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Social Network & Web Analytics

Faculty: Dr. Preeti Khanna

End Term Examination

Date: 1st September 2021

MBA (Core) | Division B

Ridhima Yadav | G023 | 80511020325

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

Question 1
a) What approach should be adopted for building online presence by increasing the
visibility of their website / webportal by considering the processes like content creation,
publishing, managing content, monitoring content, selecting content, engaging the
consumers with content and selecting the media for content. is an international recruiting firm. They have already been doing activities
like content publishing articles on many topics. The biggest challenge they are facing is
creating a niche community and ways of engaging with their users.

In order to create a community, we can first look at the six characteristics given by Adler
and Christopher (1999):

Characteristics Why to consider? How to use?

Cohesion Creates a sense of belonging This can be done by creating a community on
and develops group identity. popular social media websites like Facebook,
Twitter. Make this a Public Community so
that more and more people can engage.
Create specified hashtags for easy
Relationships Interactions and friendships Have not just content format but also
discussions on forums and posts. Like posting
a topic on Facebook and let the members of
the group or community express their
thoughts and feeling about it. This engages
the individuals not just with the company but
also with each other.
Effectiveness Impact on lives Create content which not just create
awareness, or something that people will just
see and forget but give a powerful message
so that it has a certain impact on the people
engaging with it. This can also be done with a
reward system which can easily increase the
traffic and time spent by people on the
Help Level of comfort is high among The niche community created can sometimes
the members even build strong affinity towards each other.
This can be useful as the word can easily be
spread through word of mouth by the
existing users.
Language Shared communication By creating effective communication among
developed. the people in the community, there can be a
system of shared language developed. By
this, it can mean certain lingos that are only
related to the community members or

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

certain hashtags that they identify with

Self-Regulation Self-policing system is created With closed communities, a very important
aspect is the belongingness factor and
sometimes they get so involved that they are
like family to each other. Hence, certain rules
can be developed for the community like no
one should use abusive slurs at each other

Using the above steps, an online niche community can be developed.

b) Identify the list of most relevant KPI’s focusing on promoting on social
media? Which kind of social media competitive analysis is applicable in this case?

As a consultant for the firm, I would first follow the 5 dimensional model for web analytics
to identify how to gain visibility, popularity, loyalty, depth and stickiness.

(Figures Source: Class Slides)

1. Unique Contributes- This gives an estimate of the unique interactions that the individual
is having. For example, if a user is commenting on a blog then that will count as a unique
contribution of that user.

2. Amount of active users – This gives the number of users that are actively viewing and
participating in the content that is being shared.

3. Amount of interactions by members - This includes the number of likes, shares,

comments, events etc. that are created by the community members.

4. Amount of interactions by managers - This is another metric that is necessary. This

shows the number of likes, events created etc. that the managers of the community are
posting. This shows how much involvement and engagement are the managers ready to

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

5. Total number of likes and comments on a specific event, topic, or group – There can be
smaller groups that exist of the same community. This gives an estimate of and it shows
how active the community is as a whole.

6. Engagement metrics – This is used to distinguish between the likes and shares of a post,
event created etc.

Question 2
Explain how Google retrieves an answer for question-based phrases and how to get your
site ranked under the featured snippet or as a rich result in the search. Mention the detail
process by considering the new development related to semantic search, google lense,
voice search and processing of queries.

Search engine is primarily used to help users in completing tasks, like answering a query that
they have searched for. It takes time to interpret the search and figure out what kind of
response is needed, whether it's a single solution or a list of alternatives.

What does it mean when a search request or a search query is interpreted as a question?

The first step is to figure out what kind of content is being requested. As a result, the
problem is divided into 5Ws (When, Where, What, Who, and Why) and H (How) queries at
this phase. Even if the query does not contain these six terms, this can be used.

If a person randomly searches for “What is the best team in this year’s IPL” or “IPL 2021”,
the first choice if automatically detected as a question, but the second one is deterred as
the individual’s primary goal and shows that the individual is looking for a response to the

In order to react to the inquiry, Google uses a variety of methods. Among them is "Neural
Matching." Its sole purpose is to find synonyms for the typed-in query. Assuming an
individual is searching for "How many circles are there in Olympics symbol?" Then Circles
can be swapped out for equivalents like divisions or components, and the solution can be
delivered quickly. Their AI algorithms look for parallels at a high level to find out what
material would answer a purpose even if it isn't explicitly specified.

Previous Google encounters are also significant. By providing a match in an acceptable

arrangement and watching what people behave, search engines can assess whether their
understanding of a purpose is true. They'll put that assumption to the test if one of the
conceivable intentions of the query "what is the time in London" is that I'm seeking for a
response to a question. It looks to be a popular response on a broad scale.

What are the advantages of using features snippets to present a website?

This highlighted excerpt contains the answer to the question. The response will provide the
site name, URL, answer, and some details about the solution. Some of the techniques that
should be included in the snippet are:

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

• Paragraph snippets are the most common and useful snippets. To increase the
chances of it getting included, the opening line should be a response phrase.
• Include a question before the answer on your website. This makes it easy for Google
to find the content and also indicates the webpage as the most appropriate
• Produce new and unique data, as duplicate information has a lower rating and
should be avoided at all costs. The material offered must be thorough in order for
more people to visit your website and for your rating to improve.
• Using the 5Ws and Hs to answer the questions.
• Using keyword research tools, determine which keywords are used for highlighted
snippets in a certain topic.
• To locate rival highlighted snippet keywords, you can use a variety of online tools.
SEMrush is an excellent example.

These are a few methods that can assist Google in ranking your site in a rich tab or
highlighted snippet.

Recent Modifications - All of the searches connected to keyword recommendations in

the auto suggest section are powered by semantic search technology. There is a strong
link between question keywords and semantic search. Google can recognize the entities
contained in the inquiry keywords.

A search that is focused on meaning is referred to as a "semantic search." It is the study

of words and their logic, as well as a data-mining method for determining the meaning
of words and determining the user's intent before returning answers. The following
factors are used when calculating the results:

• Processing of Natural Language

• Context of the user
• Query the context of a stream
• Recognize entities

Google recognizes the NLP and selects the item from the query when you run a search. It
then analyzes the documents and delivers a response to the user in the highlighted
segment. This is how semantic search operates. Google can now extract identities from a
search string, check for relationships between them, and either present the best search
result or immediately respond to the searcher with the proper answer.

With the advent of semantic search technologies, Google has progressed from simply being
a search engine to becoming an answer engine. Semantic search, artificial intelligence, voice
search, schema data, query processing, and other domains have advanced significantly since
then. These have supported Google's transformation into a smart search assistant capable
of providing direct answers to user requests rather than page recommendations. In order to
provide users with speedy answers, Google is focusing its efforts on voice search and Google
Lens. As a result, websites with accurate structured data are more likely to appear in
Google's highlighted snippets.

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

Some Semantic SEO Content Optimization Techniques

Semantic search is a crucial ranking factor that will only become more important in the
future. When creating and executing your SEO plan, use the following recommended
practices to improve your content for semantic SEO:

• Instead of keywords, think about subjects.

• Make a concerted attempt to match data to the search intent.
• Include keywords that are related in your article as well. This will make your content
more visible in snippets.
• It's a good idea to incorporate structured data into your content.

Question 3
a) What are the implications of social media monitoring on society, and on individual in
such a scenario?

Social media monitoring is essentially the process of identifying what is being said about a
brand, individual or product - or in this case the contestants of the American Idol Show -
through different social and online channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.

(Fig 1. TV Show: Bigg Boss | Image Source:

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

(Fig 2. TV Show: Indian Idol | Image Source:

A good social media monitoring plan consolidates all of the brand's mentions and search
parameters in one place, allowing you to spend more time responding to key messages and
establishing a strategy based on your findings. Starting with a list of everything the brand
wants to keep watch of and how those notifications can be responded to can help the brand
such as develop a monitoring strategy.

Any social customer service approach must include social monitoring. It can lead to quicker
response times, the prevention of public relations crises, and the identification of brand
evangelists. Responding to customers has been found to increase customer loyalty to a
brand. More importantly, social media monitoring isn't limited to direct mentions of the
brand’s posts or comments on them. It also includes posts that reference American Idol
contestants, their popularity, any feedback on their performances, how the audience
liked/disliked the feedback of the judges. Naturally, since these kinds of posts don't show up
in the standard network notifications, it's critical to set up a brand wide social monitoring

In other words, the continuous monitoring of the social media activity of competitors,
consumers, target groups, and influencers relevant to the firm is known as social media
monitoring or social listening. It means you as the brand is always aware of what user-
generated material on specific topics connected to your business is making the rounds on
the internet. The data might be useful for sales and marketing activities, as well as product
development – for example, identifying trends, developing campaigns, or protecting your

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

Negative remarks can typically be reduced or even avoided if they are caught early enough.
Furthermore, social media monitoring allows you to maintain tabs on your rivals and respond
quickly when necessary. While social media analysis is done on a case-by-case basis,
monitoring occurs in real time. However, an analysis is based on the data acquired during
monitoring. Some key reasons for social media monitoring include:

• Feedback on social media is exponentially faster than that on traditional media.


• Brand Management & awareness of events


• Identification of Trends and Topics (what contestants are the audiences really liking)
• Monitoring Competitive Activities (other TV programs)

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

• Customer Acquisition (social media awareness can increase popularity, covering as

many channels as possible)

The when to monitor question is easy to answer: as soon as possible. Biz360 should ensure
that it doesn’t begin by aggressively posting articles on social media sites and then consider
social monitoring later. Take on both from the start. Ideally, the company should begin by
monitoring in order to determine which platforms your target group uses.

The answer to where to monitor depends on your specific circumstances, subjects, and target
audiences. One thing is certain: social listening should not be thrown into IT in its entirety
simply because certain software is required for an organised approach. Marketing, public
relations, and communications, as well as sales, customer service, product development, and
market research, are the departments to contact concerning social media monitoring.


• Helps in growing Brand awareness

• Aids in increasing traffic to your TV Show/Program
• Users feel heard when the brand implements suggestions
• Enables product/idea development (if a mass of users prefer rapid fire round on the
show and are tweeting to add the same, this would be a helpful insight for Biz360)
• Accepting criticism and presenting a timely response builds brand image


• Social media monitoring also helps you sort through the noise and lets only the
important messages through.

b) What are the ethical considerations while monitoring and “so called manipulating and
presenting” the facts based on the interactions with individuals in a eco-centric and open
network on social media platforms.

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

If only publicly accessible data is collected and analysed, social media monitoring has no data
protection considerations. As a result, if a person creates publicly viewable content, that
content can be analysed as well. Posts that are labelled as only for the user's friends, for
example, cannot be seen by the social media surveillance tools that are allowed in India.


Brands now have access to particular, intimate data about consumers, which is one of
the reasons why social media marketing has become so powerful. Marketers and
companies can learn practically everything there is to know about a person based on
data acquired mostly on social networking sites. They can learn things like relationship
status, dining habits, likes, political ideas, religious beliefs, hobbies, and shopping

While many individuals are uncomfortable with the collecting of this information,
employing precise, personal parameters for marketing isn't always a bad thing. Some
might argue that the ability of brands to find and interact with people who actually
want to see their ads and engage with their brand is a positive thing in general. You
can locate people who are seeking your goods, resulting in an increase in sales.


When you place an ad on most social media platforms, you may choose from a variety
of settings. When you place an ad on Facebook or Instagram, for example, you'll be
asked to choose an audience based on the data they currently have on their users.
They're assisting you in locating your target audience based on their user data.

However, occasionally firms may wish to grow their email list to perform direct inbox
marketing. Some firms offer lists of potential consumers' email addresses to brands

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

and corporations. Buying email lists may appear to be a smart idea and a method to
promote your name in front of more people, but it crosses certain ethical boundaries.


Consumers value brands and businesses that are socially conscious. This might
occasionally imply that you'll get an idea for a political commercial that takes a stance
on one side of a debate. This is a great way to raise brand awareness and connect with
your audience by discussing current, relevant topics. However, brands should ensure
that they are not being disrespectful or inconsiderate in their message. Make sure
your ad doesn't exploit the side you're supporting if you're taking a stance on a
contentious topic. People who care about the problem may see your ad as an attempt
to promote a product by hijacking their issue, which might backfire.

As social media platforms and technology bring companies and customers closer than ever
before, it is our responsibility to handle the ethical issues that arise as best we can.
Consumers, it turns out, respond favourably to firms that are ethical and honest. In the long
term, brands who are open about their attempts to do business ethically perform well.
On the surface, marketing ethics are straightforward: don't lie, cheat, or abuse people. The
same ethical considerations that apply to traditional marketing initiatives also apply to social
media campaigns.

Social media marketing, on the other hand, has a far broader and more immediate influence.
What you thought was a harmless post could go viral, and you'll be stuck with the
consequences. As a result, following these ethical social media marketing strategies is

1. Being truthful
When it comes to social media marketing, don't lie. Telling the truth about your
product or service is all it takes. If a brand is dishonest on social media, they engender
uncertainty and distrust and lose credibility among its core base. Use of clickbaits
misleads others with false information.

2. Being Transparent
Transparency is essential in social media marketing. The motivations behind your
marketing don't have to be overt or obvious, but don't try to hide them behind clever
material. In the digital age, finding environmental, corporate, and political
associations is simple. Consumers are quick to criticise businesses depending on how
ethical and moral they are. Whenever possible, be open about your affiliations.

3. Avoid exploitation of audience emotions

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

Some would argue that the underlying art of marketing is manipulating emotions to
encourage action. Those individuals would not be incorrect. However, there is a
distinction to be made between appealing to emotional factors and exploiting them
for personal gain. Hot button problems or general distress should not be used to
drive TRP ratings.

4. Do not compromise on Data Security

It's a delicate subject when it comes to hacked data and online data security. On the
one hand, businesses have been purchasing user data for decades in order to fine-
tune their marketing campaigns and better reach their target customers. On the other
hand, it doesn't seem fair to have your data sold to firms without your awareness as
a consumer. It's unethical to buy and use user data to power your social media
marketing operations. Instead, focus on organically growing your audience and
followers so that you may market to people who have agreed to share their
information in order to learn more about your company.

Question 4

( Figure: From the question paper )

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

(a) What are the characteristics of this network? What is the significance of density of the
network in this case?

The characteristics of the above network are given in the table below:

Characteristic W.R.T Diagram What is means?

Nodes n=8 (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) Can be a person, organisation, idea etc.
Links 12 (AC, AD, AF, BC, CD, DE, DF, Shows links between two nodes,
DG, EG, EH, FG, GH) indicating connection between them)
Edge Type Undirected Edges There is no directional relationship
between the edges.
Graph Type Not a complete graph. Using Each node is not connected to the other
formula n(n-1)/2, a complete 7 nodes.
graph should have had 28
links, but it has only 12, hence
not complete.
Weight Unweighted The edges do not have a weight
attached to it, signifying that the
strength of the relationship between
two nodes is not given.

An example of the above type of graph can be social network, like a Facebook map. The nodes
signifies an individual and the links between them show the connection that they have.
However, the strength of the connection cannot be justified because the graph is unweighted.

The table below shows the partial correlation matrix between these 8 variables:

Variable A B C D E F G H
B - - I - - - - -
C I - - I - - - -
D I - - - I I I -
E - - - - - - I I
F I - - - - - I -
G - - - - - - I -
H - - - - - - - -

Density: It is defined as the level of linkage among the points in the graph. It is a measure of
the potential connections and the actual connection that exists.


Actual Connections (given) = 12

Potential connections = n*(n-1)/2

= (8*7)/2 = 28

SNWA | End Term Examination
Submission by Ridhima Yadav
( MBA Core 2020-2022 | Division B | G023 )

Thus, Network density = (Actual Connections / Potential Connections)

= 12 / 28

= 0.42857

Density = 42.857%

The density of the above network is low, as we can see the actual connections is much less
than the potential connections.

(b) What is the differentiating factor of ego-centric network? What are the significance for
studying ego-centric network in social sciences domain? Explain with examples.

An ego-centric network is a network which is specific to an individual. It maps the connections

of and from the perspective of an individual. It is a small part of the bigger networks like

The individual is called the ego, and its connections are known as alters. In the figure below
the individual has 5 alters which are his connections, which can be on the basis of similar likes,
dislikes, traits etc.

(Figure: Ego-centric Network, Figure Source)

Significance of studying ego-centric network in social sciences domain:

The study of society and human relationships is referred to as social science. The study is based
on the same ideas as the ego-centric network.

As an example, in the subject of social science:

Cuba is the world's top producer and exporter of sugar, with shipments to the United States,
the United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan. In the same way, India is a major sugar exporter to
all of these countries. So, whereas the egocentric network between Cuba and India is nearly
non-existent, the one between Cuba and the United States of America and India and the United
States of America is highly robust, implying major business relationships.

Thus we can see that eco-centric network analysis can be used in assessing the relationships
and associations between individuals.


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