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Name: Anessa Jane Anana Date:

Grade and Section: 12 STEM Engineering Teacher: Mr. Joshua Ferdy Raganas


A. Analyze the situations carefully and answer the question in each item.

1. James is already an adult and has been moving from one job to the next. He
cannot seem to stay long in one job and always finds reasons to quit. He
complains about his present work but does not really know what to do for a living.
Why do you think James is unsatisfied in his professional life?

James is fond of complaining and quitting because he has no idea what he wants to do
for a living. He is unsatisfied since he may have never desired it in the first place. Maybe he's
still looking for a job that fits him.

2. Peter enjoys playing basketball, but does not play at all because his friends would
rather play video games. He doesn't tell them about this and simply follows their
lead. He convinces himself that playing basketball isn't as cool as playing video
games. Do you think this is a healthy attitude?

No, it's not a healthy situation for Peter to be in. He will have a difficult time making
decisions for himself and choosing a route that will make him happy if he continues to let such
thoughts and influences mislead him from who he truly is.

3. Maggie is not skinny like the other girls, but she doesn't mind at all. She eats
healthy food, swims every weekend and feels good in her clothes. Jessica on the
other hand, has done almost all kinds of diets and exercises until she's exhausted
just to be able to maintain her slim figure. When she looks in the mirror, she
always wants to change something about herself. Who between the two girls will
most likely grow up to be a healthy adult? Why do you say so?

I think Maggie is the most likely to grow up to be a healthy adult than Jessica because she
embraces and cares for her body. Maggie’s optimistic view of her body and health will be
reflected in the choices she makes and, in the long run, allow her to succeed in other aspects of
her life. While Jessica, on the other hand, tires herself to maintain her figure. I think she is
insecure about her appearance because she wants to change something about herself.
4. Nathan's group mates assigned him to be in-charge of submitting their final paper
on the day of the deadline. However, he overslept and was not able to submit on
time. What can he do to show that he takes personal responsibility for his

Since Nathan overslept and could not submit their final paper on time, he should take
responsibility for it. If I were him, I would apologize to my groupmates, especially the teacher,
and assure them that it won't happen again.

5. What would result if an individual were forced into a responsibility?

Maybe a lot will result in that individual being undetermined about their task. But it
depends because the individual may be a person who is capable of doing it and ends up
finishing the job that is given, or they will not do it properly because they are only forced to do it.

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