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Class 4th Subject English Chapter #1

Topic; Great Caliph of Islam
Words Synonyms meanings
Affection A person’s feelings of love
Distinguish To recognize the difference
Generous Open-handed
Treaties A formal agreement between two or more
martyrdom Death of a martyr who dies for religion or
Q#1: Why was Hazrat Abu Bakr given the title of ‘Siddique’?
A:Hazrat Abu Bakr was given the title of Siddique because he was
the first to believe in Rasoolullah.
Q#2: Why is Hazrat Usman called the holder of two lights?
A:Hazrat Usman was called the holder of two lights for marrying two
of Hazrat Muhammad daughters at different times.
Q#3: At what age did Hazrat Ali accept Islam?
A: Hazrat Ali accepted Islam at the age of 10.
Countable Noun:
Countable Noun are words for things that we can count. e.g ball, girls,
dolls, etc.
Uncountable Noun:
Uncountable noun are words for things that we cannot count.e.g water,
weather , furniture ,etc.
Types of adjectives:
1. Adjective of quality: Words which describe the quality of nouns or
pronoun are called adjective of quality.
2. Adjective of quantity: Words which describe the quantity of noun are
called adjective if quantity
3. Adjective of color :Words which describe the color of nouns or
pronoun are called adjectives of quantity.
4. Adjectives of size: Words which describe the size of nouns or
pronoun are called adjective of size.
5. Adjective of shape: Words which describe the shape of nouns or
pronoun are called adjective of shape.
6. Adjective of origin describe where something comes from.
Creative Writing: Write a paragraph about Hazrat Muhammad.
Complete exercise .
Class 4th Subject English Unit #2
Topic:Beauty of Nature
Words Synonyms Meanings
Furry Covered with fur
Stalk The main stem of a plant
Hover To stay in the air in one place
Toad A small animal like a frog with drier and less smooth
Spy To observe silently
Q#1: Where is the caterpillar going?
A:Caterpillar is going to shady leaf.
Q#2:What will the caterpillar become?
A:It will become adult butterfly.
Q#3;Do toads and birds eat caterpillars?
A; They eat caterpillars.
Collective Noun:
A collective noun refers to group of people or things for example :a team
of players, a herd of deer, a hive of bees.
Creative Writing: Write a paragraph on “Saving Earth”.
Complete Exercise.
Essay: My Family
My family is a joint family which includes my parents, grandparents,
Uncle, aunt and we two kids .My father is the eldest of the three siblings.
We all take care each of other in one way or the other. My grandpa
drops us to school. My grandmother tells us stories at night.
My mother my aunt and grandmother share the kitchen work .My uncle
loves me a lot. I help my younger sister with her homework.
I learn values like sharing, patience , kindness and love. Allah bless our
family. Ameen!
Story: A Greedy dog
Once there was a dog. He was very hungry. He found a piece of meat.
He got the piece of meat and ran away. On the way , there was a stream.
He saw his own reflection in the water. He thought that there was
another dog with a piece of meat. He barked at him to get that piece.
He lost his own piece of meat in the water.
Moral; Greed is curse.
Class 4th Subject G.S Unit #1
Topic; Characteristics and Life Process of Organisms
Q#1: Write any four characteristics of livings things?
A.1 .Living things use food to remain alive.
2. Living things can breathe.
3. Living things can move on their own.
4. Living things can grow.
Q#2: Write any three differences between plants and animals?
Plants Animals
Usually green in color. Usually of various colors
They can make their own food. Dependent on plants and other
animals for their food.
Unable to move from one place to Able to move from one place to the
another. other.
Q#3; Differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates/
Vertebrates Invertebrates
The animal having backbone are The animal having no backbone are
called vertebrates. called invertebrates.
For example, man and fish Butterfly and honeybee.
Q#4; Write types of teeth and their functions.
Name Functions
Incisor Biting and cutting food
Canine Piercing food and tearing food.
Premolar Chewing and grinding food
Molar Chewing and grinding food
Q#5: What functions do bones and muscles perform together?
A. Muscles work with the bones and joints to help you move hands,
arm, feet, and legs. Due to these movements, we can sit walk, run
and jump.
Q# 6; Describe the functions of lungs and heart?
A.The function of lungs is to bring air into the body.
The function of heart is to pump blood in the body.
Solve Mcqs on book.
Class 4th Subject G.K Unit #8
Topic; Our world
Q#1; Which is the largest country in the world?
A.Russia is the largest country in the world.
Q#2: Which is the largest country in the South America?
A.Suriname is the largest country in the South
Q#3; Which is the smallest country in the world?
A.Vatican is the smallest country in the world.
Q#4; Which is the smallest country in the Asia?
A.The Maldives is the smallest country in the Asia.
Complete exercise on book.

Unit #10 Topic: The Earth

Q#1: How are igneous rocks formed?
A.These are formed when hot lava becomes solid.
Q#2; How many different minerals are there?
A.There are about three thousand different kinds of
Q#3: Which minerals are important for our health?
A.Some minerals ,like iron , potassium, calcium, and
zinc ,are important for our body.
Complete exercise on book.

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