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SEGC Intermediate – Level I

Name : Sudam Wijesinghe

Date : 30th June 2020 Online
Time : 10.00-12.00 Final Examination
Duration : 2 Hours
Semester : Summer 2020 B#146
Instructor : Mrs.Nirosha Gallage

1. Underline the correct adjective. (20 marks)

1. Her hair is long and _________.
A) curly C) slim
B) happy D) late
2. He drives a bright red sports car. It's very _________.
A) wild C) fast
B) shallow D) tall
3. Today, the weather's going to be ___________.
A) hopeful C) blue
B) warm D) urgent
4. This house is _________ and old.
A) awkward C) large
B) electric D) fat
5. I'm feeling really ________ today.
A) late C) happy
B) long D) round
6. The food at this supermarket is always _________.
A) gentle C) empty
B) hopeful D) fresh
7. Her new husband is very ________.
A) high C) urgent
B) smart D) relaxing
8. Take care of this letter, it's ________.
A) urgent C) blonde
B) round D) fresh
9. I had a brilliant holiday. It was really _______.
A) relaxing C) low
B) loving D) straight
10. I saw a _________ woman.
A) closed C) wooden
B) beautiful D) handsome

2. Read this conversation carefully and answer the questions. (18 marks)
Student: Hi. Excuse me.
Student B: Yes?
Student: Where's the library?
Student B: The library? It's next to the registration office.
Student: Ah ... sorry, I'm new. Where's the registration office?
Student B: No problem. See the big building over there?
Student: Yes.
Student B: OK, so that's the lecture theatre. Next to that, on the right, is the registration
office. And next to that is the library.
Student: I see. Thanks!
Now answer the questions
1. How many students are talking here?
Tow students are in hear .
2. What does student A want to know?
The Library.
3. Who is new to the school?
A students.
4. Where is the library?
Near to the registration office.
5. Where is the registration office?
Next to the lecture Theatre.
6. What is the big building?
Registration office.
7. How many buildings are mentioned in the conversation?
Tree Buildings are in here.
8. What are they?
There are students.
9. Name the buildings.

 Blue building - Lecture Theatre.

 Purple building - Registration Office
 Red building - Library.

3. Your friend has borrowed your Science Text Book and not returned it. Write a
short note to your friend reminding to bring your Science Text Book when he / she
comes to school tomorrow. (20 marks)
Best Anuhas,
Hello, I want my Science Text book tomorrow. I think We have a Maths class please
bring It tomorrow .Thank you See You next time Bye.
Best Sudam.
4. Write 10 simple sentences describing this picture. (20 marks)

Start here:
1. There are Nine Students in the class.
2. The one Student is draw a beautiful picture.
3. Four students are Write and draw some thing.
4. The lot of tools are in the table.
5. The T.V in the class room.
6. The Clock and Wash basing in the class room.
7. Class room is near the garden.
8. The teacher in the class room.
9. Teacher is near the white board.
10. The four Students are talking.

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