when economic growth expands the frontier. Once the process is completed, point  M lies on the new production
possibilities curve. Another success story achieved through the miracle of economic growth.
The production possibility curve is of much importance in explaining some of the basic facts of human life like the
problems of unemployment, of technological progress, of economic growth, and of economic efficiency.

1. Economic Growth:
By relaxing the assumptions of the fixed supply of resources and of short period, the production possibility curve helps us
in explaining how an economy grows. The supplies of resources like land, labour, capital and entrepreneurial ability are
fixed only in the short run. Development being a continuous and long run process, these resources change over time and
shift the production possibility curve outwards as shown in Fig. 5.11. If the economy is stagnant at, say point 5, economic
growth will shift it to point A on the production possibility curve PP, and a further increase in the resources may shift the
production possibility curve towards the right to P1P1 The economy will produce at point C. Why point С? Because when
there is economic growth, the economy will have larger quantities of both consumer and capital goods than before.

2. Economizing Resources:
The production possibility curve tells us about the basic fact of human life that the resources available to mankind in
terms of factors, goods, money or time are scarce in relation to wants, and the solution lies in economising these
resources. As aptly put by Samuelson, “Economic scarcity refers to the basic fact of life that there exists only a finite
amount of human and non-human resources, which the best technical knowledge is capable of using to produce only a
limited maximum amount of each and every good, as shown by the Production Possibility Frontier. And thus far, nowhere
on the globe is the supply of goods so plentiful or the tastes so limited that the average man can have more than enough
of everything he might fancy.”

3. Economic Efficiency:
The production possibility curve is also used to explain what Prof. Dorfman calls the “three efficiencies: (i) Efficient
selection of the goods to be produced, (ii) Efficient allocation of resources in the production of these goods and efficient
choice of methods of production, (iii) Efficient allotment of the goods produced among consumers.” These are in fact the
central problems of an economy which are related to what Samuelson calls “what, how and for whom” to produce.


Definition of Economic Growth
Economic Growth is defined as the rise in the money value of goods and services produced by all the sectors of the
economy per head during a particular period of time. It is a quantitative measure that shows the increase in the number
of commercial transactions in an economy.
Economic growth can be expressed in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP), that
helps in measuring the size of the economy. It lets us compare in absolute and percentage change, i.e. how much an
economy has progressed since last year. It is an outcome of the increase in the quality and quantity of resources and
advancement of technology.

Definition of Economic Development

Economic Development is defined as the process of increase volume of production along with the improvement in
technology, rise in the level of living, institutional changes, etc. In short, it is the progress in the socioeconomic structure
of the economy.
Human Development Index (HDI) is the appropriate tool to gauge the development in the economy. Based on the
development, the HDI statistics rank countries. It considers the overall development in an economy regarding the
standard of living, GDP, living conditions, technological advancement, improvement in self esteem needs, creation of
opportunities, per capita income, infrastructural and industrial development and much more.


Concept Narrow Broad
Scope Increase in the indicators like Improvement in life expectancy rate, infant
GDP, per capita income etc. mortality rate, literacy rate and poverty
Term Short term process Long term process
Applicable to Developed Economies Developing Economies
How it can be measured? Upward movement in national Upward movement in real national income.
Which kind of changes Quantitative changes Qualitative and qualitative changes
are expected?
Type of process Automatic Manual
When it arises? In a certain period of time. Continuous process.

Hence, the basic differences between economic growth and development are explained in the points given below:
 Economic growth is the positive change in the real output of the country in a particular span of time economy.
Economic Development involves rise in the level of production in an economy along with the advancement of
technology, improvement in living standards and so on.
 Economic growth is one of the feature of economic development.
 Economic growth is an automatic process. Unlike economic development, which is the outcome of planned and result
oriented activities.
 Economic growth enables an increase in the indicators like GDP, per capita income, etc. On the other hand, economic
development enables improvement in the life expectancy rate, infant mortality rate, literacy rate and poverty rates.
 Economic growth can be measured when there is a positive change in the national income, whereas economic
development can be seen when there is an increase in real national income.
 Economic growth is a short term process which takes into account yearly growth of the economy. But if we talk about
economic development it is a long term process.
 Economic Growth is applicable to developed economies to gauge to the quality of life, but as it is an essential
condition for the development, it applies to developing countries also. In contrast to, economic development is
applicable to developing countries to measure progress.
 Economic Growth results in quantitative changes, but economic development brings both quantitative and qualitative
 Economic growth can be measured in a particular period of time. As opposed to economic development is a
continuous process, so it can be seen in the long run.

To understand the two terms economic growth and economic development, we will take an example of a human being.
The term growth of human beings simply means the increase in their height and weight which is purely physical. But if
you talk about human development, it will take into account both the physical and abstract aspects like maturity level,
attitudes, habits, behavior, feelings, intelligence and so on.
In the like manner, growth of an economy can be measured through the increase in its size in the current year in
comparison to previous years, but economic development includes not only physical, but also non-physical aspects that
can only be experienced like improvement in the lifestyle of the inhabitants, increase in individual income, improvement
in technology and infrastructure, etc.

After the above discussion, we can say that economic development is a much bigger concept than economic growth. In
other words, economic development includes economic growth. As the former uses various indicators to judge the
progress in an economy as a whole, the latter uses only specific indicators like gross domestic product, individual income

Invention Is the Mother of Economic Growth
One reason “dismal science” aptly describes economics is that it so often winds up in a zero-sum trade-off of diminishing
returns. That gets depressing when the global economy is in a sorry state, as it is now. But the situation is not as bleak as
it seems. There is a magical engine for economic growth i.e. Invention.It is the process by which the human mind creates
new ideas with practical consequences. Invention is magical because the magnitude of the output can exceed by almost
infinite measure the magnitude of the inputs. A single great idea can generate enormous transformations, economic and
otherwise. Unlike almost all other forms of human economic activity, inventing is not limited by a law of diminishing
returns. It comes with no dismal trade-offs.

Invention and its weaker cousin, innovation, are ultimately the source of all wealth and luxuries. In the age of Kindles and
smartphones, we are surrounded by obviously invented products. But “traditional” society, too, was built by the
accumulation of past inventions. Earth now supports 7 billion humans only because our ancestors invented agriculture --
and subsequent inventors continually improved it century after century. We live far longer and better lives than our
great-grandparents did because clever doctors invented medicines, therapies and public-health measures. The invention
of steel and concrete built our world, and the invention of democracy governs it. INNOVATION has increased
the PRODUCTIVITY of natural resources (e.g., increasing the gasoline mileage of cars). Innovation also increases the recycling
of resources and reduces waste in their extraction and processing. And innovation affects the prospective output of
natural resources (e.g., the coal still underneath the ground).

Examples: The telephone, printing press, automobile, airplane and the computer have contributed most to  economic


CASE STUDY #1 – Industry Revolution and Economic Growth

Ever since the Industrial Revolution, world demand for power and raw materials has grown at a fantastic rate. One
respected observer estimates that humankind “has consumed more aluminum, copper, iron and steel, phosphate rock,
diamonds, sulfur, coal, oil, natural gas, and even sand and gravel over the past century than over all earlier centuries put
together,” and goes on to write that “the pace continues to accelerate, so that today the world annually produces and
consumes nearly all mineral commodities at record rates” 

Are our natural resources truly being gobbled up by an insatiable industrial world? Table 1 presents some estimates of
known world reserves of five important nonfuel minerals (tin, copper, iron ore, lead, and zinc). Clearly, even though the
mining of these minerals between 1950 and 2000 used up much more than the known 1950 reserves, the known supplies
of these minerals were greater in 2000 than in 1950. This increase in presumably finite stocks is explained by the way
data on natural resources are compiled. Each year, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimates the amounts of reserves:
the quantities of mineral that can be economically extracted or produced at the time of determination (as inTable 1).
Those quantities can and do rise in response to price rises and anticipated increases in demand. As previously discovered
reserves of a resource grow scarce, the price rises, stimulating exploration that frequently adds new reserves faster than
the previously proven reserves run out.
Clearly, data on reserves do not show whether a resource is about to run out. There is, however, another indicator of the
scarcity of a resource that is more reliable: its price. If the demand for a resource is not falling, and if its price is not
distorted by interference such as government intervention or international cartels, then the resource’s price will rise as
its remaining quantity declines. So any price rises can be interpreted as a signal that the resource is getting scarcer. If, on
the other hand, the price of a resource actually falls, consistently and without regulatory interference, it is very unlikely
that its effective stock is growing scarce.

Table 1: World Reserves and Cumulative Production of Selected Minerals: 1950–2000 (millions of metric

Mineral 1950 Reserves Production 1950–2000 2000 Reserves

Tin 6 11 10

Copper 100 339 340

Iron Ore 19,000 37,583 140,000

Lead 40 150 64

Zinc 70 266 190

Sources:  National Commission on Supplies and Shortages, 1976; and U.S. Geological

H. J. Barnett and Chandler Morse (1963) found that the real cost (price) of extraction for a sample of thirteen minerals
had declined for all but two (lead and zinc) between 1870 and 1956. William Baumol et al. (1989) calculated the price of
fifteen resources for the period 1900–1986 and found that until the “energy crises” of the 1970s, there was a negligible
upward trend in the real (inflation-adjusted) prices of coal and natural gas and virtually no increase in the price of crude
oil. Petroleum prices catapulted in the 1970s and 1980s under the influence of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (opec). After that, as Figure 1 shows, real oil prices returned to their historical levels, until 2003, when oil prices
increased significantly again. While the longer-term prospects for these prices are uncertain, new energy-producing
techniques such as nuclear fusion, along with the increasing use of renewable energy sources such as wind power, solar
power, and hydrogen fuel cells, may be able at least to offset the upward pressure on energy prices.
Figure 1

Sources: Oil prices: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Review 2003 and
Petroleum Marketing Monthly, Nov.2004 (; Implicit price deflator, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Note:  Prices are crude oil domestic first-purchase prices in constant 2000 dollars, calculated using GDP implicit price

The price history of nonfuel minerals is even more striking, with the prices of almost all exhibiting a generally declining
(though fluctuating) trend after correction for inflation. Zinc, for example, which cost $2,021 (in 2000 dollars) per ton in
1900, had dropped to $1,226 in 2000 (with many peaks and valleys in between). The price of lead fell overall over the
century, with its 2000 price at $961 per ton compared with $2,083 in 1900. The real price of iron ore, which increased for
most of the twentieth century, has now returned to its pre–World War II levels. Real copper prices have fluctuated wildly,
with no upward trend. And for some minerals, such as aluminum, inflation-adjusted prices today are far lower than they
were one hundred years ago (U.S. Geological Survey). The USGS mine production composite price index, which provides
an overall snapshot of mineral prices, declined throughout the twentieth century, dropping from 185 in 1905 to 100 in
2000 (USGS, Economic Drivers of Mineral Supply,2002, p. 63). This is hardly evidence of imminent exhaustion.
CASE STUDY #2 : Invention and the American Economy
(R. David Simpson is a fellow in RFF’s Energy and Natural Resources Division. This article was adapted from his introduction
to the new RFF book Productivity Change in Natural Resource Industries, which he edited.)
(Nathan Myhrvold, the former chief strategist and chief technology officer at Microsoft Corp. and the founder and chief
executive officer of Intellectual Ventures, is a Bloomberg View columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.)

Invention is also frequently overlooked where its role is subtle. In some parts of the world, new ideas arrive slowly and
mainly by importation, but they still have great impact. Subsistence farming in Africa, for example, may not seem to be an
invention-related activity, but it is. Three key inventions - - corn in Mesoamerica; the process of cultivating and detoxifying
cassava in South America; and pastoral cow herding in Central Asia - feed much of Africa. Those inventions were imported
and adapted long ago, and African subsistence farmers could not survive today without them. Moreover, that the poorer
parts of the world have adopted so few new ideas is not just a symptom of the economic problems there -- it is the root

It is interesting to look back at 19th-century America to see the transformative power of invention. The United States
remains competitive in world resource markets, despite geological disadvantages and a relatively long history of depletion.
American ease with innovation helps explain why. A generation ago, some prognosticators warned that Americans should
brace themselves for an era of scarcity. Back then, the U.S. was considered a lawless, developing country of subsistence
farmers. Early in the century, the country became embroiled in war with the greatest power of the time, and half a century
later it got tangled up in a brutal civil war. American government could be deeply corrupt (think of Tammany Hall in New
York City), and its state of development ranged crazily from European-influenced Manhattan to the anarchic Wild West.
Alexis de Tocqueville, who toured America at the time, shook his head at horrible urban slums, sweatshop child labor,
slavery and persecution (or worse) of the indigenous population.

At its best, America in the 19 th century was like Brazil today, although in many ways Brazil is far more civil and
sophisticated. At its worst, 19 th century America was the heart of darkness. And yet it was during this time that the U.S.
became the world’s greatest inventing nation. Samuel Morse helped create the telegraph; Eli Whitney, the cotton gin; and
Thomas Edison, the light bulb, phonograph and movies. Europe remained the center of learning, culture, technology and
industrial prowess, but within several generations, Europe found itself relying on the U.S. for high-tech inventions.
Talented inventors the world over flocked to the new hotbed of creativity -- Alexander Graham Bell from Canada, Nikola
Tesla and Charles Steinmetz from Europe, among many others. It was a stunning transformation. Imagine Brazil suddenly
becoming the world’s leading source of new technology, and you get the idea.

Perhaps the best example we found of necessity mothering invention is something called the solvent extraction-
electrowinning (Sx-Ew) process in copper mining. In the 1970s, U.S. mining companies had to reduce costs if they were to
survive competition from foreign suppliers. Developing the Sx-Ew technology was an important component of the latter
strategy. It enabled copper companies to “mine” the waste streams from their earlier operations; now they could extract
enough copper from mine tailings to make them viable ore sources.

With gasoline prices near historical lows one might not expect it, but some researchers are suggesting that a new era of oil
shortages is just around the corner. As Richard Kerr has reported (Science, 21 August 1998, pp. 1128–1131) these
researchers predict that the end of cheap oil is coming soon. They argue that since the most easily accessible petroleum
reserves are near exhaustion, costs of production will begin to rise. RFF researchers Joel Darmstadter and Michael Toman
challenge this assertion, however, as indicated in their letter of response (Science, 2 October 1998, pp. 47–48).

If inventing is the driver of economic growth, then it follows that those regions fostering the creation and exploitation of
new inventions will enjoy prosperity. The poster child for this phenomenon is Silicon Valley, where academic and
commercial inventors, assisted by venture capitalists and other supporting players, nurture the most dynamic
environment in the world for generating businesses.

What we now call Silicon Valley had origins as inauspicious as those of the U.S. more broadly. A sleepy agricultural area
with no industrial or business base worth mentioning, its most notable asset was a university set up by Leland Stanford, a
19th-century robber baron. And even that wasn’t unique: public universities grace every state, and private universities dot
the landscape, yet none has fostered an invention engine like Silicon Valley.

So, why did this area, and America more broadly, succeed in creating invention-friendly climates when others failed? The
secret remains maddeningly elusive. The track record of other places that have tried to set up their own versions of Silicon
Valley -- and there are many -- is poor. Policy makers have pulled all the levers they have, from lower tax rates to favorable
zoning laws to research-and-development support, but none of these really sparks invention. These incentives may attract
big companies, startups and venture capital, all of which are ingredients in an invention-based ecosystem, but they are not
sufficient to stimulate the magic.

I would like to report that someone has figured out a formula for harnessing the power of invention. Alas, that is not the
case. If someone can, it would be, in many respects, one of the most important inventions in history because it would
allow us to craft the economy we want.


(Reference: Case study by HIJABA YKHANBAI with help by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of
Canada and World Bank for early methodological support on natural resources accounting, and the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), for support in this case study.)

Mongolia is forest poor nation in ecological, economic and social terms. The causes of forest degradation are forest and
steppe fire, insects and grazing of animals. Another reason is increased demand for timber consumption, which is supplied
by both legal and illegal logging.

This case study outlines results of forest resources degradation accounting, covering a period of 30 years (1976-2006) of
dynamics of change of forest resources in the country

Results of degradation accounting have been adjusted with some macroeconomic indicators of development. The results
of this study show that forest degradation has increased from year to year during the entire study period. This is due to
expansion of economic activity and increased global climate change impact for the forest ecosystem. The changes of forest
degradation have been integrated with macroeconomic indicators of socio-economic development of the country.

Mongolia is traditionally an agricultural country dominated by pastoral herdsman. It is also a forest deficit nation in
ecological, economic and social terms. The causes of deforestation and degradation are forest and steppe fire, insects and
grazing of animals. Another reason is the demand for timber consumption. The natural regeneration of Mongolian forests
is slow, due to the Central Asian harsh continental climate and fires and insects. The forests in Mongolia play an important
role in the maintenance of naturally balanced water conditions in rivers and streams, in the prevention of soil
deterioration, in the control of green house gasses, in the reduction of harmful emissions and in the preservation of the

This study was undertaken initially by the author (HIJABA YKHANBAI), in 1998-1999, with the involvement of
specialists and scientists from Ministry of Nature and the Environment, Ministry of Finance, National Statistical Office and
from related research institutions of Mongolian Academy of Science. During the preparation of this case study it was
revised and extended to cover the extended time frame by the author in consultation with specialists from the National
Statistical Office and the Ministry of Finance of Mongolia.

The total forest area of Mongolia is 17.5 million ha, of which 12.7 million ha is forest area (2006). The total growing stock is
1.27 billion cubic meters and the volume of commercial forest about 301.9 million cubic meters (2006). The average tree
size in exploitable forests varies between 0.45 and 0.58 cubic meters. According to species, the amounts are: Siberian
Larch 971.6 mln m3, Siberian Pine 70 mln m3, Cedar 161 mln m3, Siberian Spruce 3.6 mln m3, Siberian Fir 0.4 mln m3,
Birch 66 mln. m3, Aspen 1.5 mln m3, Poplar 1.1 l mln m3 and Willow 0.2 mln m3. 17.5 million ha is total forest area (Ref:
State of Environment of Mongolia, 2006) including areas which are not covered by forest and areas under shrubs and
wooded land. In FRA 2005 we included the figure 10,252,000 ha (from 2002), and in FRA 2010 we included the figure
10,628,000 ha. This is forest area under coniferous and hardwood forest. However in the Mongolian classification it is
defined as forest area covered by main forest species.

Future actions need to be followed by the institutionalization and adoption of the green accounting procedure in the
country. The proposed methodology of Forest resources degradation accounting is more suitable for the specific case of
Mongolia, but in the future it needs improvements in terms of including ecological and social benefits of the forest. It can
be improved through the experience of sharing with other countries and researchers in regard to global sustainable forest
management objectives. The ratio of forest resources degradation based Green Net National Product to NNP (79.8-91.3%)
is comparatively high, so it indicates a need for more sustainable forest management approaches. Future improvement of
economic incentives and instruments for sustainable forest resources management are recommended, particularly for
community based forest resources management, to reduce illegal logging and losses from forest and steppe fire. We
recommend future specific case studies of forest resources degradation at local and community level, including depletion
of all the economic, ecological and social benefits of the forest.

VI. Conclusion

Economic growth is a process that necessitates the need for new innovation and technology. In other  words, for a
company to achieve a higher economic growth, it should continually adopt new technology and machines. This is because
with the passing time, the technology becomes obsolete and there arises a need for the adoption of new techniques.
Thus, we see that with higher economic growth, invention and innovations is required. However, in this process the
natural resources are put at stake. As the natural resources are utilised in order to innovate new technology, this leads to
their gradual depletion. This is because new techniques can be identified only at the cost of some resources. Thus, in the
whole process of economic growth, the invention of new techniques is promoted by utilising the natural resources.
Hence, we can say that economic growth is a race between depletion and innovation.

Economists now recognize that, along with physical and human capital, environmental resources should be viewed as
important economic assets, which can be called natural capital.

Economies that have a greater endowment of natural resources must surely have a much better chance of attaining
higher economic growth rates and prosperity than relatively resource-poor economies. This must be particularly true
with respect to low and middle-income countries, whose economies are generally more dependent on exploiting their
natural capital stock in the transition to developing industrial and service sectors and the “take off ” into higher and more
balanced rates of long-run growth. However, if per capita income is to be sustained or increased in these economies,
especially with population increases, then any depreciation of natural resources must be offset by investment in other
productive assets. This implies managing natural resources so as to maximise resource rents and channelling those rents
into productive investments elsewhere in the economy. Although it would seem that the windfall profits generated by
resource price booms would be beneficial to this process, this may not be the case for resource-abundant developing
countries.Thus, natural resources have been a mixed blessing for developing countries in the past. But, when managed
well they can spur growth,boost jobs and revenues, and raise living standards more broadly.

If we do not act now, we will see the consequences of depletion of natural resources – and it’s not going to be pretty. A
desolate, dry Earth is not a fun place to live.
integrated policy of resource management should be practiced, otherwise unexpected future shortage might upset the
national economy.

It may seem like there is nothing you can do as an individual to stop the factors that are depleting our natural resources.
But you can do something. If every person contributed to the conservation of our natural resources and reducing their
CO2 emissions footprint, we can make a difference.
1. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by buying energy efficient appliances.
2. Cycle, walk or use public transportation whenever possible.
3. Save trees by going paperless or by using only recycled products.
4. Plant a tree wherever you can.
5. Participate in tree conservation projects.
6. Turn of all appliances when not in use.
7. Conserve Electricity
8. Fix leaky faucets and use recycled water for flushing your toilet.
9. Stop polluting the ocean.
10. Harvest rainwater when you can. You can use it for cleaning or watering your plants.

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