Boring Not Worth It

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(One day, you find a mysterious letter in your mail. It reads; “Bored out of your mind?

Tired of the world? Want to

start anew? Head to this location. Spend everything if you have to, you probably won’t need it. Bring anything you
want to take along with you.”
Odded out but intrigued, you mark it on your map and set out to find the sender of this mysterious letter.)

(Days later)

Oh hey, somebody made it! I thought you wouldn't have due to how needlessly complicated travel is for humans.
What? I say ‘humans’ like I’m not part of the group? Well, I’m not. Not anymore, at least.
So anyway, I’ll cut to the chase. You’re here because you find life boring and not worth it. I’m not bashing you, I did
too, it’s how I ended up this way.
See that portal? It leads to an entire other dimension; the realm of fiction. Where in that dimension you end up is up
to you; but don’t expect to go back home.
(You ask how RDS is here then.)
Ah, that. Well, I'm an Astral, one of two, my wife’s the other. Strongest sentient beings there are. We go wherever we
want, do whatever we want. I was originally gonna just blow Earth up before Techni gave me this idea; so consider
yourself spared.

Anyway, I’m sure you’re a bit iffy about this, so before we cut to the actual chase, I’ll give you a choice.

You can either go through with this and play the CYOA as normal,
or back out and leave immediately, living as normal. If you select this option, I’ll hand you a soulbound credit card with
nigh infinite money on it. You can call on it and it’ll appear in your hand. Don’t worry about breaking the economic
system or running out, it has slight reality warping capabilities to make sure that doesn't happen.

Stedfast, I see. You made the right choice.

First things first, I’ll need you to pick an immortality method. Dying immediately would put a damper on the whole
thing. Some of these are spruced up variations of the Divine Trials or similar stuff and some are their own thing.
If you’re using Extended Universe from the Choose Your Own Author and just got done with Divine Trials or any
other thing that grants immortality, you can skip this step should you wish. You can go back and respec this at any
time before departure.
Immortality Method

This is one of the more fun ones.
Upon death, you get to choose Wild Card!
whether to stay in this world or get
transported to another one. If your
soul gets trapped somewhere, you’ll Don’t like any of these?
Undying Will be forced to go to another world. It’s Make one yourself!
You gain a save system like a a dice roll where on the world you Unfading spirit who can
videogame and no longer age unless end up in, and if moving on also a dice
you wish to. roll which world you go to. I’ll skew it time travel and make
Should you die, you will be able to so you will be able to escape from portals?
where you are with your reusable
Elixir of the Gods reload one of these saves. You can
also load manually if you get stuck or arsenal, but it won’t always be easy.
Vampire with a mansion
(DVT) are unable to progress. Respawning will NOT reset time like that serves as a
Probably the most Loading a state causes time in that Undying Will, so I won’t take this one spaceship? Do what you
dimension to reset back to that point. away, but you will live with the
straightforward. Greatly This also resets YOUR state back to consequences of your actions. want, but make it balanced.
enhances your physical that point. Most of the time, it’s locked to a However, there is a limit
capabilities and you have a Stronger beings and time world, but certain worlds, especially and I’ll say whether it’s
manipulators will begin to sense this the ones with members of the Legion
regen factor capable of of Code in them, can spread word. acceptable or not. Can’t
if done repeatedly. If things get too
sustaining you limitlessly. out of hand, I will jump in myself or Just don’t abuse your power and turn yourself into a super
Essentially, you do not die send an agent to deal with you as I you’ll be fine.
omega god either. Astrals
unless you are killed. see fit. You also are able to toggle your
aging, should you reach an age where included. Nice try, buster.
If you do, unless you want to you begin to degrade, you’ll loop back
You have 3 files, and can undertake
end it for real, you can res on challenges to get more. Also you’re around to be young and strong.
the spot. gonna have to figure out how to load

Alright, made your decision? Good!

Now we can get interesting with this. But first off, wanna redesign yourself?

Wawawait, I wanna do something first. I can’t have you going TOO crazy.
I’m establishing a point system in the form of Hype.
Lots of purchases, including all the fun stuff, costs a certain amount of Hype; choose carefully!
To start off, I’ll grant you 20 Hype. You can get more by doing cool things, or taking drawbacks, or undertaking
challenges. Some of these are huge weaknesses, but also have cool upsides.
Some categories only allow a certain number of options to be picked.

You might not like how you look, and that’s alright. Changing your form would
only require a thought. Your mind will be unchanged if you don’t take anything
here that alters it...

Choose an option for each row. Or Skip this entire section and gain 4 Hype. (All
stats will be normal if this is skipped.)

If you do this the normal way, you are able to alter this new body. Elf ears?
Snake tongue? Monsterguy or girl? Cybernetics? It’s all allowed, as long as
you’re humanoid. Oh, no supersizing. Sorry.

hear me out. Genderless
Male This option grants you the
Female ability to not only swap The antithesis to
Your standard fare, and a Also standard fare; genders, but also control Genderswap: instead of
good go-to. however, sadly tended to how your form is displayed. swapping genders at will,
Specialize in physical traits be looked down upon by Not full shapeshifting your form has no gender.
and brute force combat, the male variants, mostly. though. Be a guy with You can gender your
and due to the way your Agile and specializes more boobs or a futagirl, it’s up identity how you please; I
society is structured, also in magical traits. to you. However, this’ll have no control over that.
are more likely to take cost you a little. Due to this nature, I’ll
positions of leadership. Dexterity, Intelligence and throw in a bonus.
Potency cost 1 less or Costs 2 Hype. Cost nullified
Neutral; does not generate generate 1 more. if you pick Androgynous. Gain 2 Hype, and an
or cost Hype. Physique costs 1 more. additional 2 if you pick
All stats cost 0.5 less. Androgynous.
Physique and Fortitude
cost 1 hype less or gain 1 Potency and Luck cost 1
hype more. less or generate 1 more.

Dexterity costs 1 more.

Masculine Feminine N/A Androgynous

Presents yourself in a Presents yourself in a Presents yourself in a
masculine manner, from feminine manner, from manner where your gender
looks to build of body type. looks to build of body type. is hard to tell.
Gain 1 Hype.
Alright, done picking gender? Good. Now let’s get to the real part of this
section; stats. These are not concrete, they’re relative tiers.

Pick an option for each row. You may go one stage up or down from your
current one for free, gaining 1 extra hype if it’s down. A suitable challenge. Not
giving lengthy descriptions as I’m getting bored and these should be self
explanatory. Stat reductions from the Body section reduce stats that are
already 1 to 0.5 instead of making them free.

Pathetic Weak Standard Toned Muscular

Don’t even try to use Below average, though Perfectly average. Pretty good! A solid Bit less flexible… Though
physical attacks. you can punch as a last choice if you’re willing to you can still make it work
Gain 2 resort, You’ll depend on spend. if you prefer brute force.
speed for physical Costs 1 Costs 2
Gain 1

Frail Below Average Standard Durable Living Tank

You take physical hits like You’re able to take quite You’re nearly impervious
a wet paper towel. the beating. to physical attacks.
You’re slightly more Not much to say.
Gain 2 Don’t go trying to block Anything that does
fragile than normal. giant falling boulders significant damage is
Gain 1 though. gonna need a LOT of
Costs 1 force behind it.
Costs 2

Crippled Slow Normal Agile Sonic Speed!

You can barely use your Not as fast as the Standard, but better to Now we’re getting Move like a ninja, reaching
limbs. Probably gonna rely average olympic runner, take a higher tier for this somewhere. You’re pretty speeds most people could
on magic a LOT. Or get but suitable. Use precision stat. After all, if a move good at movement, which’ll only dream of.
synthetic limbs. when attacking. can’t connect, it’ll do jack come in handy. Schmoove your heart out.
Gain 3 Gain 2 shit. Costs 1
Gain 1
Baka Ditz Smart Genius Costs 1 Hyper Intelligent
Gain 2 Costs 3
Slightly dumber than Your intelligence is Capable of almost
standard fare, like you anything intelligence Tango with the greatest
Absolute gullible as usual.
supercomputers on your
hell idiot. got a bachelors’ degree. related.
planet. Your memory is
Gain 1 flawless. Well worth the hype.

Dry Eh… Gain 2 Standard Adept Costs 1 Prodigy Costs 3

If you take this, you Your magic Your magical Another one i’d say is Upcoming wizard of
cannot use any abilities capabilities aren’t capabilities are on worth it. You’re quite legend! Your magic
that require mana. On that good to start. par with the good at magic and reserves never run
the bright side, You’ll need a lot of standard magic user. can go for a long out and you’re
offensive magic won’t
training. time. awesome with it. Take
work on you unless it’s
You’re also good at Mana Factory for
got a lot of juice behind
it. blocking magic since free! You’re also
Potency also barely affected by
Sometimes all you need increases magic curses and what not.
to win is punch things resistance.
really, really hard.

Gain 5

Misfortune Gain 3 Unlucky Gain 1 Standard Favored Costs 1 RNGesus Costs 3

Your luck’s shiz. Your luck is normal. You can make one in
You’re not that good You’re inherently a million chances like
with RNG. quite lucky. they’re nothing! You
It’ll come through in a Things have a can control this
pinch, but in daily life tendency to favor power to prevent
it’s eh. you and your allies. looking like a cheat.

Done with your RPG build? Alright! Now we’ve gotta do some drawbacks. Take as many as you want, but heed
Sky Blue grants 1 Hype, Blue grants 3.

● Congratulations! (Divine Trials) You just got a new mental disorder! Or amplify one you already have.
● Targeted; in battle, enemies target you instead of teammates. However, this can be used to your advantage. Is
this really a drawback?
● Snoozin (Divine Trials) ; you need an extra 2 hours of rest each day. Might not seem like much at first, but it
adds up quick! Can be stacked up to 5 times.
● Genderbend (Divine Trials?): less controllable Genderswap. You will randomly swap genders at any time;
shortest cooldown is a day, longest is a month, might wanna take Andronygous or things could get wacky.
(Cannot be taken with Genderswap or Genderless.)
● Limiter (Divine Trials): Now this is a good one. Going full blast 24/7 is hard work, so this limits your powers to
25% full effect unless removed. This can be safely removed for a total of 8 hours a day (don’t have to do it in 1
burst). Any more and you’ll need to spend a week or so recovering. This limiter can be increased via practice
and gaining power; eventually capping out at around 85%, not needing to break the limit unless you need that
little extra push.
● Dependence (Divine Trials): You are now hugely addicted to some form of consumable. Spend 1 hype and I'll let
you pick it. Expect nasty withdrawal symptoms if you miss your fix, and if it’s supernatural or magical in some
way expect those symptoms to be wacky.
● If it fits, you can take drawbacks from other CYOA; 1 hype for every 20 points on any that run with double or
triple digit point systems, or on ones that use single digits it’s a 1:1 ratio.

None left behind. Costs 3. Alternate Start (Divine Trials) Gain 2.
No Way Home (Divine Trials) Gain 3.
You’ll be able to take up to 3 people Your entrance won’t be standard isekai
with you. They get to fill out this fare; your team will be scattered You are NOT going home. The chances
CYOA with whatever they wish , throughout the world and non-innate were already low, and this makes it no
except for taking the God Elixir (or items will be randomized among you. way no how impossible. No matter how
You’ll be able to get out of wherever powerful of a reality warper you get, no
wildcard), and entrance modifiers.
you are, but it won’t be easy. matter how skillful you are at navigating
Your friends get hype from entrance If you’re solo, your items will make their dimensions, you’ll never be able to get
modifiers you take. You will be able way to you over about a month. back home. This might fade eventually,
to identify them at a glance, and can
but your world’ll be unrecognizable by
communicate telepathically if you Take this and None Left Behind’s cost then. Is this really a drawback?
wish, like you’re all in VC, muting or will be nullified, in case you wanna party I’ll leave you to decide.
deafening themselves to the up.
telepathy. Should you take Isekai, if
you warp, everyone warps.

Taking this warps the chosen people

here, so you can talk with them
about this and strategize. Take as
long as you want, I don’t care.

Awesome Powers, Epic Boons and Shiz

Alright. Done with that? Now we can get to the real fun part... Powers! Take
everything your Hype can hold, and don’t be afraid to go a point or two over
budget. Still keep an eye on it, there’s more to come and you don’t wanna end on
less than -6. The number is the Hype cost.

Arcane Magic Divine Magic - Alt Magic - 2 Support Magic Mana Factory
-1 2 -1 -1
Time, space, Attunement,
Fire, water, air, telekinesis, discord , enhancement, Essential for those
Light, darkness,
earth, lightning, ice chaos, and fusion. divination, destiny, relying heavily on
holy/black magic,
and things that Even stronger and imbuing, pure mana magic! Basically, I’ll
hemo and
make up worlds. harder to get used and energy, healing, input some fancy
necromancy, and
to. You could even and summoning. code into you to
biomancy. Harder
Straightforward to control than stop time if you get boost your magic
and a good choice good enough. Pretty good for recovery into
Arcane, but more
for beginners. clerics, buffers, overdrive. You can
bards, and those even take a cool
who prefer marking of your
With this one, you'll
supporting roles. own design. Tattoo
be able to
Even if you don’t, on your back or a
shapeshift once
somebody’s gotta glowing gauntlet
you've mastered it!
keep you all alive. arm? You got it!
if that’s something
you're into.
Momentum - 1 Hyper Mode - 1 Cultivate
(Divine Trials)
Keep the flow going! This is a cool one, -2
Power Of I’m gonna give you entirely original.
this nifty little
Feeling (Divine prototype of my Remember all those
Burn Mana/Chakra magic abilities? You
Trials) - 1 Exponent Factor. No
or Augment to won’t need them here.
you’re not gonna be
overclock and
Defy the Odds On the bright side, this
an exponential. This is compatible with Dry!
Take this and I’ll little thing runs on multiply your -1 Take this one and in
link one of your tension. It’ll augment attributes and exchange for all Magic,
emotions to a your stats based on remove stamina The harder you’ll work solely with
power amplifier. a percentage; up to loss. Spirit power and
something is to do, Chakra instead. Master
When feeling that tripling your By the way, this the more of a boost techniques or make
emotion, you’ll get a attributes! This stacks with you’ll get in return. your own, and try to
augmentation can Momentum!
huge boost, and It’s even more keep up cause they
get easily
near infinite You can safely use potent if you only get stronger. The
interrupted; Take world of cultivation’s a
stamina. Anger is a this until your manage to get back
damage and it’ll go bit odd. You can get
good choice, it’s down by how much it Mana/Chakra or up after almost crazy powerful but it’s
what I used, but hurt. Augment run out. giving up. a little dog eat dog. Not
there are other Best on speedies, but Don’t have either Essentially, the saying it’s impossible,
viable options. (hint others can make it and it’ll function more you get your nowhere near, one of
hint, pick love or work too. Only like Kaioken and my daughters uses
ass kicked, the Chakra and she’s a
determination) responds to tension, physically strain stronger you Code Titan. Mana
so it’ll reset once you instead, become. factory still applies to
conflict ends. But meaning you’ll have this.
you’ve got a lot of to spend a while
freedom within that.
Personal OST D (Divine
- Trials) - 1 Ultimate RPG
-1 Styles (Divine
The same HUD Trials) - 2
Waifu (Divine Take this and you and
You have an from the Divine THIS is awesome. You
internal music Trials) - 1 Trials. Spend an
all party members
function like gain a sense of style
player which plays additional 2 videogame characters. and gravitas
music to fit the You get a clone of Hype to upgrade befitting of a badass
Most notably you’ll all
situation, kinda like a fictional girl/guy, anime protag. Expect
it to its Mental get your own stat
to hit targets
playing a video and they will follow menus, inventories, and
game. You can mute your every order Landscape leveling systems. Skills
without even aiming
it if you wish. unless it would version. level up as you use properly, never run
them and you can level out of ammo and walk
Comes with cool harm you or them.
up and gain cool perks. away from explosions
jingles when stuff They share your Free if you take Your party members without flinching.
happens too! immortality method. Ultimate RPG. will organize this stuff And hot babes will
You may spend an on their own and your come and go who you
additional 1 hype to Waifu/Husbando will can bang and move
upgrade them and answer to you when on.
using it unless you
grant a nerfed Super flashy moves
grant them permission
version of their to do it themselves.
are boosted in
powers. accuracy and power
Spend 1 extra to and everyone else
upgrade it and I’ll will be forced to sit
Sexual or not.
extend it to make and watch when one
combat like a of you undergoes a
They can be videogame of choice, transformation.
attracted to you changeable anytime A little extra never
any way you wish, you’re outside of hurt anyone, right?
in case you DIDN'T battle.
Unless you were on
want a hot wife or the receiving end.
husband to bang.

If you can’t pick, I’ll

let you create them
using this CYOA.
They cannot go
negative, so don’t
try to cheat.

Spend 1 hype and I'll

let them take your
boons, as well as
letting you pick or
make a variant of

Can be taken
multiple times.

Strong in Ready for

General - 1 Anything -
Simple; your body
gets stronger with Soul This nice little guy
your magic power
Boundless and vice versa. It
Refraction - 1 halves nutritional
needs, gets rid of
Bravery - 1 won’t be as much as all waste you
it will be specifically Project your very
produce, and halves
training, but it’ll will to take the
Your sense of fear sleep needs! Can be
make you quite form of a weapon,
up and died. Good stacked for 1 hype Erotica - FREE
versatile. armor, tool, or
for you! each.
anything similar
Fear is a major you may wish, like a Lets you control a lot ...So you want to… Live
negative emotion hoverboard or of things about your in a hentai? Err, okay…
body really. Fertility, I'll be making some
that makes you something. It’s resistance to toxins alterations to the
make stupid durability scales and diseases; it’s a portal then.
desicisions most of with your general quality of life
the time. Take this willpower, so get upgrade, which is why
and no matter the motivated! Should it’s free. I'll instead be sending
you to another plane of
situation, you’ll it get damaged too Penta stack it and I’ll existence where
never have an badly, your soul will remove the need for everything runs on
ounce of fear, retreat into your food/water and sleep hentai and porn logic.
giving an air of body and need time entirely! This fifth Sex fighting is possible
confidence around to heal. But that’s stack costs 3. and everyone has a
hidden kink, figure it
you and steadying not easy to do, out and they'll be putty
your mind. souls are pretty in your hands. All
damn strong. worlds have an hentai
This also grants variant and anything
insane charisma, if sexy that would be
frowned upon is freely
it wasn’t already allowed. Fun for a while
enough for you. sure, but I'm sure you
don't wanna just bang
people for the rest of

Comes with free

eromancy, which is
apparently sex magic.

I don’t know what I’m

doing with this, I need a

Mental Pet - Shapeshifting Steal 3 N/A N/A

FREE -1 (Choose 1 of 4
+ 1) - 2
I will say this one Remember when I
might be essential for said Genderswap
the uneasy. You get a wasn’t
Take any 3 powers,
pet of your choice, shapeshifting? This
real or fictional, and one lets you actually boons, or items
they have a mental shapeshift. from other CYOA
healing property and add them to
when you’re around With just a thought, your build.
them. You can also you can turn into any
telepathically talk to intelligent sentient
them! being you’ve seen
before. Or make up
You can spend 1 hype alternate forms of
to make them a your own. If you
mythical being like a decided to be
dragon or something, something that can
or grant 5 powers of shapeshift, like a
your choice. slime being, this costs

Alright, you done? Good! The most important part of a proper adventurer is
their mindset and skill;The second most being power, and equipment.Take a few
of the following items, if you want to.
Parasitic Suit - 1

Indestructible All

Terrain Vehicle - 1
(Yes it’s the Indestructotank, don’t sue pls)
I found this little guy from a
friend a long while back. I
don’t really need it anymore,
Infinite Item Box - though. This thing can not
4 only go through and over
ANY terrain (it can’t fly, shut
This one’s a bit costly,
up) It’s airtight, soundproof,
mostly because you can and (almost) indestructible!
get almost ANYTHING. You can call it at any time and Ultimate Attire
You might get something it’ll appear. (Divine Trials,
from your world, but Should it SOMEHOW get
you’re more likely to get
damaged, it’ll repair itself over maybe) - 1
time, full reconstruction
something that isn’t. It requiring roughly a fortnight. It’s not gonna take over or
can take anywhere from You can integrate stuff into Provides you with anything like that. Wearing the
suit grants a boost to your
minutes to a day to it, (even weapons, which is interchangeable clothing, attributes, physical and
recharge depending on HIGHLY recommended if which will repair in a few magical/spiritual. It’s also got a
you’re actually gonna use this minutes if damaged. No
what you got. You could little helpful smart AI friend built
thing for combat,) and the into it, a nice companion and
even POTENTIALLY get extra parts will get those
more need for clothing
assistant. The suit grows with
everything else here, benefits. The base vehicle shopping! Does jack crap you when wearing it; the
with a low chance. itself is of the utmost quality in terms of defense at stronger you become, the
and should last a good while stronger IT becomes as well. If
first, but you can
before requiring upgrades. you take this and Ultimate Attire,
enchant and upgrade it. their effects will be combined.
The suit can be upgraded and
you can have the AI fight along
with you if you give them a body!
The AI feels the suit, so you can
"bond" to get stronger.. Hint hint.
Ok, done? Alright, you’re all set! Tell me where you wanna go. If you don’t really
have a preference that’s fine, I’ll generate a world for you, just tell me the

[INSUFICCIENT HYPE] Ok, ready? I’m punching the

dimensional code in now. Should take a
Wait wait wait. While I appreciate your half hour or so. Hope you brought
gusto, I gotta give you SOME form of everything you want!
punishment for going over budget.

But I’m not interested in punishing you
myself, nah, I’ll let Earth do the [SURPLUS HYPE]
torturing for you. You’re making up for
your greed with patience. Wait, you serious? You actually have
Hype to spare? I... wasn’t expecting
Each point you go over budget means this!
an extra week you have to stay on
Earth before everything triggers. You Uhh… congrats? I didn’t exactly have a
won’t get your powers until you’re reward in mind…
warped. And yeah, I’ll give you the
credit card, but only with around Y’know what, go crazy. Each spare
100,000$ on it. Enough to enjoy point of Hype you have lets you take
yourself. For a while. any option from another CYOA for
Also, you’re not gonna be able to die absolute FREE. I can imagine all the
until then, but you’ll have enough broken stuff you could come up with.
problems as it is.
(30 minutes later...)
Once time’s up, you’ll be teleported in
your sleep. Alright, done?

Think of it as prep time. Those are pretty good choices! Not

Talk to your family, extra friends, play bad, for a mortal. Or just-former one
that game one last time, whatever. by the way.
Alternatively, Vegas?
Anyway, cya. I might watch your
adventures later, but I’m prolly not Alright, portal’s open, go in and have
gonna help. If you had one of the fun! I might watch your exploits later
ultra-gods on your side it wouldn’t be if I get bored again…
that fulfilling.
Really, this whole thing stemmed from
me having way too much time on my

Anyway, hop to it!


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