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Kiane Edmund C.

Bautista MODULE 1

 I heard the name Aristotle, Socrates and Plato. The one thing that I remember
about them is they are philosopher.
 I still remember theTheory of Reality: Ontology and Metaphysics
 To develop our writing, reading, reasoning, re-thinking, adapting, learning,
organizing and dialogue skills.
 Immanuel Kant.

Activity 1:
 Study of the fundamental nature of knowledge.
 To find what you are passionate.
 Yes, because in our life we need to develop our skills and by philosophy we
more understand to deal in our daily life.

Activity 2:

Activity 3:
Exercise No.1
 Self-presentation- I have the confidence of what I am doing. I do mistakes but
I’m a good person, I’m a approachable person and I know my limitations as
 Self-knowledge- Like I said in self-presentation I’m a approachable person and
I’m the youngest of our family.
 I want to try to be an drag racer but when I thinking about my parents, I can’t.
 Me and teammates desire to make in the finals and finally after 3 years we got
the championship.
 I fulfill my one of my dream and now that we have to take a class we limit our
 If I think I must exist. I think we can be champions and we already did it.

Exercise No.2: Compare and Contrast

Exercise No.3:

 How I know myself? I know myself more than anyone else. I know my limits, my
weaknesses, my power, my passion, my favorites and more. Knowing yourself
is a great weapon to all of your anxiety, because you know how to quit, you can
know that life is overwhelming and sometimes you need to be alone in order to
realize something.
 “Cogito, ergo, sum” For me I can apply in decision making, because you can’t
decide of what you want when you are doubting yourself do not let your
emotions control you.

Exercise No.4
1) Why I’m so handsome?
- Because of my parents.
2) Why I’m so grateful of what I have for?
- Because they teach me how to be contented of what you have.
3) Why God giving me this challenges?
- Because he knows that I can overcome it.

Exercise No.5
Baruch Spinoza
- He influences because of his most famous and provocative idea. I don’t
know if it’s just me but I have some questions in my mind like him.
Sometimes I think about, what if we have no God and what if God is a part
of the world but not the creator.

Friedrich Nietzsche
- Nietzsche idea of philosophy have no influence in behavior. He care more
about political issues and me I’m not so interested in political issues.

Activity 4:
 Philosopy is the study of theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge
or experience.
 By giving ourself a time to be alone.
 Yes, it can helps us in our daily life.

Activity 5:
1) “Cogito, ergo, sum”
2) That soul is “continually reborn”
3) He believes that philosophy should archieve practical results for the great well-
being of society.
4) Merleau – Ponty
5) Plato the Athenian Philosopher
Thinking about your learning:
1) Ability to think logically.
2) It can help you to understand yourself as a thinking, acting being.
3) It express our distinctive in our views.

 From what I learned that can be change for a better me I think the Plato’s idea
that he believed the soul exists before birth and after death. You can be
logically thinking about this and the Baruch Spinoza’s idea that what if God isa
part of the world and not the creator. Lots of what if, can be so interesting to
learn and learn.
 The Plato’s idea.

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