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Mind the Moment An innovative training program that adapts the principles

and practices of mindfulness to the workplace environment.


1 We’ve got the tools. We’ve got the skills. We listen, and look ahead.
Mind the Moment
In 2005, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
developed Mind the Moment as a way
to bring mindfulness trainings to its
Mind the Moment Mind the Moment has
members, its employer groups, its own
provides mindfulness employees, and its community. created leadership and
education, consulting workforce development
Since then, Mind the Moment has offered programs across a wide
services, and tools range of industries:
its services to hundreds of companies
to effectively bring across the United States, reaching
mindfulness to your thousands of people in the process. VV Financial Management
employees. VV Health Care
VV Higher Education
VV High Tech
VV Social Services
VV Insurance
VV Manufacturing
Law Firms


VV Government
VV Marketing
VV Brand Management

Why Mindfulness at Work?
The practice of mindfulness is ancient.
Mindfulness training
enables people to tap Today, science is demonstrating that
into the brain’s built-in mindfulness training can help strengthen
capacity for focus neural pathways in the brain that enhance
creativity, health, and performance.
and clarity.
VV Improved mood and sleep quality
VV Reduced chance of burn-out
VV Greater job satisfaction
VV Better listening and collaboration skills
VV Increased concentration, even when
VV Enhanced emotional intelligence
Why the Elephant?

Wisdom, moderation, community,

and patience are just a few of
the words associated with the
“Contemplating Mindfulness at Work: An Integrative Review.” elephant. These same qualities
Darren Good, Chris Lyddy, et al. Journal of Management, can be strengthened through
January 2016.
the practice of mindfulness.

How We Deliver
We’re ready to work with
you to turn challenges
into opportunities.

Organizations of all types
and sizes can benefit from
mindfulness training, but
POWERFUL no two organizations are
alike. Our approach is
designed to plug into your
culture as seamlessly as

possible, recognizing and

RELATABLE honoring the diverse
needs of your staff.

Tailored to Your Needs
Introductory seminars

We will tailor our Targeted workshops

programming to
Remote learning
meet your needs.
Leadership intensives

Guided meditation

App-based learning

Ongoing engagement plan

Our instructors are foundational to the success of our

program. When we hire an instructor, we look for
someone who meets the following criteria:

VV 10+ years of dedicated personal practice

VV Completion of no fewer than 3 extended silent meditation retreats
VV Ongoing professional development in mindfulness
VV Extensive experience in group facilitation
VV Corporate background

What People Say About
Mind the Moment
“I have watched Harvard Pilgrim’s “I’ve had the pleasure of
Mind the Moment program grow from knowing and partnering with
a passion project by a small group of Mind the Moment for almost ten
years. It has inspired countless
dedicated practitioners to a major force
employees, myself included,
for delivering authentic, credible and to be more mindful and even
coherent mindfulness trainings all start a regular practice.
over the country.
What sets them apart is that they
With so much suffering evident in the modern workplace, it is are able to help others intrinsically
vital that we have programs that can address these concerns understand the rewards of mindfulness
while staying true to the foundational principles that have and meditation through the way they
always given mindfulness its transformative potential. As one embody what it is like to be present.”

of the pioneers in providing mindfulness-based interventions

in the workplace, Mind the Moment remains on the forefront Cara Lamakina
of programs accomplishing just that.” Wellness Ambassador and
Sr. HR Wellness Consultant
Jon Kabat-Zinn Sun Life Financial
Founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and the
Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society

What People Say About
Mind the Moment
“Working with patients and other “Mind the Moment is “Mind the Moment
doctors, I’ve witnessed the life-changing outstanding in their has been nothing
impacts of mindfulness training—yet approach to mindfulness, short of sensational
I’ve also seen how challenging it can making it accessible and to work with.
be to deliver such training effectively. valuable to everyone,
They effortlessly connect
including senior leaders.
I’ve known Mind the Moment to embrace that with participants and are
challenge, and show real leadership in designing able to find the perfect
They have developed a national
flexible, innovative programs that evolve alongside balance between science
reputation for their work within
individual needs. As a presenter and partner, I’ve seen and research, and the
various organizations and have
firsthand how Mind the Moment skillfully combines values-driven qualities
been instrumental in our work
the intimacy of in-person instruction with the latest inherent in mindfulness
in mindfulness at Dana-Farber
innovations in digital therapeutics, in order to bring and meditation.”
Cancer Institute, for which I and

mindfulness to individuals struggling with chronic  

the organization are grateful.”
conditions, as well as clinicians in need of tools to Jeanne Mahon
build resilience and avoid burn-out.” Director, Center for Wellness,
Deborah Hicks
Harvard University Health
SVP, Chief HR Officer,
Judson A. Brewer, MD PhD Services, Harvard University
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Director of Research and Innovation at the
Brown University Mindfulness Center, and
creator of the app-based programs Eat Right
7 Now, Unwinding Anxiety, and Craving to Quit
Measurable Impact
“My mind is so much less

Feedback from 99% cluttered. I feel like I am

able to follow through
program participants. with more things, which

87% then frees me up to take

on new things, instead of
having 1,000 unfinished
things just waiting.”
“I have applied “I feel that
mindfulness participating in
techniques in my this course was
daily activities in a good use of
the past month.” my time.”

“This course has “I plan to con-

helped make me tinue mindful-

a more effective ness practice.”


Tara Healey is the director of Jonathan Roberts is the
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care’s Mind operations manager of Mind
the Moment mindfulness program. the Moment, overseeing
how programming is
Tara joined Harvard Pilgrim as a health
educator and organizational development
professional in its HR department, a posi-
Jon guides the development and
tion which she occupied for over 20 years.
implementation of mindfulness
It was in this capacity that she brought
programming for clients. In that
an introductory mindfulness course to
role, he is responsible for ensuring
Harvard Pilgrim’s own staff members long
Mind the Moment’s trainings align
before mindfulness had hit the mainstream.
with an organization’s identity
In her role she serves as a coach, strategist,
and strategic vision, bringing the
program designer and facilitator. Tara has
most benefit to their employees
spoken about mindfulness at numerous
while ensuring the foundational
global events, and regularly contributes
elements of mindfulness are never

to mindfulness publications in print and

compromised. Having worked with
on the web. She has served on the boards
hundreds of companies in this
of the Insight Meditation Society and the
regard, he also offers expert guid-
International Mindfulness Teachers Associ-
ance into how to best introduce
ation, and as a WELL Mind Advisor for the
mindfulness to a corporate setting.
International WELL Building Institute.

Let’s Talk
Learn how we can help you partner
with the present moment.

(617) 509-7047

A piece of mindfulness is never more than a

phone call away. Harvard Pilgrim’s Mind the
Moment meditation line brings you bite-sized
moments of mindfulness.

(877) 589-6736
Available 24/7 from your phone.
MIND THE MOMENT Spanish language options available too!

@mind_the_moment The Mind the Moment program was developed and is offered
by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.

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