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Module 1


Physical education today has the potential of contributing to the enhancement of

positive lifestyle changes which ultimately lead to a better quality of life. This means that through
physical education, the individual can acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding, activity
skills, and desirable attitudes that will eventually contribute to his well-being. In the process, he
can achieve total fitness which will enable him to avoid common illness, use leisure wisely,
practice safety from harm, and overcome life’s stresses. Ultimately, physical education can
contribute towards a relatively lifelong, healthy, happy life and more productive living.

What is Physical Education

Physical Education is "education through the physical". It aims to develop students’

physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to
perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy

Physical Education Defined:

Physical Education – is an integral part of the educational program designed to promote

the optimum development of the individual physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally
through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities. (Andin,

Legal Bases of Physical Education

1. Article 1 of the International Charter of Physical Education and Sports, UNESCO, Paris, 1978
and Recommendation 1, Interdisciplinary Regional Meeting of Experts on Physical Education,
UNESCO, Brisbane Australia, 1982 states that:

“The practice of Physical Education and Sports is a fundamental right for all”…

“And this right should not be as different in principle from the right to adequate food,
shelter, and medical care”.

2. Article XIV, section 19, 1986 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines –

“The State shall promote Physical Education and encourage sports programs, league
competitions, and amateur sports including training for international competition to foster self-
discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry “.

“All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country
and in cooperation with athletic club and other sectors.

The Objectives of Physical Education

1. Physical Development – an individual, who participates actively in different carefully

selected physical education activities, develops and maintains good health and a high level of
physical fitness. The acquisition of physical skills can motivate an individual to participate further
in physical activities; hence, his growth and development will be enhanced.

2. Social Development – provides opportunities for the development of desirable social traits
needed for adjustment to the social life in general. Some worthwhile traits are:
a. Friendliness
b. Cooperation
c. Respect for the rights of others
d. Good leadership and followership
e. Honesty in game competition
f. Good sportsmanship

3. Emotional Development – offers opportunities for self-expression and emotional mastery.

Examples of worthwhile emotional traits are:
a. Self-confidence
b. Self-control
c. Self-reliance
d. Courage
e. Determination
f. Personal discipline

4. Mental Development – it provides opportunities for individual to develop his mental

capacities as he learns the mechanical principles underlying movement, as his knowledge and
understanding of rules and strategies of games and sports, and as he discovers ways of
improving his movements in gymnastics and dance.

The Importance of Physical Education

Physical Education develops students' competence and confidence to take part in a

range of physical activities that become a central part of their lives, both in and out of school. A
high-quality PE curriculum enables all students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical
activity. Quality physical education programs are needed to increase the physical competence,
health-related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so
that they can be physically active for a lifetime. P.E. classes can help students to become more
aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The students can also retain a higher level of
knowledge as a result of the overall health. This knowledge can help them to make wise
decisions concerning their safety, health, and wellbeing.

Here are the importance

Improved Physical Fitness: Improves student's muscular strength, flexibility, muscular

endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.

Skill Development: Develops motor skills, which allow for safe, successful and satisfying
participation in physical activities.
Regular, Healthful Physical Activity: Provides a wide-range of developmentally appropriate
activities for all children.
Support of Other Subject Areas: Reinforces knowledge learned across the curriculum. Serves
as a lab for application of content in science, math and social studies.

Self-Discipline: Facilitates development of student responsibility for health and fitness.

Improved Judgment: Quality physical education can influence moral development. Students
have the opportunity to assume leadership, cooperate with others; question actions and
regulations and accept responsibility for their own behavior.

Stress Reduction: Physical activity becomes an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety, and
facilitates emotional stability and resilience.

Strengthened Peer Relationships: Physical education can be a major force in helping children
socialize with others successfully and provides opportunities to learn positive people skills.
Especially during late childhood and adolescence, being able to participate in dances, games
and sports is an important part of peer culture.

Improved Self-confidence and Self-esteem: Physical education instils a stronger sense of

self-worth in children based on their mastery of skills and concepts in physical activity. They can
become more confident, assertive, independent and self-controlled.

Experience Setting Goals: Physical education provides children the opportunity to set and
strive for personal, achievable goals.

Physical Education Program

There are two related areas in Physical Education Program:

1. Regular Program
2. Extra-class or Recreation Program

Regular Program Extracurricular Program

held during the schedule of PE period extension of the instructional program
attendance is required attendance is voluntary
focuses in skills development provides the opportunity for students to
practice further and to apply the skills
learned in regular program

Activities Under Regular Program

1. Core Activities are the skills and activities needed to carry out the objectives of the program

2. Related Activities are sometimes called enrichment activities from allied areas in the
curriculum such as those in other subjects.

3. Adaptive Activities refer to those activities, especially adapted to the needs of children who
diverged from the normal, such as the gifted, slow learners, culturally less privileged and

Activities Under Extra Class Program

1. Intramurals refer to competitions within the school, like dance, gymnastics, volleyball and
other ballgames.

2. Extramurals refer to competitions of team from different schools or universities.

3. Field Mass Demonstration is a kind of activity where most, if not all students participated for
the purpose of informing the public of the activities in physical education.

4. Exhibition Groups are special groups specially trained for certain events.

Purposes of Physical Education

Why do you think we need to study P.E. and why is it included in the school curriculum? The
purposes of P.E. must be clearly understood by the students. Below are the purposes of P.E. (Andin,

1. To develop optimum fitness and health of the individual so that he is capable of living the
“good life” and of contributing to his maximum capacity in the attainment of the goals of our

2. To produce individuals who can contribute to the economic well-being through:

a.) the improvement of proper work habits and work attitudes, such as punctuality,
cooperation, reliability, precision and accuracy and open-mindedness.
b.) Proper emphasis on problem solving skills such that an individual can identify a problem
correctly and master the skills necessary or useful in school and in the business world.

3. To train good leaders with moral integrity of the highest order and develop other desirable
traits necessary for effective-group participation essential to our society through:
a.) An adequate system of values by equipping the individual to be able to make moral
choices or decisions needed in daily living and through.
b.) Offering group participation in such experiences as intramurals, extramurals, play days or

4. To develop creativity and innovativeness inspired by an abiding faith in God and love of
country and fellowmen.

5. To instill a love of and pride for our rich cultural heritage and strive for their preservation and
develop an understanding of the culture of others for a feeling of international brotherhood and

What is Physically Educated Person

An individual who has undergone physical education in the educational ladder cannot deny the
valuable contribution of this area of learning toward his total development. His exposure and
experiences in regular class instruction and in intramural and extramural competitions are
expected to have a tremendous effect on his lifestyle. A physically educated person:
1. Understands the potential of physical education activities in the attainment of a healthy lifestyle
and strives to achieve this goal.
2. Exercises regularly to develop and maintain his weight and physical fitness.
3. Acquires sufficient skills to enable him to participate actively in some form of recreational
games, sports, and dances.
4. Eats a balanced diet and practices good eating habits.
5. Gets adequate sleep and avoids drugs and stimulants that will negatively affect his total well-
6. Enjoys participation in a variety of vigorous activities and recreational pursuits.
7. Appreciates good performances in games, sports, and dances.

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