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@1) (0 Cut-off value for implying =O, eae ae When Uar74t, Ve av ori. ; R ua J,_, (uo) LPjan iS giver Ls aE J; (ua) Let j=, then Lym = U% Sv-a luo? pace Ty (wad Property of Bessel Functions ! afr LPym mode is poke: corresponds To ua = V 2 Verital -wa kj-a (Wad ae kj (wa) = wa ky-1(W = 7 wa Kyo (wa Ky (wa) amt WOO > fea) s(x An - -@ TL eV nw ui 9(E)¢ Equations © on @ in @ > Ky (wo) Ua Ty4(ua) _ —wow ky-4 (wo) See . wet T, (ua) gives Ae * oe lS ane men} (ue = MP -g) 2 4 =o 2 wos (ua = w(v-4) -2) z 4 2 4a Wives) Ee o(am-4)E —» Ey .(D 2 ua my al oT 2 om -T 2 z= a 2mm -M +DY -E+E a wa = wT E+e Wa = ommety -30 * 4 > iia mode is fourfold degenerate. ecuuse for each polarization , P dependence conte be elthn wig ASin jg, , Ley for 2010 azimuthal orden (v=o) | the modes ane -bo0o- Two : . a 4 eee Pelani 2ationmode s Pom and LBS, ore possible. while modes of nom-2010 atinuthal onler CON ae Fe 3 eee ie ~ fold orientational clegenorauy iennteitim cosh fe sing, and +00-fold Peis i al Prlarizetun depener (A and 4). ‘h Tn tak In this cae, four polanieatimmodes namely ase sre 12 and uP? can be guided along te a LP im 7 EP ven fiber. Theefre excep VO, fr a ¥, CAUA LP Mode is four-fold depewerate . b (6) The — chwaclerictic Equatim for LPim modes is ua Wes (4a 2 + wa Kves (Wo Jy (ua) KyG2a) charadenich’e Te we try t find the rook of Mis Equation , ueelising Gmphical approach, Rus is moving ctowernds right oS V increases = nd intersections ob ps ond LHS gwa oo mode . hence root & Tyealua) be. Cuay,, 2 ira Thefe the which it Should — Sab’sty ane the modes fer vrode veacher Cutoff When V= Atm tim “to ~ Bfv-a ea] = mad > Ae = os = v- 4 =( ania aoe for - ~ lenge v, v-2 xv Hence = yam = Lvten] VU =0,4,-- = apm WA, For fixed VF, these root: ore spaced unifirmly at distance’ TT” So that the no. f root My satisfies @+2m)m =V pies cutet V = Atm] > amt = 2V _y wv mee ¥ ok For uso = SM 7M T = 2Vv Fer Y= Una » M =O > Bran = Vmax The total Mo. of modes is M=S My veo 2 Vet py a vo Megelce ee) ov ° 7 ze & Vv 2Vv > mee (¥] (2) m > me Ve Guided modes TY Allowsy cisco degrees of freedom for Gr ond sinjg) ond two — polaxizatunt for ead index (¥,m) , we — obsitain (od a= GoM ng 54.52 ,m2 = 4.50 of Az sym. = 2a Ne = 20 end o = “=m = im cia "4 4A-S2 > D= 00434 2» Ve 2 (some) Kast lan” he, word » Se, no. of confined modes is M > UX (49.464) alM 3000 modes Re Ve2.405 > Single-mode fiber, Single mode fiber Supporti. two (independently polarized HE44 modes. For 4-degeneracy we have daied far no. Confined modes for a multimode filen as Ms Ws A simile, Teletnship can atic be derived for Single -mode fioens. Al We ives WA = sine anton) = For pracktal numenicol apeitunes sin@ is So smal! that sino = 8. There fore, Sold acceptance angle, SL = Te” = K(njeny) For wavelengtn dR, novef modes per Unit solid angle is and A = fra of trode entinig a loving. ie, A = Tar and ama 2h ie RY ame 2h a 2 Me a w (nn) Here, tre factor ‘2° is leecause of the tio independent , Polanizattrons a two-fld degeneracy. a me war (nyrene) x : (sto v2 SReowweat) (> as Spm , ngs 4-50 and AE AMM. Na ay =! Maximum Vo corvespmds te single-mode fiben is Vinay = 2hoe. MN F2L-YOS > iMutmode So, Vmax = 27a f ye — yytle os ae (Gen nr) ar o Y (2-uos) (166) - wv ae am(sxiss) max = v = 3 ow Pinan = SB6OXLO 4 NY and z= 4-50 iad ~ Meson = 2.50455 ang Bron = Mton "5 posses: max "moa = 4.504945 © N, = em 4 Maw = 2.2057 % Ma =1Sod ynp= 4.500 r= am Vino = 2 man [ve ay —ne FP Amog = Vm =F come Ta ZIT [ns -nr] max 6.984 pro Therefore the — maximum core radius for single mode fiber is Amon = 6.98% um. (Qs) Meg + WaTyluad . wa kslwa) _» af) Taluay Ra(used ee , vY = U%ar+ a%o” 2 wWarced and ator ced, 2 uac ~[Int soseen] Substituting Eyns@ in Ea@, we act lace] | [4 ea) for (2) -[ntas re-satz] _ s+ - [nw + 0.5332] %oY r0srar] at — ate” [Ane > An( 22) +osqan - ot = uvar an( 4B) = = ~y [ 7 = 05392] “(= > wae (we), fae ae (ow) > Was 2 (t= exp(2)] flso, waz Vie ushere b is nermolited prjagsten conttauct, aay We = was te ae Also , loz (Eyer “ (4)= b(nsind) tm.” ng,” xv turd be (47 exr(%)] olny) a (B)* nes AR (nner) c%”™ 7| = [vreel 4 (nrenr) ->(A + 2) Tne ve x Me + § 4) The Tronscedental Equation 1s (Wet Ky) (GF te¥Kv) = oo" a) wer ve”. For TE and TM medes ( TFom and Tom), ¥ =O Where So= BCH) and wa Te( 4a) for Eqgn® , either (Sot Ke) should be equal t 0 (on (Kio Ker Ke) Should equod 200 case wou BE arivial oly. Because if both one zeno , the Boundary trditins § we c Ky(ua) =O (wa) =o\l ey@® > AgT,(uad - [ee ® continuous) uso: ATo(¥e — cko wi T.] : ' [8 BP 5,(ua)+ Awe, ury'(ua)} [Hp i emtnuous] -J iv acs [eo HE xy (wad + Cw ety (war) =O wo: = , = [reese 3,'(ua)| = [cose ki cua] =O a t Vero + = (A we,u Jo(ua)) AL (cweats x (wo)) = Eqn@ 2 fma we Knew ber Egn@ tat ce Af Blu] 5 En@ Ko(woad Swostitubig Eqn © in Eqn fe) gues Awes g'(ua) + A Tua) PE ko(uwr) _ Ww Ke(v2a) That is, A To(ua)| wey To'(ua) oe Ke’ (wa) i - > Fyn @ @ a(aey ty Ko WO), : er ® x (op gi A Jol ua) [x Bie 2” kellwa) | 20 7 Egn@ aus,(ua) GW Ke( wa) from Eqn@, either [prelus3] =o = yn@ Cor) ~ : ky’ Tellua) KY Kel (wd Ko (wa) | 6 au Te(ua> AW) Kol wa)| a en®@ iso) frm eam; | tee trivial Solution , Ct, *Ke) =o fe (Kid + Ko ) +O hee fom (Een ©, feu ERS trivial solulan , Ag,(ua) =o fr (Kio +h” Ko) #0. = |ATo(ua) =O for (ho + Ko) Oo T'(uay 4 ke (wad =O, -then AT(ua) =O. ” UaTg(ucr) wo. Kol wa) ’ ie. if AT ua) =O 4 fr ¥sO , EBe(rea) = azcun J cite Be a Ex(ree) = O.7 As the — &-component’ a ponding mode iS purely. banmense electric. ea (TEom) op Electric field i 220, then I 2 TE, ¢ Te (ua) Kol (wad = YaTeluar Wa Ke(voa) Using — Recurrence Relais of Bessel Functions, t HOO = hy +440) WED Kyi) = kv) - Ki TEom*: — 7Jauad ~ Kawa) tate) § a plata > | TEeom: J(ua) vaToluad fr T™ mote: Ty a similar way 42 TEom , Gounday tmdtituns gi gue BT, (ua) —pd ky(wa) =O [He is conting s J ou and = j al rn ae ie Tyua) - Bwpu Ty‘Cua)] SS . > [¢ JB sy (wo) - Duy Ky'(eoa)] =o When v=0, Ba, fuer = Dike 2 2 > B Jotun) —> Eqn@ KeCwe) ent, uTlquay + Ae DW pr Ke (wa) =O Fyn @&) ws & ax Substhdig “ Epn@ in egn@ aes Busse qleua) + OTeLUE + BH ka'(wwed = 7 2 (wa) @ A t a BJ, (ua) Te (ua) + key (ea) =O. Ey KD) ua Te(ua) 10 Kowa) In Ey @ tither 8 T.(us) should be eQual t 210 an a Te'(uad Kel) 9, Ua Tol ua) wk (wa) : bint and both shold vot ( for existence gun via] solutteon - fom Eqn@ and ey , ") #0 tren BI, (42) =O. Wren (Ks Jo +k” Ko Br(ua) =O > He =O => Transverse Magneble Pais BY alee) @ fr TMin, Ki Da 2 UaTe( 4a) wa kel wo) Using Bans € ant GG) Aefined obove, TMi © ky” (-Ty (ua) + seat (~ Ka e909) _ fit alia dee co" (C7 Ka (00) uate (ua) Wa ke (ua) ° Ta(uad ka Kala) uaTelaa) Gaee (ae) Q5) Siven wre Tadtus is a= 25pm. Core vefracwe index, Nd = 1-48 Bis oo1. m Az 4i320nm, Ale 27a, eae Ve TT [nye ny Ba (ug-no] tek oe Se He) ML 2 Mw [ ps] fe 4 <4. vy = Y Upon — Subastitution , Ve oe x4. all 2(004 | 4220x1077 No. of Modes propagate in this fiber ix iM = [ F Vis lage and Stp-index Abel] 2M 2 (24.844)" 2 308 2 |Ms 20% jes= 208] (be) Percent of optical power flows in the Gladding ig jiven by the — relation ~42 x soo, Therefre [T. Pama Co. TR d= 0.003, then Y= 2To am (25x10) —— Ns (J26 — SUES i ae Reins (456) = EEE | [reser] > Ve 13642 Mey > Me = . sea ett 43.642)% (os64e9) = 4943.05 Thus ,if we decrease ‘o) in order te lower the Signal dispersion , then Mie of modes Supporting is decreased and percent os power propagating uw Clactding Is increased Tot is the trodeofe bebocen Sanol Dispersion and no. ty ynodes and power efficiency.

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