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(Name: Samit Das, Roll No.: 215120086, Department: Management Studies)

• Nike:

Nike's Kaepernick Advertisement

➢ Old Tagline: “Just do it.” →

➢ New Tagline: “It’s time to do it.” Downloaded
Created by Me

from Google

➢ Rationale: Initially, “Just do it” tagline was campaigned to target all Americans – regardless of age,
gender, or physical fitness level. In 2018, Nike released a video of partnering up with famous athletes
and features numerous households named sports figures. Currently, the brand’s main moto is to
promote fitness – regardless of age or gender. The whole world is affected by COVID-19 and
according to various research, physical fitness plays a vital role to fight the virus. The new tagline “It’s
time to do it” (given by me) fits the brand’s moto perfectly. The new tagline promotes and conveys
the message that irrespective of age or gender, people needs to start training to achieve proper physical
fitness and Nike provides the best gears for training.
• Burger King:

Burger King's 'AI-written' Advertisement

➢ Old Tagline: “Be Your Way”

➢ New Tagline: “The way You want.”

➢ Rationale: “Be your way” tagline focuses on customers’ way of life rather than the chain’s food and
services. This tagline does not suit a brand which sells burgers and fries. It may suit a clothing brand
or an intangible service. The new tagline “The Way You Want” (given by me) focuses on all the
customers who wants to customize (i.e., different types of toppings, extra meat, extra cheese, etc.) their
orders. The given tagine is directly connected to the chain’s food and services and it also conveys the
message that the brand provides various customization according to the customer’s desire.

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