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The quality council ensures that all the measures are integrated into a total system of
measures. T
2. Measures are used to promote improvement, not to identify poor performance and
penalize the low performers. T
3. Prevention is achieved by predicting future data and developing action plans for
incorporating into the basic system so that such failures/ defects won’t occur. F
4. Each month the quality council should meet to monitor current activities and plan
future ones. T
5. Cost of maintaining the inspection and test equipment is a part of appraisal cost. T
6. External failure cost are costs which are associated with the defects or
non-conforming situations that are found prior to shipment of the product to customer.
7. Number of suggestions for improvement, number of suggestions implemented,
number of training hours per employee are examples of measurements under
administration. F
8. There are two measures of capability index: one indicates the ability of the process
to meet specifications, and the other indicates the centering of the process on the
target. T
9. A significant portion of measurements need to be financial rather than operational. F
10. Prevention costs are the costs incurred while conducting inspection, tests, and
several other planned evaluations with the purpose of determining whether the
product/ service confirms to its stated requirements. F
11. Actual data collection can be performed on either estimation basis or on detailed and
more accurate basis. T
12. The measures should include all those aspects that are considered critical for
business. T
13. The quality manager may not relate the results of the quality cost with the
management to the overall business measures. F
14. Controlling the number of defects and invariably increasing the inspection will
eliminate the root cause and help reduce the cost of quality. F
15. Quality cost analysis is useful for setting priority for upper management but usually
does not suggest specific actions. T
16. The criteria for performance excellence should support a systems approach to
maintaining organization-wide goal alignment. T
17. Approach, deployment and results are the three evaluation dimensions used for
scoring applicants of Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. T
18. The approach of Balanced Score Card was developed by David Norton and Michael
Harry. F
19. Balance Score Card is a measurement system but not a management system. F
20. Quality cost programs should address all perceived, hidden and buried costs in all
the functional areas. T

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