Gujarat Safety Officers Duties Qualification Amp Service Conduct Rules 1983

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Factories Rules-ch-4(Safety),S-6(Power Press),Factory Wing

(i) the number of persons employed therein is less than ten, if working with the aid of power less than twenty if working without the aid of power or 

(ii) the person working therein are not employed by the owner thereof but are working with the permission of or under agreement with such owner.

Provided that the manufacturing process is not being carried on by the owner only with the aid of his family.

[Deptt. Of Labour & Employment Vide Noti.No. GU/94/53/FAC/1089/2787M(3),

GU/94/53/FAC/1089/2787M(3), dt. 29-3-94, Pub. in Guj. Govt. Gaz. Ordy., Pt. IV-A, dt. 21-4-94, P. 59] = 1994 GSCS/
Part II/Head Note No. 209/Page Nos. 264-265.]




 No. KH-R-556/FAC-1077-36875
KH-R-556/FAC-1077-36875-M-1.:-M-1.: Whereas certain draft
draft rules were published
published as required by section 115 of the Factories Act, 1948 (LXIII of 1948);
1948); in Gujarat
Government Gazette Part I-L of June 18th 1981, under the government Notification No. KH-L-348-FAC-1077-36875-J-1,
KH-L-348-FAC-1077-36875-J-1, dated the 28th May, 1981 inviting objection and
suggestion within three months from all persons likely to be affected thereby.

And whereas no objection and suggesting have been received from any person.

 Now therefore, in exercise

exercise of the powers conferred
conferred by section 112 read with sub-sections
sub-sections (1) and
and (2) of section 40-B
40-B of the Factories Act, (LXIII of 1948(, in its application
to the State of Gujarat, the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules to provide for the duties, qualification and condition of service of Safety Officers,
namely :

1. (i) These Rules may be called the Gujarat Safety Officers Duties, Qualifications and Conditions of Service Rules, 1983.

2. (ii) They shall extend to the whole of the State of Gujarat.

3. (iii) They shall come into force on such date as the State Government may by notification in the official Gazette appoint in this behalf.

Factories Rules-ch-4(Safety),S-6(Power Press),Factory Wing

(vii) to render advice on matters related to reporting and investigation of industrial accidents and diseases ;

(viii) to investigate selected accidents ;

(ix) to investigate the dangerous occurrences reportable under rule 103 pf Gujarat Factories Act, 1963 and in the case of industrial diseases contracted by any of the workers
employed in a factory reportable under r ule 104 of Gujarat Factories Rule, 1963 ;

(x) to advise on the maintenance of such records, as are necessary relating to accidents, dangerous occurrences and industrial diseases ;

(xi) to promote setting up of safety committees and act as an adviser and catalyst to such committee ;

(xii) to organize an association with the concerned department, campaigns, competitions, contests and other activities which will develop and maintain in the interest of the
workers in establishment and maintaining safe conditions of work and procedure ;

(xiii) design and contract either independently or in collaboration with the training department suitable training and educational programme for the prevention of personal

7. No Safety Officer shall be required or permitted to do any work which is inconsistent with or to the detrimental performance of the duties prescribed in rule 8.

By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat.


17th September, 1983 Under Secretary


 No.: KHR-529-FAC-1077-36785-M(1) : In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 40(B) of he Factories Act, 1946 (LXIII of 1948), in its application to
the State of Gujarat, the Government of Gujarat hereby specifies the number of safety officers mentioned in column 2 of the schedule appended hereto be appointed by the
occupier of every factory.


Sr. No. Where the number of workers ordinarily employer between Number of safety officer 

1 2 3
Factories Rules-ch-4(Safety),S-6(Power Press),Factory Wing

1. 1000 to 1500 One Safety Officer  

2. 1501 to 3000 Two Safety Officer  

3. 3001 to 4500 Three Safety Officer   By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat,

Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar,
4. 4501 and above Four Safety Officer  

Dated 19th December, 1985. Section Officers

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