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DISCLAMER: “You are strongly advised to follow the treatment plan as

prescribed. Usman Ali Fitness Team will not deal with any consequences you may
have in the event of using anything not listed in the program.”

Name: Muhammad Ali Hassan

Gender: Male
Age: 21yrs
Weight: 74 kgs
Height: 68 inches
BMI: 24.8
Total calories: 1400kcal
Total macros
Carbs: 70g/day
Proteins: 140g/day
Fats: 62g/day
Goals: fat loss, tone muscles, increase strength and power
Duration: 4 weeks


ͻ You are required to buy a kitchen scale for accurate measurement of food.
-Meat and rice will be measured after cooking.
-Vegetables will be measured before cooking.
ͻ Take Green Tea once a day.
ͻ No junk food, No bakery items, No sugar
ͻ Use Artificial sweetener in tea/green tea.
ͻ Not more than 1 cup of black tea in a day.
ͻ No white rice or white bread other than recommended.
ͻ Use only olive oil or coconut oil for cooking
ͻ As you are in a caloric deficit diet. You will lack many nutrients from natural diet,
therefore take a general multivitamin of any brand. (highly recommended)
ͻ Drink 14-18 glasses of water a day.
ͻ Use turmeric in cooking. (It has anti-inflammatory properties)
ͻ Use 1 -2 teaspoons of pink salt (very important)
ͻ Chew your food properly. (It helps in proper digestion)
ͻ Follow exercise and make it your daily routine.
ͻ Avoid eating late night snacks. (very important)


Omega 3 fish oil capsules 1 capsule (1000mg) Daily with meal 1
Multivitamin tablets 1 tab Daily with meal 1
Vitamin D 1 capsule (5000 IU) Daily with meal 2
Testo pro 1 capsule Daily after meal 3


Rich black coffee with boiled eggs

4 boiled eggs
1 cup black coffee
2 bran bread slices
Calories = 393kcal


Vegetable salad bowl

100g Cabbage
1 cup shredded lettuce raw
1 cup chopped cucumber
1 medium hard boiled egg
100g raw chicken breast
5 black Olives
6 – 7 almonds
7 halves walnuts
Mint leaves and lemon for garnishing
Salt and pepper to taste
Boil chicken first until tender then set aside. Mix all ingredients in bowl and garnish with
mint leaves and lemon

Calories = 414kcal

Grilled honey chicken
Chicken breast: 150g
Yellow mustard: ½ tsp.
Honey: 1tbsp.
Spices to taste
1 tbsp. olive oil/butter
100g sweet potato
Cut your chicken and coat it with mustard, garlic, honey, pepper and salt. Refrigerate
marinated chicken for an hour. Once marinated grill your chicken until properly cooked.
Serve with boiled/baked sweet potato.

Calories = 455kcal


Cinnamon and flaxseed pudding

100g Cottage cheese
1tbsp. flaxseed powder
½ tsp. cinnamon
Artificial sweetener (optional)
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy.

Calories = 138kcal

Note: don’t forget to send your weekly follow up in our group with following details:
Weight at start
Current weight
Waist at start
Current waist
Any issue faced while following diet plan
Any issue faced during workout plan

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