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Common Ayurvedic formulations – Taken from a youtube video, where the person

claims to have done research about these formulations using ayurvedic textbooks and
he also says he has consulted ayurvedic doctors before making the video.

For this video, I went through various classical ayurvedic scriptures and also consulted Ayurvedic
practitioners and even modern medical doctors to bring across the most authentic information to
you. While selecting the Ayurvedic pills, my main criteria has been how common the issue is faced
in day to day life, how straightforward it’s Ayurvedic solution is and of course the medicine should
be safe for all body types.

1- When are down with sore throat, cold or cough, we often look for instant relief with vicks,
strepsils or cofsil tablets. Next time try the natural Ayurvedic Alternative.

Kanth Sudharak Vati (replacement for vicks, strepsils)

2- Stomach ache issues? Do you often face bloating in the stomach due to gas? Here is an effective
Ayurvedic tablet to try.

Gandhak Raj Bati (for stomach pain, bloating etc.)

3- Do you suffer from diarrhoea time and often? Do keep this safe and natural ayurvedic
churan/tablet handy with you.

Bilwadi Churan (for diarrhoea)

4- Suffering from fever? Instead of using the regular crocin or paracetamol tablets, try this classical
ayurvedic tablet.

Mahasudarshan Ghanvati (for fever)

5- Headaches have become quite normal. Instead of saridon, try this Ayurvedic tablet which is
especially formulated to get rid of headaches.

Shirshuladi vati (for headache)

6- Do you suffer from constipation? Here are a few very effective ayurvedic tablets and oils for
faster results.

Triphala Guggul (for constipation)

7- Do you suffer from excessive sneezing, headache or often cold and cough due to sinus problem?
This Ayurvedic tablet is what you should opt for.

Laxmi Vilas Ras (for cold, cough, sinus problems)

8- Do you suffer from acidity? Instead of the regular gelusil antacid, try Ayurveda's this classical
herbal mineral medicine.

Kamdhudha Ras (for acidity, piles, bleeding)

9- When you suffer from blocked nose, cold or congestion in the chest area, instead of using the
usual vicks vaporub, try this Ayurvedic oil like concoction.
Amritdhara (for blocked nose, congestion in chest )

9- If you often suffer from body pains, nerve pains or muscle pain, you should have this Ayurvedic
tablet handy with you.

Vatganjankush Ras (for body pains)

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