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Exit test

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________

Section 1: Vocabulary

1 Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 How do you _____ your name, please?
A speak B spell C check D spelling
2 She works in the control room and _____ the operators.
A employs B works C supervises D controls
3 When we search for oil on land, we use a _____ .
A hydrophone B thumper truck C compressed air gun D tanker
4 After you get in a helicopter, you should always _____ your seatbelt.
A remove B approach C wear D fasten
5 We store LPG in _____ .
A supertankers B oil rigs C bullet tanks D road tankers
6 Checklists for vehicle maintenance reduce the risk of _____ .
A accidents B shock waves C fire safety D explosions
7 Seismic operators search for _____ .
A oil B explosives C chemicals D equipment
8 The derrick is forty-five metres _____ .
A width B length C high D height
9 A _____ is used to measure pressure.
A button B switch C lever D gauge
10 We use offshore _____ to drill oil wells under the sea.
A platforms B derricks C heliports D pipelines
11 There’s a snooker table, a TV and a phone in the _____ .
A mess area B fitness room C recreation room D galley
12 Hazardous materials are stored in the _____ .
A labs B substation C separation area D hazmat area
13 A pump _____ is responsible for all the pump systems in a refinery.
A system operator B instructor C room operator D supervisor
14 Synthetic rubber is often used to make _____ because oil and petrol cannot damage it.
A water bottles B ropes C fire hoses D jackets
15 A(n) _____ helps plan a pipeline route, measures distances and collects information.
A surveyor B pipeliner C engineer D welder

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Section 2: Language

1 Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

1 _____ you Jennifer Burgess?
A Have B Are C Is D Does
2 _____ you work on an oil rig?
A Does B Is C Do D Have
3 _____ Sayed a driver?
A Does B Are C Have D Is
4 He _____ safety glasses in the lab.
A wears B wear C to wear D have
5 ‘What _____?’ ‘They handle explosives.’
A does shooters do B do shooters did C do shooters do D are shooters do
6 Which _____ produce oil?
A countrys B countryes C country D countries
7 First, _____ the handwheel anti-clockwise.
A turning B turns C turn D to turn
8 ‘_____ the departure time?’ ‘8.30.’
A What B What’s C When D Where’s
9 ‘What _____ things for?’ ‘Protecting your hands.’
A these are B are these C is these D is this
10 There _____ switches on this control panel.
A isn’t some B aren’t some C aren’t any D isn’t any
11 You _____ smoke near liquid fuels – it’s dangerous.
A mustn’t to B must C mustn’t D not must
12 _____ big is the oil field?
A What B How C Which D Who
13 Last week there _____ a fire at the refinery.
A was B are C be D were
14 _____ to check the tyre pressure?
A Did he forgot B Do he forget C Did he forget D Is he forgot
15 This is the _____ tank farm in the country.
A bigger B most big C biggest D more big
16 Where _____ the pipeline go?
A won’t B will C isn’t D were

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Section 3: Reading

1 Complete this conversation with sentences a–g.

A: How was the pipeline project? (1) _____?
B: Yes, we did. We finished last Friday.
A: Good. (2) _____?
B: Jim? He was great.
A: (3) _____? I heard that a couple of men were off sick.
B: One of the welders hurt his back. (4) _____ . The other just had a bad cough.
A: I see. Any other problems?
B: Not many. (5) _____ .
A: Did he fix them OK?
B: (6) _____ .
A: Well done. Now it’s all finished, (7) _____ .

a The line walker found some leaks in the pipeline

b Were there any problems with the crew
c I’ll send my report to the company director
d Yes, and the engineers checked all the repairs
e Did you finish on time
f What was the supervisor like
g The medic sent him to hospital

Section 4: Writing

1 Rewrite these sentences to make them more polite.

1 What’s your name?
2 Do you want fries?
3 Tea or coffee?
4 I want to speak to the supervisor.
5 What do you want?
6 Sit down.

Section 5: Listening

1 ► 55 (Incident 2) Listen and choose the correct words in italics.

1 The incident happened last week / night .
2 It took place in Building 4 / 40.
3 Some fuel / chemicals ignited.
4 The fire was probably caused by the labourer / a faulty switch.
5 The labourer used water /CO2.
6 In the end, they / the labourer put out the fire.

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Section 6: Speaking

1 Prepare a presentation for your teacher about yourself. Include the following:
• Introduce yourself and say what job you do or what you are studying.
• Describe your work/studies.
• Explain what you like or dislike about your work/studies.
• Talk about what you did last week.
• Describe something you will do next week.

Your teacher will mark your talk using the scorecard below. The teacher circles 1 mark if
a student includes the area and 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively.
There is a maximum of ten marks.

The student:
introduced him/herself appropriately and said what job he/she 1 2
does or what he/she is studying
described his/her current work or studies. 1 2
explained what he/she likes or dislikes about his/her work/studies. 1 2
talked about what he/she did last week. 1 2
described something he/she will do next week. 1 2

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