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Primary School
1. Where did you study in primary school?
2. What subject did you like the most when you were in primary school?
3. Do you still go back to your primary school for a visit?
4. Do you still stay in touch with your classmates from primary school?
Do you like to get up early in the morning?
What do you do in the morning? What is your morning routine?
Is breakfast important?
Your country
Which part of your country do you want to live in?
What makes you feel proud of your country?
Do you know the history of your country well?
Special costumes
1. Do you like to wear special costumes?
2. Did you try any special costumes when you were young?
3. When was your last time to wear special costumes?
4. Do you ever buy special costumes?

Describe a time that you were Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, sudoku)
shopping in a street market or an You should say:
outdoor market What it is like
You should say: How easy or difficult it is
When it was How long it takes you to solve
Where it was And how you feel about it
What you bought
How you felt about the shopping
Describe a place (not your home ) Describe a time when you ate
where you are able to relax. something for the first time
You should say You should say:
· Where the place is What you ate
· How you know this place When you ate it
· What you do there Where you were
· And explain why you think it is a good And explain how you felt about it
place for reading and writing

Part 3:
1. What are popular number puzzles and word puzzles?
2. Why do parents let their children play puzzles?
3. What kinds of puzzles improve people’s intelligence?
4. Why are mystery stories attractive to people?
5. What are popular number puzzles and word puzzles?

Part 3
1. How do students relax themselves?
2. What activities do employers organize to help employees relax?
3. Do people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past?
4. Do you think natural scenery is more helpful than indoor activities?

Part 3:
1. Do you think waiting is harder now?
2. Why some companies provide poor customer service?
3. Do you prefer human being or robot customer service?

Part 3:
What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
Should teachers and parents teach children how to cook?
Why do people like their local food?

Part 3:
Do you think what people wear can influence their mood?
Do you think it is a good idea to buy clothes online?
What kind of clothes do people wear in the workplace?
What are the differences between clothes worn by old people and those by young

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