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1) Nor Aishah Amani binti Rameli

2) Aimuni Zulfa binti Muhamad Zaradi
3) Janarthanathan A/L Pathmanathan
4) Muhammad Luqman Hakim bin Ramli


The big themes in the advertisement are unity and family relationships. This advertisement
shows a lot of Malaysians from various races across every generation. The second big theme is
family relationship because mainly there a multiple scenes showing people being together with
their families.


Malaysia, a country in which people live in a multiracial society. Even in certain festivals, they
enjoy and celebrate together. Let us see how Malaysians celebrate this festival (Hari Raya
Aidilfitri). Regardless of races, ages and gender, they do preparation together. Even during
celebrations, different races doesn’t matter. Even though we are far apart, we are always
connected. Because we are Malaysian. We are one.


- Animaker for advertisements

- Google Meet for presentations


- Two minutes and eight seconds


1) Malaysians who are multiracial living in harmony.

2) Cultural diversity.

3) Preparation for one of the important celebrations in Malaysia, Eid Aidilfitri regardless of
races, ages and gender.

4) Celebration of Eid Aidilfitri

5) Prayer during the celebration of Eid Aidilfitri

Elements of multicultural literature in the advertisement :

1) Gender element (Presented by Aishah Amani)

Malaysians, regardless of their gender, do the preparation for Eid Aidilfitri together. There is no
issue about women gender who only have to do house chores, or specifically cooking or
preparing meals. In fact, they do the preparation together, helping each other. This can be seen
in the image below where the women and men altogether weave the ketupat in preparation for
Eid Aidilfitri celebration. The second image below also indicates the gender element, in which
the husband himself helps his wife in preparing the meals. There is no such issue where only
wives have to cook for the family, rather they both man and woman, or husband and wife do the
cooking and preparing ingredients together in the kitchen.
Gender element is indicated also from the other images below. Both women and men enjoy the
celebration together. Regardless of gender, they all play with fireworks, enjoy meals and take
pictures of themselves together. There is no issue about each gender minds their own business,
rather, the women and men seem able to mix very well.

Related images in the advertisement :

2) Belief system (Presented by Aishah Amani)

As belief systems are also related to religion, the images below indicate belief systems. The first
picture with family members praying to God before enjoying the meals convey the meaning that
they believe in the existence of God. The action of praying to God denotes that they believe in
God who gives them the food to be enjoyed during the meaningful celebration, Eid Aidilfitri.
They pray to God to express their thanks to Him for giving them the chance to enjoy delicious
meals so as to indicate that they are really grateful to God. This also indirectly shows they
believe that the action of praying to God before enjoying the meals is the way to thank God for
His generosity.

The second image indicates the belief system as the Muslims believe in the existence of God by
praying at the mosque during Eid Aidilfitri celebration. They believe that praying is the means to
denote their thankfulness to God for giving them opportunities to fasting in Ramadan which is
full of blessings. The Muslims believe that the day of the celebration is their victory day for
successfully fasting, hence praying to God to express their gratitude to God for giving them a
chance to wear beautiful clothes and enjoying various meals during Eid Aidilfitri.
Related images in the advertisement :

3) Social elements (Presented by Aimuni Zulfa)

Social elements are related to how society lives in the community. In the advertisement, there is
a lot of positive social life in Malaysia. The society in Malaysia is living in harmony. From the first
few seconds, we can see that multiple races of people are standing behind the Malaysia's flag.
There are the Malays, Chinese, Indians and also Singhs. It is also applicable for the next scene
where the primary school students lie on the ground in a circle together, smiling and holding the
Malaysia's flag. It means that from every generation, young to adult, our society can enjoy living
in diversity. Next, the narrator said that Malaysians could celebrate every ethnic celebration like
Hari Raya, Chinese New Year Deepavali and other festivals together. For instance, it is common
in Malaysia’s culture for the people to hold an open house during every festival. People from
different races are allowed to visit and enjoy the celebration. Furthermore, during Hari Raya
preparation, people from other races are weaving ketupat, a Malays’ traditional food, together.
Therefore, regardless of skin colour and different cultural background, Malaysian’s society is
living in amity.

Related images in the advertisement :

4) Value systems (Presented by Janarthanathan A/L Pathmanathan)

Value systems refers to the set of values according to which people, a society, or organization
regulate their behaviour. From the first picture, the value system is the behaviour of helping
between children and their parents. The children help their parents during the preparation of
meals for Aidilfitri celebration. This moral value helps the children to have a healthy relationship
with their parents, thus they are more likely to develop positive relationships with other people
around them. Children who have a secure and positive relationship with their parents learn
essential skills and values that set them on the path for future success. This will lead a child to
live happily in this multicultural society as well as the country.

The second image shows the value system of cooperation. As we can see, even though they
are from different religions they help each other to prepare for the celebrations just like how the
Malays help the Chinese to weave the ketupat. The attitude of tolerance among races is the
mainstay of harmony and prosperity in community life. Being considerate is part of an admirable
attitude regardless of racial background differences.

Meanwhile, the third and fourth image shows the value systems of respect, etiquette, and
politeness. As we can see, during Hari Raya, Malays have a tradition of shaking hands and
getting blessings from their parents. Here, it indicates the children respect the elders or their
parents by shaking hands and asking for forgiveness. Additionally, the next picture shows the
Malays praying before having their meal showing their etiquette and politeness. Here, they
maintain good manners as they care for their etiquette.

Last picture shows the value system of love and care between human beings. That picture
shows people or neighbours from different backgrounds sharing their food as a symbol of love.

Related images in the advertisement :

5) Family relationship (Presented by Luqman Hakim)

Family relationship elements can be seen in the images below. Firstly, this element is indicated
in the image of the virtual celebration. Virtual celebration is an online event that involves family
members interacting in a virtual environment on the web. In other words, families use
technology to interact with each other. The virtual celebration held by the family indicates family
relationship as even though they are far apart, they are still connected, in which they contact
each other during the day of the celebration. It indicates that their family bonding is strong.
There is no issue about family members forgetting their family members, rather, they celebrate
together even virtually. This also helps them to share feelings or any kind of knowledge and
information between the family members such as the latest news and situations in their place,
especially during the pandemic. The family members also can get to know each other well and
by this way, they will not forget their family members in the future and will be able to get along
with them better and easier.

Family relationship element is also indicated in the other images, in which the family members
take pictures and enjoy the meals during the celebration together. They happily celebrate the
meaningful festival or celebration with their family.

Related images in the advertisement :

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