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1. After staying closed for many months due to the pandemic situation, a ve – star hotel is planning
to open itself to guests, after two weeks (following regulatory permission). Even though the hotel
will work with a reduced capacity and scaled-down sta strength, the management decided to
arrange for a quick training program for all employees and managers before re-opening. The
essential objective of this training is to ensure safe, secure, and best quality service to customers
and the necessary changes to be made in view of the extraordinary situation. Please suggest the
areas/topics of training that the hotel should prioritize.

• Regular communication and training session to update sta , to review, evaluate the situation and to
motivate sta towards engagement through zoom/ google meet or apps.

• Training Sessions focused towards use of PPE properly, for e.g.: temperature scanner- what the
temperature should be, what to do if a person has high temperature, who and how to contact the
management etc.

• How to guide the guests politely and strictly from checking to accommodation to checkout through
proper standard procedure and communication. For e.g.: temperature check, oxygen level, wearing
masks while outside of room, maintaining social distance etc.

• Training focused on use of proper precautions like wearing masks, shield, aprons, covered shoes and
gloves while working.

• Appointing sta for speci c jobs, for e.g.: holding doors, pressing lift buttons, room device, valet, cha er
etc. to avoid touch of guests with equipment’s.

• On duty Q&A service, FAQ for sta to tackle the given situation in mishap.

• Rotation of break time to avoid members taking break at the same time.

• Accurate and distinct explanation of the guidelines given by the government to be followed. Followed by
a small quiz or informal test to make sure the sta knows and is familiar with the guidelines.

• Providing isolation rooms for sta , if they display symptoms and 24*7 emergency service available for
them as well for the guest.

• Training session dedicated towards how to be and give courteous service, approach the guests, how to
explain the guidelines and the rules to the coming guests and to provide a familiar service and
environment similar to pre Covid times.

• Training aimed at how to provide room, cleaning, food, laundry services etc. to provide a safe
environment for everyone.

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• Everyday review and experiment feedback to help sta and guests to improve services, as sta
members are the people who are going through changes, therefore reviewing, innovating, evaluating and
evolving to motivate to work and provide services.

• Also, granting incentives through nances, holidays etc. for following as well to help improve the

• Sanitation training for luggages (UV rays), oors, equipments, rooms , corridors etc.

2. A medium sized IT/Software Service company has to plan for a revised performance
management system. As the majority of its workforce is working from home since March 2020, the
traditional system/process of planning, tracking, reviewing and evaluating individual and team
performance has become somewhat di cult to manage. At the same time, the company doesn’t
want to let the pandemic seriously hamper its high-performance culture. Please suggest the
essential features of a fresh performance management system/process in view of the special

• Helping non tech savvy employees

• Performance management on are they completing working before, on or after the given time.

• Adapting to the online environment

• Giving and working hard similar to pre Covid times.

• Taking initiatives to help improve the environment, others work output.

• Being a leader by empathising, working hard etc.

• Communicating regularly with others

• Giving more than required to meet the deadline and doing more than required.

• Cooperating the team members.

• Putting more e orts and making changes than required.

• Taking review from colleagues.

• Conducting online interviews, progress to evaluate more.

• Doing work in given limited time.

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3. A global consulting rm is hiring fresh management trainees from the top business schools in
India. As per their usual standards and practices, the rm is looking for exceptionally bright
individuals with highest quality of technical as well as interpersonal skills. The rm is also very
serious about hiring candidates who’d be best t for its organizational culture. The entire selection
process will be conducted online. Please suggest the appropriate steps/stages for the right hiring

• Conducting recorded question interviews through online platforms like heave etc.

• Prerecorded questions outside world, news, giving practical situations etc.

• Conducting tests with timers where there are no wrong answers though giving them situation to
understand their behaviour and as a person, for e.g.: JP Morgan, where they had games to know me
better through games, empathy, friendly etc.

• 60 sec video like ame foe why they that to join the org which also help the org know their con dence in
front of the camera.

• Giving them live or previous cases studies to evaluate their critical, communication and presentation
skills through write ups, recorded videos etc.

• Review for their adaptive to tech etc.

• Communication with peers, colleagues etc. through group decisions, simple team quiz and activities

• General tech quiz to see if they are adapted towards zoom and other communication platforms etc.

• Conducting essay, case study competitions.

• Giving them actual world problems to solve to evaluate their solving skills, thinking etc.

• Rapid Round questions to see how they perform under pressure, thinking of their feet, decisive skills etc.

• Allowing them to forward their CVs after viewing their scores and providing expected score from
companies, so that the recruitment applications are reduces as people can see that their score is not up
to the mark and not send their CVs.

• Giving them random problems to evaluate their thinking process , for eg: simple mathematical quizzes,
Sentences correction to evaluate their English uency skills , questionnaires to evaluate their desiring
making skills etc.

• Essay tasks where in the person as to write the short term - long term goals and how their goals, their
personality aligned with the organisation.

• Conducting quiz about the history of the company ,their practices etc.

• Appointing them as intern (without pay) for a few weeks to see if they are build for the required job

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• Asking them about what changes or extra knowledge or innovation they would bring to the company.

4. We are considering the case of a start-up in the digital content development space. This start-up
works with a small team of about 20 people, all young graduates (age group 21-25 years) from
diverse backgrounds, highly skilled in their work. The rm is not able to o er the best salary in
market (because of its nancial constraints). But they want to apply all the elements of “Total
Reward” framework to attract, utilize, and retain talent. Please suggest a combination of essential
elements the rm can use for optimum reward management.

• O ering ESOPs where shares are o ered to the employees to give them a feel of ownership where they
can contribute productively to the organisation

• O er a designation where they have the power to take decisions in critical issues and take ownership
and accountability of their own actions.

• Decentralisation of some duties to the employees to boost their con dence and partial freedom to make

• Creating informal environment where the employees can approach the seniors without going through a
hierarchy. To reduce the barriers in communication and create a stress free and positive environment to
motivate them.

• Freedom to make decision within workplaces like informal out ts, working environment like google,
working hours exibility

• Giving out hampers, coupons, free work trip incentives etc.

• Motivating them towards intraprenuership.

• Providing help and resources to let them work them on their ideas or let them do other work, given that
they nish their responsible work.

• Having games, play stations to let them cool o or engage with other employees.

• Planning weekend trips, fun activities, get together , movie nights and party nights etc.

• Allowing employees to work from home or in their comfortable places.

• Making work days 4 days a week, if the employee has a track record of completing their work on time.

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