Diagnosis and Management of Hypocalcemia

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Diagnosis and management of hypocalcemia

Jessica Pepe1 Luciano Colangelo 1 Federica Biamonte1 Chiara Sonato1 Vittoria Carmela Danese1
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Veronica Cecchetti1 Marco Occhiuto1 Valentina Piazzolla1 Viviana De Martino1 Federica Ferrone1
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Salvatore Minisola1 Cristiana Cipriani1

Received: 15 February 2020 / Accepted: 18 April 2020

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

The aim of this clinical narrative review is to summarize and critically appraise the literature on the differential diagnosis of
hypocalcemia and to provide its correct management. Calcium is essential for muscle contraction and neurotransmitter
release, but clinical manifestations of hypocalcaemia (serum calcium level <8 mg/dl; 2.12 mmol/L) may involve almost any
organ and system and may range from asymptomatic to life-threating conditions. Disorders causing hypocalcemia can be
divided into parathyroid hormone (PTH) and non-PTH mediated. The most frequent cause of hypocalcemia is postsurgical

hypoparathyroidism, while a more comprehensive search for other causes is needed for appropriate treatment in the non
PTH-mediated forms. Intravenous calcium infusion is essential to raise calcium levels and resolve or minimize symptoms in
the setting of acute hypocalcemia. Oral calcium and/or vitamin D supplementation is the most frequently used as treatment
of chronic hypocalcemia. In hypoparathyroidism, providing the missing hormone with the use of the recombinant human
(rh) PTH(1–84) has been recently approved both by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines
Agency (EMA). This new therapy has the advantage of being effective for correcting serum calcium levels and significantly
reducing the daily requirements of calcium and active vitamin D supplements. However, due to the high cost, a strict
selection of candidates to this therapy is necessary. More challenging is the long-term hypocalcemia treatment, due to its
associated complications. The development of long-acting recombinant human PTH will probably modify the management
of chronic hypoparathyroidism in the future.
Keywords Hypocalcemia Diagnosis Treatment Calcium Hypoparathyroidism
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Introduction diagnosis [3, 4] if measured within 2 h of sampling and

maintaining room temperature at 4 °C [5].
Hypocalcemia is one of the most common electrolytic dis- The formula for albumin-corrected serum calcium is as
orders whose diagnosis and management need careful follows: total serum Ca concentration (mmol/L) + 0.02 ×
evaluation by clinicians. It is defined as corrected serum [40 – serum albumin concentration (g/L)] [4].
total calcium levels <2.12 mmol/l (8.5 mg/dl). For clinical Patients with hypocalcemia may present with a variety of
practice purposes, correction of serum calcium levels for symptoms and signs, as the low serum calcium levels may
serum albumin concentration is useful in many, but not all, potentially impact virtually any organ and system. New
cases, being less accurate in patients with perturbation of onset hypocalcemia may represent a life-threatening situa-
the acid-base balance or of the serum proteins concentration tion requiring immediate intervention, while the chronic
[1, 2]. In those cases, measurement of ionized calcium reduction in serum calcium levels is sometimes asympto-
(normal values 1.17–1.33 mmol/L) is the gold standard for matic or slightly symptomatic. In all cases, the identifica-
tion, clinical assessment and management of hypocalcemia
are key points that need to be addressed simultaneously, as
soon as possible. In particular, the evaluation of the causes
* Luciano Colangelo of hypocalcemia is the main determinant in the diagnostic
workup and to guide successful therapeutic interventions.
Department of Clinical, Internal, Anesthesiology and Hypocalcemia is reported in both genetic and acquired
Cardiovascular Sciences, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy disorders of several organs and systems. In particular,

diseases that may alter the parathyroid glands, skeleton, gut, summarized in Table 1. In the first group, are included all
kidneys axis, all of which are responsible for the fine reg- cases of impaired parathyroid gland function leading to
ulation of serum calcium levels, may cause hypocalcemia absent or reduced PTH production, while in the second
[3]. group other organs and systems are involved. As illustrated
The focus of this review is to update the evidence on the in Table 1, the kidneys, the liver, the skeleton, the gut, and
diagnostic assessment and clinical management of hypo- the vitamin D metabolism play a major role in these cases
calcemia with the aim of providing a useful algorithm for that are commonly associated with secondary increase of
clinical practice. PTH levels.
Hypoparathyroidism is classified as a rare disease, with a
prevalence ranging from 5.3/100,000 to 37/100,000 inha-
Causes of hypocalcemia bitants per year depending on the population studied [6, 7].
Hypocalcemia is associated with hyperphosphatemia and
Disorders causing hypocalcemia can be divided into para- inappropriately low or low-normal serum PTH levels. Post-
thyroid hormone (PTH) and non-PTH mediated, as surgical hypoparathyroidism is the most common form of

Table 1 Causes of
PTH—mediated causes
Genetic disorders Acquired disorders

Familial isolated hypoparathyroidism Post-surgical Hypoparathyroidism

Syndromes associated with hypoparathyroidism: Hypomagnesemia
−22q11.2 deletion (DiGeorge) syndrome Hypermagnesemia
−Hypoparathyriodism, Sensory Neural Deafness, Renal
Dysplasia Syndrome (HDR) Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome
−Kearns–Sayre syndrome type 1 (APS1)
−Kenny–Caffey syndrome type 1 and 2 Blood transfusion (haemosiderosis)
−Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and Radiation therapy
stroke-like episodes (MELAS) syndrome
Sclerotic metastases
−Sanjad Sakati syndrome (SSS)
−Mitochondrial trifunctional protein (MTP) deficiency
Autosomal Dominant Hypocalcemia (ADH) 1 and 2
Pseudohypoparathyroidism 1A and 1B
Wilson’s disease

Non PTH—mediated causes

Genetic Acquired

Vitamin D dependent rickets (VDDR) type 1 and 2 Vitamin D deficiency

Hypocalcemic vitamin D-resistant rickets (HVDRR) Malabsorption
Osteopetrosis Chronic kidney disease
Maternal hyperparathyroidism “Hungry bone” syndrome
End-stage liver disease
Critical illness
Acute pancreatitis
Citrate (blood trasfusion)
−Loop diuretics
−Magnesium sulfate
−Calcitonin, bisphosphonates, denosumab

the disease, and it may be transient when it recovers in the Severe vitamin D deficiency may cause hypocalcemia
first days-months after surgery or chronic (or permanent), that is usually associated with hypophosphatemia and high
when it lasts more than 6 months after surgery [8]. In this serum PTH. Malabsorption syndromes (e.g., celiac disease;
context, early measurement of serum calcium and PTH complication of bariatic surgery; inflammatory diseases,
levels after neck surgery demonstrated to be good predictors etc.) are typically associated with hypocalcemia and vitamin
of permanent post-surgical hypoparathyroidism [9, 10]. D deficiency. In addition, some forms of autoimmune
Prevalence of post-surgical hypoparathyroidism is hypoparathyroidism may be associated with celiac disease
described in a figure of 1.4–22/100,000 inhabitants per year, with consequent further reduction in serum calcium levels
while the non-surgical causes are reported in 1.3 to 2.3/ due to the perturbation of calcium absorption.
100,000 per year [7, 11]. Finally, hypocalcemia may be induced by perturbation of
Hypomagnesemia is a relatively common cause of the PTH-vitamin D axis during critical illness or after major
functional hypoparathyroidism, while hypermagnesemia is surgery or by calcium saponification of fatty acids released
less common in clinical practice. Both disorders lead to during acute pancreatitis [8, 12].
reduction of PTH secretion by parathyroid glands pre-
sumably through the stimulation of the Calcium Sensing
Receptor (CASR) [8]. Clinical presentation
Pseudohypoparathyroidism is a rare disorder character-
ized by peripheral resistance to PTH action; hypocalcemia, Factors influencing the clinical presentation of hypocalce-
hyperphosphatemia and high serum PTH levels are the main mia are severity and timing of serum calcium reduction
biochemical findings [8]. (acute vs chronic), patient’s age, complications, and
Drug-induced hypocalcemia is not an uncommon con- comorbidities. For the purposes of this review, we present
dition in clinical practice and can be associated with the signs and symptoms of acute and chronic hypocalcemia
increase in renal calcium excretion (loop diuretics), altered in two different sections, but it is important to bear in mind
vitamin D metabolism (anticonvulsants), calcium pre- that many of the signs and symptoms may be present in
cipitation (citrate, phosphate, EDTA), or inhibition of bone both conditions, as summarized in Table 2. In these cases, it
resorption (bisphosphonates, denosumab) (Table 1). is usually the severity of the signs and/or symptoms

Table 2 Clinical manifestations

Organ/System Acute Chronic
of hypocalcaemia [6, 8, 30]
Cardiovascular Prolongation of QTc interval
2:1 atrioventricular block or 2nd/3rd degree atrioventricular blocks
Heart failure
Respiratory Laryngeal stridor, bronchospasm
Nervous system Seizures
Paresthesias (perioral and extremities)
(Chvostek’s sign and Trousseau’s sign)
Extrapyramidal disorders (Fahr’disease)
Pseudotumor cerebri
Neuropsychiatric manifestations (anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders)
Ophthalmology Cataracts
Calcification of cornea
Renal Hypercalciuria
Reduced filtration rate
Kidney stones
Dental Alterated tooth morphology
Dental enamel hypoplasia
Dermatological Alopecia

presentation that marks the real difference between acute vs better framework for the role of reduced serum calcium
chronic hypocalcemia. levels in this particular context [20].
Hypocalcemia is a very rare cause of dilated cardio-
Acute hypocalcemia myopathy, a condition associated with high mortality rate.
Although this association has been reported only by case
Acute hypocalcemia may present with severe symptoms, reports, in patients with unexplained left ventricular dis-
but there is a large interindividual threshold that can influ- function serum calcium should be measured, because its
ence the clinical response to low serum calcium levels correction ameliorates the cardiomyopathy [21].
[8, 13, 14]. This point explains why epidemiological data Seizures are usually mentioned as a life-threating con-
showing the prevalence of symptoms of acute hypocalcemia dition in relation to severe hypocalcemia [22, 23], but evi-
are difficult to collect. dence are conflicting [24]. Indeed, calcium ions play a
Calcium is essential for muscle contraction and neuro- crucial role in neurotransmission [25], but the mechanisms
transmitter release, and the clinical manifestations of associated with the pathogenesis of seizures remain elusive
hypocalcaemia may involve almost any organ system [15], [24]. It was proposed that low calcium levels, through a
as summarized in the Table 2. modulation effect mediated by CASR signalling [26], could
The most frequent clinical manifestations are the neu- shift channels and surface charge [24]. This enhances
romuscular irritability, which ranges from paresthesia, sodium influx through the voltage-gated sodium channels
numbness or tingling sensation in the perioral area, hands or and results in glutamate release with a secondary increase of
feet, as well as carpopedal spasms, seizures, tetany and burst firing activity of neuronal cells, that may enhance
rarely laryngospasm. It should be noted that hypocalcemia epiletogenesis [24]. Life-threating neurological conditions
may be asymptomatic. In these cases, latent tetany may be are reported in a figure of 2% (coma) and 8% (seizures)
elicited by the assessment of two clinical signs. They are the [27]. A study conducted in US children (aged 0–5 years)
Chvostek sign and Trousseau sign and should always be showed an incidence of hypocalcemia associated with
checked in hypocalcemic patients [5, 15]. Positive Chvostek potentially life-threatening complication defined as seizures,
sign can be observed in 25% of healthy individuals, while arrhythmias and laryngospasm in 6.1 per 100,000 person-
29% of patients with hypocalcemia have no positive sign. years (95% CI, 3.5–10.0) [27].
For every 1 g/dL increase in serum calcium level, the odds In adults, laryngospasm is not frequently observed. There
for a positive Chvostek sign increases by 4% (95% CI are no prospective nor retrospective studies on the pre-
0.00–8%) [16]. Conversely, the Trousseau sign is reported valence of laryngospasm in hypocalcemic adults and evi-
to be more specific, as it is positive only in 1% of healthy dence are supported only by case reports. Moreover,
individuals [8]. laryngospasm has been described usually only in the con-
Acute and severe hypocalcemia frequently require text of hypoparathyroidism following neck surgery [28] or
admission to the emergency department. Data gleaned from structural laryngeal abnormalities [29]. This point suggests
case reports of acute hypocalcemic patients reveal arrhyth- the possibility of a combination of factors, in association
mias, such as: torsades of pointes, ventricular tachycardia with hypocalcemia, that triggers the pathogenesis of lar-
and ventricular fibrillation, often due to prolongation of the yngospasm. In any case, the possibility of electrolyte (par-
QT interval that triggers the arrhythmias [15]. A recent ticularly calcium) abnormalities should be explored in cases
retrospective study of approximately 40.000 patients (mean of laryngospasm of unknown etiology [29].
age 65 years, 48% male) showed that calcium levels below
1.69 mmol/l were associated with a 20.4-millisecond pro- Chronic hypocalcemia
longed QTc interval [17]. A three-year retrospective
observational study including 41,823 patients admitted to Paresthesia, numbness and tingling sensation are the most
the adult emergency department reported calcium levels < frequent clinical manifestations of chronic hypocalcemia,
2.2 mmol/l in 8.3% of the subjects. Among hypocalcemic particularly in the setting of chronic postsurgical hypopar-
subjects, 2.2% had a life-threating cardiac presentation. athyroidism [20, 21]. In these cases, low serum calcium
However, authors concluded that other comorbidities and levels and low PTH are the hallmark of the disease and
electrolyte abnormalities contributed to the clinical pre- calcium and active vitamin D are usually prescribed. Hence,
sentation [18]. clinical manifestations are associated with both hypocalce-
Interestingly, Jentzer et al. have recently theorized an mia and low PTH levels, as well as with therapy. The lack
addicting role of calcium in the regulation of smooth vessels of PTH enhances urinary calcium excretion and a high
function, and suggested that hypocalcaemia may be impli- calcium x phosphate product may cause ectopic calcifica-
cated in the pathogenesis of the refractory vasodilatory tions. Underbjerg et al. [11] found that patients with post-
shock [19]. However, more studies are needed to provide a surgical hypoparathyroidism have a four time increased risk

of renal complications in terms of calcification or renal phosphate levels that need specific management [42]. Sec-
injury. Brain calcifications [30] may develop during long- ondary hyperparathyroidism is frequent, but patients may
standing hypocalcemia and be incidentally detected in also present with adynamic bone disease and/or osteoma-
asymptomatic patients. They could have a role in the epi- lacia [42].
letogenesis [31]. The prevalence of seizures in patients with Assessment of serum magnesium is needed in every
chronic hypoparathyroidism ranges from 30 to 70% patient, as hypomagnesemia is a frequent cause of reduced
(regardless of the presence of calcifications) [32, 33]. PTH secretion [8]. Correction of hypocalcemia, without
Neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depression and magnesium supplementation, would, therefore, never
bipolar disorder, were reported, as well [34] in postsurgical reverse the reduction in parathyroid function. In addition,
hypoparathyroidism [11]. the cause of hypomagnesemia needs be identified and
Cataracts has also been observed in association with managed [43]. The most common causes of hypomagne-
chronic hypocalcemia. Specific bilateral lens abnormalities, semia are those associated with reduced gastrointestinal
consisting of punctate, iridescent opacities in the anterior absorption (low dietary intake, diarrhea, steatorrhea, alco-
and posterior cortex lying beneath the lens capsule are holism), sequestration by organs or cells (acute pancreatitis,
characteristic [35]. hungry bone syndrome, refeeding syndrome, massive blood
In the Danish study comprising 431 hypoparathyroid transfusion) and renal loss (Fanconi syndrome, tubular
patients, ionized calcium in the lowest tertile (<1.15 mmol/ necrosis, diabetes, drug toxicity) [43]. Hypermagnesemia is,
L) was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular in most of the cases, associated with renal failure. As high
disease compared with the mid-tertile (1.16–1.19 mmol/L) serum magnesium levels could be the cause of reduced PTH
(OR adj 3.01; 95% CI, 1.03 to 8.82) [36]. In addition, the production and secretion, its correction is mandatory to
impairment in the cardiovascular autonomic system causing correct hypocalcemia.
elevated mortality was found in 59.1% of hypoparathyroid The assessment of medical, family and pharmacological
patients compared to 2.4% in the control group [37]. history, as well as physical examination are of utmost
Congestive heart failure may rarely occur during long- importance in patients with hypocalcemia (Fig. 1). Identi-
standing hypocalcemia [38]. A few cases of hypocalcemia- fication of drug inducing hypocalcemia (Table 1) and
associated cardiomyopathy that resolved after serum cal- eventually its discontinuation will resolve the disorder. In
cium normalization have been described [39, 40]. this context, careful evaluation needs to be done in every
The overall data have shown that clinical presentation of patient. It is important to assess the risk/benefit ratio of
both acute and chronic hypocalcemia may vary and result in continuing vs discontinuing the drug or reducing vs not
considerable increase in patients’ admission to hospital, as increasing its dose and/or frequency of administration (e.g.
well as reduced quality of life [7, 41]. loop diuretics in heart failure). In some cases, whenever
possible, a switch to other drugs that do not induce hypo-
calcemia, needs to be considered (e.g. anticonvulsants,
Differential diagnosis foscarnet, etc.), in accordance with the specialist in charge
of the patient. Regarding bone-active agents, attention is
The primary step in the differential diagnosis of hypo- needed when deciding to stop denosumab, because of the
calcemia is its confirmation by the assessment of calcium well-known rebound of bone turnover and associated bone
corrected for serum albumin levels through the formula (see loss and increase in vertebral fractures [44]. A single infu-
“Introduction”; Fig. 1). Whenever available, and particu- sion of 5 mg of zoledronic acid demonstrated to be effective
larly in patients with acid-base disorders, it is essential to in preventing bone loss associated with denosumab dis-
measure ionized calcium. continuation [45]. Management of eventual hypocalcemia
Once hypocalcemia is confirmed, the approach to associated with zoledronic acid administration should be
patients includes the simultaneous evaluation of clinical and carried out in these cases. In any case, the assessment of
laboratory findings that are necessary to guide the differ- vitamin D status and the correction of hypovitaminosis D is
ential diagnosis and the therapeutic interventions (Fig. 1). a preventive strategy to avoid hypocalcemia induced by
Clinicians need to evaluate timing and severity of hypo- both denosumab and bisphosphonates [46, 47].
calcemia, while assessing specific clinical and subclinical With reference to comorbidities, a positive history of
signs and symptoms. This approach is of utmost importance adrenal insufficiency in patients with hypocalcemia and low
in order to differentiate between acute vs chronic cases of serum PTH levels defines the diagnosis of autoimmune
hypocalcemia and to identify the specific management. polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS1). The presence of at
The required laboratory exams are serum phosphate, least two of the three components of the disease (mucocu-
magnesium, PTH, and GFR. Perturbation of the renal taneous candidiasis, Addison's disease, and hypoparathyr-
function is usually associated with elevated serum oidism) is necessary for the diagnosis [8].


Correct for serum albumin*

and/or measure Ca2+


Evaluate Evaluate
Timing and severity Check GFR, serum phosphate, medical, family and
Symptoms and signs magnesium, PTH pharmacological history
Physical exam

Reduced GFR:
Acute Chronic Manage renal Low/high magnesium
failure levels: correct and
identify the cause**

See specific treatment Consider

discontinuing drugs
High PTH Low PTH

Positive family history and/or

phenotypic abnormalities or
Hypoparathyroidism comorbidities:
Low phosphate Normal phosphate High phosphate
Consider genetic syndromes*** or

Check alkaline phosphatase, Pseudohypoparathyroidism


High alkaline Normal alkaline History of neck surgery/radiation:

phosphatase and low phosphatase and low Post-surgical/post-radiation
25(OH)D 25(OH)D hypoparathyroidism

High alkaline
phosphatase and
normal 25(OH)D
Osteomalacia/ Vitamin D deficiency
rickets Malabsorption


Fig. 1 Differential diagnosis of hypocalcemia. *See text for the for- hormone, APS1 autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1, 25(OH)
mula of corrected calcium; **See text for details; ***See Table 1 Ca2+ D, 25-hydroxy-vitamin D; VDRR Vitamin D dependent ricketsm,
ionized calcium, GFR glomerular filtration rate, PTH parathyroid HVDRR Hypocalcemic vitamin D-resistant rickets

Instead, the simultaneous presence, in young patients, of alkaline phosphatase and severe 25-hydroxy-vitamin D [25
hypoparathyroidism, autoimmune disease, cognitive and/or (OH)D] reduction (serum levels < 10 ng/ml), configure the
psychiatric disorders, gastrointestinal and renal abnormal- diagnosis of osteomalacia/rickets (Fig. 1). When 25(OH)D
ities characterizes the more rare 22q11.2 deletion (former Di is normal in children presenting with hypocalcemia, hypo-
George) syndrome [48]. phosphatemia, elevated PTH and features of rickets, vitamin
Physical examination could reveal not only the presence D dependent rickets (VDDR) or hypocalcemic vitamin D-
of comorbidities that characterize the genetic disorders resistant rickets (HVDRR) should be suspected [50, 51].
associated with hypoparathyroidism, but also features of
pseudohypoparathyroidism (Fig. 1). The last is a genetic
disorder characterized by resistance to PTH action [8]. Short Treatment
stature, round facies, brachydactyly, ectopic ossifications,
obesity and cognitive impairment are commonly observed, In both acute and chronic hypocalcemia, the aim of treat-
while hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia and high serum ment is to raise serum calcium to the normal range, in order
PTH levels are the main laboratory findings [49]. to resolve or minimize symptoms. Identifying the etiology
Finally, cases of hypocalcemia associated with reduced of hypocalcemia is of major importance to establish the
serum phosphate levels, mostly in the setting of elevated optimal therapy.

For example, magnesium should be administered in with chronic hypoparathyroidism are 1–3 g of oral ele-
cases of hypomagnesemia-associated hypocalcemia [52]. mental calcium in 3–4 doses. The most frequently admi-
Mild hypomagnesemia can be treated with oral supple- nistered forms are calcium citrate and calcium carbonate.
ments, whereas parenteral magnesium is indicated in severe Calcium carbonate should be taken during or after meals to
hypomagnesemia (<0.05 mmol/L). The administration of ensure the optimal absorption. Calcium carbonate may
1 g (8 mEq) of intravenous magnesium increases serum interfere with the absorption of other drugs, for example of
magnesium concentration by 0.15 mEq/L within 18–30 h. L-thyroxine, thus specific instruction should be provided to
Magnesium supplementation is usually done with a bolus of patients in this case. Calcium citrate had the advantage of an
2 g followed by continuous infusion with a maximum of optimal absorption independent of food intake, and also in a
16 g (130 mEq) over 24 h until normal serum magnesium case of gastric achlorhydria.
level is reached [53]. In order to minimize hypocalcemic symptoms, in the
Hypocalcemia related to severe vitamin D deficiency, cases of concomitant hypomagnesemia, oral magnesium
(i.e. osteomalacia) should be treated with vitamin D sup- supplementation should be given.
plements together with calcium supplements [54]. In case of Calcitriol is administered over a wide dosing range
calcium intestinal malabsorption, treating the cause of (0.25–2.0 μg/day) [57]. Thiazide diuretics, that increase
malabsorption is necessary. renal calcium reabsorption, may be needed to achieve a
urinary calcium level of <4 mg/kg/day. Starting with a
Acute treatment lower dose of hydrochlorothiazide, 12.5 mg once daily, up
to the doses need to achieve a urinary calcium level of
In acute hypocalcemia, intravenous calcium is usually <4 mg/kg/day, which is usually not higher than 12.5 mg
administered if the serum calcium level falls below twice daily. In patients with 25(OH) insufficiency, chole-
1.9 mmol/L, or the ionized calcium level is <1 mmol/L, or if calciferol could be also added. The rationale is that several
patients are symptomatic [52]. Intravenous calcium solu- human tissues to provide 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and
tions are hyperosmolar and should be administered through other metabolites of vitamin D that may have also beneficial
a large central vein, whenever possible, considering that 1 g non-skeletal effects.
of calcium gluconate contains 93 mg of elemental calcium, Recently, different guidelines for the management of
while 1 g of calcium chloride contains 273 mg of elemental postsurgical hypoparathyroidism have been published,
calcium. In adults, 100 to ~300 mg of elemental calcium mostly focused on treatment of chronic hypocalcemia [58–
(1–3 g calcium gluconate or 0.5–1 g calcium chloride), in 60]. Unfortunately, the majority of these recommendations
100 mL dextrose over 10 min is administered over a 10 to are based on small studies rather than long-term controlled
20-minute infusion followed by continuous infusion of trials, as they are the only currently available.
0.5–1.5 mg of elemental calcium/kg per hour. One of the he aims of chronic management of hypo-
A periodic monitoring of the blood calcium levels is calcemia is to avoid hypercalciuria, and maintain the cal-
necessary until a stable oral calcium regimen is achieved cium phosphate product below 55 mg2/dL2 (4.4 mmol2/L2)
[12]. Timing of calcium measurements is driven by to avoid complications such as nephrolithiasis and other
patients’ symptoms. In patients receiving digoxin calcium, extra-skeletal calcifications [61].
infusion may provoke life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, To achieve a successful treatment, a routine biochemical
and ECG monitoring is suggested [55]. check is recommended every 6 months [59]. Indeed, there is
an association between biochemical indices and risk of
Long-term treatment complications. A positive association between a relatively
high plasma phosphate level and/or a high calcium ×
The goal of long-term therapy is to control hypocalcemia- phosphate product and mortality, as well as risk of renal
related symptoms while minimizing complications. A recent diseases and infections were observed [36].
meta-analysis demonstrated that routine supplementation An advance in the chronic management of hypopar-
with calcium plus vitamin D3 is associated with lower risk athyroidism is the administration of the PTH peptides
of hypocalcemia in patients undergoing thyroid surgery, [62–64]. Before the approval by FDA of the rhPTH
compared to the approach based on measurements of cal- (1–84), teriparatide was utilized in hypoparathyroid
cium levels [56]. patients not responding to conventional therapy [65].
A sufficient dietary calcium intake is recommended, with Teriparatide is a PTH analog (PTH 1–34) produced by
the aim of at least 1 g of calcium daily. However, this recombinant technology and it is usually prescribed for
approach is rarely sufficient to avoid hypocalcemia in osteoporosis treatment at the dose of 20 μg as a daily
hypoparathyroid patients, thus an oral supplementation is injection for a maximum of 2 years [66]. While for
suggested. Doses of calcium usually indicated in patients chronic hypoparathyroidism, the dosage in adults ranged

from 20 mcg twice daily for 2 years [61], to 40 mcg twice The main limitation of teriparatide and rhPTH(1–84) is
daily for 3 years [59]. their short-acting nature and the consequent need for a
A systematic review demonstrated that both rhPTH twice-day injection. A small 6-month randomized trial, was
(1–84) and teriparatide were effective in correcting serum carried out with the use of teriparatide delivered by pump
calcium levels and significantly reduced daily requirements and compared to the twice-daily s.c injection [72]. Data
of calcium and active vitamin D supplements compared to showed fewer fluctuations in serum calcium levels with the
placebo [67]. Urinary calcium excretion was reduced with use of the pump. In addition, a new sustained-release pro-
teriparatide compared to conventional therapy, but drug of PTH(1–84), namely the TransCon PTH, was tested
unchanged with PTH 1–84. Teriparatide had also positive in phase I trial and are now under phase II investigation
data on its long-term efficacy and safety in a cohort of [73]. In animals, the once-daily subcutaneous administra-
children with genetic hypoparathyroidism [68]. Finally, tion of TransCon PTH maintained a steady systemic con-
teriparatide discontinuation was associated with transient centration of PTH, which mimic an infusion-like profile
increase in calcium and calcitriol requirements [69]. of PTH.
Recombinant human PTH(1–84) may theoretically be In conclusion, acute hypocalcemia can be safely cured by
administered as life-long treatment of hypoparathyroidism. the administration of intravenous calcium infusion. We
It is administered subcutaneously every day at different suggest the ECG monitoring during the infusion, that
doses. So far, data from retrospective analysis of patients should be continued until the oral therapy is possible. More
treated for 10 years showed stable restoration of serum challenging is the long-term treatment, especially when it is
calcium, and an ~50 and a 75% reduction of calcium and life-long, due to the associated complications. Development
calcitriol supplements [70], with significant improvement in of new drugs and long-term randomized trials (longer than
quality of life [41]. 10 years) will probably modify the management of chronic
Both standard therapy with calcium and calcitriol, as well hypocalcemia in the future.
as the new therapy with rhPTH, had side effects. Calcium
supplements may have a low gastrointestinal tolerance in
long-term treated subjects. Also, thiazides have side effects Conclusions
that should be monitored, such as hypokalemia and the rise
in serum levels of uric acid. The possible drawbacks/side Assessment of hypocalcemia needs careful evaluation by
effects reported for rhPTH are mainly related to hypercal- clinicians. After confirming the reduction in serum calcium
ciuria with controversy in the literature [58–61, 66] and to levels, attention needs to be paid to the definition and
the reported risk of hypocitraturia with rhPTH 1–34 [71]. management of the specific causes. Knowledge of the main
Concerning the long-term safety issue of the develop- genetic and acquired causes of hypocalcemia, together with
ment of bone neoplasm using PTH peptides, so far in the the specific clinical and laboratory evaluations, are of
literature no cases of osteosarcoma in hypoparathyroid utmost importance in the management and follow-up of
patients have been reported for PTH 1–34 and PTH 1–84. hypocalcemic patients. From a clinical point of view, the
However, studies for PTH 1–84 have a follow-up of no differences in the time of hypocalcemia onset usually define
longer than 10 years [38]. the clinical presentation of the disease. Indeed, acute cases
The high cost of the rhPTH(1–84) therapy imposes the of hypocalcemia are typically associated with more severe
identification of to hypoparathyroid patients who would signs and symptoms and a higher risk of acute complica-
benefit from this therapy. Recent guidelines recom- tions, while chronic hypocalcemia may be less symptomatic
mended that rhPTH(1–84) therapy is prescribed only in or asymptomatic. In any case, the major goals of treatment
patients unresponsive to conventional treatment, with for both acute and chronic hypocalcemia are to increase
inconstant control of serum calcium and frequent epi- serum calcium levels, as soon as possible, to control
sodes of hypo- or hypercalcemia [59]. Patients with symptoms and to avoid complications, although with dif-
nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis or eGFR < 60 mL/min ferent timing between the two forms. The administration of
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for kidney stones are also candidates. Moreover, elevated thiazide diuretics are the mainstream treatment of hypo-
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