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Hello there, mortal! smile My name is not of any concern to you as I need to keep myself hidden
for now. Right now, I have a wonderful limited time offer for you!
Let's see.. OH! You have won the power of..... MIND CONTROL! You get a wonderful young
and strong, beautiful body and 20 points in total to spend on learning your mind control powers!
Mind slaving, as we call it, has several different aspects which you will get to pick from shortly.
Just take control of their sanity and have your fun~
Now, what are you waiting for? The time of your life is now and it's filled with slaves, your will
and wonderful moments!~
Now before we start, I should set up some rules in case of certain instances~

1st off, if a MindSlaver (That's what you'll be) enslaves another MindSlaver, they have to agree
to their conditions before they are enslaved, if the conditions are violated, the enslaved Mind
Slaver is set free.

2nd to join the party is, the fact that more than one Mind Slaver can enslave the same slave,
however, that slave will not carry out commands to harm the other MindSlaver, and conflicting
commands will be decided by whoever enslaved the slave first, as an added bonus, who ever
enslaved the slave first gets priority when the slave carries out their commands.

3rd most, read into things, somethings a worded so that the smart realize them :3.

And 4th and finally, no matter what, you can release a slave that you own solely whenever you
want, however boons you do not remove from them will be kept. (Also it's good to know if you
free a slave that is shared, the ownership will go to other Mind Slaves if they also share the
slave in the order of who enslaved it after you.)

Bonus rule: If you already have a slave enslaved, and turn them into a mindslayer from one of
the two options, they will require no conditions.

Types of Mind Control.


You can effortlessly and instantly gain control of your victims mind by simply concentrating on
This will be done consciously and never happen unconsciously. You can also issue commands
telepathically to your slaves.

Stage 1: You gain the ability to use basic Telepathy. 0 points

Stage 2: Mind control resistance is ignored completely against your mind controlling powers,
and immunity is weakened to a state of resistance. 2 points
Stage 3: Your mind control becomes so powerful, that even immunity to it is impossible. 4 points


To mind control someone you must infuse a pendulum with your power and move it in a
hypnotic pattern for 2 minutes, people who you have begun to hypnotize will be unable to look
away during the hypnosis.

Stage 1: You gain basic Hypnosis ability 0 points

Stage 2: You are now capable of broadcasting and using your Hypnosis through technology,
such as creating a video with a black and white swirl to hypnotize people and mind control them.
2 points
Stage 3: You can now use things like dream weaving to hypnotize people as they sleep inside
their dreams, it will be just as if you did it in person. 3 points


Choose a symbol which will act as your sigil, by touching a part of your victims body with your
hand you can place your sigil on their body, this sigil will allow you to control them.
If the sigil is broken by either a scar, cut, or a marker pen, your victim will be freed from your
If you pick this, you automatically gain 2 Cost points, and cannot take Signs of Influence as a
Secondly if you pick this, all anti mind control abilities (Resistances and Immunities) are voided.

Stage 1: You gain basic Sigil mind control abilities 0 points

Stage 2: Markers no longer break the Sigil. 2 points
Stage 3: Nothing can no longer break the Sigil, it stays there permanently until you free the
slave. 3 points


You gain a familiar who will use Telepathy, she is loyal and her personality plus appearance is
decided ultimately by you, she is only visible to you and your slaves, and only they and you can
physically interact with them.
Additionally Familiars can use boons on you, if desired. They can also use telepathy on you.
Also another valid point is that Familiars can be male or female.
The only drawback is that they will sometimes play lewd and embarrassing pranks on you.

Also there is no way to break the mind control unless you willingly set them free.

Stage 1: 1 familiar 0 points

Stage 2: 2 familiars 2 points
Stage 3: 3 familiars and can bypass any anti mind control abilities of any kind. (Immunities and
resistances) 4 points


To gain control over your victim you must recite an eldritch invocation while performing a
magical ritual to bend your victims mind to your will. The whole ritual takes about 10 minutes to
complete and is not something you can do on the fly, you will need lots of candles and some
It is recommended that you kidnap the one you wish to enslave and tie them up before you
perform the ritual.
It is not possible to lose a slave
There are no upgrades for this method.
Cost: 0 Points

You can infuse your mind control powers into items, these anchors will mind your victims minds
to you if you equip them with an anchor. To qualify as an anchor an item must be a symbol for
subjugation for example, a leather collar, a ball gag, armbinders, a bdsm harness, or leather cuff
would qualify. If the anchor is removed from one of your slaves they will be freed.

Stage 1: Basic Anchor mind control 0 points

Stage 2: Anchors are harder to remove, requiring a key or password. 2 points
Stage 3: Anchors can only be removed by you and bypass Mind control resistances 4 points

Siren Song

You will be able to sing an enchanting song. singing in front of someone or a group of people
will allow you to bewitch them, however they must listen for 3 minutes to be under your control.
Your slaves will need to listen to your singing for 3 hours each day in order to keep under your
I suggest recording your song and forcing your slaves to listen to it 3 hours each day to maintain

Stage 1: Basic Siren Song. 0 points

Stage 2: It only takes one time for you to bewitch someone with song to control them and keep
control over them permanently. 2 Points
Stage 3: By singing for even longer, you can bypass resistances only and weaken immunities to
your mind control. 4 points.


You will have 5 mind worms to start, each is crafted with your essence. In order to mind control
your slave, you must insert a worm into any of their orifices.
The control will begin within 30 minutes of being inserted. To gain more worms you must insert
one into a woman's vagina and command it to breed, it will make its way into her womb and
start to create more worms, this takes 2-7 days depending on how high the woman's fertility is, if
the woman is infertile it will take 7 days, if she is highly fertile 2.
Once a parasite is ready to birth the new worms, you have two choices, have it birth them now
and gain 5 new worms or have it withhold the birth so that it will create worms of a higher level.
After the worm has given birth you can either order it to stay and create more worms which will
cause it to attach itself to the woman's womb, or exit.
If the parasite stays inside the woman, it will create new births of 5-8 worms.
When a worm goes to breed with a woman, it causes her to feel extreme pleasure to nullify any
pain she could possibly feel, it is an intoxicating euphoria and will most of the time cause the
woman to have multiple orgasms. You can order a worm to simulate breeding on yourself or
slaves to have a little fun if you'd like
You can squish a worm into juice and give it to someone to make them a Mind Slayer, but they
cannot pick Parasites as a means of control
Additionally, if you pick this, all anti mind control abilities (Resistances and Immunities) are
The different stages of worms are as follows
CT = Control time
WBT = Worm breeding time
DT - Dissolve time.
Stage # - CT - Sizes cm- Feeling - WBT - DT
stage 1 - normal - 10-20 cm - very squishy - 7 days - 4 days
stage 2 - Moderate - 10-15 cm - very squishy - 8 days - 2 days
stage 3 - Quick - 9-10 cms - very squishy - 10 days - 1 day
stage 4 - Fast - 5-6 cms - very squishy - 13 days - 12 hours
stage 5 - Instant - 1-2 cms - very squishy - 17 days - 6 hours
Power stages:
1st stage: Information above. 0 points
At second stage, the parasite will dissolve into the host and become permanently attached to
that slave, basically making them your slave until you set them free on your own :3 2 points
At the third stage you can turn a 5th level parasite into a tentacle monster that can better breed
and create 5th level parasites easier and quicker (8-12 worms when breeding) 4 points


To control someone you will need to write a contract and infuse it with your powers, then have
your intended victims to sign it.
In the contract you must state what you'll be giving or selling in return for their soul being given
to you.
Recommended that you give them some compensation for their soul, like money, or an apple.
However, failure to keep your end of the bargain will free them.
You'd be surprised that many think of it as a joke.
You must keep the contract safe or else if it's destroyed, your slave will be free.
Stage 1: Basic contract powers. 0 points
Stage 2: Contracts will no longer be broken if the contract is destroyed, also if you come up with
some kind of hooking point, people will be more likely to make contracts. 2 points
Stage 3: You become an Archdevil, you become stuck in an afterlife of your making, paradise,
heaven, whatever, this place is your Pocket dimension. Now you're probably thinking, "HOW
DO I GET MORE SLAVES?!" well buddy here's the deal, with this power not only do you get
your own pocket dimension.
BUT! You get Dream weaving for free! And you can use dream weaving to make valid contracts
with people in their dreams. With these contracts you can even make it so that they
automatically get transported to your pocket dimension. You could even create a religion where
people believe by making a contract with you, they go to heaven.

Extra Boons

Chocolate factory: You can change the race of your slaves. Cost 1 point. Free with flesh

Tailored boons: Any kinks that you have that aren't a boon already? Well with this boon you can
craft new boons that have to do with your kinks and fetishes and put them to use. Cost 2 points

Military training: You can give your slaves advanced military training. Cost: 2 point

Combat master: You can triple your slaves combat abilities twice. Cost 3 point.

Maid +: You can make it like your slaves were maids their whole life and you can even give
them a maid archtype, Cook, Cleaning, Sex, Battle Maid, anything you really see maids in the
media for. Cost 2 point.

Body warming: You can set the temperature of a slave's body, make them warm to the touch,
cold, or even the perfect cuddle toy~ Cost 1 point. Free with flesh sculpture

Extra powers:

Dual Slavement: You can use another enslavement method in addition however you just have
to pay 6 points

Skill increasing: You can increase any of your skills to a divine level, and by skills I mean things
like cooking, drawing, painting, etc. 3 points (For slaves too)


2 free, pick 2 more with 1 Point

Parasitic suit: Your slaves will become more obedient and powerful, this goes well with combat,
and the suits are your own design

Book of magic: You can learn 26 spells from any form of media you desire, and these spells can
be at any power level. You also can use them any time as long as you are holding the book.

Pet collar: When a slave wears this collar, they will think that they're the animal that you
command them to be, but in extreme heat, and they will do anything for your cock~

Tail Plug and ears: The same as a pet collar, but the possibility of only making them a demi
human as a choice. You do not need to use the plug for this to work.

Whip: A whip that will slowly turn your slaves into masochists, can also be a Taser, or shinai.

Toy catalog: You can chose 6 sex toys, fictional or real, to be loaded onto this, when you open
the book you can summon the toy on that page.

Doujins: This item has two uses, opening your favorite doujins and having them all in one book,
or leaving the book out, if you leave the book out it will cause anyone near it besides you to
have a chance to pick it up and look inside it, if they do, they'll start masturbating until they
orgasm, the catch? They only orgasm when you command them too. Oh the scenarios with this

Body Pillow: Have a favorite slave or character you really wanna hold close? Here you go!

Shock collar: Use this on a "unruly" slave, great for cnc.

Slave catalog: In this book, is every person known to man, fictional and real. You can use this
book once to pick a person in it to have as your own slave.

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